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Energy Storage: Technology for a More Efficient GridProser, Noah 01 January 2011 (has links)
Energy storage technologies have the potential to revolutionize the electric grid by allowing for the integration of renewable generation while increasing the utilization and efficiency of current grid assets. These technologies include pumped hydroelectric storage, compressed air energy storage (CAES), flywheels, batteries, thermal energy storage (TES), super capacitors, and superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES). While energy storage has been implemented in some areas, its benefits are greatly undervalued by current regulatory frameworks leading to suboptimal outcomes for grid operators, utilities, and ratepayers. Large-scale adoption of storage technologies will require regulatory frameworks that recognize the benefits of grid-scale storage across generation, and transmission and distribution. This thesis discusses the need for storage, currently available and developing storage technologies, and the present regulatory environment.
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Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop During Condensation of Refrigerants in MicrochannelsAgarwal, Akhil 20 November 2006 (has links)
Two-phase flow, boiling, and condensation in microchannels have received considerable
attention in the recent past due to the growing interest in the high heat
fluxes made possible by these channels. This dissertation presents a study on
the condensation of refrigerant R134a in small hydraulic diameter (100 < Dh
< 160 mm) channels. A novel technique is used for the measurement
of local condensation heat transfer coefficients in small quality increments,
which has typically been found to be difficult due to the low heat transfer
rates at the small flow rates in these microchannels. This method is used to
accurately determine pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients for mass
fluxes between 300 and 800 kg/m2-s and quality 0 < x <
1 at four different saturation temperatures between 30 and 60oC. The
results obtained from this study capture the effect of variations in mass flux,
quality, saturation temperature, hydraulic diameter, and channel aspect ratio
on the observed pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients. Based on the available
flow regime maps, it was assumed that either the intermittent or annular flow
regimes prevail in these channels for the flow conditions under consideration.
Internally consistent pressure drop and heat transfer models are proposed
taking into account the effect of mass flux, quality, saturation temperature, hydraulic
diameter, and channel aspect ratio. The proposed models predict 95% and 94% of
the pressure drop and heat transfer data within ±25%, respectively. Both
pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient increase with a decrease in
hydraulic diameter, increase in channel aspect ratio and decrease in saturation
temperature. A new non-dimensional parameter termed Annular Flow Factor is also
introduced to quantify the predominance of intermittent or annular flow in the
channels as the geometric parameters and operating conditions change. This
study leads to a comprehensive understanding of condensation in microchannels
for use in high-flux heat transfer applications.
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Πρωτόκολλα πληθυσμώνΜιχαήλ, Όθων 03 August 2009 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή επεκτείνουμε το μοντέλο των πρωτοκόλλων πληθυσμών που προτάθηκε από τους Angluin et al., ούτως ώστε να μοντελοποιήσουμε πιο ισχυρά δίκτυα αποτελούμενα από πολύ μικρά τεχνουργήματα περιορισμένων πόρων (πράκτορες), τα οποία είναι πιθανόν να ακολουθούν μη προβλέψιμη παθητική κίνηση. Οι πράκτορες αυτοί επικοινωνούν μόνο κατά ζεύγη σύμφωνα με τις επιλογές ενός εχθρικού δρομολογητή. Ένας κατευθυνόμενος (ή μη κατευθυνόμενος) γράφος επικοινωνίας αποτυπώνει την ακόλουθη πληροφορία: κάθε ακμή (u,υ) του γράφου υποδηλώνει ότι επιτρέπεται κατά τον υπολογισμό να συμβούν μία ή περισσότερες αλληλεπίδρασεις του u με τον υ στις οποίες ο u είναι ο μυητής και ο υ ο αποκρινόμενος. Το νέο χαρακτηριστικό του μοντέλου των πρωτοκόλλων πληθυσμών με διαμεσολαβητή το οποίο προτείνουμε στην παρούσα εργασία είναι η ύπαρξη ενός παθητικού παρόχου επικοινωνίας τον οποίο καλούμε διαμεσολαβητή.
