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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Se mig, hör mig : En litteraturbaserad studie som beskriver hur patienter med självskadebeteende upplever mötet med sjuksköterskan / See me, hear me : A literature-based study that describes patients' experiences of encounter with the nurse

Lönnehag, Cecilia, Samuelsson, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Background: Self-harm is used to describe a group of diseases where the persons intention is to hurt thereself. This collective name includes conditions such as anorexia, burning, poisoning and self-cutting. The act of self-harm is almost never related to the patients' wish of death, it's more of a tool for the person to calm herself. Previous research shows that nurses often see these patients as troublesome often because of a lack of knowledge. There's just a few studies that examine the patients' views. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with self-harm was experiencing the meeting with the nurse. Method: The study was designed as a literature based study based on 12 qualitative articles. All articles are read and analyzed by Friberg (2012) model with the analysis of qualitative research. Results: The result of this study showed that the nurse plays a big part in how the patients experienced their treatment. If the patient feels that the nurse doesn't see, hear or respect her, the patient starts to feel that she is not worth health care. For the patient to feel and get better it's essential that there is a functional relationship between the patient and the nurse. Conclusion: Patients who self-harm is a difficult patientgroup to treat if there is a lack of knowledge. But these patients are dependent on the care that the nurse is providing them. Therefore a caring and trusting relationship is a must to provide high quality care.

The role of satellite TV channels as news sources in Libya : a study of university students

Elareshi, Mokhtar Hassan January 2012 (has links)
The Libyan media has dramatically changed in recent years. This has been most prominently manifest in the introduction of new satellite television news services. This thesis was designed to investigate two elements – patterns of news media consumption and news credibility in Libya. It examined the patterns of major local and international TV news services operating across different media, broadcast and print, and associations between Libyan students’ consumption of different news media platforms. In this context, it investigated the news consumption habits of young people, with special attention paid to their consumption of pan-Arab news services broadcast via satellite television. It looked at the perception of gratifications students obtained from these news services. It also reported findings on students’ perceptions of the credibility of two local, Al Jamahiriya and Al Libiya TV, and two pan-Arab TV news services, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya. In order to address the thesis research questions, a survey was administered to a sample of 400 undergraduate students at Al-Fateh University using a stratified random sampling approach, with the sampling strata set by demographic variables. The study found that the new TV news services played an important role in attracting young Libyans with information they desire. The spread of new news media sources (television, radio and print) in Libya has created a new type of customer that transcends national boundaries. Statistical analyses indicated that there are distinct news consumption demographic differences defined in part by news platform (TV versus radio versus print) and in part by the type of news provider (local versus non-local TV news services). The findings were discussed in relation to the growing impact of international satellite broadcast news services and the need for local TV news services to find methods of making themselves distinctive in a way that provides an alternative but still relevant and valued news sources. With regard to news credibility, in general Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya were given higher credibility scores than Al Jamahiriya and Al Libiya news services. Higher credibility ratings, however, were significantly correlated with an increased likelihood of reported watching of both local TV news services, but only one of the pan-Arab TV news services (Al Jazeera).

Schematerapeuters arbete med modes : Hur arbetar de med modes och vad lär modesmodellen deras patienter?

Joo, Nathalie January 2017 (has links)
I studien undersöktes schematerapeuters arbete med modes, vilket är ett begrepp som utvecklats för att klassificera dimensionella tillstånd av vår personlighet. Syftet var att få en djup bild av hur terapeuterna använder sig av modesmodellen samt hur de anser att den kommer patienten till nytta. Dessutom har studien syftat till att ta reda på hur terapeuterna använder sig av sina egna modes i terapirummet och vilka fallgropar det finns i modellen. En kvalitativ, semistrukturerad metod användes och fem certifierade schematerapeuter intervjuades. Datan är analyserad utifrån en tematisk analys med fyra teman, vilka är terapeutens användningsområde av modes, modellens funktionalitet för patienten, terapeutens modes och fallgropar. I resultatet rörande terapeutens användningsområde av modes framkom att terapeuterna arbetar med modes utifrån två huvudinriktningar. Dels använder de sig av modes som förståelsemodell för att få en tydlig bild av patienten och sig själva i terapin, samt att de integrerar patienten i arbetet kring modes. Vad gäller temat om modellens funktionalitet för patienten framkom två kategorier, nytt synsätt och struktur. Terapeuterna ansåg att patienterna lärde sig ett nytt synsätt och att modellen gav struktur. I underkategorierna framkom att patienterna fick en flerdimensionell syn på sig själva, att modellen erbjöd dem alternativ, dämpade deras inre kritiker och lärde dem att se när de blev ”kidnappade” av ett mode. Terapeuterna ansåg också att patienterna hade mycket lätt att ta till sig modesmodellen, att den kunde hjälpa patienter även med enklare problematik och att den kunde vara till hjälp för att patienterna skulle få tillgång till sin sårbara sida. Under temat schematerapeuters egna modes framkom två kategorier, hur de använder sig av sina egna modes och vilka av deras egna modes som kan påverka terapin negativt. Resultatet visade att terapeuter använder sina egna modes genom att analysera dem i terapisamtalet, att de använde sin egen sårbarhet för att skapa kontakt med patienten samt för att avgöra vilket mode patienten befann sig i. De modes som de kunde hamna i som var negativa för patienten var dysfunktionella copingmodes och dysfunktionella internaliserade föräldermodes. Temat fallgrop visade att det kan vara svårt att skilja modes ifrån varandra.

