Spelling suggestions: ""cublic managemement"" ""cublic managementment""
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La Gerencia Pública Moderna en la Reforma del Sector SaludYpanaqué Luyo, Pedro, Calle Dávila, María del Carmen 30 October 2014 (has links)
La “Gestión Pública Moderna” o también llamada “Nueva Gestión Pública” (NGP) o “New Public Management” (NPM) es una tendencia impulsada por las Reformas del Estado de segunda generación que prioriza la generación de “valor público” a tres niveles (estratégico, entorno político y operativo); a su vez reconoce al “proceso político” como mecanismo para la asignación de recursos del Estado y favorece la incorporación de los “gerentes públicos”como franja directiva que se sitúa entre las autoridades políticas y los empleados públicos.
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Examining the antecedents of public value in e-government servicesOsmani, Mohamad January 2015 (has links)
Over the last two decades, public sector organisations in the UK have invested heavily on electronic government (E-Government) projects to transform the services offered to citizens. E-government is seen as an enabler that helps public services to become more efficient, transparent, cost effective and accountable. In this respect the implementation of e-government projects have been influenced by private sector thinking borrowed from New Public Management (NPM) principles. However, the evaluation of e-government under the influence of NPM has been primarily focused on economic and technical outputs whereas its value to citizens has been largely ignored. Furthermore, research shows that many e-government projects have failed to deliver the desired outcomes when influenced by NPM principles. Recent studies have emerged that highlights the significance of public value to understand the broader outcomes of e-government services. The aim of this study is to explore the concept of public value and identify the antecedents that affect value and the consequences of value on e-government. To do so, this study develops a conceptual model grounded on Public Value Theory, DeLone and McLean IS Success Model and Means End Chain Theory combining the disciplines of Public Administration, Information Systems and Marketing. The conceptual model was validated through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) based on online surveys of 705 users of egovernment services in the UK. The findings have highlighted significant theoretical and practical implications for researchers and policy makers. This research highlights that the key dimensions (services, outcome and trust) of public value theory cannot be validated on their own as they are far too abstract in current literature. Therefore, this study verifies that public value can only be validated by drawing from the multiple fields of Public Administration, Information System and Marketing. From a practical perspective, the study offers policy makers a frame of reference to understand the influence of value on the adoption and re-use of e-government services.
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GUPP i systemet! : En utvärderingsstudie om uppföljningssystem hos Kronofogdemyndighetens Sydostregion.Nilsson, Emelie, Ahlgren, Christoffer January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Användningen av uppföljnings- och kontrollsystem har stor betydelse både för privata och offentliga verksamheter. Uppföljning och utvärdering är två viktiga processer som oftast inte är tillräckliga inom offentliga verksamheter. För att öka användningen av dessa och för att nå en högre effektivitet efterfrågas ökad kompetensnivå samt kontinuerliga rutiner för utvärdering och utveckling. Dessa processer används för att avgöra om offentliga verksamheter utvecklas i enlighet med sina mål och att organisationens arbete fungerar som planerat. Syfte: Studien syftar primärt till att utvärdera hur Kronofogdemyndigheten Sydosts interna uppföljningssystem GUPP fungerar och är uppbyggt samt om det uppfyllt sitt implementeringssyfte utifrån dess förväntade effekter. Med utgångspunkt i analysen skall studien också generera åtgärdsförslag för att på så sätt öka användbarheten för verksamheten och deras medarbetare. Metod: Denna uppsats är genomförd som en utvärderingsstudie då vi tilldelats ett uppdrag från enhetschefen för Kronofogdemyndighetens Sydostregion. Vi har via kvalitativa semistrukturerade och ostrukturerade intervjuer samlat in empirisk data. Intervjuer har genomförts med enhetschef, controller, åtta teamchefer samt fyra medarbetare. Resultat och slutsatser: Det råder delade meningar om hur systemet fungerar och om dess syften har uppfyllts. Problemen kan dels härledas till hur systemet är utformat men framförallt till hur ledningen agerar i styrandet samt implementeringen av GUPP. Sex olika fokusområden med tillhörande aktiviteter har framställts som åtgärdsförslag för att KFM ska kunna förbättra sin uppföljning och öka användbarheten. Fokus gällande åtgärder bör riktas mot att utveckla kommunikationen samt att införa utbildningar och tydliga instruktioner för användarna av GUPP.
