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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Body image and weight concerns : assessing the relationship between mothers and their daughters

Metcalf, Jessica L. 09 July 2011 (has links)
Weight and body image are issues many females face that can lead to unhealthy exercising and extreme dieting. This paper examines the relationship between perceptions of mothers’ attitudes and behaviors regarding weight and body image and their 18-25 year old daughters’ attitudes and behaviors. This research utilizes a survey of 876 females at a Midwestern university. Respondents report being at least somewhat uncomfortable with their weight and report a lack of confidence with their weight. Regression results indicate that females’ attitudes and behaviors are somewhat explained by perceptions of their mothers’ attitudes and behaviors. Mothers making negative comments about their own weight, mothers telling their daughters to lose weight and mothers’ weight loss behaviors significantly influence respondents’ weight satisfaction, self-esteem, weight loss and weight control behaviors. This research identifies factors contributing to unhealthy eating behaviors and poor body image, and suggests how mothers can help improve their daughters’ body image. / Department of Sociology

Effect of perceived family functioning on social self-esteem in early adulthood

Gruner, Kelly L. January 2003 (has links)
This study was designed to examine the effect of perceived family functioning on social self-esteem in early adulthood. It was hypothesized that 1) there would be significant differences in level of social self-esteem based on categories of family functioning (as indicated by FACES-III scores), A) subjects with both moderate cohesion and moderate adaptability will report the highest social self-esteem, B) subjects with mixed levels of cohesion and adaptability, e.g. moderate cohesion/extreme adaptability and extreme cohesion/moderate adaptability, will report mid-level social self-esteem, and C) subjects with both extreme cohesion and adaptability will report the lowest social self-esteem. Data were analyzed by conducting a one-way ANOVA. Results did not provide support for the hypotheses. Implications of these findings and future directions for research are discussed. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

Savanorystė kaip mokinių lyderystės raiška (Jaunojo ugniagesio atvejis) / The volunteering as the expression of students’ leadership (the case of the Young fire-fighter)

Abaravičienė, Gražina 18 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamos savanorystės kaip moksleivių lyderystės raiškos galimybės. Nagrinėjami savanorių - lyderių veiklos nevyriausybinėje „Jaunųjų ugniagesių“(LJUS) organizacijoje klausimai, siejant juos su savanorystės peraugimu į jaunojo lyderio vaidmenį skatinimo galimybėmis. Remiantis atliktais tyrimais, pateikiami moksleivių - savanorių pagrindiniai motyvai darbui su vaikais,jaunimu. Yra išskiriami efektyviausi būdai, įtakojantys savanorystės ir lyderystės raišką. Remiantis tyrimo išvadomis, pažymima, kad veiksmingiausios yra ne materialinės skatinimo formos, o tos, kurios skatina savanorio asmeninį tobulėjimą, įtakoja jauno žmogaus ateities profesinius planus. / The volunteering as the expression of students’ leadership and its singularities (the case of the Young fire-fighter) has been chosen as the subject of the research considering to the relevance of the problem and in pursuance to research it. Students of 5-10th classes participated in the survey. The activities of the Young fire-fighters league of Lithuania were emphasized as the main examples of the youth volunteering and leadership. The main aim of the research is to show singularities of the volunteering as the expression of students’ leadership in pursuance of the project activities in the non-governmental organization - the Young fire-fighters league of Lithuania.

Repression in the young and elderly : impression management or self-deception?

Ashley, Aaron L. January 2000 (has links)
The construct of repression has received a resurgence of experimental attention in the past 20 years, due in large part to the development of the typology method of classification (Weinberger, Schwartz, and Davidson, 1979). According to the typology method, individuals are classified as repressors if they self-report low anxiety and high social desirability. Since the typology method of classification does not differentiate between the two factors comprising social desirability (impression management and self-deception), it is important to determine which component is actually characterizing repressors, or whether it is a combination of the two. The present study examined two questions; (1) are repressors engaging in self-deception, impression management, or both and (2) does the construct of repression change as a function of age? Results suggest that in a college age population self-deception characterized the repressor memory; in an elderly population present negative mood state was the only variable predicting repressive memory. / Department of Psychological Science

