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Enhancing Security in Managing Personal Data by Web SystemsWild, Stefan 12 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Web systems have become an integral part in daily life of billions of people. Social is a key characteristic today’s web projects need to feature in order to be successful in the social age. To benefit from an improved user experience, individual persons are continually invited to reveal more and more personal data to web systems.
With a rising severity of attacks on web systems, it is evident that their security is inadequate for the amount of accumulated personal data. Numerous threat reports indicate that social media has become a top-ranking attack target, with climbing impacts, with ramifications beyond single individuals and with a booming black market to trade leaked personal data.
To enhance information security in managing personal data by web systems for the mutual benefit of individual persons, companies and governments, this dissertation proposes a solution architecture and three research contributions. While the solution architecture establishes the foundation for a more secure management of personal data by web systems, the research contributions represent complementary components for protecting personal data against unwanted data disclosure, tampering and use without the actual data owner’s intent or knowledge. Not only do these components enable seamless integration and combination, but they also contribute to assure quality and maintainability. The dissertation concludes with discussing evaluation results and providing an outlook towards future work.
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Enhancing Security in Managing Personal Data by Web SystemsWild, Stefan 12 June 2017 (has links)
Web systems have become an integral part in daily life of billions of people. Social is a key characteristic today’s web projects need to feature in order to be successful in the social age. To benefit from an improved user experience, individual persons are continually invited to reveal more and more personal data to web systems.
With a rising severity of attacks on web systems, it is evident that their security is inadequate for the amount of accumulated personal data. Numerous threat reports indicate that social media has become a top-ranking attack target, with climbing impacts, with ramifications beyond single individuals and with a booming black market to trade leaked personal data.
To enhance information security in managing personal data by web systems for the mutual benefit of individual persons, companies and governments, this dissertation proposes a solution architecture and three research contributions. While the solution architecture establishes the foundation for a more secure management of personal data by web systems, the research contributions represent complementary components for protecting personal data against unwanted data disclosure, tampering and use without the actual data owner’s intent or knowledge. Not only do these components enable seamless integration and combination, but they also contribute to assure quality and maintainability. The dissertation concludes with discussing evaluation results and providing an outlook towards future work.
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Medicinskt ansvariga sjuksköterskors syn på delegeringarna inom kommunal hemsjukvård : utifrån ett patientsäkerhetsperspektiv / Local authority senior medicine advisors view of delegations in municipal home health care : from the perspective of patients safetyMolin, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö : Möjlighet till återhämtning / Organizational and social environment : Possibility of recoveryLouise, Rask January 2017 (has links)
The main subject for this essay is how the possibility of recovery can be used as a resource in situations of high workload. The applicable law will be examined on the basis of the question what is the law in force at the possibility of recovery. The essay also touches the topic of delegation and what level of knowledge, competence and authority the managers have, to do the delegated work regarding work environment. The essay aims to investigate the new regulation AFS 2015: 4 which came into force on march 31 2016. This regulation is an effect of the high sickness rates that emerged in a survey conducted by the Work Environment Authority. According to the survey, the most common cause of sick leave among women is attributed to organizational and social factors. Employment law regulation in the form of the Work Environment Act and the regulations of the Work Environment Authority is processed to provide answers to the questions. Knowledge of stress and recovery are also given space in the essay. Furthermore, interviews were held as a part of a survey on selected businesses to examine how these companies work with the possibility of recovery. The survey also investigated how the companies work after implementation of the new regulation AFS 2015: 4 and the effects the regulation had on operations. All businesses have an over-representation of women. This selection was conscious because the paper has an overall gender perspective. The analysis concerns the legal research and empirical data processed in the paper to give answers to the questions. The Work Environment Act and the new regulation of AFS 2015: 4 can be concluded that the employer's health and safety responsibilities are far-reaching. Possibility of recovery given the fullest extent through breaks in the workplace. It is thus important that the employer ensures that the breaks are both scheduled and utilized. Whether the new regulation had any impact on sick leave, is in the current situation difficult to confirm. / Kandidatuppsatsens huvudämne är hur möjlighet till återhämtning kan användas som resurs vid hög arbetsbelastning. Gällande rätt kommer granskas utifrån frågeställningen vad gällande rätt är, vid möjlighet till återhämtning. Uppsatsen berör även ämnet delegering samt vad chefer har för kunskap, kompetens och befogenhet för att utföra ett delegerat arbetsmiljöarbete. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda den nya föreskriften AFS 2015:4 som trädde i kraft 31 mars 2016. Föreskriften är en effekt av det höga sjuktal som framkommit i en undersökning utförd av arbetsmiljöverket. Enligt undersökningen kan den vanligaste orsaken till sjukskrivning bland kvinnor, härledas till organisatoriska och sociala faktorer. Arbetsrättslig reglering i form av Arbetsmiljölagen och Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter bearbetas för att ge svar till frågeställningarna. Kunskaper om stress och återhämtning ges även utrymme i uppsatsen. Vidare har en kartläggning gjorts på utvalda verksamheter för att granska hur dessa verksamheter arbetar med möjlighet till återhämtning. I kartläggningen utreds även hur verksamheterna arbetar efter implementeringen av den nya föreskriften AFS 2015:4 och vilka effekter föreskriften haft på verksamheterna. Samtliga verksamheter har en överrepresentation av kvinnor. Detta urval var medvetet då uppsatsen har ett övergripande genusperspektiv. Analysen berör den rättsutredning och empiri som bearbetats i uppsatsen för att ge svar på frågeställningarna. Genom Arbetsmiljölagen och den nya föreskriften AFS 2015:4 kan det konstateras att arbetsgivarens arbetsmiljöansvar är långtgående. Möjlighet till återhämtning ges i största utsträckning genom raster på arbetsplatserna. Det är således viktigt att arbetsgivaren säkerställer att rasterna är båda schemalagda samt utnyttjas. Huruvida den nya föreskriften haft någon påverkan på sjuktalen, är i dagsläget svårt att bekräfta.
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Sebeřízení ředitele ZUŠ / Selfmanagement of headmaster of art schoolEgermaierová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of school manager's self-management in the art schools area. Thesis aim was to ascertain what the art schools' headmasters in Pilsen and South Bohemia region reckon as part of self management, what influences their self management and how is this influence displayed in their professional and personal lives. Partial aim of this work was to find out if the headmasters educate themselves in the self management area and if yes in what way. In the theoretical part the work comes out of the human resource management and working performance area. It deals with the headmasters' competences and roles, self management, time management, delegation, burnout syndrome, stress techniques and life balance. It elaborately deals with the emotional intelligence and headmaster's career stages in connection with the self management area is influenced by them. The practise brings research results, which was realized by research and additional interviews. The research found out very interesting discoveries from the pedagogical-art schooling, from the working and personal lives of crucial persons in this educational sphere - art schools headmasters. The experiences and in some cases statements about serious consequences of not asserting the self management mechanisms are recorded...
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O controle judicial dos atos normativos das agências reguladoras / The judicial control of the regulatory agencies normative rulings.Issa, Rafael Hamze 26 February 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação possui por objeto discutir o controle judicial da atividade normativa das agências reguladoras no direito brasileiro. O trabalho é dividido em três partes. Na primeira, é analisa a evolução do princípio da separação de poderes ao longo dos séculos XIX e XX, bem como a receptividade dele no início do século XXI, notadamente em virtude do processo de retirada do Estado da intervenção direta na economia, como prestador de serviços aos cidadãos, e sua recolocação como regulador das atividades econômicas. Também é analisada na primeira parte como tais mudanças econômicas e sociais implicaram em uma alteração do papel do Poder Judiciário que, inicialmente criado como o menos ativo dos poderes, tornou-se órgão central para a efetivação dos direitos da democracia contemporânea. Na segunda parte, é analisada a atividade normativa das agências reguladoras, com a defesa da tese da delegação legislativa, bem como com a verificação dos requisitos procedimentais e materiais que devem ser observados pelas agências reguladoras na expedição dos atos normativos e de como tais requisitos acabam por limitar a discricionariedade dos entes reguladores. Na terceira parte, é feita a verificação do controle judicial da regulação, tendo como premissas a adoção pelo direito brasileiro do sistema da unidade de jurisdição e as diferenças funcionais entre o Judiciário e a Administração no estabelecimento de políticas públicas, com a defesa de que o controle judicial dos atos normativos das agências reguladoras deve se dar de modo negativo, ou seja, sem que o Judiciário possua competência para a estipulação da política regulatória a ser seguida, e de forma responsiva, ou seja, com a análise das consequências do controle judicial sobre o setor regulado, devendo o magistrado analisar não apenas os aspectos de legalidade do normativo questionado, mas também a finalidade do sistema regulado e os impactos que a decisão judicial terá sobre ele. / The object of the current thesis is to discuss the judicial control of the normative activity