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Din?mica reprodutiva e parasit?ria de quatro esp?cies de peixes das ?guas costeiras do Sudoeste do Oceano Atl?ntico, BrasilLima, Jos? Ticiano Arruda Ximenes de 04 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:36:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JoseTAXL_Parte 1.pdf: 5097640 bytes, checksum: 87d585113062c0aafaeaea6c8b1525d6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008-07-04 / The present study investigated the reproductive dynamics and parasitism of four species of marine fishes: serra Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus brasiliensis, Atlantic leatherjacks, Oligoplites saurus and O. palometa,, and Atlantic bumper, C. chrysurus, during the period of August, 2005 to July, 2007, in the coastal waters of Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. The collected fish samples were measured, weighed, dissected, the gonads were weighed and examined to separate the sex. The gonadosomatic index (GSI), fecundity, type of spawning, the breeding season, the macro and microscopic characterization of the gonads were determined. The ectoparasites from the branchial chambers and bucal cavity of the fish were collected, measured, weighed and identified. The sex ratio of the study fish species were approximately 1M:1F, however, there was a predominance of males of O. palometa (3M:2F). The GSI of fishes varied according to their reproductive cycle and the stage of gonadal maturation. The highest values of GSI and the spawning period coincided with the rainy period of the region. The females presented total spawning and the fecundity was positively correlated with the weight of the ovary and the body. Four stages of development of the gonads immature, maturing, mature and spent were identified macroscopically and histological analyses of ovaries revealed the different phases of oocyte development. Three species of isopod parasites were identified in the study fishes: Livoneca redmmanni, Rocinela
signata and Cimothoa spinipalpa. The first two species occurred in the branchial cavities of C. chrysurus and S. brasiliensis. The isopod C.spinipalpa (a new species) was registered for the first time in the bucal cavity of O. saurus and O. palometa. The parasitic isopods preferred the branchial chambers and the bucal cavity of the host fishes as these were protected microhabitats. The isopods parasitized the immature, maturing and mature fishes. The prevalence of infection of isopods in the hosts varied from 16 to 21%, though in O. palometa it was 60%. In the rainy period the highest isopod parasitic occurrence was registered, however, this did not prejudice the normal reproductive cycle of the host fish. / O presente trabalho investigou a din?mica reprodutiva e parasit?ria de quatro esp?cies de peixes marinhos: serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis, tibiros, Oligoplites saurus e O.
palometa e palombeta, Chloroscombrus chrysurus, durante os messes de agosto de 2005 a julho de 2007, nas ?guas costeiras do Sudoeste do Oceano Atl?ntico, Brasil. Os peixes foram
medidos, pesados, dissecados, as g?nadas pesadas e examinadas para separa??o do sexo. Foram avaliados o ?ndice gonadossom?tica (IGS), fecundidade, tipo e ?poca de desova e a caracteriza??o macro e microsc?pica do desenvolvimento das g?nadas dos peixes. Os ectoparasitos da c?mara branquial e cavidade bucal dos peixes foram coletados, medidos, pesados e identificados. A propor??o sexual dos peixes estudados foram aproximadamente 1M:1F, enquanto ocorreu um predom?nio de machos de O. palometa (3:2). Os peixes apresentaram IGS variando de acordo com seu ciclo reprodutivo e seu est?dio de matura??o gonadal. Os maiores valores de IGS e a ?poca reprodutiva coincidiram com per?odo das chuvas da regi?o. As f?meas apresentaram desova total e fecundidade com correla??o positiva para o peso das g?nadas e do corpo. Quatro est?dios de desenvolvimento das g?nadas foram identificados macroscopicamente: imaturo, em matura??o, maduros e esgotados, e os estudos microsc?picos mostraram o desenvolvimento ovocit?rio dentro de cada est?dio. Tr?s esp?cies de parasitos isopodos foram identificadas nas quatro esp?cies de peixes: Livoneca redmmanni, Rocinela signata e Cimothoa spinipalpa. As primeiras duas esp?cies ocorreram na cavidade branquial de C. chrysurus e S. brasiliensis. Parasitismo por isopodo C.spinipalpa, (uma esp?cie nova) foi registrado na cavidade bucal de O. saurus e O. palometa. O micro-h?bitat preferido pelos parasitos is?podos foram ? c?mara branquial e a cavidade bucal do hospedeiro, ?reas mais protegidas. Os isopodos parasitaram os peixes nos est?dios imaturo, em matura??o e maduros. A preval?ncia de infec??o de isopodos nos hospedeiros variou de 16 a 21%, enquanto que em O. palometa foi de 60%. No per?odo das chuvas foi registrada a
maior ocorr?ncia de parasitismo por isopodos, porem, o parasitismo n?o prejudicou o ciclo reprodutivo normal dos hospedeiros.
