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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consciência ambiental, valores humanos e atitudes pró-ambientais : uma aplicação das escalas NEP e Schwartz nas agroindústrias familiares do RS

Schinaider, Alessandra Daiana January 2018 (has links)
A adoção de práticas sustentáveis desde à produção de alimentos até o consumo final tem sido mais frequente nos últimos anos. Essas práticas sustentáveis estão embasadas na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável, sem prejudicar as gerações futuras da humanidade. Nesse contexto, os proprietários das agroindústrias familiares se deparam com diversos desafios quando se trata da diminuição de impactos ambientais e, em consequência, da promoção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável. A adoção de práticas sustentáveis é resultado da compreensão da consciência ambiental e dos valores humanos, os quais desencadeiam as atitudes pró-ambientais e, assim, resulta em um comportamento ecológico. Neste sentido, objetivou-se analisar a influência da consciência ambiental e dos valores humanos sobre as atitudes pró-ambientais dos proprietários das agroindústrias familiares vinculadas ao PEAF/RS. Os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação de questionário, com quatro grupos de questões (perfil das agroindústrias familiares e atitudes pró-ambientais, Escala NEP, perfil socioeconômico, Escala Schwartz). A amostra corresponde aos 105 proprietários de agroindústrias familiares do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram analisados utilizando estatística descritiva, analise fatorial e correlação. Os resultados apresentam que mais da metade da amostra é composta por adultos, com grau de escolaridade elevado e com formação em cursos voltados para a gestão da agroindústria Além disso, 37% das agroindústrias familiares têm um tempo de existência entre um a cinco anos, com mão de obra familiar e com atividades predominantes em olericultura, bebidas e panificados, nas cidades de Caxias do Sul, Santa Maria e Lajeado. A aplicação das escalas, demonstrou que os proprietários das agroindústrias familiares possuem um nível elevado de consciência ambiental, com predominância nos valores humanos de ordem superior “conservação” e “autotranscendência”. Tais resultados revelam uma tendência de possuir um comportamento ecocêntrico e altruísta, conforme a Escala NEP e Schwartz, respectivamente. Além disso, observou-se que as agroindústrias familiares têm atitudes pró-ambientais, as quais são implantadas e praticadas pela agroindústria. De modo geral, 40% dos proprietários das agroindústrias acreditam que o empreendimento tem mais de 80% de atividades pró-ambientais, tais como, o uso de embalagens recicláveis, a prática de conscientização ambiental, a economia de energia, o uso correto do descarte dos resíduos sólidos. Porém não foi encontrado correlação entre as escalas e as atitudes pró-ambientais. Portanto, entende-se que esses resultados auxiliam as esferas federativas na formulação de uma política de benefícios, motivando-os aqueles que possuem mais adequação à preservação ambiental e incentivando outros proprietários a praticarem mais ações ambientais. / The adoption of sustainable practices from food production to final consumption has been more frequent in recent years. These sustainable practices are based on the promotion of sustainable development, without harming future generations of humanity. In this context, the owners of family agroindustries face several challenges when it comes to reducing environmental impacts and, as a consequence, promoting sustainable rural development. The adoption of sustainable practices is the result of an understanding of environmental awareness and human values, which triggers pro-environmental attitudes and thus results in ecological behavior. In this sense, the objective was to analyze the influence of environmental awareness and human values on the pro-environmental attitudes of the owners of family agroindustries linked to PEAF/RS. Data were collected through the application of a questionnaire, with four groups of questions (profile of family agroindustries and pro-environmental attitudes, NEP Scale, socioeconomic profile, Schwartz Scale). The sample corresponds to the 105 owners of family agroindustries in Rio Grande do Sul. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factorial analysis and correlation. The results show that more than half of the sample is composed of adults, with a high level of education and training in courses aimed at the management of agribusiness. In addition, 37% of family agroindustries have a life span of between one and five years, with family labor and predominant activities in olericultura, beverages and baked goods, in the cities of Caxias do Sul, Santa Maria and Lajeado The application of the scales, showed that the owners of the family agroindustries have a high level of environmental awareness, with a predominance of human values of higher order "conservation" and "self-transcendence". These results reveal a tendency to have an ecocentric and altruistic behavior, according to the NEP and Schwartz Scales, respectively. In addition, it was observed that family agroindustries have pro-environmental attitudes, which are implemented and practiced by the agroindustry. In general, 40% of the owners of agroindustries believe that the enterprise has more than 80% of pro-environmental activities, such as the use of recyclable packaging, the practice of environmental awareness, energy saving, the correct use of waste of solid waste. However, no correlation was found between the scales and the pro-environmental attitudes. Therefore, it is understood that these results help federative spheres in the formulation of a benefits policy, motivating those that are more adequate to environmental preservation and encouraging other owners to practice more environmental actions.

