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Menopause Transition and Postmenopausal Period: Relationship with Inflammatory Markers, Physical Activity Energy Expenditure and Bone Mineral Density in Healthy WomenRazmjou, Sahar January 2017 (has links)
Menopause transition is usually associated with changes in body composition and a decrease in physical activity energy expenditure. Adipose tissue, especially visceral fat, is an important source of inflammatory markers, which contributes to the development of a pro-inflammatory state. Conversely, high levels of physical activity and exercise have an anti-inflammatory effect. One-hundred and two healthy premenopausal women participated in a 5-year longitudinal observational study (MONET: Montreal Ottawa New Emerging Team). The present secondary analyses were performed on 58 participants between the ages of 47 and 54 years with a full set of data.The aim of study was to investigate the impact of menopause transition and physical activity on inflammatory makers. The major finding of the first of 3 studies was that menopausal transition is accompanied by an increase in inflammatory markers, namely ferritin, IL-8, and sTNFR 1 and 2. The increase in IL-8 and sTNFR2 with menopause could be explained, in part, by changes in fat mass and peripheral fat, respectively.
During and after menopause, significant bone loss occurs in women due to reduced estrogen production. Estrogen reduction favors bone resorption by regulating the production and activity of inflammatory markers. Therefore we further investigated the association between inflammatory markers and bone mineral density in premenopausal women transitioning to menopause (paper 2). Our results showed no significant association between change in inflammatory markers and change in bone mineral density in women transitioning to menopause. However, in premenopausal women hs-CRP was negatively associated with total, lumbar spine and femoral neck bone mineral density and along with weight and cardiorespiratory fitness may play a role in bone mineral density variation. Baseline level of hs-CRP, Hp, IL-6 and femoral neck bone mineral density along with percent change in physical activity energy expenditure and menopausal status partly explained the individual variation of bone mineral density losses in women transitioning to menopause. Finally, we investigated time spent in the postmenopausal years and the influence of the duration of the postmenopause status on body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors. We indicated that postmenopausal years and years since menopause is associated with decrease in blood glucose and increase in waist circumference, percent fat mass, total cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein. Inflammatory markers including ApoB, ferritin, adiponectin, sCD14 were higher during years after final menstrual period while sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 were higher during the menopause transition and early postmenopausal years.
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Pelos labirintos da docência com os fios de Ariadne : geografia e existência que (trans) formam a mim e meus alunosTheves, Denise Wildner January 2018 (has links)
A docência é uma construção permanente e única. Os caminhos são diversos e percorridos pelo professor em parceria com suas práticas, com os alunos, com as outras pessoas, com o mundo. Num movimento reflexivo, tendo a humildade e a curiosidade como princípios, o professor (re)elabora suas concepções e ações, reconfigurando seus modos de ensinar e aprender. Alicerçado nesses pressupostos, o estudo pretendeu, através dos conteúdos da Geografia escolar, oportunizar momentos de interação e aprendizagem entre as crianças-alunos, e destes com a professora-pesquisadora. Os participantes foram os alunos da quinta série “B”, Ensino Fundamental, do Colégio Evangélico Alberto Torres (CEAT), localizado no bairro Centro, em Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho nesta série é desenvolvido a partir de áreas do conhecimento, e eu fui a professora do componente curricular Estudos Geográficos e Históricos, no qual se inserem o estudo da Geografia e da História. O objetivo do estudo foi refletir e agir com as concepções epistemológicas constituídas a partir das propostas didáticas de Geografia e minha atuação docente. O caminho metodológico da pesquisa iniciou com revisão da literatura e, a partir do plano de estudos de Estudos Geográficos proposto pela escola e dos referenciais teóricos da Geografia e da Educação, foram criadas propostas didáticas, algumas delas oriundas da interação com as crianças durante as aulas. Os dados coletados na pesquisa de campo desenvolvida durante o ano letivo de 2016 foram agrupados em um diário de pesquisa, composto por anotações de comentários das crianças, fotografias, imagens de trabalhos, trechos de atividades realizadas pelos alunos e registros escritos de observações da professora sobre as aulas. Na narrativa dessa pesquisa, esses materiais foram agrupados em experiências, compondo as unidades de análise relacionadas aos pressupostos teóricos da Educação, do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, da infância e da ciência geográfica. O estudo reafirmou a importância da reflexão sobre a prática e do papel do professor na busca de uma interação que faça diferença junto aos alunos. A 5ª série “B” do CEAT, interagindo e aprendendo com as propostas didáticas de Geografia, ensinou-me, (re)afirmando concepções epistemológicas. A pesquisa reafirmou a importância de planejar atividades que façam sentido, estejam alicerçadas por objetivos coerentes, estimulem o uso de variadas