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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La perspective et l'imagination de l'espace selon Erwin Panofsky

Brie, Marc-André 12 April 2018 (has links)
La rationalisation de l'espace est une caractéristique fondamentale des Temps modernes. La conception d'un espace rationnel, isotrope et universel, descriptible par des règles mathématiques, s'accomplit d'abord lors de l'invention de la perspective linéaire à la Renaissance italienne. Ce n'est que près de deux siècles plus tard, que les philosophes accompliront une formulation théorique de cet espace. Il est vrai que les techniques mathématiques de l'optique grecque, nécessaires à l'invention de la perspective, avaient été inventées lors de l'Antiquité et utilisées dès lors, de manière parcellaire, notamment dans la création de décors scénographiques. Mais ces usages n'avaient pas mené à la conception d'un espace unifié et rationalisé, conçu en fonction de la position d'une subjectivité observatrice, véritable maîtresse de la représentation en perspective. L'acceptation universelle de cette technique d'atelier qu'est la perspective constitue un coup de force. Parce que cette technique n'est ni naturelle, ni conforme à la physiologie de la vision humaine. C'est Erwin Panofsky qui en fera la démonstration lors du XXe siècle, situant d'abord l'étude de la perspective dans le cadre de la philosophie des formes symboliques d'Ernst Cassirer. Ce travail retrace les prémisses de la révolution perspective depuis leurs origines dans l'Antiquité et le Moyen Age, jusqu'à l'étude panofskyenne du déploiement de la technique perspective à la Renaissance. L'invention de la perspective questionne la nature des rapports entre l'art et la technique ainsi que le rôle de l'imagination dans la représentation de l'espace. Il s'agit d'un moment méconnu de l'histoire; du sujet moderne, qui remet sur le métier les catégories par lesquelles notre époque se propose d'imaginer l'espace et le réel. / The rationalization of space is a fundamental characteristic of the Modem Age. The concept of space as a rational, universal and isotropic medium, which can be described by mathematical rules, was firs envisioned by the invention of linear perspective during the Italian Renaissance. Il, is only two centuries later that philosophers gave a theoretical foundation to this painterly technique. While it is true that the mathematical techniques of Greek optics necessary to perspective drawing had been formulated during Antiquity, and were indeed used in a fragmentary way, notably in stenographical constructions, Classical Antiquity had no concept, of a rationalized and unified space, defined by the position of an observing subject. Modem perspective is neither natural nor true to the physiology of sight. Erwin Panofsky demonstrated this during the twentieth century, studying perspective through the prism offered by Ernst Gassirer's philosophy of symbolic forms. It is here proposed to retrace the invention of perspective from its roots in Antiquity and the Middle Ages before addressing Panofsky's studies on the invention of perspective. This invention raises questions on the nature of the links between art and technique, as well as it questions the role of the imagination in spatial representation. This little known episode in the history of the modem subject questions the very categories by which our Age proposes to imagine space.

Comparative analysis and evaluation of the duration perspective in Japanese and American strategic management models : a research study into the question of optimum timeframe selection for American corporate strategic management

Tollman, Bryan Jonathan 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was the evaluation of the American Strategic Duration Perspective, generally accepted and often criticized for being performance based shorttermism, to the detriment of its long term economic sustenance. The study sampled three hundred and thirty one corporate strategic leaders in three categories, namely; American, Japanese and Japanese-American. The survey instrument was a written, cross sectional, questionnaire. The study evaluated the American Strategic Duration Perspective in contrast to; the Japanese Strategic Duration Perspective, generally accepted as long-termism, secondly, by measuring Japanese-American SDP. adaptation made in relation or response to the American Operating Environment. The traditional Japanese-American Strategic Duration Perspective is Japanese long-termism. Thus, JapaneseAmerican SDP. adjustment to the American Operating Environment would "objectively' demonstrate whether the American Strategic Duration Perspective was an appropriate subjective (Japanese-American) perception or not. The data reflected that not only had the Japanese-American sample become more American in Strategic Duration Perspective, but that the Japanese had themselves shortened their SDP. "independent" of the American Operating Environment. These facts supported the status quo American Strategic Duration Perspective. Further, the shortening of Strategic Duration Perspective by the Japanese sample reflects a broader, global trend toward an increasingly RealTimestrategic management model / Economic and Management Sciences / D. BL.