Desenvolvimento de um programa de gestão de resíduos no ensino técnico em química

Ramm, Julia Grasiela January 2017 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, o objetivo geral foi a elaboração e implementação de um projeto de gestão de resíduos (PGR) que permitisse minimizar e orientar para a destinação adequada dos resíduos gerados nas atividades experimentais de uma escola da rede pública de Porto Alegre que oferece o curso Técnico em Química (TQ). Para tanto, foi realizada uma investigação qualitativa, do tipo Estudo de Caso, onde após tratativas com a direção da escola, assim como com os professores do curso, verificou-se a presença de passivo ambiental e os hábitos adotados para o descarte dos resíduos gerados nas aulas experimentais de algumas disciplinas. As observações foram registradas em Diário de Campo. Na sequência foram aplicados questionários com docentes e discentes, para o diagnóstico das suas percepções sobre a elaboração e implementação de um PGR. Após a identificação das necessidades e do contexto escolar, foi elaborado o PGR para o TQ. Para que toda a comunidade escolar conhecesse o documento e pudesse adaptar suas práticas às orientações do mesmo, e assim implementá-lo e sustentá-lo na instituição partícipe deste estudo foram oferecidos cursos de formação com docentes e discentes Com o propósito de averiguar as formas de contribuição da implantação do PGR, aplicou-se questionários para os dois grupos de sujeitos participantes da pesquisa. Os referenciais teóricos que fundamentaram a pesquisa foram a discussão dos resultados que evidenciam que com a implementação do PGR o nível de conscientização dos discentes e docentes sobre o tratamento e o descarte dos resíduos foi ampliado, assim como o conhecimento quanto à responsabilidade civil em relação a gestão de resíduos. As atividades desenvolvidas nas aulas de Química Analítica Qualitativa foram adequadas aos princípios norteadores do PGR. De forma geral conclui-se que a existência de um PGR na escola favorece a formação de futuros profissionais cidadãos críticos, responsáveis e conscientes de seu papel na sociedade. Além disso, com a efetivação de um convênio entre a Secretaria Estadual de Educação (SEC) e o Centro de Gestão e Tratamento de Resíduos Químicos (CGTRQ) do Instituto de Química da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IQ/UFRGS) favorecerá a manutenção e o funcionamento do projeto. / In this dissertation, the general objective was the elaboration and implementation of a waste management project (PGR) that allowed to minimize and to guide adequate destination of waste generated during experimental activities of a public school in Porto Alegre that offers Technical Chemistry course (TQ). In order to do so, a qualitative investigation was carried out, such as a Case Study, where, following discussions with the school's management, as well as with the teachers of the course, the presence of environmental liabilities and habits adopted for the disposal of generated waste were verified in the experimental classes of some disciplines. The observations were recorded in a Field Diary. Afterwards, questionnaires were applied with teachers and students to diagnose their perceptions about the elaboration and implementation of a PGR. After identifying the needs and the school context, the PGR for the TQ was elaborated. In order for the whole school community to know the document and to adapt its practices to the orientations of the same, and to implement and sustain it in the participating institution of this study, training formation courses were offered with teachers and students. With the purpose of ascertaining the contribution forms of the PGR implementation, questionnaires were applied to the two groups of subjects participating in the research after PGR implementation The theoretical references that supported this dissertation were the discussion of the results that show that with the implementation of the PGR the level of awareness of the students and teachers about the treatment and disposal of the residues was amplified, as well as the knowledge about the civil responsibility in relation to Waste Management. The activities developed in Qualitative Analytical Chemistry classes were adequate to the guiding principles of the PGR. In general, it is concluded that the existence of a PGR in the school favors the formation of future professionals who are critical, responsible and aware of their role in society. In addition, with the implementation of an agreement between the State Department of Education (SEC) and the Center for Management and Treatment of Chemical Residues (CGTRQ) of Chemistry Institute at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (IQ/ UFRGS), it will promote to sustain PGR project.

