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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Sexual Assault Training and Gender on Rape Attitudes

Krolnik Campos, Monica 01 March 2019 (has links)
Sexual assault is a growing concern across college campuses in the United States. According to the Sexual Victimization of College Women study, the victimization rate is 27.7 rapes per 1,000 ­­­­women students (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000). In response to the high prevalence of sexual assault, college campuses are now mandated to implement various forms of sexual assault prevention programming. Sexual assault prevention programming is intended to promote awareness of sexual assault and reduce the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses. Numerous studies have examined the short term effectiveness of sexual assault prevention programs (e.g., Anderson & Whiston, 2005). However, few studies have explored the effectiveness of repeated, annual prevention program participation on rape supportive beliefs. In addition, studies that have explored the efficacy of prevention programs have tended to rely exclusively on self-report measures and some have only focused on outcomes among men or women groups only. The purpose of the present study was to examine the impact of level of participation and gender in sexual assault prevention training on rape myth acceptance (RMA) and response latency to a hypothetical date rape scenario among a sample of Western college students. Results revealed no significant relationships between higher levels of sexual assault prevention programming participation and RMA scores and latency times. Additionally, there were no gender differences on IRMA scores or response latency. Findings have important implications for future sexual assault prevention programming efforts on college campuses and community settings.

Grammaire des adverbes de durée et de date en coréen

Jung, Eun Jin 13 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Notre travail a pour objectif une analyse syntaxique des adverbes de temps coréens dont l'interprétation correspond à une durée ou à une date (e.g. 3sigan dongan (pendant 3 heures), 5uel 6il (le 6 mai)). Pour la linguistique formelle comme pour le traitement informatique des langues, une description aussi exhaustive et explicite que possible est indispensable. La méthodologie du lexique-grammaire (M. Gross 1975, 1986b) nous a fourni un modèle de description formelle et systématique de la langue naturelle. Nous avons choisi de décrire les combinaisons lexicales concernées par des graphes d'automates finis, qui constituent autant de "grammaires locales" représentant les différents types de séquences adverbiales possibles. Nos graphes peuvent être intégrés directement à un analyseur syntaxique automatique pour localiser les adverbes de durée et de date en coréen dans des textes quelconques. Cette étude est structurée comme suit : Dans le premier chapitre, nous présentons plusieurs points cruciaux de notre cadre théorique, le lexique-grammaire, et des grammaires locales. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux formes des groupes nominaux construits sur des noms de temps (Ntps), c'est-à-dire les séquences Dét Ntps, ceci dans une large mesure indépendamment de la postposition et de l'utilisation de ces formes comme adverbes de date ou comme adverbes de durée. Nous consacrons le chapitre 3 à l'analyse des formes interprétables comme des durées et le chapitre 4 à celle des formes interprétables comme des dates. Nous analysons comment les groupes nominaux de temps étudiés dans le deuxième chapitre peuvent entrer dans des phrases qui donnent lieu à des interprétations de durée ou de date.

Comparative Mapping of QTLs Affecting Oil Content, Oil Composition, and other Agronomically Important Traits in Oat (Avena sativa L.)

Hizbai, Biniam T. 01 November 2012 (has links)
Groat oil content and composition are important quality traits in oats (Avena sativa L). These traits are controlled by many genes with additive effects. The chromosomal regions containing these genes, known as quantitative trait loci (QTL), can be discovered through their close association with markers. This study investigated total oil content and fatty acid components in an oat breeding population derived from a cross between high oil ('Dal') and low oil ('Exeter') parents. A genetic map consisting of 475 DArT (Diversity Array Technology) markers spanning 1271.8 cM across 40 linkage groups was constructed. QTL analysis for groat oil content and composition was conducted using grain samples grown at Aberdeen, ID in 1997. QTL analysis for multiple agronomic traits was also conducted using data collected from hill plots and field plots in Ottawa, ON in 2010. QTLs for oil content, palmitic acid (16:0), stearic acid (18:0), oleic acid (18:1), linoleic acid (18:2) and linolenic acid (18:3) were identified. Two of the QTLs associated with oil content were also associated with all of the fatty acids examined in this study, and most oil-related QTL showed similar patterns of effect on the fatty acid profile. These results suggest the presence of pleiotropic effects on oil-related traits through influences at specific nodes of the oil synthesis pathway. In addition, 12 QTL-associated markers (likely representing nine unique regions) were associated with plant height, heading date, lodging, and protein content. The results of this study will provide information for molecular breeding as well as insight into the genetic mechanisms controlling oil biosynthesis in oat.

