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La presente ricerca si propone di ricostruire e di spiegare le ragioni che portarono alla prima rappresentanza pontificia in Messico, le difficoltà incontrate, gli apporti della delegazione apostolica e il suo esito, ma non solo. Lo studio condotto sulla delegazione di Clementi rappresenta anche l’occasione, attraverso il caso messicano, per riflettere e contribuire a fare maggiore chiarezza sui rapporti tra Stato e Chiesa e individuare le ragioni del perché l’equilibrio tra il trono e l’altare venne meno, aprendo così la strada all'avvento delle società secolarizzate in cui oggi viviamo.
La delegazione apostolica rappresenta il punto di incontro, il perno che permette di osservare e di far luce sulle dinamiche, le posizioni e i punti di vista di quelli che furono i tre principali attori: la Santa Sede, il governo e il clero messicano. Attraverso lo studio condotto sulla missione di Clementi è possibile meglio comprendere come questi tre soggetti si relazionarono tra di loro e quali furono i problemi delle loro interazioni.
Seguendo lo sviluppo e soprattutto i problemi incontrati dalla delegazione apostolica, ci si soffermerà sugli obiettivi della Santa Sede, sulle esigenze e gli interessi che mossero la politica dei governi messicani e su come si collocò, rispetto alla volontà della prima e dei secondi, il clero messicano. / The present research aims to reconstruct and explain the reasons that led to the first papal representation in Mexico, the difficulties encountered, the contributions of the apostolic delegation and its outcome, but not only. The study carried out on the Clementi delegation also represents the occasion, through the Mexican case, to reflect and contribute to clearly explain the relations between State and Church and to identify the reasons why the balance between the throne and the altar lessened, thus paving the way for the advent of the secularized societies in which we live today.
The apostolic delegation represents the meeting point, the pivot that allows observing and shedding light on the dynamics, positions and points of view of those who were the three main actors: the Holy See, the Mexican government and the Mexican clergy. Through the study conducted on Clementi's mission it is possible to better understand how these three subjects relate to each other and what were the problems of their interactions.
Following the development and above all the problems encountered by the apostolic delegation, we will focus on the objectives of the Holy See, on the needs and interests that moved the policy of the Mexican governments and on how, with respect to the will of the first and second, the Mexican clergy.
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Formas híbridas e food service: uma análise da alocação de autoridade em franquias de alimentação no Brasil / Hybrid forms and food servisse: an analyses of authority allocation on food franchise chains in BrazilDolnikoff, Fabio 26 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor um modelo econômico para os determinantes da alocação de autoridade em cadeias franqueadas no Brasil no setor de alimentação fora do lar - food service. Baseando-se no aporte teórico da economia neoinstitucionalista, especialmente na linha teórica desenvolvida por Claude Ménard (2004; 2010) para o estudo das formas híbridas, foi aplicado um estudo de múltiplos casos com foco em uma hamburgeria, uma pizza delivery e uma cafeteria, em que se procurou discutir a hipótese de que um aumento na complexidade no ponto de venda (lojas que demandam grande esforço operacional) levaria à descentralização do arranjo franqueado. Observou-se que a complexidade no ponto de venda realmente influencia a alocação de direitos de propriedade dos arranjos, mas no sentido contrário ao esperado, ou seja, no sentido da centralização. Tal centralização foi caracterizada por uma integração de determinadas tarefas básicas e pelo aumento do controle efetivo exercido pelas franqueadoras sobre as tarefas que continuaram sendo compartilhadas com as lojas franqueadas. / This work intends to propose an economic model reflecting the determinants of authority allocation on food service franchise chains in Brazil. Drawing on the New Institutional Economics framework and, in particular, on the hybrid forms approach by Claude Ménard (2004; 2010), a multiple case study has been conducted on a hamburger fast food restaurant chain, a pizza delivery chain and a special coffee shop chain, discussing the hypothesis that: the more outlet complexity increases (stores that demand high operational effort), the more decentralized the chain should be. Results show that outlet complexity is indeed a determinant of the allocation of property rights, although in the opposite direction, i.e. towards centralization. Such centralization was characterized as a mix of: vertical integration over key tasks and of an increase in the effective control over the remaining tasks that kept being shared with franchisees.