of the regulatory agencies according to Brazilian law. This paper is divided into three parts. At first, the evolution of the principle of the separation of powers across the Nineteenth and the Twentieth century will be analyzed, as well as the reception of such principle in the early Twenty-one century, especially due to the process of disengagement of the State from the direct intervention in the economy (as a provider of services to the citizens) and its replacement as a regulator of economic activities. Also in the first part, it will be analyzed how such economical and social changes caused a modification of the role of the Judiciary branch which, initially, was created as the less active of the State powers, becoming the central body for the effectiveness of the contemporary democracy rights. The second part analyzes the normative activity of the regulatory agencies, with the defense of the thesis of legislative delegation, as well as with the verification of the procedural and material requirements that must be observed by the regulatory agencies in the issuance of normative rulings and how such requirements end up limiting the discretion of the regulatory bodies. In the third part the verification of the judicial control of such regulation is carried out, having as its premises the adoption, by Brazilian law, of the unity of jurisdiction system and the functional differences between the Judiciary branch and the Public Administration in the establishment of public policies, being defended that the judicial control of the regulatory agencies normative rulings must be made in a negative manner, i.e., without the Judiciary having the competence for the stipulation of the regulatory policy to be followed, as well as in a responsive manner, i.e., with the analysis of the consequences of the judicial control over the regulated sector, being the magistrate responsible for analyzing not only the aspects of legality of the questioned normative rulings, but also the objective of the regulated system and the impacts of the judicial decision on it.
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Exercício de atividades de polícia administrativa por entidades privadas / Exercise of administrative police activities by private entitiesKlein, Aline Lícia 20 May 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de identificar os limites e possibilidades do exercício de atividades de polícia administrativa por entidades privadas. Primeiro, analisou-se a atividade de polícia administrativa, procurando-se definir o seu conceito e abrangência no modelo atual do Estado. Em seguida, examinaram-se as diversas configurações utilizadas pelo Estado para o desempenho das suas atividades. Foram identificadas mais detidamente as características do exercício de atividades estatais por meio de entidades da Administração indireta com personalidade jurídica privada e dos contratos de delegação e de colaboração. Após essa análise, demonstrou-se que o dogma da indelegabilidade da atividade de polícia não pode ser tomado como absoluto, de modo a vedar toda e qualquer participação privada no exercício dessa atividade. Delinearam-se os limites e possibilidades do exercício privado de atividades de polícia administrativa. Nesse ponto, constatou-se que a atividade normativa originária e o exercício de coerção não comportam a delegação do seu exercício a particulares. As demais atividades que integram o denominado ciclo das atividades de polícia são passíveis de delegação, observando-se determinados critérios e limites. Uma vez identificados os requisitos a serem observados para a delegação, aplicaram-se esses conceitos a atividades específicas de polícia administrativa. A seguir, examinou-se o regime jurídico a ser observado no exercício de atividades de polícia administrativa por entidades privadas. Demonstrou-se que a observância de determinados aspectos desse regime jurídico consiste em condição para a legitimidade da atribuição do exercício dessas atividades a entidades privadas. Ao final, foram arroladas as conclusões obtidas ao longo do trabalho. / This study aimed at identifying the limits and possibilities of the exercise of administrative police activities by private entities. Firstly, the activity of the administrative police was analyzed in order to define its concept and scope in the current model of State. Then, the various settings used by the State for the performance of State activities were examined. The characteristics of the exercise of State activities by means of indirect Government Agencies of private law personality and delegation and collaboration agreements were identified in more detail. After this analysis, it was demonstrated that the dogma of the impossibility to delegate police activity cannot be considered as absolute, as to prohibit any private participation in the exercise of this activity. The limits and possibilities of the private exercise of administrative police activities were outlined. At that point, it was noted that primary normative activity and the exercise of coercion do not accept delegation to individuals. The other activities that integrate the so-called cycle of police activities can be subject to delegation, considering certain criteria and limits. Once the requirements for delegation were identified, these concepts were applied to specific activities of administrative police. Then, the legal regime applicable in the exercise of administrative police activities by private entities was examined. It was demonstrated that compliance with certain aspects of this legal regime is condition for the legitimacy of assigning the exercise of these activities to private entities. At last, the conclusions obtained throughout the study were presented.
