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Patrolando juventudes: o caderno Patrola ensinando jovens a consumirRossi, Rossana Cassanta January 2007 (has links)
Esta Dissertação tem como objetivo desconstruir discursos acerca dos modos de ser jovem na contemporaneidade articulados ao consumo como prática social. Compreendo que é através das estratégias engendradas no âmbito da cultura do consumo que objetos, imagens, desejos, identidades, valores, modos de ser podem ser transformados em mercadorias: podem ser ‘adquiridos’, consumidos e por fim descartados. Tornam-se ‘objetos’ a serem usados e exibidos. Entre tantos artefatos que circulam e são produzidos nessa cultura de consumo, está o Caderno Patrola, encartado no jornal Zero Hora – jornal de maior circulação no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Assim, realizo uma leitura (entre tantas possíveis) a respeito de mídia, cultura de consumo e juventudes. De certa forma, é uma leitura que os Estudos Culturais, campo teórico no qual me movimento, possibilitam-me produzir. Para que esta Dissertação pudesse ser construída tal como está, o corpus de pesquisa se constituiu de diferentes materiais, a saber: seleção de edições do Caderno Patrola, pesquisas em diversos sites, incursões em comunidades virtuais do orkut e em blogs,, conversas com jovens leitores do Caderno através do Messenger e e-mails com a editora do Caderno. Nas análises, trago algumas reflexões a respeito dos modos de endereçamento do Caderno Patrola, discutindo algumas das estratégias do Caderno para interpelar os sujeitos jovens para suas páginas, bem como para convidá-los a consumir produtos que ‘anuncia’. Ainda, analiso o modo como os discursos do Caderno Patrola não apenas sugerem objetos de consumo que podem constituir certos modos de ser jovem, como também podem ensinar o que consumir para ‘possuir’ tais modos, para, assim, adotarse as ditas posições desejáveis de ser jovem. A partir das problematizações realizadas no decorrer do estudo acerca do Caderno Patrola, é possível compreender como se investe no promissor mercado jovem, não só fabricando produtos para eles como também transformando os produtos fabricados pelos jovens em algo rentável. Além disso, é possível constatar como as próprias culturas juvenis se tornam um produto, uma vez que muitos desejam ser, estar, permanecer jovem e, por isso, passam a consumir produtos ditos pertencentes a elas. Assim, através do potencial pedagógico do Caderno, procuro entender algumas das configurações da cultura de consumo, como somos produzidos nessa condição cultural e de que modo o Caderno, como um artefato dessa cultura, apresenta-se articulado a ela. / This Dissertation aims to deconstruct discourses concerning the ways of being young in the contemporary articulated to consumption as social practice. I understand that it is through the produced strategies in the scope of the consumer culture where objects, images, desires, identities, values, ways of being can be transformed into products: they can be ‘acquired', consumed and finally discarded. They become objects to used and to shown. As an artifact between much others that circulate and are produced in this consumer culture is the section Patrola – a newspaper supplement that circulates on Fridays in Zero Hora, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Thus, I realize a reading (one of those that is possible to) about media, consumer culture and youths. In some way, it is a reading that the Cultural Studies, theoretic field in which I movement myself, make possible to produce. In order to this dissertation be constructed as it is, the corpus is constituted of different materials: select edition of the Patrola section, research in many sites, incursions in virtual communities of orkut and in blogs, talks with young readers of the Patrola through Messenger and e-mails with the editor of the section. In the analyses, I reflect about modes of address of Patrola section, discussing some strategies of the section that interpellate young for its pages, as well as inviting them to consume the ‘announced' products. I also analyze how the discourses of Patrola not only suggest consumption of products that can constitute ways of being young, but how they can teach what consume to own theses ways, in order to adopt desirable positions of being young. From the problematization of this study concerning to Patrola, its possible to understand how one invests in the promising young market, not only producing manufactures for them as well as transforming the manufactured products by the young into income-producing. Still, I could examine how the youth cultures become a product, once that many people desire to be young through the consumption of products that one says to belong to them. Therefore, thought the section’s pedagogy potential, I looked for understand some of the configurations of the consumer culture, how we are produced in this cultural condition and the way that Patrola, as an artifact of this culture, is articulated to it.