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Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av utbildning och överlämnande av läkemedel inom äldreomsorgen / Healthcare personnel’s experiences of education and medication administration in elderly careWernersson, Peter, Ovesson, Gertrud January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet multisjuka äldre i världen ökar stadigt. De som inte klarar att ta sina läkemedel själva är beroende av att få hjälp med detta från någon annan. I äldreomsorgen utförs läkemedelsöverlämnande av omvårdnadspersonal efter att de erhållit delegering för detta enligt SOSFS 1997:14. Distriktssköterskan är ansvarig för att utbilda och utfärda delegeringar till omvårdnadspersonalen. Patientsäkerheten kan äventyras om kommunikationen mellan olika personalkategorier inom äldreomsorgen brister, likaså om utbildningen inför erhållandet av delegering inte ger nödvändiga kunskaper. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av läkemedelsdelegering avseende utbildning och överlämning inom äldreomsorgen. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer av tolv informanter. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys.Resultat: Fyra kategorier framkom: en komplex arbetssituation, brister i patientsäkerheten, teamsamverkan samt betydelsen av utbildning och vårderfarenhet, med tillhörande underkategorier. Stress påverkar antalet misstag som begås, likaså bidrar felaktiga och otydliga dokument till problem, både för omvårdnadspersonalen och för distriktssköterskan. Stödet från den egna arbetsgruppen var viktigt, men även stödet från distriktssköterskan. Utbildningen var tillräcklig men erfaren personal önskade fördjupad kunskap. Slutsats: Studien visar att omvårdnadspersonalen upplever att delegerat läkemedelsöverlämnande är en viktig del av deras arbete med vårdtagarna. Verksamhetens behov styr hur snabbt efter anställning som delegering för läkemedelsöverlämnande erhålls. / Background: The number of elderly people in the world is increasing steadily. Those who are unable to take their medication themselves are dependent on getting help with this from someone else. In the elderly care, drug delivery to care recipients is carried out by healthcare personnel after they have received delegation for this according to SOSFS 1997:14. The district nurse is responsible for educating and issuing delegations to the healthcare personnel. Patient safety can be jeopardized if the communication between different categories of personnel in elderly care fails, as well as if the education prior to receiving delegation does not provide the necessary knowledge. Aim: The aim was to describe the healthcare personnel’s experiences of drug delegation concerning education and administration in elderly care. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews of twelve informants. The material was analysed using content analysis. Results: Four categories emerged: a complex work situation, deficiencies in patient safety, team collaboration and the importance of education and careers experience, with associated subcategories. Stress affects the number of mistakes that are made, and incorrect and unclear documents also contribute to problems, both for the healthcare personnel and the district nurse. The support from their own working group was important, but also the support from the district nurse. The training was sufficient but experienced personnel wanted in-depth knowledge. Conclusion: The study shows that healthcare personnel feel that delegated drug delivery is an important part of their work with the care recipients. The needs of the municipal elderly care control how quickly after employment as delegation for drug delivery is obtained.
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Strategic oversight and the institutional determinants of legislative policy controlMcGrath, Robert Joseph 01 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to explain variation in legislative strategies to control policymaking across institutional contexts. Of these many strategies, I focus particularly on the use of statutory language meant to direct agency action and on the use of oversight hearings. I argue that while low levels of oversight activity need not imply that a legislature is helplessly abdicating policymaking responsibility to unelected agencies, this may be the case in some circumstances. With the goal of establishing when the lack of oversight may mean such normatively problematic abdication, I develop a signaling model of delegation and oversight which proposes that oversight depends on institutional features (such as legislative capacity, the existence of legislative term limits and a legislative veto), political features (such as policy conflict within the government and within the legislature and the policy preferences and activism of important judicial actors), and the legislature's initial delegation of policymaking discretion to an agency. Critically, the pursuit of either strategy depends on alternative strategies available as well as on the likely actions of other institutions with the power to affect policy outcomes. The dissertation extends our theoretical understanding of legislative-executive relations and provides one of the first large-scale empirical analyses of legislative policymaking.
In the first empirical chapter of this dissertation, I assess the predictions of the theory concerning congressional oversight activity from 1947-2006. I find that both the extent to which a congressional committee's ideology diverges from an agency's and the policy-specific expertise of said committee affect the number of oversight hearing days the committee holds, but only when policy disagreements are sufficiently conflictual. This last condition suggests, contrary to previous research, that the extent to which oversight should be necessary, to either legislative policymaking or democratic legitimacy, varies across preference arrangements. In the next empirical chapter, I switch my focus from the analysis of a single legislature over time to a cross-sectional study of the extent to which U.S. state legislatures delegate authority to bureaucratic agencies. Here, I find that the amount of discretion that a legislature delegates to an agency charged with implementing Medicaid policy is nonlinearly related to the extent to which state courts are likely to affect policy outcomes, as captured by a new measure of judicial activism. These analyses confirm that legislatures consider alternative methods of control as well as the likely actions of external institutions when crafting their policymaking strategies.
