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Multienergetic External-beam PIXE as a Means of Stydying the Surface Enrichment Effect in CoinsPerry, Scott Evans 09 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis paper examines the feasibility of using external-beam PIXE to study the surface enrichment effect in metal artifacts. By varying the energy of the incident proton beam, we penetrated the artifact's surface to different levels and were able to produce a depth profile of the elemental composition of the sample. In this study, the sample set we chose to examine consisted of ancient and modern coins. This paper first describes the surface enrichment effect and theoretically how PIXE can be used to study it. It then details the construction of the components of the external-beam setup. Many of the refinements of the hardware and experimental methods are discussed. It recounts the means of calibration of the detector and analytical tools. Finally, an accounting of the research performed on several coins is set forth, along with data showing the effectiveness of PIXE in complementing other methods of elemental analysis. We found that PIXE revealed statistically significant differences in concentrations of modern coins at the two beam energies we used. Ancient coins did not have similarly significant discrepancies between the two beam energies. The modern coin data suggested depletion in copper in copper-silver and copper-gold alloys, which is consistent with predictions of the theory of the surface enrichment effect. We suggest that the ancient coins are so deeply corroded that the PIXE beam is unable to penetrate adequately to observe surface enrichment. Comparison of our PIXE data to XRF and SEM data suggest that the trends we observed in modern coins are verified by the other methods. We therefore assert that external-beam PIXE is an effective tool for studying the surface enrichment effect, though with the beam energies available at Brigham Young University, the study must be limited to fairly modern coins.
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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time An Actor’s ReflectionAustin, Emily 01 May 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis delves into the creative process of creating characters for the play The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. The characters that were created include: Mrs. Shears, Woman on Train, and Voice One. This thesis highlights the creative process through methods of research that dissect the authors, story, autism, and the actor’s experience throughout the rehearsal process. Sources such as interviews with autism consultants and family members of those with autism added useful information towards the creation of the characters. Research on the performance aspect was centered around the exploration of a character’s past through diagrams and analysis worksheets that are included later pages of this thesis. These combined aspects come together to create a unique set of characters that tell a story of autism and communication that is not typically told.
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Samskapande med interkulturellt perspektiv : Ett förbättringsarbete och studie på H.K.H Kronprinsessan Victorias barn och ungdomssjukhus i Linköping. / Co-creative with an intercultural perspective : - an improvement work and study at H.K.H Crown Princess Victoria's children and youth hospital in LinköpingJanse, Ida Janse January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vintern 2019 vårdades en gosse på ett barnsjukhus i Sverige där språksvårigheter och viss kulturell kontextuell diskrepans försvårade kommunikationen. Missförstånd och okunskap ledde till att gossen avled. Eftersom personalen inte hade tillräcklig kunskap och tillräckliga redskap för att kommunicera med patienter från olika kulturer och med hjälp av tolk äventyrades patientsäkerheten med katastrofala följder. Att ta del av patienterfarenheter innan och under nya förbättringsarbeten bör ses som självklart för att vården ska utformas för barnet i centrum och avsågs införas på barnsjukhuset med fokus på tolkanvändning. Syfte: Det övergripande syftet för förbättringsarbetet är att utifrån verksamhetens mål införa samskapande förbättringsteam med interkulturellt perspektiv på H.K.H Kronprinsessan Victorias barn och ungdomssjukhus för ökad patient delaktighet och ökad patientsäkerhet. Förbättringsteamet avser förbättra tolkanvändningen på BAVA och Barnakuten. Studiens syfte var att beskriva avgörande händelser enligt medlemmar i ett samskapande förbättringsteam med fokus på interkulturellt perspektiv samt hur utveckling sker i teamet över tid. Metod: Ett samskapande förbättringsteam med interkulturellt perspektiv sattes samman och genomförde ett förbättringsarbete med metod inspirerad av Tänk om i 4 steg. Studiens genomförs inspirerat av Critical incident metoden (CIT) genom fokusgruppsintervjuer.Resultat: Med enkla medel så ökade antalet tolksamtal efter införandet av förenklad bokningsmetodoch tolkarnas utvärdering av tolksamtalen påvisade att samtalen hade god kvalitet. Medarbetarna har efter utbildning och med nytt bokningssystem tillfogat sig förbättrade kunskaper om tolkanvändning. I studien identifieras flera avgörande händelser som fick informanterna att formulera och utvecklas som team. Susan Wheelans utvecklingsmodell användes som förklaring till utvecklingen av teamet över tid. Slutsats:Målet för förbättringsarbetet gick att nå med hjälp av de förbättringsidéer som testades. Studien visade att ett interkulturellt sammansatt förbättringsteam snabbt kunde ta sig vidare i utvecklingsstegen genom att vara ett effektivt team och snabbare kom till beslut.