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Interação de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis com células dendríticas pulmonares induz produção de IL-10 e expressão de TLR2: possíveis mecanismos de suscetibilidade / Interaction of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis with pulmonary dendritic cells induces IL-10 production and TLR2 expression: possible mechanisms of susceptibilityKaren Spadari Ferreira 11 June 2007 (has links)
A resposta imune adaptativa do tipo Th1 é necessária para proteção contra P. Brasiliensis. Sabendo que células dendrítica são APCs eficientes na ativação da resposta imune mediada por células, investigamos o potencial dessas células em iniciar a resposta imune inata em camundongos suscetíveis (B10.A) e resistentes (A/J) a PCM. Inicialmente, observamos que células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos B10.A são mais fagocíticas quando comparadas com células de camundongos A/J. Além disso, observamos que a fagocitose na presença de laminarina foi inibida somente em células dendríticas pulmonares de animais B10.A. A produção de citocinas por células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos A/J mostrou baixa concentração de IL-10, IL-12 e TNF-α. Ao contrário, células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos B10.A produziram altas concentrações de TNF-α e IL-10, mas, a produção de IL-10 foi significativamente inibida na presença de laminarina. Nós também observamos que células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos TLR-2KO foram deficientes na produção de IL-10. Além disso, a expressão gênica para TLR-2 aumentou após infecção em camundongos B10.A, mas não nos A/J. Posteriormente, observamos que a capacidade de células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos suscetíveis em induzir ativação de células T foi diminuída. De acordo com nossos resultados, sugerimos que P. brasiliensis induz células dendríticas regulatórias em camundongos suscetíveis, os quais promovem a produção de IL-10, contribuindo para a suscetibilidade de camundongos B10.A contra a infecção por P. brasiliensis. / An adaptive Th1-type immune response is required for protection against P.brasiliensis. Knowing that DC are the most effective APCs for inducing cellmediated immune responses, it is thus important to investigate lung DC and their potential to initiate an immune response in mice susceptible and resistant to PCM. Initially, we observed that lung DC from susceptible mice were more phagocytic than cells from resistant mice and we observed that phagocytosis in the presence of laminarin was inhibited only in DC from susceptible mice. Cytokines produced by DC from resistant mice showed a low concentration of IL-10, IL-12 and TNF-α. In contrast, DC from susceptible mice produced a high concentration of TNF-α and IL-10, but IL-10 production was significantly inhibited in the presence of laminarin. We also observed that DC from TLR-2KO mice presented a defective production of IL-10. We found that the gene expression for TLR2 is increased after infection in B10.A, but not in A/J mice. Thus, the capacity of lung DC from susceptible mice in inducing T cell activation was decreased. In conclusion, our data suggest that P.brasiliensis induces regulatory DC in susceptible mice, which promotes IL-10 production contributing to the susceptibility of B10.A mice against P.brasiliensis infection.
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Potencial antitumoral do composto 7-epi-clusianona em linhagens celulares de câncer de mama humano cultivadas como monocamadas e esferoides. / Antitumoral potential of 7-epi-clusianone in human breast cancer cell lines cultured in monolayer and as spheroids.Bianca Rocha Sales 25 September 2015 (has links)
A biodiversidade de plantas brasileiras é uma fonte muito rica de moléculas bioativas, dentro da proposta da busca por novas drogas antitumorais, avaliamos neste estudo o potencial antiproliferativo do composto 7-epi-clusianona. Foram utilizadas duas linhagens celulares derivadas de tumor de mama humana, Hs 578T e MCF-7, cultivadas em monocamada e como esferoides. O IC50 após 48 horas de tratamento das células é de 20 μM para Hs 578T e 6 μM para MCF-7. A análise do ciclo celular mostrou que o composto é capaz de reter as células em fase G1/G0 em ambas as linhagens em 2D, mas não em 3D. O composto é capaz de induzir as células a senescência celular, como mostrado pelo ensaio de detecção de β-galactosidase. Esses dados indicam que o composto 7-epi-clusianona é uma molécula promissora, que demonstrou potencial antitumoral em células de tumor de mama. A cultura tridimensional se mostrou mais resistente ao tratamento com 7-epi-clusianona, portanto estudos mais abrangentes são necessários para melhor entendimento dos efeitos do composto sobre esse tipo de cultura. / Brazilian flora is considered one of the most diverse in the world and natural products are some of the important sources of new antitumoral compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiproliferative potential of 7-epi-clusianone. Two cell lines derived from human breast tumor were used, Hs 578T and MCF-7, cultured in monolayer and as spheroids. The IC50 after 48 hours of treatment is 20 μM to Hs 578T cells and 6 μM to MCF-7 cells. Cell cycle analysis showed induction of cell cycle arrest in G1/S phase in cells cultured in monolayers, but not in spheroids. The amount of cells in senescence after the treatment with 7-epi-clusianone is higher than the control group, as seen by the senescence β-galactosidase staining assay. These data suggest that 7-epi-clusianone is a promising molecule against breast cancer cells. We show that 3D culture was more resistant to treatment than 2D culture, therefore more comprehensive studies are needed to better understand the effects of 7-epi-clusianone on this kind of culture.