linguagens e de diferentes recursos. As aulas podem ser momentos de alegria, em que o afeto dá sustentação aos conteúdos e aos momentos de aprendizagem, em que o diálogo é essencial na construção de um ambiente coletivo. Ultrapassar os limites espaciais da sala de aula e da escola, através de vivências com saídas de campo e visitas, é oportunidade única para (geo)grafar a si, o Outro, as diferenças, a vida. As crianças me ensinam a olhar mais, escutar mais, sentir mais e a (re)criar-me na docência. / Teaching is a permanent and unique construction. There are many different paths the teacher can follow, having the practice, the students, the other people and the world as partners. In a reflective movement, having humility and curiosity as principles, the teacher reworks his actions and conceptions, reconfiguring his ways of learning and teaching. Based on these assumptions, the study intended, through the contents of school geography, to allow for moments of interaction and learning between the children/students and the researcher teacher. The participants were from the fifth grade of elementary school (group B), at Alberto Torres School, in Lajeado, RS. The students in this grade learn through the knowledge areas. And I was the Geographical and Historical Studies teacher, in which is included Geography and History. The study objective was reflecting on the epistemological conceptions constituted with the Geography teaching proposals and my teaching performance. The methodological path of research started with a literature revision and, from the Geographical syllabus proposed by the school and the theoretical references of Geography and Education, we created teaching proposals, some of them coming out of interaction with the children during the classes. The data collected during the field research that happened during the school year of 2016 were registered in a research diary composed of children comments, photographs, works images, parts of students activities and registers of teacher’s observations during the classes. In this research’s narrative, the material was compiled in experiences, composing the units of analysis that were related to the theoretical assumptions of education, the teaching and learning process, childhood and the geographical science. The study reaffirmed the importance of reflection on practice and the teacher’s role in search of interaction that makes the difference with the students. The fifth grade, group “B” at CEAT, interacting and learning with the Geography teaching proposals, taught me, reaffirming epistemological conceptions. The research reaffirmed the importance of planning meaningful activities, based on coherent objectives, stimulating the use of different kinds of languages and different resources. The classes can be moments of happiness, in which the affection supports the contents and learning moments, in which the dialogue is essential in building a collective environment. Overcoming the spatial limits of the classroom and the school through experiences as field trips and visits, is an unique opportunity for “geographizing” yourself, the Other, differences, life. Children teach me how to look more, listen more, feel more and (re) create myself in teaching.
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The Armenians in the Ottoman Empire after the First World War (1918-1923)Sekeryan, Ari January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is a historical study of the Ottoman Armenians in the Ottoman Empire from 1918-1923. It seeks to delineate how the Ottoman Armenians reorganised their political position against the massive socio-political crises that led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The thesis analyses the transformation of the Armenian political position by examining the Ottoman Turkish and Armenian press. The study contends that the Ottoman Armenians struggled to reorganise their political and social life after the First World War and established alliances with the Allied Powers to create an independent 'Western Armenia', which would ultimately unite with the Armenian state in the Caucasus. The Ottoman Armenians developed a patriotic approach that sought unification with their compatriots in the Caucasus. However, after the defeat of the Greek army by the Nationalist troops in Anatolia in 1922, the collective approach among the Ottoman Armenians changed significantly. After the Nationalist victory had become inevitable, the Ottoman Armenians sought reconciliation and peace with the Turks. This reconciliation was only possible through the acceptance of 'Turkish supremacy' by the Ottoman Armenians. In other words, the Armenians who chose to remain within the boundaries of Turkey preferred to pledge loyalty to the newly established Nationalist government in Ankara. The establishment of the Türk-Ermeni Teali Cemiyeti (Turkish Armenian Ascent Association) and the reconciliation attempts of the Ottoman Armenians with the Muslim Turks is an example of the transformation of the Armenian collective position among the Ottoman Armenians. This study employs Armenian and Ottoman Turkish media sources published in Istanbul and Anatolia during the Armistice years (1918-1923) to track the post-war interrelationship of Ottoman society in general and the Armenian community in particular, the social and political reorganisations of the Armenian community and the transformation of the Armenian political position in the last years of the Ottoman Empire. By doing so, the thesis challenges both Ottoman/Turkish and Armenian historiographies, and attempts to bring these two historiographic approaches together with a new approach to understand this historical period.
