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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The teaching of Biblical studies in private Christian schools in South Africa today / F.S. Mahlaula

Mahlaula, Farmanda Samuel January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the teaching practice in grade 12 Biblical Studies in private Christian schools in the Limpopo Province in South Africa during 2003, with the specific objective to make recommendations towards possible improvements. Although but a few private Christian schools in the Limpopo Province participated in the study, while the title implies that all the South African schools were involved, the findings are assumed to be a cross section of the general situation of grade 12 Biblical Studies teaching in South Africa, as teaching is more or less subjected to similar conditions in all the Provinces. This study consists of a theoretical section wherein literature regarding the variables of the study are discussed, as well as an empirical section wherein the results of the research are reported and interpreted with the aim of reaching certain conclusions regarding the typical profile of Biblical Studies teaching practice in the Limpopo Province. The theoretical basis is grounded in the didactical foundations of teaching as discussed in Chapter 2. This is followed by the empirical study (described in Chapter 3) grounded in the results obtained from classroom observations, questionnaires, interviews and the November 1996-2002 Biblical Studies grade 12 final examination of the four participating schools. Chapters 4 and 5 respectively evaluate and consolidate the findings from the classroom observations, the responses from the interviews and questionnaires, and the November 1996-2002 grade 12 Biblical Studies examination results. The main thesis on which this study rests is that the teaching practice of grade 12 Biblical Studies in private Christian schools during 2003 was unsatisfactory because of, inter alia, lack of work ethics, negative attitudes of both teachers and learners, lack of or insufficient application of didactical principles, teaching methods and teaching aids, low morale and insufficient or improper training of Biblical Studies teachers. The study revealed that the teaching of grade 12 Biblical Studies in private Christian schools during 2003 was indeed unsatisfactory because of lack of work ethics, negative attitude of both teachers and learners, lack of and insufficient application of didactical principles and a variety of teaching methods, low morale and improper training of some Biblical Studies teachers. The most aggravating factor was that teachers often did not even show up for Biblical Studies classes. Conclusively, it is therefore recommended that heads of departments and principals regularly monitor and evaluate the quality and quantity of Biblical Studies teaching in schools. The inspectors of schools may also support these forms of control by more regular inspection of schools, and more specifically, of the Biblical Studies classroom. Incentives and recognition of performance by both teachers and learners in the Biblical Studies classroom may be incorporated into these recommendations. / Thesis (M.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Vraagstelling as effektiewe onderrigleervaardigheid om leerders se hoërorde-denke in die natuurwetenskappe-leerarea te ontwikkel / Illasha Kok

Kok, Illasha January 2007 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine if questioning can be used as an effective teaching and learning skill to develop learners' higher level thinking in the natural sciences learning area. The types of questions asked by the teachers as well as the different questioning techniques that can be used to provoke the learners' higher level thinking during a learning experience was discussed. The way in which learner questions can be used to encourage student engagement and learning was determine. Questioning as it is used in secondary school was investigated to determine the ways in which it is applied during teaching and learning. The present situation regarding the development and stimulation of learners' questions was determine. The degree to which training and experience determine the teachers application of questioning as an effective teaching and learning skill is investigated by means of a survey. Guidelines to enhance questioning as a skill to develop the learners' higher level thinking was formulated. Method: A literature study was done to investigate the ways in which questioning can be used to enhance the teaching and learning of higher level thinking. Learning strategies, teaching and learning methods and skills to enhance effective higher level thinking was discussed in terms of teaching and learning in the natural sciences. The success rate of teaching and learning can be measure in terms of good questioning and the level of thinking. 'The teaching and learning experience in natural sciences is influenced by the nature of science. The objectives of teaching and learning in the natural sciences is discussed. The empirical data about the grade 8 and grade 11 natural sciences classroom situations was obtained by means of video recordings. These recordings was analysed and coded with a situation analysis instrument developed against the background of the literature study. Empirical research was also undertaken in terms of a survey procedure to obtain the biographical data about the teachers. The empirical data are analysed and discussed in terms of the present situation in use in the natural sciences classrooms. Based on this discussions, guidelines were developed in terms of the proposal of the findings with which to ensure the application of questioning as a teaching and learning skill to enhance the development of learners' higher level thinking in the natural sciences learning area. Core findings: The core findings are, that not enough effort is put to the didactic task of enhancing questioning as an effective teaching and learning skill of learners in the natural sciences. The teachers are confronted with the challenge to make use of spiral questioning to provoke the learners thinking in the classroom situation. Questioning can be used to serve and support the teaching and learning experience. From the empirical data it can be deducted that the teachers in this research group are not trying to enhance, stimulate of provoke learners' questioning. Questioning as practice by the teachers are mostly classified as communication and lower level questions. Furthermore no deduction can be made about the degree to which training and experience determine the teachers application of questioning as an effective teaching and learning skill to enhance the higher level of thinking in the natural sciences learning area. Based on these core findings recommendations are made about the development of higher level thinking to promote deeper understanding of the natural sciences with the aid of questioning as an instructional skill during learning. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Vilka metoder kan NO-lärare använda i sin undervisning för att motivera elever i årskurs 4 – 6? : En litteraturstudie om NO-lärares metoder för att motivera elever i årskurs 4 – 6. / Vilka metoder kan NO-lärare använda i sin undervisning för att hålla elevers motivation och intresse uppe? : What methods can science teachers use in their teaching to keep students’ motivation and subject interest high? – A literature study about the methods a science teacher can use to motivate students and increase their interest for the science subjects in middle school classes.