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Planejamento normativo do transporte coletivo por ônibus na região metropolitana de São Paulo / Regulatory planning of public transportation by bus in São Paulo metropolitan region.Neves, Nicole Scassiotta 07 April 2014 (has links)
As regiões metropolitanas surgiram a partir do desenvolvimento do modo de produção capitalista do século XX e tiveram seu reconhecimento em textos normativos a partir da Constituição de 1967. A Constituição de 1988 coloca a cargo dos Estados a eventual instituição de regiões metropolitanas. A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo foi criada com a Lei Complementar nº 94/74, antes mesmo da atual constituição. A delegação e fiscalização do transporte público metropolitano da região estão a cargo da Secretaria de Transportes Metropolitanos. O transporte público coletivo é considerado um serviço público e, como tal, deve obedecer a algumas regras para sua delegação a terceiros (empresas privadas), o que se pode dar por concessão, permissão ou concessão patrocinada. A remuneração da prestação do serviço público se dá, em geral, pelo pagamento de tarifa, mas pode abranger também um pagamento do Poder Público para viabilizar o negócio. Da mesma forma, pode o concessionário ou permissionário necessitar pagar um valor referente ao custo da outorga e a custos gerenciais. O transporte público é essencial para a circulação nas cidades, o que garante maior acessibilidade e mobilidade principalmente à população de baixa renda. Vários são os modos de transporte público, sendo que o ônibus é o mais comum e que demanda menores investimentos. A delegação do serviço de transporte coletivo na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo foi dividida em cinco áreas para maior controle do Estado sobre a execução dos contratos, sendo que somente quatro delas possuem contratos a partir de licitações iniciadas em 2005. Escolheu-se o procedimento realizado para a Área 1 para estudo, em vista da similaridade dos procedimentos referente às demais áreas. Apesar das diversas tentativas de contratação de empresas para a execução do serviço na Área 5, até o momento todas as tentativas foram fracassadas. Por fim, segue-se a uma análise crítica de todo o estudado. / The metropolitan regions emerged from the development of the capitalist mode of production of the twentieth century and had its normative recognition in the 1967 Constitution text. The 1988 Constitution places the responsibility of the states to possible imposition of metropolitan regions. The Sao Paolo Metropolitan Region was created by the Complementary Law n º 94/74, even before the current constitution. The delegation and supervision of the metropolitan public transport in the region are made by the Secretariat of Metropolitan Transport. The public transportation is considered a public service and, as such, must obey some rules for its delegation to third parties (private companies), which can be given through a concession, permission or sponsored concession. The remuneration of the public service implementation is made by the bus fare, but may also involve a payment from the Government to enable the business. Likewise, the company may pay an amount related to grant and management costs. Public transport is essential for the movement in the cities, which ensures greater accessibility and mobility mainly to low-income population. There are several modes of public transportation, and the bus is the most common and lower investment demand. The delegation of the public transport service in Sao Paolo Metropolitan Region is divided into five areas for greater state control over the contracts implementation, and only four of them have contracts from bidding started in 2005. We chose the procedure performed for Area 1 for study in view of the similarity of procedures regarding other areas. Despite several attempts to hiring companies for the execution of the service in Area 5, so far all attempts failed. At the end it\'s made an critic analysis of what was studied.
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Distorções no processo decisório do Supremo Tribunal Federal: delegação para relatores e assessoresNascimento, Cristiano de Jesus Pereira 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-03-30T13:29:23Z
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Cristiano de Jesus Pereira Nascimento.pdf: 1164959 bytes, checksum: 7040ee38b6f7c12d44d4876c135b43d6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-30T13:29:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Cristiano de Jesus Pereira Nascimento.pdf: 1164959 bytes, checksum: 7040ee38b6f7c12d44d4876c135b43d6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / The brazilian Supreme Court has taken an unprecedented leading role in brazilian
institutional history. Following the great relevance of Court's decisions, it is crucial to reflect
on the quality of deliberation and decision-making process. Nowadays, there are three key
factors involving decision-making process: the overwhelming caseload, the rapporteur
empowering and the increasing number of law clerks. The burning caseload has lead to the
rapporteur empowering and the law clerk explosion. Both measures were effective to cope
with the caseload, but compromised the judicial decision-making process by the lack of
collegiality and shallow judgment. The outstanding delegation of judicial functions and the
bureaucratization of judicial decision-making process jeopardize the Court's mission and
compromise the stability, integrity and consistency of its decisions / O Supremo Tribunal Federal exerce protagonismo inédito na história institucional