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Deficiente versus pessoa portadora de deficiência : uma análise discursiva dos jornais Zero Hora e Correio do PovoDe Carli, Ruvana January 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa consiste em uma leitura do noticiário sobre pessoas portadoras de deficiência nos jornais Zero Hora e Correio do Povo, de Porto Alegre, sob a perspectiva da Análise do Discurso. Com o objetivo de "desnaturalizar" o processo de produção do discurso jornalístico em relação à forma como retrata a pessoa portadora de deficiência, questiona-se se esse retratar reforça ou não o estigma do déficit. Em um corpus de 87 notícias, publicadas entre 1º de agosto e 30 de setembro de 2001, foram mapeadas as formações discursivas dominantes e identificados alguns dos enunciadores que as originam, localizando-se as falas oriundas de duas vertentes: das entidades assistenciais e profissionais que trabalham com pessoas portadoras de deficiência, de um lado, e dos movimentos sociais, de outro - vozes que permeiam o discurso jornalístico e ajudam a configurá-lo. Buscou-se compreender as condições específicas de produção do discurso jornalístico e identificar a tensão existente entre os discursos emergentes dos movimentos sociais de pessoas portadoras de deficiência, os discursos circundantes e que versam a respeito destas pessoas e o discurso jornalístico sobre esta parcela da população. Considerou-se que, anteriores ao discurso jornalístico, existem duas linhas discursivas dominantes circulando nos campos político e social: a linha da cidadania, que é o discurso das pessoas portadoras de deficiência e se refere aos movimentos no sentido de buscar autonomia e igualdade de condições de acesso aos vários campos da vida; e a linha do assistencialismo, um discurso sobre, que circunda as pessoas portadoras de deficiência, fundando sua perspectiva pelo viés do déficit: a pessoa portadora de deficiência seria alguém a quem, antes de mais nada, falta algo e, por isso, precisa de atendimento externo. / This research consists on a reading of the news about person handicapped at the newspapers Zero Hora and Correio do Povo, from Porto Alegre, under the perspective of Discourse Analysis. With the aim of turning unnatural the production process of the journalistic discourse related to the way it shows the person handicapped, it is questioned if this way of showing reinforces or not the stigma of disability. Within a corpus of 87 news published from August 1st to September 30, 2001, the dominant discoursive structures were mapped and their source enunciators were identified, localizing the speeches that came from two sources: from the assistential entities and professionals that works with person handicapped, in a hand, and social movements at the other hand - voices that permeate the journalistic discourse and helps to configurate it. The aim was to understand the specific production conditions of journalistic discourse and to identify the existent tension among emergent discourses from person handicapped's social movements, the surrounding discourses that concerns about those people and the journalistic discourse about that population section. It was considered that, before the journalistic discourse, there are two dominant discoursive lines circulating on the political and social fields: the citizenship line, that is the discourse of the person handicapped and refers itself to the movements that seek for autonomy and access conditions equality to the many fields of life; and the assistential line, a discourse about the issue, that surrounds the person handicapped, founding its perspective through the deficit view: a person handicapped is someone to whom primarily lacks something, and because of that, needs external assistance.
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Midiatização das CPIs : os escândalos do leite e da segurança, entre a notícia e o espetáculoCoelho, Marja Pfeifer January 2004 (has links)
Partindo do conceito de midiatização e das relações de visibilidade entre os campos da mídia e da política, duas Comissões Parlamentares de Inquérito realizadas pela Assembléia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Sul em 2001 são estudadas, revelando os processos de midiatização das mesmas, que dão origem a regimes de visibilidadediferentes. A CPI da Segurança Pùblica, marcada pelo escândalo político que relacionava o governo do Estado ao jogo do bicho, atingiu visibiliodade máxima n acena pública, chegando a um regime de espetacularização. A CPI do Leite, que revelou um escândalo de ordem econômica e social, obteve pouco espaço na zona de visibilidade midiática. A pesquisa baseia-se n acobertura de dois jornais, Zero Hora e Diário Gaúcho, da maior rede de comunicação do estado, a RBS, que tiveram participação intensa e mesmo direta na CPI da Segurança, delegando pouca importância à do Leite. A análise revela a importância do grau de intervenção da mídia no acontecimento, bem como da participação da participação social na configuração de regimes de visibilidade. A intervenção da mídia é relacionada a interesses próprios, que podem ou não se conjugar ao entendimento do que é de interesse público por parte do campo político. É entre estas convergências ou não que a midiatização das CPIs ocorre, recuperando e enfatizando sentidos provenientes de experiências históricas que marcam o (re)conhecimento público deste objeto.
