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Les artistes japonais à Paris durant les annees 1920 : à travers le Salon de la Société des Artistes Français, le Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, le Salon d’Automne, le Salon de la Société des Artistes Indépendants et le Salon des Tuileries / Japanese Artists in Paris during the 1920s : across le Salon de la Société des Artistes Français, le Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, le Salon d’Automne, le Salon des Artistes Indépendants and le Salon des TuileriesKawachi, Akiko 03 December 2010 (has links)
A la fin du XIXe siècle et au début du XXe siècle, les artistes japonais s’installant à Paris sont peu nombreux. Cependant, après la Première Guerre mondiale, à partir de 1920, un grand nombre d’artistes japonais arrivent en France. Au total deux cent huit artistes japonais ont figuré dans les Salons parisiens durant la décennie entre 1920 et 1929. La plupart de ces artistes choisissent comme lieu de résidence le quartier de Montparnasse. A cette époque à Paris, dans le milieu des artistes travaillant la peinture à l’huile, dite « yô-ga », nous pouvons distinguer trois courants : Le premier circule autour de Foujita Tsugouharu, artiste de renom associant la peinture occidentale et l’art traditionnel du Japon. Le second regroupe un certain nombre de jeunes artistes, dont Saeki Uzo, attirés par la peinture occidentale et la peinture moderne de Montparnasse. Le troisième courant est de nature académique : dans la lignée de Kuroda Seiki, les artistes suivent l’enseignement des Académies parisiennes. D’autres artistes choisissent la voie d’un art plus indépendant, à l’instar de Tanaka Yasushi, Hasegawa Kiyoshi ou bien Oka Shikanosuke, mais leur nombre reste limité, comme par ailleurs ceux exerçant la technique de la peinture japonaise, dite « nihon-ga », et également ceux pratiquant la sculpture, la gravure, la laque et la tenture. Le résultat suite au dépouillement mené dans les centres de documentation et les fonds photographiques au Japon et en France prouve l’importance de la présence des artistes japonais sur la scène artistique à Paris durant les années 1920 et permet de comprendre les motivations et créations de ces artistes. / During the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, not many Japanese artists settled in Paris. However, after the First World War, starting from 1920, a large number of Japanese artists arrived in France. In total two hundred and eight Japanese artists appeared in Parisian Salons during the decade between 1920 and 1929. Most of these artists choose Montparnasse district as their residence. In Paris those days, amongst artists who worked on oil painting called « yô-ga » we can distinguish three movements. The first circulated around Fujita Tsuguharu, a renowned artist who associated the Western painting and the traditional Japanese art. The second gathered a certain number of young artists, such as Saeki Yuzo, who were attracted by the Western painting and the modern painting of Montparnasse. The third movement was of an academic nature: as Kuroda Seiki did, artists were following the teaching of Paris Academies. Other artists choose the route of a more independent art, following the examples of Tanaka Yasushi, Hasegawa Kiyoshi or Oka Shikanosuke, but the number of these artists remains limited, same as those who practiced the technique of Japanese painting, i.e. « Nihon-ga », and also those who practiced sculpture, engraving, lacquer painting, and hangings. The result of going through the data of the documentation centres and photography funds in Japan and in France proves the importance of the presence of Japanese artists on the artistic scenes in Paris during the 1920’s and allows us to comprehend the motives and creations of these artists.