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Caracterização de isolados do complexo Sporothrisc schenckii provenientes de diferentes estados brasileirosStopiglia, Cheila Denise Ottonelli January 2013 (has links)
O complexo Sporothrix schenckii reúne espécies etiologicamente relacionadas à esporotricose, uma micose que pode acometer seres humanos e animais. Foi realizada a identificação fenotípica e molecular de 85 isolados provenientes de quatro estados brasileiros (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul e São Paulo). Foram pesquisadas a produção de enzimas, o perfil de inibição por leveduras killer, a suscetibilidade aos antifúngicos comerciais e aos extratos de plantas. Os isolados foram identificados como S. schenckii, S. brasiliensis e S. globosa, com predomínio de S. schenckii. Houve discordância de 37,7% entre a identificação das espécies do complexo S. schenckii utilizando metodologias fenotípicas e genotípicas. Entre os antifúngicos testados, a terbinafina foi o fármaco mais ativo; seguido por cetoconazol e itraconazol, enquanto fluconazol e voriconazol foram os menos ativos. Cinco isolados fúngicos foram detectados como resistentes ao itraconazol, sendo um S. globosa e quatro S. schenckii. Não houve diferença nos perfis de suscetibilidade aos antifúngicos entre as espécies do complexo Sporothrix schenckii. Entre os extratos de origem vegetal, o mais ativo foi o proveniente de Pterocaulon polystachyum, mostrando que o uso popular das plantas reforça a importância de pesquisas etnofarmacológicas, abrindo a possibilidade de encontrar novos agentes antifúngicos clinicamente eficazes. Doze das 18 leveduras killer avaliadas apresentaram atividade frente a todos os isolados do complexo S. schenckii estudados. No entanto, não houve diferença na suscetibilidade as toxinas entre as espécies de Sporothrix. Todos os isolados produziram desoxiribonuclease, urease e proteinase. Atividade fosfolipase e esterase foi detectada em 83 (97,6%) e 80 (94,1%), respectivamente, dos isolados testados. Todas as amostras do complexo S. schenckii produziram, pelo menos, quatro das enzimas avaliadas, e 78 (91,8%) dos isolados produziram todas as enzimas analisadas no estudo. No entanto, não foi possível diferenciar as espécies de Sporothrix baseado no perfil enzimático. Entre as enzimas extracelulares avaliadas nos isolados do complexo S. schenckii, desoxiribonuclease e esterase foram produzidas em maior quantidade, podendo vir a ser um fator de virulência. Além disso, o caldo Sabouraud dextrose mostrou potencial para ser usado na avaliação in vitro da atividade antifúngica frente ao complexo S. schenckii. / The Sporothrix schenckii complex combines species etiologically related to sporotrichosis, a mycosis which can affect humans and animals. The phenotypic and genotypic identification of 85 strains from four Brazilian States (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo) was performed. The enzymatic production, profile of inhibition by killer yeasts, susceptibility to marketed antifungal and to plant extracts were surveyed. The isolates were identified as S. schenckii, S. brasiliensis and S. globosa, with the predominance of S. schenckii. There was 37.7% disagreement regarding the species classification using phenotypic and genotypic methodologies. Among the tested antifungals, terbinafine was the most active drug, followed by ketoconazole and itraconazole, while fluconazole and voriconazole were the least active ones. Five isolates - one S. globosa and four S. schenckii - were resistent to itraconazole. There was no difference as to the profiles of the susceptibility to the antifungal agents among the Sporothrix species. The most active vegetal extract was from Pterocaulon polystachyum, showing that the popular use of these plants reinforces the importance of ethnopharmacological researches, with the possibility of finding new clinically effective antifungal agents. Twelve out of the 18 evaluated killer yeasts showed activity against all the tested strains of the S. schenckii complex. However, there was no difference in susceptibility to the toxins among the Sporothrix species complex. All the isolates were desoxiribonuclease, urease and proteinase positive. Phospholipase and esterase activities were detected in 83 (97.6%) and 80 (94.1%), respectively, among the isolates evaluated. All the S. schenckii complex strains produced at least four of the evaluated enzymes, and 78 (91.8%) of the isolates produced all the enzymes analyzed in the study. However, it is not possible to differentiate the Sporothrix species based on their enzymatic profile. Among the extracellular enzymes evaluated in the S. schenckii complex isolates, desoxiribonuclease and esterase were the most prominent ones, and their production may be a virulence factor. Furthermore, the Sabouraud dextrose broth showed potential to be used in the in vitro evaluation of the antifungal activity against the S. schenckii complex.
