Spelling suggestions: ""cublic managemement"" ""cublic managementment""
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Införandet och tillämpningen av CRM i svenska myndigheter : En fenomenografisk studie om hur CRM upplevs av medarbetare på svenska statliga myndigheterAbrha, Luwam January 2023 (has links)
I föreliggande uppsats studeras tillämpningen av Customer Relationship Management i svenska statliga myndigheter, med särskilt fokus på berörd personals uppfattningar om CRM-system. Undersökningar kring ämnet har tidigare verkställts i bland annat Västeuropa och USA och i dessa studier har tonvikt lagts på hur verksamhetens effektivitet har påverkats av CRM, men inga undersökningar av liknande slag har ägnats åt svenska myndigheter. För att genomföra en sådan studie, inriktad mot svenska förhållanden, har semistrukturerade intervjuer med CRM-kunniga personer på 7 stycken svenska myndigheter genomförts. Undersökningen är baserad på en fenomenografisk forskningsansats och ett antal olika teorier har tillämpats för att kunna tolka det empiriska underlaget från intervjuerna. Teorierna som kommer att beröras gäller Customer Relationship Management, New Public Management, Kritik mot NPM, De fyra E:na, Kunder/klienter, Kommunikationsstrategier, Tillit, Organisationsförändringar/motstånd samt Isomorfism. Analysen har tagit stöd av dessa teorier, varigenom undersökningen har kunnat genomföras från ett allsidigt perspektiv. En slutsats som dragits efter genomförd analys är att respondenterna upplevde att CRM-system har en avsevärd potential att effektivisera de berörda myndigheternas verksamhet. En annan är att det finns ett behov av CRM-forskning inriktad mot svenska myndighetsförhållanden, eftersom dessa på många sätt skiljer sig från de som råder i utlandet. / In the present essay, the application of Customer Relationship Management in Swedish government agencies is studied, with a particular focus on the perceptions of the personnel concerned with CRM systems. Research on the topic has previously been carried out in, among other places, Western Europe and the USA, and in these studies emphasis has been placed on how the business's efficiency has been affected by CRM, but no research of a similar kind has been carried out in Sweden. In order to conduct such a study focused on Swedish conditions, semi-structured interviews with 7 Swedish government authorities have been carried out. The investigation is based on a phenomenographic research approach and a number of different theories have been applied in order to interpret the empirical data. Those to be invoked concern Customer Relationship Management, New Public Management, Criticism of NPM, The four E's, Customers/clients, Communication strategies, Trust, Organizational changes/resistance and Isomorphism. The subsequent analysis has been supported by these theories, whereby it has been possible to carry out the investigation applying an all-round perspective. A conclusion drawn from the analysis was that the respondents felt that CRM systems have considerable potential to streamline the operations of the relevant authorities. Another is that there is a need for CRM research aimed at Swedish government authorities, as these differ in many ways from those that prevail abroad.
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Institutionaliserade recept i Trafikverket : En kandidatuppsats om kvalitetsstyrning och tjänstedesignMelki, Gina, Melke, Patricia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is to study why and how the Swedish Transport Administration has applied quality management and service design. This study applies the institutional theory and theory behind New Public Management. Total Quality Management and service design are used as study objects. A qualitative method with an abductive approach has been used. The authors use primary and secondary data, which have been collected through semi-structured interviews and (final) reports from the Swedish Transport Administration. According to the employees and (final) reports, The Swedish Transport administration was motivated to apply quality management due to faults in the facilities, and service design due to lack of railway descriptions. The Swedish Transport Administration's quality management work takes place, among other things, through the four-step principle, the project model and ISO standards when working on railways. The Swedish Transport Administration works with service design from an outside and in perspective, to understand its customers and to create successful outcomes in the organization. This is done by, among other things, introducing service maps and creating value for customers. / Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera varför och hur Trafikverket har tillämpat kvalitetsstyrningsarbete samt tjänstedesignarbete. Denna studie tillämpar den institutionella teorin och teorin bakom New Public Management. Total Quality Management och tjänstedesign används som studieobjekt. En kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats har använts. Författarna använder sig av primär-och sekundärdata, vilka har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt (slut)rapporter från Trafikverket. Enligt de anställda och (slut)rapporterna, motiverades Trafikverket till att tillämpa kvalitetsstyrning på grund av fel i anläggningarna och tjänstedesign på grund av bristande järnvägsbeskrivningar. Trafikverkets kvalitetsstyrningarbete sker bland annat genom fyrstegsprincipen, projektmodellen och ISO standarder vid arbete på järnväg. Trafikverket arbetar med tjänstedesign utifrån ett utifrån- och in perspektiv, för att förstå sina kunder och skapa framgångsrika utfall i organisationen. Detta genom att bland annat införa tjänstekartor och skapa värde för kund.
