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Suicidal ideation in emerging and young adults: Latent profile analysis of risk and protective factors in a nationally representative sampleLove, Heather January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / School of Family Studies and Human Services / Jared A. Durtschi / Each year in the United States, 40,000 individuals die by suicide, 7,000 of whom are young adults between the ages of 25-34. For every death, it is estimated that another 25 suicide attempts are made and that over 8% of young adults experience thoughts of suicide each year. Suicide rates are climbing, but identification of protective factors to reduce suicide risk remains elusive. Using a sample of 4,208 young adults from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, a latent profile analysis was used to test the number of profiles that best fit the data based on indicators that were hypothesized to be risk or protective features, and those profiles were analyzed using logistic regression to assess suicide risk. Hypothesized protective indicators included parent and romantic relationship quality, parental satisfaction, job satisfaction, and religiosity. Hypothesized risk indicators included parental demands, depressive symptoms, job demands, isolation, alcohol use, and adverse childhood experiences. A four-profile solution was optimal for this data and yielded four distinct profiles named: Satisfied with Life (n = 2,442), Relationship Stress (n = 669), Demanding Jobs (n = 658), and Challenging Childhood (n = 427). Individuals in the Satisfied with Life profile reported positive relationship quality with parents, partners, and children, and low depressive symptoms, isolation, and adverse childhood experiences. This profile was associated with a 60% decrease in risk for suicidal ideation. Participants in the Relationship Stress profile reported low relationship satisfaction, lack of confidence that their romantic relationship was going to be permanent, and high alcohol consumption. Individuals in this profile were 104% more likely to experience suicidal ideation compared to those not in this profile. The Demanding Jobs profile included individuals who felt their work interfered with their family time, and vice versa, but still had moderately high satisfaction in each area. This profile was not significantly associated with suicidal ideation. The final profile, Challenging Childhood, included individuals who reported low quality of relationships with their parents, high levels of isolation and depressive symptoms, and significantly higher adverse childhood experiences than other individuals in this sample. Individuals in this profile were associated with 192% increase in risk for suicidal ideation than those not in this profile. The results of this study underscore the importance of positive relationships as a protective factor against suicide, and provide new information about how job satisfaction and demands can also serve as protective features. Therapeutic interventions that address improving social support, coping with traumatic events, and decreasing alcohol consumption are recommended to decrease suicidal thoughts.
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The Future is Female : A Study of Young Chinese Women's Behavior towards Luxury goodsHolm, Joanna, Green, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose with this paper is to improve the understanding for companies on what influences female Chinese consumers in the age 20-25 year old to buy luxury goods. Research question: What behaviors do 20-25 year old Chinese women consumers have in relationship to luxury goods? Method: The study is mainly consisting of a quantitative web-survey that consists of 100 respondents. The survey was addressed to young women that came from China, in the ages 20-25 year old. It was of interest to get answers both from young women that are luxury consumers and from those who are not, in order to get a hint of how they relate to luxury goods in general. As a complement to the survey, a qualitative focus group interview was made with five young Chinese women in the age 22-24 year old. Theory: The theoretical framework includes theories about; luxury, reference group, family, roles and status, motivation, attitudes and beliefs and the buyer decision process. Conclusion: The results show that young Chinese women’s consumer behavior is in some aspect in the process of change. For example, they now want to stand out, but subconsciously they still act upon what earlier theories have claimed, to be like everyone else, because it is firmly rooted in their behaviors. This shows that they are in the process of a behavioral change towards acting more individualistic. Young Chinese women's consumer behavior is characterized by the fact that they have a positive attitude towards buying more luxury goods in the future, both for personal reasons but also because it will help their career and make them seem more professional. Although, they consider there to be some risks with buying luxury goods, both social and economic. Concerning the buyer decision process they research about the product, either by reading magazines looking on the Internet or talking to their friends. Today almost every purchase, regarding luxury, is planned and often based on personal opinions but sometimes with the regards of others opinions, like friends and family. / Program: Master in Fashion Management with specialisation in Fashion Marketing and Retailing
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Direitos maternos: uma perspectiva possível dos direitos humanos para o suporte social à maternidade / Maternal rights: a rights perspective can human social support for maternityMattar, Laura Davis 24 March 2011 (has links)