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O corpo na escola : discursos e práticas pedagógicas das professoras dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamentalMarques, Márcia Regina Xavier January 2008 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, investigamos os discursos e as práticas pedagógicas das professoras dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, do município do Rio Grande/RS, com relação aos corpos. Com o objetivo de discutir e problematizar os corpos, estabelecemos algumas conexões com os Estudos Culturais numa perspectiva pós-estruturalista, entendendo-os, como sendo produzidos pela história e pela cultura e, portanto, resultantes de um processo social. Para análise de como os corpos são representados e trabalhados pelas professoras dos Anos Inicias do Ensino Fundamental, utilizamos algumas estratégias metodológicas; dentre elas, a realização de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas com quatorze professoras de três escolas do município do Rio Grande: uma municipal, uma estadual e uma particular, com o objetivo de investigar qual era o entendimento que tinham de corpo e como trabalhavam com seus/as alunos/as em suas práticas pedagógicas. A outra estratégia foi analisar os materiais produzidos pelas professoras com seus/as alunos/as sobre os corpos. A seguir, foram analisados, em alguns livros didáticos de Ciências utilizados pelas professoras, a apresentação dos corpos e algumas questões de gênero. Posteriormente, oferecemos um curso, - (Re)pensando os corpos com as professoras dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental - , às professoras participantes desta pesquisa, com o objetivo de analisar as pedagogias escolares utilizadas nas salas de aula pelas professoras dos Anos Iniciais com relação aos corpos, gêneros e sexualidades. O curso funcionou como um espaço narrativo, em que as professoras participaram de um processo de contar, ouvir e contrapor algumas histórias a respeito de suas práticas escolares relacionadas ao corpo. A partir das análises, foi possível perceber que os corpos aparecem na maioria das vezes, nos livros didáticos de Ciências, fragmentados, desvinculados do contexto social e histórico. Com relação às questões de gênero, normalmente são enfatizados os padrões universais que se estabelecem indicando como devem ser e agir os homens e as mulheres. No que diz respeito às representações de corpos das professoras, através das entrevistas, estas mostram um “modelo” de como devem ser ensinados os corpos. Nas análises das narrativas das professoras, durante o curso, quando falam de corpo, as questões são direcionadas à sexualidade e ao gênero. Assim, os discursos que predominam são os biológicos, vinculando a sexualidade ao discurso da famíliareprodução e da criança inocente e assexuada. Tal discurso científico é dito, “autorizado” nas práticas pedagógicas das professoras. / In this dissertation, we have investigated the speeches and the pedagogical practices of the female teachers towards bodies in the first years of primary school in Rio Grande, RS,. Aiming at discussing and problematizing the bodies, we have established some connections with the Cultural Studies in a post-structuralist perspective, broadening their view, as produced by history and culture and, thus, resulting from a social process. For the analysis of how the bodies are represented and viewed by the female teachers in the first years of primary school, we applied some methodological strategies. Among them, semi-structured interviews with fourteen female teachers in three schools of the city of Rio Grande, comprising one private school and two public schools, one ruled by the state and the other ruled by the municipality, in order to investigate their understanding of body and how they dealt with their students in their pedagogical practices. Another strategy was to analyze the material produced by the female teachers with their students about bodies. Then, it was analyzed the presentation of the bodies and some issues related to gender in some Science textbooks used by the teachers. Later, we offered the course - (Re)thinking the bodies with the female teachers in the first years of primary school - , to the female teachers who took part in the survey, aiming at analyzing the school pedagogies applied in the classroom by the female teachers in the first years of primary schools, regarding to bodies, genders and sexualities. The course was a narrative space where the female teachers made part of a process of telling, listening and opposing some stories regarding their school practices related to the body. It was possible, then, to understand that the bodies are, most of the times, seen in the Science textbooks, fragmented, detached of the historical and social context. Regarding to the issues of gender, it is usually highlighted the universal standards, which indicate how men and women must behave. As for the representations of bodies of the teachers, through the interviews, they show a “model” of how the bodies must be taught. In the analysis of the narratives of the teachers, during the course, whenever they spoke about body, the questions were towards sexuality and gender. Thus, the predominant discourses are considered biological, linking sexuality to the discourse family-reproduction and about the innocent and asexual child, such scientific discourse is so-called, “allowed” in the pedagogical practices of the teachers.