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Förändrade spelregler för professionalism? : Om hur Sveriges Kommuner och Landstings arbetsgivarpolitik har format lärarkårens status, handlingsfrihet och legitimitet / Changed ground rules for professionalism? : About how the Swedish Association of Local Regions and Counties' labour politics have shaped teachers' status, autonomy and legitimacyLarsson, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
This essay concerns teacher professionalism and how its prerequisites have been affected by the politcs of the employer organization Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR). In Sweden, the government has during the last thirty years carried out extensive school reforms, fueled by the paradigm of New Public Management. On the whole, these reforms have contributed to the so called 'de-professionalization' of Swedish school teachers. However, the impact of labour politics has to great lenghts been neglected in political research on teacher professionalism, and that is the gap which this thesis aims to fill. By using a wide range of material, such as collective bargaining agreements, policy documents, debate articles and semistructured interviews, a reconstruction of the SALARs' labour politics has been made. Furthermore, an ideal-typical analytical framework of the two contrasting and competing governance models new managerialism and professionalism was applied on the reconstruction. The results are in short that the organization in many ways has contributed to the de-professionalization process which Swedish school teachers have undergone. By allocating power and authority to headmasters and municipalities, the discretion and legitimacy of theteacher profession itself has been circumscribed. Via these policies, a clearer hierarchy between the profession and its headmasters has come into place. Furthermore, the results indicate that the SALAR promotes organizational norms and values, rather than professional dito. In the light of the now being 'recruitment crisis' and the low attraction of the teaching profession, the results are particurlarly relevant.
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Constructing reform in the Ethiopian healthcare system : unintended consequences for hospitals and patientsMcKnight, Jacob January 2013 (has links)
In the last decade, the reach of New Public Management (NPM) has stretched well beyond its Western origins as modernising African governments and their global health partners have sought to import new approaches. Public health systems in Africa are entirely different to those of the West however, and this sort of application introduces a number of contextually-specific questions that are not considered by the majority of the NPM literature. The few studies that do investigate NPM in Africa are evaluative in content, seeking to understand whether reforms work and to identify barriers to success. Invariably, whether they find in favour of public management reform or not, the same issues are highlighted: lack of capacity, weak institutions, and improper implementation. This thesis will build a theory of NPM reform that is particular to the African context. I develop this theoretical extension through an intensive ethnographic case study of one of the most important on-going public health reform efforts in Africa—the transformation of the entire Ethiopian hospital system to an NPM-style administrative regime. I develop a constructionist theory of African NPM through thick description of the hospitals under reform. I detail the various ways in which the reforms are indigenised as they meet up with local understandings, institutions, and market contexts, and the inevitable unintended consequences as managers seek to ‘make do’ in environments radically different to those of NPM’s origins. I then conduct a detailed consumer analysis to describe the strategies employed by patients seeking care. Patients from different class positions use very different strategies to get health services and I demonstrate that the reform has very different consequences for Ethiopians across classes. Many patients are not recognisable as the ‘customers’ described in the reform documents, and so the hospitals do not organise their reform efforts to serve them.
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Valfrihet, effektivitet och konkurrens : En argumentationsanalys av 90-talskrisens roll i friskolereformenChristoffersson, Therese January 2017 (has links)
This paper focuses on the link between economic context and legislation. In 1992, an extensivemarket led reform on Swedish elementary school made it possible for corporations and othernon-governmental foundations to run schools with funds from taxes. Meanwhile, Swedensuffered from a severe recession. This paper seeks to analyse the role of the economic crisis inthe debate regarding this reform. The object of analysis is editorials in two major newspapers,government bills and excerpts from parliament debate, and the theoretical framework is acombination of Karl Polanyi’s commodification theory and Christopher Hood’s New PublicManagement definition. The results show a diversity in the use of economic arguments,depending on political position and source. Explicit justification of the reform – where therecession make a major argument – have been found foremost in government bills.
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Skulle inte alla med? : En diskursanalys av särbehandlingen av personer med funktionsnedsättning i Arbetsförmedlingens omstrukturering / Should not everyone be included? : A discourse analysis of the exclusion of People with disabilities in the restruction of the Swedish Public Employment ServiceStöhr Thorell, Vera-Lisa January 2019 (has links)
I en politisk kompromiss mellan Socialdemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Liberalerna och Centerpartiet beslutades att Arbetsförmedlingen ska omstruktureras. Privata aktörer ska förmedla arbeten till medborgarna istället för myndigheten. Beslutet ska inkludera alla grupper i samhället, förutom personer med funktionsnedsättning. Denna grupp ska Arbetsförmedlingen fortfarande ansvara för att förmedla sysselsättning till. Privatisering av en myndighet kan kopplas till styrningsmetoden New Public Management. Sverige är ett intressant land att undersöka NPM i, då mycket NPM har implementerats samtidigt som landet framförallt har styrts av socialdemokratiska regeringar. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka den diskursiva kampen av implementeringen av NPM i en svensk kontext, detta genom att analysera Arbetsförmedlingens omstrukturering och i synnerhet beslutet att inte inkludera personer med funktionsnedsättning i beslutet. Slutsatserna av studien visar på att NPM-diskursen i princip har blivit hegemonisk i den svenska politiken, men att det fortfarande finns en diskursiv kamp mellan NPM och en traditionell socialdemokratisk diskurs. Denna diskursiva konflikt resulterar i beslutet att inte inkludera personer med funktionsnedsättning i Arbetsförmedlingens omstrukturering.
