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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding city expansion into larger city-regions : the case of the Yangtze River Delta

Chen, Yifei January 2016 (has links)
Global economic integration and urbanisation are two of the main processes which characterise contemporary globalisation. Urbanisation is so pervasive that urban landscapes now stretch far beyond the traditional city limits such that the city may no longer be the most appropriate unit to reflect how contemporary urban life is organised. Today, city-regions even mega city-regions are considered by some to be the primary spatial scale at which competing political and economic agendas are convened. Moreover, proponents of the new regionalism believe that decentralisation of state power is producing new forms of political economic regulation at supranational and subnational levels which are more appropriate for effective governance. However, it is argued that the geoeconomic logic for city-regionalism is focused too narrowly on the functional economic side of regional development, thereby overlooking how city-regions represent geopolitical constructions both of, and inside, the state. This thesis therefore aims to explore the constitutive role of politics in the construction of mega city-regions. The starting point is to complement North Atlantic accounts of city-regionalism by focusing on the geopolitics of city-regionalism in China. Using the Yangtze River Delta mega city-region as its case study, this thesis stresses that theories of new city-regionalism must increasingly be derived from, rather than applied to, the Chinese case. It is revealed how the unprecedented rate of city expansion, scale of urbanisation, and context of a highly centralised, one-party state, produces a distinctly Chinese city-regionalism that requires a combination of new conceptualisation, alongside refinement and modification of existing theories on mega city-regions.

近代中國農業機器產業之研究 / The Agricultural Machinery Industry in Modern China

侯嘉星, Ho, Chiah Sing Unknown Date (has links)
近代以來,中國農業現代化以農藥利用、肥料推廣、品種改良及機械化發展為最主要方式。其中農業機器之利用,與機器產業乃至工業、製造業有密切關係,可說是溝通工農部門的關鍵。故本文以農業機器產業為線索,關注農業現代化中工業及其他現代部門參與的情形,及其所發揮之「農工並進」作用。   農業機器大約自十九世紀末期傳入中國,二十世紀初有少部分商人注意到斯業前景可期,著手製造販售。到1920年代,受到國外農機利用蓬勃發展的影響,江南地區機器業者也有不少轉而生產農業機器。這些以農業機器為主要產品的新式機器廠,發展出標準型號、大量生產,以及成立事務所、刊登廣告、參與展覽會、辦理講習等種種經營與行銷方式,更由於農業機器帶來的大量利潤,吸引資本家投資設廠,也使之轉型為新式企業組織。因此來自農村市場的機器需求,支持了工業部門的機器製造業進展。   除了民營事業的推進,政府當局也創辦公營製造廠、推廣模範灌溉與合作運動,國家力量促成農業機器利用的擴大。戰時儘管受到一定影響,但汪精衛政府在1940年代復籌措鉅資成立新式農業機器工廠;重慶政府則在同時間成立中國農業機械公司。前者在戰後改組為農林部無錫農具廠,對戰後江南的復員工作及農業生產極為重要;後者則在戰後接受聯總援華物資,承擔「全國農機擴建事業」在各地建立機器廠的任務。大略言之,近代中國農業機器產業之發展,是民間先於政府,但隨後在農業機械化之目標下,國家力量又主導產業成長,這種趨勢在1950年代以後達到高峰。   整體而言,近代中國農業機器業,並非如過去所認識的規模狹小、技術落後,反而是獲利豐厚的產業;由於在經濟發達地區更容易出現農業機器的利用,故而上海、無錫及常州等地密集普遍的機器工廠,能提供農業機器維修保障,因此以江南為例,可以看出農業機器產業不僅是農業機械化的基礎,也是機器產業提昇技術、擴大獲利之關鍵,二者互為因果。本文以江南為中心,但在空間方面注意到與東北經驗之比較、在時間方面也注意到戰時淪陷區的經營及戰後延續情形,擴大既有研究的時空範圍;通過對農業機器產業的探討,可以觀察工業與農業發展之互動關係,亦為近代中國經濟發展補充另一觀點。