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Segurança alimentar e nutricional e o Programa Fome ZeroRosa, Rosaura Wieser da January 2004 (has links)
O tema central deste trabalho é a segurança alimentar e nutricional. O objetivo básico é entender porque o Brasil não possui uma política de segurança alimentar capaz de coordenar e integrar as diversas ações nos estados, municípios e sociedade civil para a erradicação da fome. Para atingir este objetivo buscou-se aprofundar conhecimentos sobre segurança alimentar e nutricional, abordar conceitos de justiça social, analisar as políticas sociais brasileiras, examinar a questão da pobreza, fome e desnutrição e avaliar criticamente o Programa Fome Zero apresentado pelo governo como uma proposta de segurança alimentar para o Brasil. A guisa de conclusão pretendeu-se reforçar a importância de considerar os aspectos qualificativos da pobreza na formulação de políticas e a prioridade do enfoque da segurança alimentar como um objetivo estratégico a ser perseguido com base em políticas públicas implementadas com ativa participação da sociedade civil.
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The Effect of Floor to Area Ratio Parameter on Net Zero Commercial Buildings Located in Phoenix, ArizonaJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: The building sector is one of the main energy consumers within the USA. Energy demand by this sector continues to increase because new buildings are being constructed faster than older ones are retired. Increase in energy demand, in addition to a number of other factors such as the finite nature of fossil fuels, population growth, building impact on global climate change, and energy insecurity and independence has led to the increase in awareness towards conservation through the design of energy efficient buildings. Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB), a highly efficient building that produces as much renewable energy as it consumes annually, provides an effective solution to this global concern. The intent of this thesis is to investigate the relationship of an important factor that has a direct impact on NZEB: Floor / Area Ratio (FAR). Investigating this relationship will help to answer a very important question in establishing NZEB in hot-arid climates such as Phoenix, Arizona. The question this thesis presents is: “How big can a building be and still be Net Zero?” When does this concept start to flip and buildings become unable to generate the required renewable energy to achieve energy balance? The investigation process starts with the analysis of a local NZEB, DPR Construction Office, to evaluate the potential increase in building footprint and FAR with respect to the current annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI). Through the detailed analysis of the local NZEB, in addition to the knowledge gained through research, this thesis will offer an FAR calculator tool that can be used by design teams to help assess the net zero potential of their project. The tool analyzes a number of elements within the project such as total building footprint, available surface area for photovoltaic (PV) installation, outdoor circulation and landscape area, parking area and potential parking spots, potential building area in regards to FAR, number of floors based on the building footprint, FAR, required area for photovoltaic installation, photovoltaic system size, and annual energy production, in addition to the maximum potential FAR their project can reach and still be Net Zero. / Dissertation/Thesis / FAR CALCULATOR TOOL / Masters Thesis Built Environment 2016
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Video2Vec: Learning Semantic Spatio-Temporal Embedding for Video RepresentationsJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: High-level inference tasks in video applications such as recognition, video retrieval, and zero-shot classification have become an active research area in recent years. One fundamental requirement for such applications is to extract high-quality features that maintain high-level information in the videos.
Many video feature extraction algorithms have been purposed, such as STIP, HOG3D, and Dense Trajectories. These algorithms are often referred to as “handcrafted” features as they were deliberately designed based on some reasonable considerations. However, these algorithms may fail when dealing with high-level tasks or complex scene videos. Due to the success of using deep convolution neural networks (CNNs) to extract global representations for static images, researchers have been using similar techniques to tackle video contents. Typical techniques first extract spatial features by processing raw images using deep convolution architectures designed for static image classifications. Then simple average, concatenation or classifier-based fusion/pooling methods are applied to the extracted features. I argue that features extracted in such ways do not acquire enough representative information since videos, unlike images, should be characterized as a temporal sequence of semantically coherent visual contents and thus need to be represented in a manner considering both semantic and spatio-temporal information.
