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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model větrné elektrárny pro výzkumné a laboratorní využití / Wind Turbine Model for Research and Laboratory Applications

Števček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
A major portion of this thesis is devoted to the Whisper 200 wind turbine model in Matlab-Simulink environment. The turbine is installed at the Department of Electrical Power Engineering, FEEC BUT. In the model, several types of simulations can be executed. On that basis, the power curve and mathematical relationships between wind speed and other physical quantities, such as RPM, electic current, and voltage, were obtained. Comparisons of the simulations' results with measurement data illustrate adequate agreement, but limitations of the model remain significant, as is exhaustively documented and commented upon in the thesis. As a partial advancement towards elimination of the model's deficiencies, conditions for substantial performance improvements of the dynamic simulation have been elaborately derived.

Telescopic Tower Facilitating Installation of ≥12 MW Offshore Wind Turbines

Pettersson, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The trend of offshore wind power is bigger and bigger wind turbines. Turbines are now becoming so big that existing installation vessels no longer are feasible and new bigger installation vessels are needed. Ship owners hesitate to order new vessels worried that the rapid turbine growth will continue and make also the new vessels obsolete in a few years. This can create a bottleneck in the offshore wind market.   This thesis assignment attempts to develop a telescopic tower as an alternative way of installing offshore wind turbines. A telescopic tower can decrease overall height and COG during marine installation, giving opportunity to install the largest wind turbines also with existing vessel fleet.   The method for developing the telescopic tower is to first find the main problems and functions of the concept. A design basis based on a 12 MW reference wind turbine is developed. Based on this reference turbine different solutions to the main problems and functions are developed by creative thinking, literature research, modelling, calculations and analysis. A cost/benefit analysis is performed to investigate if there is any economic potential in the developed solution. To complete the study other installation methods and telescopic tower concepts are investigated for benchmark comparison.   The telescopic tower will have two sections. Shoulders are welded to the inner wall of the lower tower. The upper tower fit inside the lower tower and a telescopic mechanism is installed below to lift the assembly as the mechanism climb the shoulders of the lower tower. The telescopic mechanism works much like a pin and hole mechanism used for jack-up rigs. The pins engage/disengage with the shoulders by the movement of linear actuators. The vertical climbing motion is provided by hydraulic cylinders. The power source is an HPU placed on the wind turbine external platform.   To connect the upper and lower tower permanently a friction connection with long slotted holes is used. This connection is developed for assembly of onshore towers in an EU-sponsored project called Histwin. The walls of the lower and the upper tower overlap at the connection and are pressed together by pretensioned bolts to create a friction surface that hold the loads from the upper tower.   The conclusion is that the telescopic tower is technically feasible and can be installed by the existing installation vessel fleet. The economic feasibility is dependent on the specific project characteristics, but there are scenarios where the telescopic tower can have great economical upside.

Småskaliga vindkraftverk på byggnader i urban miljö : Möjligheter och hinder för ökad implementering / Small-scale wind turbines mounted on buildings in the urban environment : Possibilities and barriers for increased use