Développement épidémique de la fusariose des épis de blé et conséquences des intéractions entre espèces du complexe fusarien

Siou, Dorothée 14 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La fusariose de l'épi est une des maladies les plus importantes du blé. Elle est causée par un complexe d'espèces dont les plus courantes sont F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. poae, M. majus et M. nivale. Ces champignons infectent les épis de blé au moment de la floraison mais l'impact de contaminations tardives sur les grains est peu compris. De plus, deux ou trois espèces sont susceptibles de co-infecter un même épi, ce qui pourrait modifier leur développement et leur production de toxines dans l'épi. Pour étudier ces problématiques, plusieurs isolats appartenant aux espèces citées ont été caractérisés selon leurs traits de vie et leur agressivité sur épi. Nous avons ensuite étudié le développement de souches de Fusarium inoculées 3 jours avant ou 0, 8, 18 ou 28 jours après la sortie des premières anthères. Les niveaux de maladie et toxines se sont révélés maximum autour de la floraison. La date d'inoculation semble conditionner la sévérité de la maladie et influencer le développement des souches. Des contaminations précoces et tardives seraient malgré tout possibles avec des isolats agressifs, ce qui ouvre la possibilité de telles infections au champ. Dans une deuxième expérimentation, nous avons étudié la compétition entre F. graminearum et les autres espèces (F. culmorum, F. poae, M. majus et M. nivale). Les réponses se sont avérées variables ; néanmoins, les souches agressives ne sont pas influencées ou légèrement favorisées par la présence d'un compétiteur alors que les souches peu agressives sont défavorisées par la présence de souches agressives. La production de toxines est, dans la plupart des cas, restée stable ou a diminué en co-inoculations par rapport aux inoculations simples. Dans une dernière expérimentation nous avons étudié la compétition entre souches associée à leurs mouvements dans l'épi. Inoculés seuls, les champignons progressent dans la totalité de l'épi alors que la présence d'un second champignon empêche leur développement, ce qui suggère une interaction compétitive entre eux. Cette étude apporte de nouveaux éléments nécessaires à la compréhension de l'épidémiologie de ces agents pathogènes et des niveaux de contamination à l'échelle du champ.

Embedded Software Streaming via Block Streaming

Kuacharoen, Pramote 12 April 2004 (has links)
Downloading software from a server usually takes a noticeable amount of time, that is, noticeable to the user who wants to run the program. However, this issue can be mitigated by the use of streaming software. Software steaming is a means by which software can begin execution even while transmission of the full software program may still be in progress. Therefore, the application load time (i.e., the amount of time from when an application is selected for download to when the application can be executed) observed by the user can be significantly reduced. Moreover, unneeded software components might not be downloaded to the device, lowering memory and bandwidth usages. As a result, resource utilization such as memory and bandwidth usage may also be more efficient. Using our streaming method, an embedded device can support a wide range of applications which can be run on demand. Software streaming also enables small memory footprint devices to run applications larger than the physical memory by using our memory management technique. In this dissertation, we present a streaming method we call block streaming to transmit stream-enabled applications, including stream-enabled file I/O. We implemented a tool to partition software into blocks which can be transmitted (streamed) to the embedded device. Our streaming method was implemented and simulated on an MBX860 board and on a hardware/software co-simulation platform in which we used the PowerPC architecture. We show a robotics application that, with our software streaming method, is able to meet its deadline. The application load time for this application also improves by a factor of more than 10X when compared to downloading the entire application before running it. The experimental results also show that our implementation improves file I/O operation latency; in our examples, the performance improves up to 55.83X when compared with direct download. Finally, we show a stream-enabled game application combined with stream-enabled file I/O for which the user can start playing the game 3.18X more quickly than using only the stream-enabled game program file alone.