Ο διαμεσολαβητής είναι μία απλή βάση δεδομένων με δυνατότητες επικοινωνίας. Βασική δουλειά του είναι να διατηρεί τις επιτρεπόμενες αλληλεπιδράσεις σε κλάσεις επικοινωνίας, των οποίων ο αριθμός είναι σταθερός και ανεξάρτητος του μεγέθους του πληθυσμού. Για τον λόγο αυτό υποθέτουμε ότι κάθε πράκτορας του πληθυσμού έχει έναν μοναδικό προσδιοριστή (ίσως εργοστασιακό) τον οποίο ο ίδιος δεν μπορεί να γνωρίζει. Όταν δύο πράκτορες πρόκειται να αλληλεπιδράσουν αποστέλλουν τους μοναδικούς προσδιοριστές τους (ταυτότητες) στον διαμεσολαβητή ο οποίος τους κοινοποιεί την κλάση στην οποία ανήκει το μεταξύ τους κανάλι επικοινωνίας (δηλαδή, την κατάσταση του κατευθυνόμενου ή μη ζεύγους των προσδιοριστών τους) και οι πράκτορες ανανεώνουν την κατάστασή τους και την κατάσταση της μεταξύ τους ακμής βάσει μίας καθολικής συνάρτησης μετάβασης. Εάν η μεταξύ τους αλληλεπίδραση δεν επιτρέπεται ή, με άλλα λόγια, αν το ζεύγος αυτό δεν υπάρχει στη βάση δεδομένων του διαμεσολαβητή οι πράκτορες ενημερώνονται ότι θα πρέπει να ματαιώσουν την αλληλεπίδραση. Παρατηρούμε ότι με τον τρόπο αυτό αρχίζουμε να αποκτούμε κάποιον έλεγχο σχετικά με την ασφάλεια του δικτύου και επιπλέον μέσω του διαμεσολαβητή μπορούμε ανά πάσα στιγμή να γνωρίζουμε την τοπολογία του δικτύου.
Ισοδύναμα, είναι σα να επιτρέπουμε στις ακμές του γράφου επικοινωνίας να διατηρούν καταστάσεις από ένα σύνολο καταστάσεων ακμών σταθερού πληθικού αριθμού. Ο εναλλακτικός αυτός τρόπος να δούμε το νέο μοντέλο έχει πολλά πλεονεκτήματα ως προς την τυπική μοντελοποίηση και τον σχεδιασμό πρωτοκόλλων, αφού μας επιτρέπει να παραβλέψουμε τις λεπτομέρειες υλοποίησης του διαμεσολαβητή. Επιπρόσθετα, επεκτείνουμε περαιτέρω το νέο μοντέλο επιτρέποντας στις ακμές να έχουν κόστη από ένα, επίσης, σταθερού πληθικού αριθμού σύνολο, τα οποία είναι μόνο προς ανάγνωση. Εν συνεχεία, επιτρέπουμε στους κανόνες μεταβάσεων των εκάστοτε πρωτοκόλλων να διαβάζουν τις καταστάσεις του ζεύγους πρακτόρων που αλληλεπιδρούν και την κατάσταση και το κόστος της ακμής μέσω της οποίας γίνεται η αλληλεπίδραση (αν, φυσικά, έχουμε ορίσει κόστη στο πρόβλημά μας) και να ανανεώνουν όλα αυτά τα στοιχεία πέραν από τα κόστη που είναι μόνο προς ανάγνωση. Παρατηρούμε, επομένως, ότι οι προδιαγραφές των πρωτοκόλλων του νέου μοντέλου συνεχίζουν, να είναι ανεξάρτητες του μεγέθους του πληθυσμού και συνεχίζουν να μην χρησιμοποιούν μοναδικούς προσδιοριστές, δηλαδή, το νέο μοντέλο διατηρεί τα χαρακτηριστικά της κλιμάκωσης, της ομοιομορφίας και της ανωνυμίας.
Τα Πρωτόκολλα Πληθυσμών με Διαμεσολαβητή (Mediated Population Protocols - MPP) που προτείνουμε μπορούν να υπολογίσουν σταθερά ιδιότητες γράφων σχετικά με τον γράφο επικοινωνίας. Για να το δείξουμε αυτό παρουσιάζουμε πρωτόκολλα για το μεγιστοτικό ταίριασμα, την μεταβατική θήκη, τις ακμές ελαχίστου κόστους και το ελάχιστο μονοπάτι από τη ρίζα ως τα φύλλα ενός έξω-κατευθυνόμενου δέντρου και αποδεικνύουμε την ορθότητά τους.
