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Implementing local education authority policy : four year olds in schoolLilley, Patricia Rosemary January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of gender in the development of the young child's sense of self within the social context of early school experiencesWarin, Joanna January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Cognitive influences on an emerging mathematical skill in childrenLukie, Ivanna 01 September 2015 (has links)
Fifty-eight children of varying math abilities, ranging in age from 7 to 8 years, were tested to investigate the influence of certain low-level cognitive abilities on their use of spatial representations of number magnitude (i.e., the so-called mental number line). A number-line estimation task and a number comparison task were administered to measure their use of the mental number line. A combined spatial-cueing and flanker task was used to assess three attention networks: executive functioning, alerting, and visual attention orienting. Visuospatial working memory was assessed with a mental rotation task, and intelligence was measured with a short-form IQ test. Regression results showed that visuospatial working memory ability was related to performance on the mental number line tasks. Hence, children with stronger visuospatial working memory ability are able to more efficiently manipulate the mental number line, and thus perform better on tasks involving understanding of number magnitude. / October 2015
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Alfabetização e a Educação Científica em Astronomia para alunos dos anos iniciais do Fundamental I / Literacy and scientific education in astronomy for students from the early years of Fundamental IAmaral, Silvio Fernandes do 18 April 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A música se apresenta nas mais diferentes etnias, em suas múltiplas formas, em vários contextos do cotidiano e com objetivos diversos, podendo ser apresentada como uma poderosa ferramenta pedagógica na educação infantil. Neste contexto educacional, a música tem o propósito de colaborar com o desenvolvimento da criatividade, socialização e expressão da criança facilitando seu aprendizado. A legislação que torna o ensino de música obrigatório nas escolas da rede pública e privada do Brasil completou dez anos em 2018, mas na prática, esse ensino ainda não acontece. Fazer uso da música em atividades escolares desperta a atenção dos alunos, contribui para a concentração no momento da aula, proporciona maior participação dos estudantes no processo de aprendizado e auxilia na fixação de conteúdos de maneira simples e lúdicas. Objetivo: demonstrar de que modo a música pode ser essencial para o ensino de Astronomia em três escolas da rede de ensino do Estado de São Paulo com os alunos dos anos iniciais do Fundamental I. Método: foi composta letra e música intitulada \"Sistema Solar\", e produzidos quatro vídeos baseados em uma descrição simplificada do Sistema Solar. As atividades realizadas com esses recursos tiveram o objetivo de facilitar a compreensão de conceitos de Astronomia e despertar o interesse em desenhar, recortar, colorir e cantar a música. A composição da música foi pensada e realizada em 4 etapas: estilo, ritmo, tonalidade e arranjo de instrumentos, resultando em uma música estilo acústico, adequada para o ambiente da sala de aula. Para a composição da letra da música, levou-se em conta conceitos de Astronomia, música e aspectos e características de publicidade, o que resultou na composição de um jingle formado por melodia, letra e harmonia simples, com padrão acústico e utilização de violão e voz. Os 4 vídeos foram divididos em: dois vídeos de desenhos animados, um com legenda e outro sem legenda; e dois vídeos aulas (*). A sequência didática para organizar o material utilizado para o ensino de Astronomia com Música e vídeo foi baseada no modelo da Escola de Genebra e apresentada aos alunos do Fundamental I de três escolas públicas da rede de ensino do Estado de São Paulo. (*) http://www.astro.iag.usp.br/~leister / Introduction: Music is played in different ethnicities, in multiple ways, in different contexts and with diverse objectives. It can therefore be presented as a powerful pedagogical tool in early childhood education. In this educational context, the music has the purpose of collaborating with the development of creativity, socialization and expression for children, facilitating their learning. The legislation that makes music education compulsory in both public and private schools in Brazil was completed ten years in 2018, but in practice, this education is not happen. Making use of music in school activities captures the attention of students, increases concentration in the class and provides greater participation of students in the learning process and helps to deliver content in a simple and playful way. Aim: To demonstrate how music can be essential for astronomy learning in three schools in the state of São Paulo with students in the initial years of elementary school. Methods: Music and lyrics entitled \"Solar System\"were created along with four videos based on a simplified description of the solar system. The activities carried out with these resources were designed to facilitate understanding of the concepts of astronomy and arousing interest in drawing, cutting, colouring and singing with the music. The composition of the music was conceived in 4 stages; style, rhythm, tonality and instrumental arrangement, resulting in acoustic style music, suitable for the classroom environment. Concepts of astronomy, music and characteristics of advertising were taken into account for the composing of the song lyrics, which resulted in a composition made of a melody, lyrics and simple harmony, with acoustic patterns using a guitar and voice. The 4 videos were divided; two videos of cartoons, one with and one without subtitles; and two video lessons. The didactic sequence used to organize the material for teaching Astronomy with music and video was based on the model of the School of Geneva and was presented to students in three public elementary schools public schools in the State of São Paulo. (*) http://www.astro.iag.usp.br/~leister
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Exploring young children's social interactions in technology-rich preschool environmentsSavage, Lorna J. January 2011 (has links)
