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Perspectives of working-age adults with aphasia regarding social participationSouchon, Nadia Marie De La Vahisse 27 February 2020 (has links)
Background: Working-age adults with aphasia experience difficulties in social participation, specifically the ability to fulfil social roles and reintegrate into communities. Literature regarding social participation of people with aphasia (PWA) is predominantly based on high income countries limiting generalizability of findings. Investigation of PWA’s perspectives on social participation in lower-middle-income countries such as South Africa is warranted.
Objective: To describe the perspectives of working-age adults with aphasia regarding social participation within the first two years post-incident. Method: Semi-structured interviews were used to obtain the perspectives of 10 working-age adults (mild to moderate aphasia), using pictorial and written supports, and supported conversation techniques. Data were coded and thematically analysed to identify common themes amongst participants’ perspectives of social participation. Results: Five main themes and two sub-themes were identified. Participants’ perspectives of social participation align with previous qualitative studies regarding perspectives of working-age adults with aphasia, specifically their preference for re-engagement in meaningful activities. Participants described preference for specific
communication partners, specifically close friends and family. Reduced social participation was apparent due to difficulties in returning to work. The rehabilitation process was identified as an area of social engagement, specifically participants’ relationships with their speech-language therapist. Faith-related activities were the primary contexts that involved other community members. Conclusion: Successful social participation was dependent on the perceived value and the supportive nature of social activities rather than the quantity of activities. Rehabilitation should facilitate and optimise PWA’s communicative functioning within valued areas of social participation, enhancing person-centred care.
Keywords: Social participation; aphasia; mild-moderate aphasia; stroke; lower-middle-income countries; working-age adults; A-FROM; ICF; speech-language therapy; person-centred care. / Dissertation (MA) University of Pretoria 2020. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / MA (Speech-language pathology) / Unrestricted
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Social participation in working-age adults with aphasia : an updated systematic reviewPike, Caitlin January 2017 (has links)
Background: A previous systematic review found limited data regarding social participation in working-age people with aphasia (PWA). This population has many roles to fulfill, that are negatively affected by aphasia. A review of recent studies may reveal more information on the challenges in re-establishing social roles and thus may inform treatment thereof.
Method: The aim was to provide an updated systematic review on social participation in PWA under 65 years of age. Studies from 2005-2017 were searched from Scopus, Pubmed and Psychinfo. Search terms were derived from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the Aphasia- Framework for Outcomes Measures (A-FROM). Aspects of domestic life, interpersonal relations and interactions, education and employment and community, civic and social life were investigated.
Results: From 2,864 initial hits, 11 studies were identified, all of which were on the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Level III of evidence. The studies indicated that participation in domestic life is reduced and PWA showed reduced social networks, loss of friendships and changes in the quality of marital relations. Few PWA returned to work or spent time on education. Limitations in community, civic and social life were noted and there were contradictory findings on the impact of contextual factors on social participation. There was an increase in research into contextual factors impacting on social participation in PWA and in the use of conceptual frameworks in the last decade.