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國際廣告授權策略之研究 / International Advertising Deligion Staregy蕭文賢, William Hsiao Unknown Date (has links)
國際廣告各決策項目上,兩者所採用的方式是否相同? 2. 國際廣告各決
策,兩者的授權策略是否有的差異? 3. 影響兩者的廣告授權策略之因素
為何?在國際廣告活動衡量上,乃採取(1) 整體國際廣告的決策,(2) 國
際廣告代理商的決策,(3) 國際廣告人物角色的決策,(4) 國際廣告基本
訴求的決策,(5) 國際廣告媒體的選擇,(6) 國際廣告預算的制定,(7)
素的比較。在內容上,(1) 國際廣告代理商活動,國內公司最常使用的是
廣告公司與國際廣告公司在當地的分公司方式。(2) 在廣告預算,國內公
。(3) 在媒體的選擇上,國內公司大多使用專業性雜誌為主,國外公司則
偏好專業性雜誌 、報紙和電視 。(4) 在廣告效果的評估上,國內公司常
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Betydelsen av medarbetarens kön, kompetens och arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy för ledarens tillitsintentionGenschou, Anna-Karin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Att delegera ansvar till sina medarbetare är närmast självklart i det moderna ledarskapet. Detta har lett till ett ökat behov av tillit mellan ledare och medarbetare. I en väl fungerande ledar-medarbetar-relation har medarbetarens tro på sin förmåga i arbetet – arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy – visat sig vara viktig. I föreliggande studie var syftet att undersöka betydelsen av medarbetarens arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy för ledarens tillitsintention. Avsikten var också att jämföra denna med betydelsen av medarbetarens objektiva kompetens, vilken traditionellt framhållits som viktig i tillitsbedömningar, samt medarbetarens kön. Deltagarna bestod av 44 ledare från ett industriföretag samt 28 ledare från ett vårdföretag. Resultatet visade en stark huvudeffekt av medarbetarens arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy. Detta talar för vikten av att investera i medarbetarnas personliga utveckling.</p>
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Lyfter matematiken? : Lärares syn på utvecklingsarbete inom matematikBorgelin, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>Rubriken till detta arbete kommer från Matematikdelegationens betänkande, ”Att lyfta matematiken”. Utbildningsdepartementet fick i uppdrag att ta fram en handlingsplan som skulle syfta till att förändra synen på matematik och öka intresset för matematikämnet hos Sveriges elever. I betänkandet presenteras fyra huvudmål för matematiksatsningen: 1. Stöd och utveckla aktiviteter som ökar intresset för och insikterna om matematikens värde, roll och betydelse i vardag, yrkesliv, vetenskap och samhälle. 2. Utbilda kvalificerade lärare i matematik för alla barn, ungdomar och vuxna. 3. Stöd och samordna alla goda krafter som verkar för bättre lärande och undervisning i matematik. 4. Tydliggör och utveckla syfte, mål, innehåll och bedömning i matematik för hela utbildningssystemet. (SOU 2004:97, s.99) Mitt syfte med detta arbete har varit att undersöka om matematiken verkligen lyfter, har matematiksatsningen gett de önskade resultaten?</p><p>I detta arbete behandlas skolutveckling först ur ett mer generellt perspektiv för att därefter behandla matematikutvecklingen som en specifik del av skolans utvecklingsarbete. Matematik, som en del av skolutvecklingen, kan stöta på svårigheter som ibland kan vara generella för hela skolkulturen, men ibland även vara speciella för matematikämnet.</p><p>Med utgångspunkt från Matematikdelegationens fyra huvudmål synliggörs i arbetets resultat vissa av de möjligheter och svårigheter som utvecklingen av matematikundervisningen kan innebära. Av attitydundersökningens resultat kan även utläsas att flertalet lärare innehar ett stort intresse för matematik. Detta står i motsats till Matematikdelegationen, som istället skriver att många lärare har en negativ inställning till matematik.</p><p>Undersökningens resultat visar att många lärare efterfrågar fortbildning, före¬läsningar, studiecirklar och pedagogiska diskussioner inom skolämnet matematik. Brist på fortbildning visar sig även vara det näst största hindret till matematikutveckling när respondenterna själva får rangordna olika utvecklings¬hindrande faktorer. Enligt undersökningens resultat ses bristen på tid p.g.a. övriga arbetsuppgifter som inte innefattar undervisningstimmar som det största hindret för att utveckla matematik¬undervisningen.</p> / <p>The title of this study originates from the report of the Mathematics Delegation under the heading of " Enhancing the status of mathematics". The Ministry of Education was commissioned to produce a plan of action with the purpose to change the opinion about mathematics and to raise the interest in mathematics among Swedish pupils. In the report four main goals for the mathematic venture are presented: 1. Support and develop activities to increase interest in and provide greater insight into the value, role and significance of mathematics in everyday and working life, science and society. 2. Train qualified teachers in mathematics on all levels for all children, young people and adults. 3. Support and coordinate all the positive forces promoting better mathematics learning and teaching. 