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Från beredning till utfall : En policyanalys av apoteksmonopolets omreglering och den nya privatiserade apoteksmarknadenLindhe, Anna January 2024 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis is about the reregulation of the Swedish pharmacy monopoly that occurred in July 2009. The study is examining the intentions of the reregulation, the Swedish pharmacy market as it is today and if there seems to be a correlation between these. The theory used for the study is the policy process and it serves as a way for the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the process between the preparations of the decision, and the evaluation of the solution that was implemented. Through a policy analysis and by looking at documents carried out by government authorities the analysis lifts the intentions of the reregulation by interpreting its goals. By reading evaluating documents regarding the reregulation, it is possible to create a perception of the pharmacy market today. In the discussion the question regarding the correlation between these two is brought up and looked at. The result of the study shows that the outcome of the reregulation is not fully correlating to the intentions that was once written in preparing material for the decision. The reregulation was looking for efficiency, availability, lowering costs and creating a safe drug use for the costumers. After looking at the combined material not all goals have been achieved to its fullest.
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En insats olik andra : En kvalitativ studie om boendestödjares roll / A service unlike others : A qualitative study about the role of support in daily living workersJönis, Anna Ronja, Schött, Carolina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge of how social workers who work with support in daily living (SIDL) view their professional role, their work assignments and the obstacles and possibilities in their work. This study aims to answer what social workers within SIDL do in their work and how they view their role, what obstacles and possibilities they face, what the organizational conditions look like as well as how they experience SIDL has changed over time. Data was collected through 6 semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with SIDL. The interviews were inductively analyzed. New Public management (NPM) was later applied as a theoretical framework to better understand the results. Five themes have been identified: the shell of SIDL, the core of SIDL, a catch-all service, work environment and top-down management within the organization. The result of this study shows that pedagogy and flexibility are some of the core elements in SIDL, and that NPM is not compatible with these core elements. The results also indicate a stronger presence of NPM as governing logic over time.
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Navigering mellan tillitsbaserat ledarskap och marknadsorienterade arbetsmetoder i äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie kring första linjens chefers upplevelser och utmaningar i stora och små kommunerAndersson, Elin, Lundin, Karin January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate how first-line managers in municipal elderly care perceive and manage the balance between market-oriented working methods and trust-based leadership. The study also aims to investigate whether these experiences differ depending on whether the managers work in small or large municipalities. The method in this study was qualitative semi-structured interviews with six informants working as first-line managers in a municipal nursing home. The experience of working as a first-line manager differs, as several of the informants feel that they have less participation in decision-making processes and have to report upwards a lot, which leads to difficulties in working in a trust-based way. First-line managers in smaller municipalities experience a closeness to superiors and others in the organisation, which makes them feel more involved. The results are discussed in relation to previous research and analysed with the theories Job-demand resources and Coping. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur första linjens chefer på inom kommunal äldreomsorg upplever och hanterar balansen mellan marknadsorienterade arbetsmetoder och tillitsbaserat ledarskap. Studien ämnar också undersöka om dessa upplevelser skiljer sig åt beroende på om cheferna arbetar i små eller stora kommuner. Metoden i denna studie var kvalitativa semistrukterade intervjuer med sex informanter som arbetar som första linjens chef på kommunalt SÄBO. Upplevelsen av arbetet som första linjens chef skiljer sig åt då flera av informanterna upplever att de har mindre delaktighet i beslutsprocesser och får rapportera mycket uppåt, vilket leder till svårigheter att arbeta tillitsbaserat. Första linjens chefer i mindre kommuner upplever en närhet till stegen över sig och övriga inom organisationen vilket gör att de känner sig mer delaktiga. Resultatet diskuteras i förhållande till tidigare forskning samt teorierna Job-demand resources och Coping.