Korean dance suite for piano by Young Jo Lee : an analysis

Kim, Kunwoo. January 2008 (has links)
Even though Western music appeared only about one hundred years ago in Korea, it was rapidly popularized in the country. Since the Korean War (1950-1953), South Korea embarked on a path of remarkable economic growth and political stability. The appreciation of Western music, too, grew quickly. Since the 1960s, many talented Korean composers have been recognized around the world. However, scholarly studies discussing their artistry and music are scarce in Western countries. Young Jo Lee, one of the leading composers in Korea today, has a growing reputation. Lee has been invited to many festivals, concerts, and conferences where his works have been staged internationally. A primary compositional feature of his music is the combination of Korean traditional musical gestures with Western compositional elements. The Korean Dance Suite, one of Young Jo Lee’s most important piano works, reveals Lee’s uniqueness as a national Korean composer. The study examines the Korean Dance Suite (“Heaven Dance,” “Children’s Dance,” “Lovers Dance,” “Buddhist Dance,” and “Peasant Dance”) for the features of Young Jo Lee’s innovative and dramatic sound elements. The purpose of this study is to analyze the pieces and to trace Lee’s borrowings from Korean traditional music as well as the ways in which he adapts them to Western musical ideas. This study helps performers create an accurate interpretation when presenting these pieces. In addition, these little-known works will benefit teachers and students in creating an expanded repertoire. / School of Music

The Back way to Europe : A case study about why young men in Gambia are prepared to risk their lives to get to Europe

Strand Jagne, Frida January 2014 (has links)
Irregular migration is one of our times challenge and the news about migrants dying in the Mediterranean Sea seems to be more and more common these days. African migrants are risking their lives migrating by routes through the desert on trucks packed with migrants to get to Libya; this route is called the back way. From Libya they are crossing the Mediterranean Sea in small over loaded boats with the hope to reach Italy. This study focus on young Gambian men who say that they are prepared to risk their life by going the back way in order to reach Europe. Gambia is a small country in West Africa, a country that has been free from violence and war, a peaceful country. Yet the back way is something that is on everybody’s lips in Gambia today and a lot of people, especially young men, are trying to get to Europe through that way. This research is looking into why these young men are prepared to risk their lives to reach Europe; it is showing what it is that make people take their decisions to go. In order to find answers to this, interviews with young men in Gambia has been done and the material have then been analyzed with the help of the push and pull model, the rational choice theory and Charles Tilly’s ideas about durable inequality. What can be understood from the findings in this research is that people migrate in order to improve their lives. They consider the back way only because that is what is available to them since the legal ways of getting to Europe are few and hard to get for somebody from the developing world. The research also shows that your position in the family and in the society plays a crucial part in the decision of going or not going.

Röster från långtidsarbetslösa: en kvalitativ studie av unga vuxnas upplevelser och hantering kring sin livssituation

Annas, Katja, Håkansson, Per Ranil January 2014 (has links)
Under vårterminen 2014 har vi arbetat kontinuerligt med ämnet långtidsarbetslösa unga vuxna. Detta forskningsområde är en aktuell debatterad fråga i dagens samhälle, och har varit intressant som fenomen att undersöka. Härmed vill vi tacka och rikta vår uppskattning till er som har bistått oss under studiens gång och gjort det möjligt för oss att genomföra samt färdigställa denna kandidatuppsats. Ett stort tack till Arbetsförmedlingen i Trollhättan, som stod för ett varmt mottagande och ett gott samarbete. Vi vill här särskilt rikta ett stort Tack till samtliga intervjudeltagare som så fint ställt upp och berätta om deras personliga erfarenheter gällande långtidsarbetslöshet. Vi anser att utan er hjälp, hade inte denna uppsats blivit av. Sist, men inte minst, ett varmt tack till vår handledare Yngve Mohlin, för hans positiva inställning och inspiration, samt för all konstruktiv kritik och pedagogiskt vägledande under hela processen. Vi har noggrant övervägt för- och nackdelar med att skriva denna studie tillsammans. Det framkom att vi tänker lika varandra, utifrån att båda vill ha en hållbar struktur och en given framförhållning. De olika delarna har gemensamt utarbetats och korrigerats. Studiens intervjuer delades dock upp mellan oss och transkriberades av den motsatta kollegan, för att kunna ta del av informationen i respektive intervjuer. Vi satte upp delmål innehållande slutdatum för att kunna få bra flyt i skriv- och materialinsamlandet. Vår utgångspunkt har varit att vi sätter oss ned och utför samtliga delar tillsammans, då vi har diskuterat och sammanställt materialet till en helhet. Vi känner också att det totala arbetet har varit ömsesidigt och där båda har tagit ansvar för samtliga moment i studien.