Conclusions: Social participation in working-age adults is limited across the social domains. While the ICF conceptual framework is increasingly used, no studies used the A-FROM. There is greater use of standardised assessments and larger sample sizes. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / MA / Unrestricted
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Darbingo amžiaus žmonių depresiškumo sąsajos su jogos ir pilateso praktikavimu / Depression links with practice of yoga and pilates of working-age peopleAukštikalnis, Eimantas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Darbingo amžiaus žmonių depresiškumo sąsajos su jogos ir pilateso praktikavimu. Tyrimo objektas - darbingo amžiaus žmonių depresiškumo pasireiškimo sąsajos su jogos ir pilateso užsiėmimais. Tikslas – nustatyti darbingo amžiaus vyrų ir moterų depresiškumo sąsajas su jogos ir pilateso praktikavimu. Tiriamasis klausimas: kurią fizinio aktyvumo formą, jogą ar pilatesą, praktikuojantys darbingo amžiaus žmonės yra mažiausiai depresiški? Hipotezė: Jogą praktikuojantys vyrai ir moterys yra mažiau depresiški negu pilatesu ar joga ir pilatesu kartu užsiimantys asmenys. Uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti darbingo amžiaus vyrų ir moterų depresiškumą. 2. Ištirti darbingo amžiaus vyrų ir moterų depresiškumo sąsajas su demografiniais rodikliais 3. Palyginti depresiškumo paplitimą, joga ir pilatesu užsiiminėjančių, darbingo amžiaus vyrų ir moterų tarpe. 4. Nustatyti kaip darbingo amžiaus žmonių depresiškumas siejasi su jų pilateso ir jogos praktikavimo specifika. Išvados: 1. Darbingo amžiaus moterys yra depresiškesnės negu darbingo amžiaus vyrai. 2. Depresiškumas turi ryšį su lytimi, amžiumi, šeimynine padėtimi, pajamomis ir gyvenamąja vieta. 3. Jogą praktikuojantys darbingo amžiaus žmonės yra mažiau depresiškesni nei pilatesą ar jogą ir pilatesą kartu praktikuojantys asmenys. Pilatesą praktikuojantys vyrai ir moterys yra mažiau depresiški nei jogą ir pilatesą kartu praktikuojantys žmonės. Raktiniai žodžiai: joga, pilatesas, depresiškumas, darbingo amžiaus žmonės. / Depression links with practice of yoga and pilates of working-age people. Research object – depression„s manifestation link with prosecution of yoga and pilates of working age people. Research goal – identify links between depression and practice of yoga and pilates of working-age men and women. Research question – who are less depressed: practitioners of yoga or pilates? Hypothesis: yoga-practicing men and women are less depressed than people, who are practicing pilates or yoga and pilates together. Research tasks: 1. Compare depression between working-age men and women. 2. Investigate depression links with demographics of working-age men and women. 3. Compare prevalence of depression of working-age people, who are practicing yoga or pilates. 4. Identify associations between depression of working-age people and particularity of yoga and pilates practicing. Conclusions: 1. Working-age women are more depressed than men of working age. 2. Depression has a links with sex, age, marital status, income and place of residence. 3. Practitioners of yoga are less depressed than practitioners of pilates, or yoga and pilates together. Practitioners of pilates are less depressed than practitioners of yoga and pilates together. Key words: yoga, pilates, depression, working-age people.
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Towards greater personalisation of active labour market policy? : Britain and Germany comparedGoerne, Rudolf Alexander January 2012 (has links)
This PhD study centres on analysing the changing employment service portfolios available to disadvantaged people out of work in Britain and Germany. Looking at the recent wave of comparative studies on ‘activation’ reforms, it springs to mind that the question of the changing portfolio of ‘active’ labour market policy (ALMP) measures has received only little attention in the sense of a rigorous comparative analysis. In order to address that gap, this study develops a novel normative and analytical perspective for the study of ALMP, which then is applied to the empirical cases Britain and Germany. I first develop the concept of personalisation as the normative and analytical framework for the analysis of ALMP. I show that the diversity of ALMP portfolios, which is a precondition for a personalised service provision, can serve as a proxy for measuring personalisation. Equipped with this analytical tool, the analysis subsequently focuses on the changes to ALMP portfolios over the past 15 years in terms of diversity. It is shown that during this period both Britain and Germany reformed working-age benefits in a way that led to a closer integration of the benefit system at an institutional level. Taking the policy rhetoric that closer integration will lead to more ‘personalised’ (UK) or more ‘tailor-made’ (Germany) services as a starting point, I analyse whether these developments at an institutional level have indeed led to a more personalised, or more diverse, provision of employment services. This study looks in particular at the situation of those groups in the two countries who have been most affected by recent integration reforms. These have primarily been claimants of second-tier working-age benefits, namely incapacity related benefits in the UK, and ‘Sozialhilfe’ (SH, social assistance) and ‘Arbeitslosengeld II’ (ALGII, Unemployment Benefit II) in Germany. I find that in both countries, employment services for claimants of these second-tier benefits have become more diverse in the wake of the integration reforms of the past 10 to 15 years, thereby increasing their personalisation potential. However, the two countries have each followed very specific reform trajectories. While the volume and coverage of ALMP have increased in both countries, the portfolio of services for second-tier claimants today is much more diverse in Germany than in Britain. This is primarily due to the existence of a large volume of services directed at claimants more distant from the labour market that follow a social integration & employability approach. These services are more marginal in Britain, where measures that follow a work-first approach are dominant. This divergent development is indicative of major and persistent differences in terms of ideational context as well as institutional (operational) factors. New Public Management reforms have influenced operational policy to different degrees in the two countries, effectively limiting the diversity of employment services in Britain more than in Germany.