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Experimentierklauseln im Kommunalrecht - Rechtsprobleme im Spannungsfeld zwischen Regelungswut und "laisser faire" / Experimental clauses in municipal lawGöhring, Armin Ludwig January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Die Anforderungen an eine moderne Verwaltung haben sich in vielfältiger Weise gewandelt. Ging es früher noch allein um den wortlautgetreuen Vollzug des Gesetzes, so stehen heute andere Aspekte im Vordergrund bzw. jedenfalls gleichwertig daneben. Die Kassen der Kommunen sind leer, die Liste der Streichungen von öffentlichen Zuwendungen und der Schließung öffentlicher Einrichtungen wird täglich länger. Der Sparzwang innerhalb der Verwaltungen ist erheblich. Zudem werden in einer modernen Dienstleistungsgesellschaft die Bürger nicht mehr allein als Antragsteller bzw. Adressaten von Verfügungen gesehen. In einem gewandelten Selbstverständnis der Gesellschaft wollen und müssen sich die Verwaltungen zunehmend als Dienstleister etablieren, die, soweit dies der Natur der Sache nach möglich ist, auf die Bedürfnisse der Bürger bestmöglich eingehen sollen. Der Verwirklichung dieser Zwecke – Steigerung von Effizienz, Effektivität und Bürgernähe der Verwaltung – sollen die in die Kommunalgesetze der Länder eingefügten Experimentierklauseln dienen. Mit ihrer Hilfe soll das von der Kommunalen Gemeinschaftsstelle für Verwaltungsvereinfachung konzipierte Neue Steuerungsmodell in die kommunale Praxis umgesetzt werden. Vorbilder dieser neuesten Tendenz der Verwaltungsreform waren ähnliche Ansätze vor allem in den angelsächsischen und skandinavischen Staaten. Kern des Neuen Steuerungsmodells ist es, bisher ausgetretene Pfade des Verwaltungshandelns, die als zu wenig flexibel empfunden wurden, durch anpassungsfähigere Strukturen zu ersetzen. Dazu gehören z.B. die Zusammenführung von Fach- und Ressourcenverantwortung in der Hand des zuständigen Sachbearbeiters, die Vorgabe globaler Budgetansätze zur eigenständigen Verwaltung innerhalb einer Abteilung anstatt der Vorgabe jedes einzelnen Haushaltspostens, die Steuerung der Verwaltungstätigkeit mittels Kontrakten anstelle von Einzeleingriffen seitens des Gemeinderates, die Abflachung von Hierarchien innerhalb der Verwaltung und das Bemühen um mehr Bürgernähe und Wettbewerb. Die vorliegende Arbeit möchte die im Zusammenhang mit der Einführung des Neuen Steuerungsmodells entstehenden grundlegenden rechtlichen Probleme erörtern und einen Versuch zu deren Lösung anbieten. / Demands on a modern administration have changed in multiple ways. Whereas in former times the literal execution of laws was the predominant aspect, other aspects prevail today or stand aside equally. The communities lack money and each day the list of public institutions to close gets longer. Pressure upon the administration to save money is enormous. Furthermore, in a modern service society people are no longer seen just as applicants or addressees of administrative orders. The changed self-understanding of society forces the administration to establish itself as a service unit trying to correspond to the needs of people as good as it can, wherever this deems appropriate. The experimental clauses which have been inserted in the municipal laws of the states (Länder) aim to realize these goals – improvement of efficiency, effectiveness and closeness to people of the administration. With their help, the „Neues Steuerungsmodell“ (New Public Management) as conceived by the municipal centre for simplification of the administration (Kommunale Gemeinschaftsstelle für Verwaltungsvereinfachung) shall be installed in everyday municipal practice. Similar approaches in anglo-saxon and scandinavic countries have been role models for this newest tendency of administrative reforms. It is at the core of the New Public Management to leave the pathes of administrative behaviour which turned out ot be to unflexible and to replace them by more adaptable structures. Being part of this are e.g. the unification of responsibility for the decision itself and for the ressources to execute the decision in the hand of one civil servant, global budgets for self-administration within a department instead of determination of each single expense in the budget, control of the administration by means of contracts rather than by single inter-ventions of the district council, reduction of hirarchy within the administration and the effort for more closeness to people and competition. This thesis aims to discuss the fundamental legal problems arising in connexion with the installation of the New Public Management and tries to offer adequate solutions.