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Caracterização de isolados do complexo Sporothrisc schenckii provenientes de diferentes estados brasileirosStopiglia, Cheila Denise Ottonelli January 2013 (has links)
O complexo Sporothrix schenckii reúne espécies etiologicamente relacionadas à esporotricose, uma micose que pode acometer seres humanos e animais. Foi realizada a identificação fenotípica e molecular de 85 isolados provenientes de quatro estados brasileiros (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul e São Paulo). Foram pesquisadas a produção de enzimas, o perfil de inibição por leveduras killer, a suscetibilidade aos antifúngicos comerciais e aos extratos de plantas. Os isolados foram identificados como S. schenckii, S. brasiliensis e S. globosa, com predomínio de S. schenckii. Houve discordância de 37,7% entre a identificação das espécies do complexo S. schenckii utilizando metodologias fenotípicas e genotípicas. Entre os antifúngicos testados, a terbinafina foi o fármaco mais ativo; seguido por cetoconazol e itraconazol, enquanto fluconazol e voriconazol foram os menos ativos. Cinco isolados fúngicos foram detectados como resistentes ao itraconazol, sendo um S. globosa e quatro S. schenckii. Não houve diferença nos perfis de suscetibilidade aos antifúngicos entre as espécies do complexo Sporothrix schenckii. Entre os extratos de origem vegetal, o mais ativo foi o proveniente de Pterocaulon polystachyum, mostrando que o uso popular das plantas reforça a importância de pesquisas etnofarmacológicas, abrindo a possibilidade de encontrar novos agentes antifúngicos clinicamente eficazes. Doze das 18 leveduras killer avaliadas apresentaram atividade frente a todos os isolados do complexo S. schenckii estudados. No entanto, não houve diferença na suscetibilidade as toxinas entre as espécies de Sporothrix. Todos os isolados produziram desoxiribonuclease, urease e proteinase. Atividade fosfolipase e esterase foi detectada em 83 (97,6%) e 80 (94,1%), respectivamente, dos isolados testados. Todas as amostras do complexo S. schenckii produziram, pelo menos, quatro das enzimas avaliadas, e 78 (91,8%) dos isolados produziram todas as enzimas analisadas no estudo. No entanto, não foi possível diferenciar as espécies de Sporothrix baseado no perfil enzimático. Entre as enzimas extracelulares avaliadas nos isolados do complexo S. schenckii, desoxiribonuclease e esterase foram produzidas em maior quantidade, podendo vir a ser um fator de virulência. Além disso, o caldo Sabouraud dextrose mostrou potencial para ser usado na avaliação in vitro da atividade antifúngica frente ao complexo S. schenckii. / The Sporothrix schenckii complex combines species etiologically related to sporotrichosis, a mycosis which can affect humans and animals. The phenotypic and genotypic identification of 85 strains from four Brazilian States (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo) was performed. The enzymatic production, profile of inhibition by killer yeasts, susceptibility to marketed antifungal and to plant extracts were surveyed. The isolates were identified as S. schenckii, S. brasiliensis and S. globosa, with the predominance of S. schenckii. There was 37.7% disagreement regarding the species classification using phenotypic and genotypic methodologies. Among the tested antifungals, terbinafine was the most active drug, followed by ketoconazole and itraconazole, while fluconazole and voriconazole were the least active ones. Five isolates - one S. globosa and four S. schenckii - were resistent to itraconazole. There was no difference as to the profiles of the susceptibility to the antifungal agents among the Sporothrix species. The most active vegetal extract was from Pterocaulon polystachyum, showing that the popular use of these plants reinforces the importance of ethnopharmacological researches, with the possibility of finding new clinically effective antifungal agents. Twelve out of the 18 evaluated killer yeasts showed activity against all the tested strains of the S. schenckii complex. However, there was no difference in susceptibility to the toxins among the Sporothrix species complex. All the isolates were desoxiribonuclease, urease and proteinase positive. Phospholipase and esterase activities were detected in 83 (97.6%) and 80 (94.1%), respectively, among the isolates evaluated. All the S. schenckii complex strains produced at least four of the evaluated enzymes, and 78 (91.8%) of the isolates produced all the enzymes analyzed in the study. However, it is not possible to differentiate the Sporothrix species based on their enzymatic profile. Among the extracellular enzymes evaluated in the S. schenckii complex isolates, desoxiribonuclease and esterase were the most prominent ones, and their production may be a virulence factor. Furthermore, the Sabouraud dextrose broth showed potential to be used in the in vitro evaluation of the antifungal activity against the S. schenckii complex.