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Entre mesadas, cofres e práticas matemáticas escolares : a constituição de pedagogias financeiras para a infânciaOliveira, Helena Dória Lucas de January 2009 (has links)
A presente investigação inscreve-se nos campos dos Estudos de Gênero e dos Estudos Culturais que se aproximam dos referenciais pós-estruturalistas, apoiados na teorização de Michel Foucault. Examino que pedagogias financeiras para a infância se constituem na articulação dos discursos da Educação Matemática com os discursos do senso comum, produzindo modos de lidar com dinheiro que educam crianças urbanas inseridas em processos de escolarização contemporâneos. Analiso práticas culturais implicadas no uso do dinheiro, relatadas em diários e entrevistas de crianças que cursavam a quarta série e apresentadas como enredos de problemas escolares de duas coleções de livros didáticos de Matemática para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Descrevo uma discursividade sobre modos de gerenciar o dinheiro que circulam em várias instâncias culturais, especificamente nos conhecimentos matemáticos escolares. Buscando convergências, reiterações e rupturas entre os discursos veiculados nos materiais empíricos produzidos, e ainda problematizando os efeitos de uma educação financeira ativada por experts, argumento que a naturalização da posse de recursos financeiros e a invisibilidade da imprescindível necessidade dos mesmos na ação de comprar são elementos do campo discursivo analisado que, ao se articularem com a incitação ao consumo, produzem uma pedagogia financeira que apaga as diferenças e as desigualdades sociais existentes. Ainda questiono os atravessamentos de gênero que estão contidos nessas pedagogias que diferenciam meninos de meninas em seus modos de conseguir, gastar e guardar dinheiro, além de reforçar noções conflitantes de feminilidades e masculinidades. / This research appears within the fields of Gender Studies and Cultural Studies approaching post-structuralist references, supported by the theory of Michel Foucault. I examine which financial pedagogies for childhood are made on the articulation of Mathematics Education discourses with the common-sense discourse, producing ways to deal with money that educate urban children allocated in contemporary schooling processes. I analyze cultural practices involved in the use of money, reported in diaries and interviews of children who attended the fourth grade and presented as plots for school problems of two collections of Mathematics books for the early years of elementary school. I describe a discursivity about ways of managing money that travels in diverse cultural instances, specifically in the mathematical knowledge from school. Seeking similarities, repetitions and breaks between discourses conveyed through empirical materials produced, and even questioning the effects of financial education activated by experts, I argue that the naturalization of financial resources possession and the invisibility of their essential needs in the action of buying are elements of the discursive field analyzed, that, by relating with the encouragement to consume, produces a financial pedagogy that erases differences and social inequalities. I still question the gender crossings that are contained in these pedagogies that differentiate boys from girls in their ways of getting, spending and saving money, and enhance conflicting notions of femininity and masculinity.
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Engelska förkunskaper över tid -Elevers förändring i engelska förkunskaper över tidPerez, Francisca January 2018 (has links)
The English language is becoming more common in our society. Research shows that students learn English in their spare time as well as in the classroom. The purpose of the study is to investigate teachers’ experiences of students’ previous knowledge in English, if it has changed over time in speech and vocabulary and what sources the teachers perceive that the students meet in their spare time. I considered it appropriate to use qualitative data collection in the form of semi structured interviews with experienced teachers. The result shows that the teachers in my study can see a change in previous knowledge over time and that the sources are often connected to the internet. I found that both the previous research and the results of my data in this study agree that extramural English is rewarding for students’ English knowledge. There has been a big change in an increased level of previous knowledge in English. An important conclusion is that this increase of previous knowledge contributes to greater variation of knowledge among students, which puts higher demands on teachers to individualize the teaching.