Εν συνεχεία, δείχνουμε ότι το μοντέλο των πρωτοκόλλων με διαμεσολαβητή αποτελεί ένα ισχυρότερο υπολογιστικά μοντέλο από το κλασικό μοντέλο των πρωτοκόλλων πληθυσμών. Πρώτα παρατηρούμε το προφανές, ότι, δηλαδή, το κλασικό μοντέλο των πρωτοκόλλων πληθυσμών είναι ειδική περίπτωση του νέου μοντέλου, άρα το νέο μοντέλο μπορεί να κάνει σίγουρα τουλάχιστον ότι και το κλασικό. Εν συνεχεία, παρουσιάζουμε ένα πρωτόκολλο με διαμεσολαβητή το οποίο υπολογίζει σταθερά το γινόμενο δύο θετικών ακέραιων στην περίπτωση που ο G (γράφος επικοινωνίας) είναι πλήρης κατευθυνόμενος και συνεκτικός. Τα κατηγορήματα που περιλαμβάνουν πολλαπλασιασμό δύο ακέραιων μεταβλητών δεν είναι ημιγραμμικά και έχει αποδειχθεί ότι τα κλασικά πρωτόκολλα πληθυσμών σε πλήρεις γράφους υπολογίζουν σταθερά μόνο ημιγραμμικά κατηγορήματα, άρα με τον τρόπο αυτό δείχνουμε ότι υπάρχει τουλάχιστον ένα κατηγόρημα που ενώ δεν υπολογίζεται σταθερά απ'' το βασικό μοντέλο υπολογίζεται σταθερά από το μοντέλο το οποίο προτείνουμε. Για τις ανάγκες της απόδειξης διατυπώνουμε και αποδεικνύουμε ένα γενικό Θεώρημα σχετικά με τη σύνθεση δύο πρωτοκόλλων πληθυσμών με διαμεσολαβητή, το ένα εκ των οποίων χρησιμοποιεί σταθεροποιούμενες εισόδους. Δείχνουμε, επίσης, ότι όλα τα κατηγορήματα που υπολογίζονται σταθερά απ'' το μοντέλο μας ανήκουν (μη ομοιόμορφα) στην κλάση NSPACE(m), όπου το m συμβολίζει το πλήθος των ακμών του γράφου επικοινωνίας. Τέλος, ορίζουμε τα πιθανοτικά πρωτόκολλα πληθυσμών με διαμεσολαβητή, στα οποία ο δρομολογητής επιλέγει σε κάθε βήμα την επόμενη αλληλεπίδραση ισοπίθανα μεταξύ των ακμών του γράφου επικοινωνίας και δείχνουμε ότι κάθε Peano κατηγόρημα που υπολογίζεται σταθερά από ένα πιθανοτικό MPP μπορεί να επαληθευτεί σε αιτιοκρατικό πολυωνυμικό χρόνο. / In this work we extend the population protocol model of Angluin et al., in order to model more powerful networks of very small resource limited artefacts (agents) that is possible to follow some unpredictable passive movement. These agents communicate in pairs according to the commands of an adversary scheduler. A directed (or undirected) communication graph encodes the following information: each edge (u,υ) denotes that during the computation it is possible for an interaction between u and υ to happen in which u is the initiator and υ the responder. The new characteristic of the proposed mediated population protocol model is the existance of a passive communication provider that we call mediator.
The mediator is a simple database with communication capabilities. Its main purpose is to maintain the permissible interactions in communication classes, whose number is constant and independent of the population size. For this reason we assume that each agent has a unique identifier for whose existence the agent itself is not informed and thus cannot store it in its working memory. When two agents are about to interact they send their ids to the mediator. The mediator searches for that ordered pair in its database and if it exists in some communication class it sends back to the agents the state corresponding to that class. If this interaction is not permitted to the agents, or, in other words, if this specific pair does not exist in the database, the agents are informed to abord the interaction. Note that in this manner for the first time we obtain some control on the safety of the network and moreover the mediator provides us at any time with the network topology.
Equivalently, we can model the mediator by communication links that are capable of keeping states from a edge state set of constant cardinality. This alternative way of thinking of the new model has many advantages concerning the formal modeling and the design of protocols, since it enables us to abstract away the implementation details of the mediator. Moreover, we extend further the new model by allowing the edges to keep readable only costs, whose values also belong to a constant size set. We then allow the protocol rules for pairwise interactions to modify the corresponding edge state by also taking into account the costs. Thus, our protocol descriptions are still independent of the population size and do not use agent ids, i.e. they preserve scalability, uniformity and anonymity.
The proposed Mediated Population Protocols (MPP) can stably compute graph properties of the communication graph. We show this for the properties of maximal matchings (in undirected communication graphs), also for finding the transitive closure of directed graphs and for finding all edges of small cost.
We demonstrate that our mediated protocols are stronger than the classical population protocols. First of all we notice an obvious fact: the classical model is a special case of the new model, that is, the new model can compute at least the same things with the classical one. We then present a mediated protocol that stably computes the product of two nonnegative integers in the case where G is complete directed and connected. Such kind of predicates are not semilinear and it has been proven that classical population protocols in complete graphs can compute precisely the semilinear predicates, thus in this manner we show that there is at least one predicate that our model computes and which the classical model cannot compute. To show this fact, we state and prove a general Theorem about the composition of two mediated population protocols, where the first one has stabilizing inputs. We also show that all predicates stably computable in our model are (non-uniformly) in the class NSPACE(m), where m is the number of edges of the communication graph. Finally, we define Randomized MPP and show that, any Peano predicate accepted by a Randomized MPP, can be verified in deterministic polynomial time.
