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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As funções da Geometria em outros campos da Matemática : uma análise de livros didáticos /

Gentil, Liara Alves January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Rúbia Barcelos Amaral-Schio / Resumo: O principal objetivo deste trabalho é investigar as funções que a Geometria desempenha em campos não-geométricos em livros didáticos dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental, aprovados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático 2017. A partir dele foram delineados dois objetivos específicos, a saber: analisar como os conteúdos de Geometria estão estruturados (introdução, abordagem e desenvolvimento) em capítulos não-geométricos; mapear, em capítulos não-geométricos, as tarefas que fazem uso da Geometria em seus enunciados. A base teórica que fundamentou esta pesquisa foram os estudos de Flores (2003, 2010, 2013) acerca da cultura visual, entendida como as concepções inerentes à cultura de uma sociedade, manifestas em sua forma visual. Dentro da cultura visual, foi assumido o termo visualidade, definido como os discursos que informam sobre o modo como nós vemos. Pautada numa abordagem qualitativa, foram analisadas, nesta dissertação, três coleções de livros didáticos, totalizando 12 obras. Todo o conteúdo de Geometria que permeava os capítulos de Álgebra, Aritmética, Probabilidade e Estatística foi classificado de acordo com as funções que exerce, a saber: função ilustrativa, formativa, explicativa, demonstrativa, representativa e imagem mental. Resultados reforçam o caráter histórico e cultural da Geometria ao pontuar o uso de figuras geométricas como parte do discurso visual da sala de aula. Em alguns conteúdos de Álgebra e Aritmética, a Geometria se estabeleceu como prática visu... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The main goal of this paper is to investigate the functions Geometry performs in non-geometric fields in textbooks of the last years of Elementary School, approved by the National Textbook Program 2017. From it, two specific objectives were outlined: to analyze how geometry contents are structured (introduction, approach and development) in non-geometric chapters; to map, in non-geometric chapters, the tasks that make use of geometry in their tasks. The theoretical basis that underpinted this research was Flores' studies (2003, 2010, 2013) about visual culture, understood as the conceptions inherent to the culture of a society, manifested in its visual form. Within the visual culture, the term visuality was assumed, defined as the discourses that inform us about the way we see. Based on a qualitative approach, three collections of textbooks were analyzed in this research, totaling 12 books. All the content of Geometry that permeated the chapters of Algebra, Arithmetic, Probability and Statistics was classified according to the functions it performs, namely: illustrative, formative, explanatory, demonstrative, representative and mental image function. Results reinforce the historical and cultural character of Geometry by highlighting the use of geometric figures as part of the visual discourse of the classroom. In some contents of Algebra and Arithmetic, Geometry has established itself as a visual practice that composes the ways students of basic education look at it. Therefor... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

An Analysis of 20 Years of Social Validity within Education and Training of Autism and Developmental Disbilities

Wheeler, John J., Carter, Stacy L. 17 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Cities in Crisis: Altstadt and Neustadt Brandenburg During the Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648

Johnson, Evan 25 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Validation of the Preschool Attachment Rating Scales and Demonstration of Their Utility to Understand How Preschool Child-Mother and Child-Father Attachment Promote Children’s Social Adaptation