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Information visualization of microservice architecture relations and system monitoring : A case study on the microservices of a digital rights management company - an observability perspective / Informationsvisualisering av mikrotjänsters relationer och system monitorering : En studie angående mikrotjänster hos ett förvaltningsföretag av digitala rättigheter - ett observerbarhetsperspektivFrisell, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
90% of the data that exists today has been created over the last two years only. Part of the data space is created and collected by machines, sending logs of internal measurements to be analyzed and used to evaluate service incidents. However, efficiently comprehending datasets requires more than just access to data, as Richard Hamming puts it; "The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers." A tool to simplify apprehension of complex datasets is information visualization, which works by transforming layers of information into a visual medium, enabling the human perception to quickly extract valuable information and recognise patterns. This was an experimental design-oriented research study, set out to explore if an information visualization of microservice architecture relations combined with system health data could help developers at a Swedish digital rights management company (DRMC) to find root cause incidents, increase observability and decision support, i.e. simplifying the incident handling process. To explore this, a prototype was developed and user tests consisting of a set of tasks as well as a semi-structured interview was executed by ten developers at DRMC. The results concluded that the proposed solution provided a welcomed overview of service health and dependencies but that it lacked the ability to effectively focus on certain services, essentially making it difficult to find root causes. Visualizations like this seems to be best suited for overview-, rather than focused, comprehension. Further research could be conducted on how to efficiently render large complex datasets while maintaining focus and how to account for external factors. / 90% av alla data som finns idag har skapats under de senaste två åren. En del av datautrymmet skapas och samlas in av maskiner som genererar loggar innehållandes interna systemmätningar för att utvärdera felaktiga tjänster. För att effektivt förstå ett dataset krävs mer än bara tillgång till data, som Rickard Hamming har sagt; “Syftet med datoranvändning är insikt, inte siffror.” Ett verktyg för att förenkla ens uppfattning av komplexa dataset är informationsvisualisering. Det fungerar genom att transformera lager av information till ett visuellt medium, och på så sätt tillåta mänsklig perception att snabbt extrahera värdefull information och utläsa mönster. Det här var en experimentell, design-orienterad, forskningsstudie med syftet att utforska ifall en informationsvisualisering av mikrotjänsters relationer kombinerat med system-hälso-data kunde hjälpa utvecklare på ett svenskt förvaltningsföretag av digitala rättigheter (DRMC) att hitta grundorsaken till felaktiga mikrotjänster samt utöka observerbarhet och beslutstöd, d.v.s. förenkla felhanteringsprocessen. För att utforska detta problem så utvecklades en prototyp som testades genom att låta tio utvecklare på DRMC utföra ett antal olika uppgifter samt svara på en semi-strukturerad intervju. Resultatet visade på att den föreslagna lösningen möjliggjorde en välkommen överblick över systemets hälsa och relationer, men också att den saknade möjligheten att effektivt fokusera på specifika tjänster, vilket ledde till att grundorsaksproblem var svåra att hitta. Visualiseringar som denna verkar fungera bäst för att presentera en överblick av ett system, snarare än ett fokus på specifika tjänster. Framtida forskning skulle kunna utföras för att utreda hur visualiseringar effektivt kan återge komplexa dataset utan att förlora fokus på specifika delar, samt hur externa faktorer kan integreras.