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Grenzen und Chancen der Organisationsform "Landesbetrieb nach § 26 LHO" / Restrictions and prospects of public utilities in the sense of § 26 of budget lawsMeinert, Markus January 2006 (has links)
Unter dem Eindruck einer zunehmenden Einengung finanzieller Spielräume entwickelt die öffentliche Hand Strategien zur Haushaltskonsolidierung, die über den Einsatz des Neuen Steuerungsmodells hinausgehen. Eine zentrale Bedeutung im Rahmen der Verwaltungsoptimierung nehmen aufgaben- und organisationskritische Ansätze ein. Letztgenannte umfassen Überlegungen, wie durch eine Ablösung hergebrachter behördlicher Strukturen nachhaltige Entlastungseffekte ausgelöst werden können. Das Organisationsrecht kennt hierfür auf allen Verwaltungsebenen grundsätzlich zahlreiche Ausgestaltungen von der Beleihung Privater Dritter über Beteiligungsgesellschaften, Anstalten oder Stiftungen bis hin zu Regiebetrieben. Die verbleibenden Möglichkeiten einer Einflussnahme durch Politik und Verwaltung gestalten sich. Im Interesse einer hinreichenden Steuerung durch politische und administrative Leitungsinstanzen erfahren Landesbetriebe nach § 26 der Landeshaushaltsordnungen in den letzten Jahren in vielen Landesverwaltungen eine Renaissance. Obgleich die betreffende Ermächtigung seit 1969 im Haushaltsrecht verankert ist und bereits Gegenstand der Reichshaushaltsordnung war, liegen kaum systematisierte Erkenntnisse über den Einsatz dieser Organisationsform vor. In den Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungswissenschaften finden sich praktisch keine über den Wortlaut des Gesetzes und hierzu kaum ergangene Verwaltungsvorschriften hinausgehenden Hilfestellungen.
Die Arbeit widmet sich dem Modell „Landesbetrieb nach § 26 LHO“, indem sie damit verbundene Entwicklungspotenziale für ein betriebswirtschaftliches Handeln und Rahmenbedingungen seines Einsatzes beleuchtet. Sie stellt den Landesbetrieb dabei in ein Verhältnis zu Behörden, welche unter Anwendung von Elementen des Neuen Steuerungsmodells geführt werden und privatrechtlich ausgestalteten Unternehmen. Zu diesem Zweck erfolgt eine vertiefte empirische Untersuchung der Landesbetriebe im amtlichen Geoinformationswesen, welche eine breite Aufgabenpalette aufweisen. Die in diesem Rahmen vollzogene Primäranalyse wird im Interesse einer Verbreiterung der Aussagekraft der Ergebnisse ergänzt um ausgewählte Sekundäranalysen zur praktischen Ausgestaltung weiterer Landesbetriebe insbesondere in den Bereichen Bau- und Liegenschaftsmanagement, Mess- und Eichwesen und der Datenverarbeitung. Ergänzend zu den deskriptiven Darstellungen der empirischen Betrachtung werden normative Betrachtungen für die einzelnen betriebswirtschaftlichen Funktionalbereiche vorgenommen soweit hier spezifische Problemstellungen in der Praxis der Landesbetriebe bekannt geworden sind.
