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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení úrovně stability u atletů v kategorii staršího žactva pomocí přístroje MFT S3 Check / Evaluation of stability level of athletes (14-15 years) by MFT S3 Check

Javůrková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Theme: Evaluation of stability level of athletes (14-15 years) by MFT S3 Check Aims: The aim of this diploma thesis is evaluation of stability level, sensomotor and pose symmetry of both-limb posture by MFT S3 Check system at a selected group of children attending an athletic club. I used the comparison of values between a group of girls and boys. Methodology: The level of stability, sensomotor and pose symmetry was measured in the course of the race season. The data was measured by MFT S3 Check system and further one leg stand test was used. Measurment was supplemented with a questionnaire survey. I used the comparison of values between a group of girls and boys Results: In the test MFT S3 Check the girls achieved above-average evaluation in the index values and stability sensomotorics than boys, who were evaluated in the test below average. The sum of the average values of divergences from the ideal ratio at both monitored levels were lower by 0.15 at boys. There was proved a medium dependence of body weight and BMI values on the level of stability. Shoe size, incidence of ankle injuries, nor the results of the one leg stand test had no impact on the level of stability. Key words: senzomotor, stability, symmetry, 14-15 years, athletics, testing

Míra rozdílnosti somatických a funkčních parametrů mezi hráči fotbalu dvou týmů z opačných pólů tabulky ligy mladších žáků. / Differences in somatic and functional parameters between soccer players from two teams placed on the oposite side of youth league table.

Šmerda, Oldřich January 2017 (has links)
Title: Differences in somatic and functional parameters between soccer players from two teams placed on the oposite side of youth league table. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to determine the degree of the diferences in the somatic and functional parameters between two teams of difference soccer performance, from the same competition. Methods: The main research method was observation. Research sample contained a total of n = 40 footbalers AC Sparta Prague and SK Motorlet Prague. For determining the somatotype we used the methodology from Heath - Carter 1967. Proporcional age was determine via KEI Index (Riegerová, et al., 2006). Biological maturation was determined by the equation Mirwald et al., (2002). Physical fitness aspects were assessed by (4x10m, sit downs, Leger test, broad jump) of UNIFIT 6-60. Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT - 2) was used to assess participants neuromotoric. Fot data analysis were used: two-sample T - test, the analysis of variance. Statistical significance p < 0,05 and effect size d > 0,06, Hays & ω 2 > 0,06 were defined. Degree of relationships between variables were determined via correlations. Results: ACS players had significantly higher level (p = 0,039; ω 2 = 0,0818) of mesomorphy (bone - muscle development) in comparation with SKM....

Alfabetização e a Educação Científica em Astronomia para alunos dos anos iniciais do Fundamental I / Literacy and scientific education in astronomy for students from the early years of Fundamental I