In contemporary UK preschool, technological resources have become a standard feature of the environment. This has prompted widespread discussion around the appropriateness of technologies in preschools and for some time concerns were raised that technology is socially detrimental for children. These concerns have since been challenged as it has been argued that they are unsubstantiated and not evidence-based. Yet despite this realisation, few studies have been conducted about children’s social interaction around technologies in order to contribute to this debate. Furthermore, negative concerns have largely been attributed to the technological artefacts themselves and the cultural and wider preschool context is often overlooked. In the 1980s, research on the ecological preschool environment in relation to children’s social behaviours was widely available but similar studies situated in contemporary technology-rich preschool environments is limited. Thus, a body of literature to inform the technology debate in relation to social interaction is restricted. This study provides an empirical foundation to begin exploring 3 to 5 year old children’s social interactions in technology-rich local authority preschools by: identifying the observable child-child interactions as children engage with technology in preschools; exploring the preschool characteristics which may contribute to these interactions; and exploring the role that technologies play in contributing to these interactions. The study adopts an inclusive definition of technology and addresses a broad range of resources, providing a new perspective on the role of technologies in education and in relation to social interactions. These areas of interest were addressed using four qualitative methods: observation, activity mapping, researcher-led games with children and interviews with practitioners. Following the nine-month data collection phase and iterative thematic analysis, two key findings emerged from the data. Firstly, children’s social interactions during technological activities in preschool were complex and multifaceted with few discernible patterns emerging. Secondly, the wider preschool context made a large contribution to the contingent and divergent interactions observed, diluting claims that technological artefacts alone influence children’s social interactions.
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Två länders läroplaner : En jämförelse av Englands och Sveriges läroplaner för barn i förskoleålder med inriktning på värdegrund, mål och utvärderingOlsson Röst, Emma January 2019 (has links)
I detta examensarbete presenteras en jämförelse av läroplaner i England och Sverige för barn upp till fem års ålder. Denna jämförelse görs för att kunna se skillnader mellan de olika läroplanernas innehåll för att besvara frågorna; Hur skiljer sig innehållet mellan Englands och Sveriges läroplan för barn i förskoleålder? Leder skillnaderna i läroplanernas innehåll till att de har olika läroplanskoder? Examensarbetet inleds med en genomgång av läroplansteori och en presentation av hur Englands Early Years Foundation Stage framework och Sveriges Läroplan för förskolan 2018 växt fram. Läroplanerna har studerats sida vid sida och texten kategoriserats efter innehåll, de tre kategorierna som presenteras är; värdegrund, mål och utvärdering. Det kategoriserade materialet analyseras sedan med hjälp av teorin om läroplanskod. Resultatet visar på hur Sverige har en starkare anknytning till moralisk läroplanskod medan Englands läroplan passar mer in i en rationell läroplanskod. Arbetet avslutas med en diskussion om hur jämförelsen av dessa två läroplaner passar in i ett större perspektiv och om det finns anledning att tro att Sverige är på väg mot en läroplan som mer liknar den engelska.
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Pohled žáků prvních ročníků základních škol na školu / First class primary school children's perspective of schoolFreimannová, Sára January 2018 (has links)
One of the important milestones in the development of a child is the transition into primary school. Unaddressed issues at the beginning of attendance can have negative impact on the later life of the individual. In the process of adaptation the child's preconditions are met with the external factors. There exists a body of research in this area, however only a fraction was based on the testimony of children themselves. The aim of this thesis is thus to map which aspects of the adaptation to school education can be grasped and described by children themselves. This thesis sums up what we know about the developmental stage of a first grader. The knowledge of prerequisites for reflecting one's own experience and its hindrances is essential. The following chapters focus on the external factors that influence the child during his or her transition into primary school. The research part focuses on how first graders perceive school and everything connected with it; its supportive and challenging aspects. The method used to collect data is a group associative verbal expression and drawing based on given questions. The children perceived as supportive mainly activities connected with play and movement. As challenging they perceived interactions with their peers, demands on discipline and pressure towards...
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Communicating possibilities : a study of English nursery children's emergent creativity : exploring the three to four-year-old child as an artistic communicator and possibility thinkerMcConnon, Linda January 2013 (has links)
This research builds on previous studies that have documented evidence of Professor Anna Craft’s concept of ‘Possibility Thinking’ (PT) as at the heart of creativity which involves children transitioning from ‘what is this?’ to ‘what can I or we do with this?’ as well as imagining ‘as if’ they were in a different role. My thesis titled “Communicating Possibilities” examines English nursery children's emergent creativity, exploring the three to four-year-old child as an artistic communicator and possibility thinker through a case study approach situated in one primary school in South West England. Three main research questions were posed concerning the ‘what, how, and why’ of creativity when children communicated through art; as well as exploring the nurturing role of others, and identity manifest through voice and learning experience. This doctoral study is essentially interpretivist in nature seeking to explain how people make sense of their social worlds, and is an exploration framed by culturally negotiated, shared meanings, and complex social relations. Data was collected over one school year, in three nine-week research phases by the following ethnographic methods: naturalistic observations; researcher diary; children’s creative journals; and practitioner interviews. These methods were repeated for each phase. Inductive and deductive data analysis was conducted. Undertaken over time as the project unfolded, a grounded theory approach was applied in total to 27 episodes. Micro event analysis of creative behaviours in action and narrative discourses of two kinds: peer-to-peer, and child-to-adult (teacher, early years practitioner, and my researcher dialogue) revealed four broad critical themes: Observing and documenting children’s creativity; What children can do together- recognising differences; Pedagogy of possibilities- developing a role; and The value of artistic communication in the nursery classroom. Each is discussed in terms of the key implications these themes hold for theory, policy, and early years practice.