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Growth and characterization of M-plane GaN and (In,Ga)N/GaN multiple quantum wellsSun, Yue-Jun 06 July 2004 (has links)
Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Synthese von Wurtzit M-plane (In,Ga)N(1-100)-Heterostrukturen auf g-LiAlO2(100) mittels plasmaunterstützter Molekularstrahlepitaxie (MBE). Der Einfluß der Wachstumsbedingungen auf die strukturellen, morphologischen, und optischen Eigenschaften von M-plane GaN-Filmen werden untersucht. Ferner werden M-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN Multiquantenwells (MQWs) hergestellt und deren strukturelle und optische Eigenschaften untersucht. Schließlich wird der Einbau von Mg in M-plane GaN untersucht, um p-Typ-Leitfähigkeit zu erreichen. Die Arbeit beginnt mit einer Einführung bezüglich der Verspannung und der elektrostatischen Polarisation in Nitriden. Die Motivation fuer das Wachstum in [1-100]-Richtung anstatt in der konventionellen [0001]-Richtung ist, dass die GaN(1-100)-Flaeche nichtpolar ist, da sie aus einer gleichen Anzahl dreifach koordinierter Ga- und N-Atome aufgebaut ist. GaN ist überdies nicht piezoelektrisch in der [1-100]-Richtung. Das daraus folgende Fehlen elektrostatischer Felder in dieser Richtung stellt einen klaren Vorteil für die Leistung von GaN-basierenden hocheffizienten Leuchtdioden (LEDs) dar. Entsprechende [0001]-orientierte Strukturen, die auf konventionellen Substraten wie Al2O3 und SiC abgeschieden werden, leiden unter einer verringerten Effizienz durch die Präsenz der spontanen und piezoelektrischen Polarisation in dieser Wachstumsrichtung. Die Eigenschaften des Substrats LiAlO2 in Bezug auf das MBE-Wachstum werden anschliessend diskutiert. Es wird gezeigt, daß die thermische Stabilität von LiAlO2 fuer das MBE-Wachstum von Heterostrukturen geeignet ist. Die Polaritaet von LiAlO2 hat einen entscheidenden Einfluß auf die Phasenreinheit der GaN-Filme, und die Wahl der richtigen Polaritaet ist Voraussetzung fuer die Herstellung von einphasigen M-plane GaN-Schichten. In Kapitel 4 wird der Einfluß der Nukleationsbedingungen auf die strukturellen und morphologischen Eigenschaften von M-plane GaN-Filmen systematisch untersucht. Ferner wird die Ga-Adsorption und -Desorption ausführlich untersucht. Optimale Wachstumsbedingungen werden etabliert, die es ermoeglichen, M-plane-GaN-Schichten hoher Qualitaet reproduzierbar zu erhalten. Die Mikrostruktur der M-plane-GaN-Schichten, untersucht mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie, ist durch eine hohe Dichte an Stapelfehlern als dominierenden Defekt gekennzeichnet. Vollstaendige Fadenversetzungen, die die dominanten Defekte in C-plane GaN sind, werden dagegen nicht beobachtet. Die Korrelation zwischen den Stapelfehlern und den optischen Eigenschaften der Films wird untersucht. Eine intensive Emissionslinie wird in Tieftemperatur-Photolumineszenzspektren beobachtet, die an Stapelfehlern gebundenen Exzitonen zugeordnet wird. In Kapitel 6 wird die erfolgreiche Synthese von M-plane-(In,Ga)N/GaN-MQWs beschrieben. Das Zusammensetzungsprofil dieser Strukturen wird mittels Roentgendiffraktometrie und Sekundaerionenmassenspektrometrie untersucht. Die Ergebnisse belegen eine betraechtliche Oberflaechensegregation von In, die zu einem erniedrigten In-Gehalt sowie stark verbreiterten Quantenwells führt. Der erhaltene In-Gehalt von 7% ist niedriger als derjenige (15%), der in entsprechenden C-plane-Strukturen gefunden wird, die unter identischen Bedingungen hergesellt wurden. Dieses Resultat deutet auf eine niedrigere Einbaueffizienz von In auf (1-100) verglichen mit (0001) hin. Die Abhaengigkeit der Übergangsenergien von der Quantenwellbreite dieser M-plane-MQWs belegt die Abwesenheit interner elektrostatischer Felder entlang der Wachstumsrichtung. Die Rekombinationsdynamik in diesen MQWs wird im Detail untersucht. Sie ist stark von lokalisierten Zuständen beeinflußt. Im Gegensatz zu C-plane-Strukturen, wird in diesen M-plane MQWs eine starke Polarisation der spontanen Emission in der Filmebene mit einem energieabhängigen Polarisationsgrad von bis zu 96% beobachtet. In Kapitel 7 wird der Einfluß der Wachstumstemperatur und der Stoechiometrie auf den Mg-Einbau in GaN(1-100) zur p-Dotierung untersucht. Eine Mg-Konzentration bis zu 8×1020 cm-3 kann in M-plane-GaN-Schichten ohne beobachtbare Degradation der Kristallqualität erreicht werden. Es wird sowohl eine Diffusion als auch eine Segregation von Mg in M-plane GaN beobachtet. Zusaetzlich wird eine ausgepraegte Abhaengigkeit