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Professores das séries iniciais do ensino fundamental e as feiras de ciênciasZuliani, Renata Duarte [UNESP] 14 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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zuliani_rd_me_bauru.pdf: 939479 bytes, checksum: 99fd983254b0e1afdedea835a046cff1 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente estudo tem como objetivo levantar os saberes utilizados e quais critérios orientaram oito professores participantes da pesquisa para a realização de uma Feira de Ciências nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em uma escola pública estadual na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Como se portam frente ao desafio de abordarem conceitos específicos de Biologia, Química e Física, quais as necessidades formativas e as implicações para a formação inicial e continuada de professores das séries iniciais. A pesquisa e análise de dados foram feitas a luz da metodologia de Pesquisa Qualitativa. O referencial teórico tem aporte em autores que discutem formação de professores e saberes docentes (SCHON, TARDIF, ZEICHNER, GAUTHIER, entre outros). Os resultados demonstram a modificação dos professores frente ao desconhecido e à necessidade de refletirem sobre sua prática docente com a intenção de ampliar seus conhecimentos disciplinares, curriculares e experienciais. / This study is meant to find out and list the knowledge and the criteria employed by eight teachers who took part in the research to present a Science Fair in the initial years of Elementary School, in a state-run public school in the São Paulo Metro Area; how they cope with the challenge of bringing up specific biology, chemistry and physics concepts; what are the skills required and the implications with regard to initial and continued education of initial years' teachers. Research and data analysis were carried out according to the Qualitative Research methodology. The theoretical background was based on the works of authors who discuss teachers' training and required knowledge for faculty (SCHON, TARDIF, ZEICHNER, GAUTHIER, among others). The results show the changes in the teacher's attitude when facing the unknown and the need to reflect on their teaching practice in order to enhance their subject -, curriculum-vitae-, and experience-related knowledge.
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12 anos de escravidão: livro e filme / 12 Years a slave: book and filmNakanishi, Débora Spacini 16 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Debora Spacini Nakanishi null (deh_cini@hotmail.com) on 2018-02-22T22:19:58Z
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Dissertação - Débora Spacini Nakanishi.pdf: 2719206 bytes, checksum: b020074fb308a0b2610fc3ba2f00959f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Elza Mitiko Sato null (elzasato@ibilce.unesp.br) on 2018-02-26T17:49:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo refletir sobre 12 anos de escravidão, em duas vertentes: o livro de Solomon Northup (1853) e a adaptação cinematográfica de Steve McQueen (2013). Entendemos, assim, as duas obras como representações do sistema escravagista e da vida do escravo, no caso, especificamente, de Northup, servindo como mediadoras do trauma cultural na sociedade norte-americana e influenciando a forma como a identidade do afro-americano é construída. Pretendemos estudar o gênero narrativas de escravos, contextualizando a autobiografia de Northup, com o intuito de analisá-la especificamente. Utilizaremos, então, autores como Olney (1984), Lingold (2013), Pope (2014), Roy (2015), entre outros. Faremos, doravante, um exame sobre filmes comerciais com o tema escravidão, com o intuito de apontar como cada um deles dialoga com a sociedade na época de sua produção, tornando-se contradiscursos ao pensamento vigente. Basearemo-nos em Sklar (1978), Kellner (2001), Mascarello (2006) e Rosenstone (2015). Passaremos à análise do filme de McQueen, procurando indícios de uma nova abordagem do tema escravidão no cinema, apontando, também, como, em diversos momentos, livro e filme se relacionam, seja na semelhança ou na diferença. A seguir, propomos uma reflexão sobre como as duas obras influenciaram e influenciam a construção da identidade do afro-americano, levando em consideração o trauma cultural legado pelo sistema escravagista na sociedade estadunidense. Apoiaremo-nos em textos de Cartmell e Hunter (2001), Browne e Kreiser Jr. (2004), Wilt e Shull (2004), Levine (2010), Ross (2010), Dubey (2010), Keizer (2010), Nigro (2011), Romney (2014), além dos de Eyerman (2001, 2011) e Pederson (2014), que falam especificamente sobre trauma cultural. Finalmente, faremos