Introdução Historicamente, em razão da reprodução ocorrer nos corpos das mulheres, elas ficaram restritas à esfera doméstica. Apesar das mudanças ocorridas, especialmente em razão da entrada maciça de mulheres no mercado de trabalho, a dimensão social da reprodução, ou seja, o trabalho do cuidado, é ainda hoje realizado majoritariamente por elas, fazendo com que sejam discriminadas tendo, assim, restrito o exercício de seus direitos humanos. Objetivo O objetivo principal deste estudo foi verificar a pertinência de se propor o reconhecimento de uma nova categoria de direitos para mulheres que são mães, que quando garantidos, oferecem o suporte social necessário para o exercício da maternidade. Método - Trata-se de estudo empírico de natureza qualitativa, realizado com jovens mães acolhidas juntamente com seus filhos em uma instituição privada, sem fins lucrativos, cuja missão é resgatar a cidadania e desenvolver a auto-estima de jovens mães em situação de vulnerabilidade. Após a aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, foi feita uma observação etnográfica da instituição. Posteriormente, foram realizadas oito entrevistas semi-estruturadas com as jovens mães residentes e analisados documentos institucionais. Os dados foram analisados a partir da construção de categorias a priori bem como a posteriori e interpretados à luz do referencial teórico adotado. Resultados - A análise documental do Direito descreve os direitos humanos das mulheres previstos na normativa nacional e internacional, bem como as teorias críticas feministas do Direito. Os resultados da pesquisa empírica, por sua vez, indicam que a instituição, apesar de algumas limitações, é capaz de, por um lado, oferecer às jovens mães o suporte social necessário ao exercício da maternidade e, de outro, romper o ciclo vicioso de miséria, vulnerabilidade e violência a que as jovens estavam submetidas antes do acolhimento. Conclusões A análise dos resultados permite que se proponha uma nova categoria de direitos humanos denominada direitos maternos que são compostos pelos direitos reprodutivos, direito à habitação, direito ao trabalho e à renda, e por fim, direitos sexuais que, em articulação, asseguram o exercício da maternidade de forma digna, promovendo assim a igualdade de gênero e não-discriminação das mulheres / Introduction Historically, the fact that reproduction occurs in the body of women justified their restriction in the domestic sphere. Despite the changes in recent decades, especially due to the massive entry of women into the labor market, they are still responsible for the work of care, which is the social dimension of reproduction. They are, for that reason, discriminated and have the exercise of their human rights limited. Objectives - The main objective of this study was to assess the pertinence of proposing the recognition of a new category of rights for women who are mothers, able to provide the social support necessary for motherhood. Methods - This is a qualitative empirical study, conducted with young mothers with their children, who live in a private, nonprofit institution, whose mission is to recover the citizenship and to rebuild the selfesteem of young mothers living in extremely vulnerable situations. After the approval of the research project by the Commission for Ethical Research, an ethnographic observation was conducted in the institution. Eight semi-structured interviews were done with the young women and institutional documents were verified. Data were analyzed in view of a set of a priori and a posteriori categories, which were interpreted in the light of the theoretical framework adopted. Results The documental analysis of the Law describe the human rights of women established in national and international regulations, as well as feminist critical theories of law. The results of the empirical research, by its turn, indicate that the institution, despite some limitations, offers the necessary social support for motherhood and is capable of breaking the vicious cycle of poverty, vulnerability and violence that young women experienced in their lives. Conclusions - The analysis of results allows the proposition of a new category of human rights, hereby called \'maternal rights\', which are composed of reproductive rights, housing rights, right to work and to income and, finally, sexual rights. Together, once guaranteed, they can ensure that the experience of motherhood will be lived with dignity, thereby promoting gender equality and non-discrimination against women
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An exploration of repetitive negative thinking, executive functions and depressive symptomsStephens, Claire January 2017 (has links)
Research is increasingly attempting to understand the developmental nature of depressive symptomology and its links with executive functioning (EF), repetitive negative thinking (RNT) and stress (e.g., Snyder & Hankin, 2016). Prospective studies are needed to explore the potential mechanisms underlying these associations. This study investigated whether EFs can predict changes in RNT, stress and depressive symptoms during a period of stress. One hundred and two undergraduates completed questionnaires measuring life events, trait and state RNT, depressive and anxious symptoms as well as behavioural EF tasks of cognitive switching and inhibitory control at baseline (Time 1). Follow-up questionnaires of RNT, stress, depression and anxiety were gathered approximately two months later (Time 2), during students’ formal examinations, a period of naturally elevated stress. Findings indicated no association between EF and RNT, depression or anxiety but found that the interaction between high levels of trait RNT and low levels of EF (switching) at baseline was a significant predictor of change in state RNT under stress. Findings are discussed in light of current research attempting to unpick associations between EF, RNT and depression in young adults.