brasileira. Diante da relevância das decisões da Corte, é necessário refletir sobre a formação
de suas decisões e sobre a qualidade do processo decisório interno. Atualmente, há três
elementos fundamentais no processo decisório do STF: o volume exorbitante de processos, a
delegação de poderes ao relator e o elevado número de assessores. A sobrecarga de processos
conduziu à concentração de poderes no relator e à explosão do número de assessores. As duas
estratégias permitiram multiplicar a capacidade de proferir decisões, mas degradaram
seriamente a capacidade dos membros da Corte de conhecer os processos, de acessar todas as
informações disponíveis e de meditar sobre os vários ângulos da questão submetida à
jurisdição do Tribunal. A marcante delegação das funções jurisdicionais e a burocratização do
ato de julgar colocam em risco a missão do Tribunal e afastam a possibilidade de uma
jurisprudência sólida, estável, coerente e íntegra
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Desjudicialização da execução civilRibeiro, Flávia Pereira 07 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-07 / The statistic study of the performance of the Judiciary System made by CNJ has demonstrated the collapse of the rendering of executive protection in Brazil, and this is one of the reasons why new proposals should be observed. It is necessary to overcome myths created by the legal science, starting with the concept of State Jurisdiction itself. Dispute resolution is already undertaken by impartial third parties in Brazil; execution of awards derived from decrees or from out-of-court titles has been carried out without the intervention of judges in many European countries in some, in a very solidified way. In these countries, the enforcement agent who might be public or private receives the request for execution and proceeds with due process provided that the formal requirements of the award are present including summons, notifications, attachments, and order of sale of assets. The court is kept absolutely out of the procedures, except for extraordinary situations in which it is called upon to decide over occasional opposition declared by the debtor. After detailed analysis of foreign Law, we propose the dejudicialization of execution procedures adopting the Portuguese reform as parameter however adapted to the Brazilian system and making use of the existing structure. We suggest the delegation of the public activity of collecting debts to the Notary Public (a duly accredited Law professional), therefore broadening their activities. Under the terms of article 263 of the Federal Constitution, we support that the fees be paid according to those established by Law and supervision enforced by courts and internal affairs offices. Access to the judiciary system would be granted by means of filing a motion to stay collection whenever the party feels their right is being affected or threatened. Dejudicialization is a very controversial topic, therefore there is a very big effort to justify it explanatory memorandum. The procedure proposal has a complementary character and is presented under the form of a comparison chart, based on the related articles in PL nº 8.046/2010* (Bill # 8.046/2010) new CPC* (Brazilian Process Code) which was already approved the Federal Senate and is presently under proceedings with the House of Representatives. The goal of this study is to provide subsidy to a Bill aiming at dejudicialization of execution procedure / O estudo estatístico de desempenho do Poder Judiciário realizado pelo Conselho Nacional da Justiça (CNJ) noticiou um verdadeiro colapso na prestação da tutela executiva no Brasil, sendo esta uma das razões pela qual se deve observar com bons olhos propostas inovadoras. É necessária a superação dos mitos criados pela ciência jurídica, a começar pelo conceito de jurisdição estatal. A resolução de conflitos já é realizada por terceiros imparciais no Brasil; a execução de títulos judiciais e extrajudiciais é feita sem a intervenção do juiz em muitos países europeus, em alguns de forma bastante solidificada. Nesses países, o agente de execução que pode ser público ou privado recebe o pedido de execução e lhe dá o devido processamento desde que presentes os requisitos formais do título , incluindo citações, notificações, penhoras e venda de bens. O tribunal fica inteiramente fora desse procedimento, salvo em situações excepcionais, quando é chamado a decidir eventual oposição do devedor. Após análise detalhada de direito estrangeiro, propõe-se a desjudicialização da execução, adotando-se como parâmetro a reforma portuguesa, mas adaptada ao sistema brasileiro, aproveitando-se as estruturas existentes. Sugere-se que ao tabelião de protesto profissional de direito concursado seja delegada a função pública da execução de títulos, havendo a ampliação de suas atividades. Nos termos do artigo 263 da Constituição Federal, sustenta-se que a remuneração seja realizada de acordo com os emolumentos fixados por lei e a fiscalização praticada pelos tribunais e corregedorias. O acesso ao Poder Judiciário fica resguardado por meio da oposição dos embargos do devedor caso o jurisdicionado sinta-se lesado ou ameaçado em seu direito. A desjudicialização da execução é tema bastante controverso, de forma que há um grande esforço na sua justificativa exposição de motivos. A proposta procedimental tem caráter complementar e é apresentada em forma de um quadro comparativo, tomando-se por base os artigos pertinentes do PL nº 8.046/2010 novo CPC , já aprovado pelo Senado Federal e em trâmite perante a Câmara dos Deputados. O objetivo do trabalho é fornecer subsídios a um concreto projeto de lei para a desjudicialização da execução
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