O dimensionamento da consciência ambiental no ensino da paisagem geográfica: uma pesquisa de intervenção pedagógica com abordagem sistêmica e uso da escala NEP / The dimensioning of environmental awareness in geographic landscape teaching: a pedagogical intervention research with a systemic approach and use of the NEP scale

Rosana Silvestre de Lima 17 September 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento da consciência ambiental no Brasil vem sendo pautado pelos princípios norteadores presentes nos fóruns ambientais mundiais e por seus desdobramentos institucionais através de legislações específicas, tais como o Plano Nacional de Educação Ambiental PNEA (1999) que prevê atribuições às modalidades formais e informais de ensino e os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais PCNs (1997) ao inserirem a proposta dos temas transversais, incluindo o meio ambiente, para os níveis fundamental e médio de educação. Mas, mesmo garantindo a penetração social do tema, a presença de legislações específicas tem se mostrado insuficiente para a clareza e efetivação da formação ambiental, o que pode ser observado nas pesquisas sobre o tema que se voltam ao diagnóstico de atitudes ecológicas em detrimento dos processos de aprendizagem. Tendo em vista a necessidade de explicar como ocorrem estes processos dentro da temática ambiental, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral dimensionar a consciência ambiental a partir de uma intervenção pedagógica dirigida, tendo por base a teoria da paisagem geográfica de Monteiro (2001) e os referenciais pedagógicos de Vigotski (2012, 2014) e Freire (2004). De forma complementar estabelecemos como objetivo específico produzir e testar a validade de uma proposta intencional de intervenção pedagógica para demonstrar a hipótese de que a abordagem sistêmica da paisagem geográfica (Monteiro, 2001) tem potencial na ampliação da consciência ambiental. O procedimento central da pesquisa caracterizou-se pela experimentação junto a dois grupos de jovens moradores nas proximidades das Áreas de Proteção Ambiental Capivari-Monos/SP e Bororé-Colônia, para os quais se diferenciou a abordagem dos conteúdos de ensino, sendo que um deles participou de aulas dentro da perspectiva sistêmica (MONTEIRO, 2001), e o outro teve os assuntos tratados de forma tópica, sem que fossem enfatizadas as relações entre os conteúdos. A mensuração da consciência ambiental foi realizada a partir de duas variáveis operacionais (VOLPATO, 2015), sendo a primeira qualitativa, avaliando a capacidade explicativa dos estudantes quanto aos fenômenos ambientais estudados, e a segunda, quantitativa, a partir da escala NEP (New Ecological Paradigm) (DUNLAP et al, 2000). A combinação de variáveis qualitativa e quantitativa revelou-se determinante para a maior precisão no dimensionamento da consciência ambiental, e identificação das causas associadas ao seu desenvolvimento dentro das proposições teóricometodológicas estabelecidas pela pesquisa. Outros resultados ficaram a cargo da demonstração de problemas quanto ao nível de alfabetização de jovens frequentadores do sistema público de ensino; da viabilidade de uma proposição curricular na temática ambiental a partir da teoria da paisagem; da diferenciação entre percepção e consciência ambiental; e da avaliação quanto à capacidade de mensuração da escala NEP dentro do estudo proposto. / The development of environmental awareness in Brazil has been guided by the principles present in the global environmental forums and by its effects through specific legislation, such as the National Environmental Education Plan (PNEA) (1999), which provides for attributions to formal and informal teaching and the National Curricular Parameters - PCNs (1997) by inserting the proposal of cross-cutting themes, including the environment, for the fundamental and medium levels of education. These actions guarantee the social penetration of the theme, however the presence of specific legislation has proved insufficient for the clarity and effectiveness of the environmental education, which can be observed in the researches on diagnostics of ecological attitudes to the detriment of the processes of learning. Considering the need to explain how these processes occur within the environmental theme, this research had the general objective to dimension environmental awareness through on a guided pedagogical intervention, based on Monteiro\'s (2001) geographical landscape theory and the pedagogical references of Vigotski (2012, 2014) and Freire (2004). In a complementary way, we established as a specific objective to produce and test the validity of an intentional model of pedagogical intervention to demonstrate the hypothesis that the systemic approach of the geographic landscape (Monteiro, 2001) has the potential to increase environmental awareness. The central procedure of the research was characterized by the experimentation with two groups of young residents near of the Capivari-Monos / SP and Bororé-Colônia Environmental Protection Areas, for which the approach to teaching contents was differentiated, one of which participated of classes within the systemic perspective (MONTEIRO, 2001), and the other had the subjects treated topically, without emphasizing the relations between contents. The measurement of environmental awareness was made using two operational variables (VOLPATO, 2015). The first one was qualitative, assessing the ability of students to explain the environmental phenomena studied, and the second, quantitative, from the NEP scale (New Ecological Paradigm) (DUNLAP et al, 2000). The combination of qualitative and quantitative variables was determinant for the greater precision in the dimensioning of environmental awareness, and identification of the causes associated with its development within the theoreticalmethodological propositions established by the research. We highlight other results as the demonstration of problems regarding the level of literacy of young people served by the public school system; the feasibility of a curricular proposition in the environmental theme from the landscape theory; the differentiation between perception and environmental awareness; and the evaluation of the measurement capacity of the NEP scale within the proposed study.