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The International Committee of the North American Young Men's Christian Association and its foreign work in China, 1895-1937Heavens, John Edmund January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring educational psychologists' views of social justiceSchulze, Joanne January 2017 (has links)
The social justice agenda is currently at the foreground of political consciousness and the idea of 'social justice' has penetrated the discipline of psychology, specifically counselling and community psychology. However, there is a wealth of literature which has debated the role of social justice in psychology, and what it can and should look like. A systematic literature review was undertaken to find and synthesise empirical research relevant to the question: 'what is the significance of social justice in educational psychology practice?' It was structured using the PRISMA framework and studies were examined and screened to ensure that they met the inclusion criteria. A Weight of Evidence framework was used to enhance the judgement of the quality and relevance of the identified studies, with regards to the review's research question. Qualitative research studies were assessed for quality using a pre-existing investigative framework, whilst quantitative investigation studies were evaluated using a tailor-made framework, which referenced quantitative research guidelines. The research base was found to give positive support to the significance of the concept of social justice in US school psychology practice. An exploratory piece of qualitative research using semi-structured interviews with qualified UK educational psychologists was conducted to explore their views of social justice. The interviews were transcribed and thematic analysis applied. Results of the research gave definition to the concept of social justice under an educational psychology lens, reasons for its importance to educational psychology practice, examples of what it looked like within educational psychology practice, and thoughts around the role of educational psychology in promoting social justice. The concepts of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence, and the effective dissemination of research in relation to outcomes and impact were discussed. Policy, practice and research development implications were considered, before a strategy for promoting and evaluating the dissemination and impact of the research findings, was considered. A multi-strand strategy of journal publication, presentations, and workshops will be utilised to encourage further discussion around the topic. The creation of a UK educational psychology special interest group around social justice may be of value, in order to advance interest in social justice, into action.
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Young people, alcohol and urban lifeWilkinson, Samantha January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the alcohol consumption practices and experiences of 40 young people, aged 15-24, living in the suburban case study locations of Wythenshawe and Chorlton, Manchester, UK. By paying attention to how young people's drinking practices and experiences are bound up with relationships with friends, family, and diverse spaces, this research enhances understandings of the relational nature of young people's alcohol-related transitions to adulthood. Theoretically, I work at the intersection of multiple more-than-representational conceptual apparatus: 'doing' friendship; mobilities; and atmospheres. I conducted this research with young people, using a flexible suite of methods, which they could 'opt into', including: interviews; peer interviews; drawing elicitation interviews; diaries; mobile phone methods; and participant observation. Young people detail how alcohol assists with the formation of friendships, tensions between friends and strangers, and the development of 'more-than-friendships'. I thus contribute to the children's geographies literature by affording the role of friendship to many young people's everynight lives greater prominence. Second, by engaging with young people's emotional and embodied walking and vehicular mobilities, I show that young people consume alcohol on the move because it is both economically beneficial, and emotionally important. In doing so, I move beyond the typical academic and policy treatment of drinking spaces as bounded terrains. Third, I engage with young people's atmospheric experiences of darkness and lightness. I argue that atmospheres have the ability to shape drinking practices and experiences; young people are not passive to these atmospheres, they actively co-construct them. Whilst traditional harm-reduction messages focus on the individual drinker, I urge policymakers to turn their attention to intra and intergenerational relationships. For instance, by encouraging the practice of being a 'good friend' on nights in/out involving alcohol; and by providing families with advice on how to construct positive affective drinking atmospheres.