des O-Einbaus von der Mg-Dotierung beobachtet, was auf die hohe Reaktivitaet von Mg mit O zurückgeführt wird. Sowohl optische als auch elektrische Messungen weisen darauf hin, daß Mg in diesen M-plane GaN-Schichten als Akzeptor eingebaut wird. / In this thesis, we investigate the synthesis of wurtzite M-plane (In,Ga)N(1-100) heterostructures on g-LiAlO2(100) by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). We examine the impact of growth conditions on the structural, morphological, and optical doping properties of M-plane GaN. Furthermore, we fabricate M-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN multiple quantum wells and investigate their structural and optical properties. Finally, the incorporation of Mg in $M$-plane GaN is studied to achieve p-type conductivity. We start by giving an introduction concerning strain and electrostatic polarization fields. The motivation of growth along the [1-100] direction, instead of along the conventional [0001] direction is presented. The GaN(1-100) plane is nonpolar since it is composed of equal numbers of three-fold coordinated Ga and N atoms. Furthermore, GaN is not piezoelectrically active along the [1-100] direction. The resulting absence of electrostatic fields in this direction constitutes a distinct advantage for fabricating high-efficiency light-emitting diodes(LEDs). Corresponding [0001]-oriented structures grown on conventional substrates such as Al2O3(0001) and SiC(0001), suffer from a degradation of luminescence efficiency by the presence of both spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization along the growth direction. The properties of the LiAlO2 substrate with respect to MBE growth are discussed next. The thermal stability of LiAlO2 is demonstrated to be suitable for MBE-growth of heterostructures. The polarity of LiAlO2 is found to have a crucial influence on the phase-purity of the GaN films. The synthesis of pure M-plane GaN is preferentially achieved on one face of the substrate. The impact of nucleation conditions on the structural and morphological properties of M-plane GaN films is systematically investigated. Furthermore, a comprehensive study of Ga adsorption and desorption on the M-plane is presented. Optimum growth conditions are established, and high quality M-plane GaN can be obtained reproducibly. Concerning the microstructure of our M-plane GaN layers, stacking faults are found by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to be the dominant defects, while perfect threading dislocations, which are the dominant defects (108-1010 cm-2) in C-plane GaN, are not observed by TEM. The correlation between the stacking faults and the optical properties of the films is explored. A strong transition from excitons bound to stacking faults is observed by low temperature photoluminescence measurements. The successful synthesis of M-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) is demonstrated. The composition profiles of these structures are investigated by both x-ray diffractometry and secondary ion-mass spectrometry. The results reveal significant In surface segregation, resulting in a reduced In content and much wider wells than intended. The resulting In content of ~7% is lower than that obtained (~15%) for corresponding C-plane structures grown under identical conditions, suggesting a lower In incorporation efficiency on the (1-100) plane compared to the (0001) plane. The dependence of the transition energies on the well thickness of these M-plane quantum wells evidences the absence of internal electrostatic fields along this growth direction. The recombination dynamics in these MQWs is investigated in detail, and is found to be strongly influenced by localized states. Furthermore, in contrast to C-plane (0001) structures, a strong in-plane anisotropy of the spontaneous emission with an energy-dependent polarization degree of up to 96% is observed in the M-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN MQWs. Finally, the impact of the growth temperature and stoichiometry on the Mg incorporation in GaN(1-100) is investigated. Mg doping levels up to 8×1020 cm-3 can be obtained in M-plane GaN, with no observed degradation in crystal quality. Both Mg diffusion and surface segregation in M-plane GaN are observed. In addition, a pronounced dependence of the O incorporation on the Mg doping is observed, and attributed to the high reactivity of Mg with O. Both optical and electrical measurements indicate that Mg acts as an acceptor in the Mg-doped M-plane layers.