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Caracterização de isolados do complexo Sporothrisc schenckii provenientes de diferentes estados brasileirosStopiglia, Cheila Denise Ottonelli January 2013 (has links)
O complexo Sporothrix schenckii reúne espécies etiologicamente relacionadas à esporotricose, uma micose que pode acometer seres humanos e animais. Foi realizada a identificação fenotípica e molecular de 85 isolados provenientes de quatro estados brasileiros (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul e São Paulo). Foram pesquisadas a produção de enzimas, o perfil de inibição por leveduras killer, a suscetibilidade aos antifúngicos comerciais e aos extratos de plantas. Os isolados foram identificados como S. schenckii, S. brasiliensis e S. globosa, com predomínio de S. schenckii. Houve discordância de 37,7% entre a identificação das espécies do complexo S. schenckii utilizando metodologias fenotípicas e genotípicas. Entre os antifúngicos testados, a terbinafina foi o fármaco mais ativo; seguido por cetoconazol e itraconazol, enquanto fluconazol e voriconazol foram os menos ativos. Cinco isolados fúngicos foram detectados como resistentes ao itraconazol, sendo um S. globosa e quatro S. schenckii. Não houve diferença nos perfis de suscetibilidade aos antifúngicos entre as espécies do complexo Sporothrix schenckii. Entre os extratos de origem vegetal, o mais ativo foi o proveniente de Pterocaulon polystachyum, mostrando que o uso popular das plantas reforça a importância de pesquisas etnofarmacológicas, abrindo a possibilidade de encontrar novos agentes antifúngicos clinicamente eficazes. Doze das 18 leveduras killer avaliadas apresentaram atividade frente a todos os isolados do complexo S. schenckii estudados. No entanto, não houve diferença na suscetibilidade as toxinas entre as espécies de Sporothrix. Todos os isolados produziram desoxiribonuclease, urease e proteinase. Atividade fosfolipase e esterase foi detectada em 83 (97,6%) e 80 (94,1%), respectivamente, dos isolados testados. Todas as amostras do complexo S. schenckii produziram, pelo menos, quatro das enzimas avaliadas, e 78 (91,8%) dos isolados produziram todas as enzimas analisadas no estudo. No entanto, não foi possível diferenciar as espécies de Sporothrix baseado no perfil enzimático. Entre as enzimas extracelulares avaliadas nos isolados do complexo S. schenckii, desoxiribonuclease e esterase foram produzidas em maior quantidade, podendo vir a ser um fator de virulência. Além disso, o caldo Sabouraud dextrose mostrou potencial para ser usado na avaliação in vitro da atividade antifúngica frente ao complexo S. schenckii. / The Sporothrix schenckii complex combines species etiologically related to sporotrichosis, a mycosis which can affect humans and animals. The phenotypic and genotypic identification of 85 strains from four Brazilian States (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo) was performed. The enzymatic production, profile of inhibition by killer yeasts, susceptibility to marketed antifungal and to plant extracts were surveyed. The isolates were identified as S. schenckii, S. brasiliensis and S. globosa, with the predominance of S. schenckii. There was 37.7% disagreement regarding the species classification using phenotypic and genotypic methodologies. Among the tested antifungals, terbinafine was the most active drug, followed by ketoconazole and itraconazole, while fluconazole and voriconazole were the least active ones. Five isolates - one S. globosa and four S. schenckii - were resistent to itraconazole. There was no difference as to the profiles of the susceptibility to the antifungal agents among the Sporothrix species. The most active vegetal extract