Amaral, Silvio Fernandes do 18 April 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A música se apresenta nas mais diferentes etnias, em suas múltiplas formas, em vários contextos do cotidiano e com objetivos diversos, podendo ser apresentada como uma poderosa ferramenta pedagógica na educação infantil. Neste contexto educacional, a música tem o propósito de colaborar com o desenvolvimento da criatividade, socialização e expressão da criança facilitando seu aprendizado. A legislação que torna o ensino de música obrigatório nas escolas da rede pública e privada do Brasil completou dez anos em 2018, mas na prática, esse ensino ainda não acontece. Fazer uso da música em atividades escolares desperta a atenção dos alunos, contribui para a concentração no momento da aula, proporciona maior participação dos estudantes no processo de aprendizado e auxilia na fixação de conteúdos de maneira simples e lúdicas. Objetivo: demonstrar de que modo a música pode ser essencial para o ensino de Astronomia em três escolas da rede de ensino do Estado de São Paulo com os alunos dos anos iniciais do Fundamental I. Método: foi composta letra e música intitulada \"Sistema Solar\", e produzidos quatro vídeos baseados em uma descrição simplificada do Sistema Solar. As atividades realizadas com esses recursos tiveram o objetivo de facilitar a compreensão de conceitos de Astronomia e despertar o interesse em desenhar, recortar, colorir e cantar a música. A composição da música foi pensada e realizada em 4 etapas: estilo, ritmo, tonalidade e arranjo de instrumentos, resultando em uma música estilo acústico, adequada para o ambiente da sala de aula. Para a composição da letra da música, levou-se em conta conceitos de Astronomia, música e aspectos e características de publicidade, o que resultou na composição de um jingle formado por melodia, letra e harmonia simples, com padrão acústico e utilização de violão e voz. Os 4 vídeos foram divididos em: dois vídeos de desenhos animados, um com legenda e outro sem legenda; e dois vídeos aulas (*). A sequência didática para organizar o material utilizado para o ensino de Astronomia com Música e vídeo foi baseada no modelo da Escola de Genebra e apresentada aos alunos do Fundamental I de três escolas públicas da rede de ensino do Estado de São Paulo. (*) http://www.astro.iag.usp.br/~leister / Introduction: Music is played in different ethnicities, in multiple ways, in different contexts and with diverse objectives. It can therefore be presented as a powerful pedagogical tool in early childhood education. In this educational context, the music has the purpose of collaborating with the development of creativity, socialization and expression for children, facilitating their learning. The legislation that makes music education compulsory in both public and private schools in Brazil was completed ten years in 2018, but in practice, this education is not happen. Making use of music in school activities captures the attention of students, increases concentration in the class and provides greater participation of students in the learning process and helps to deliver content in a simple and playful way. Aim: To demonstrate how music can be essential for astronomy learning in three schools in the state of São Paulo with students in the initial years of elementary school. Methods: Music and lyrics entitled \"Solar System\"were created along with four videos based on a simplified description of the solar system. The activities carried out with these resources were designed to facilitate understanding of the concepts of astronomy and arousing interest in drawing, cutting, colouring and singing with the music. The composition of the music was conceived in 4 stages; style, rhythm, tonality and instrumental arrangement, resulting in acoustic style music, suitable for the classroom environment. Concepts of astronomy, music and characteristics of advertising were taken into account for the composing of the song lyrics, which resulted in a composition made of a melody, lyrics and simple harmony, with acoustic patterns using a guitar and voice. The 4 videos were divided; two videos of cartoons, one with and one without subtitles; and two video lessons. The didactic sequence used to organize the material for teaching Astronomy with music and video was based on the model of the School of Geneva and was presented to students in three public elementary schools public schools in the State of São Paulo. (*) http://www.astro.iag.usp.br/~leister

Förändringar i aktivitetsmönster och välbefinnande hos äldre efter flytt till särskilt boende : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om äldres självupplevda förändring / Changes to Occupational Patterns and Wellbeing among older adults who moved to a special care facility : A Qualitative interview study concerning older adults self-perceived changes

Andersson, Yvonne, Erikson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Arbetets syfte var att beskriva äldres, 65 år +, självupplevda förändringar i aktivitetsmönster och välbefinnande efter flytt till ett särskilt boende. Metod: En kvalitativ intervju med semistrukturerade frågor och skattning med VAS-skala, genomfördes på tio äldre personer som flyttat in på särskilt boende. Urvalet var ett bekvämlighetsurval kompletterat med ett sekundärt avsiktligt urval. Urvalet genomfördes på två särskilda boenden, ett i en större stad och ett i en mindre. En kvalitativ dataanalys genomfördes för att analysera intervjusvaren. Resultat: Resultatet visade att informanterna upplevde förändringar i både aktivitetsmönster och välbefinnande efter flytt till ett särskilt boende. Informanterna upplevde att de hade fler fritidsaktiviteter, eller rekreativa aktiviteter och färre måste-aktiviteter som städ eller tvätt. Många meningsfulla fysiska aktiviteter hade blivit svåra att utföra och ersatts med mindre krävande aktiviteter. Deras välbefinnande hade förbättrats på grund av ökad social kontakt och trygghet. Slutsats: Aktivitetsmönster och upplevt välbefinnande påverkades av flytt till särskilt boende. Även åldrandets aspekter upplevs ha varit en bidragande faktor till förändring. / Aim: The purpose of the thesis was to describe older adults (65 and older) perceptions about changes to their occupational patterns and wellbeing after a move to a special care facility. Method: A qualitative interview with semi-structured questions and estimated wellbeing on a VAS-scale was performed on ten older adults living in special care facilities. The sampling was a convenient sampling with a secondary purposive sampling. The sampling of participants was made from two separate special care facilities, one in a city and one in a town. A qualitative data analysis was performed to analyses the collected data.  Results: The result showed that the participants perceived changes to both occupational patterns and wellbeing after a move to a special care facility. The participants perceived that they had more recreational activities or leisure activities and less household chores or mustdo-activities after moving to a special care facility. Many meaningful physical activities had become hard to perform and had been replaced with less demanding activities.  Conclusion: Occupational patterns and estimated wellbeing was affected by the move to a special care facility. The aspects of aging were perceived to affect the change as well.

