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Methods for Detection of Small Molecule-Protein InteractionsJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: Detection of molecular interactions is critical for understanding many biological processes, for detecting disease biomarkers, and for screening drug candidates. Fluorescence-based approach can be problematic, especially when applied to the detection of small molecules. Various label-free techniques, such as surface plasmon resonance technique are sensitive to mass, making it extremely challenging to detect small molecules. In this thesis, novel detection methods for molecular interactions are described.
First, a simple detection paradigm based on reflectance interferometry is developed. This method is simple, low cost and can be easily applied for protein array detection.
Second, a label-free charge sensitive optical detection (CSOD) technique is developed for detecting of both large and small molecules. The technique is based on that most molecules relevant to biomedical research and applications are charged or partially charged. An optical fiber is dipped into the well of a microplate. It detects the surface charge of the fiber, which does not decrease with the size (mass) of the molecule, making it particularly attractive for studying small molecules.
Third, a method for mechanically amplification detection of molecular interactions (MADMI) is developed. It provides quantitative analysis of small molecules interaction with membrane proteins in intact cells. The interactions are monitored by detecting a mechanical deformation in the membrane induced by the molecular interactions. With this novel method small molecules and membrane proteins interaction in the intact cells can be detected. This new paradigm provides mechanical amplification of small interaction signals, allowing us to measure the binding kinetics of both large and small molecules with membrane proteins, and to analyze heterogeneous nature of the binding kinetics between different cells, and different regions of a single cell.
Last, by tracking the cell membrane edge deformation, binding caused downstream event – granule secretory has been measured. This method focuses on the plasma membrane change when granules fuse with the cell. The fusion of granules increases the plasma membrane area and thus the cell edge expands. The expansion is localized at the vesicle release location. Granule size was calculated based on measured edge expansion. The membrane deformation due to the granule release is real-time monitored by this method. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2015
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Effets fonctionnels de mutations de gènes codant des protéines du complexe de relâchement du calcium impliqués dans les pathologies du muscle strié / Mutations of calcium release complex proteins in squeletal and cardiac musclesCacheux, Marine 03 October 2012 (has links)
La contraction des muscles striés est sous la dépendance du Complexe de Relâchement du Calcium (CRC). Ce complexe protéique est constitué principalement de deux canaux calciques, le récepteur des dihydropyridines, un canal sensible au voltage localisé dans la membrane des tubules-T et le récepteur de la ryanodine (RyR) situé dans la membrane du RS. Le CRC comprend également de nombreuses protéines régulatrices comme la triadine, la calséquestrine, la junctine et FKBP. Des mutations dans les gènes codant les protéines du CRC conduisent à des pathologies rares et souvent sévères. Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des mécanismes physiopathologiques induits par quelques unes de ces mutations pour décrypter les mécanismes pathologiques mis en œuvre mais également pour comprendre le fonctionnement global du CRC dans les muscles squelettique et cardiaque. La première partie de cette étude concerne RYR1, le gène codant l'isoforme squelettique du RyR qui est une cible importante de mutations chez des patients atteints de myopathies congénitales à cores. L'effet fonctionnel de ces mutations, réparties sur toute la séquence de RYR1, est peu connu. Ces mutations pourraient modifier la fonction canal de RyR1 mais également son adressage à la triade ou sa régulation par d'autres protéines du CRC. Parmi ces hypothèses, la modification de la localisation de RyR1 et sa régulation par une protéine régulatrice (la cavéoline-3) ont été révélées par l'étude de deux mutations de RyR1. La deuxième partie de cette étude concerne la tachycardie ventriculaire polymorphe catécholaminergique (TVPC), une pathologie liée à des défauts du CRC cardiaque, pour laquelle des recherches de mutations sont effectuées sur l'isoforme cardiaque du RyR, RYR2, puis dans les autres protéines du complexe. Nous avons identifié au laboratoire les premières mutations dans le gène de la triadine chez un de ces patients. L'impact d'une de ces mutations sur le fonctionnement du complexe a été étudié et nous avons pu caractériser le mécanisme physiopathologique mis en œuvre et conduisant à la TVPC chez ces patients. / The calcium release complex (CRC) plays a central role in both skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction. The composition of the complex is quite similar in both tissues, and differs only by tissue specific isoforms. The core of the complex is composed of the dihydropyridines receptor, a voltage sensor channel of the T-tubule and the ryanodine receptor, the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium channel. A number of proteins are associated to this calcium channel like calsequestrin, triadin, junction and FKBP. Mutations in the skeletal CRC are responsible for rare and often severe diseases. This thesis work focuses on the study of physiopathological mechanisms induced by some of these mutations to decipher pathological mecanisms but also to understand the overall CRC functioning in skeletal and cardiac muscles. The first part of this study concerns RYR1, the skeletal RyR isoform coding gene. This gene is mostly the target of mutations resulting in core myopathies. The functional effect of these mutations spred on the entire RYR1 sequence is little known. These mutations could directly alter the calcium channel function but also its targeting to the triad or its regulation by other CRC proteins. Among these hypotheses, the modification of RyR1 localisation and regulation by a protein, Caveolin-3, have been highlighted with the study of two RyR1 mutations. The second part of this study concerns the catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), a rare fatal arrhythmia caused in part by mutations in RYR2 and CASQ2, both belonging to the cardiac CRC,. Recently, we have identified the first mutations in the human triadin gene, TRDN, in a CPVT patient. The goal of this project was to study the molecular and physiological consequences of one of these TRDN mutations allowing the analysis of the pathological mechanisms of this disease, but also a better understanding of the normal function of the cardiac CRC.