was from Pterocaulon polystachyum, showing that the popular use of these plants reinforces the importance of ethnopharmacological researches, with the possibility of finding new clinically effective antifungal agents. Twelve out of the 18 evaluated killer yeasts showed activity against all the tested strains of the S. schenckii complex. However, there was no difference in susceptibility to the toxins among the Sporothrix species complex. All the isolates were desoxiribonuclease, urease and proteinase positive. Phospholipase and esterase activities were detected in 83 (97.6%) and 80 (94.1%), respectively, among the isolates evaluated. All the S. schenckii complex strains produced at least four of the evaluated enzymes, and 78 (91.8%) of the isolates produced all the enzymes analyzed in the study. However, it is not possible to differentiate the Sporothrix species based on their enzymatic profile. Among the extracellular enzymes evaluated in the S. schenckii complex isolates, desoxiribonuclease and esterase were the most prominent ones, and their production may be a virulence factor. Furthermore, the Sabouraud dextrose broth showed potential to be used in the in vitro evaluation of the antifungal activity against the S. schenckii complex.
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Sistemas de produção pesqueira da pescada amarela (Cynoscion acoupa Lacèpede, 1802) e serra (Scomberomorus brasiliensis Collette, Russo & Zavalla-Camin, 1978) no litoral nordeste do Estado do ParáMOURÃO, Keila Renata Moreira January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Cleide Dantas (cleidedantas@ufpa.br) on 2014-07-29T11:47:40Z
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Dissertacao_SistemasProducaoPesqueira.pdf: 1884638 bytes, checksum: 10bc547bf058efa41b918746da3b8c6c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2014-08-29T14:11:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_SistemasProducaoPesqueira.pdf: 1884638 bytes, checksum: 10bc547bf058efa41b918746da3b8c6c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-29T14:11:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2007 / O Estado do Pará, cujo litoral se estende do Cabo do Norte à foz do rio Gurupi,
representa o principal pólo pesqueiro da região. Dentre as espécies de importância econômica
no estado, destaca-se a pescada amarela Cynoscion acoupa e serra Scomberomorus
brasiliensis, capturadas principalmente nos municípios de Augusto Corrêa, Bragança, Curuçá,
São Caetano de Odivelas, São João de Pirabas e Vigia. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de
descrever estes sistemas pesqueiros segundo as dimensões sociais, tecnológicas, econômicas e
ecológicos visando estabelecer linhas de ação que auxiliem na estruturação de um plano de
manejo que garanta a sustentabilidade das pescarias. Para descrever os sistemas de pesca, uma
lista de 45 atributos, na forma de valores numéricos absolutos ou porcentagens, classificados
de acordo com cada dimensão supracitada. Um estudo mais aprofundado (Estudo de Caso) foi
efetuado em Bragança, para ambos sistemas. Análise multivariada de agrupamento e
ordenação (MDS), comparando os sistemas pesqueiros e considerando os diferentes
municípios, foram aplicadas, visando identificar os agrupamentos e as possíveis causas da
semelhança entre os sistemas de pesca por município. A análise dos sistemas da pescada
amarela e serra juntas, mostraram a formação de dois grupos. Quando analisados por
dimensão separadamente, registrou-se similaridade entre ambos os sistemas nas dimensões
social e ecológica. Com relação às dimensões tecnológica e econômica notou-se que os
municípios de Bragança e Vigia (sistema pescada amarela) destacaram-se, sobretudo pelas
embarcações utilizadas, tamanho das redes de pesca, produção por pescaria e lucro líquido
obtido nas pescarias. Para a serra registrou-se, entre os municípios do sistema, a
predominância de barcos de pequeno porte nas capturas. O estudo de caso em Bragança
indicou que apesar da importância do grude (bexiga natatória) na cadeia de comercialização
da pescada amarela, com elevado valor de comercialização, a venda da carne constituiu a
principal fonte de lucro líquido. O estudo de caso da serra revelou que as suas pescarias em
Bragança ocorreram em três áreas distintas: costa do Amapá, costa de Salinas e costa de