Modo de vida e estratégias de produção da comunidade quilombola Bonsucesso, no município de Mata Roma – MA, sua relação com o cerrado do maranhense e percepção sobre os riscos decorrentes do avanço do agronegócio para o ambiente / Way of life and production strategies of the quilombola community Bonsucesso, in the municipality of Mata Roma - MA, its relationship with the cerrado of Maranhão and perception about the risks arising from the advance of agribusiness to the environment

Rocha, Cristiane Maria Macau 28 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-06-28T18:39:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianeRocha.pdf: 2887333 bytes, checksum: 7017c2b5235cf4e54d787fb659807ef8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-28T18:39:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CristianeRocha.pdf: 2887333 bytes, checksum: 7017c2b5235cf4e54d787fb659807ef8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão (FAPEMA) / Bonsucesso, remnant quilombo community area of conducting the research, is located in the municipality of Mata Roma, with the agroextractivism the means of reproduction of their families, which maintains relations and inheritance with the ancient foundations of the first families who started the village, such as the use of natural resources and the enhancement of local culture. Throughout this period, these families experience the tensioners such as deforestation and land pressure manifested by the expansion of agribusiness ventures on remaining areas of rural communities of quilombos, threatening the sustainability of family agriculture and natural resources beyond the difficulties of access to policies that specifically guarantee them land ownership, food security and other possibilities of non-agricultural income. Throughout the work are presented forms of resource use by the community their perception of the risks arising from the advance of agribusiness near Bonsucesso. With the methodology, we interviewed 43 (forty-three) residents designated by local leaders, using a semi-structured questionnaire and conducting meetings and interviews with other villagers. Among the production strategies were identified: itinerant agriculture, backyards, extraction of babassu and artisanal fishing. And despite the Bonsucesso community still not be prevented from exercising their way of life and continue to use their production strategies, there is the advance of agribusiness in the municipality according to data from Brazilian Istituto of Geografia and statistics. / Bonsucesso, comunidade remanescente de quilombo área de realização da pesquisa, está localizada no Município de Mata Roma, sendo o agroextrativismo o meio de reprodução de suas famílias, o qual mantém relações e as heranças com as bases ancestrais das primeiras famílias que iniciaram a povoação, tais como os usos dos recursos naturais e a valorização da cultura local. Ao longo desse período, essas famílias vivenciam os tensores tais como desmatamento e a pressão fundiária manifestada pela expansão de empreendimentos do agronegócio sobre áreas de comunidades rurais remanescentes de quilombos, que ameaçam a sustentabilidade da agricultura familiar e dos recursos naturais além das dificuldades de acesso a políticas que concretamente lhes assegurem a posse da terra, segurança alimentar e outras possibilidades de renda não agrícola. Ao longo do trabalho são apresentadas as formas de uso dos recursos por parte da comunidade a sua percepção dos riscos decorrentes do avanço do agronegócio nas proximidades de Bonsucesso. Com a metodologia utilizada, foram entrevistados 43 (quarenta e três) moradores indicados pelas lideranças locais, com a utilização de um questionário semiestruturado e com a realização de reuniões e entrevistas com outros moradores do povoado. Entre as estratégias de produção, foram identificados: lavoura itinerante, quintais, extrativismo do babaçu e pesca artesanal. E apesar da comunidade de Bonsucesso ainda não estar impedida de exercer seu modo de vida e de continuar a utilizar suas estratégias de produção, verifica-se o avanço da área do agronegócio no município conforme dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística.