Halvarsson, Patrik, Larsson, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Intresset för småskaliga vindkraftverk på byggnader har ökat under de senaste åren. Allt fler människor blir mer energi- och miljömedvetna samt ser fördelarna med att elektriciteten produceras där den konsumeras; i den bebyggda miljön. Det är dock en större utmaning att installera ett vindkraftverk i urban miljö, jämfört med i öppet landskap, då det finns många faktorer som skall beaktas. Stadens komplexa uppbyggnad gör att vindens hastighet och riktning varierar och ger upphov till turbulenta strukturer i den omgivande luften. Många av dagens vindkraftverk kan ej operera effektivt vid turbulens, därför måste dessa vindkraftverken placeras på höga höjder för att nå den laminärt strömmande vinden över staden, vilket ger orealistiska längder på de master som krävs, även om vindkraftverket monteras på en byggnad. För att kunna utnyttja de vindar som uppkommer i urbana miljöer bör vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk med en helixformad geometri på rotorn användas. Dessa har visat sig vara både de effektivaste och de vindkraftverk som utsätter omgivningen för lägst nivå av störningar. Att placera ett vindkraftverk på en byggnad i urban miljö, där många människor vistas, kräver god kunskap om säkert montage samt vilka störningar som vindkraftverket kan generera. Ett vindkraftverk som monteras felaktigt kan bidra till hälso- och säkerhetsrisker, och om dessa risker blir för stora kan vindkraftverket tvingas att tas ur drift. För att vara säker på att vindkraftsanläggningen är tillförlitligt bör vindkraftverket och montaget vara stadardiserat och certifierat, något som i dagsläget saknas i Sverige. I dag finns inga direkta stöd för småskaliga vindkraftverk i Sverige, vilket är en bidragande faktor till att ekonomin kring dessa vindkraftverk är bristfällig. Elcertifikatsystemet som skall ge stöd åt förnyelsebar energi är inte utformat för småskalig elproduktion. Men i takt med att detta användningsområde för vindkraft utvecklas samt att priset för energi förväntas stiga kommer troligtvis byggnadsmonterade vindkraftverk bli en lönsam investering i framtiden. / The interest for small-scale wind turbines mounted on buildings has increased during the last couple of years. More and more people are giving more consideration to energy and environmental questions and are appreciative of the benefits of producing electricity where it is consumed; in the urban environment. However it is a greater challenge to install a wind turbine in the urban environment, compared to an open landscape, because of the many factors that needs to be taken in consideration. The complex structure of the city has an effect on the speed and direction of the wind and causes turbulent structures in the surrounding air. Many of today’s wind turbines cannot operate effectively in turbulence, this is why these turbines need to be placed on high heights to reach the laminar wind flow over the city, which gives unrealistic lengths of the towers that are required, even if the turbine is mounted on a building. To be able to utilize the existing wind in urban environments a vertical axis wind turbine with a helix shaped rotor should be used. These turbines have shown themselves to not only be the most effective but also the turbines that expose the surroundings to the lowest level of disturbances. To place a wind turbine on a building in an urban environment, where a lot of people reside, requires a good knowledge of how to securely mount the turbine but also what kind of disturbances that a turbine can emit. A turbine that is mounted incorrectly can contribute to health and safety hazards, and if these risks become to great the turbine may be forced to be taken out of operation. To be certain that the wind turbine and its components are trustworthy the turbine and mounting should be standardized and certified, a feature that don’t exist today in Sweden.  Currently there is no direct support scheme for small-scale wind turbines in Sweden, which is a contributing factor to the inadequate economics surrounding these wind turbines. The Swedish system with certificates is meant to give support renewable energy but the system is not suited for small-scale production of electricity.  But the more this field of application for wind turbines develops, together with the assumption of rising cost of energy will most likely make building mounted wind turbines a profitable investment in the future.