Bragança. Considerando o exposto, pressupõe-se que um plano de manejo no âmbito social
deve prover ações em prol da cidadania, saúde, educação, emprego e capacitação. Numa
abordagem ecológica, considerando que ambos os estoques se encontram no limite máximo
sustentável, medidas de manejo devem ser implementadas. Finalmente, com relação aos
aspectos tecnológicos e econômicos observou-se que as pescarias em Bragança e Vigia foram
visualmente “sustentáveis”. Entretanto, os acentuados aumentos nas capturas com evidentes
tendências de queda na produção, devem ser observados com cautela no que diz respeito à
liberação de novos financiamentos. / The Para State, which coast limits from Cabo do Norte to Gurupi, is the most important
fishing state in North of Brazil. According the economic importance, of the Acoupa weakfish
Cynoscion acoupa and Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus brasiliensis are main species,
captured mostly in Augusto Corrêa, Bragança, Curuçá, São Caetano de Odivelas, São João de
Pirabas and Vigia towns. This study aim to describe the fishing systems of these towns in an
approam social, technological, economic and ecological, in order to establishi policy tools,
that support the development of a management plan for the sustainability of these fisheries.
To describe the fishery systems, 45 attributes, were considered in a categorical scale or
percentages, classified according the established dimensions. A ´study case´, aiming to better
describe the fishing systems, was analised in Bragança. To identify groups and similarities
betweem fishery systems and town. Multivariate analysis were applied this analysis reported
two distinct groups of fishery systems. When analyzed by dimension, the fishery systems
were similar for both social and ecological dimensions. In relation to technological and
economical dimensions, was concluded that Bragança and Vigia (Acoupa weakfish system)
were different specially by the boats operates, net size, production and profits. The spanish
mackerel system, it was compore by a float of small boats (´Barcos de Pequeno Porte´). The
case study showed that, although the low importance in acoupa weakfish commercialization
are rather important, with a high commercialization value, the value of the meat is responsible
for most of the profit. The Spanish mackerel case study reported that the fishery in Bragança
ocorrin three different regions: coast Amapá, coast Salinas and coast Bragança. According
these a management plan, based in a social dimension, must include actions that favors
citizenship, health, education, job and qualification. In relation to the ecological dimension,
considering that both fishery were stocks exploited at the maximum level, management
measures must be implemented. Finally, with regard to technological and economic aspects, it
was observed that in Bragança and in Vigia, the acoupa weakfish fishing systems were
"sustainable". The increase in catches with a decreasing trend in the production should be
considered be carefull specially whem new financings are to be released to the fisherman.
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Isolation and characterization of antifungal compounds from Clerodendron glabrum var glabrum (Verbenaceae) used traditionally to treat candidiasis in Venda, South AfricaMasevhe, Ndivhaleni Anox January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize antifungal compounds from the most active medicinal plant species that could be used to address secondary infection problems in immunocompromised patients.
An ethnobotanical study was conducted and 45 medicinal plant species used traditionally to treat candidiasis and related infections in HIV/AIDS patients were identified and documented. The most popular plant species used included Acacia caffra, Clerodendrum glabrum, Croton gratissimus, Elaeodendron transvaalense, Faurea saligna, Hippocratea longipetiolata, Osyris lanceolata, Richardia brasiliensis, Schkuhria pinnata, Schotia brachypetala, Spilanthes acmella, Strychnos potatorum, Vangueria infausta subsp. infausta and Withania somnifera. The plant parts used in the therapeutic preparations were roots (26.7%), bark (22.2%), and a combination of roots and bark (17.7%). Decoctions (44.4%), infusions (20%) and macerations (17.7%) were used. Most of the herbal remedies were administered orally.