A dinâmica dos sistemas atmosféricos no verão de 2013-2014 no Estado de São Paulo e sua repercussão no espaço geográfico / The dynamic of atmospheric systems in summer 2013-2014 in the state of São Paulo and its repercussions in geographical space

Santos, Bruno César dos 03 October 2016 (has links)
O Estado de São Paulo apresenta índices pluviométricos situados entre 1.200 e 1.600 mm com precipitação concentrada no período situado entre os meses de outubro a março. A passagem de frentes e o processo de frontogênese respondem pelo \"input\" hídrico. Dada a localização que possui (reverso das Cuestas Basálticas) o município de São Carlos apresenta índices pluviométricos ligeiramente superiores ao seu entorno devido a contribuição que recebe das chuvas orográficas. No verão iniciado em 2013 (outubro) e encerrado em 2014 (março), todo Sudeste, assim como as cercanias de São Carlos sofreu com a diminuição das precipitações ocasionadas por mudanças no padrão atmosférico da América do Sul. Atentando para isso, o presente projeto de pesquisa procurou analisar e entender a dinâmica atmosférica desse período chuvoso (Ano Hidrológico) de 2013/2014, descrevendo e caracterizando a dinâmica dos sistemas atmosféricos que nele atuaram e sua variação dentro dos padrões habituais que possuíam, através da metodologia da análise dinâmica, buscando, verificar com base no padrão estabelecido quais foram os principais impactos noticiados pela mídia local (São Carlos) a partir dos índices de precipitação observados. Assim, observou-se que a atuação dos sistemas atmosféricos no período adotado, não ocorreu dentro dos parâmetros habituais da precipitação nas três estações climatológicas que forneceram os dados para a pesquisa. Devendo-se isso a fraca atuação da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS), diante do constante bloqueio atmosférico que se estabeleceu sobre o Atlântico Sul, aliando-se a atuação excepcional de sistemas meteorológicos organizados na Troposfera como a circulação dos vórtices ciclônicos e do Anticiclone do Atlântico Sul (ASAS) sobre o interior do sudeste da América do Sul. A partir dessa análise, constatou-se que o total pluviométrico do ano hidrológico de 2013/2014 apresentou valor abaixo da média, caracterizando os índices da estação do CRHEA/USP no patamar de um Ano Tendente a Seco, a estação do INMET/UFSCar como um Ano Seco e a estação da EMBRAPA/Sudeste na mesma condição da anterior. Entre as três estações climatológicas apenas a estação do CRHEA/USP apresentou valores próximos da média histórica, por se encontrar inserida na transição morfológica da Depressão Periférica Paulista e o Planalto Ocidental Paulista, favorecendo um acúmulo maior de precipitação devido a ocorrência da Chuva Orográfica. Em face disto, esses índices tiveram reflexo na escassez das chuvas e consequentemente repercutiram nos diversos setores socioambientais e econômicos na região de São Carlos-SP, no entanto, não foram suficientes para criar um quadro agravante quanto a suspensão das atividades econômicas ou no abastecimento de água. / The State of São Paulo presents rainfall rates situated between 1,200 and 1,600 mm with concentrated rainfall in the period between the months from October to March. The passage of fronts and frontogenesis process respond for the \"input\" hydrous. Due to the localition of the township, São Carlos (reverse of Basaltic Slopes) presents rainfall indexes slightly higher than its surroundings because of the contribution received from orogenic rains. In the summer started in 2013 (October) and ended in 2014 (March), all Southeast, as well as the environs of São Carlos suffered with the decreasse of precipitations caused by changes in standard atmospheric of South America. Paying attention to this, this research project sought to analyze and understand the atmospheric dynamics of this rainy season (Hydrological Year) of 2013/2014, describing and characterizing the dynamics of atmospheric systems which acted in that period and its variation within the usual patterns already possessed, through the methodology of dynamic analysis, searching, verify based on established standard which were the main impacts reported by local media (São Carlos) from the observed rainfall rates. Thus, it was noticed that the performance of atmospheric systems in the considered period, did not occur within the usual parameters of rainfall in the three climatological season that provided the data for the research. It should be because of the weak performance of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ), against the constant atmospheric blockade that has settled over the South Atlantic, allying the exceptional performance of organized meteorological systems in the troposphere as the movement of cyclonic vortices and Anticyclone of the South Atlantic (ASAS) on the interior of the southeastern South America. From this analysis, it was found that the total pluviometric of the hydrological year 2013/2014 showed a value below average, characterizing the indexes of the CRHEA/ USP station on the level of a Year Aimed Dry, the INMET /UFSCar station as a Dry Year and EMBRAPA/Southeast station as the same previous condition. Among the three climatological stations only CRHEA/USP station presented values near the historical average, being that, finding inserted in the morphologic transition of Depression Peripheral Paulista and Western Plateau Paulista favoring a greater accumulation of precipitation due to the occurrence of Orographic Rain. In view of this, these rates were reflected in the scarcity of rainfall and consequently have affected the various environmental and economic sectors in the region of São Carlos-SP, however, were not enough to create an aggravating situation for the suspension of economic activities or the water supply.