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Prédétermination des hauteurs de départ d'avalanches. Modélisation combinée statistique-mécanique / Evaluation of avalanche release depths. Combined statistical-mechanical modelingGaume, Johan 30 October 2012 (has links)
La prédétermination de la hauteur de départ des avalanches représente un défi majeur pour l'évaluation du risque en montagne. Cette hauteur constitue en effet un ingrédient d'entrée important des procédures de zonage et de cartographie du risque. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un formalisme rigoureux dans lequel les distributions de hauteur de départ d'avalanche sont exprimées à travers un couplage des facteurs mécaniques et météorologiques. Le critère de stabilité du système plaque - couche fragile est étudié en utilisant une analyse mécanique par éléments finis prenant en compte l'hétérogénéité spatiale des propriétés mécaniques. Considérant qu'une avalanche ne peut se produire que si la hauteur de chute de neige dépasse une hauteur critique correspondant au critère de stabilité, les distributions de hauteur de départ obtenues à partir du modèle mécanique sont couplées avec la distribution des chutes de neige extrêmes sur 3 jours. Nous montrons que ce modèle couplé est capable de reproduire des données de terrain de 369 avalanches naturelles de plaque à La Plagne (France). Non seulement la queue de la distribution en loi puissance, correspondant à des épaisseurs de plaque élevées, mais aussi le corps de la distribution pour les plaques moins épaisses, sont bien reproduits par le modèle. Les avalanches petites à moyennes semblent être essentiellement contrôlées par la mécanique, tandis que les grosses avalanches et l'exposant de la loi puissance associé, sont influencés par un couplage mécanique - météorologique fort. Par ailleurs, nous démontrons que la distribution obtenue est fortement dépendante de l'espace, et, en utilisant les processus max-stables permettant une interpolation spatiale rigoureuse, notre modèle couplé est utilisé pour obtenir des cartes de hauteur de départ d'avalanche pour différentes périodes de retour sur l'ensemble des Alpes françaises. / The evaluation of avalanche release depth distributions represents a major challenge for hazard management in mountaineous regions. This depth constitutes an important input ingredient of hazard mapping procedures. This PhD thesis presents a rigorous formalism in which these distributions are expressed through a coupling of mechanical and meteorological factors. The stability criterion of a layered snowpack is investigated using a finite-element analysis accounting for the spatial heterogeneity of weak-layer mechanical properties. Considering that an avalanche can occur only if the snowfall depth exceeds a critical value corresponding to a stability criterion, release depth distributions obtained from the mechanical model are coupled with the distribution of 3-day extreme snowfalls. We show that this coupled model is able to reproduce field data from 369 natural slab avalanches in La Plagne (France). Not only the power-law tail of the distribution, corresponding to large slab depths, but also the core of the distribution for shallow slab depths, are well represented. Small to medium-sized avalanches appear to be controlled mainly by mechanics, whereas large avalanches and the associated power-law exponent, are influenced by a strong mechanical-meteorological coupling. Finally, we demonstrate that the obtained distribution is strongly space dependent, and, using max-stables processes allowing a rigorous spatial interpolation, our coupled model is used to obtain release depth maps for given return periods in the whole French Alps.
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Thérapie génique par saut d'exon : application à une Myopathie à Core et à un cas de syndrome OculoCérébroRénale de Lowe / Exon skipping therapy application to structural myopathy and Lowe syndromeRendu, John 10 June 2014 (has links)
Après la transcription, le pré ARNm subit des étapes de maturation avant de sortir du noyau pour être traduit. Une des étapes de maturation est l'épissage. Il permet de souder les séquences codantes de l'ARNm entre elles (les exons) et d'exclure les régions non codantes (les introns).Des mutations génétiques sont à l'origine de défaut d'épissage. Elles peuvent conduire à des rétentions d'intron, des sauts d'exon et des inclusions de séquences introniques appelées pseudo exons.Ma thèse a porté sur l'utilisation du saut d'exon pour corriger ces inclusions. Je me suis intéressé à deux pathologies : la myopathie à cores et le syndrome de LowePour le premier cas, je me suis intéressé à une mutation dans l'intron 101 du gène RyR1. Cette mutation est à l'origine de la création d'un site donneur d'épissage qui active un site accepteur provoquant l'inclusion d'un pseudo exon de 99 nucléotides. Cette inclusion induit une baisse de la quantité du canal calcique RyR1 dans les cellules du patient. Ce canal permet le couplage entre l'excitation et la contraction musculaire. Ses défauts conduisent à diverses myopathies dont la myopathie à cores. Le patient présentait une hypotonie néonatale, une scoliose et des défauts respiratoires, et n'a jamais acquis la marche. J'ai dessiné des oligonucléotides, je les ai transfectés dans les cellules du patient en culture et ainsi montré par RT PCR que le saut du pseudo exon était possible. Afin d'optimiser l'efficacité pour pouvoir évaluer la restauration au niveau protéique et fonctionnel, j'ai développé un lentivirus exprimant une cassette U7 SmOPT avec les AON choisis. Après transduction des cellules, j'ai pu montrer que le saut du pseudo exon permettait le retour de la protéine et de sa fonctionnalité, cette approche pourrait donc permettre une correction chez le patient.Pour le deuxième cas, j'ai tenté de corriger une mutation du gène OCRL. Cette mutation crée un site donneur d'épissage dans l'intron 4 du gène OCRL et active un site accepteur d'épissage 66 nucléotides en amont. L'inclusion