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Retention and Attraction of the College-Educated in Ohio: An Analysis of Migration Using the American Community SurveyBrown, Adrianne R. 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Måluppfyllelsen efter rehabilitering för kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta. Påverkan av tilltro till behandling, katastroftankar och bruket av smärtstillande medicin.Holmgren, Edvin, Sandqvist, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Långvarig nacksmärta är vanligt och drabbar ca 50% av världens befolkning. I Sverige drabbas kvinnor oftare än män. Ospecifik långvarig nacksmärta saknar känt ursprung. Behandlingen går oftast ut på att dämpa symtom och utbilda patienten i smärtan. Att istället utgå från att öka måluppfyllelse är ovanligare. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hur tilltro till behandling, katastroftankar samt smärtstillande medicinering påverkade graden av måluppfyllelse hos kvinnor i arbetsför ålder med ospecifik långvarig nacksmärta efter en rehabiliteringsperiod. Även sambandet mellan tilltro till behandling och katastroftankar undersöktes. Metod: Detta är en retrospektiv longitudinell studie och sekundäranalys av data från en RCT studie med data tillhörande 65 kvinnor. Tilltro till behandling, katastroftankar och medicinering mättes innan rehabiliteringsperioden och måluppfyllelse mättes efter. Resultat: Mann-whitney U-test visade ingen skillnad i måluppfyllelse efter rehabilitering mellan de med hög respektive neutral grad av tilltro till behandling (p=0, 395), låg respektive neutral grad av katastroftankar (p=0,59). Sperman´s Rho test fann inget samband mellan tilltro och katastroftankar (p=0,751). De som tog medicin regelbundet hade en signifikant högre grad av måluppfyllelse mot de som ej tog medicin regelbundet (p=0,025). Slutsats: Studien ger inte stöd för att tilltro till behandling och katastroftankar påverkar graden av måluppfyllelse. Inget samband mellan katastroftankar och graden av tilltro till behandling tycks finnas. Resultatet bör tolkas i ljuset av att data saknades för de med låg tilltro respektive höga katastroftankar. Smärtmedicinering tycks ha en positiv påverkan på måluppfyllelse. Mer kunskap om hur/vilken medicinering som påverkar måluppfyllelse behövs.
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Demographic Approach in Measuring Human Capital of KazakhstanNarkulov, Murat January 2011 (has links)
Demographic approach in measuring human capital of Kazakhstan Abstract This work is intended to provide reader with information about the value of human capital stock in Kazakhstan using well-known so-called education-based and lifetime labor income-based approaches. Author tries to research the reproduction model of human capital in conjunction with institutional factors in transition, such as socio-demographic, political and economic changes, historical development and the current level of human capital in KazakhstanThe main goal of this study is determination of main components of human capital development in Kazakhstan, especially from demographic viewpoint through the evaluations of modern reproduction of human capital in Kazakhstan. The results of estimations indicate that the human capital stock has significantly increased in Kazakhstan during the period studied (from 2003 to 2008) and that it surpass the value of physical capital in the country. The potential of human capital augmentation has been estimated as favorable for upcoming years in Kazakhstan. Key words: human capital, population quality, Kazakhstan, demography, working age-population, education.