Im Ergebnis kommt die Arbeit zu der Erkenntnis, dass Landesbetriebe ein Entwicklungspotenzial über das Neue Steuerungsmodell hinaus bergen, dieses aber weniger als erwartet im Bereich der Finanzwirtschaft und damit in der tatsächlichen Haushaltskonsolidierung liegt, als vielmehr in der strukturellen Optimierung der Verhältnisse zwischen, Betriebsleitung, Kunden sowie administrativer und politischer Spitze und der Gestaltungsräume der einzelnen Akteure. / Due to a lack of financial flexibility the public sector develops strategies of budget consolidation, which go beyond the implementation of New Public Management. Doing this there is a focus on optimization by task and organisational criticism. Concerning organisational criticism this includes considerations, how it is possible to reach financial ease by replacing former official structures. Organisational law knows different possibilities on the administrative levels of the states and municipalities with different opportunities of influence by political and administrative leadership. In this context public utilities like mentioned in § 26 of budget laws became more and more important in the last years. Although they are known as an organisational option for years now, there is a lack of experience and systematic knowledge on this kind of administrative units.
The dissertation lays emphasis on the possibilities of developing economic usage in these units and necessary or practised general conditions for their implementation. Public utilities in the sense of § 26 of budget laws are compared to authorities lead by the principles of New Public Management and private enterprises. There is at first an empirical examination of these kind of units established in the field of geodetic survey and spatial data, because of their broad spectrum of different kinds of tasks by primary analysis. It is completed by a sec-ondary analysis of practicism in further public utilities being responsible for example for real estate management, measuring and adjusting or technological infrastructures.
The descriptive parts are supplemented by normative considerations on special economical, legal and organisational aspects in these public utilities like they are seen or known by affected people involved in the change from authorities to public utilities.
As a result it is emphazised, that public utilities in the sense of § 26 of budget laws offer potencials for development going further than authorities lead by the principles of New Public Management. Never the less it is not the field of finance but organisation and steering, where the most important possibilities of structural redesign have to be seen. This concerns mostly the relationship between management, customers, stakeholder and politician or administrative leadership as far as flexibility of each individual participants.
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La Gerencia Pública Moderna en la Reforma del Sector SaludYpanaqué Luyo, Pedro, Calle Dávila, María del Carmen 30 October 2014 (has links)
La “Gestión Pública Moderna” o también llamada “Nueva Gestión Pública” (NGP) o “New Public Management” (NPM) es una tendencia impulsada por las Reformas del Estado de segunda generación que prioriza la generación de “valor público” a tres niveles (estratégico, entorno político y operativo); a su vez reconoce al “proceso político” como mecanismo para la asignación de recursos del Estado y favorece la incorporación de los “gerentes públicos”como franja directiva que se sitúa entre las autoridades políticas y los empleados públicos.
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Lietuvos viešojo administravimo stebėsenos sistemų kūrimas ir jų duomenų panaudojimas / Developing monitoring systems for Lithuanian public administration and using it's dataMorkūnaitė, Dovilė 20 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos viešojo administravimo stebėsenos sistemų kūrimo ir jų duomenų panaudojimo ypatumus. Pirmiausiai siekta atskleisti teorinį darbo pagrindimą, todėl buvo analizuojamas stebėsenos vaidmuo viešosios politikos ciklo teorijoje bei viešojo valdymo pertvarkų teorinėse prieigose (New Public Management, New Public Governance, Good Governance). Taip pat darbe, remiantis moksline literatūra, buvo išskiriami stebėsenos sistemų pranašumai lyginant su paviene stebėsena, sistemų kūrimo ir įgyvendinimo sunkumai, analizuojami stebėsenos sistemų įgyvendinimo etapai, išskiriamos stebėsenos kryptys, efektyvios stebėsenos sistemos principai. Dar viena darbo dalis skirta stebėsenos sistemų duomenų panaudojimui, čia apibrėžiamas stebėsenos duomenų panaudojimas vertinimui, valdymo sprendimų priėmimui, mokymuisi iš patirties, reformoms, atskaitomybės didinimui.