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Alcohol abuse disorders (AUD) represent a serious worldwide health problem with far reaching social, financial, and interpersonal implications. One of the most devastating facets of these disorders is the propensity to relapse following periods of abstinence. Ethanol withdrawal (EWD) is believed to promote relapse by increasing anxiety and craving, and may contribute to the development of cognitive decline associated with long-term dependence. Clinical data suggest that stress also plays a main role in both the development of AUD as well as relapse to drinking. As a physiological stressor, EtOH elevates levels of stress hormones (cortisol in humans, corticosterone (CORT) in the rat). Both CORT and EtOH have been shown to alter the composition, function, and activity of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, and in particular, the NR2B subunit of this receptor. These alterations have been suggested to mediate EWD, which may negatively impact abstinence rates. This synergistic interaction between EtOH and CORT may present a therapeutic target for the treatment of EWD. In fact, data suggest that blocking the glucocorticoid receptor, which is a main target for CORT, with RU-486 could promote abstinence, as treatment with the drug has been shown to reduce consumption and the development dependence, as well as the severity of EWD and the cognitive deficits following EWD. However, these latter effects have not been validated in models of voluntary EtOH consumption. As there is considerable evidence that active versus passive intake can significantly impact neuroadaptations to ethanol this is an important consideration. These studies sought to characterize consumption and evaluate the development of dependence in a chronic voluntary model of intermittent access (IA) to EtOH. CORT plasma levels and protein expression of the glucocorticoid and NR2B receptors were measured during and/or following exposure. Finally, to assess the role of CORT in EtOH consumption and the development of dependence, the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist ORG-34517 was administered during access to EtOH. IA access to 20% EtOH produced varying levels of consumption (2.0-6.7g/kg/24hr exposure) and blood EtOH levels (6.3-116.9 mg/dl), but did not significantly affect food consumption or weight gain. Baseline CORT levels were found to be predictive of subsequent EtOH consumption and levels of consumption were sufficient to elevate CORT levels following one hour of EtOH exposure. Further, IA to EtOH was sufficient to produce dependence, as measured by elevations in the acoustic startle reflex following 26 hours and five days of withdrawal. No alteration in protein expression was observed regarding either the NR2B or glucocorticoid receptors and exposure to ORG-34517 had no effect on consumption or withdrawal.
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Early Environment and Adolescent Ethanol Consumption : Effects on Endogenous Opioids and Behaviour in RatsDaoura, Loudin January 2013 (has links)
Excessive and compulsive ethanol drinking is one of the most serious public health issues. Therefore, it is vital to increase the knowledge about risks and protection for alcohol use disorders (AUD) to optimize prevention and treatment strategies. Ethanol consumption commonly initiates during adolescence when extensive neuronal maturation and development also occurs. Early exposure to ethanol is a risk factor for AUD, but the effects of adolescent drinking and the basis for the individual susceptibility to AUD are not fully understood. The interactions between genotype and environmental factors determine the individual risk for AUD and this thesis aimed to examine the environmental impact. The specific aims were to investigate 1) how early-life conditions affect adolescent voluntary ethanol drinking, behavioural profiles, endogenous opioids and response to treatment with an opioid antagonist (naltrexone), and 2) whether alterations detected in the offspring may be mediated by variations in maternal behaviour. A rodent maternal separation (MS) model was used to mimic a protective and risk-inducing early-life environment, respectively, with the use of 15 min (MS15) or 360 min (MS360) of daily MS. The main findings were 1) the MS360, but not the MS15 rats, responded to naltrexone following adolescent ethanol drinking; all adolescent rats had a high voluntary ethanol intake independent of early environmental conditions whereas in the adult groups the MS360, but not the MS15 rats, increased their ethanol intake and preference over time; adolescent ethanol exposure resulted in higher dynorphin levels in hippocampus and higher Met-enkephalin-Arg6Phe7 in the amygdala, independently of rearing conditions, 2) behavioural profiling using the multivariate concentric square field™ test showed: the young MS360 rats had increased risk assessment and risk taking behaviour compared to the young MS15 rats; the young MS15 rats increased, whereas the young MS360 rats decreased, their risk assessment and risk taking behaviour over time; differences in pup-retrieval strategies where the MS360 dams retrieved some pups into a safe area but as compared to MS15 rats they left more pups in a risk area; increased risk assessment behaviour in the MS360 dams immediately after weaning. Taken together, early-life environmental conditions alter adult but not adolescent drinking, the response to naltrexone, and behaviour in dams and offspring. Adolescent rats consumed more ethanol independent of rearing conditions and displayed increased opioid levels in brain areas related to cognition and addiction.