Chemical profiles of the plant species were established by using thin layer chromatography. Leaf extracts of these plant species were tested for antimicrobial activity against two common pathogenic fungal species in humans (Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans) and four nosocomial bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) using a two-fold serial microdilution method and bioautography. All plant species investigated had some degree of antimicrobial activity against the test microorganisms. The hexane and the acetone extracts of Clerodendrum glabrum, Hippocratea longipetiolata, Schkuhria pinnata and Withania somnifera were the most active with MIC values ranging from 0.06 to 0.08 mg/ml. The most susceptible pathogen to the test samples was C. neoformans while C. albicans was resistant to most of the plant extracts. The water extracts of Withania somnifera and Hippocratea longipetiolata (14%) had MIC < 1 mg/ml against C. albicans. C. neoformans was susceptible to nine water plant extracts (64%) with MIC < 1 mg/ml and the promising activity was observed in Hippocratea longipetiolata and Faurea saligna extracts with MIC values of 0.16 and 0.31 mg/ml respectively. The hexane extract of C. glabrum was the most active against C. albicans with an MIC value of 0.06 mg/ml and total activity of 550 ml/g. In the bioautography, most plant extracts tested had few active compounds, others had no active components at all and this may be attributed to the disruption of synergism by the thin layer chromatography. C. glabrum had eight active antifungal compounds on bioautograms and most of these components were observed in the EMW solvent system. Based on this and its wide distribution in rural areas, C. glabrum was chosen for further study.
The antioxidant activity and possible immune boosting potential of the species were determined using 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH), 2, 2’ azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. In the DPPH qualitative assay, the aqueous plant extracts had several prominent antioxidant components than the organic plant extracts. The aqueous plant extracts which had the most prominent antioxidant activity were F. saligna with 8 compounds, followed by E. transvaalense, H. longipetiolata O. lanceolata, R. brasiliensis and S.brachypetala, with five compounds each and their Rf values ranged from 0;06 to 0.94. This appears to validate the ethnomedicinal use of the plant species to some extent because decoction is the most common method used in the preparation of the remedy by the traditional healers. With regard to the organic plant extracts, only one plant extract, F. saligna had two prominent antioxidant components at Rf values 0.81 and 0.88.
A third of the plant species had a high level of free radical scavenging activities in the DPPH, ABTS and FRAP assays. However, all plant extracts had lower antioxidant activity than the positive control (Trolox) used.
The selected plant species were also evaluated for their in vitro toxicity against the Vero monkey kidney cell line using 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The acetone plant extracts of O. lanceolata, S. acmella, S. pinnata and S. brachypetala had high cytotoxic activity against Vero cells with IC50 values of 13.7±0, 19.9±0.001, 21.6±0.001 and 28.34±0.001 μg/ml respectively. However, their IC50 values were higher than that of the positive control, doxorubicin (IC50 = 9.9±0 μg/ml). The rest of the acetone plant extracts (64%) had moderate cytotoxic activity (30 < IC50<100 μg/ml). The aqueous plant extracts were relatively non-toxic to the Vero cells with IC50 values ranging from 137 to > 500 µg/ml. This supports the use of aqueous extracts in the traditional medicine. However, their low selectivity index values ranging from 0.26 to 1.68 suggest that the plant extracts are probably suitable for external use only.
Fractionation of the hexane extract of the leaves of C. glabrum by chromatographic techniques yielded six fractions of which fractions C and D had significant antifungal activity (average MIC value = 0.1 mg/ml) against C. albicans and C. neoformans. From these fractions, one new triterpenoid, 3-(1-oxobutyl)-11α-hydroxytaraxast-20(30)-ene-24,28-dioic acid (clerodendrumic acid) (1) was isolated along with known heptadecanoic acid (2). C. albicans was relatively insensitive to clerodendrumic acid (1) (MIC value = 125 µg/mL) and was resistant to heptadecanoic acid (2) (MIC value = 188 µg/ml). Compounds 1 and 2 were non-toxic against monkey kidney Vero cells in vitro with IC50 values of 202.6 and 108.4 µg/ml respectively. Due to its low antifungal activity, the novel compound clerodendrumic acid (1) is not a viable candidate for drug development which could be used to combat candidiasis and related fungal infections. However, due to its relative safety, it may possibly be used as a lead compound to produce new chemically modified active derivatives or could be used together with known antibiotics to mitigate their undesirable side effects. To the best of our knowledge, the isolation of a novel, clerodendrumic acid (1) and a known heptadecanoic acid (2) compounds from leaf extracts of C. glabrum is reported herein for the first time.
The results obtained from this study generally substantiate the rationale behind the use of the selected plant species in the traditional medicine to treat candidiasis and related infections to some extent. This study showed the potential of studying traditional medicine in the search for effective plant extracts or new lead compounds that could be developed into drugs for combating microbial infections among the rural poor people. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2013 / Paraclinical Sciences / Unrestricted
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