Spatial modelling of sustainable wind power development

Andersson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Measures to mitigate climate change has never been a more pressing matter thanit is today and the global debate over energy security, environmental decline andlimited resources is heated, which motivates decision makers and leaders to searchfor alternative energy sources, renewable sources. The Swedish government has seta goal to make its entire domestic electricity production 100 % renewable and phaseout energy production based on fossil fuels entirely by year 2040, where wind powerwill contribute largely to that goal. This study aimed to generally analyse where itwas suitable and not suitable to establish wind turbines with respect to ecological,social and economical values to achieve sustainable development.To do this, a multi-criteria analysis was conducted based on the analytical hierarchyprocess method with the extension of combining it with fuzzy triangular numbersand then comparing the two methods. Ecological values were set as protected areasand not suitable for wind turbine placement. Relevance of social and economicalvalues in relation to each other were differentiated by asking five experts in the fieldof wind power as renewable energy to perform a pairwise comparison between eightdifferent factors. This resulted in relative weights illustrating the importance ofeach factor. These weights were then brought into a GIS environment where theywere modelled for suitability along with areas subjected to formal protection andother land use acting as constraints in Ragunda municipality and Västernorrlandcounty. Different scenarios were modelled that did or did not include areas forreindeer husbandry as a constraint. The final suitability maps were then comparedto existing wind turbines as well as areas of national interest for wind power inSweden.Results showed that good wind conditions was the most prominent factor to consider when siting wind turbines. No significant difference was observed when fuzzyanalytical hierarchy process was used instead of the classic analytical hierarchy process when modelling suitable wind turbine placement in a GIS environment. Ananalytical methodology combined with multi-criteria analysis applied in this studyshow that potential suitable areas that has not yet been exploited by wind powerexists both in Ragunda and Västernorrland that takes into account ecological, socialand economic criteria to support sustainable development. / Åtgärder för att förhindra klimatförändring har aldrig varit en mer angelägen frågaän den är idag och den globala debatten om energisäkerhet, miljöförstöring och begränsade resurser har väckt intresset hos många världen runt att påverka beslutsfattareoch ledare att titta på alternativa energikällor, förnybara källor. Svenska regeringenhar som mål att göra hela sin inhemska elproduktion till 100 % återförnybar ochfasa ut energiproduktion baserad på fossila bränslen helt till år 2040, där vindkrafttill stor del kommer att bidra till det målet. Denna studie syftade till att översiktligtanalysera var vindkraft är lämplig och inte lämplig att lokalisera med avseende påekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska värden för hållbar utveckling.För att göra detta genomfördes en multikriterieanalys baserad på metoden ’analytical hierarchy process’ med förlängningen av att kombinera den med ’fuzzy triangularnumbers’. Ekologiska värden sattes som skyddade områden ej lämpliga för etableringav vindkraft. Relevans av ekonomiska och sociala värden i förhållande till varandradifferentierades genom att tillfråga fem sakkuniga yrkesutövare inom vindkraftsområdet att göra en parvis jämförelse mellan åtta olika faktorer. Denna jämförelseresulterade i relativa viktningar som illustrerar vikten av varje faktor. Dessa vikter fördes sedan in i en GIS-miljö där de modellerades för lämplighet tillsammansmed områden som har formellt skydd och annan markanvändning vilket fungeradesom begränsade områden i Ragunda kommun och Västernorrlands län. Olika scenarier modellerades som inkluderade eller inte inkluderade områden för renskötselsom ett begränsningsområde. De slutliga lämplighetskartorna jämfördes sedan medbefintliga vindkraftverk samt områden av riksintresse för vindkraft i Sverige.Resultaten visade att goda vindförhållanden var den mest framträdande faktorn attta hänsyn till vid placering av vindkraftverk. Ingen större skillnad observerades nären ’fuzzy analytical hierarchy process’ användes istället för den klassiska ’analyticalhierarchy process’ när lämplig lokalisering av vindkraftverk modellerades i en GISmiljö. En analytisk metodik med hjälp av multikriterieanalys som applicerades i denhär studien visar på potentiellt lämpliga områden som ännu inte har utnyttjats avvindkraft finns både i Ragunda och Västernorrland som tar hänsyn till ekologiska,sociala och ekonomiska kriterier för att stödja hållbar utveckling. / Vindval

Analysis and Optimization of Shrouded Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

Khamlaj, Tariq A. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Optimization and Control of Smart Renewable Energy Systems

Aldaouab, Ibrahim January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Regelungstechnische Konzepte zur Integration alternativer Erzeugungsanlagen in lokale Energieversorgungsnetze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Systemstabilität