In this thesis, I propose a novel architecture to learn semantic spatio-temporal embedding for videos to support high-level video analysis. The proposed method encodes video spatial and temporal information separately by employing a deep architecture consisting of two channels of convolutional neural networks (capturing appearance and local motion) followed by their corresponding Fully Connected Gated Recurrent Unit (FC-GRU) encoders for capturing longer-term temporal structure of the CNN features. The resultant spatio-temporal representation (a vector) is used to learn a mapping via a Fully Connected Multilayer Perceptron (FC-MLP) to the word2vec semantic embedding space, leading to a semantic interpretation of the video vector that supports high-level analysis. I evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of this new video representation by conducting experiments on action recognition, zero-shot video classification, and semantic video retrieval (word-to-video) retrieval, using the UCF101 action recognition dataset. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Science 2016
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Impact of Converter Interfaced Generation and Load on Grid PerformanceJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Alternate sources of energy such as wind, solar photovoltaic and fuel cells are coupled to the power grid with the help of solid state converters. Continued deregulation of the power sector coupled with favorable government incentives has resulted in the rapid growth of renewable energy sources connected to the distribution system at a voltage level of 34.5kV or below. Of late, many utilities are also investing in these alternate sources of energy with the point of interconnection with the power grid being at the transmission level. These converter interfaced generation along with their associated control have the ability to provide the advantage of fast control of frequency, voltage, active, and reactive power. However, their ability to provide stability in a large system is yet to be investigated in detail. This is the primary objective of this research.
In the future, along with an increase in the percentage of converter interfaced renewable energy sources connected to the transmission network, there exists a possibility of even connecting synchronous machines to the grid through converters. Thus, all sources of energy can be expected to be coupled to the grid through converters. The control and operation of such a grid will be unlike anything that has been encountered till now. In this dissertation, the operation and behavior of such a grid will be investigated. The first step in such an analysis will be to build an accurate and simple mathematical model to represent the corresponding components in commercial software. Once this bridge has been crossed, conventional machines will be replaced with their solid state interfaced counterparts in a phased manner. At each stage, attention will be devoted to the control of these sources and also on the stability performance of the large power system.
This dissertation addresses various concerns regarding the control and operation of a futuristic power grid. In addition, this dissertation also aims to address the issue of whether a requirement may arise to redefine operational reliability criteria based on the results obtained. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2017
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Trade-offs in Utilizing of Zero-Valent Iron for Synergistic Biotic and Abiotic Reduction of Trichloroethene and Perchlorate in Soil and GroundwaterJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: The advantages and challenges of combining zero-valent iron (ZVI) and microbial reduction of trichloroethene (TCE) and perchlorate (ClO4-) in contaminated soil and groundwater are not well understood. The objective of this work was to identify the benefits and limitations of simultaneous application of ZVI and bioaugmentation for detoxification of TCE and ClO4- using conditions relevant to a specific contaminated site. We studied conditions representing a ZVI-injection zone and a downstream zone influenced Fe (II) produced, for simultaneous ZVI and microbial reductive dechlorination applications using bench scale semi-batch microcosm experiments. 16.5 g L-1 ZVI effectively reduced TCE to ethene and ethane but ClO4- was barely reduced. Microbial reductive dechlorination was limited by both ZVI as well as Fe (II) derived from oxidation of ZVI. In the case of TCE, rapid abiotic TCE reduction made the TCE unavailable for the dechlorinating bacteria. In the case of perchlorate, ZVI inhibited the indigenous perchlorate-reducing bacteria present in the soil and groundwater. Further, H2 generated by ZVI reactions stimulated competing microbial processes like sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. In the microcosms representing the ZVI downstream zone (Fe (II) only), we detected accumulation of cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) after 56 days. Some ethene also formed under these conditions. In the absence of ZVI or Fe (II), we detected complete TCE dechlorination to ethene and faster rates of ClO4- reduction. The results illustrate potential limitations of combining ZVI with microbial reduction of chlorinated compounds and show the potential that each technology has when applied separately. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2017