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"Vem skriver vi för?" : En kvalitativ studie om dokumentationsskyldighet inom försörjningsstöd / “Whom do we write for?” : A qualitative study of documentation within financial supportJohansson, Jonathan, Bäfving, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
During our time as substitute social secretaries within financial support we heard colleges that criticized the magnitude of documentation. This critique sparked our interest of documentations relation to client focused work. The aim of this study was to create an understanding regarding how the duty of documentations takes form in the work of social secretaries. We seek clarity in what purpose social secretaries pay documentation and what function it plays in their work. We met with six social secretaries involved with financial support and interviewed them, using semi structured interviews. The answers received showed an understanding of the importance of documentation but also that it is a time consuming task. Documentation within itself does not lead to anyone being self-contained regarding their financial situation, yet the results show that documentation make up over 60% and sometimes 80% of the worktime of social secretaries within financial support. The time spent on documentation was thought of as necessary to fulfill the task the social secretaries are handed. One of the interviewed secretaries expressed that this balance of work tasks shapes their work in a way that cannot be considered “social work”. The phenomenon is analysed using professionalism theory and “acting space” as a theoretical concept.
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Desafios da gestão da qualidade do ar: dinâmicas e padrões de qualidade do ar no município de Cubatão e entorno / Challenges of the air quality management: dynamics and standards of the air quality in the City of Cubatão and surroundingsCheng, Mônica Silveira e Costa 06 July 2015 (has links)
Município de Cubatão passou por mudanças significativas em seu cenário desde 1950, passando de uma região rural para industrial, com impacto ambiental significativo. Este projeto tem por objetivo analisar o conjunto de ações relacionadas à gestão ambiental da qualidade do ar, entre 1980 e 2013, no Município de Cubatão e seu entorno, considerando possibilidades de respostas na tomada de decisão e ações para controle da qualidade do ar, particularmente referente ao material particulado (MP10). O percurso metodológico da investigação considerou: legislação referente ao período, materiais divulgados na imprensa, banco de dissertações e teses acadêmicas e etapa de pesquisa empírica, com o desenvolvimento de conceitos que equacionem as questões de tráfego de caminhões e qualidade do ar em Cubatão e entorno. Como resultado desta pesquisa pôde-se identificar os principais elementos-chave a serem considerados e propor protótipo, com uma nova abordagem logística para o transporte de grãos na região, que pode auxiliar no controle sobre os índices de poluição do ar, em específico, oparâmetro material particulado (MP10). / The scenario of the City of Cubatão has changed significantly since 1950, going from a rural region to an industrial one, with a significant environmental impact. The objective of this project is to analyze the actions related to the environmental management of air quality, from 1980 to 2013, in the City of Cubatão and its surrounding, considering potential responses in the decision-making and actions for air quality control, especially regarding the particulate matter (PM10). The research methodology has taken into consideration the legislation for the period, press publications, academic dissertations and theses database, and an empirical research stage, with the development of concepts to assess the truck traffic and air quality issues in Cubatão and surroundings. As a result of this research, the key elements to be taken into consideration were identified and a prototype, with a new approach on the grain transport logistics in the region, was proposed, which can assist the control of air pollution index, specially, the particulate matter parameter (PM10).