NDURYA, RUDOLPH January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har för syfte att genom litteraturstudie belysa vilka metoder NO-lärare använder för att motivera elever och öka intresse för ämnet i skolan. En viktig del av elevernas motivation och lust att delta i undervisningen är direkt kopplat till de undervisningsmetoder lärare använder. Lärares sätt att undervisa påverka elevernas motivation och kunskapsutveckling. Syftet med litteraturstudie är att utifrån ett naturvetenskapligt didaktiskt perspektiv undersöka hur NO-lärare kan motivera elever i sin undervisning samt öka vederbörandes intresse för ämnet. Resultatet visar att det är möjligt att genom sin undervisning som NO-lärare, motivera elever positivt. En framgångsrik undervisning inom naturvetenskapen som hjälper elever att nå uppsatta målen och som bidrar till ökad kunskap hos individen bör inte bara diskuteras i endimensionella termer. En kombination av lärarens kunskaper, dennes förmågor och framförhållning i sin dagliga undervisningssituation skapar förutsättningar för elevers lärande och kunskapsutveckling.

Evidensbaserade undervisningsmetoder för skrivutveckling på högstadiet och gymnasiet : En avgränsad systematisk forskningsöversikt

Nilsson, Helene January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna avgränsade systematiska forskningsöversikt är att studera de senaste fem årens evidensbaserade undervisningsmetoder för skrivutveckling. Syftet är också att studera hur sambandet mellan skrivutveckling, arbetsminne och självförmåga ser ut, samt dess konsekvenser för skrivundervisningen. Målgruppen är högstadie- och gymnasieelever som kämpar med skrivandet i skolan, så kallade struggling writers. Föreliggande studie består av åtta forskningsstudier som undersöker evidensbaserade effektiva skrivstrategier. Studierna är utvalda och avgränsade utifrån bestämda inkluderings- och exkluderingskriterier. Analys och tolkning sker både med utgångspunkt i Banduras social kognitiva teori samt utifrån aktuell forskning inom fältet. Resultatet visar att effektiva skrivundervisningsmetoder ger stöd för arbetsminnet och utvecklar skrivförmågan genom välstrukturerade strategier som även ger visuellt stöd. Därutöver innefattar undervisningsmetoderna medvetenhet om lärandet som social aktivitet vilket betonar goda relationer, konstruktiv feedback samt stöttande lärare som utgår från explicita metoder. Resultatet visar också att elevernas skrivförmåga förbättras när man lägger vikt vid att arbeta med deras tankesätt och självförmåga. / The aim of this limited systematic research review is to study evidence based teaching methods for writing, over the last five years. The aim is also to study the link between writing development, working memory and self-efficacy, and the consequences of such a linkage. The target group are struggling writers in late elementary and high school that experience difficulties in writing composition.   The present study consists of eight research studies on effective writing strategies, selected and limited by certain inclusion and exclusion criteria. The analysis and interpretation are carried out from the perspective of Bandura’s social cognitive theory, as well as from previous research in the field. The result shows that effective teaching methods for writing support students’ working memory and writing skills through well-defined structures and visual support. Furthermore, the methods include awareness of learning as a social activity which emphasises good relations, constructive feedback and supportive teachers using explicit methods. The result also suggests that when addressing students’ mindset and supporting their self-efficacy, writing proficiency improves.