A MODELAGEM MATEMÁTICA COMO METODOLOGIA DE ENSINO E APRENDIZAGEM NOS ANOS INICIAIS DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL / The mathematical modeling as a methodology of teaching and learning in the early years of elementary school

Kaviatkovski, Marinês Avila de Chaves 30 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:31:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marines Kaviatkovski.pdf: 1777734 bytes, checksum: ce916eb6a3804f76027cd3605a84cd89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / This work presents and enables an analysis of how the Mathematical Modeling is being inserted in the scholar context, on the ambit of an investigation that seeks to answer which contributions the insertion of Mathematical Modeling, as a methodology of teaching and learning, can offer in the early years of elementary school? The delimitation of this research is predominantly of qualitative nature. The data presented was obtained using an exploratory research. The objectives of the research were: a) Contribute with the insertion of Mathematical Modeling as a methodology of teaching and learning in the ambit of the early years of elementary school; b) Point, after analytical reflections, the clarifications made by the teachers related to the perspectives of utilizing the Mathematical Modeling in the early years of elementary school. It was utilized as theoretical fundamentation the contributions from Miorim (1998) who discusses the History of the Mathematical Education, from authors who discuss the nature and methodology of the Mathematical Education (Rius, 1989a, 1989b; Kilpatrick 1996), authors who underlie the aspects and analysis of data from a qualitative research (Bogdan; Biklen, 1994; Bardin, 2011), authors who discuss the Mathematical Modeling in the ambit of the Mathematical Education (D’Ambrosio, 1999; Burak, 1992, 2010; Barbosa 2001; Meyer, 2007; Burak; Klüber, 2008, 2010), as well as authors who discuss the Education and formation of the teacher (Freire, 1981, 2005; Libâneo, 2006; Nacarato; Mengali; Passos, 2009). The research involves the analysis from teacher manifestations after concluding a formation course in service involving the Mathematical Modeling, as well as the analysis of works developed with students from the early years of elementary school, according to a Mathematical Modeling perspective. The results of the research indicate that in the ambit of early years: a) Modeling is a methodological tendency that offers contributions to the process of teaching; b) teachers explicit different perspectives of the use of Modeling. / Este trabalho apresenta e possibilita uma análise de como a Modelagem Matemática vem sendo inserida no contexto escolar, no âmbito de uma investigação que busca responder que contribuições a inserção da Modelagem Matemática, como uma metodologia de ensino e aprendizagem, pode oferecer ao ensino da Matemática nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental? O delineamento da pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa. Os dados apresentados foram obtidos por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram: a) Contribuir com a inserção da Modelagem Matemática como uma metodologia de ensino e aprendizagem no âmbito dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental; b) Apontar, após reflexões analíticas, as explicitações dos professores relacionadas às perspectivas de utilização da Modelagem Matemática nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Utilizaram-se como fundamentação teórica as contribuições de Miorim (1998), que discute a História da Educação Matemática, de autores que discutem a natureza e metodologia da Educação Matemática (Rius, 1989a, 1989b; Kilpatrick 1996), autores que fundamentam os aspectos e análise dos dados de uma pesquisa qualitativa (Bogdan; Biklen, 1994; Bardin, 2011), autores que discutem a Modelagem Matemática no âmbito da Educação Matemática (D’Ambrosio, 1999; Burak, 1992, 2010; Barbosa 2001; Meyer, 2007; Burak; Klüber, 2008, 2010), bem como autores que discutem a Educação e a formação do professor (Freire, 1981, 2005; Libâneo, 2006; Nacarato; Mengali; Passos, 2009). A pesquisa envolveu a análise de manifestações de professores após concluírem um curso de formação em serviço envolvendo a Modelagem Matemática, assim como a análise de trabalhos desenvolvidos com estudantes dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, segundo uma perspectiva de Modelagem Matemática. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que no âmbito dos anos iniciais: a) a Modelagem é uma tendência metodológica que oferece contribuições ao processo de ensino da Matemática; b) os professores explicitam diferentes perspectivas de uso da Modelagem.