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Exercise intolerance in peripheral arterial diseaseAskew, Christopher D. January 2002 (has links)
Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease have a reduced capacity for exercise, the exact causes of which are poorly understood. This thesis investigated alternative testing procedures that aim to provide a more complete and precise description of the exercise capacities of these patients. Furthermore, the potential roles of gastrocnemius muscle fibre morphometry, capillary supply and glycogen stores in the exercise tolerance of PAD patients were studied.
Study one aimed to determine the effect of test repetition on maximal exercise performance and test-to-test variability in PAD patients using an incremental treadmill walking test (T) (n=5), an incremental cycle test (C) (n=5), and incremental endurance (PF-endurance) and maximal strength (PF-strength) plantar flexion tests (n=5). Tests were conducted once per week for eight weeks. Performance was stable on the T (~530 s) and C (~500 s) tests across the eight weeks. Test-to-test variance on T decreased from 16%CV (CV: coefficient of variation) to 6%CV (p=.21,NS), and from ~8%CV to 2%CV on C (p<.05) over the eight week period. Variance of peak gas exchange variables tended to decrease with performance variance on both tests; however, other physiological variables, and the associated variance levels, were stable throughout the study. PF strength (635-712N) gradually increased over the initial 2-3 weeks (p<.05) which was accompanied by a reduction in variance from ~8%CV to ~3%CV (p<.05). Similarly, PF endurance increased over the first two weeks (~32,000 to 41500 N.s-1) while variance of this measure fell from ~21%CV to ~10%CV (p<.05) over the study duration. It is concluded that the implementation of familiarisation sessions leads to a reduction in whole body and local calf muscular performance variance in patients with PAD.
Using a randomised crossover design, study two aimed to compare performance and the physiological and symptomatic responses between a T test and a C test in 16 patients with PAD. Peak exercise time on C (690 s) was greater than that on T (495 s); however the two were significantly correlated (n=16, r=.69, p<.05). Peak HR (120 bpm), VO2 (~1.22 l.min-1) and rate pressure product (~20') did not differ between the two tests, nor did the post exercise ankle pressure (T: 56; C: 61 mmHg). In two subjects with lower back pain during C, the ankle pressure of their "worst" limbs failed to fall by >10mmHg. Performance on both the T and C tests was closely related to the onset of leg symptoms; however the site of pain during C was much more variable than during T. Incremental cycle testing would overcome some of the limitations of treadmill testing (e.g. measurement of mechanical work), and it appears to be an acceptable alternative for measuring the exercise capacity and physiological exercise responses in known claudicants. Use of cycle ergometry for the diagnosis of PAD requires testing in the general population.
Study three aimed to compare whole body (T test and C test) and local calf muscular (PF strength and endurance) exercise performance between 16 PAD patients (age: 63 ± 2; BMI: 25.9 ± 1.1) and 13 healthy, sedentary control (CON) subjects (age: 62 ± 1; BMI: 25.9 ± 0.4), and to describe relationships between the whole body and local calf muscular exercise capacities within the two groups. Furthermore, this study aimed to compare several histochemical characteristics of the medial gastrocnemius muscle fibres between PAD and CON, and to establish whether these factors were related to the exercise capacities of both groups. Maximal performance on T was 59% lower in the PAD group compared with the CON group, as was performance on C (50%), PF strength (25%), and PF endurance (58%). Compared with CON, PAD patients had a lower estimated calf muscle mass and a slight reduction (10%) in muscle fibre size (p=.14, NS). They also had a lower proportion of type I fibres (PAD: 49%; CON: 62%) that was offset by a greater proportion of type IIA fibres (PAD: 27%; CON: 16%), and a reduction in the capillary contacts per muscle fibre (PAD: 1.63; CON: 2.12) compared with CON. When expressed relative to fibre area there were no differences in capillarisation between PAD and CON; however this index was significantly related to resting and post exercise ABI in the PAD patients. There were no differences in the mixed muscle [glycogen], nor the optical density of glycogen in the individual fibres, between the two groups. PF endurance was poorly predictive of walking performance, and did not correlate with any of the morphological variables in both groups. Calf muscle mass correlated with PF strength (r=.59 - .62), and strength was correlated with T performance (r= .61 - .63) in both groups. In the PAD patients, T performance was correlated with the cross sectional area (n=12, r=.72, p<.05), capillary contacts (n=10, r=.81, p<.05) and glycogen density (n=9, r=.81, p<.05) of type I fibres. This study confirms that a reduction in calf strength, which appears to be mediated through muscle atrophy, plays some role in the reduced exercise capacity of claudicants. While both fibre area and capillary supply seem to be of relevance to the exercise capacity of PAD patients, these two factors are closely linked and further research is required to establish the determinants, and relative importance of both. An important, and possibly limiting role of carbohydrate oxidisation in PAD patients is supported by the strong relationship between type I glycogen stores and whole body exercise capacity.