um breve levantamento de fatos e obras importantes que acontecem após o lançamento do filme, a fim de ressaltar a importância e relevância de 12 anos de escravidão para a continuação da discussão sobre a instituição peculiar norte-americana. / This research aims to reflect on 12 Years a Slave, regarding two media: the Solomon Northup novel (1853) and the Steve McQueen film adaptation (2013). Therefore, the two works are considered as representations of the slavery system and slave life, in Northup’s case, specifically, serving as cultural trauma mediators in the North-American society and influencing the way African-American identity is built. We intend to study the slave narrative genre, contextualizing Northup's autobiography, aiming to analyze it specifically. We will draw on authors such as Olney (1984), Lingold (2013), Pope (2014), Roy (2015), and others. Henceforth, we will examine commercial, slavery-themed movies, with the goal of pointing out how each of them dialogs with the society at the time of its production, becoming counter-discourses to the valid thinking then. We will be supported by Sklar (1978), Kellner (2001), Mascarello (2006), and Rosenstone (2015). We will carry on to the analysis of McQueen's movie, searching for indications of a new approach to the slavery theme in film, also pointing out how, in several moments, the novel and the movie relate to each other, whether in similarities or differences. After, we propose a reflection on how the two works have influenced the African-American identity construction, taking into consideration the cultural trauma left by the slavery system in the American society. We will draw on research conducted by Cartmell e Hunter (2001), Browne e Kreiser Jr. (2004), Wilt and Shull (2004), Levine (2010), Dubey (2010), Keizer (2010), Nigro (2011), Romney (2014), besides the ones of Eyerman (2001, 2011), and Pederson (2014), which specifically talk about cultural trauma. Finally, we will briefly yield data on important facts and works that happened after the movie launching, aiming to highlight the importance and relevance of 12 Years a Slave to the continuing of the discussion on this peculiar North-American institution.
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Geração coca-cola: escrita de si, memória e cultura jovem em Feliz Ano Velho, de Marcelo Rubens PaivaSilva, João Batista Peixoto da 17 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this study is to investigate the universe of Brazilian youth culture in the 80s, in particular, its projection around a genre of writings focused on the theme of youth living experience in the context of Brazil‟s political openness and democratization. To this end, we selected the book Happy old year, of Marcelo Rubens Paiva, published in the the early 1980s, more precisely in 1982, while projecting portrait of the experience of youth who experienced the dilemmas of the time, giving the individual experience of Marcelo, associated with the event of an accident that left him in a wheelchair, the status of the testimony of a Young inserted in to the effervescent world transformations that marked the historical setting of Brazil at the time, including his experience in political activism and his narrative of memory surrounding the disappearance of his father, a victim of the repression of the years of lead. It is through autobiographical writing that the dilemmas faced by Marcelo gain projection in relation to the historical universe in which it is inserted, linking individual memory and social memory. / O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o universo da cultura jovem brasileira nos anos 80, em particular, sua projeção em torno de um gênero de escritos voltados para o tema da vivência da experiência jovem no contexto do Brasil da abertura política e da redemocratização. Para tanto, selecionamos o livro Feliz Ano Velho, de Marcelo Rubens Paiva, publicado no início da década de 1980, mais precisamente em 1982, se projetando enquanto retrato da experiência da juventude que vivenciou os dilemas da época, conferindo à experiência individual de Marcelo, associada com o acontecimento do acidente que o deixou numa cadeira de rodas, o estatuto de depoimento de um jovem inserido no universo efervescente de transformações que marcavam o cenário histórico do Brasil da época, incluindo sua experiência na militância política e sua narrativa de memória em torno do desaparecimento do seu pai, vítima da repressão dos anos de chumbo. É através da escrita autobiográfica que os dilemas enfrentados por Marcelo ganham projeção em relação ao universo histórico no qual está inserido, articulando a memória individual e a memória social.