Development and yielding regularities of winter oilseed rape and its hybrids as influenced by different sowing dates / Skirtingu laiku sėtų žieminių rapsų ir jų hibridų vystymosi ir derėjimo dėsningumai

Butkevičienė, Lina Marija 17 January 2013 (has links)
Experimental objective - the study was aimed to establish the developmental regularities of winter rape and its hybrids under the conditions of autumn-winter period becoming warmer and variable in length, to estimate the peculiarities of their biopotential formation and to optimize the measures of adaptation to changeable climate conditions. Statements to be defended: 1. Winter rape development until the end of autumn vegetation depends on sowing date and plant genotype. 2. The changes in nutrients in the rosette of winter rape ant its hybrids plants occurring after resumption of vegetation during the wintering period differ and depend not only on the genotype and sowing date but also on the year’s weather conditions. 3. Different sowing time influences over winter survival of winter rape and its hybrids plants. Rape hybrids respond less sensitively to the delay in sowing date. 4. Sowing time exerts a greater effect on the seed yield of winter rape compared with winter rape hybrids. / Tyrimų tikslas - nustatyti žieminių rapsų ir jų hibridų vystymosi dėsningumus skirtingos trukmės šiltėjančiu rudens – žiemos periodu, įvertinti jų biopotencialo formavimosi ypatumus bei optimizuoti prisitaikymo prie besikeičiančių klimato sąlygų adaptacines priemones (sėjos laiką). Disertacijos ginamieji teiginiai: 1. Žieminių rapsų vystymasis iki rudens vegetacijos pabaigos priklauso nuo sėjos laiko ir augalo genotipo. 2. Atsinaujinus vegetacijai žiemojimo metu, rapsų ir jų hibridų skrotelėje vykstantys maisto medžiagų pokyčiai skiriasi ir priklauso ne tik nuo genotipo ir sėjos laiko, bet ir nuo metų meteorologinių sąlygų. 3. Skirtingas sėjos laikas įtakojo žieminių rapsų ir jų hibridų peržiemojimą. Rapsų hibridai yra mažiau jautrūs sėjos laiko vėlinimui. 4. Sėjos laikas daro didesnę įtaką rapsų nei jų hibridų sėklų produktyvumui.

Nesting and migration in the introduced Canada goose in Sweden

Sjöberg, Göran January 1993 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to document patterns in breeding and migration in Swedish Canada geese Branta canadensis, to explain these against the genetic and historical background of the population, and to test predictions of hypotheses pertaining to parental investment. The Canada goose population in Sweden was founded by the introduction of a few individuals in the 1930's. DNA fingerprint similarity between geese breeding in Sweden was on average at the same level as between inbred close relatives in other wild bird species. The genetic variability of the population appeared to be considerably reduced in comparison to that of Canada geese breeding in North America. Dispersal and migration patterns were studied using plastic neck-bands that could be identified at long distance. Most Canada goose females nested at the lake where they grew up. Males were more prone to disperse than females, although most of them still returned to breed close to their area of origin. Geese from three breeding areas in Sweden had different winter distributions, although wintering areas overlapped considerably. Individual geese tended to return to the same wintering area as they had used in previous years. The females' investment in the egg clutch was related to the migration distance from spring foraging areas to the nesting area, suggesting an energetic cost of migration for egg production. Within breeding seasons, clutch size decreased with later initiation of nesting, but only in years with early breeding. A probable reason for this decrease was that body reserves available for egg production were larger in early layers. In years with late breeding, clutch size did not decrease, most likely because late-nesting females could supplement their body reserves by foraging on fresh vegetation. Nest defence intensity was studied by recording the behaviour of the female geese when a human approached the nest. The results largely confirmed predictions for nest defence intensity extracted from parental investment theory. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1993, härtill 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Variation in individual life-history trajectories and its consequence on population dynamics : the case of roe deer