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Beta-lactam antibiotic dosing in critical care units: bolus vs continuous dosingJason Roberts Unknown Date (has links)
In critically ill patients, the pathophysiology of sepsis can affect the interactions between the antibiotic, the bacteria and the patient, leading to potential therapeutic failure and the development of antibiotic resistance. It is well acknowledged that research that optimises antibiotic exposure will assist improvement of outcomes in this patient group. Although beta-lactam antibiotics, such as piperacillin and meropenem, are commonly selected for empiric therapy of sepsis, dosing is unlikely to be optimal. In patients without renal dysfunction, data suggests that disease-induced alterations to pharmacokinetic parameters result in low trough concentrations for significant periods within a dosing interval. Administration of these time-dependent antibiotics by continuous infusion has been suggested to improve the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic profile. Knowledge of concentrations in the extracellular fluid of human tissue, which is the target site of most pathogens, is particularly instructive. Extracellular fluid concentrations can be determined using techniques such as microdialysis. Therefore, the principal aims of this Thesis were to determine the plasma and subcutaneous tissue pharmacokinetics of piperacillin and meropenem administered by bolus dosing and continuous infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis; and to use Monte Carlo simulations to compare the ability of different dosing strategies to achieve pharmacodynamic endpoints. This Thesis also sought to compare the clinical outcomes of bolus dosing and continuous infusion of a beta-lactam antibiotic, ceftriaxone, in a prospective randomised controlled trial and to perform a meta-analysis on clinical outcomes from other similar published studies. Finally, this Thesis aimed to systematically review the published literature to determine any correlation between antibiotic dosing and the development of antibiotic resistance. The results of the pharmacokinetic studies, using piperacillin and meropenem, indicate that beta-lactam distribution into subcutaneous tissue, in critically ill patients with sepsis, is less than that observed in previous studies in healthy volunteers yet superior to studies in patients with septic shock. This supports the notion that the peripheral concentration of drugs may be inversely related to the level of sickness severity. Administration by continuous infusion was found to maintain statistically significantly higher trough beta-lactam concentrations in both plasma and subcutaneous tissue. Further analysis of the plasma data using population pharmacokinetic modeling and Monte Carlo simulations described significant pharmacodynamic advantages for administering meropenem or piperacillin by continuous infusion to organisms with high minimum inhibitory concentrations. Given the documented pharmacodynamic advantages for administering beta-lactams by continuous infusion, a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted using the beta-lactam antibiotic ceftriaxone. In 57 critically ill patients, we found equivalence between continuous infusion and bolus dosing in the intention-to-treat analysis. However, our a priori analysis criteria, requiring patients receive at least 4-days antibiotic treatment, found significant clinical and bacteriological advantages for administration by continuous infusion. To further investigate any clinical differences between bolus dosing and continuous infusion of beta-lactam antibiotics, we performed a meta-analysis of all published studies. Our analysis of the 13 published prospective randomized controlled trials (846 hospitalised patients) showed equivalence of continuous infusion and bolus dosing. Possible confounders observed within, and between the studies, make interpretation of these results challenging. However, two large retrospective cohorts not included in the meta-analysis, found definitive clinical and bacteriological advantages suggesting further research may be appropriate. The possible relationship between antibiotic dosing, or exposures, on the development of resistance was investigated using a structured review of the published literature. Our analysis of relevant papers found a wealth of data describing increasing levels of resistance with sub-optimal antibiotic dosing, particularly for fluoroquinolone antibiotics, but also for other classes including beta-lactams. These results demonstrate the importance of optimizing antibiotic dosing to decrease the development of antibiotic susceptibility from sub-optimal dosing, particularly for critically ill patients who are likely to have low drug concentrations. The results of this Thesis, suggest that a large, prospective, multi-centre randomised controlled trial in critically ill patients with sepsis, is required to definitively determine the clinical utility of administration of beta-lactam antibiotics by continuous infusion.