Deneault, Audrey-Ann 19 May 2021 (has links)
Attachment theory is a core theory of child development. The theory proposes a framework to understand how children’s early relationships to their caregiver shape children’s lifelong development. Most attachment research, however, is limited to categorical assessments of infant-mother attachment. This results in a reductionist understanding of children’s development, one that rests on a number of questionable assumptions. From an assessment perspective, categorical measures of attachment assume that all children fit neatly into a fixed number of categories, and that all children within a category present similar attachment behaviors. From a developmental perspective, a focus on infant attachment assumes little change in children’s caregiving environments, and this, despite evidence showing that changes may occur between infancy and the preschool years. Such changes influence child-caregiver attachment relationships. From a caregiver perspective, children’s relationships with their mothers are influential, but they do not span the gamut of children’s early relationships. Fathers, for example, are increasingly involved in child rearing and are influential in children’s development. This dissertation sought to overcome these limitations through the use of the Preschool Attachment Rating Scales (PARS), a novel, continuous measure of child-caregiver preschool attachment. The first study demonstrated the reliability and validity of the PARS as a measure of child-mother and child-father preschool attachment. This study examined the inter-rater reliability, the convergent validity, the construct validity, the predictive validity, and the incremental validity of the PARS. The second study used a longitudinal design to examine the independent and interactive influence of child-mother and child-father attachment in the preschool years on boys’ and girls’ externalizing behaviors in middle childhood. This latter study showed that the prediction of externalizing behavior varied as a function of children’s and parents’ genders, as well as the attachment pattern (e.g., security, avoidance). Taken together, this dissertation shows that a continuous measure of attachment can help uncover the complexity of different attachment patterns, and in turn, provide a more nuanced understanding on how such patterns affect children’s social, emotional, and psychopathological development.

Exploring the relationship between teacher profiles, professional development and learners’ reading literacy achievement

Zeelie, Shani Antoinette January 2020 (has links)
This study, drawing on the Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) Literacy 2016 learner achievement data, aimed to examine the relationship between teacher profiles in terms of teachers’ age, years of experience and formal qualification, teachers’ participation in formal and informal professional development activities and South African Grade 4 learners’ reading literacy achievement when controlling for the socio-economic status of the learners. To accommodate all the variables used in the study, a new conceptual framework was developed. This study was initiated as a result of the PIRLS Literacy 2016 results which revealed that South African Grade 4 learners achieved the lowest reading literacy scores out of the 6 participating countries. This study is a secondary analysis utilising standard multiple regression analysis of the PIRLS Literacy 2016 achievement data and the contextual data from the teacher and school questionnaires. The study’s results revealed that there is no statistically significant relationship between South African teachers’ participation in either formal or informal professional development and learners’ reading literacy achievement. Based on the literature however, the emphasis was placed on the educational significance of teachers’ participation in effective professional development activities. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria 2020. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / MEd / Unrestricted

Förväntningar formar framtiden : Om meningsskapande vid övergångar i skolans tidigare år

Dahlbäck, Ann-Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the study is to visualize and discuss how students perceive and make meaning in their transition from pre-school class to primary school. A special goal is to identify factors that facilitates and/or hinders students’ successful transition. In spring 2017, nine five-year-old children expressed their thoughts before starting in preschool class. The thoughts were documented in interviews and drawings that the students made. By going back to the students who were interviewed then and with their images as artifacts, this study wants to analyze how the students retrospectively describe their experiences of the transition and make the students' expectations and concerns visible to future transitions. In analyses, the study wants to understand what the important aspects to take into account at school transitions are. The study has a social constructionist framework. The children's experiences of transitions is constructed together with the researcher in the process of research (Alvesson & Sköldberg, 2017). A socio-cultural perspective is used and presumes that transitions are constructed in a social community. During transitions the students revise and re-identify their identities. The pupils´ experiences in the transition process becomes important aspects in the students' identity construction and meaning making (Newman & Paasi, 1998).The pupils were able to give their thoughts on things they saw as frightening but which turned out to be simple and other things that were really difficult. It is hoped that, based on the students' experiences, tools are found to use in the work with successful transitions.

Sustainability Strategies for Small Business Survival Beyond 5 Years

Ford, Tanesha Lynett 01 January 2018 (has links)
Owners of small retail businesses who fail to implement adequate managerial strategies experience reduced profits and sustainability challenges. Small businesses account for 85.3% of the market, and 66% of small businesses fail within the first 5 years due to low sales and personnel issues. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the managerial strategies that owners of successful small retail businesses implemented to sustain their operations for longer than the first 5 years. The population for the study included owners of 3 small retail businesses in the southeastern region of the United States, who successfully implemented managerial strategies and remained in business for longer than 5 years. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with the owners and from a review of the company websites and social media pages. Systems theory and the general systems theory was the conceptual framework for the study. Data were analyzed in accordance with Yin's 5-phase data analysis process consisting of pattern matching, explanation building, time-series analysis, program logic models, and cross-case synthesis. Three themes emerged from the data analysis: updating the business model, addressing customer feedback, and enhancing business efficiency. The findings of this study could contribute to positive social change by providing insights for owners of small retail businesses regarding strategy execution for managerial approaches that increase business productivity, which may lead to the improved economic wellbeing of some employees as well as positive contributions to the communities' retail businesses serve.