Comparative analysis and evaluation of the duration perspective in Japanese and American strategic management models : a research study into the question of optimum timeframe selection for American corporate strategic management

Tollman, Bryan Jonathan 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was the evaluation of the American Strategic Duration Perspective, generally accepted and often criticized for being performance based shorttermism, to the detriment of its long term economic sustenance. The study sampled three hundred and thirty one corporate strategic leaders in three categories, namely; American, Japanese and Japanese-American. The survey instrument was a written, cross sectional, questionnaire. The study evaluated the American Strategic Duration Perspective in contrast to; the Japanese Strategic Duration Perspective, generally accepted as long-termism, secondly, by measuring Japanese-American SDP. adaptation made in relation or response to the American Operating Environment. The traditional Japanese-American Strategic Duration Perspective is Japanese long-termism. Thus, JapaneseAmerican SDP. adjustment to the American Operating Environment would "objectively' demonstrate whether the American Strategic Duration Perspective was an appropriate subjective (Japanese-American) perception or not. The data reflected that not only had the Japanese-American sample become more American in Strategic Duration Perspective, but that the Japanese had themselves shortened their SDP. "independent" of the American Operating Environment. These facts supported the status quo American Strategic Duration Perspective. Further, the shortening of Strategic Duration Perspective by the Japanese sample reflects a broader, global trend toward an increasingly RealTimestrategic management model / Economic and Management Sciences / D. BL.

Elevers uppfattningar om stöd : En kvalitativ studie om några elevers uppfattningar av stöd i undervisningen / Students' perceptions of support : A qualitative study aboutsome students' perceptions of support in education

Walkert, Anna-Karin January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka några elevers uppfattningar angående det stöd de fått under sin skoltid med anledning av deras läs- och skrivsvårigheter. De intervjuade eleverna i studien går i årskurs tre och årskurs fyra. Alla de intervjuade eleverna uppvisar läs- och skrivsvårigheter alternativt dyslexi. Data har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är de tre specialpedagogiska perspektiven: det kompensatoriska, det kritiska och dilemmaperspektivet. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån de specialpedagogiska perspektiven genom att försöka hitta ett mönster och tema i de intervjuade elevernas svar. I resultatet framkommer det att stödinsatserna som utformats för eleverna mestadels utgår ifrån det kompensatoriska perspektivet. Det framkommer även att elevernas uppfattningar av stöd i skolan ser olika ut. En gemensam uppfattning som de intervjuade eleverna har är att de får stöd både enskilt och i klass med anledning av deras läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Det visar sig dock i resultatet att det stöd som eleverna får inte alltid är välplanerat mellan specialläraren och läraren. Något som kommer fram i resultatet är att eleverna vill vara delaktiga i hur stödet ska se ut och var de ska få stödet. Det visar sig också i studien att stödet som ges till eleverna måste utgå ifrån varje enskild individ för att stödet ska gynna elevernas kunskapsutveckling. / The aim of this study is to examine how pupils in grades three and four perceive the support they receive with regards to their reading and writing difficulties. The theoretical framework for this study is based on the three perspectives connected to special education, namely the compensatory perspective, the critical perspective and the dilemma perspective. In order to collect data, interviews are used and the results are then categorized and analyzed by using the three perspectives connected to special education, as mentioned above. To begin with, the results indicate that the compensatory perspective was the predominant measure used when supporting pupils but it also becomes clear that pupils perceive the support they get in different ways. Moreover, all of the pupils state that they receive help connected to their reading and writing difficulties, both individually and in class. At the same time, though, it becomes clear that the collaboration between the special education teacher and the class teacher is sometimes lacking. Finally, this study shows that pupils wish to be more involved in the process of deciding the frames for the support they need. Another conclusion is that the support given has to focus on the demands and needs of each individual in order for the support to be beneficial to each pupil’s learning process.