Barns miljömedvetande : En undersökning om sexåringars tankar och kunskap om nedbrytning och återvinning. / The Environmental Awareness among Children : A survey about six-year-old children´s thoughts, and knowledge about decomposition and recykling.

Mattsson, Cathrine January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med mitt arbete var att undersöka sexåringars miljömedvetenhet, samt hur de har tillförskaffat sig denna kunskap. Jag har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med samtliga 13 elever i en förskoleklass. Genom att diskutera kring 7 saker glasburk, läskedrycksburk, löv, papptallrik, plastmugg, tidning och äppelskrutt som vi lade ut i skogen under en månad fick jag kunskap om vad barnen trodde skulle ske med sakerna under tiden i skogen, var barnen skulle ha slängt sakerna samt hur de hade erhållit denna kunskap. Barnen trodde att det var vädret som påverkade processen med sakerna i skogen. De utgår från vad de har sett och sätter in det i ett sammanhang. Det har lärt mig att utgå från barnens vardag när det gäller naturvetenskapliga fenomen. När det gäller återvinning var kunskapen större om glasåtervinning än om plaståtervinning hos sexåringarna. Kunskapen om kompostering var obefintlig. Genom detta arbete tror jag att kompostering kan vara ett bra sätt att väcka miljöintresse hos barn. Jag fann att mamman var en viktig kunskapsförmedlare inom detta område. 10 av 13 barn svarade att någon anhörig hade lärt dem det som de svarade i denna studie. Av dessa 10 barn nämnde 8 mamma eller mamma och pappa som anhörig. Två av barnen svarade att de hade erhållit kunskapen genom TV. Ingen av barnen nämnde förskolan eller förskoleklassen som kunskapsförmedlare. / The purpose of my study was to examine the environmental awareness of six-year-olds and how they have acquired this knowledge. I have carried out qualitative interviews with all the thirteen pupils in one pre-school class. By discussing seven things, a glass jar, a soda can, a leaf, a paper plate, a plastic mug, a newspaper, and an apple core, which we put away in the forest for a month, I gained the knowledge of what the children thought would happen to the seven different things and where they had acquired their knowledge. The children thought it was the weather that affected the process of the seven things. Their assumptions were based on what they see and put into a context. I have learnt to start from children’s everyday life when explaining scientific phenomena, to children. When it comes to recycling, the fact was that the knowledge of recycling glass was more widely spread than the knowledge of recycling plastics among the six-year-olds. The knowledge of composting was nonexistent. As a result of this study, I think that composting might be a good idea in order to raise an environmental interest among children. I found that mothers were important contributors to knowledge in this field. When questioned who had taught them what they knew in this field, ten of thirteen children answered that a close relative had taught them what they knew, i.e. what they had answered in the study. Eight out of these ten pupils mentioned their mothers or their mothers and fathers as this/these close relative/s. Two of the children said that they had acquired this knowledge through TV. None of the children mentioned day care centre, nursery school or pre-school class as contributors to any environmental awareness.