Tirti buvo pasirinktos dvi Lietuvos viešojo administravimo stebėsenos sistemos – Viešojo administravimo subjektų ir jų veiklos stebėsenos sistema ir Vyriausybei atskaitingų institucijų strateginių veiklos planų (įskaitant biudžeto programų) įgyvendinimo rezultatų stebėsenos sistema. Remiantis atliktu kokybiniu tyrimu, buvo išanalizuoti šių sistemų kūrimo prielaidos, pasiteisinimas, kūrimo metu kilusios problemos. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, jog Viešojo administravimo subjektų ir jų veiklos stebėsenos sistema šiuo metu dar neveikia, todėl darbe buvo analizuotas tik jos kūrimas ir duomenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of the Master Theses is to analyze the peculiarities of creation of monitoring systems of the Lithuanian public administration and usage of their data. First of all, it was attempted to disclose the theoretical reasoning of the work; therefore the role of monitoring was analyzed in the theory of public policy cycle and theoretical approaches to reforms of public governance (New Public Management, New Public Governance, Good Governance). Besides, the scientific literature was used in the work to distinguish the similarities of monitoring systems compared to single monitoring, difficulties of creation and implementation of the systems, to analyze the implementation stages of monitoring systems, and to distinguish monitoring directions and principles of effective monitoring system. One more part of the work was meant for the usage of data of monitoring system. There the usage of monitoring data for evaluation, decision-making on management, learning from experience, reforms and increase of accountability was defined.
Two monitoring systems of the Lithuanian public administration were chosen for analysis – monitoring system of subjects of public administration and their activity and monitoring system of implementation results of the strategic activity plans of the governmental authorities (including the budgetary programs). The qualitative research helped to analyze the creation preconditions of these systems and the problems encountered during the creation process... [to full text]
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Reemigrantams teikiamų paslaugų ir programų administravimas Lietuvos Respublikoje / Return migration programs and policy administration in the Republic of LithuaniaVilienė, Jurgita 20 June 2014 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe, naudojant teisės aktų, dokumentų, parengtų programų ir priemonių, statistinių duomenų bei mokslinės literatūros analizės metodą, analizuojamas Lietuvos Respublikos grįžtamosios migracijos politikos formavimas ir įgyvendinimas. Naudojant pusiau struktūruotą interviu, pristatomas valstybės institucijų darbuotojų (interviu atliktas su 8 specialistais) požiūris į teikiamų paslaugų administravimą ir įgyvendinimą.
Darbo tikslas yra ištirti grįžtantiems migrantas teikiamų paslaugų ir programų administravimo sistemos ypatumus Lietuvos Respublikoje. Darbe tiriama 2010 – 2014 m. laikotarpio Lietuvos Respublikos grįžtamosios migracijos politika bei ją administruojančių Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės, tiesiogiai vyriausybei pavaldžių institucijų veikla bei darbuotojų požiūris į vykdomas programas. Darbe iškelti tokie uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti Lietuvoje esamą grįžtamosios migracijos situaciją.
2. Atsižvelgiant į Naujosios viešosios vadybos elementus decentralizavimą ir dalyvavimą, aptarti visuomenės įsitraukimo lygį į grįžtamosios migracijos politikos formavimą.
3. Išanalizuoti pagrindines valstybės valdymo institucijas, administruojančias Lietuvos Respublikos grįžtamosios migracijos politiką.
4. Išanalizuoti Lietuvos institucijų parengtas programas, skirtas grįžtamajai migracijai skatinti.
5. Ištirti, kaip vertina Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinių institucijų darbuotojai grįžtamosios migracijos vykdomas programas.
Pirmajame skyriuje pristatoma darbe naudojama... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this paper is to explore the administration system of returning migrant’s services and programs in the Republic of Lithuania. The examination of the law, documents, prepared programs and strategies, statistics and scholar literature was used as a method for further analysis. The presentation provides a broad overview of return migration policy in Lithuania of 2010 – 2014 period, priorities of government and the attitude of government institutions staff towards return migration programs. In order to present the aims and opinions of the particular officers about the relevant problems, related to the formation and the implementation of the return migration policy, half-structured interviews were used (8 interview were taken).
The paper has these following tasks:
1. Analyze current situation of return migration in Lithuania.
2. In view of the New Public Management elements of decentralization and participation, to discuss public involvement into return migration policy.
3. To analyze the main public government institutions working with return migrants in Lithuania.
4. To analyze the main Lithuanian programs that encourage return migration.
5. To investigate government institution attitude to the return migrations programs.
The work consists of three main sectors. The first section presents the work using the New Public Management paradigm and its assumptions of return migration policy.
The second section describes the concept of return migration, motives and types... [to full text]
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