4. Clarify and develop aims, goals, content and assessment in mathematics for the entire education system (SOU 2004:97, p.30-33) My intention with this report has been to investigate if the status of mathematics really has been enhanced, has the mathematics venture resulted in its desired goal?<p>This report opens with a discussion around development of education seen from a general perspective. Development of mathematics will thereafter be handled as a specific part of the educational development. Mathematics development encounters difficulties that sometimes are common within educational culture as such, but sometimes unique for the subject.</p><p>With the Mathematics Delegation's four main goals as a starting-point, some opportunities and difficulties in development of Mathematics education are visualized. Replies to the questionnaire show that a majority of the teachers have a big interest in mathematics. This is quite the contrary of what is said by the Mathematics Delegation, where many teachers are said to have a negative view upon mathematics.</p><p>In this report it is shown that many teachers request further education, lectures, study circles and pedagogic discussions around the school subject mathematics. The shortage of further education is also identified as the second largest obstacle when the respondents rank obstacles for development. The results from the questionnaire pinpoints lack of time due to tasks outside actual teaching as the largest obstacle for development of mathematics education.</p></p>
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The Kavango Legislative Council 1970-1979: a critical analysis.Nambadi, Aaron Haufiku. January 2007 (has links)
<p>Namibia was under South African rule until March 1990. On 11 September 1962, the Odendaal Commission was set up by the State President of South Africa to enquire into the welfare and progress of all the inhabitants of South West Africa, particularly the African people. The Commission was required to make recommendations for the development of the various African people inside and outside their designated areas. The outcome of the Commission was the division of South West Africa into ten designated areas for the various native nations. These areas later became the homelands for the Africans in South West Africa. This thesis was concerned with examining the Kavango Legislative Council, its constitution, its powers, the role of the traditional authorities within the body, and the legislation passed by the Council.</p>
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Betydelsen av medarbetarens kön, kompetens och arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy för ledarens tillitsintentionGenschou, Anna-Karin January 2007 (has links)
Att delegera ansvar till sina medarbetare är närmast självklart i det moderna ledarskapet. Detta har lett till ett ökat behov av tillit mellan ledare och medarbetare. I en väl fungerande ledar-medarbetar-relation har medarbetarens tro på sin förmåga i arbetet – arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy – visat sig vara viktig. I föreliggande studie var syftet att undersöka betydelsen av medarbetarens arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy för ledarens tillitsintention. Avsikten var också att jämföra denna med betydelsen av medarbetarens objektiva kompetens, vilken traditionellt framhållits som viktig i tillitsbedömningar, samt medarbetarens kön. Deltagarna bestod av 44 ledare från ett industriföretag samt 28 ledare från ett vårdföretag. Resultatet visade en stark huvudeffekt av medarbetarens arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy. Detta talar för vikten av att investera i medarbetarnas personliga utveckling.
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Seguridad en redes de computación ubicua: contribución a la validación de credencialesHinarejos Campos, M. Francisca 30 June 2010 (has links)
Technology progress in both user devices and networks allows communications anytime and anywhere. New communication environments offer a wide range of possibilities to users, but also
generate new threats. For this reason, it is necessary to establish measures to find out who is establishing a communication and what actions is authorized to do. Currently proposed solutions in the literature are not completely adapted to the new features such as user mobility, network disconnections and constraints of devices and networks. Many of the existing proposals have focused in providing specific solutions to particular scenarios, but they do not consider a global heterogeneous scenario. Therefore, it is necessary to design security mechanisms able to adapt themselves to new scenarios. In this sense, digital certificates are a standardized and widely used solution. Digital certificates enable performing user authentication and authorization in a distributed way. The problem is that ubiquitous environments complicate the process of digital certificates validation. This complexity could result in a service being not accessible.