Využití překladu z cizího jazyka pro rozvoj textových kompetencí v mateřském jazyce / The use of translation from a foreign language text for the development of textual competencies in mother tongue

KOVÁŘÍKOVÁ, Mirka January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the use of translation from a foreign language as a tool to improve textual competence in the mother tongue. The first part deals with the evolution of foreign language teaching, the status of mother tongue in foreign language teaching, positive cross-linguistic transfer and interference. Further, the concept of the method is defined and different methods of foreign language teaching are described. It's specified whether the mother tongue and translation exercises are or are not used while using each of the listed teaching methods. The second part defines translation and categorizes types of translation and contains various types types of translation exercises. The last part is focused on stylistics (narrative techniques, writing genres and functional styles). A sample of translation from Czech into Spanish and vice versa is supplied for a majority of the functional styles.

Undervisningsmetoder och åtgärder för elever med språkstörning eller försenad språkutveckling : Lärares uppfattningar om undervisningsmetoder i grundskolans tidigare år

Gustafsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att studera några lärares uppfattningar när det gäller undervisningsmetoder och åtgärder för elever med språkstörning eller försenad språkutveckling i grundskolans tidigare år, samt när och hur elevernas språkliga svårigheter visar sig i undervisningssituationen. Metoden för insamlingen av empiriskt material är kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra lärare i grundskolans tidigare år. Intervjuerna var ostrukturerade och fokus var att försöka uppfatta och förstå lärares nyanserade beskrivningar om sin undervisning för elever med språkstörning eller försenad språkutveckling. Resultaten i arbetet visar att de riktigt stora riskerna att utveckla läs-och skrivsvårigheter är när språkförståelsen och ordförrådet är drabbat. Svårigheter inom språkförståelse och ordförråd är dock inte lika enkla att definiera som fonologiska svårigheter. Därför gäller det att lärare säkerställer att de undervisningsmetoder som används ger elever med språkliga svårigheter möjlighet att utveckla sidor av språket som handlar om förståelse. Resultaten visar även att många anpassningar är på individnivå utan sammanhang. Det gör att de kommunikativa delarna av undervisningen försvinner vilket gör att språkförståelsen och ordförrådet inte utvecklas särskilt effektivt. Anpassningar som är inkluderade i den ordinarie undervisningen gör det möjligt att utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande bibehålla de kommunikativa delarna av undervisningen vilket i sin tur gör det möjligt att utveckla språkförståelsen och ordförrådet. Undervisningsmetoderna bör istället vara konkreta, kommunikativa, modellerande och av multimodal karaktär, där undervisningsmetoderna utgår från elevens starkaste språkliga sidor. / The purpose of the study is to study some teachers' perceptions regarding teaching methods and measures for students with language impairment or late language development in the early year's primary school, as well as when and how students' linguistic difficulties appear in the teaching situation. The method for collecting empirical material is qualitative interviews with four teachers in the primary school's early years. The interviews were unstructured and the focus was to try and perceive teachers' nuanced descriptions of their teaching for language impaired students or students with late language development.   The results in the study show that the major risks of developing reading and writing difficulties are when linguistic difficulties and vocabulary is already affected. However, linguistic difficulties and vocabulary are not as easy to define as phonological difficulties. Therefore, teachers must ensure that the teaching methods used give students with linguistic difficulties the opportunity to develop sides of language that concern understanding.   The results also show that many adaptions are at individual level without context. This causes the communicative parts of teaching to disappear, which hinders language comprehension and vocabulary to develop efficiently. Adaptations that are included in the regular practice allow for the communicative parts of the teaching from a socio-cultural perspective of learning. This makes it possible to develop linguistic understanding and vocabulary. The teaching methods should instead be concrete, communicative, explicit and using a variation of learning methods. Where the methods are based on the student's strongest linguistic aspects.

