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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tecnologias digitais e o currículo dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental : análises e proposições /

Santos, Fernando Rodrigues dos January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Thais Cristina Rodrigues Tezani / Resumo: As Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) incorporadas à educação estão diversificando e trazendo melhorias para os processos de ensino e aprendizagem, por meio de diversas ferramentas e aplicações que estimulam e propiciam o desenvolvimento cognitivo e psicossocial nos diversos níveis e modalidades de ensino. As TDIC, em alguns sistemas e modalidades de ensino, possuem relevância a ponto de serem incorporadas ao currículo como conteúdos didáticos de modo transversal como eixo de habilidades e competências ou por meio da inclusão de uma disciplina específica na matriz curricular. Tal situação é encontrada em quatro municípios de uma microrregião do interior do Estado de São Paulo, nos quais a disciplina de informática faz parte da matriz curricular dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em suas respectivas redes públicas municipais de ensino. Sendo esta, uma disciplina da parte diversificada do currículo composta por conteúdos de alfabetização digital e conteúdos didáticos curriculares dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, abordados por meio de Objetos Digitais de Aprendizagem (ODA). Nossa pesquisa de mestrado profissional em Docência para Educação Básica teve seu foco nestas quatro redes de ensino e se estrutura na análise das práticas pedagógicas dos docentes da disciplina de informática no que tange o uso das tecnologias digitais. Apoiados nesta análise, desenvolvemos como proposições Guias de Atividades Interdisciplinares abordadas por meio das tecnol... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (DTIC) incorporated to the education are diversifying and bringing improvements to the processes of teaching and apprenticeship, through several tools and applications that stimulate and favor the cognitive and psicossocial development in several levels and kinds of teaching. The DTIC, in some systems and teaching methods, have relevance to point of being incorporated to the curriculum like educational contents, in cross themes as an axis of skills and competences or also through the inclusion of a specific subject in the course curriculum. Such situation is found in four local cities of a microregion of the interior of São Paulo State, in which the subject of computer science makes part of the course curriculum of the initial years of the Basic Teaching in their respective public municipal education network. Being this, a subject of the diversified part of the curriculum composed by contents of digital literacy and curricular educational contents of the initial years of the Basic Teaching boarded through Digital Objects of Apprenticeship (DOA). Our inquiry of professional master's degree in Teaching for Basic Education had his focus in these four education networks and it is structured in the analysis of the pedagogical practices of the teachers of the computer science discipline regarding the use of digital technologies. Supported on this analysis we developed as propositions Guides of Interdisciplinary Activities bo... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Literacy and Meaning Making in the Early Years

Sharp, L. Kathryn 01 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Meaning Making in the Early Years

Sharp, L. Kathryn 01 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of maternal exposure to alcohol and nicotine on pancreas and kidney size, aorta and carotid intima thickness and visceral fat in their children.

De Smidt, Juléy Janice Abigail January 2019 (has links)
Doctor Scientiae / In utero exposure to teratogens, increasing urbanization, rapid nutritional transition from poverty to affluence, adoption of a Western-style diet and physical inactivity have contributed to the growing obesity epidemic in the low-income countries. To investigate the associations between in utero exposure to alcohol and nicotine on the growth and development of children aged five years from a low-income setting. These effects will be observed in children aged five years as a reduced pancreas and kidney size, higher aorta and carotid intima thickness as well as higher visceral abdominal adiposity measurements.

Familial Regulation of Young Children's TV Viewing in Ghana

Puni-Nyamesem, Clara 01 December 2021 (has links)
This study examined familial regulation of young children's TV viewing in Ghana. Participants were families with young children four through eight years enrolled at a school in the south of Ghana. An online survey of TV regulation practices of families (restrictive, coviewing, and instructive), TV viewing hours of young children, and families' perception of TV influence on their children was completed by 158 family members (mostly parents). Results showed that restrictive regulation is the most predominately used strategy in Ghana, although all 3 regulation styles were used. College educated families were significantly more likely to use restrictive regulation than families with a primary school education. Further, over 70% of the young children exceeded the World Health Organization (2019), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (2016) recommended two hours of young children’s TV viewing. Results are discussed in terms of policy suggestions and future research.