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Trocas gasosas, crescimento e sobrevivência de mudas de Eucalyptus spp. sob a influência do hidrogel e frequências de irrigação / Gaseous changes, growth and survival off Eucalyptus spp. under the influence of hydrogel and irrigation frequenciesFelippe, Dionéia 24 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Claudia Rocha (claudia.rocha@udesc.br) on 2017-12-14T12:26:27Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-24 / Capes / The addition of water-repelling polymers as soil-borers aims to increase soil water retention capacity, providing better quality of seedlings, not making them dependent on climatic conditions throughout the year. In this way, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of hydrogel use in the planting of Eucalyptus sp. In pots, related to different water management, seeking to provide information on the efficiency of hydrogel use simulating field conditions. The work was separated into four species (Eucalyptus urograndis of clonal origin, Eucalyptus urograndis of seminal origin, Eucalyptus dunnii and Eucalyptus benthamii). The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Lages - SC, in the forest nursery of the CAV / UDESC, conducted in a DIC, factorial scheme, where the levels of factor "A" referred to the absence and presence of hydrogel and levels of factor " B "to water management (Irrigation only at planting, 8 days, 4 days and daily). After planting until the end of the experimental period, the evaluation of the symptoms of water stress, morphological characteristics, chlorophyll content, soil water content and gas exchange were performed. Statistical differences were assessed by analysis of variance followed by the Scott-Knott or Tukey test.) At the end of the experiment, the development of the seedlings was evaluated through the increase in diameter and height, dry biomass. The determination of the available water retention curve was also performed. As a result, the use of the hydrogel provided a significant increase in water retention in the soil, consequently a delay in the symptoms of water stress, increasing the rate of survival over time. Deficit water, in the absence of the hydrogel, resulted in reductions in height, diameter, leaf area, dry biomass and chlorophyll indexes, being a limiting factor for stomatal opening, contributing to the decrease in carbon assimilation by photosynthesis. The lower the water availability, the lower the values of A, gs and E, and the WUE increased when the water availability decreased. In general, the results obtained in relation to the use of hydro-ether polymers confirm the information that the addition of hydrogels in the soil optimizes the water availability and can reduce the mortality problems in the planting / A adição de polímeros hidroretentores como condicionadores de solo visam aumentar a capacidade de retenção de água no solo, propiciando melhor qualidade das mudas, não as tornando dependentes das condições climáticas ao longo do ano. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso do hidrogel no plantio de mudas de Eucalyptus sp. em vasos, relacionados com diferentes manejos hídricos, buscando fornecer informações sobre a eficiência do uso do hidrogel simulando condições de campo. O trabalho foi separado em quatro espécies (Eucalyptus urograndis de origem clonal, Eucalyptus urograndis de origem seminal, Eucalyptus dunnii e Eucalyptus benthamii). O experimento foi conduzido no município de Lages – SC, no viveiro florestal do CAV/ UDESC, realizado em DIC, esquema fatorial, onde os níveis do fator “A” referiram-se a ausência e a presença de hidrogel e os níveis do fator “B” ao manejo hídrico (irrigação somente no plantio, 8 dias, 4 dias e diariamente). Depois do plantio até o fim do período experimental foram realizadas avaliações da sintomatologia do estresse hídrico, características morfológicas, teores de clorofila, teor de água no solo e trocas gasosas. As diferenças estatísticas foram avaliadas segundo análise de variância seguidas do teste de Scott-Knott ou Tukey. Ao final do experimento foi avaliado o desenvolvimento das mudas através do incremento em diâmetro e altura, biomassa seca. Também realizou-se a determinação da curva de retenção de água disponível. Como resultado, o uso do hidrogel proporcionou um aumento significativo na retenção de água no solo, consequentemente um atraso nos sintomas de estresse hídrico, aumentando a taxa de sobrevivência ao longo do tempo. O estresse hídrico, na ausência do hidrogel, resultou em reduções na altura, diâmetro, área foliar, biomassa seca e índices de clorofila, sendo um fator limitante para a abertura estomática, contribuindo para a queda na assimilação de carbono pela fotossíntese. Quanto menor a disponibilidade de água, menor os valores de A, gs e E, sendo que o WUE aumentou quando diminuiu a disponibilidade de água. Em geral, os resultados obtidos com relação ao uso de polímeros hidroretentores confirmam a informação que a adição de hidrogéis no solo otimiza a disponibilidade de água, podendo diminuir os problemas de mortalidade no plantio
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Cykelintervaller som kompletterande träning för handbollsspelare på U16-nivå.Bodén, Amanda, Lundin, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka effekten av cykelintervaller som komplement till handbollsträning för att förbättra prestationsförmågan hos manliga ungdomsspelare på elitnivå. Den frågeställning studien svarat på är om cykelintervaller som komplement till handbollsträning har några effekter på den specifika prestationsförmågan. Metod En kvantitativ experimentell studie genomfördes med 13 manliga ungdomsspelare (fp) i handboll. Under 3 veckor fick fp genomföra cykelintervaller som komplement till ordinarie träning 2 gånger i veckan. Effekten av träningen kontrollerades genom förtest och eftertest där fp:s aeroba förmåga (Yo-Yo IR L1), anaeroba kapacitet (150 m shuttle run) samt anaeroba effekt (CMJ) testades. Utifrån resultaten vid förtesterna delades fp in i antingen cykelgrupp (CG) eller kontrollgrupp (KG). Indelning gjordes genom matchning av fp:s profil följt av lottning. CG genomförde 2 olika intervalltyper, 4 min intervaller och 30 sekunders intervaller med ökat antal set över tid. Efter 3 veckor, totalt 6 träningspass, fick samtliga fp återigen genomföra tester med identiskt testförfarande. Genom detta kunde skillnader i utveckling av delkapaciteter relevanta för handboll mellan grupperna utvärderas. Resultat CG förbättrade signifikant både sitt Yo-Yo IR L1 resultat (p≤0,05) samt resultatet i de tre 150 m shuttle run mätningarna (löpning 1, p=0,03; löpning 2, p<0,001; differens löpning 1 och 2, p<0,001). KG hade ingen förbättring i Yo-Yo IR L1 och bara en signifikant trend till förbättring i löpning 2 i 150 m shuttle run (p=0,08). Mellan grupperna förelåg dock inte några signifikanta skillnader. Det sågs ingen förändring i någon av grupperna vid eftertesterna av CMJ. Slutsats Trots att CG förbättrade sig signifikant i såväl aeroba som anaeroba tester förelåg ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna vilket bland annat tros bero på för få fp samt för kort interventionstid. Resultatet indikerar dock att cykelträning kan vara av värde för handbollsspelare men vidare forskning på en större försöksgrupp och längre interventionstid behövs för att med säkerhet kunna dra några generella slutsatser gällande cykelträningens effektivitet för handbollsspelare.