Miljö- och naturarbete i förskolan : en studie om hur pedagoger genomför miljö- och naturarbetet i förskolan / Environmental- and nature work in preschool : a study on how teachers implement environmental- and nature work in preschool

Andersson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka och beskriva hur arbetet med miljö och natur kan genomföras i förskolan. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio stycken pedagoger från fem olika förskolor, i en kommun i Västsverige. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns många olika sätt att arbeta med miljö och natur i förskolan, såväl praktiska som teoretiska. Att arbeta med återvinning, kompostering och samtala om bevarandet av resurser, var några av de aktiviteter som undersökningens pedagoger brukade göra. Det framkom också i undersökningen att det i arbetet med miljö- och natur finns vissa hinder som t.ex. personalbrist och pedagogers intressen. / The purpose of this survey was to investigate and describe how the work with environment and nature work can be implemented in preschool. The survey is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews, with nine educators from five different preschools, in one municipality in west Sweden. The result of the survey shows that there are many different ways to work with environment and nature in preschool, both practical and theoretical. Working with recycling, composting and discuss the conservation of resources were some of the activities that the surveys educators used to do. It was also revealed in the study that there are some obstacles in the environmental and nature work, such as staff shortages and educators interests.

Modeintresserad och miljömedveten - en möjlig kombination?

Lublinn, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
Konsumtion är något vi ägnar åt oss i vardagen och som inte går att komma ifrån. Nya möjligheter idag, vare sig det handlar om högre inkomst eller större utbud på marknaden, gör att det skapas nya begär och att den nya konsumtionen efter ett tag känns nödvändig. Idag konsumeras därmed fler varor än någonsin tidigare. Men konsumtionen av varor och tjänster påverkar miljön, och det under hela sin livscykel, från utvinning av råvara till då den blir till avfall. Konsumtion av mode är ett exempel på konsumtion där man uttrycker sina begär och sin längtan. Mode som ofta uttrycks genom kläder ger stimulans till konsumtion och mode och trender förändras snabbt, vilket innebär att det är svårt att hålla kolla på hela produktionsledet och hur miljön påverkas. Om konsumtion av mode har negativa effekter på miljön lyder frågan ifall det då är möjligt att konsumera mode på ett sätt som är mer hållbart. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka ifall det är möjligt att kombinera ett modeintresse med en miljömedvetenhet. Det som undersöks är bland annat ifall mode kan konsumeras på ett hållbart sätt, samt vilka möjligheter och svårigheter det finns med att kombinera mode med miljö. Dessa frågor besvaras med hjälp av en teoretisk litteraturstudie, framförallt eftersom det inte finns många studier som kombinerar mode med miljö. Teorierna som behandlas handlar bland annat om konsumtion och beteenden, och för att kunna kombinera mode med miljö behöver konsumtionsmönster förändras och alternativ till konventionella kläder finnas på marknaden. Om flera val tillhandahålls och marknadsförs på marknaden skapas alternativ som bidrar till att individen kan förena ett modeintresse och en miljömedvetenhet, men detta kan inte ses som den enda lösningen. Denna studie analyserar även huruvida praktiska exempel miljömärkning och second hand kan bidra till att kombinera miljö och mode. / Consumption is something we do every day which we cannot get away from. New opportunities today, whether it is a higher income or a higher supply on the market, enable the creation of new desires and that the new consumption after a while feels necessary. Today we consume more products than ever before. But the consumption of both products and services affect the environment during their whole life cycle, from production to waste. Consuming fashion is an example of consumption where desires are expressed. Fashion which is often expressed through clothes stimulates a longing for consumption, and with fashion changing so fast it is hard to keep track of the whole production and how the environment is affected. If consuming fashion has negative effects on the environment the question is whether it is possible to consume fashion in a more sustainable manner. The purpose of this essay is to examine if it is possible to combine a fashion interest with an environmental awareness. Some of the matters examined are whether fashion can be consumed in a sustainable way or not, and what opportunities and challenges there are with combining fashion with an awareness of the environment. These questions are answered with the help of a theoretical literature study. Theories about consumption and behaviours are being used, and to combine fashion with an environmental awareness, consumption patterns have to change. Alternatives to conventional clothing must also be found on the market. If more choices are provided on the market, the individual can find alternatives through which she/he can unite a fashion interest with an awareness of the environment, but that cannot be seen as the only solution. This paper also analyzes whether practical examples, such as labelling and second hand, can contribute towards combining environment and fashion.