La Seta, Piergiovanni 26 March 2007 (has links)
In zukünftigen Elektroenergiesystemen wird die dezentrale, häufig auf erneuerbaren Quellen basierende Energieversorgung eine große Bedeutung einnehmen. Die wachsende Präsenz der dezentralen Erzeugung in verschiedenen Spannungsebenen des elektrischen Netzes erfordert neue Konzepte zur Regelung des elektrischen Energieversorgungssystems. Insbesondere gibt es eine Tendenz auch kleine Netzbereiche autonome, d.h. vom Verbundnetz unabhängig zu betreiben. In diesem Zusammenhang müssen die Stabilitäts- und Regelungsaspekte immer stärker berücksichtigt werden. Die vorliegende Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf die Beurteilung und die Verbesserung der Stabilität von Windkraftanlagen (WKA). Die Integration von WKA zur dezentralen Energieversorgung in lokale Energienetze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Systemsstabilität ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit. Hierfür muss die Analyse der Stabilität einer WKA sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ durchgeführt werden, um die Faktoren zu ermitteln, die zur Verbesserung der Systemsstabilität beitragen. Der darauf basierte Entwurf von Regelstrategien für ein verbessertes dynamisches und transientes Verhalten wird theoretisch und durch numerische Simulationen validiert.

Modellierung der Torsionstragfähigkeit segmentierter Betontürme auf Basis der Wölbtheorie dünnwandiger Stäbe

Klein, Fabian 09 November 2022 (has links)
Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Modellierung der Torsionstragfähigkeit segmentierter Betontürme auf Basis der Wölbtheorie dünnwandiger Stäbe. Ziel ist die wirklichkeitsnahe Abbildung des Tragverhaltens und die Entwicklung eines Ingenieurmodells, das dem praktischen Anwender stets die Kontrolle über sein Handeln bewahrt und die Resultate ohne gesonderten Interpretationsbedarf als Bewertungsgrundlage ansetzt. Auf der Grundlage von mechanischen Modellvorstellungen und nichtlinearen numerischen Untersuchungen wird die sukzessive Entwicklung eines ingenieurmäßigen Ansatzes vorgestellt. Dieser dient als Grundlage der Validierung sorgfältig durchzuführender Versuche an Betonsegmenten.

Robuste, lebensdauerumfassende Monitoringkonzepte für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen

Bartels, Jan-Hauke 09 November 2022 (has links)
Für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen (OWEA) wird die Überwachung mittels Monitoringsystemen immer wichtiger für den effizienten Betrieb. Problematisch ist, dass nicht nur die OWEA selbst, sondern auch die Monitoringsysteme altern. Für verlässliche Monitoringsysteme müssen daher auch deren Alterungsprozesse analysiert werden, damit das System lebensdauerumfassend an der OWEA verwendbar ist. Hierfür wurden Laser-Triangulationssensoren untersucht, die unterschiedlichen Temperaturen und Luftfeuchten ausgesetzt wurden. Das Messsignal wurde temperaturkompensiert und hinsichtlich seiner Messunsicherheit bewertet. Ferner ergaben erste Alterungsversuche, dass noch keine signifikanten Alterungserscheinungen aufgetreten sind.

Optimal Power Control of a Wind Turbine Power Generation System

Xue, Jie 27 September 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis focuses on optimization of wind power tracking control systems in order to capture maximum wind power for the generation system. In this work, a mathematical simulation model is developed for a variable speed wind turbine power generation system. The system consists a wind turbine with necessary transmission system, and a permanent magnet synchronous generator and its vector control system. A new fuzzy based hill climbing method for power tracking control is proposed and implemented to optimize the wind power for the system under various conditions. Two existing power tracking control methods, the tip speed ratio (TSR) control method and the speed sensorless control method are also implemented with the wind power system. The computer simulations with a 5 KW wind power generation system are performed. The results from the proposed control method are compared with those obtained using the two existing methods. It is illustrated that the proposed method generally outperforms the two existing methods, especially when the operating point is far away from the maximum point. The proposed control method also has similar stable characteristic when the operating point is close to the peak point in comparison with the existing methods. The proposed fuzzy control method is computationally efficient and can be easily implemented in real-time.

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