du pseudo exon induit la chute du taux de transcrit OCRL par un mécanisme de "Non sense mediated mRNA Decay". OCRL est une phosphatidyl inositol 5 Phosphatase permettant de réguler la quantité de Ptd Ins(4,5)P2 dans la cellule. Les défauts dans OCRL sont responsables d'une pathologie multisystémique, le syndrome de Lowe. J'ai pu obtenir des fibroblastes cutanés du patient. J'ai transfecté ces cellules avec des AONs choisis pour permettre un saut de l'exon pathogène. J'ai ensuite intégré la séquence des AONs efficaces dans un lentivirus U7. J'ai transduit les cellules du patient en culture et observé un retour de la protéine et un retour de l'activité enzymatique, cette approche pourrait donc théoriquement permettre une correction chez le patient.Ces deux travaux sont les premières preuves de principes de thérapie par modulation de l'épissage pour les myopathies congénitales et pour le syndrome de Lowe. Ils ouvrent la voie à des perspectives de traitement pour ces maladies génétiques. / After transcription, the pre mRNA will undergo different maturation step before getting out of the nucleus for translation. One of these step of maturation is the splicing. It allows to concatenate the coding sequences of the mRNA (the exons) and induces the exclusion of the non coding sequences (the introns).Genetics mutations can lead to splicing defects. These defects could be intron retention, exon skipping and exonisation of intronic sequences called pseudo exons.My thesis work was to evaluate the exon skipping therapy to correct these exonisation. I focuses on two diseases: core myopathy and Lowe syndrome.For the first one, my interest was on a mutation in the 101 th intron of RYR1 gene. This mutation creates a splicing donor site wich unveils a cryptic acceptor site. This leads to the inclusion of a 99 nucleotides pseudo exon. This inclusion induces a decrease of the quantity of the calcium channel RyR1 in the patient cells. This channel allows the excitation-contraction coupling, and therefore the muscular contraction. Defects in this channel lead to different myopathies (eg. core myopathy). The patient present at birth a major neonatal hypotonia, scoliosis and respiratory defects. He has never walked. I designed oligonucleotides (AON), transfected them in the cultured patient cells and showed by RT PCR that exon skipping was possible. In order to optimise the efficiency and to evaluate the rescue at a protein level and at a fonctionnal level, I devellopped a lentivirus which express a U7 Sm OPT cassette with the choosen AONs. After cell transduction, I have shown that exon skipping allowed the rescue of the protein and of its functionnality. This approach could permit a genetic correction for the patientFor the second case, I have tried to correct an OCRL mutation. This upstream creates a splicing donor site and unveils an acceptor site 66 nucleotides before. This leads to the inclusion of a pseudo exon which induces a severe decrease of OCRL transcripts level due to a "non sense mediated mRNA Decay". OCRL is a phosphatidyl inositol 5 Phosphatase, which regulates the Ptd Ins(4,5)P2 pool in the cell. OCRL defects induces a multi systemic disease the Lowe syndrome. I obtained patient cutaneous fibroblasts. I transfected these cells with choosen AONs to correct the splicing defect. I integrated the AONs sequence into a U7 lentiviral cassette. I transduced the cultured patient cells and observed a rescue of the protein with a rescue of its activity. This approach could, theoritically permit a correction in the patient.These two studies are the first proof of concept of splicing modulation therapy for congenital myopathy and for Lowe syndrome. This work offers a lot of perspective for the tratment of these genetic illness
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Avaliação in vitro de propriedades mecânicas, químicas e antimicrobianas de um selante de fossas e fissuras isento de bisfenol A / In vitro evaluation of mechanical, chemical and antimicrobial properties of a bisphenol A-free pit-and-fissure sealantSoraia Monique Fiorati Aguiar 21 May 2010 (has links)
Tendo em vista o importante papel desempenhado pelos selantes de fossas e fissuras na prevenção da cárie dental, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar in vitro propriedades mecânicas, químicas e ntimicrobianas do selante isento de bisfenol A Embrace Wetbond™. Para os testes de resistência ao cisalhamento e microinfiltração foram selecionados 135 terceiros molares hígidos, extraídos de humanos, divididos aleatoriamente em 6 grupos: (I) selante Fluroshield® sem contaminação; (II) selante Embrace Wetbond™ sem contaminação; (III) selante Fluroshield® contaminado com saliva; (IV) selante Embrace Wetbond™ contaminado com saliva; (V) selante Fluroshield® contaminado com água; e (VI) selante Embrace Wetbond™ contaminado com água. No estudo de resistência ao cisalhamento os dentes foram seccionados no sentido vestíbulo-lingual, a porção radicular removida e as superfícies mesiais e distais foram embebidas em resina de poliéster. Após o condicionamento do esmalte, foi aplicado o selante com o auxílio de uma matriz de Teflon®. Os espécimes foram termociclados e submetidos ao teste de resistência ao cisalhamento com uma velocidade de 0,5mm/min e célula de carga de 50kgf. Os resultados foram comparados empregando a análise de variância (ANOVA) e pós-teste de Tukey. No estudo de microinfiltração, após o condicionamento do esmalte foi aplicado o selante. Os dentes foram termociclados, selados na região da câmara pulpar com resina composta, isolados, imersos em solução de rodamina B a 0,2%, incluídos em resina acrílica, seccionados, lixados, montados em lâminas, identificados e analisados em microscópio óptico para quantificação da microinfiltração. Os resultados foram comparados empregando o teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o pós-teste de Dunn. No estudo de liberação de fluoreto por meio de água aquecida e saliva artificial foram selecionados dois selantes resinosos contendo fluoreto (Embrace