Determinants of environmental awareness in small sized public organizations : A survey of environmental requirements in engineering projects' tender documents at a local authority

Paradine, Martin, Siopi, Vasiliki January 2012 (has links)
Environmental awareness among public authorities and governmental institutions has been a priority initiative for countries in the EU over the last years. The public sector is a major consumer of products and services, while their environmental policies are also at a top. Many EU Member Countries have already implemented EU legislation for greener purchasing in the public sector, while others are now preparing their National Action Plan. However, conscious acceptance of National Policy objectives and adoption of green environmental behavior in all scales of the public sector is a challenge. Researchers are concerned that public authorities and especially those of a small size are still focused on the lowest price as a leading factor in public tenders. Many studies have shown that lack of knowledge is a key determinant for the scarce environmental requirements in public procurements. Under this framework, this thesis explores the determinants that affect the implementation of environmental requirements in public procurements and consequently the environmental awareness of small sized public organizations. This thesis is based on a review of policy documents and a single case study investigation. The single case study was conducted on the Technical Department of a municipality in North Greece and the data sources were engineering projects’ public procurements and interviews from the local authority’s officers.

Travelling green : Variables influencing students’ intention to select a green hotel

Lindqvist, Julia, Andersson, Mikaela January 2015 (has links)
Problematization: Tourism has a major impact on the environment. However, there is a conflict of interest making it difficult for the hotel business to decrease this impact. On the one hand, there is a pressure for environmentally friendly behaviour from society. On the other hand, the customers want to be pampered during their hotel stay. This makes it necessary to further investigate what influences customers’ intention to select a green hotel. Therefore this thesis examines students’ intention to select a green hotel. Since, it might make it easier for hotels to design and implement strategies to be greener, if they know what is important. Purpose: The aim with this thesis is to examine how the variables subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, perceived moral obligation and environmental awareness influence students’ intention to select green hotels. The main theory used is the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). However, to make the TPB model fit better to the context green hotels, the variables perceived moral obligation and environmental awareness were added. The reason for adding these variables was because they are closely entwined with each other and is argued in previous research argues they influence environmentally friendly behaviour. Methodology: This study used an online questionnaire and a small experiment in the questionnaire. The sample consisted of students from Kristianstad University. Conclusion: The result of this study shows that all the hypotheses were rejected and therefore the null hypotheses are retained.

Nature Connectedness & Winter Camping : A Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches

Vroegop, John January 2015 (has links)
A growing body of research indicates that nature connectedness should be an important component of environmental education programs as emerging empirical evidence shows a correlation between connectedness to nature and environmentally responsible behaviour. Despite an increased interest in further examination of the human-nature relationship, research is lacking in terms of specific factors or conditions that influence nature connectedness. In this study, a mixed methods approach was employed to quantitatively assess the impact winter camping had on nature connectedness and then qualitatively determine specific components of the camp experience that influenced this sense of nature connectedness. Nineteen scouts participated on a three day winter camp at Manning Park in British Columba, Canada, where they experienced many challenges such as sleeping in quinzees (snow caves) and learned new skills such as snowshoeing. The Nature Relatedness Scale was used to assess nature connectedness in this study. A pre-test was administered a few days before the winter camp and the post-test two days afterwards. The results from the paired sample T-test show that there was a statistically significant improvement in nature connectedness following the winter camp experience. Eleven scouts were then selected to participate in semi-structured interviews with the aim of gaining insight to the specific conditions of winter camping that influenced nature connectedness. The results indicate that the location of the camp, the condition of being immersed in nature, interacting with wildlife, the positive experience of challenges, the presence of risk, and freedom from technology are all contributing factors that influenced a sense o f nature connectedness. An increased environmental awareness was also a prevalent theme which supports research suggesting that there is a positive relationship between nature connectedness and pro-environmental behaviour. It is recommended that programs with the aim of promoting nature connectedness or environmental awareness should include as many of these components as possible. Further research should alsobe conducted to confirm that these results apply also to other populations as these results cannot be generalized with a sample size of nineteen.

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