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How are the career related decisions of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds shaped during their transition towards the end of compulsory schooling?White, Danielle January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the two year transition period leading towards the end of compulsory schooling. It asks how young people who live in disadvantaged locations make career related choices, and is concerned with why such people often do not choose in ways that are advantageous to them. In order to provide a comprehensive understanding of how young people's career related decision-making is shaped, this study uses an approach that is both theoretically engaged and young person focused. Thirteen young people took part in the research over two years; interviews utilised visual research and analysis methods to engage with the experiences of these young people towards the end of their time studying at a secondary school in the North West of England. Data is analysed using a conceptual framework that incorporates selected 'thinking tools' from Bourdieu (1977) to explore the structural influences shaping career ideas that are typical for this group (i.e. 'field', 'habitus', 'social capital' and 'cultural capital'). The concept of reflexivity is also used to consider the presence of and potential for these young people to exercise agency within the structurally embedded context in which they are situated. The study demonstrates the ways in which the career ideas of these young people are heavily shaped by the environment they inhabit and, therefore, typically reproduce the existing, limited range of occupations already prevalent within the community. The social networks participants engage with when contemplating their ideas are critical in this process of reproduction since they mediate transference of cultural capital to the habitus. Such networks tend to be insular and made up of close family and friends. However, there is also evidence that reflexivity within this context is possible, and this can be vital in promoting social mobility - but this requires the creation of spaces where young people can reflect and discuss their experiences and options with actors who are genuinely seen as trustworthy (I argue that this occurred for some participants through this research process). Finally, the study concludes that although reflexivity is atypical for students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, in certain circumstances it shows the potential to be transformative.
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Facebook, friendship and faith : connecting practices of young adult ChristiansVan Landuyt, Cathryn A. January 2014 (has links)
This research is about practising friendship as a Christian in contemporary contexts. The thesis uses methods of practical theology, explained in the first chapter, to explore three practices that are important to many young adult Christians: Facebook, friendship and faith. In Chapter 2 we attend to descriptions of Facebook and friendship practices of young adult Christians based on qualitative research conducted through fieldwork. Models are developed to organize assumptions and values of the participants and provide a framework for analysis. In Chapter 3 the practices are placed in the context of wider social/cultural dimensions in order to recognize ways the young people involved in the fieldwork are following culture and where they are being counter-cultural. In Chapter 4 we view what are interpreted as value-laden practices alongside various theologies of friendship. In the fifth chapter the social/cultural aspects of friendship practices encounter and engage with the theological perspectives. The analysis is based on an understanding of the relationship between faith practices and the ‘wider culture' that has been established by the preceding chapters. The final stage of an initial iteration of the practical theology cycle is implementation of reformed practices, illustrated by examples and conclusions in Chapter 6. This application of the practical theology cycle raises consciousness of the need for connection of personal practices and becomes a catalyst for a continuous cycle of examining and reflecting on experiences, contexts, and faith perspectives. The theological voice of young adult Christians is heard and valued in realizing friendship as a means of fulfilling a call in Christ.
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A motivação na ginástica rítmica : um estudo descritivo correlacional entre dimensões motivacionais e autodeterminação em atletas de 13 a 16 anosBernardi, Patrícia Silveira Fontana January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo geral deste estudo é testar e discutir as correlações (intensidade, sinal, e significância) intra e interdimensões de dois inventários: Inventário de Motivação à Prática Regular de Atividades Físicas e Esportivas (IMPRAFE-126) e o Inventário de Autodeterminação para Praticantes Regulares de Atividades Físicas e Esportivas (IAPAFE-25). O IMPRAFE-126 avalia seis dimensões motivacionais à prática regular de atividade física e esportiva (Controle de Estresse, Saúde, Sociabilidade, Competitividade, Estética e Prazer); enquanto que o IAPAFE-25 avalia cinco níveis de autodeterminação propostos pela Teoria da Autodeterminação: Motivação Intrínseca, Regulação