Wetbond™ e Fluroshield®), uma resina composta micro-híbrida (FiltekTM Z-250) e um cimento de ionômero de vidro (Vidrion R). As determinações de fluoreto foram realizadas por potenciometria direta, utilizando o eletrodo seletivo combinado de fluoreto. Para o teste de liberação de fluoreto em saliva artificial foram confeccionados 8 corpos de prova de cada material , os quais foram armazenados em tubos plásticos contendo saliva artificial, substituída diariamente. Após 15 dias, foi avaliada a quantidade de fluoreto liberado nas soluções. Os valores obtidos em mV foram convertidos em ppm (μg/ml). Os resultados foram comparados empregando a análise de variância (ANOVA) e o pós-teste de Tukey. No estudo da atividade antimicrobiana, efetuado por meio do teste de difusão em ágar pelo método do poço, foram selecionados dois selantes resinosos contendo fluoreto (Embrace Wetbond™ e Fluroshield®), um cimento de ionômero de vidro (Vidrion R), solução de digluconato de clorexidina a 1% e soro fisiológico. Foram utilizadas cepas de S. mutans (ATCC 25175 e cepa de campo), na densidade de 1-2 da escala de McFarland. Após o período de incubação, a zona de inibição do crescimento microbiano foi mensurada. Os resultados foram comparados empregando a análise de variância ANOVA e o pós-teste de Bonferroni. O nível de significância em todas as análises estatísticas foi de 5%. No estudo da dosagem de bisfenol A foram selecionados dois selantes resinosos (Embrace Wetbond™ e Fluroshield®), dispensados em recipientes contendo 3ml de metanol. Após homogeneização e filtragem, os extratos foram analisados utilizando um espectrômetro de massas por cromatografia gasosa. Foram realizados testes com as fórmulas moleculares do bisfenol A (C15H16O2) e do Bis-GMA (C29H36O8). Com base nos resultados obtidos pôde-se concluir que o selante Embrace Wetbond™ apresentou resistência ao cisalhamento próxima do mínimo aceitável e alta microinfiltração, quando utilizado de acordo com as indicações do fabricante, em condições de contaminação com umidade. Por outro lado, esse selante apresentou elevada liberação de fluoreto, tanto em água aquecida quanto em saliva artificial, apresentou elevada atividade antimicrobiana e não apresentou liberação de bisfenol A e de Bis- GMA. / Considering the important role of pit-and-fissure sealants on the prevention of dental caries, the purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the mechanical, chemical and antimicrobial properties of the bisphenol A-free pit-and-fissure sealant Embrace Wetbond™. For the shear bond strength and microleakage tests, 135 sound human third molars were selected and randomly assigned to 6 groups: (I) Fluroshield® sealant without contamination; (II) sealant Embrace Wetbond™ without contamination; (III) Fluroshield® sealant contaminated with saliva; (IV) Embrace Wetbond™ sealant contaminated with saliva; (V) Fluroshield® sealant contaminated with water; and (VI) Embrace Wetbond™ sealant contaminated with water. For the shear bond strength test, the teeth were sectioned in a buccolingual direction, the root portion was removed and the mesial and distal surfaces were embedded in polyester resin. The sealant was applied to the acid-etched enamel with the aid of Teflon® matrix. The specimens were thermocycled and subjected to a shearing force at a crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min with a 50kgf load cell. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukeys post-test. For the microleakage assay, after acid etching of enamel, the teeth were thermocycled, the pulp chamber was sealed with composite resin, and the teeth were rendered waterproof, immersed in 0.2% B rhodamine solution, embedded in acrylic resin, sectioned, ground, mounted on glass slides, identified and analyzed with an optical microscope for quantification of microleakage. The results were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunns post-test. Two fluoride-containing resin sealants (Embrace Wetbond™ and Fluroshield®), a microhybrid composite resin (FiltekTM Z-250) and a glass ionomer cement (Vidrion R) were selected for the fluoride release test in heated water and artificial saliva. Fluoride measurements were performed with a direct potentiometry using a fluoride ion selective electrode. For the test in saliva artificial, 8 specimens of each material were fabricated and stored in plastic tubes containing artificial saliva, which as daily renewed. The amount of fluoride released in the solutions after 15 days was analyzed, and the the values obtained in mV were converted into PPM (μg/mL). The results were compared by ANOVA and Tukeys post-test. Two fluoride-containing resin sealants (Embrace Wetbond™ and Fluroshield®), a glass ionomer cement (Vidrion R), 1% chlorhexidine digluconate solution and saline were selected for the analysis of the antimicrobial activity using the agar-well diffusion assay. Suspensions of S. mutans strains (ATCC 25175 and field strain) with density equivalent to the 1-2 McFarland scale were used. After incubation, the zones of microbial growth inhibition were measured. The results were compared by ANOVA and Bonferroni post-test. A significance level of 5% was set for all statistical analyses. For the analysis of bisphenol A dosage, two resin sealants (Embrace Wetbond™ and Fluroshield®) were delivered in receptacles containing 3ml of methanol. After homogenization and filtering, the extracts were analyzed under gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy and tests were performed with the molecular formulas of bisphenol A (C15H16O2) and Bis-GMA (C29H36O8). Based on the obtained results, it may be concluded that the sealant Embrace Wetbond™ presented shear bond strength near of the minimum acceptable and great microleakage when used according to the manufacturers instructions under moisture contamination conditions. On the other hand, this sealant presented high fluoride release in both heated water and artificial saliva, showed high activity antimicrobial and did not present release of bisphenol A or Bis-GMA.