The goal of this thesis is to contribute in making ubiquitous scenarios more secure. More specifically, the work proposes solutions for reducing the credential validation cost and for improving the availability of authentication and authorization services. In first place, we propose a solution for credential validation that works properly in environments with connection to on-line servers and also in environments where the connection to servers is sometimes not possible. In second place, we propose a cascade revocation system where the delegation is partially centralized. Delegation provides high flexibility to authorization systems, but adds complexity to the system. Our proposal reduces the burden on the verifier-side. In third place, we propose a revocation system for delegation chains based on prefix codes. This proposal deals with the problem of centralization of the previous proposal. In particular, the decentralized solution presented keeps the load reduction achieved in the partially centralized proposal, and also enables dynamic delegation and distribution of revocation data. While the user is connected, revocation data distribution can be done with a certificate revocation list. However, in scenarios where the connection can be lost temporally, this might not be possible. To address this issue, we have proposed a system in which users can perform the functions of revocation servers without being trusted entities. This will allow increasing the availability of validation service, and reduce resource consumption. Each proposal has been analyzed and compared with existing solutions to verify the improvements achieved. / El avance tecnológico tanto de los dispositivos de usuario como de las redes permite que se puedan establecer comunicaciones en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Si bien estos entornos ofrecen un gran abanico de posibilidades a los usuarios, también es cierto que generan nuevas amenazas. Por este motivo, son necesarias medidas que permitan saber con quién se está estableciendo la comunicación y qué acciones se pueden autorizar. Las soluciones propuestas en la literatura no se adaptan completamente a las nuevas características de movilidad, desconexión y limitaciones tanto de los dispositivos como de las redes. De hecho, muchas de las propuestas existentes se han centrado en ofrecer soluciones concretas a escenarios particulares, sin tener en cuenta que el usuario puede entrar a formar parte de entornos heterogéneos. Por lo tanto, se hace necesario diseñar mecanismos de seguridad que conviviendo con los estándares vigentes, se adapten a los nuevos escenarios. En este sentido, los certificados digitales son una solución estandarizada y ampliamente extendida. Los certificados digitales permiten llevar a cabo tanto la autenticación como la autorización de un usuario de forma distribuida. Sin embargo, las características de los entornos ubicuos complican el proceso de validación de certificados. Esta complejidad podría llevar a que no se puediera acceder a los servicios.
El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a aumentar la seguridad en entornos ubicuos. Más concretamente, se proporcionan soluciones para reducir la carga en la validación de credenciales y aumentar la disponibilidad de los servicios de autenticación y autorización. En primer lugar se propone un sistema de verificación de credenciales que se adapta para funcionar tanto en entornos con conexión a servidores on-line, como en sistemas off-line. Por otra parte, el proceso de delegación en sistemas de autorización, aporta una gran flexibilidad a estos entornos, pero a su vez añade complejidad al sistema. Para reducir esta carga sobre el verificador se propone un sistema de revocación en cascada con delegación centralizada. Sin embargo, esta centralización del servicio limita la escalabilidad y flexibilidad de la solución. Para dar solución a ese inconveniente, se ha propuesto un sistema de revocación en cadenas de delegación basado en códigos prefijo. Esta solución permite mantener la reducción de la carga en la validación lograda en la propuesta centralizada, y además, hace posible la delegación dinámica y la distribución de la información de revocación. Esta distribución puede realizarse a través de listas de revocación de credenciales. En redes con desconexión temporal esta información podría no estar accesible. Para solventarlo, se ha propuesto un sistema en el que los usuarios pueden realizar las funciones de servidores de revocación sin ser entidades de confianza. De esta forma se permite aumentar la disponibilidad del servicio de validación, y reducir el consumo de los recursos. Cada una de las propuestas realizadas se ha analizado para verificar las mejoras proporcionadas frente a las soluciones existentes. Para ello, se han evaluado de forma analítica, por simulación y/o implementación en función de cada caso. Los resultados del análisis verifican el funcionamiento esperado y muestran las mejoras de las propuestas frente a las soluciones existentes.
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