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Ga-Rankuwa secondary school students' awareness of career counselling and factors influencing career choicesLetlape, Tabea Mmasebedise 11 1900 (has links)
The fundamental aim of education is to empower learners to succeed in their career path and,
as such, the future of South African learners depends on the quality of decisions and the
progress made by them in respect of their personal and career development needs. The focus
of the study was on investigating the awareness of guidance and counselling in Ga-Rankuwa
secondary schools, and explore factors influencing career choice. The total number of
secondary schools that participated in the study were seven (7), and all public schools from
the disadvantaged context, in the Tshwane West Education District. The study was a descriptive
survey, and the target population consisted of 859 participants. The data were collected, using
two questionnaires; namely the Career Development Questionnaire (CDQ), and the Selfstructured Questionnaire (SSQ). The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used
to generate data, which were used as descriptive statistics of frequency table, percentages and
cross-tabulation to “raise awareness on the status of career guidance and counselling in GaRankuwa secondary schools”
The findings of the study showed that career guidance and counselling was not effectively
implemented in schools, and that inadequate career education was offered to learners during
Life Orientation classes. From the findings, it was discovered that learners did not have the
accurate, sufficient, informed and practical knowledge to help them make sound career
decisions, and that learners’ levels of career maturity were very low. It was evident from the
findings that age, gender, parents/guardians educational background did not have any
significant influence on learners’ career choices. The researcher, therefore, recommends that
Life-Orientation teachers be exposed to extensive career guidance and be offered training in
career counselling, and that there should be adequate and accessible career guidance and
counselling facilities for learners – and that career guidance strategies and policies should be
reviewed. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)
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<b>Information Extraction from Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) using a Structured Two-Level Named Entity Recognition (NER) Approach</b>Shantanu Gupta (18881197) 03 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Weather conditions such as thunderstorms, wind shear, snowstorms, turbulence, icing, and fog can create potentially hazardous flying conditions in the National Airspace System (NAS) (FAA, 2021). In general aviation (GA), hazardous weather conditions are most likely to cause accidents with fatalities (FAA, 2013). Therefore, it is critical to communicate weather conditions to pilots and controllers to increase awareness of such conditions, help pilots avoid weather hazards, and improve aviation safety (NTSB, 2017b). Pilot Reports (PIREPs) are one way to communicate pertinent weather conditions encountered by pilots (FAA, 2017a). However, in a hazardous weather situation, communication adds to pilot workload and GA pilots may need to aviate and navigate to another area before feeling safe enough to communicate the weather conditions. The delay in communication may result in PIREPs that are both inaccurate and untimely, potentially misleading other pilots in the area with incorrect weather information (NTSB, 2017a). Therefore, it is crucial to enhance the PIREP submission process to improve the accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of PIREPs, while simultaneously reducing the need for hands-on communication.</p><p dir="ltr">In this study, a potential method to incrementally improve the performance of an automated spoken-to-coded-PIREP system is explored. This research aims at improving the information extraction model within the spoken-to-coded-PIREP system by using underlying structures and patterns in the pilot spoken phrases. The first part of this research is focused on exploring the structural elements, patterns, and sub-level variability in the Location, Turbulence, and Icing pilot phrases. The second part of the research is focused on developing and demonstrating a structured two-level Named Entity Recognition (NER) model that utilizes the underlying structures within pilot phrases. A structured two-level NER model is designed, developed, tested, and compared with the initial single level NER model in the spoken-to-coded-PIREP system. The model follows a structured approach to extract information at two levels within three PIREP information categories – Location, Turbulence, and Icing. The two-level NER model is trained and tested using a total of 126 PIREPs containing Turbulence and Icing weather conditions. The performance of the structured two-level NER model is compared to the performance of a comparable single level initial NER model using three metrics – precision, recall, and F1-Score. The overall F1-Score of the initial single level NER model was in the range of 68% – 77%, while the two-level NER model was able to achieve an overall F1-Score in the range of 89% – 92%. The two-level NER model was