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Behind the Chatbot : Investigate the Design Process of Commercial Conversational ExperienceWang, Linxi January 2019 (has links)
The messaging-based conversational interfaces, commonly called Chatbots, have seen massive growth lately. With the proliferation of Chatbots, there is a growing demand for a better understanding of the design practices behind conversational user experience. This thesis looked into the design process of a Chatbot-based project built on the RCS business messaging platform, and the workflow was investigated through contextual inquiry and critical incident interview techniques. The challenges experienced by practitioners from different disciplines are detailed, with a focus on their respective work tasks and practices. / De meddelandebaserade konversationsgränssnitten, vanligtvis kallade Chatbots, har sett en enorm tillväxt den senaste tiden. Med spridningen av Chatbots finns det en växande efterfrågan på en bättre förståelse för designmetoderna bakom konversationsanvändarupplevelse. Denna avhandling tittade på designprocessen för ett Chatbot-baserat projekt byggt på RCS-affärsmeddelandeplattformen, och arbetsflödet undersöktes genom kontextuell undersökning och tekniker för intervjuad kritisk incident. Utmaningarna som utövarna från olika discipliner upplever är detaljerade med fokus på sina respektive arbetsuppgifter och arbetsmetoder.
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An Analysis of the Social and Technological Factors Influencing Team Performance in Wildland Fire Incident Management TeamsRapp, Claire 25 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Influence Map Methodology For Evaluating Systemic Safety IssuesBarth, Timothy 01 January 2006 (has links)
Raising the bar in safety performance is a critical challenge for many organizations. Contributing factor taxonomies organize information on why accidents occur. Therefore, they are essential elements of accident investigations and safety reporting systems. Organizations must balance efforts to identify causes of specific accidents with efforts to evaluate systemic safety issues in order to become more proactive about improving safety. This research successfully addressed two problems: (1) limited methods and metrics exist to support the design of effective taxonomies, and (2) influence relationships between contributing factors are not explicitly modeled within a taxonomy. The primary result of the taxonomic relationship modeling efforts was an innovative "dual role" contributing factor taxonomy with significant improvements in comprehensiveness and diagnosticity over existing taxonomies. The influence map methodology was the result of a unique graphical and analytical combination of the dual role taxonomy and influence relationship models. Influence maps were developed for several safety incidents at Kennedy Space Center. An independent assessment was conducted by a team of experts using the new dual role taxonomy and influence chain methodology to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of contributing factors identified during the formal incident investigations. One hundred and sixteen contributing factors were identified using the influence map methodology. Only 16% of these contributing factors were accurately identified with traditional tools, and over half of the 116 contributing factors were completely unaddressed by the findings and recommendations of the formal incident reports. The new methodology is being applied to improve spaceport operations and enhance designs of future NASA launch systems.
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Enhancing the Admissibility of Live Box Data Capture in Digital Forensics: Creation of the Live Box Computer Preservation Response (LBCPR) and Comparative Study Against Dead Box Data AcquisitionEmilia Mancilla (14202911) 05 December 2022 (has links)
<p>There are several techniques and methods on how to capture data during a Live Box response in computer forensics, but the key towards these acquisitions is to keep the collected data admissible in a judicial court process. Different approaches during a Live Box examination will lead to data changes in the computer, due to the volatile nature of data stored in memory. The inevitable changes of volatile data are what cause the controversy when admitting digital evidence to court room proceedings.</p>
<p>The main goal of this dissertation was to create a process model, titled Live Box Computer Preservation Response(LBCPR), that would assist in ensuing validity, reliably and accuracy of evidence in a court of law. This approach maximizes the admissibly of digital data derived from a Live Box response. </p>
<p>The LBCPR was created to meet legal and technical requirements in acquiring data from a live computer. With captured Live Box computer data, investigators can further add value to their investigation when processing and analyzing the captured data set, that would have otherwise been permanently unrecoverable upon powering down the machine. By collecting the volatile data prior to conducting Dead Box forensics, there is an increased amount of information that that can be a utilized to understand the state of the machine upon collection when combined with the stored data contents. </p>
<p>This study created a comparative analysis on data collection with the LBCPR method versus traditional Dead Box forensics techniques, further proving the expected results of Live Box techniques capturing volatile data. However, due to the structure of the LBCPR, there were enhanced capabilities of obtaining value from the randomization of memory dumps, because of the assistance of the collected logs in the process model. In addition, with the legal admissibility focus, there was incorporation of techniques to keep data admissible in a court of law. </p>