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Rôle des eicosanoïdes dans l'athérogénèse associée au syndrome d'apnées obstructives du sommeil : approches clinique et expérimentale / Role of eicosanoids in atherogenesis related to obstructive sleep apnea : clinical and experimental approachGautier-Veyret, Elodie 28 November 2016 (has links)
Le syndrome d’apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) affecte 5 à 20% de la population générale et est associée à des complications cardiovasculaires, ce qui en fait un véritable problème de santé publique. Les épisodes itératifs d’obstruction pharyngée nocturne qui le caractérisent aboutissent à une hypoxie intermittente, elle-même impliquée dans ces complications cardiovasculaires. A ce jour, les mécanismes reliant SAOS et athérosclérose restent méconnus. De plus, le traitement de référence du SAOS par pression positive continue présente dans certaines populations une efficacité limitée sur les conséquences cardiovasculaires du SAOS, d’où la nécessité de développer de nouvelles thérapeutiques ciblant spécifiquement le processus athéromateux. Des perturbations du métabolisme de l’acide arachidonique à l’origine de la synthèse d’eicosanoïdes pro-inflammatoires ont déjà été décrites au cours du SAOS et ont été associées au processus athéromateux. Le but de ce travail a donc été de préciser par une approche translationnelle le rôle de certains de ces eicosanoïdes, à savoir le thromboxane A2 et les cystéinyl-leucotriènes dans l’athérogénèse associée au SAOS et de les évaluer en tant que potentielles cibles thérapeutiques. Ces travaux ont montré non seulement une activation des voies métaboliques du thromboxane A2 et des cystéinyl-leucotriènes au cours du SAOS, mais également leur association avec le processus athéromateux. Enfin, des traitements pharmacologiques ciblant spécifiquement ces médiateurs étaient capables de ralentir la progression de l’athérosclérose en lien avec le SAOS dans un modèle murin de SAOS. Ces travaux démontrent donc le rôle du thromboxane A2 et des cystéinyl-leucotriènes dans l’athérosclérose associée au SAOS, et positionnent ces deux voies métaboliques comme des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles pour traiter les conséquences cardiovasculaires du SAOS. / Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a really public health problem since it affects 5 to 20% of general population and is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Repetitive nocturnal pharyngeal obstruction leads to intermittent hypoxia, which is responsible of premature atherosclerosis and also cardiovascular complications.Nevertheless, mechanims linking OSA and atherosclerosis remains poorly understood. In addition, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) application, which is the gold standard treatment of OSA, has poor effect on OSA cardiovascular consequences in some populations, highlighting the need of alternative therapeutic strategies. Alterations of several eicosanoids resulting to arachidonate metabolism had already been described during OSA, these latter being associated with vascular remodeling. The aim of this work was to precise trough a translational approach the contribution of some eicosanoids, especially thromboxane A2 and cysteinyl-leukotriene on OSA related-atherogenesis and also to evaluate these latter as therapeutic target.We had shown an activation of both thromboxane A2 and cysteinyl-leukotriene pathways in OSA, this latter being associated with vascular remodeling. In addition, pharmacological treatment by cyclooxygenase type 1 inhibitor or CysLT1 receptor antagonist reduced OSA-related atherosclerosis progression in an OSA mouse model.Finally, these works had demonstrated the implication of both thromboxane A2 and cysteinyl-leukotrienes activation in OSA-related atherosclerosis, but also the potential therapeutic of these targets to treat cardiovascular consequences of OSA.
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