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Resolução de problemas e o ensino dos conceitos aritméticos: percepções dos professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental / Problem solving and the teaching of arithmetic concepts: perceptions of teachers in the initial years of fundamental teachingFaxina, Josiane [UNESP] 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE FAXINA null (josi_unesp@hotmail.com) on 2017-04-18T23:08:53Z
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Dissertação Josiane Faxina.pdf: 4519766 bytes, checksum: 3f6a823eee0633e12b7eb3aceaee7d0a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-04-19T13:43:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
faxina_j_me_bauru.pdf: 4519766 bytes, checksum: 3f6a823eee0633e12b7eb3aceaee7d0a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-19T13:43:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
faxina_j_me_bauru.pdf: 4519766 bytes, checksum: 3f6a823eee0633e12b7eb3aceaee7d0a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as percepções que o professor dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental tem sobre o trabalho com resolução de problemas no ensino dos conceitos aritméticos. Entende-se que o ensino da Matemática via resolução de problemas possibilita ao aluno uma construção do conhecimento onde ele mesmo desenvolverá ideias e estratégias com sentido próprio. Foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado a 21 professores da rede municipal da cidade de Bauru, interior de São Paulo, no qual puderam descrever suas percepções, práticas e dificuldades no ensino das quatro operações via resolução de problemas. A literatura estudada aponta questões sobre como a resolução de problemas muitas vezes fica limitada a uma oportunidade de se aplicar o conteúdo estudado previamente e que o ensino das operações aritméticas ainda está muito vinculado ao algoritmo, proporcionando-se assim, um ensino restrito a procedimentos e técnicas, ou seja, a supervalorização de contas armadas. Não se prioriza o ensino dos conceitos presentes em cada operação, o que é possível garantindo-se ao aluno uma variedade de situações. Na análise dos dados coletados pelo questionário, foi possível verificar que os professores têm boas ideias sobre o trabalho com resolução de problemas e principalmente da importância desse trabalho nos anos iniciais, porém o número desses professores não indicou a maioria. Também foi possível notar que as ideias sobre o ensino das quatro operações sempre estão relacionadas à situação do cotidiano, resolução de problemas, materiais concretos entre outros. Entretanto, quando analisadas as dificuldades apontadas pelos professores, constatou-se que, em geral, estão relacionadas com a compreensão do sistema de numeração decimal e dos algoritmos. Sendo assim, nota-se que as ideias dos professores que ensinam Matemática nos anos iniciais, em parte, são coniventes com uma prática de ensino que prioriza uma Matemática que faça sentido ao aluno, porém também apontam preocupação excessiva em fazer o aluno aprender procedimentos sem uma prévia compreensão conceitual de fato. A partir da análise dos dados, e da literatura estudada, um e-book foi elaborado como produto educacional com propostas didáticas que subsidiem o professor no ensino dos conceitos aritméticos. / This research aims to investigate the representation of the teacher in the early years of elementary school has about working with problems solving in teaching the concepts of the four arithmetic operations. It is understood that the teaching of mathematics through problem solving allows the student a knowledge building where he will develop ideas and strategies with proper sense. A semi-structured questionnaire to 21 teachers of the municipal town in the interior of São Paulo State was applied, in which they could describe their ideas, practices and difficulties in the four operations teaching by problem solving. The literature shows questions about problem solving often is limited to one opportunity to apply content previously studied and the teaching of arithmetic operations is still very much linked to the algorithm, providing thus, a limited teaching procedures and techniques. No priority to the teaching of the present concepts in each operation, it is possible to guarantee the student a variety of situations. In the analysis of data collected by questionnaire, we found that teachers have good ideas about working with problem solving and especially the importance of this work in the early years, but the number of these teachers did not indicate the major part. It was also noted that the ideas of the four teaching operations are always related to everyday situation, problem solving and concrete materials among others. However, when analyzing the difficulties indicated by teachers, it was found that, in general, they are related to the understanding of the decimal number system and algorithms. Thus, until the present moment of this research, it is clear that the ideas of teachers who teach mathematics in the early years are colluding with a teaching practice that prioritizes a mathematics that makes sense to the student, but also show excessive concern to the student learning procedures without prior conceptual understanding indeed. From the data analysis, and studied literature, an e-book is designed as an educational product with proposals for activities that support the teacher in the teaching of arithmetic concepts.
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