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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aquinas se Quinque Viae as 'n holistiese beredenering

Ueckermann, Isabella Jacoba 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Aquinas's five point argument for God's existence views creation as a holistic entity in which synthesis and creative influences are initiated through the interaction between minimal and maximal acts of being. These acts are represented by the per accidens and the per se respectively. Both these acts are fundamental acts which are crucial to the outcome of the argument for the existence of God. The creature who, because of his per accidens dependency, possesses minimal status, is elevated to a place of honour by participation in creation. Both the essence and esse of creatures have their origin in the pure esse of the maximal act of being (God). Maximal being, the efficient cause, grounds the similarity between itself and minimal acts of being. Both the per accidens and the per se have crucial roles to play in the verification of tbe argument. Should any one of these two elements be lacking, the argument would be invalid. / Aquinas se Quinque Via as 'n Holistiese Beredenering is 'n vyfpunt-argument vir die bestaan van God wat die skepping as 'n eenheid beskou waarin sintese en skeppende invloede bewerkstellig word deur interaksie tussen minimale en maksimale bestaansaktes. Die bestaansaktes word deur die per accidens en die per se (wat die fundamentele boustene in die argument vorm) verteenwoordig. Die skepsel wat vanwee sy per accidens- afhanklikheid beperkte status beklee, word deur bemiddeling van die per se of maksimale bestaansakte (God) tot deelgenoot verhef en beklee ·n ereplek in die skepping. Beide die esse en essensie van menslike wesens het hul oorsprong in die suiwer esse van die maksimale bestaansakte. Maksimale bestaan, die effektiewe oorsaak, begrond die ooreenkoms tussen sigself en die minimale bestaansaktes. Die per accidens sowel as die per se vervul 'n onontbeerlike rol in die bewysvoering van die argument. Sou een van die twee fundamentele elemente ontbreek, sou die argument in geheel ongeldig wees. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Wysbegeerte)

Ctnost lásky u Tomáše Akvinského / The virtue of love by Thomas Aquinas

NEUBAUEROVÁ, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The work focuses on the virtue of love by Thomas Aquinas. It mainly deals with the principles of love in the philosophy of T. Aquinas, but also with themes that with concept of love directly related - such as the general conception of virtue, goodness, happiness or sins against love. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the work of T. Aquinas. The second chapter deals with the basic characteristic of the concept of virtue and differentiation of natural and supernatural virtues. The next chapter deals with the concept of love itself. In this chapter there are the basic definitions and differentiation types of love. Another chapter is devoted to one of the question in Summa Theologica - About love itself which is perceived like basic question of the concept virtue of love by T. Aquinas. The fifth chapter deals with sins against love, which are seens as contravene to the love. Another sixth chapter focuses on whether love can be increased or decreased. The last chapter is devoted to the love from the today perspective.

Le concept de finalité pour éclairer le travail du manager : une lecture philosophique à partir du cas de la Française des Jeux / The concept of purpose to enlighten the manager’s work : a philosophical interpretation based on the Française des Jeux case

Guéry, Bernard 23 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but de montrer quelles logiques de la finalité sont en jeu dans le travail du manager. Nous avons distingué deux façons d’aborder la finalité. La première, proche des notions d’objectif, d’intérêt, d’utilité, constitue le soubassement des façons d’aborder classiquement le travail du manager. Nous avons fait émerger, en nous appuyant sur la pensée d’Aristote, Thomas d’Aquin, et Spaemann, une conception alternative de la finalité, qui diffère de l’objectif et de l’intérêt en ce qu’elle n’est pas construite. Ce concept de finalité permet de voir autrement trois dimensions essentielles du travail du manager : le management par objectif, le faisceau d’exigences contradictoires dont le manager est le point focal, et le dilemme qui se pose à lui entre éthique et efficacité. Enfin, une enquête de terrain permet de montrer que cette logique alternative de la finalité, rattachée à l’éthique des vertus, trouve une certaine place dans le discours des managers de la FDJ, aux côtés du conséquentialisme, qui consacre l’acception utilitaire de la finalité, et du déontologisme qui évacue le recours à la finalité. / This thesis aim is to show which notion of purpose is at stake in the manager’s work. It differentiates two ways to address the concept of purpose. The first one, close to the notions of objective, interest, utility, forms the foundations of a classical vision of the manager’s work. However, a second one, based on Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and Spaemann’s philosophies, arose. This alternative conception differs from objective and interest as it is not elaborated by the subject. It allows a different view on three essential dimensions of the manager’s work: the management by objectives, the body of contradictory requirements that built up on the manager and the dilemma between ethics and efficiency. Finally, a field survey showed that this alternative conception of purpose, linked to virtue-based ethics, has a certain place in the FDJ’s managers’ message, together with consequentialism, which expresses the utilitarian conception of purpose, and deontological ethics, which evacuates any purpose.