Identificada, Regulação Introjetada, Regulação Externa, e Amotivação. Tais correlações permitirão detectar em que níveis de autoregulação o IMPRAFE-126 mede as seis dimensões motivacionais, considerando os cinco níveis de autodeterminação avaliados pelo IAPAFE-25. Para responder adequadamente ao objetivo geral foi necessário examinar as intensidades, sinais e níveis de significância das seguintes correlações: (a) as seis dimensões motivacionais com as cinco dimensões de autodeterminação; (b) os itens do IMPRAFE-126 com as cinco dimensões de autodeterminação. Através dessas análises pretende-se apresentar algumas orientações para a condução das atividades de treino. Para tanto, o estudo contou com a participação de uma amostra de 62 atletas de Ginástica Rítmica (GR) do sexo feminino com idades de 13 a 16 anos, participantes de campeonatos estaduais e escolares no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados das correlações intradimensões do IMPRAFE-126 indicaram que o “Prazer” é a dimensão que melhor representa o perfil motivacional das atletas avaliadas, correlacionando-se de maneira significativa com as outras cinco dimensões motivacionais do IMPRAFE-126. Cabe salientar que a “Competitividade” também se destaca enquanto uma dimensão motivacional relevante, quando associada às dimensões “Controle de Estresse”, “Saúde” e “Sociabilidade”. Quanto às correlações intradimensões do IAPAFE-25, constatou-se que os maiores índices correlacionais ocorreram nos estilos mais internos de motivação, caracterizando um comportamento mais autônomo destas atletas. Com relação aos objetivos específicos, os resultados foram os seguintes: (a) nas correlações interdimensões dos inventários IMPRAFE-126 e IAPAFE-25, os maiores índices ocorreram nos estilos mais internos de motivação, caracterizando um comportamento autodeterminado das atletas; (b) nas correlações entre os itens do IMPRAFE-126 e as dimensões do IAPAFE-25, foi possível constatar que as correlações significativas ocorreram nos estilos mais internos de motivação. Esses resultados indicam que é preciso orientar a prática regular da GR no sentido de fortalecer a Motivação Intrínseca e proporcionar prazer ao praticante. Sugere-se que estudos dessa natureza sejam realizados com atletas de outras modalidades esportivas, visando aprofundar o conhecimento sobre essa temática. / The general objective of this study is to test and discuss the correlations (intensity, sign and significance) intra and interdimensions of two inventories: “Inventário de Motivação à Prática Regular de Atividades Físicas e Esportivas” (IMPRAFE-126) and “Inventário de Autodeterminação para Praticantes Regulares de Atividades Físicas e Esportivas” (IAPAFE-25). The IMPRAFE-126 assesses six motivational dimensions to the regular practice of physical activity and sport (Stress’ Control, Health, Sociability, Competitiveness, Aesthetic and Pleasure), while the IAPAFE-25 assesses five levels of self-determination proposed by the Self- Determination Theory: Intrinsic Motivation, Identified Regulation, Introjected Regulation, External Regulation, and Amotivation. Carrying out such correlations will allow detecting in what levels of self-regulation the IMPRAFE-126 measures the six motivational dimensions, considering the five levels of self-determination assessed by the IAPAFE-25. In order to adequately answer the general objective of this study it was necessary to examine the intensities, signs and levels of significance of the following correlations: (a) the six motivational dimensions in relation to the five selfdetermination dimensions; (b) the items of the IMPRAFE-126 in relation to the five self-determination dimensions. Throughout these analyses we also intent to present some guidelines for conducting physical activity and sport training sessions. The sample was composed of 62 female athletes of Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) with age from 13 to 16 years who participate in Rio Grande do Sul State and school championships. The results of the intradimensions of the IMPRAFE-126 indicated that “Pleasure” is the dimension that better represents the motivational profile of the athletes that participate in the study, correlating in a significant manner with the other five motivational dimensions of the IMPRAFE-126. “Competitiveness” is also a relevant motivational dimension when associated to the dimensions of “Stress’ Control”, “Health” and “Sociability”. In respect to the intradimensions’ correlation of the IAPAFE-25, the highest indices occurred in the more internal forms of motivation. This characterizes a more autonomous behavior of these athletes. In relation to the specific objectives, the results were the following: (a) in the interdimensions’ correlation of the IMPRAFE-126 and IAPAFE-25, the highest indices occurred in the more internal forms of motivation, characterizing a self-determined behavior of the athletes; (b) in the correlations between the items of the IMPRAFE-126 and the dimensions of the IAPAFE-25, the significant correlations occurred in the more internal forms of motivation. These results indicated that it is necessary to orient the regular practice of RG in a way to strength the Intrinsic Motivation and must give pleasure to the athletes. For a better understanding of the matter, it is necessary to carry out new studies including other sports.
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