Plard, Floriane 06 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Roe deer give birth each year in May. At each reproductive event, a female can be in different reproductive statuses: breeder or non breeder and can wean a variable number of offspring. The successive transitions between the different statuses of a given female give its individual reproductive trajectory. The performance of a given trajectory is assessed by its fitness which can be approximated by the total number of offspring weaned during the trajectory. Different individual life-history trajectories can exist in a same population and these different trajectories can reach similar or different fitness. This suggests that different strategies can be chosen by different individuals to reach the same fitness but also that individuals of high quality can reach higher fitness than individuals of low quality. The study of a roe deer population located in North-Eastern France allowed analyzing the sources and the consequences of individual heterogeneity on individual life-history trajectories and on population dynamics. This work showed that roe deer individual reproductive trajectories are consistent for a given female such as high quality females have an annual reproductive success higher than low-quality females. Female quality is partly generated by birth condition such as birth date and environmental conditions at birth. Individual life-history trajectories vary also randomly in relation to annual environmental conditions. In particular, climate change led to a decline in annual mean reproductive success and a decrease of the population growth rate in the last decades in relation to an increase of the mismatch between vegetation phenology and roe deer birth period. This work discussed how individual heterogeneity is generated in a long-lived species and how it influences individual life-history strategies and population dynamics

Predicting malting barley protein concentration : based on canopy reflectance and site characteristics /

Pettersson, C. G., January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Estudo da validade e confiabilidade de um instrumento de terapia ocupacional: auto-avaliação do funcionamento ocupacional(SAOF) / An occupational therapy instrument's study of validity and reability: self assessment of occupational functioning

Tedesco, Solange [UNIFESP] January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-06T23:01:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2000 / O reconhecimento e a evolucao da Terapia Ocupacional em paises como Estados Unidos, Canada, Inglaterra e Continente Europeu estao centrados na pratica clinica. Definicoes da profissao, metodos e tecnicas tem sido desenvolvidos em funcao ou consequencia dessa pratica. Grande enfase tem sido dada na construcao de instrumentos de avaliacao desses construtos, na expectativa de alcancar medidas de eficacia da Terapia Ocupacional. Na Area da Saúde Mental, apos levantamento e resumo de instrumentos de avaliacao, destaca-se o Self Assessment of Occupational Functioning - SAOF - (Baron et Curtin, 1990), como objeto de estudo. O SAOF e um instrumento de auto-avaliacao do funcionamento ocupacional com caracteristicas semelhantes aos instrumentos especificos desenvolvidos por terapeutas ocupacionais nos EUA. Sua construcao permite a aplicacao de 23 itens subdivididos em sete areas, permitindo uma analise dos itens ou das areas. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o estudo da traducao para o portugues e obtencao dos indices de validade de criterio e de contabilidade. A traducao foi realizada atraves da tecnica da retrotraducao, enfocando-se principalmente uma equivalencia conceitual. Para o estudo de validade de criterio, considerou-se como um padrao-ouro a avaliadora, que detem um amplo conhecimento do embasamento teorico do instrumento e a fornacao especifica na area de avaliacao em Terapia Ocupacional. Para atingir esse objetivo, foi realizado um estudo da comparacao das respostas entre tres avaliadoras, atraves do teste de Kappa, obtendo-se bons indices de concordancia. O estudo de contabilidade teste-reteste foi realizado em amostra clinica sugerindo baixos indices de correlacao na analise dos itens e bons indices na analise das areas. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem a necessidade de ampliacao do estudo de escalas de avaliacao de Terapia Ocupacional no nosso meio e o cuidado na aplicacao de escalas desenvolvidas em outra cultura / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

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