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Avaliação da atividade antiproliferativa in vitro, liberação, permeação e retenção cutânea in vitro e estabilidade de emulsões contendo (-)- Terpinen-4-OLMaccari, Flavia Lima Ribeiro [UNESP] 08 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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maccari_flr_me_arafcf.pdf: 1400540 bytes, checksum: 7bc406a11537837c7f75cdf60b68c782 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O terpinen-4-ol é o principal componente da M. alternifólia, apresenta atividade antiinflamatória, antibacteriana e antifúngica; em estudos recentes in vitro a atividade antineoplásica para linhagens celulares de melanoma (M14) foi demonstrada. O objetivo específico deste trabalho foi verificar a atividade farmacológica in vitro dos isômeros óticos (-) terpinen-4-ol e (+) terpinen-4-ol e do óleo de Melaleuca alternifolia em nove linhagens diferentes de células tumorais, incluindo a célula UACC-62 do melanoma que ainda não havia sido estudada, e a concentração eficaz para o desenvolvimento de formulação que possa ter ação contra o melanoma. Após realização dos ensaios farmacológicos in vitro verificou-se que o (-)terpinen-4-ol apresentou melhor atividade nas linhagens celulares de melanoma, sendo o princípio ativo de escolha para as duas formulações que foram desenvolvidas, testadas e comprovadas a qualidade e estabilidade. Para caracterização das formulações foram efetuados os ensaios reológicos, sendo comprovado que as emulsões desenvolvidas são adequadas para o uso tópico no que diz respeito às suas características reológicas, sendo que as duas apresentaram comportamento de fluxo semelhante, diferindo apenas na área de histerese. Posteriormente foram feitos testes de permeação e retenção cutânea in vitro, para verificar qual formulação permite que o princípio ativo atinja em maior concentração a camada de interesse para atividade contra o melanoma. O método proposto para quantificação do (-)-terpinen-4-ol foi validado e utilizado nos ensaios de estabilidade acelerada, liberação, permeação e retenção cutânea in vitro. Os ensaios de liberação demonstraram que as duas formulações apresentam cinética de zero ordem, com fluxo de 14,62 µg/cm2 /h para formulação 1 e de 6,70 µg/cm2 /h para formulação F2. Na retenção cutânea... / The terpinen-4-ol is the major component of M. alternifolia, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal, in recent studies in vitro anticancer activity for melanoma cell lines (M14) was demonstrated. The specific objective of this study was to assess the in vitro pharmacological activity of optical isomers (-) terpinen-4-ol and (+) terpinen-4-ol and oil of Melaleuca alternifolia in nine different tumor cell lines, including cell UACC -62 melanoma that had not yet been studied, and effective concentration for the formulation development that may have action against melanoma. After performing the in vitro pharmacological tests showed that the (-) terpinen-4-ol showed better activity in melanoma cell lines, with the active ingredient of choice for the two formulations were developed, tested and proven quality and stability. For characterization of the formulations were made the rheological tests and confirmed that the developed emulsions are suitable for topical use in relation to their rheological characteristics, and the two had similar flow behavior, differing only in the area of hysteresis. Subsequent tests were performed permeation and skin retention in vitro, to determine which formulation allows the active ingredient reaches higher concentration in the layer of interest for activity against melanoma. The proposed method for quantification of (-)-terpinen-4-ol was validated and used in accelerated stability testing, release, skin permeation and retention in vitro. The release assays demonstrated that both formulations have zero order kinetics at a rate of 14.62 g/cm2/h for formulation 1 and 6.70 g/cm2/h for formulation F2. In vitro skin retention was found that the F1 showed retention of terpinen-4-ol smaller in the stratum corneum, compared to F2. Conversely, the retention in the epidermis over the dermis of terpinen-4-ol was higher in F1. It was found that formulation F1 ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Estudo In vitro de nanocompósitos para a liberação lenta de nitrogênio sobre a alimentação animal / Study in vitro of nanocomposites for the slow release of nitrogen about the animal feedCruz, Camila Conceição Tomé da 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-05-09T12:45:33Z
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DissCCTC.pdf: 2703284 bytes, checksum: d6c01b80e9f013e4e3f0004410ab32f9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-10T19:05:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DissCCTC.pdf: 2703284 bytes, checksum: d6c01b80e9f013e4e3f0004410ab32f9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-05-10T19:05:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DissCCTC.pdf: 2703284 bytes, checksum: d6c01b80e9f013e4e3f0004410ab32f9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-10T19:26:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DissCCTC.pdf: 2703284 bytes, checksum: d6c01b80e9f013e4e3f0004410ab32f9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Supplementation with nonprotein
nitrogen (NPN) has been widely used in ruminant feeding in diets of low
quality forages. This is because these animals have a number of microorganisms
in the rumen able to use ammonia for microbial protein production of excellent
quality, ammonia is obtained through the action of urease enzyme on the
nitrogenous products supplied in food, for example, urea. However, an excessive
consumption of urea may result in poisoning by NH3. Thus, a controlled release
of urea into the rumen is an essential aspect for ruminants feed, but few studies
to control the release of urea in the rumen have been identified to date Thus this
paper proposes obtaining nanocomposites montmorillonite and urea, formulated
by the extrusion process, as a source of slow-release nonprotein nitrogen on the
feed. The materials were characterized by diffraction of X-ray (XRD), scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and elemental
analysis (CHN). Also was studied the behavior solubilization in an aqueous
medium of urea present in the nanocomposites. Characterization results can be
observed that the montmorillonite exfoliation suffered in all nanocomposites,
urea served as montmorillonite dispersed phase in a matrix. The release results
showed that the presence of MMT acts as a barrier to release of urea making all
nanocomposites have slower release of urea compared to the pure material In
order to assess the effect of the use of such nanocomposites as non-protein
nitrogen supplement for sugarcane (bulky), was carried out in vitro digestibility
test for dry matter, which simulates the food digestion conditions in the rumen.