successful in recognizing and labelling specific phrases into broader entity labels such as Location, Turbulence, and Icing, and then processing those phrases to segregate their structural elements such as Distance, Location Name, Turbulence Intensity, and Icing Type. With improvements to the information extraction model, the performance of the overall spoken-to-coded-PIREP system may be increased and the system may be better equipped to handle the variations in pilot phrases and weather situations. Automating the PIREP submission process may reduce the pilot’s hands-on task-requirement in submitting a PIREP during hazardous weather situations, potentially increase the quality and quantity of PIREPs, and share accurate weather-related information in a timely manner, ultimately making GA flying safter.</p>
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Avaliação da magnetostricção em ligas Fe1-xMx (M = V, Sn) e caracterização de suas propriedades magnéticas e microestruturais / Evaluation of magnetostriction and microstructural characterization of Fe-Sn and Fe-V alloysClaudio Teodoro dos Santos 25 January 2008 (has links)
Materiais magnetostrictivos exibem deformação elástica na presença de um campo magnético aplicado e por isso são de grande interesse para aplicação em sensores e atuadores. Trabalhos publicados no ano 2000 mostraram que a adição de Ga e Al ao Fe resulta em ligas com elevada magnetostricção em campos baixos. A partir daí os esforços foram direcionados para a descoberta de novas ligas magnetostrictivas à base de Fe com propriedades similares às encontradas nas ligas Fe-Ga e Fe-Al. No presente trabalho foram adicionados o Sn e o V ao Fe com o objetivo de avaliar a magnetostricção e a microestrutura das ligas formadas. Para isso, foram produzidas por fusão a arco as ligas Fe-9%at.Sn, Fe-20%at.Sn e as ligas Fex% at.V para x = 20, 25 e 30. As ligas Fe-Sn foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos em 550 e 750°C por 24 h e em 880°C por 6 h e depois resfriadas rapidamente para a retenção das fases (Fe?,Sn), FeSn, Fe3Sn2 e Fe5Sn3. Já as ligas Fe-V foram tratadas em 1100°C por 6 h para homogeneização da fase única (Fe?,V). A caracterização microestrutural e análise quantitativa das fases foram feitas por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, microanálise por energia dispersiva (EDS) e difratometria de raios X. Também foi medida a microdureza Vickers das amostras. A magnetostricção foi medida por dilatometria de capacitância usando um dilatômetro de placa inclinada inserido no equipamento Maglab da Oxford Instruments, em campos na faixa de -1,5 a 1,5 T e temperaturas próximas de 203 K. A magnetização de saturação das amostras foi obtida em 77, 203 e 300 K utilizando o PPMS 6000 da Quantum Design. A magnetostricção de saturação (?S) das amostras da liga Fe-9Sn foi negativa e o comportamento das curvas similar ao do Fe puro. As amostras da liga Fe- 20Sn apresentaram ?S positiva devido à presença das fases ferromagnéticas Fe3Sn2 e Fe5Sn3. A ?S das ligas Fe-V foi positiva e maior em módulo do que a das ligas Fe-Sn. Concluiu-se que a substituição do Fe por Sn e V de modo geral melhorou a magnetostricção do Fe, porém a melhora não foi tão relevante quanto a observada pela substituição por Ga. / Magnetostrictive materials exhibit elastic strain in the presence of an applied magnetic field and therefore are of great interest for use in sensors and actuators. Works published in 2000 showed that the addition of Ga and Al in Fe results in alloys with high magnetostriction at low fields. Since then efforts have been directed to the discovery of new magnetostrictive Fe based alloys with similar properties to those found in Fe-Ga and Fe-Al alloys. In the present work Sn and V were added to Fe with the purpose of evaluating the magnetostriction and microstructure of these alloys. Therefore, Fe-9at.%Sn, Fe-20at.%Sn alloys and Fexat.% V alloys for x = 20, 25 and 30 were produced by arc melting. The Fe-Sn alloys were heat-treated at the temperatures of 550 and 750°C for 24 h and 880°C for 6 h and then rapidly cooled to the retention of the (?Fe,Sn), FeSn, Fe3Sn2 and Fe5Sn3 phases. Fe-V alloys were heat-treated at the temperature of 1100°C for 6 h to homogenize the (?Fe,Sn) single phase. Microstructural characterization and quantitative analysis of the phases were made by optical and scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray powder diffraction. The Vickers microhardness of the samples was also measured. The magnetostriction was measured by capacitance dilatometry using a tilted plate dilatometer inserted into the Maglab platform by Oxford Instruments, using applied field in the range from -1.5 to 1.5 T and at temperatures close to 203 K. The samples saturation magnetization was obtained at 77, 203 and 300 K using the Quantum Design PPMS 6000. The saturation magnetostriction (?S) of the Fe-9Sn alloy samples was negative and the ?S vs. H curves behavior are similar to the pure Fe. Fe-20Sn alloy samples had positive ?S due to the presence of Fe3Sn2 and Fe5Sn3 ferromagnetic phases. The Fe-V alloys ?S was positive and larger in module than the Fe-Sn alloys ?S. We concluded that the substitution of Fe by Sn and V in a general way improved the magnetostriction of Fe, but the improvement was not as significant as observed with the substitution by Ga.