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Digital holography and optical contouringLi, Yan January 2009 (has links)
Digital holography is a technique for the recording of holograms via CCD/CMOS devices and enables their subsequent numerical reconstruction within computers, thus avoiding the photographic processes that are used in optical holography. This thesis investigates the various techniques which have been developed for digital holography. It develops and successfully demonstrates a number of refinements and additions in order to enhance the performance of the method and extend its applicability. The thesis contributes to both the experimental and numerical analysis aspects of digital holography. Regarding experimental work: the thesis includes a comprehensive review and critique of the experimental arrangements used by other workers and actually implements and investigates a number of these in order to compare performance. Enhancements to these existing methods are proposed, and new methods developed, aimed at addressing some of the perceived short-comings of the method. Regarding the experimental aspects, the thesis specifically develops:• Super-resolution methods, introduced in order to restore the spatial frequencies that are lost or degraded during the hologram recording process, a problem which is caused by the limited resolution of CCD/CMOS devices.• Arrangements for combating problems in digital holography such as: dominance of the zero order term, the twin image problem and excessive speckle noise.• Fibre-based systems linked to tunable lasers, including a comprehensive analysis of the effects of: signal attenuation, noise and laser instability within such systems.• Two-source arrangements for contouring, including investigating the limitations on achievable accuracy with such systems. Regarding the numerical processing, the thesis focuses on three main areas. Firstly, the numerical calculation of the Fresnel-Kirchhoff integral, which is of vital importance in performing the numerical reconstruction of digital holograms. The Fresnel approximation and the convolution approach are the two most common methods used to perform numerical reconstruction. The results produced by these two methods for both simulated holograms and real holograms, created using our experimental systems, are presented and discussed. Secondly, the problems of the zero order term, twin image and speckle noise are tackled from a numerical processing point of view, complementing the experimental attack on these problems. A digital filtering method is proposed for use with reflective macroscopic objects, in order to suppress both the zero-order term and the twin image. Thirdly, for the two-source contouring technique, the following issues have been discussed and thoroughly analysed: the effects of the linear factor, the use of noise reduction filters, different phase unwrapping algorithms, the application of the super-resolution method, and errors in the illumination angle. Practical 3D measurement of a real object, of known geometry, is used as a benchmark for the accuracy improvements achievable via the use of these digital signal processing techniques within the numerical reconstruction stage. The thesis closes by seeking to draw practical conclusions from both the experimental and numerical aspects of the investigation, which it is hoped will be of value to those aiming to use digital holography as a metrology tool.
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Campanha Fome Zero: a construção do sentido na mídia televisivaPimenta, Lidiane Malagone [UNESP] 18 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
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pimenta_lm_me_bauru.pdf: 317077 bytes, checksum: 4a66f9db857e90d634f575c9576849ad (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A presente dissertação tem por finalidade analisar a campanha midiática do Programa Fome Zero veiculada na televisão no primeiro semestre de 2003 e sua implementação num município do interior paulista, a cidade de Bauru. Para avaliar o tema proposto, adotou-se uma trajetória na qual se avalia a nova ordem internacional, suas contradições e a forma como o Brasil acabou aderindo a seus princípios. Tal avaliação auxilia o posicionamento da mídia na atualidade e, junto à análise do discurso da campanha em estudo e à pesquisa de campo realizada em Bauru, onde foram aferidos seus acertos e equívocos, faz entender como tal campanha caminha na contramão da proposta do Programa Fome Zero. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the Fome Zero Program media campaign broadcasted on television during the first semester of 2003 and the Program implementation in the city of Bauru, São Paulo. In order to assess the above mentioned theme, the strategy of analyzing the new international order, its contradictions and the way Brazil adhered to its principles was adopted. This analysis helps the assessment of the media s perspective nowadays and, along with the Fome Zero campaign discourse analysis and the field research carried out in Bauru where its appropriateness and flaws were verified, provides an understanding of how this campaign is contradictory with the Program's purpose.
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