Different nanocomposite showed gain on the digestibility of sugar cane, which
is considered low quality forage, especially for presenting low protein value and
be difficult to digest. The nanocomposite MMT/Ur 1:4/HG 2% was the most
effective in increasing the digestibility of the sugar cane. The gain on digestibility was not very significant for displaying nanocomposites release
kinetics urea very slowly, suggesting that an ideal release rate is required, being
synchronized with the power supply supplied from the carbohydrate in the diet.
The pH remained within the optimal range for urease activity, the enzyme
responsible for metabolizing urea to ammonia and also for maximum microbial
synthesis. These results show that the development of nanostructures is a
powerful tool for increasing the efficiency of conventional fodder, and can serve
as a basis for further in vivo testing. / A suplementação com nitrogênio não
proteico (NNP) vem sendo muito utilizada na alimentação de ruminantes em
dietas com volumosos de baixa qualidade. Isto porque estes animais possuem
uma série de microrganismos no rumem capazes de utilizar amônia (NH3) para
produção de proteína microbiana de excelente qualidade. Essa amônia utilizada
pode ser obtida através da ação da enzima urease sobre os produtos nitrogenados
fornecidos na alimentação, como por exemplo, a ureia. No entanto, um consumo
excessivo de ureia pode resultar em intoxicação por NH3. Assim, uma liberação
controlada de ureia no rúmen é um aspecto essencial na alimentação de
ruminantes, porém poucos estudos relacionados ao controle da liberação de
ureia no rúmen foram identificados até o momento. Com isso esse trabalho
propõe a obtenção de nanocompósitos de montmorilonita e ureia com ou sem a
adição de compostos poliméricos (paraformaldeido e hidrogel), formulados pelo
processo de extrusão, como fonte de liberação lenta de nitrogênio não proteico
sobre a alimentação animal. Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difratometria
de raios-X (DRX), Microscopia eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Análise
termogravimétrica (TG) e Análise elementar (CHN). Estudou-se também o
comportamento de solubilização em meio aquoso da ureia presente nos
nanocompósitos. Dos resultados de caracterização pode-se observar que a
montmorillonita sofreu intercalação em todos os nanocompósitos, a ureia atuou
como fase dispersa em uma matriz de montmorilonita. Os resultados de
liberação mostraram que a presença da MMT atua como barreira na liberação de
ureia fazendo com que todos os nanocompositos tenham liberação mais lenta de
ureia em relação ao material puro. A fim de avaliar o efeito da utilização desses
nanocompósitos como suplemento de nitrogênio não proteico para a cana de
açúcar, realizou-se o teste de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, para
melhorar a digestibilidade da cana de açúcar. Diferentes nanocompósitos
apresentaram ganho sobre a digestibilidade da cana de açúcar, que é considerada
uma forragem de baixa qualidade, principalmente por apresentar baixo valor
proteico e ser de difícil digestão. O nanocompósito MMT/Ur 1:4/HG foi o mais
eficaz no aumento da digestibilidade da cana de açúcar. O incremento sobre a
digestibilidade não foi muito expressivo para os nanocompósitos com liberação
de ureia muito lenta, o que sugere que uma taxa de liberação ideal é necessária,
esta idealidade estaria relacionada a sincronização de energia proveniente dos
carboidratos ingeridos na dieta e a concentração de amônia disponível, uma vez
que ambos são utilizados na síntese proteica e ambas influenciam na digestão dos alimentos. O valor de pH manteve-se dentro de uma faixa ideal para
atividade da urease. Estes resultados mostram que o desenvolvimento de
nanoestruturas é uma ferramenta poderosa para incrementar a eficiência de
forragens convencionais, e pode servir como base para futuros ensaios in vivo.