Formação continuada em matemática: diversidade nos processos formativos para professores dos anos iniciais

Sousa, Kelly Inacia de 01 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kelly Inacia de Sousa.pdf: 535545 bytes, checksum: 3c30882f0ea21725082d41fc7c55c0c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims to rescue the formative procedures occurred throughout 2012 in the project "Challenges for inclusive education: thinking the teacher's training about the knowledge of mathematics procedures in the initial grades of basic education" from the Education Observatory CAPES/INEP, public notice 2010, under general coordination of Professor Dr. Ana Lucia Manrique from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. In this research, we look at three participating teachers, all of them working at public schools in São Paulo. From memories of the formative meetings, we intended to understand what perceptions the teachers have built about the developed training and what the effective contributions to their practice in the classroom are. For data collection, a questionnaire was used to obtain information and outline a profile of the participants, as well as an open press conference attended by the three teachers, the researcher and two interviewers, a doctoral student and a master s student responsible for the training developed in the Project. To theoretically support our research, the work of Francisco Imbernon was used. Imbernon is an author who dialogues from a perspective of continuing education based on collaboration, meaning that we adopted in our project. We emphasize two categories: the perception of the formative processes and the contributions of formative processes for the performance of teachers. We separate our analysis into two parts, the analyzes these categories in relation to the filming carried out by the teachers on the use of manipulative materials for teaching math concepts, and another part analyzes these same categories for seminars held by the teachers to the group the formation. Two perceptions were identified: one refers to the sense of collaboration present in the formation experienced in this group, and the other refers to individual and collective change, causing new posture to teach and learn about the new understandings, and aspects surpass the pedagogical. Regarding contributions, the data show improvement of mathematical knowledge, appropriate use of mathematical terms and use of appropriate teaching materials for teaching mathematical / A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo resgatar os processos formativos ocorridos ao longo do ano de 2012 no Projeto Desafios para a educação inclusiva: pensando a formação de professores sobre os processos de domínio da matemática nas séries iniciais da educação básica do Observatório da Educação da CAPES/INEP, edital 2010, sob coordenação geral da Prof.ª Dr.ª Ana Lúcia Manrique da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Nesta pesquisa, olhamos para três professoras participantes do Projeto, sendo todas docentes da rede pública de ensino de São Paulo. A partir das memórias dos encontros formativos, tivemos a intenção de compreender quais as percepções que as professoras construíram a respeito da formação desenvolvida e quais as contribuições efetivas para a sua prática em sala de aula. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário para obter informações e delinear um perfil das participantes da pesquisa, além de uma entrevista coletiva aberta com as três professoras. Para subsidiar teoricamente nossa pesquisa, foram utilizadas as obras de Francisco Imbernón, autor que dialoga sob uma perspectiva de formação continuada com base fundamentada na colaboração, sentido esse adotado em nosso Projeto. Destacamos duas categorias de análise: a percepção sobre os processos formativos e as contribuições dos processos formativos para a atuação das professoras. Separamos nossas análises em duas partes, uma analisa essas categorias em relação às filmagens realizadas pelas professoras sobre o uso de materiais manipulativos para o ensino de conteúdos matemáticos, e outra parte analisa essas mesmas categorias em relação aos seminários realizados pelas professoras para o grupo de formação. Duas percepções foram identificadas: uma refere-se ao sentido de colaboração presente na formação vivenciada nesse grupo, e outra refere-se à mudança individual e coletiva, que provocam novas posturas frente ao ensinar e novas compreensões sobre o aprender, além de aspectos que ultrapassam o pedagógico. Em relação às contribuições, os dados apontam aprimoramento dos conhecimentos matemáticos, uso adequado de termos matemáticos e utilização apropriada de materiais pedagógicos para o ensino de conteúdos matemáticos