An Assessment of the Perceived Value of Teacher Portfolios in the Early Years Enhancement (EYE) Program by Primary and Secondary Teachers in Utah's Schools

Denison, Teresa J. 01 December 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the use of the teacher portfolio as an evaluation of professional development in Utah's new teacher licensing--the Early Year's Enhancement (EYE) program. This study explored teacher perceptions of the value of the portfolio. Results of the study identified the perceived value of teacher portfolios related to: (a) accuracy as an evaluation tool, (b) usefulness with respect to teacher professional growth, (c) feasibility with regard to teacher time, and (d) appropriateness related to the effect of portfolios on teaching practices. It also identified the relationship of the teacher's perceived value and the required district portfolio format, teaching assignment, age of teacher, number of years teaching, district employed by, district training in portfolio development, and district use of the portfolio. Using a mixed method survey design, data were collected from the new teachers who had completed the EYE evaluation in the 40 school districts of Utah during the 4 years since its implementation. Teacher surveys developed by Tucker, Stronge, and Gareis were adapted, delivered electronically, and utilized to provide both quantitative and qualitative data. Telephone interviews with the district EYE contact provided additional information for the study. The results of the study indicated that new teachers perceived the EYE portfolio as minimally effective as an accurate, useful, feasible, and appropriate tool for measuring professional development. A relationship was found in the teacher's assignment, age, district, portfolio training level, and the district's use of the portfolio and their perception of value. Teachers identified self-reflection as an important advantage and the time requirement as a critical disadvantage of the portfolio process.

Klipptekniker och konventioner : En teknisk och estetisk studie av Memento, City of God och 12 Years a Slave / Editing techniques and conventions : A technical and aesthetic study of Memento, City of God and 12 Years a Slave

Al-Saqr, Ali January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda huruvida filmklippning kan spela en avgörande roll i filmens berättelse med hjälp av olika verktyg och konventioner. De utvalda filmproduktionerna är Memento (2000), City of God (2002) och 12 Years a Slave (2013). Med hjälp av tre olika teoriböcker skall uppsatsen undersöka hur klippning skapar mening, vilka klipptekniker som används samt om de följer några historiska eller samtida konventioner. Det är en både teknisk och estetisk analys avfilmerna. Vi ska ta reda på om det framgår några tendenser i klippningen som kan appliceras i dagens filmproduktion. Filmklippning är ett ämne som inte får tillräckligt med uppmärksamhet inom filmvetenskapen, men trots det är filmklippning en av de allra viktigaste delarna av en filmproduktion – den bygger upp filmen och regissörens vision och är det vi som åskådare ser på bioduken. En kvalitativ analys av ämnet kan ge oss ett större inblick i hur en klippare arbetar men också vilka effekter det får på berättelsen i sin helhet. Idag studerar man film utifrån regissörens och auteurens vision och avtryck på berättelsen och det är lätt hänt att alla individer som arbetar med produktionen hamnar i skuggan, allt från musiker, produktionsdesigner, projektledare till filmklippare. Klipptekniker idag ser helt annorlunda ut än hur det var på 50-talet i och med att nya lösningar har utvecklats, och detta påverkar indirekt berättelsen. Nya tendenser och omfattningar inom yrket har gjort att klipparrollen blivit allt viktigare, och urvalet av vem som skall klippa vilken film kan få stora konsekvenser.

Informing the Construction of a Fall Prevention Clinical Practice Guideline for Podiatry Patients 65 Years of Age and Older

Nichols, Matthew David, Nichols 24 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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