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Läsutveckling i skolans lägsta åldrar : En undersökning om hur lärare arbetar med läsutveckling i förskoleklass och klass 1 i grundskolan / Reading development in early years education : A study in teaching methodsKilgren, Angelica January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien går ut på att undersöka vilka arbetssätt lärare använder sig av när det gäller undervisningen i läsutveckling i skolans tidigaste åldrar, samt varför de väljer just dessa. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra verksamma lärare i förskoleklass och årskurs 1. Resultatet av undersökningen är att lärarna blandar flera olika metoder, och arbetssätt, för att individanpassa sin undervisning och nå varje enskild elev. / This study aims to examine the working methods that teachers use in reading development in the early years education, as well as why they choose these methods. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four active teachers in preschool-class and first grade. The result of the study says that teachers mix different methods, and approaches, to individualize their teaching and reach each individual student at their level.
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Princípios para a organização do ensino na educação infantil na perspectiva histórico-cultural : um estudo a partir da análise da prática do professor /Pasqualini, Juliana Campregher. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: Em um contexto ainda marcado pela falta de clareza pedagógica acerca de "o que ensinar" e "como ensinar" a criança menor de seis anos, a presente investigação teve como objetivo sistematizar princípios para a organização do ensino na educação infantil a partir da perspectiva Histórico-Cultural. Partindo-se do entendimento de que pensar o problema da organização do ensino implica compreender a natureza da prática do professor de educação infantil, tomou-se essa prática social como objeto da investigação. Realizou-se, assim, uma análise teórica da prática do ensino na educação infantil, buscando apreendê-la para além da aparência pseudoconcreta e de suas expressões singulares e particulares, identificando-se o produto almejado e as relações essenciais que constituem e definem essa prática social na qual os professores de educação infantil se engajam como agentes. Dados empíricos para a análise da prática foram coletados por meio de observações em salas de aula das turmas do maternal, jardim I e jardim II e questionários respondidos por dez professoras de uma escola municipal de educação infantil localizada em um bairro da periferia de uma cidade de médio porte no interior do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida paralelamente a um processo de formação continuada com os professores e a diretora da instituição, o qual também funcionou como fonte de dados. Os fundamentos filosóficos e metodológicos da investigação derivam do Materialismo Histórico-Dialético, com ênfase às categorias de concreticidade, universalidade, historicidade e totalidade e ao conceito de pensamento teórico. A partir da análise dos dados, buscou-se apreender o produto almejado pela prática singular-concreta tomada como referente empírico da investigação e elaborou-se um modelo teórico da prática do ensino na educação infantil, que constituiu ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the Brazilian context, still marked by the lack of clear pedagogical understanding about "what to teach" and "how to teach" children under six years old, the present investigation had the goal of systematizing principles to the organization of teaching in early years education from the Culturalhistorical perspective. Starting from the understanding that discussing the problem of teaching organization implies to understand the nature of the early years teacher's practice, this societal practice was taken as the object of our investigation. Thus, a theoretical analysis of the teaching practice in early years education was carried out, seeking to apprehend it to beyond the pseudoconcrete transparence and its singular and particular expressions. In that sense, the analysis sought to identify the (desired) product and the essential relations of this societal practice to which early years teachers engage as agents. Experimental data to the analysis of the practice were gathered through observation in classrooms of a public early years school and also through questionnaires answered by ten teachers of that school, which was located in the suburbs of a medium city in the country side of São Paulo State - Brazil. The study was developed simultaneously with a process of continuous formation for the teachers and the school's director, which also worked as a data source. The methodological and philosophical fundamentals of the investigation derive from the Historical-dialect materialism, with emphasis on the categories of concreteness, universality, historicity and totality and on the theoretical thinking concept. From data analysis, we sought to apprehend the desired product through concrete-singular practice taken as empirical reference of the investigation and we elaborated a theoretical modeling of the teaching practice in early years education, which constituted the study ...(Complete abstract click electronic address below) / Orientador: Newton Duarte / Coorientador: Lígia M. Martins / Banca: José Luís Vieira de Almeida / Banca: Márcia Regina Goulart Stemmer / Banca: Marilda Gonçalves Dias Facci / Banca: Sueli Terezinha Ferreira Martins / Doutor
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