Real konstruktivism : Ett försök till syntes av två dominerande perspektiv på undervisning och lärande

Sellbjer, Stefan January 2002 (has links)
The starting-point of the thesis was that teachers to a large extent teach on the basis of intuitive theories. This creates a tendency that a number of frequent conceptions, pedagogical and didactic theories, experiences of one's own school days etc. become parts of a more fragmentary structure of ideas, rather than a coherent theory of teaching. With the aim of creating a deeper understanding of questions related to teaching and learning, two dominating perspectives were described initial. By putting the intuitive ideas in relation to basic paradigmatic assumptions a picture was given of what the teacher has to know in order to thoroughly understand a certain perspective. In addition, examples of pedagogical theories were presented that can be referred to the perspective in question, which teachers can adopt to qualify their understanding. A critical discussion of the paradigmatic assumptions paved the way for a third perspective, where thoughts occurring in the other two were partly combined. Here a theoretical basis was also presented to explain why the use of mental tools of thinking, especially such that are linked to knowledge theory may lead the teacher to a more reflective way of dealing with questions of teaching and learning. The third perspective was illustrated, first with four examples of how teaching can be performed, and then also in the form of in-service training for teachers. In the empirical section and in the final conclusion the perspectives were illustrated, discussed and examined critically. On the basis of questionnaires answered by upper secondary school teachers, interviews and observations, assumed examples of intuitive theories were presented. The empirical material was also analysed from the same starting-points as the formulation of the perspectives. Ten teachers' systems of intuitive theories about teaching and learning could thus be constructed. Five of these were presented and a comparison with the perspectives was made. Some analyses, however, turned out to agree best with a further perspective, which had not been focused on in the thesis. It was also found that teachers' practice can be enriched by being confronted with scientific knowledge. The value of such knowledge was illustrated through the evaluation of an inservice programme for teachers.

Intensiv Familjeterapi : En journalstudie

Mellström, Carina, Winkler, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>”Intensive family therapy”</p><p>Journal study</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The Family board in Falun gives since a couple of years priority to intense familytheraphy work with families in need of help/support. Intensive family therapy (IFT) was developed during the 1970s with the purpose of helping families. The theoretical mainlines upon which the IFT – model is based is the, structural-, strategic- and systemic perspective. The purpose with this study is to examine if the IFT – models theoretical starting points are being used in the practical work with the families, in the chosen activity, and the result of the treatment. 14 interactive journals from families, which have finished their treatment, were analysed in our study.</p><p>From the journals of the family board, the summary made by the family therapist, literature, and scientific articles about family therapy we made a number of hypotheses, to which we with help from our line of questions elected the answers. We have analysed the results from mainly a qualitative approach, but we have also used a quantitative approach depending at the fact that we want to examine if the family board uses the IFT – model. How the families themselves consider how they have been helped and the unanimity considering the outcome of the results, was analysed out of this approach. In our point of view the quantitative part becomes a complement to the qualitative results. Our conclusions of the results compared to the purpose of the study reveals that the family board works according to some of the criterias of the “IFT” model, which is shown in the journals and clearly marked, and unanimity exists according to the view of a positive outcome between the families and the therapists.</p><p>Finally we would like to request further research and investigation within this subject, and hope that this study has awakened some interest for the model.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Familjeenheten i Falun bedriver en verksamhet med inriktning mot ett intensivt familjeterapeutiskt arbete med familjer som är i behov av stöd/hjälpinsatser. "Intensiv Familjeterapi" (IFT) utvecklades som behandlingsmodell under 1970- talet med syfte att hjälpa familjer. De teoretiska huvudinriktningar som "IFT" - modellen bygger på är: den strukturella, den strategiska och den systemiska riktningen. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om "IFT" modellens teoretiska utgångspunkter används i det praktiska arbetet med familjer, samt hur utfallet av behandlingen upplevs av inblandade aktörer. I studien har vi analyserat 14 stycken journaler från familjer som avslutat ett intensivt familjeterapeutiskt arbete. Utifrån familjeenhetens journaler, familjeterapeutens terapisammanfattning samt litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar om familjeterapi skapades ett antal antaganden, som vi med hjälp av uppställd frågeställning valde att söka svar på. Resultatet har analyserats främst utifrån en kvalitativ, men även kvantitativ ansats då vi dels ville undersöka om akut- och familjeenheten använt "IFT", men även undersöka om familjer anser sig fått hjälp och hur samstämmighet kring utfallet i så fall såg ut. Vi menar att den kvantitativa delen blev ett komplement till det kvalitativa resultatet. Vår bedömning utifrån studiens syfte är att familjeenheten arbetar utifrån "IFT" modellens intentioner. I journalerna synliggörs dels vissa kriterier som; problembeskrivning, hierarkisk organisation, praktiska arbetsverktyg och samtal, hur man arbetar utifrån "IFT" modellen och att det råder samstämmighet, mellan familjen och familjebehandlaren, kring ett positivt utfall. Kriteriet reflekterande processer återfanns inte i journalerna. Vår förhoppning är att studien kan komma att ligga som grund för fortsätta utvärderingar eller nya undersökningar.</p>

