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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mångkulturalitet eller koloniala återspeglingar? Kulturperspektiv i läromedel i spanska på gymnasiet

Karlsson, Malin January 2006 (has links)
Det ingår i skolans uppgift att främja demokrati och mångfald och läromedlen spelar en viktig roll i detta arbete. Samtidigt visar forskning på att styrdokumenten för moderna språk har en tendens att hålla fast vid en konservativ kulturuppfattning som inte har anpassats tillräckligt till det globaliserade samhället. Hur påverkar detta kulturinnehållet i läromedlen? Vilken bild av de spanskspråkiga ländernas människor och kulturer kan eleverna tänkas få med sig efter att ha studerat spanska på gymnasienivå? Finns målspråksländernas kulturella mångfald representerad i läroböckerna i enlighet med ett demokratiskt förhållningssätt? Detta är några av de frågor jag söker svaren på i denna undersökning. / The aim of this essay is to explore the way Spanish-speaking cultures and peoples are presented in Upper Secondary language textbooks of Spanish. The study is carried out in the context of globalization and its effects on culture, identity and language teaching. Postcolonial theory and a constructivist perspective on culture provide the framework for the textual analysis which is divided into two main parts. The first part is a statistical overview of the geographical areas/countries of the Spanish-speaking world that are presented in the textbooks. The second part seeks to establish who, i.e. what type of individual, is representing the Spanish-speaking peoples in the texts. The concluding discussion revolves around whether the textbooks reflect a progressive multicultural approach, or if the colonial heritage of ethnocentrism still lingers in the view of culture conveyed.

Fundamental rights in Latin America a comparative study addressing human rights violations in Venezuela, Colombia, and Argentina

Rios, Maria Eugenia 01 December 2011 (has links)
Over the last few decades the importance of human rights has increased considerably in international relations. With globalization and democratization, more states and individuals develop concerns about the fundamental rights every human is entitled to; regardless of sex, religion and ethnicity. Latin American countries began obtaining their independence over 200 years ago while progressing into becoming working democracies. Yet, they have been plagued by oscillating authoritarian regimes and social conflicts that constrain and inhibit their hopeful development. The majority of the Latin American states have reached a point where further positive growth was expected; yet human violations have taken a backseat within the government of such countries. The case studies shed light on the three main causes of human right violations in Latin America. These are: the abuse of power by the government and the subsequent changes to the constitution to gain further control and authority; the government's inadequacy in dealing with subversive groups; and the deficiency of subsequent democratic governments to bring past offenders to trial for crimes against humanity while giving pardons to those who did face trial. By understanding why the violation of human rights occurred, future infringements can be avoided and fundamental rights will be awarded to all humans.

Gender and Social Capital: Implications for Women's Civic Engagement in Ecuador and Peru

Medina, Pamela 01 January 2015 (has links)
Civic engagement is a fundamental component of a healthy democracy, contributing to higher government accountability and overall improvement in "good governance". Civic engagement is particularly critical to subgroups which are under-represented in formal political structures, such as women, as it affords these groups the opportunity to voice their unique concerns. However, women participate less in many important forms of civic engagement. The United Nations and other international organizations have emphasized the importance of increasing women's voice and empowerment in an attempt to improve women's overall well-being, particularly in the developing world. Individual and contextual factors have demonstrated contributions toward influencing levels of civic engagement, but these effects only serve in partially explaining why women are less engaged. This study adds to this discussion by examining gender differences in the development and contribution of social capital (measured by networks and trust) to civic engagement within two young and developing democracies; Ecuador and Peru. The study finds that gender differences exist in how social capital is formed, but these differences don't explain women's decreased likelihood for engagement. Thus, social capital can be used to build civic engagement among both genders.

Integral mission formation in Abya Yala (Latin America): a study of the Centro de Studios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios (1982-2002) and radical evangélicos

Padilla DeBorst, Ruth Irene 22 September 2016 (has links)
This dissertation traces the development of the Centro de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios (CETI) from its inception in Argentina in 1982 until 2002, when the first dean, Catalina Feser Padilla, stepped down. Born out of the self-theologizing of “radical evangelical” Protestant communities—Comunidad Internacional de Estudiantes Evangélicos, Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana, Escuela Bíblica de Villa María, and Comunidad Kairós—CETI has furthered misión integral within Latin America and beyond. Grounded in the history of CETI, this dissertation argues that CETI constitutes a generative model of theological formation for integral mission because of its theological, missiological, and pedagogical commitments: doing theology in response to context, a radical evangelical perspective, an integral mission intent, and a focus on the formation of all Christians through interdisciplinary dialogue, communal design, and implementation. Although studies have been done of the integral mission movement, this dissertation breaks new ground by focusing on CETI, which has been running continuously within Latin America since 1982. The dissertation is based on the historical analysis of primary sources housed in a virtual repository and in the offices of the Fundación Kairós, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Findings were corroborated through personal interviews and correspondence with key people involved in the creation and development of CETI. Chapter One introduces the research and clarifies key concepts. Chapters Two and Three portray the academic and ecclesial communities out of which CETI was generated. Chapter Four surveys the development of CETI and portrays the key role of its first dean, Catalina Feser Padilla. Chapter Five offers a theological, pedagogical, and institutional analysis of CETI along with narrative accounts that provide insight into the missional and ethical impact of the program. Chapter Six serves as a conclusion and refers to the reach of CETI beyond Latin America after 2011 through the auspices of the International Fellowship of Mission as Transformation. The final section raises critical questions for the ongoing development of CETI within Latin America, and for the expansion of theological formation for integral mission into other parts of the world.