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Avaliação da magnetostricção em ligas Fe1-xMx (M = V, Sn) e caracterização de suas propriedades magnéticas e microestruturais / Evaluation of magnetostriction and microstructural characterization of Fe-Sn and Fe-V alloysSantos, Claudio Teodoro dos 25 January 2008 (has links)
Materiais magnetostrictivos exibem deformação elástica na presença de um campo magnético aplicado e por isso são de grande interesse para aplicação em sensores e atuadores. Trabalhos publicados no ano 2000 mostraram que a adição de Ga e Al ao Fe resulta em ligas com elevada magnetostricção em campos baixos. A partir daí os esforços foram direcionados para a descoberta de novas ligas magnetostrictivas à base de Fe com propriedades similares às encontradas nas ligas Fe-Ga e Fe-Al. No presente trabalho foram adicionados o Sn e o V ao Fe com o objetivo de avaliar a magnetostricção e a microestrutura das ligas formadas. Para isso, foram produzidas por fusão a arco as ligas Fe-9%at.Sn, Fe-20%at.Sn e as ligas Fex% at.V para x = 20, 25 e 30. As ligas Fe-Sn foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos em 550 e 750°C por 24 h e em 880°C por 6 h e depois resfriadas rapidamente para a retenção das fases (Fe?,Sn), FeSn, Fe3Sn2 e Fe5Sn3. Já as ligas Fe-V foram tratadas em 1100°C por 6 h para homogeneização da fase única (Fe?,V). A caracterização microestrutural e análise quantitativa das fases foram feitas por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, microanálise por energia dispersiva (EDS) e difratometria de raios X. Também foi medida a microdureza Vickers das amostras. A magnetostricção foi medida por dilatometria de capacitância usando um dilatômetro de placa inclinada inserido no equipamento Maglab da Oxford Instruments, em campos na faixa de -1,5 a 1,5 T e temperaturas próximas de 203 K. A magnetização de saturação das amostras foi obtida em 77, 203 e 300 K utilizando o PPMS 6000 da Quantum Design. A magnetostricção de saturação (?S) das amostras da liga Fe-9Sn foi negativa e o comportamento das curvas similar ao do Fe puro. As amostras da liga Fe- 20Sn apresentaram ?S positiva devido à presença das fases ferromagnéticas Fe3Sn2 e Fe5Sn3. A ?S das ligas Fe-V foi positiva e maior em módulo do que a das ligas Fe-Sn. Concluiu-se que a substituição do Fe por Sn e V de modo geral melhorou a magnetostricção do Fe, porém a melhora não foi tão relevante quanto a observada pela substituição por Ga. / Magnetostrictive materials exhibit elastic strain in the presence of an applied magnetic field and therefore are of great interest for use in sensors and actuators. Works published in 2000 showed that the addition of Ga and Al in Fe results in alloys with high magnetostriction at low fields. Since then efforts have been directed to the discovery of new magnetostrictive Fe based alloys with similar properties to those found in Fe-Ga and Fe-Al alloys. In the present work Sn and V were added to Fe with the purpose of evaluating the magnetostriction and microstructure of these alloys. Therefore, Fe-9at.%Sn, Fe-20at.%Sn alloys and Fexat.% V alloys for x = 20, 25 and 30 were produced by arc melting. The Fe-Sn alloys were heat-treated at the temperatures of 550 and 750°C for 24 h and 880°C for 6 h and then rapidly cooled to the retention of the (?Fe,Sn), FeSn, Fe3Sn2 and Fe5Sn3 phases. Fe-V alloys were heat-treated at the temperature of 1100°C for 6 h to homogenize the (?Fe,Sn) single phase. Microstructural characterization and quantitative analysis of the phases were made by optical and scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray powder diffraction. The Vickers microhardness of the samples was also measured. The magnetostriction was measured by capacitance dilatometry using a tilted plate dilatometer inserted into the Maglab platform by Oxford Instruments, using applied field in the range from -1.5 to 1.5 T and at temperatures close to 203 K. The samples saturation magnetization was obtained at 77, 203 and 300 K using the Quantum Design PPMS 6000. The saturation magnetostriction (?S) of the Fe-9Sn alloy samples was negative and the ?S vs. H curves behavior are similar to the pure Fe. Fe-20Sn alloy samples had positive ?S due to the presence of Fe3Sn2 and Fe5Sn3 ferromagnetic phases. The Fe-V alloys ?S was positive and larger in module than the Fe-Sn alloys ?S. We concluded that the substitution of Fe by Sn and V in a general way improved the magnetostriction of Fe, but the improvement was not as significant as observed with the substitution by Ga.
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Modeling of Hydrodynamic Circulation and Cohesive Sediment Transport and Prediction of Shoreline Erosion in Hartwell Lake, SC/GASeker-Elci, Sebnem 12 July 2004 (has links)
This dissertation addresses hydrodynamics, sediment transport and shoreline erosion within the main pool of Hartwell Lake, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoir built on the Savannah River, between Anderson, South Carolina, and Hartwell, Georgia, USA. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund site is located on a tributary of Hartwell Lake because of high concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the lake sediments. PCBs are hydrophobic and typically bond to fine-grained sediments, such as silts and clays. The primary goal of the study was to document, through field measurements, and model, using a 3-D numerical model of flow and sediment transport, the fate of sediments within the main pool of Hartwell Lake.
To document forty years of sedimentation within the reservoir, bathymetric survey data were collected in Hartwell Lake during the period, February 10-14, 2003. The bathymetric surveys revealed that deposition was, in places, up to two meters thickness in forty years. During the field campaign, flow velocity measurements were made primarily to provide a check on the magnitude of the velocities predicted by the numerical model used in the study. Shoreline surveys provided data for the modeling procedure for shoreline change. This in turn facilitated specification of the sediment flux into the domain via shoreline erosion.