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Orsaker till utebliven avvikelserapportering : En litteraturstudie / Reasons for Failure to Incident Report : A literature reviewBengtsson, Clara, Törnå, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje dag drabbas patienter av undvikbara vårdskador som orsakar mänskligt lidande och får ekonomiska konsekvenser för samhället. När avvikelser inte rapporteras kan det påverka patientsäkerheten. Tidigare studier visar ett samband mellan låg patientsäkerhet och få rapporterade avvikelser och tillbud. Sjuksköterskan ska bedriva förebyggande patientsäkerhetsarbete och ramverket Fundamentals of Care framhäver vikten av hög omvårdnadskompentens. Trots det visar studier att sjuksköterskor undviker att skriva avvikelserapporter. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa orsaker som kunde leda till att sjuksköterskor inte skrev avvikelserapporter gällande patientsäkerhet.Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Tretton vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ studiedesign inhämtades från två databaser och analyserades med metoden av Popenoe m.fl. Resultat: Sjuksköterskors avvikelserapportering uteblev när de upplevde oro för negativa konsekvenser eller påverkades av kulturen som rådde på arbetsplatsen. De upplevde även att brister i organisationen och rapporteringssystemet orsakade utebliven avvikelserapportering. Resultatet presenteras i fyra rubriker med tillhörande underrubriker: rädsla, arbetsplatsens kultur, organisationen och rapporteringssystemet. Slutsats: Utebliven avvikelserapportering bland sjuksköterskor är en global problematik och kan förhindra sjuksköterskor från att utförapatientsäkert omvårdnadsarbete. En god säkerhetskultur är av vikt för att säkerställa effektivt omvårdnadsarbete, men det kan vara svårt för en enskild sjuksköterska att våga stå upp för patientsäkerheten mot en stark kultur. Fortsatt forskning krävs för att förstå och åtgärda orsakerna till utebliven rapportering. / Background: Every day patients suffer avoidable health care injuries that cause human suffering and have an economic impact on society. When incident reports are not written, it can affect patient safety. Previous studies show a correlation between low patient safety and few reported incidents. Nurses are meant to carry out preventive patient safety work and the framework Fundamentals of Care emphasizes the importance of high nursing competence. Yet, studies show that nurses avoid writing incident reports. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to highlight reasons why nurses might not write patient safety incident reports.Method: The study was conducted as a literature review. Thirteen scientific articles with a qualitative study design were retrieved from two databases and analyzed using the method of Popenoe et al. Result: Nurses did not report incidents when they were concerned about negative outcomes or were impacted by the workplace culture. Nurses also expressed that organizational and reporting system flaws caused non-reporting. The findings are presented under four headings and subheadings: fear, workplace culture, organization and reporting system. Conclusion: Non-reporting of incidents among nurses is a global problem and can prevent nurses from performing patient-safe nursing work. A good safety culture is important to ensure effective nursing care, but it can be difficult to stand up for patient safety against a strong culture. Further research is needed to understand and address the reasons for non-reporting.
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Sveriges säkerhetssektorer i fokus: En analys av Nord Stream explosionen och Ukrainakriget.Placha, Paul January 2023 (has links)
This master's thesis examines the importance of the explosion incident at Nord Stream and Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Sweden’s security sectors. The critical energy project Nord Stream 1 and its expansion to Nord Stream 2 have created bipolar attitudes and debates in Sweden and the EU regarding the security implications of increased Russian power. The Ukraine war and the physical attack on the pipelines have only amplified security concerns in the international political arena. This thesis aims to provide a descriptive understanding of the explosion incident and Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine and their resulting impact on Sweden’s ability to establish a stable security strategy viewed by security sectors such as national-, environmental-, energy-, military-, economic-, human-, and societal-security. Additionally, this thesis also explores these issues from Sweden’s perspective with the use of classic international relations perspectives such as realism and liberalism. Results present that the security sector reports heightened tensions, with Russia potentially increasing military activities. New intensified threat perception for Sweden, negative environmental impacts, affecting on human health and security. Effects regarding energy security. New security threats for Russia's establishment within the European market, impact and effects on nations' identity and uncertainty about the new political situation, and increased insecurity for essential societal infrastructures.
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