Intensiv Familjeterapi : En journalstudie

Mellström, Carina, Winkler, Maria January 2006 (has links)
”Intensive family therapy” Journal study Abstract The Family board in Falun gives since a couple of years priority to intense familytheraphy work with families in need of help/support. Intensive family therapy (IFT) was developed during the 1970s with the purpose of helping families. The theoretical mainlines upon which the IFT – model is based is the, structural-, strategic- and systemic perspective. The purpose with this study is to examine if the IFT – models theoretical starting points are being used in the practical work with the families, in the chosen activity, and the result of the treatment. 14 interactive journals from families, which have finished their treatment, were analysed in our study. From the journals of the family board, the summary made by the family therapist, literature, and scientific articles about family therapy we made a number of hypotheses, to which we with help from our line of questions elected the answers. We have analysed the results from mainly a qualitative approach, but we have also used a quantitative approach depending at the fact that we want to examine if the family board uses the IFT – model. How the families themselves consider how they have been helped and the unanimity considering the outcome of the results, was analysed out of this approach. In our point of view the quantitative part becomes a complement to the qualitative results. Our conclusions of the results compared to the purpose of the study reveals that the family board works according to some of the criterias of the “IFT” model, which is shown in the journals and clearly marked, and unanimity exists according to the view of a positive outcome between the families and the therapists. Finally we would like to request further research and investigation within this subject, and hope that this study has awakened some interest for the model. / Sammanfattning Familjeenheten i Falun bedriver en verksamhet med inriktning mot ett intensivt familjeterapeutiskt arbete med familjer som är i behov av stöd/hjälpinsatser. "Intensiv Familjeterapi" (IFT) utvecklades som behandlingsmodell under 1970- talet med syfte att hjälpa familjer. De teoretiska huvudinriktningar som "IFT" - modellen bygger på är: den strukturella, den strategiska och den systemiska riktningen. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om "IFT" modellens teoretiska utgångspunkter används i det praktiska arbetet med familjer, samt hur utfallet av behandlingen upplevs av inblandade aktörer. I studien har vi analyserat 14 stycken journaler från familjer som avslutat ett intensivt familjeterapeutiskt arbete. Utifrån familjeenhetens journaler, familjeterapeutens terapisammanfattning samt litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar om familjeterapi skapades ett antal antaganden, som vi med hjälp av uppställd frågeställning valde att söka svar på. Resultatet har analyserats främst utifrån en kvalitativ, men även kvantitativ ansats då vi dels ville undersöka om akut- och familjeenheten använt "IFT", men även undersöka om familjer anser sig fått hjälp och hur samstämmighet kring utfallet i så fall såg ut. Vi menar att den kvantitativa delen blev ett komplement till det kvalitativa resultatet. Vår bedömning utifrån studiens syfte är att familjeenheten arbetar utifrån "IFT" modellens intentioner. I journalerna synliggörs dels vissa kriterier som; problembeskrivning, hierarkisk organisation, praktiska arbetsverktyg och samtal, hur man arbetar utifrån "IFT" modellen och att det råder samstämmighet, mellan familjen och familjebehandlaren, kring ett positivt utfall. Kriteriet reflekterande processer återfanns inte i journalerna. Vår förhoppning är att studien kan komma att ligga som grund för fortsätta utvärderingar eller nya undersökningar.