Fauna bezobratlých zahrady jako zdroj námětů pro badatelsky orientované vyučování přírodopisu založené na didaktickém pochopení obsahu / Invertebrate fauna of the garden as a source of ideas for inquiry-based science education based on the didactical content knowledge

NĚMEC, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching methods that can be used when working with pupils of primary school and it focuses on the possibilities to use inquiry-based science education (IBSE).The thesis analyses the literature and choice of topics that may be suitable for IBSE. The thesis proposes and presents four IBSE themes or comprehensive tasks respectively. All these tasks are focused on invertebrates occurring in the garden. Usability of one of these tasks was tested during science instruction in primary school. Results of this testing are presented. The individual teaching and learning procedures and particular tasks for pupils are prepared and arranged to develop their independence and desire to explore and discover. Proposed educational themes and tasks are available for IBSE in primary school.

Proměny života v šumavském pohraničí: případová studie a možnost aplikace tématu ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ

DAŇHOVÁ, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to show to pupils in primary education, on the base of an example study of Šumava region, a topic from the didactic point of view. A paThe aim of this diploma thesis is to show to pupils in primary education, on the base of an example study of Šumava region, a topic from the didactic point of view. A part of the example study is a time-space comparison of chosen villages in the region, from the demographic point of view, form the point of view of landscape changes, way of life and other aspects. The problematics is set into a wider context. The result of the didactic topic application in the second part is creating of materials for project teaching and for concrete topics for primary education. rt of the example study is a time-space comparison of chosen villages in the region, from the demographic point of view, form the point of view of landscape changes, way of life and other aspects. The problematics is set into a wider context. The result of the didactic topic application in the second part is creating of materials for project teaching and for concrete topics for primary education.

Didaktické hry a jejich využití ve výuce geologie na ZŠ / Didactic games and their application in geology teaching at primary school

DAŇKOVÁ, Soňa January 2016 (has links)
The presented master thesis describes methods of geology teaching at primary school and deals with the motivation of pupils in a connection with the application of a didactic game in teaching of geology and/or nature science. Data source was sampled via questionnaire in three groups of the respondents, i.e., teachers of geology (nature science), with 9th class pupils of primary school and university students of teaching training in biology. The theoretical part includes general data concerning motivation of pupils, teaching methods and a didactic game. The practical part contains methodology of the research, results of quantitative analysis and the author's didactic computer game which was tested and evaluated by the respondents. The obtained results show that the majority of pupils do not like geology however the integration of the didactic games in lessons can be increased pupil's interest in geology. The research has also found that university students have a different opinion on the teaching of geology than practising teachers. For example university students think that the unpopularity of geology among pupils is caused by teacher's personality, but according to opinion of the teachers it is caused by a general lack of attractivity of the subject. Similarly, the students accused the teacher of insufficient use of didactic games in geology teaching, but the teachers do not integrate didactic games in geology teaching due to lack of time.

Aktivizující metody v hudební výchově na ZUŠ / Activating methods in music education at the elementary music school

KUBÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis explores activating methods in music education at elementary music schools. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the description and the issue of activating methods and also focuses on methods suitable for teaching music subjects at elementary music school in the classes of collective and individual lessons. The practical part deals with the purposefulness of the use of activating methods with emphasis to the support of creativity and coordination in lessons of music education. The diploma thesis uses the questionnaire method in various modifications and the method of observation. The aim of the presented diploma work is to describe the activating teaching methods and to focus on these suitable for teaching music subjects at elementary music schools in the classes of collective and individual lessons. The aim of the practical part of the diploma thesis is to find out whether the activating teaching methods are used in education at elementary music schools and how they are evaluated and accepted by teachers and pupils.

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