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Dynamický Loewensteinský ergoterapeutický kognitivní test u osob se získaným poškozením mozku v produktivním věku / Dynamic Loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment in individuals after obtaining brain injury in working ageKřelinová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Dynamic Loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment in individuals after obtaining brain injury in working age deals with a comparison of the level of the brain injured and non-brain injured people's cognitive functions with the aid of the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment battery (DLOTCA). The theoretical part is focused on an issue of the acquired brain injury, a description of cognitive areas and as well their pathology due to this injury. The aim of the practical part is to test the cognitive functions with the aid of the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment. The survey's main object is the applicability of the working version of the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment battery (DLOTCA), its translated version. The testing was carried out on seventy probands devided into three groups. Healthy people (n=50), cerebrovascular accident patients (n=10) and traumatic brain injury patients (n=10). Key words: obtained brain injury Dynamic Loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment cognitive function working age occupational therapy cognitive assessment
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Dynamický Loewensteinský ergoterapeutický kognitivní test u osob se získaným poškozením mozku v produktivním věku / Dynamic Loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment in individuals after obtaining brain injury in working ageKřelinová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Dynamic Loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment in individuals after obtaining brain injury in working age deals with a comparison of the level of the brain injured and non-brain injured people's cognitive functions with the aid of the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment battery (DLOTCA). The theoretical part is focused on an issue of the acquired brain injury, a description of cognitive areas and as well their pathology due to this injury. The aim of the practical part is to test the cognitive functions with the aid of the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment. The survey's main object is the applicability of the working version of the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment battery (DLOTCA), its translated version. The testing was carried out on seventy probands devided into three groups. Healthy people (n=50), cerebrovascular accident patients (n=10) and traumatic brain injury patients (n=10). Test results confirm all the stated hypothesis because it did not meet the prerequisites of the total evaluation. We assumed that a person healthy population will reach 100% success rate testing, which some individuals reached. In the assessment of persons with stroke by 6 out of 10 tested achieved a lower evaluation scores in most...
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La "migration de remplacement" au Québec : à quel point peut-on compter sur l’immigration pour contrer les problèmes démographiques appréhendés?Marois, Guillaume 11 1900 (has links)
Le Québec, comme la plupart des sociétés occidentales, fait face à un vieillissement de sa population, engendrant de nombreuses conséquences économiques, politiques et sociales. Une solution souvent envisagée est de compter sur l’immigration pour amoindrir, repousser ou même contrer certaines conséquences. C’est à cet effet que la migration de remplacement apporte sa contribution : elle a pour but de connaître le nombre d’immigrants nécessaire pour atteindre des objectifs démographiques précis, soit, dans le cadre de cette étude, éviter le déclin de la population totale, éviter le déclin de la population en âge de travailler et éviter que la part des 65 ans et plus dans la population totale dépasse 25%.
Les résultats démontrent qu’il serait possible pour le Québec d’éviter le déclin de sa population si la fécondité ne diminue pas et si une bonne gestion de l’immigration est appliquée : la migration de remplacement n’est pas excessivement élevée. Cependant, accueillir trop d’immigrants avant que cela ne soit essentiel nuirait à l’atteinte de cet objectif. Le déclin de la population âgée entre 20 et 64 ans est quant à lui inévitable : peu importe le niveau de fécondité, la migration de remplacement est beaucoup plus élevée pour les deux prochaines décennies que tout ce qui a pu être envisagé pour le Québec. Finalement, l’immigration n’a pas d’impact significatif sur la structure par âge d’une population : il est donc tout à fait irréaliste de vouloir compter sur cette composante pour éviter que la part des 65 ans et plus dans la population totale ne dépasse 25%. La seule façon pour que cet objectif soit possible serait une augmentation rapide de la fécondité au seuil de renouvellement de la population. Cela signifie que l’immigration ne peut en aucun cas empêcher le vieillissement de la population ou avoir un impact significatif sur le processus. / Quebec, as most Western societies, is facing the ageing of its population, producing many economic, political and social impacts. One solution often considered is to rely on immigration to reduce, delay or even counter certain consequences. For this purpose, replacement migration is sometimes seen as a solution : it aims to establish the number of immigrants needed to reach specific demographic targets, which are, in this study, to prevent total population decline, to prevent working-age population decline and to prevent that the percentage of those 65 years and over exceeds 25% of the total population.
The results show that it could be possible for Quebec to prevent the decline of its population if fertility is not decreasing and if immigration is well managed : replacement migration is not excessively high. However, raising the immigration level too quickly could impede to reach this objective. The decline of the population aged between 20 and 64 years is inevitable : no matter the level of fertility, replacement migration is much higher for the next two decades that what has been planned for Quebec. Finally, immigration has no significant impact on the age structure of a population: it is quite unrealistic to expect this component to prevent that the percentage of those 65 years and over in the total population exceeds 25%. The only way to reach this objective is a rapid increase of fertility at the replacement level. This means that immigration can in no way prevent the ageing of the population or have a significant impact on the process. / Récipiendaire du prix Jacques-Henripin décerné au meilleur mémoire de l'année 2008 en démographie canadienne.
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