Cost-effectiveness analysis of 10- and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in Peru

Mezones Holguín, Edward, Canelo Aybara, Carlos, David Clark, Andrew, Bess Janusz, Cara, Jaúregui, Bárbara, Escobedo Palza, Seimer, Hernandez, Adrian V., Berhane, Yemane, Vega Porras, Denhiking, González, Marco, Fiestas, Fabián, Toledo , Washington, Michele, Fabiana, Suárez, Víctor J. 24 November 2015 (has links)
Objective To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of introducing the 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) versus the 13-valent PCV (PCV13) to the National Immunization Schedule in Peru for prevention of pneumococcal disease (PD) in children <5 years of age. Methods The integrated TRIVAC vaccine cost-effectiveness model from the Pan American Health Organization's ProVac Initiative (version 2.0) was applied from the perspective of the Government of Peru. Twenty successive cohorts of children from birth to 5 years were evaluated. Clinical outcomes were pneumococcal pneumonia (PP), pneumococcal meningitis (PM), pneumococcal sepsis (PS) and acute otitis media from any causes (AOM). Measures included prevention of cases, neurological sequelae (NS), auditory sequelae (AS), deaths and disability adjusted life years (DALYs). A sensitivity analyses was also performed. Findings For the 20 cohorts, net costs with PCV10 and PCV13 were US$ 363.26 million and US$ 408.26 million, respectively. PCV10 prevented 570,273 AOM; 79,937 PP; 2217 PM; 3049 PS; 282 NS; 173 AS; and 7512 deaths. PCV13 prevented 419,815 AOM; 112,331 PN; 3116 PM; 4285 PS; 404 NS; 248 AS; and 10,386 deaths. Avoided DALYs were 226,370 with PCV10 and 313,119 with PCV13. Saved treatment costs were US$ 37.39 million with PCV10 and US$ 47.22 million with PCV13. Costs per DALY averted were US$ 1605 for PCV10, and US$ 1304 for PCV13. Sensitivity analyses showed similar results. PCV13 has an extended dominance over PCV10. Conclusion Both pneumococcal vaccines are cost effective in the Peruvian context. Although the net cost of vaccination with PCV10 is lower, PCV13 prevented more deaths, pneumococcal complications and sequelae. Costs per each prevented DALY were lower with PCV13. Thus, PCV13 would be the preferred policy; PCV10 would also be reasonable (and cost-saving relative to the status quo) if for some reason 13-valent were not feasible. / This study was presented at 9th International Symposium of Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases, Hyderabad, India, March 2014, and supported by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation of Peru (CONCYTEC) and International Clinical Epidemiology Network (INCLEN Trust) / This study was made possible through the financial support of the Instituto Nacional de Salud (National Institute of Health, Lima, Peru) and the PROVAC Initiative of the Pan American Health Organization (Washington, DC, USA).