Hartwell Lake is located near the southern terminus of the Appalachian mountain chain in the Piedmont region. Sediments contain high fractions of silt and clay. Hartwell Lake has a shoreline length of 1548 km, and erosion of lake shorelines has been a significant problem for many homeowners. As of September 2002, there were 1123 permitted riprap installations, and 393 permitted retaining walls, for a total of 1516 erosion control structures along the lakeshores (source: USACE Hartwell Office), an indication of the magnitude of the erosion problem.
To quantify the erosion rate of the shorelines, an approach that relates erosion rates to wind wave forces was developed. A simplified representation of the shape of beach profiles is employed. Historical shoreline change rates were quantified by comparing available digital aerial photos taken in different years, and the erosion prediction model was calibrated using these computed erosion rates.
Sediments derived from shoreline erosion were introduced to the model as an additional source along the model boundary, and the fate of the eroding sediments was investigated via numerical modeling.
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Strukturell komplexe intermetallische Phasen : Untersuchungen an binären und ternären Phasen der Systeme Ag-Mg und Ag-Ga-MgKudla, Christian 25 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurden Komplexe Intermetallische Phasen (KIP) in den Systemen Ag-Mg und Ag-Ga-Mg dargestellt und charakterisiert. KIP sind Verbindungen, die sich grundlegend von einfachen Metallen unterscheiden. Große Elementarzellen, ein hierarchisch strukturierter Aufbau und inhärente Fehlordnung sind wesentliche Charakteristika. Empirisch wird zudem eine Häufung von strukturchemisch verwandten KIP (Ähnlichkeitsregel) in der Nähe von definierten Zusammensetzungen beobachtet (Häufungsregel). Obwohl nur wenig über die physikalischen Eigenschaften dieser Verbindungsklasse bekannt ist, zeigen neueste Untersuchungen, dass sie interessante Eigenschaften wie ungewöhnliches plastisches Verhalten und Pseudo-Bandlücken in der elektronischen Zustandsdichte in Höhe der Fermi-Energie aufweisen können. Diese Arbeit zeigt exemplarisch, dass in der Chemie der KIP durchaus einfache Regeln (Häufungs-, Ähnlichkeits-, Valenzelektronenkonzentrationsregel) genutzt werden können, um neue Verbindungen mit vorgegebenen geometrischen Baueinheiten aufzufinden. Vereinfachende Annahmen, wie die Aussage, dass zweikomponentige Mackay-Cluster keine Fehlordnung aufweisen oder dass ein Mackay-Cluster maximal 92 Valenzelektronen enthält, erwiesen sich hingegen als falsch. Die Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass eine Kombination verschiedener Synthesemethoden notwendig ist. Insbesondere hat sich das Schmelzspinnverfahren, das zur Darstellung kristalliner magnesiumreicher Legierungen angewandt und modifiziert wurde, bei der phasenreinen Synthese der Verbindungen bewährt. Die Entwicklung von Spritzdüsen aus Tantal ermöglichte die kontaminationsfreie Verarbeitung der Mg-haltigen Legierungen. Die Bestimmung der Kristallstrukturen inklusive der Fehlordnungsphänomene war für das Verständnis der Stabilität der KIP entscheidend. Da häufig zwischen verschiedenen Modellen zur Beschreibung der Fehlordnung entschieden werden musste, waren neben präzisen Beugungsdaten genaue Untersuchungen der Präparate mittels chemischer Analytik, Metallographie und WDX hinsichtlich der Zusammensetzung aller Phasen erforderlich. Der magnesiumreiche Teil des binären Phasendiagramms Ag-Mg wurde neu bestimmt. Dabei wurden zwei bislang unbekannte Phasen dargestellt. Die fünf magnesiumreichen Phasen kristallisieren innerhalb eines schmalen Bereichs von nur 9 At.-% Mg. Die Kristallstrukturen dieser Phasen wurden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fehlordnungsphänomene untersucht. Die Verbindungen sind strukturchemisch verwandt und lassen sich den I3-Cluster-Phasen zuordnen. Ag2Mg5 kristallisiert ohne Fehlordnung im Al5Co2-Typ. Die Kristallstrukturen von Ag7Mg26 und Ag17Mg54 lassen sich als fcc bzw. bcc Anordnungen von Mackay-Clustern beschreiben. Es handelt sich um die ersten bekannten binären Phasen, in denen innerhalb von isolierten Mackay-Clustern Substitutionsfehlordnung auftritt. AgMg4 kristallisiert hexagonal in einem eigenen Strukturtyp. Das I3-Cluster-Netzwerk füllt den gesamten Raum bis auf einen annähernd zylindrischen Bereich um 0, 0, z, in dem eine Atom-Split-Position aus drei Lagen vorliegt. Lokal liegen drei unterschiedliche Koordinationspolyeder vor, deren Stapelabfolge in der Kristallstruktur von AgMg4 zufällig ist, jedoch mit kurzreichweitiger Korrelation. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich AgMg4 in eine Tieftemperaturphase umwandelt, in der die Polyeder vermutlich langreichweitig unter Bildung einer Überstruktur ordnen. Der Phasenbestand des ternären Systems Ag-Ga-Mg wurde untersucht und die Kristallstrukturen von sechs neuen Phasen bestimmt. Des weitern wurde eine Verbindung im System Ga-Mg-Pd charakterisiert. Anhand der Strukturtypen Al3Ir und Cu3P sowie den Verbindungen Ag0,55Ga0,45Mg3, Ga4,62Mg13,38Pd7 und Ag1,31Ga1,89Mg7,80 wurde gezeigt, wie die Variation von Strukturmotiven durch geringe Abweichungen von idealer Symmetrie zu zunehmend komplexeren Kristallstrukturen führt, die sich stets von Packungen des Edshammarpolyeders ableiten lassen. Drei ternäre Phasen vom I3-Cluster-Typ konnten identifiziert werden: Neben ternären Varianten der Phasen Ag7Mg26 und Ag17Mg54 kristallisiert Ag0,59Ga0,41Mg2 metastabil im NiTi2-Typ. In den strukturchemisch verwandten Phasen Ag6Ga12Mg11 und Ag21Ga74Mg44 bilden die Mg Atome Netzwerke mit Clatrath-II- bzw. Clatrath-IV-Topologie, die mit Ikosaedern und Frank-Kasper-Polyedern aus Ag und Ga gefüllt sind. Diese Phasen werden wahrscheinlich durch das e/a-Verhältnis der gesamten Struktur im Sinne einer Hume-Rothery-Regel stabilisiert.
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Studium dynamiky dynamiky magnetizace v GaMnAs pomocí ultrarychlé laserové spektroskopie / Investigation of magnetization dynamics in GaMnAs by ultrafast laser spectroscopyTesařová, Naďa January 2013 (has links)
i Abstract: This doctoral thesis is dedicated to the study of magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As using magneto-optical (MO) spectroscopy methods. The character of the magnetization dynamics after the impact of the laser pulse was investigated under different experimental conditions in an extensive set of optimized (Ga,Mn)As samples with Mn doping ranging from 1.5% to 14%. The thorough analysis of the measured MO signal enabled us to develop a new method that can be used to determine the laser pulse-induced real-space magnetization trajectory without any numerical modelling. Moreover, the investigation of the measured MO signals allowed us to determine the basic micromagnetic properties of (Ga,Mn)As, such as the magnetic anisotropy, the Gilbert damping or the spin stiffness. In addition to this, we found out that the light-induced magnetization precession can be caused by three distinct mechanisms - the sample heating due to the energy transfer from the laser pulses, the angular momentum transfer from the circularly polarized photons, and the influence of the non-equilibrium hole polarization induced by the relativistic spin-orbit interaction. The first of these mechanisms is rather well known but the two remaining ones, which are the optical analogues of the spin-transfer torque...
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Návrh na zřízení venkovní geologické expozice hornin u obce Kozolupy / Proposal of establishment of an outdoor geological expositions near the village KozolupyPROCHÁZKOVÁ, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
Diploma work, the proposal of establishment of an outdoor geological expositions near the village Kozolupy deals with characteristics of the place where the exhibition has to be established, natural conditions, geological history of the place and other tourist destinations of the area. Further work characterizes geoparks and issues associated with them and indicates the difference between geoparks and geological exposition, there is also provided a particular example. In next part of the work there are rocks selected for the exhibition, their description and geological characteristics of the area where it came from. This theoretical part follows the practical one. Here is described everything needful concerning the location of geological exposition in the attachment there are exhibition plans and photographs of the park, where exposition is to be located. There are also particular proposals of information boards. Last but not least, work is drawing up the budget. Diploma work concludes proposal of excursions to interesting locations with the visit of the exposition. This Master thesis was created as a part project GA JU 065/2010/S.
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