Dostoyevsky: a Resource for Modern Youth

Porcher, Robert D. 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis looks at two questions regarding the teaching of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's works in high school and junior college: which of Dostoyevsky's works should be used, and what materials in those works selected should one consider most necessary for emphasis in the actual teaching of the works.

A sociology of physical activity and health for young people

Wiltshire, Gareth January 2014 (has links)
Background. Much research suggests that physical activity has important health benefits, yet many young people are disengaged with various forms of exercise. In light of this claim, various policies and interventions have been implemented to promote physical activity but, to date, have been largely unsuccessful and the target of some criticism. Reasons why many young people are relatively physically inactive are not well understood and current explanations rarely attend to sociological issues. Aims. The aims of this study were twofold; (1) to investigate the social processes which influence physical activity and health for young people, (2) to investigate ways to better promote physical activity and therefore reduce health inequalities. Methods. Twenty-nine participants aged 13-14 from 4 different schools in England took part in the study. Purposeful recruitment ensured sufficient diversity across gender, ethnicity, social class, ability, body shape, and self-reported physical activity. Over a seven-month period, various qualitative methods were used including focus groups, ethnomethodology and visual methods. Salient social theories were used to interpret the data. Findings. The interpretation of data resulted in four main findings; (1) health is a socially constructed concept that young people understand through particular structures of language, visual imagery and knowledge; (2) physical activity is sometimes seen as a purposeful practice aimed at increasing physical capital through burning calories and turning fat into muscle; (3) engagement in physical activity is often contingent on whether specific activities are directly endorsed/rejected by peers as socially acceptable/unacceptable activities; (4) physical activities and sedentary activities can be seen as social practices that young people take part in as part of a system of habitual dispositions. Implications. In order to reduce health inequalities, physical activity promoters might better account for these social processes. Suggestions for policy and practice include (1) using intervention strategies that move beyond individualistic conceptions of behaviour, (2) introducing a new vocabulary and imagery to the understanding of health, (3) reducing physical capital disparities in spaces where physical activity takes place, (4) encouraging and accommodating friendship groups in intervention designs, and (5) providing activities and spaces where young people s habituses can be enacted. Conclusions. Various social processes affect the extent and type of physical activity that young people engage in. Strategies to promote physical activity ought to account for these social processes. Sociologically informed qualitative research methods can contribute to knowledge in the field of physical activity and health.

Empires of the Air

Weatherford, Gregory Osina 14 May 2012 (has links)
A young man growing up in an alternate-history America becomes embroiled in revolution.

Impulsivity and risk-taking in adolescent young offenders : does traumatic brain injury play a role?

Hunt, Heloise January 2014 (has links)
Objective: To investigate whether traumatic brain injury (TBI) plays a role in impulsivity, risk-taking, aggression and other behaviour problems in young offenders. Setting: Youth Offending Teams in the South West of England. Participants: Participants were 21 young offenders with community sentences, aged between 14 and 18 years old. Design: A cross-sectional correlational design. Main measures: A background questionnaire gathered information about the frequency and severity of TBIs, which was used to calculate the “TBI dose”. The Stoplight task and the Stroop test provided behavioural measures of risk-taking and interference control respectively. Self-report questionnaires provided measures of impulsivity (UPPS Impulsivity Scale), aggression (Reactive and Proactive Aggression Questionnaire) and behaviour (Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire). Results: Seventy-six per cent of the sample reported at least one TBI. TBI was not significantly correlated with either any of the other variables. Impulsivity was significantly positively correlated with reactive aggression. Conclusion: This exploratory study concludes that, in the current sample, TBI is not associated with impulsivity or risk-taking. Therefore, it is equally possible that impulsivity and reactive aggression pre-exist TBI. Future research should use a longitudinal design and a larger sample.

Rozvoj pohybových dovedností u dětí mladšího školního věku / Development of motor skils of young learners

Branžovská, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This theses focuses on uncovering motoric skills development of young school age children in their physical education classes. We will explore motoric skills occurrence in physical education classes using a survey to find out which skills are given preference, which are developed on specialized training basis and which children perform just for fun. Due to particular motoric skills we will offer preparatory workout, exercises, equipment and methods frequently used in physical education. Finally, we will create a suitable model for physical education at primary level. Key words: skill, sport games, child, young school age

Proměny plodnosti v nejnižších věkových skupinách matek z pohledu demografie / Fertility transformation in the youngest age from point of view of demography

Válková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Fertility transformation in the youngest age from point of view of demography Abstract This thesis aims at evaluating fertility transformation in the youngest age in the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century in the Czech Republic. Circumstances and causes of transformation of fertility in this age group of women are based on usage of theoretical concepts related to fertility issues in the youngest age. The chosen period shows a number of changes in socioeconomic, political and legislative way. The transformation of the society in 20th century had influence on fertility level and fertility timing. Form of motherhood in the young age has changed also. Differences of characteristics of fertility in youngest age influenced by social evolution were shown on example of comparison of young women fertility evolution in Czech Republic, France and Romania. It approves that fertility level in the youngest age can be the driver of the social progression. Keywords: fertility, Czech Republic, young mother

Bend Against the Wind

Meilleur, Sidney W 17 May 2013 (has links)

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