Livskomposition : Rum, fönster och litterär demokrati i Virginia Woolfs The Years / Composing Life : Rooms, Windows and Literary Democracy in Virginia Woolf’s The Years

Rombo, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
This thesis considers Virginia Woolf’s The Years (1937) in relation to Jacques Rancière’s thinking of the politics of literature. It examines the novel’s different spatial configurations and the relationships it establishes between private and public spaces, home and city, inner and outer. The thesis puts particular emphasis on the novel’s many windows in order to show how they mediate these relationships between different spaces and rooms and how these relationships in turn relate to the political through what the windows present and make visible to the observer and in what way. It also shows how different kinds of spaces in the novel continually open up to their outside. In addition to Rancière’s thinking of the politics of literature in general this thesis also draws on his readings of Woolf in order to establish a dialogue between the two. The thesis reconsiders the prevalent view of the political aspect of the novel and shows how the novel’s politics lies not solely in its tracing of changes in society or its representation of the relationship between private and public spaces, but also in the way it configures sensible experience and its inherent possibilities.

To play or not to play in the schoolyard? : Greek preschool teachers’ perspectives about play in the schoolyard.

Loti, Angeliki January 2021 (has links)
This study intends to investigate Greek preschool teachers' perspectives about play in the schoolyard. Ten preschool teachers were interviewed using a semi-structured interview approach to gather data. Results were coded and analyzed using thematic analysis. The themes that were brought up revealed that Greek preschool teachers value play in the schoolyard. This study found that the teachers think there is a relation between play in the schoolyard and learning since they believe playing outside is a type of experiential learning. Moreover, they think that this relation can be more potent if teachers get involved more by organizing activities, and if the sense of place is increased to students. Furthermore, the Greek preschool teachers agree that play in the schoolyard has only positive effects on children's wellbeing. The barriers to facilitate outdoor play appear to be the schoolyard since they describe it as unsafe, empty, without any green elements, and missing pedagogical corners. Considering the Greek educational context that predominantly focus on the traditional inside the classroom teaching, the possitve attitudes that the preschool teachers showed for outdoor play are remarkable. These attitudes are a little step for further implementation of outdoor play in preschool education.

Ländryggssmärta hos piloter inom kommersiell luftfart, en tvärsnittsstudie.  Low back pain among commercial flying pilots, a cross-sectional study.

Bryngelsson, Sofie, Jönsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund.Ländryggssmärta förekommer hos piloter och kan eventuellt vara en anledning till framtida långtidssjukskrivningar. Möjliga påverkande faktorer är antal yrkesverksamma år och träningsvanor. Det finns få antal studier gjorda på kommersiellt flygande piloter.  Syfte.Att kartlägga förekomsten av ländryggssmärta hos piloter inom kommersiell luftfart samt undersöka risken för långtidssjukskrivning. Vidare kartlägga skillnader i förekomst av ländryggssmärta hos piloter som arbetat <10 respektive >10 år samt att undersöka sambandet mellan ländryggssmärta och självskattad träningsvana. Metod.En tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes med webbenkät. Enkäten bestod av ett antal inledande egendesignade frågor och därefter följde Örebroformuläret kortversion av Steven Linton. Resultat.Antalet deltagare i studien var 73 respondenter vilket motsvarar en svarsfrekvens på 30 %. Totalt 57.5 % av de 73 respondenterna angav sig ha ländryggssmärta, av dessa hade majoriteten besvärats av smärtan i över ett år. Resultaten visade på att de piloter som hade ländryggssmärta inte hade en ökad risk för långtidssjukskrivning men att det fanns en skillnad i förekomst av ländryggssmärta hos de som arbetat över respektive under tio år (p=0.017). Korrelationen mellan träningsvanor och förekomst av ländryggssmärta var inte statistiskt signifikanta (r=0.03), (p=0.80). Konklusion.Prevalensen av ospecifik ländryggssmärta hos kommersiellt flygande piloter var hög och föreföll att öka med antalet yrkesverksamma år. Ytterligare forskning behöver undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till den höga förekomsten av ospecifik ländryggssmärta. / Background.Low back pain is common among commercial flying pilots and may possibly be a reason for future long- term sick leave. Possible influencing factors are the number of working years and exercise habits. There are few studies researching commercial flying pilots. Purpose.To describe the prevalence of low back pain among commercial flying pilots and to investigate the risk of long- term sick leave. Furthermore, identify differences in the incidence of low back pain among pilots who has worked <10 compared to >10 years, as well as to investigate the correlation between low back pain and self-assessed exercise habits. Method.A cross-sectional study was conducted with a web survey. The survey initially consisted of self-designed questions followed by “Örebroformuläret kortversion” by Steven Linton. Results.The study contained 73 respondents, which corresponded to a response rate of 30%. A total of 57.5% of the 73 respondents indicated that they had low back pain, of which the majority had been suffering for over a year.  The results showed that the pilots who had low back pain had no risk of long-term sick leave. There was a difference in the incidence of low back pain in those who worked over compared to under ten years (p=0.017). The correlation between exercise habits and the incidence of low back pain was not statistically significant (r=0.03), (p=0.08). Conclusion.The prevalence of nonspecific low back pain in commercial flying pilots was high and seemed to increase with the number of working years. Further research needs to investigate which factors contribute to the high incidence of nonspecific low back pain.