全球城市之建構--以上海市為例 / The Construction of a Global City--Shanghai as an example

鈕則謙, Niu ,Tse-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的影響下,全球各地人才、物質、資金、資訊呈現高度流通的狀況,全球許多著名城市,便成為此一流動的匯聚之處,並具有影響全球資源流通的能力,亦即所謂的「全球城市」。其為「全球城市」,除了本身的發展規模外,更強調其在全球化時代,具有與其他城市的高度關連性,同時,亦具有影響全球政治、經濟的能力。 在此前提下,改革開放後,積極融入全球經濟體系的中國大陸,也著重於城市的發展建設,特別是經濟發展著有成效的上海市,更成為中國積極建構「全球城市」的標的,這樣的雄心企圖,具體體現在前上海市長陳良宇的眾多談話中。 有鑑於此,本論文即對於上海市積極建構「全球城市」的目標、過程、結果進行分析探討。全論文共分七章,除緒論外,分別探討「全球城市」的理論系譜與其在中國大陸的運用,其次,討論上海市在人口與空間佈局方面的政策與結果,再接著討論中央為了建構上海市,所提出的四大中心---經濟、金融、貿易、航運,其建設過程以及面臨的困境。於此之後,開始分析上海市與其他城市的關連性,分別就上海與長三角的其他十五個城市的關係、上海吸引跨國公司的博奕關係進行探討,並採取內容分析法,藉由上海文匯報、經濟學人、新聞週刊等傳播媒體,檢視上海與其他國內外重要城市的關連性。再者,則將重點分析討論,上海市在城市建構背後的主要動力,即「上海市政府」,其為了進行城市建設並積極融入全球化,所進行的「城市治理」。最後則是提出結論與討論。 藉由上述的分析,本研究指出,儘管上海市政府在建構「全球城市」的過程時,具有「政府主導型的互動建構」模式,積極規劃上海市的建設發展,但是由於中央政府的影響、與周邊城市的關係,使得上海在發展上,仍未能稱為「全球城市」,僅能達到「全球化城市」的階段。另外,也必須反思,上海市的發展也許未必適合套用西方的發展模式,而是具有其獨特的發展軌跡。 / Under the effects of globalization, the flows of people, material, finance, and information transit very fast, and a few famous cities with the power of affecting the flows become the places of gathering, namely Global Cities. So call depends not only on its scale , but the power of its connection with other cities as well. Considering this, China begin to emphasize its city development after its reform and open policy, and especially focuses on Shanghai to be a global city, and such ambition can often be seen from the several speeches of its former mayor Chen Lian Ju. According this background, the dissertation tries to research the construction process of Shanghai being a global city. It includes seven chapters, besides the introduction, it traces the development of the theory of global city, and then discusses the policies of Shanghai’s people and space arrangement. Ensuing we discuss its Four Centers—economic, financial, trade and shipping, their developments and difficulties. After these, we begin to discuss its connection respectively with Yangtze River Delta cities and foreign cities by adopting content analysis method to examine Shanghai Wenhui Newspaper, Economist, and Newsweek. And then we discuss Shanghai Government including its transformation and its urban governance. Finally it’s the conclusion. By this analysis and discuss, the dissertation points out the fact that spite of its striving construction, Shanghai with the trait of “Interactive construction mode by its government leading ”, it at most can only be called a “globalizing city”, not a “global city”. At the same time , it also reflects that adopting western theory to Shanghai may not be a good way , for Shanghai can be a global city by its own way.


陳銘宏 Unknown Date (has links)
目前,中國大陸最熱門的兩大經濟區域為長江三角洲與珠江三角洲,此兩地吸引眾多外商至當地投資。究竟此兩區域具有何區位優勢能吸引眾多外資,以及此兩地區的優勢有何差異,成為本論文重心所在。本論文主要探討三個主題: 一﹑這兩區域自改革開放以來,區位優勢的消長如何,才造成今日長江三角洲吸引外商投資金額超越珠江三角洲。 二﹑這兩區域有何區位優勢,才能吸引眾多外商至當地投資。 三﹑這兩區域與中國大陸整體平均水準的區位優勢作比較,究竟這兩區域相較於中國大陸整體平均水準具有何優勢,使外商特別關注此兩大地區。 以上問題運用中國統計年鑑的數據資料,以複回歸模型分析各地區的外商投資數據,以得出各項主題的結果。 / Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are both the most famous economic areas in Mainland China nowadays, attracting many foreign capitals to invest. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what are the advantages in these two areas that attract foreign direct investment, and what are the differences between them. Three subjects are discussed in the present study. First, how did the location advantages rise and fall between Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, thus now there are more foreign investment enterprises located in Yangtze River Delta than in Pearl River Delta since the beginning of China’s ‘Open Door’ Policy. Second, what are the location advantages in these two areas that attract so many foreign investment enterprises to locate in these two areas. Third, what are the unique location advantages in these two areas compared with the average level of Mainland China, so that many foreign investment enterprises pay especially high attention to this two areas. Data of Statistical Yearbook of China are used in the present study, and multiple regression model is adopted to analyze the data in order to obtain the results.

Water Situation In China - Crisis Or Business As Usual?

Leong, Elaine January 2013 (has links)
Several studies indicates China is experiencing a water crisis, were several regions are suffering of severe water scarcity and rivers are heavily polluted. On the other hand, water is used inefficiently and wastefully: water use efficiency in the agriculture sector is only 40% and within industry, only 40% of the industrial wastewater is recycled. However, based on statistical data, China’s total water resources is ranked sixth in the world, based on its water resources and yet, Yellow River and Hai River dries up in its estuary every year. In some regions, the water situation is exacerbated by the fact that rivers’ water is heavily polluted with a large amount of untreated wastewater, discharged into the rivers and deteriorating the water quality. Several regions’ groundwater is overexploited due to human activities demand, which is not met by local. Some provinces have over withdrawn groundwater, which has caused ground subsidence and increased soil salinity. So what is the situation in China? Is there a water crisis, and if so, what are the causes?This report is a review of several global water scarcity assessment methods and summarizes the findings of the results of China’s water resources to get a better understanding about the water situation. All of the methods indicated that water scarcity is mainly concentrated to north China due to rapid growth, overexploitation from rivers and reduced precipitation. Whereas, South China is indicated as abundant in water resources, however, parts of the region are experiencing water scarcity due to massive dam constructions for water storage and power production. Too many dam constructions in a river disrupts flow of the river water and pollutants are then accumulated within floodgates.Many Chinese officials and scholars believe that with economic growth comes improved environmental quality when the economy has reached to a certain of per-capita level. However, with the present water situation it is not sustainable or possible for China to keep consuming and polluting its water resources. Improvement of environmental quality does not come automatically with increased income, and policies, laws and regulations are needed in order to stop further deterioration of the environment.China’s water situation is not any news and the key factor is human activities, but the question is how to solve it. China’s water crisis is much more complex than over exploitation of groundwater and surface water. There are three water issues in China: “too much water – floods, too little water – droughts, and too dirty water – water pollution” (Jun & Chen, 2001). Thus, solving China’s water crisis is a huge challenge to solve without negatively affecting the economic growth.

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