Die teologiese oorsprong van Ateisme

Green, Gerhardus Jakobus January 2017 (has links)
Navorsing oor veranderende konsepte van God toon aan dat die oorsprong van ateïsme na die skolastici van die laat-middeleeue teruggevoer kan word. Hierdie ondersoek poog om die verhouding tussen Johannes Duns Scotus se eenduidige konseptualisering van God en die verwerping van God deur moderne ateïste aan te toon. Die verandering van Thomas Aquinas se analogiese teologie na Johannes Duns Scotus se eenduidige ontologiese konseptualisering van God het `n groot invloed op nominalistiese teologie en die moderne realiteitsverstaan gehad. Nominaliste soos William van Occam het hierdie eenduidige konsep van God later kombineer en verder ontwikkel met die gevolg dat God later nie meer ontologiese voorkeur geniet het nie. Waar Aquinas die klem op God se transendensie gelê het, was daar ‘n toenemende neiging om God al hoe meer immanent te verstaan. ʼn God wat op dieselfde wyse as die mens bestaan, word dus ʼn “wese”, ʼn “getemde God”. Scotus en latere nominaliste het God se kwantitatiewe andersheid bo sy kwalitatiewe andersheid beklemtoon. Binne `n akademiese ruimte waarin die waarheid van die Christelike geloof en die outoriteit van die Rooms Katolieke Kerk nie bevraagteken is nie, was die invloed van hierdie teologiese veranderinge klein. Die Reformasie het dit egter verander, en alhoewel dit nie die bedoeling was nie, was die gevolg dat hierdie eenduidige konseptualisering van God deel van moderne teïsme geword het. Duns Scotus se invloed was so groot dat daar ook na hom as die stigter van moderniteit verwys kan word. Na die Reformasie het Descartes se cogito ergo sum daartoe gelei dat die rede alleen as bron van betekenis gegeld het. Hierdie ontwikkeling het voorkeur aan epistemologie bo ontologie gegee. Binne hierdie moderne realiteitsverstaan is daar nie plek vir ʼn eenduidige konseptualisering van God nie. Omdat ateïste juis hierdie konsep van God verwerp, is daar waarde in die bestudering van ateïsme. Sleutelwoorde: ateïsme, Thomas Aquinas, Johannes Duns Scotus, William van Occam, analogie van syn, eenduidige syn, Descartes, die Reformasie, Amos Funkenstein, Gavin Hyman, Brad Gregory, epistemologie, ontologie, skolastici, nominalisme, moderniteit, moderne teïsme. / Dissertation (MTh)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / MTh / Unrestricted

An Essay on the Political Division of American Catholics

Bray, Keith W. 28 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Bridging Discourse: Connections Between Institutional and Lay Natural Philosophical Texts in Medieval England

Lorden, Alayne 01 January 2015 (has links)
Translations of works containing Arabic and ancient Greek knowledge of the philosophical and mechanical underpinnings of the natural world—a field of study called natural philosophy—were disseminated throughout twelfth-century England. During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, institutional (ecclesiastical/university) scholars received and further developed this natural philosophical knowledge by reconciling it with Christian authoritative sources (the Bible and works by the Church Fathers). The subsequent discourse that developed demonstrated ambivalence towards natural philosophical knowledge; institutional scholars expressed both acceptance and anxiety regarding the theory and practice of alchemy, astrology/astronomy, and humoral/astrological medicine. While the institutional development and discourse surrounding natural philosophical thought is well-represented within medieval scholarship, an examination of the transmission and reception of this institutional discourse by broader sectors of English medieval society is needed. Examining fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Middle English public writings, texts, and copies of Latin works provides an important avenue of analysis when exploring the transmission and reception of institutional natural philosophical discourse to the laity. By comparing the similarities of discourse evident between the institutional and lay texts and the textual approaches the Middle English writers employed to incorporate this discourse, these works demonstrate that the spheres of institutional and lay knowledge traditionally separated by medieval historians overlapped as the clerics and laity began sharing a similar understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of the natural world.

The Virtue of Penance in the United States, 1955-1975

Morrow, Maria Christina January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Love of God and Love of Neighbor: Thomistic Virtue of Charity in Catherine of Siena's Dialogue

Norris, Laura Sharon January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Perspective vol. 43 no. 1 (Feb 2009)

Vandenberg, Sophie, Sweetman, Robert, Keesmaat, Sylvia C., Zuidervaart, Lambert, Rudie, Carol Veldman 28 February 2009 (has links)
No description available.

By what right do we own things? : a justification of property ownership from an Augustinian tradition

Chi, Young-hae January 2011 (has links)
The justification of property ownership based on individual subjective rights is tightly bound to humanist moral perspectives. God is left out as irrelevant to the just grounds of ownership, which is established primarily on the basis of human self-referential, moral capacity. This thesis aims at developing an alternative justification, both for property as an institution and as a private holding, with a view to bringing God back into the centre stage and thereby placing property ownership on the objective concept of right. A tradition hitherto generally left unnoticed, yet uncovered here as the source of inspiration, vests the whole project with a moral-teleological tone. The tradition, enunciated by St. Augustine and developed by St. Bonaventure and John Wyclif, invites us to see property from the perspective of a moral end: it ought to be used for the love of God and neighbours, and as such it can be owned only by the just. In spite of important insights into the moral nature of property, the Augustinian thesis not only fails to spell out what ‘use for love’ means but also suffers from elitism. Nor does it offer an adequate justification of private property. Such weaknesses call for revision. When we reinterpret the Augustinian thesis through the concept of the divine imperative of service coupled with a proper understanding of human work, property acquires a distinctive justification. Property, as an institution, is justified as a requisite for carrying out God’s redemptive work towards the world. From this general justification ensues the particular justification. We hold property as specifically ‘mine,’ since each person’s ordained mission to participate in God’s work requires a uniquely personal material means, although the recognition and fulfilment of individual mission still demands communal efforts. The duty to carry out the God-commanded mission at first allows us to possess private property only in a non-proprietorial and non-exclusive manner. Yet in the prevailing condition of economic scarcity and human greed, civil jurisdiction must provide a structure of rights to enforce property institution. As God’s invitation for the transformation of the world is a universal command, everybody should have a minimum of property, and yet in differentiation of the scope and kinds commensurate with the particularities of individual mission.

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