Två länders läroplaner : En jämförelse av Englands och Sveriges läroplaner för barn i förskoleålder med inriktning på värdegrund, mål och utvärdering

Olsson Röst, Emma January 2019 (has links)
I detta examensarbete presenteras en jämförelse av läroplaner i England och Sverige för barn upp till fem års ålder. Denna jämförelse görs för att kunna se skillnader mellan de olika läroplanernas innehåll för att besvara frågorna; Hur skiljer sig innehållet mellan Englands och Sveriges läroplan för barn i förskoleålder? Leder skillnaderna i läroplanernas innehåll till att de har olika läroplanskoder? Examensarbetet inleds med en genomgång av läroplansteori och en presentation av hur Englands Early Years Foundation Stage framework och Sveriges Läroplan för förskolan 2018 växt fram. Läroplanerna har studerats sida vid sida och texten kategoriserats efter innehåll, de tre kategorierna som presenteras är; värdegrund, mål och utvärdering. Det kategoriserade materialet analyseras sedan med hjälp av teorin om läroplanskod. Resultatet visar på hur Sverige har en starkare anknytning till moralisk läroplanskod medan Englands läroplan passar mer in i en rationell läroplanskod. Arbetet avslutas med en diskussion om hur jämförelsen av dessa två läroplaner passar in i ett större perspektiv och om det finns anledning att tro att Sverige är på väg mot en läroplan som mer liknar den engelska.

Interrogating Virginia Woolf and the British Suffrage Movement

Anderson, Gwen Trowbridge 04 November 2009 (has links)
Interrogating Virginia Woolf and the British Suffrage Movement Gwen Trowbridge Anderson ABSTRACT Much has been written about Virginia Woolf's involvement with feminism and women's rights, but there has been far less exploration about her ties to suffrage. Many of her friends and family are involved in this exploration: Vanessa Stephen Bell, Ethel Smyth, and the Pankhursts (Emmeline, Sylvia, and Cristobel). Other important figures who are relevant to Woolf's work are Sonia Delaunay, Lewis Carroll, and Edmund Spenser. Important concepts like the New Woman, the suffrage movement, feminism, and women's rights are vital to understanding Woolf's involvement with suffrage. This dissertation examines how Woolf used certain descriptive imagery, specifically, suffrage tricolors, rooms, bridges, pillar-boxes, and water as signposts, which subversively point to suffrage and women's rights. Her literary techniques are foregrounded to reveal how involved Woolf was in the suffrage movement and that she showed this involvement in obvious and subtle ways. I uncover suffrage and feminist clues in three of her early novels Night and Day, Jacob's Room, and The Years and compare her use of women's rights in her nonfiction works, A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas. A close analysis of her early writing clearly proves that Virginia Woolf had a plan from the beginning and a prescient view to her thinking about the suffrage movement.

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