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Sistemas baseados em magadeíta/diaminas alifáticas e magadeítas/ranitidina e suas aplicaçõesFrança, Denise de Brito 09 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-06-06T14:13:28Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 5719464 bytes, checksum: d95ea796f3e4195aab70df7f60654647 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-06T14:13:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Magadiite (Na2Si14O29.xH2O, x = 5-10) is an alkaline layered silicate with unknown structure and reacts through intercalation with simple organic species and polymer resulting inorganic-organic hybrids, which can be applied as adsorbents for pollutants, catalytic support, cationic exchanger and others. In this work, sodium magadiite was obtained by hydrothermal synthesis and used as support to ion exchange to origin the acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium forms. The acid magadiite interacted with aliphatic diaminas, NH2(CH2)nNH2 where n = 8, 9, 10 e 12, in ethanolic medium, by using conventional and microwave heatings. The exchanged solids were evaluated for the ability to remove ranitidine in aqueous medium where contact time and initial drug concentration parameters were investigated. In vitro release tests were performed for sodium magadiite/ranitidine hybrid. The solids were characterized by X-Ray diffratometry (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FIRT), CHN elemental analysis, thermogravimetry (TG/DTG) and UV-Vis molecular absorption spectroscopy in solid state before and after interaction with the diamines and drug. Hybrid materials formed between H-magadiite and diamines showed basal spacings between 0.200 to 0.286 nm resulting from the intercalation of both diamines and solvent molecules in the layered material, where the intercalated amount depended of size of organic chain, nature of solvent, temperature and type of heating. The Na-, H-, K-, Ca- and Mg exchanged magadiites removed ranitidine from aqueous solution, and the maximum capacities were 92.34 and 81.47 mg g-1 for sodium and potassium, respectively. The released tests of ranitidine was pH-dependent and presented the maximum released quantities of 76.4% in 48 h at SGF and 43.3% and 46.4% in 56 h in both SIF and SBF. Na- and K-magadiites showed potential adsorbents and drug vehicle for ranitidine while the H-magadiite/diamines intercalated hybrids had new organophilic properties, which result in new properties to interact with new organic species in solution. / A magadeíta (Na2Si14O29.xH2O, x = 5-10) é um silicato lamelar alcalino de estrutura ainda desconhecida que interage por intercalação com espécies orgânicas simples ou polímeros, originando híbridos inorgânico-orgânicos destinados a mais diversas aplicações como adsorventes, suporte para catalisadores, trocador catiônico, entre outras. Neste trabalho, a magadeíta sódica foi obtida por síntese hidrotérmica convencional e por troca iônica originou as suas formas ácida, potássica, cálcica e magnésica. A magadeíta ácida interagiu com diaminas alifáticas, NH2(CH2)nNH2 com n = 8, 9, 10 e 12, em meio etanólico, utilizando aquecimento convencional e por micro-ondas. Os sólidos trocados foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de remoção de ranitidina em meio aquoso, onde os parâmetros de tempo de contato e concentração inicial do fármaco foram investigados. Os ensaios de liberação in vitro foram realizados para o sistema magadeíta sódica/ranitidina. Os sólidos foram caracterizados por difratometria de raios X (DRX), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (IV), análise elementar de CHN, termogravimetria (TG/DTG) e espectroscopia de absorção molecular UV-Vis no estado sólido antes e após a interação com as diaminas e com o fármaco. Os materiais híbridos formados entre a H-magadeíta e as diaminas mostraram variações no espaçamento basal de 0,200 a 0,286 nm, resultantes da intercalação tanto das diaminas como das moléculas do solvente na matriz lamelar, onde a quantidade intercalada foi dependente do tamanho da cadeia orgânica, temperatura e fonte de aquecimento. A magadeíta em suas formas trocadas com Na-, H-, K-, Ca- e Mg adsorveram ranitidina em meio aquoso cujas capacidades máximas de sorção foram de 92,34 e 81,47 mg g-1 para as formas sódica e potássica, respectivamente. A interação da ranitidina com os sólidos por intercalação também foi confirmada por DRX, IV, CHN e UV-Vis do estado sólido. Os ensaios emissão da ranitidina mostraram que a quantidade liberada foi dependente do pH dos fluidos, apresentando máximos de liberação de 76,4% em 48 h no fluido SGF e de 43,3% e 46,4% em 56 h nos fluidos SIF e SBF, respectivamente. As Na- e K-magadeítas mostraram bons adsorventes e veículo para ranitidina, enquanto os híbridos de intercalação magadeíta ácida/diaminas tiveram novas propriedades organofílicas, o que permite aplicações futuras para interação com diferentes espécies orgânicas em solução.
1379 |
Estudo de blendas poliméricas constituídas por goma xantana e poli (álcool vinílico) reticuladas com ácido cítrico para aplicação em sistemas de liberação controlada de fármacosSilva, Ingrid Dantas Vasconcelos da 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANA KARLA PEREIRA RODRIGUES (anakarla_@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-02T15:41:08Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 5765942 bytes, checksum: 274481954c5d791369e586a0fa87060c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-02T15:41:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Polymer blends are a prompt and economical way to obtain new materials and have attracted considerable interest. Xanthan gum (GX) and poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) are polymers of great interest because of their properties. The high hydrophilic nature of these materials limits their applications, so they need to be submitted to the crosslinking process. In this work were prepared and characterized polymeric films (1% w / v) consisting of xanthan gum and poly (vinyl alcohol) without crosslinking agent and crosslinked with citric acid (CA) by casting for use in controlled drug release. The infrared analysis demonstrated possible interactions between the polymers in the blend and the incorporation of crosslinker into the polymer matrix. The scanning electron microscope revealed that the surfaces of the films are smooth and homogeneous even with the addition of crosslinking agent. The solubility, swelling and permeability to water vapor tests showed synergism between properties of polymers in the blend and citric acid attributed to the film water resistance. The compositions are stable in an inert atmosphere (N2), and films crosslinked with citric acid exhibited better thermal stability when compared with no crosslinking. The thermal degradation