Právní, daňový a účetní pohled na družstva / Legal, tax and accounting perspective on co-operatives

Šůmová, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with co-operatives, especially with housing co-operatives. The aim of the thesis is to show legal, tax and accounting regulation of the co-operatives. Thesis at first shows short history of the co-operative system, next it holds forth on contemporary legal and tax regulation and the last part pays attention to accounting of the co-operatives, especially to accounting of the housing co-operatives.

A study of how a sangoma makes sense of her ‘sangomahood’ through narrative

Jonker, Ingrid 21 July 2008 (has links)
This study can be described as a journey into the discourse of ‘sangomahood’. It focuses on the narrative of a female sangoma in South Africa and how she experiences her ‘sangomahood’ and gives meaning to it in her specific cultural context. By qualitatively exploring her narrative an attempt was made to understand and illuminate the experiences informing her ‘sangomahood’. This journey starts with an introduction to the two discourses of health namely the dominant, scientific discourse of Western medicine and the alternative discourse of traditional healing. In this part of the journey the historical, anthropological and sociological perspectives on medicine are discussed, as well as the different views of Western medicine and traditional healing pertaining to healers, practices, illness and patients. The methodology and context of the research are then explained. Narrative analysis is used to explore the themes in the sangoma’s narration. The sangoma’s narrative is then introduced by means of five letters that I, as the researcher, write to her. In these letters I also reflect on the difference between her experience and mine, as well as the impact of her narrative on me as a psychologist trained in the Western perspective. This journey was undertaken to create a greater understanding of the culture and experience of ‘sangomahood’. This research also intends to make psychologists aware that the telling of a narrative is never a neutral process and that their clients’ stories always have a certain impact on them, as listeners. Each individual experience is shaped through time, by a specific cultural context which becomes the lens through which people experience and shape the world. / Dissertation (MA (Counselling Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / unrestricted

Barnets rättigheter i Svenska kyrkan : Hur införandet av barnkonsekvensanalyser har implementerats i församlingsinstruktioner

Tängmark, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
This thesis has studied how the decision of the Church of Sweden to introduce Child Impact Assessments has changed the way children and adolescents are mentioned in Pastoral instructions. Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis and the theory of implementation, it has studied how often children and adolescents are mentioned and how the rights of the child are concretized in the latest versions of the Pastoral instructions in the 13 Cathedral Parishes. Central to this study are the three foundational perspectives on the rights of the child: a Child’s-rights perspective, a Children’s perspective, and A Child’s perspective.   The thesis concludes that while the overall frequency of references to children and adolescents in the Pastoral instructions has doubled since the introduction of Child Impact Assessments, the parishes have not satisfactorily considered the rights of the child, since only a few instructions have made use of the three perspectives. The thesis argues that, in order for the parishes to fully implement the Church’s decision, and to better consider the rights of the child in their future work, there is a need for educative efforts towards staff in the parishes.

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