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Processo de aquisições na gestão pública brasileira: um estudo à luz do conceito do custo total de propriedade / Acquisition process in Brazilian public management: a study in light of the concept of total cost of ownershipCaetano, Rogério Diógenes 25 July 2018 (has links)
O setor público brasileiro passa por momentos de desenvolvimento em sua forma de gestão, objetivando maior aproximação com as técnicas de gestão do setor privado, que utilizam métodos e conceitos mais eficientes. Esta pesquisa utilizou o conceito do Custo Total de Propriedade - CTP (Total Cost of Ownership, traduzido do inglês) como forma de aprimorar o processo de aquisições de bens duráveis, no caso, veículos, que atualmente é pautado na Lei de Licitações (Lei 8.666 de 1993), que possui o menor preço como critério de decisão de compra. Baseado no CTP, o preço de aquisição é apenas uma variável de custo a ser analisado durante o processo de compra, devendo também haver análise dos custos pós-aquisição e de descarte, fatores que não estão formalizados no processo de aquisição atual e tampouco existem no momento do pregão. Esse conceito traz a definição de compra mais vantajosa, como aquela que possui o menor CTP e não apenas o menor preço de aquisição; portanto, objetiva-se investigar quais aspectos seriam impactados com a aplicação prática do conceito de CTP no fluxo de aquisição de um bem durável em um órgão público. Com isso, a questão a ser respondida é: quais aspectos seriam impactados com a aplicação prática do conceito do Custo Total de Propriedade no fluxo de aquisição de um bem durável em um órgão público. Esta pesquisa se enquadra como qualitativa, com aplicação de questionário semiestruturado aos atores responsáveis pelo processo licitatório da Prefeitura de Franco da Rocha - SP, para: (i) formalizar o atual fluxo de aquisições de veículos; (ii) entender sua percepção sobre aplicação do CTP no processo; e ainda (iii) captar as possíveis variáveis de custo a serem mensuradas na realidade daquela municipalidade. Para fins de validação de informações, foram coletados dados com análise documental de editais de licitações de compras de veículos de 2013 a 2016, sendo necessárias também para composição do exercício de mensuração do CTP. Foram utilizadas as variáveis extraídas das respostas dos entrevistados e sugeriu-se a utilização de novas variáveis para que o cálculo se tornasse mais amplo. Com relação aos resultados, foi possível observar que os aspectos impactados com a aplicação do CTP no processo de aquisição foram: (i) melhora da descrição técnica do bem na etapa inicial realizada pelo solicitante do bem, permeando itens que viabilizem o CTP e que possam influenciar positivamente a qualidade dos bens; e (ii) acurácia na projeção de custos pós-aquisição para atendimento da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal - LRF. Espera-se que haja desenvolvimento das técnicas de gestão de compras em órgãos públicos com uso eficiente dos recursos públicos no que diz respeito aos custos com aquisições, além de demonstrar de forma didática o cálculo e algumas variáveis de custos que podem ser padronizadas no processo de aquisições. / The Brazilian public sector is going through a period of development on its management form, aiming greater approximation with the private sector management techniques, which use more efficient methods and concepts. This research used the concept of TCO - Total Cost of Ownership to improve the process of durable goods acquisition, in this case, vehicles, nowadays grounded by the Brazilian Bidding Law (Law 8.666 of 1993), which has the lowest price as criteria for purchase decision. Based on the TCO, the acquisition price is just a cost variable to be analyzed during the purchase process. There should also be a post-acquisition and disposal cost analysis, factors not formalized in the current acquisition process and neither existing in the trading session. This concept brings the definition of the most advantageous purchase, such as the one that has the lowest TCO and not only the lowest acquisition price; therefore, it aims to investigate which aspects would be impacted by the practical application of the TCO concept in a durable good acquisition flow in a public body. Thus, the question to be answered is which aspects would be impacted by the practical application of the Total Cost of Ownership concept in a durable good acquisition flow in a public body. This research can be classified as qualitative, with the application of a semi-structured questionnaire on the people responsible for the bidding process in the Municipality of Franco da Rocha - SP, to (i) formalize the current flow of vehicles acquisition; (ii) understand their perception of the TCO in the process; and (iii) find possible cost variables to be measured in the reality of that municipality. For purposes of information validation, there were collected data with documentary analysis of the bidding documents for vehicles purchases from 2013 to 2016, also being necessary for the composition of the TCO measurement exercise. Extracted variables from the respondents\' answers were used and it was suggested the application of new variables for the calculation to be broader. Regarding the results, it was possible to observe that the aspects impacted by the TCO application were: (i) improvement of the technical description of the good in the initial stage carried out by the good requestor, permeating items that make the TCO viable and can positively influence the quality of goods; and (ii) accuracy in the projection of post-acquisition costs for compliance with the Fiscal Responsibility Law - LRF. It is expected that there will be a development of the management purchase techniques in public bodies with efficient use of public resources regarding costs acquisitions, as well as demonstrating, in a didactic way, the calculation and some cost variables that can be standardized in the acquisition process.
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