A construção dos saberes dos estudantes de pedadogia em relação à matemática e seu ensino no decorrer da formação inicial / The building of knowledges of the students of pedagogy in relation to mathematics and its teaching during the initial formation.

Ortega, Eliane Maria Vani 03 June 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo investiga o processo de construção de saberes dos estudantes de Pedagogia em relação à Matemática e seu ensino durante a formação inicial. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, de cunho analítico-descritivo e longitudinal, que foi realizada no período 2007-2010, com alunos do curso de Pedagogia da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UNESP, em Presidente Prudente, região oeste do interior do Estado de São Paulo. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa envolveu a utilização de questionário, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e aplicação de casos de ensino. Todos estes instrumentos de coleta de dados tiveram como objetivo captar as visões dos sujeitos sobre a relação com a Matemática e seu ensino no decorrer do curso de Pedagogia. Os resultados foram analisados a partir de quadro de referência sobre os saberes docentes e mostram as alterações de visões dos sujeitos durante a formação inicial. Os sujeitos, a partir da reflexão sobre suas experiências vivenciadas como alunos na educação básica, vão resignificando seus saberes em relação à Matemática e seu ensino, por meio da influência das diferentes disciplinas estudadas no curso. As mudanças mais significativas percebidas foram em relação ao receio e a visão distorcida que os sujeitos diziam ter em relação ao conhecimento matemático. Ao final do curso, eles afirmam que mesmo não tendo domínio completo de alguns conteúdos, tal relação melhorou e se dizem mais seguros e preparados para ensinar conceitos matemáticos nos anos iniciais. / This research investigates the process of building of knowledges of students of Pedagogy in relation to Mathematics and its teaching during the course of initial formation. It is a qualitative research, analytical-descriptive and longitudinal, which was held in the period 2007-2010, with students of Pedagogy of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UNESP, in Presidente Prudente, West region of State of São Paulo. The methodology of this research involved the use of questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and application do teaching cases. All these data collection instruments had intended to capture the views of the subjects about the relation with Mathematics and its teaching during the course of Pedagogy. The results were analyzed from a frame of reference about teachers knowledges and show the changes of visions of the subjects during the initial formation. The subjects, from reflection on their experiences as students in basic education, rebuild their knowledges in relation to Mathematics and its teaching, through the influence of different disciplines studied on the course. The most significant changes were perceived in relation to the fears and biased view that the subjetcs claimed in relation to the mathematical knowledge. At the end of the course, they claim that even they dont having complete domain of some mathematical concepts, the relationship with the mathematical knowledge has improved and they feel reassured to teach such knowledge in the early years.

Untitled Short Essay Honoring Bear Family Records 40!!! Years Boxed Set

Olson, Ted 01 January 2016 (has links)
Album Summary: (3-CD + DVD + 308 page book) Bear Family Records came into being in the late summer of 1975. We want to celebrate the company's 40th anniversary with a very special release. A CD/DVD/book edition has been produced just for this event. You may purchase this item at a special price. Our friends in the music industry, musicians and songwriters, have written and recorded a collection of 'Bear' songs especially for our anniversary. These original recordings - 72 in all - are available exclusively on this LP-sized Bear Family boxed set. Especially interesting are the songs that deal not just with any old bear, but with our own Bear Family label - Ry Cooder: I Wanna Be On Bear Family When I Die, Jim Diamond: Bear Family - Deke Dickerson: Bear Family Talking Blues - Roland Heinrich: Sixteen Discs, and Kim Lenz: What. In the accompanying 308-page LP-sized publication, you will read comments and remarks of internationally recognized music critics, experts and authors on Bear Family. We have re-printed all song lyrics, and of course there is a picture of every performing artist. Look back on Bear Family's 40-year history with the lavishly illustrated book. We want to thank all our facilitators and supporters who have made ??us what we are today, and last but not least we say goodbye to companions we have lost.

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