Radiative Forcings of Well-Mixed Greenhouse Gases

Byrne, Brendan 01 May 2014 (has links)
A change in the atmospheric inventory of a greenhouse gas produces a radiative forcing on the atmosphere which results in climatic change. Thus to understand climate change resulting from perturbations to atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations it is necessary to quantify the radiative forcing. Here, radiative forcings are presented for large changes in atmospheric CO2, CH4, and N2O in the modern atmosphere and large changes in atmospheric CO2, CH4 and 18 other gases for the Archean atmosphere. For the modern Earth, I present new calculations of radiative forcing at very high concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O, relevant to extreme anthropogenic climate change and paleoclimate studies. CO2 forcing is calculated over the range 100 ppmv to 50,000 ppmv. CH4, and N2O forcings are calculated over the range 100 ppbv to 100 ppmv. The sensitivity of these calculations to spatial averaging and tropopause definition are examined. I compare our results with the ``simplified expressions'' reported by IPCC, and find significant differences at high greenhouse gas concentrations. I provide new simplified expressions which agree much better with the calculated forcings, and suggest that these expressions be used in place of the IPCC expressions. Additionally, I provide meridionally resolved forcings which may be used to force simple and intermediate complexity climate models. For the Archean Earth, I present new calculations of radiative forcing for CO2 (10^-6 - 1 bar), CH4 (500 ppbv - 10,000 ppmv) and 18 other gases (10 ppbv - 10 ppmv). I aim to provide a set of radiative forcing and overlap calculations which can be used as a standard for comparisons. Radiative forcings are calculated for atmospheres with various N2 inventories (0.5, 1, and 2 bar). The effect of overlap and atmospheric pressure on radiative forcing are examined. The CO2 radiative forcings are consistent with previous work, however, I find significantly more shortwave absorption by CH4 than previously reported which may limit warming above 100 ppmv. For the 18 other gases, I find that significant radiative forcings result from low concentrations (<1 ppmv). These forcings are compared to those given in the literature. / Graduate / 0756 / 0608 / 0725 / bbyrne@uvic.ca

Young adults' relationship intentions towards their cell phone network providers / by Liezl-Marié Kruger