kinetics study complemented the results of thermal analysis showing that the PVA films are more stable and the crosslinking agent has improved thermal properties of the films. Biodegradability tests in soil revealed greater degradation to the polymer blends over a period of 160 days. The films exhibited no antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms studied. The application of crosslinked films with citric acid on controlled drug release showed that acetaminophen, propranolol and fluconazole release mechanism was controlled primarily by diffusion, swelling and relaxation of the polymer chains, with constant release profiles for 24 h, demonstrating that the developed films are promising materials for controlled drug release. / Blendas poliméricas representam uma forma rápida e econômica para obtenção de novos materiais e vêm atraindo bastante atenção. A goma xantana (GX) e o poli (álcool vinílico) (PVA) são polímeros de interesse devido as suas propriedades. O alto caráter hidrofílico desses materiais limitam suas aplicações, por isso eles precisam passar pelo processo de reticulação. Neste trabalho foram preparados e caracterizados filmes poliméricos (1% m/v) constituídos por goma xantana e poli (álcool vinílico) sem agente reticulante e reticulados com ácido cítrico (AC) pelo método da evaporação do solvente para aplicação na área de liberação controlada de fármacos. Os dados de espectroscopia de infravermelho sugeriram possíveis interações entre os polímeros na blenda e a incorporação do reticulante na matriz polimérica. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura revelou que as superfícies dos filmes são lisas e homogêneas, mesmo com a adição do agente reticulante. Os ensaios de solubilidade, intumescimento e permeabilidade ao vapor de água mostraram o sinergismo das propriedades dos polímeros na blenda e que o ácido cítrico atribuiu aos filmes resistência à água. As composições mostraram-se estáveis em atmosfera inerte (N2), e os filmes reticulados com ácido cítrico exibiram melhor estabilidade térmica quando comparados com os sem reticulante. O estudo de cinética de degradação térmica complementou os resultados de análise térmica mostrando que os filmes de poli (álcool vinílico) são mais estáveis e que o agente reticulante aumentou as propriedades térmicas dos filmes. Os ensaios de biodegradabilidade em solo mostraram maior degradação para as blendas poliméricas em um período de 160 dias. Os filmes não demonstraram atividade antimicrobiana frente aos microrganismos estudados. A aplicação dos filmes reticulados com ácido cítrico na área de liberação controlada mostrou que o mecanismo de liberação de paracetamol, propranolol e fluconazol foi controlado principalmente por difusão, intumescimento e relaxamento das cadeias poliméricas, apresentando perfis de liberação constantes em 24 h, demonstrando que os filmes desenvolvidos são materiais promissores para liberação controlada de fármacos.
1380 |
Desenvolvimento de uma formula??o c?lon espec?fica visando o tratamento da colite ulcerativaNagashima Junior, Toshiyuki 05 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:13:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-05 / Micro and nanoparticulate systems as drug delivery carriers have achieved successful therapeutic use by enhancing efficacy and reducing toxicity of potent drugs. The improvement of pharmaceutical grade polymers has allowed the development of such therapeutic systems. Microencapsulation is a process in which very thin coatings of inert natural or synthetic polymeric materials are deposited around microsized particles of solids or around droplets. Products thus formed are known as microparticles. Xylan is a natural polymer abundantly found in nature. It is the most common hemicellulose, representing more than 60% of the
polysaccharides existing in the cell walls of corn cobs, and is normally degraded by the bacterial enzymes present in the colon of the human body. Therefore, this polymer is an eligible material to produce colon-specific drug carriers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the technological potential of
xylan for the development of colon delivery systems for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. First, coacervation was evaluated as a feasible method to produce xylan microcapsules. Afterwards, interfacial cross-linking
polymerization was studied as a method to produce microcapsules with hydrophilic core. Additionally, magnetic xylan-coated microcapsules were prepared in order to
investigate the ability of producing gastroresistant systems. Besides, the influence of the external phase composition on the production and mean diameter of microcapsules produced by interfacial cross-linking polymerization was investigated. Also, technological properties of xylan were determined in order to predict its possible application in other pharmaceutical dosage forms / Os sistemas micro e nanoparticulados t?m sido cada vez mais
utilizados por promoverem um aumento da efic?cia de um determinado medicamento bem como redu??o da toxicidade de f?rmacos potentes. A descoberta e pesquisa de materiais polim?ricos, naturais e sint?ticos, permitiram o desenvolvimento de in?meros sistemas terap?uticos. A microencapsula??o ? um processo com o qual finas camadas de um revestimento constitu?das de uma mat?ria prima polim?rica inerte, de origem natural ou sint?tica, s?o depositadas ao redor de part?culas s?lidas micronizadas ou got?culas. A xilana ? um pol?mero natural abundantemente encontrado na natureza, representando mais de 60%
dos polissacar?deos presentes na parede celular dos vegetais de grande porte, entre eles o sabugo de milho. Ela ? normalmente digerida em n?vel de c?lon durante a degrada??o residual de carboidratos, realizada por um conjunto de
enzimas bacterianas existentes no trato gastro intestinal. Desta maneira, este pol?mero tornou-se uma mat?ria prima eleg?vel para o desenvolvimento de carreadores c?lon espec?ficos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial tecnol?gico da xilana para o desenvolvimento de uma formula??o visando a libera??o de f?rmacos no c?lon para o tratamento de dist?rbios inflamat?rios intestinais. Inicialmente, foi avaliado a capacidade de xilana formar micropart?culas pela t?cnica da coacerva??o. Posteriormente, foi estudada uma nova t?cnica de obten??o de microc?psulas com n?cleo hidrof?lico pela t?cnica da reticula??o polim?rica
interfacial. Depois, sua habilidade de formar sistemas gastrorresistentes foi avaliada com as micropart?culas magn?ticas, em seguida, foi avaliada a influ?ncia da composi??o da fase externa na produ??o e di?metro m?dio das microc?psulas de xilana produzidas por reticula??o interfacial, bem como as propriedades tecnol?gicas da xilana, visando a sua aplica??o em outras formas farmac?uticas
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