Essays on International Reserve Accumulation and Cooperation in Latin America

Rosero, Luis Daniel 01 September 2011 (has links)
One of the defining trends in international finance over the last two decades has been the unprecedented growth in the levels of international reserves accumulated by emerging nations. In a global financial system characterized by market failures and sudden stops, many developing countries have opted for the protection provided by individual accumulation of reserves as a second-best outcome. However, as suggested by Rodrik (2006), among others, the accumulation of reserves comes at a hefty opportunity cost to the nations that hold them. It is this particular aspect that brings into question--or at least merits a re-examination of--the validity and efficiency of reserve accumulation as a stabilization and development strategy, particularly in the context of some cash-strapped developing nations. This dissertation takes an in-depth look at this trend in Latin America by investigating the extent of protection of these precautionary reserves, the role of contagion risk in the accumulation process, and the outlook of regional arrangements of cooperation, such as regional reserve pooling mechanisms.

A Critique on Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Latin American Policy

Collins, Katherine January 1940 (has links)
No description available.

The Latin American Diplomacy of Secretary of State James Gillespie Blaine, 1881, 1889-1892

Storts, Robert B. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring Disaster Impacts on Climate Mitigation Policy Change in Latin America

Petersen, Lotte January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to empirically explore if there is an association between climate-related disasters and climate mitigation policy change in middle-income countries. This is important for understanding future climate mitigation policy, as disasters are predicted to increase in both frequency and severity. I explore this by studying climate mitigation policy activity change among countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The region is chosen due to a lack of previous studies in both the region specifically, as well as in middle-income countries generally. Due to uncertainties in the exact time lag between the disaster and policy response, different methods are used: one 5-year normalized scatterplot and two fixed effects (FE) regressions with 1- and 2-year time lags respectively. The results show no statistically significant effects between the variables when looking at a 1-year FE regression or a 5-year normalized scatterplot, however, it does find a negative correlation between extreme-impact events and affected people when using a 2-year FE regression. A possible interpretation of the results is that severe climate-related disasters pause climate mitigation policy development, but not the process of the policies already developed pre-disaster and that these are short-term effects. However, further studies are needed to confirm this.

Comparative Studies of Gender-Based Violence in Mexico and Central America

Buduen, Daniela M 01 January 2022 (has links)
This thesis intends to explore the conditions of gender-based violence in Latin America and how it interacts with government type, crime rates, and religion. Currently, feminicide is perceived at higher rates in countries such as Mexico and Guatemala. A significantly higher indigenous community, Catholicism, and increased crime organizations are also present in these countries. Therefore, to uphold fundamental human rights, there needs to be a change in how gender-based violence, especially feminicide, is reported. The discussion will include a connection between the variables listed.

A critical analysis of theories of agricultural development and agrarian reform, with reference to agrarian reform policies in Chile (1962-1973).

Neocosmos, Michael January 1982 (has links)
This thesis is a work of theory; it is also historical. It attempts to provide a critique of the categories through which the phenomena of agricultural development and land reform are habitually grasped. It is divided into three parts. In the first part three main theoretical orientations to the study of capitalist agrarian development are discussed, both abstractly and with reference to their accounts of Latin American rural society in the 1960's. It is argued that all three are unable to explain adequately the process of social and agrarian change. This inability is traced to the fact that all three reduce social totalities to two or more distinct sub-entities or sub-totalities. The author calls this general position the social problematic of dualism. Its inability. to account for social change is, he argues, traceable to the fact that the existence of the sub-entities into which social totalities are divided, is posited as theoretically prior to the relations which connect them. These points are pursued in the second and third parts of the thesis. In the second part an alternative to dualism' with pärticular reference to its variants of the separation of a realm of' industry from a realm of*agriculture, and of the separation of a realm of the economic from a realm of the social, is provided through a detailed theorisation of capitalist social relations. It is argued that the existence of distinct realms of agriculture, industry, economy and society is a real effect of the essential relations of capitalist society, and that these divisions must be transcended through an elucidation of the character of such relations. This is done by distinguishingi; three forms of capitalist development which are produced by these essential relations. Further examples of a dualist analysis in contemporary theorisations of petty commodity production, the world economy and the articulation of modes of production are discussed. In the third part the author returns to an examination of the Latin American context through a discussion of the case of Chile. The theoretical insights developed in the earlier parts are systematically applied to various aspects of Chilean history from the conquest of Latin America to the 1960's, and to the processes of land reform which covered the decade 1962-1973. It is suggested that the agrarian social transformations which this country experienced are only explicable in terms of a position which systematically transcends all dualist assumptions. / University of Bradford

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