Kruger, Liezl-Marie January 2010 (has links)
Marketers use relationship marketing in order to establish mutually beneficial long-term relationships with their customers as a means to retain these customers in the competitive market environment. Relationship marketing should, however, not be used to target each and every customer as not all customers want to build long-term relationships with organisations. In order to identify the most profitable customers to target through relationship marketing, organisations should consider their customers' relationship intentions to form long-term relationships with them. The primary objective of this study was to determine young adults' (aged 18 to 25) relationship intentions towards the South African cell phone network providers they use, namely Vodacom, MTN or Cell C. This was done by considering the five constructs used to measure relationship intention, namely involvement, expectations, forgiveness, feedback and fear of relationship loss. A focus group was used to determine which features related to cell phone network providers young adults consider when selecting a cell phone network provider. This data was used to develop a self-administered questionnaire, which was distributed among respondents studying at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University in the North-West Provirice. A convenience (non­ probability) sampling method was used and a total of 315 respondents participated in this study. The distribution between the cell phone network providers was Vodacom (115), MTN (101) and Cell C (99). Initial data analysis revealed that 73% of respondents had high relationship intentions, while the remainder (26%) had low relationship intentions of forming long-term relationships with their respective cell phone network providers. By means of a factor analysis it was determined that the five relationship intention factors, namely involvement, expectations, forgiveness, feedback and fear of relationship loss, were valid and reliable to measure the relationship intentions of respondents. The results further indicated that respondents with a t"iigh relationship intention are more involved with thei r cell phone network providers and feared losing thei r relationships with their cell phone network providers more than those respondents with a low relationship intention. Furthermore, respondents from the different cell phone network providers do not view the five factors comprising relationship intention differently, but they do differ with regards to other factors related to cell phone network providers. It was found that the majority of respondents regard Vodacom (not necessarily the respondent's cell phone network provider) as the cell phone network provider with the latest technology, as being the quickest, having the best coverage, best handsets, coolest image and best service. The majority of respondents regard Cell C as being the cheapest and MTN as being the most expensive. Results also indicate that respondents' parents play an important role with regard to the choice of their cell phone network providers as the majority of respondents' parents initially chose the cell phone network providers and pay their cellular expenses. It is recommended that cell phone network providers should target young adults' parents with a view to gain a foothold in the young adult market. Furthermore, it is recommended that cell phone network providers should determine how their customers perceive them as compared with competitors in order to better position themselves and to improve communication with young adults. Most importantly, it is recommended that cell phone network providers should identify those young adults with high relationship intentions (those young adults who are more involved with and fear losing their relationship with the cell phone network provider more) in order to retain them by attempting to build long-term relationships with these young adults through dedicated relationship marketing efforts. Recommendations for future research include examining relationship intention with regards to other age groups (such as scholars and adults), other service industries and other geographical areas. Furthermore, the influence which young adults exert on decisions concerning cell phone network providers and the influence of parents on young adults' product and service choices, can be explored in future research by means of the family decision roles. / Thesis (M.Com. (Marketing Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Openbaarmaking van seksuele misbruik gedurende jong volwassenheid / Amoraal J.

Amoraal, Jomien January 2011 (has links)
Kinderseksuele misbruik het langtermyneffekte op die persoon wat as kind seksueel misbruik is, en dit kan strek tot in sy of haar jong volwasse jare. Dit is dus belangrik dat daar aandag gegee word aan die nodige ondersteuningsnetwerke/hulpbronne wat beskikbaar is vir jong volwassenes wat slagoffers is van seksuele misbruik tydens hulle kinderjare. Deur te bepaal aan watter persone hierdie slagoffers bereid is om die misbruik te openbaar, kan gebruik gemaak word van eienskappe wat benodig word vir effektiewe openbaarmaking. Met die gemengde kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navoringsontwerp is daar op die tweede– en derdejaar maatskaplike werkstudente van die Noordwes–Universiteit (Potchefstroomkampus) as respondente van die studie gefokus. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ‘n doelgerigte steekproef om respondente te verkry vir die studie en selfopgestelde, groep–geadministreerde vraelyste is aan hulle uitgedeel. Die verkennende navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om meer inligting oor die navorsingsonderwerp te bekom, aangesien daar beperkte inligting beskikbaar is en min navorsing daaroor onderneem is binne die Suid–Afrikaanse opset. Die doel van die studie is om vas te stel watter hulpbronne beskikbaar gestel moet word aan slagoffers van seksuele misbruik tydens hulle kinderjare, sodat hulle vroeër in hulle lewe die misbruik openbaar en die nodige hulp kan verkry vir die trauma wat hulle ervaar het. Dit is uit die bevindings duidelik dat die noodsaaklikheid bestaan vir die bewusmaking onder die gemeenskap om van die beskikbare hulpbronne vir persone wat slagoffers van kinderseksuele misbruik, gebruik te maak. Aanbevelings rakende die inhoud word in die studie uiteengesit en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word ook aan die hand gedoen. Die gebruik van bewusmakingsprogramme is noodsaaklik om die gemeenskap in te lig oor die dinamika van kinderseksuele misbruik. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

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