Spelling suggestions: "subject:" pervasive"" "subject:" pervasives""
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The use of context in pragmatic language comprehension in normally developing children and children with Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism:an application of relevance theoryLoukusa, S. (Soile) 10 October 2007 (has links)
This research explored, within the framework of relevance theory, how normally developing 3- to 9-year-old children and two age groups (age 7–9 and age 10–12) of children with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism (AS/HFA) and their 7- to 9-year-old control group used context when answering questions and giving explanations for their correct answers. The children were asked questions targeting the pragmatic processes of reference assignments, enrichments, routines, implicatures and feelings. They were also asked to explain their correct answers to routine, implicature and feeling questions to elicit understanding about their awareness of how they had derived the answers from the context.
In normally developing children the largest increase in correct answers occurred between the ages of 3 and 4 in all question types except feeling questions, where rapid development continued until age 5. After that development progressed more gradually until the age of 8 when the children performed near the ceiling level in all of these question types. Giving explanations for correct answers developed gradually between the ages of 3 and 9, indicating that becoming aware of the information used in inferencing has a longer developmental timeframe. Children's incorrect answers and explanations showed that, as children develop, their answering strategies become more sophisticated as they increasingly utilise context in different ways.
Children with AS/HFA were able to answer all the question types. However, compared to the control group, the younger AS/HFA group did less well when answering contextually demanding questions, and the performance of the older AS/HFA group fell in between the younger AS/HFA group and the control group. Both AS/HFA groups had difficulties when giving explanations for their correct answers, showing difficulty in articulating explicitly how they had used context in arriving at the correct answer. Incorrect answers and explanations indicated that, usually, all the children tried to utilise contextual information, although the attempt failed somehow. For children with AS/HFA it was more typical to continue with their answer after first giving a correct answer or explanation, which then led to an irrelevant answer, suggesting that these children had difficulties with stopping processing at the relevant point. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, kuinka normaalisti kehittyneet 3–9-vuotiaat lapset ja kaksi ikäryhmää lapsia (7–9-vuotiaat ja 10–12-vuotiaat), joilla on Aspergerin oireyhtymä tai hyvätasoinen autismi (AS/HFA) ja heidän 7–9-vuotiaista koostuva kontrolliryhmänsä, käyttivät kontekstia vastatessaan kysymyksiin ja perustellessaan oikeita vastauksiaan. Tutkimus tehtiin relevanssiteorian viitekehyksessä. Lapsilta kysyttiin pragmaattista prosessointia vaativia kysymyksiä, jotka arvioivat viittausten, epätäydellisten lauseiden, rutiinien, implikatuurien ja tunnetilojen ymmärtämistä. Lisäksi heidän tuli perustella oikeat vastaukset rutiini-, implikatuuri- ja tunnekysymyksiin, jotta nähtiin, olivatko lapset tietoisia, kuinka he olivat johtaneet vastauksensa kontekstista.
Normaalisti kehittyneillä lapsilla oikeiden vastausten määrä lisääntyi nopeasti 3. ja 4. ikävuoden välillä kaikissa kysymystyypeissä. Tunnekysymyksiin vastaamisessa tämä nopean kehityksen kausi jatkui 5. ikävuoteen saakka. Tämän jälkeen kehitys jatkui hitaampana 8 vuoden ikään saakka, jolloin lapset suoriutuivat lähes kaikista kysymyksistä kaikissa eri kysymystyypeissä. Perustelujen antaminen oikeisiin vastauksiin kehittyi asteittain 3. ja 9. ikävuoden välillä, mikä kertoi, että vastauksessa käytetyn informaation tiedostamisen kehittyminen tapahtui pitemmällä aikavälillä. Lasten virheelliset vastaukset ja perustelut osoittivat, että iän lisääntyessä lasten vastausstrategiat muuttuivat kehittyneemmiksi ja he hyödynsivät kontekstia monin eri tavoin.
Lapset, joilla oli AS/HFA, osasivat vastata kaikkiin esitettyihin kysymystyyppeihin. Kuitenkin nuorempi AS/HFA-ryhmä suoriutui kontrolliryhmää heikommin ja vanhemman AS/HFA-ryhmän suoriutuminen sijoittui nuoremman ikäryhmän ja kontrolliryhmän suoriutumisen puoliväliin. Molemmilla AS/HFA-ryhmillä esiintyi vaikeuksia oikeiden vastausten perustelussa, mikä kertoi vaikeudesta ilmaista, kuinka he olivat käyttäneet kontekstia oikeaan vastaukseen pääsemiseksi. Virheelliset vastaukset ja perustelut osoittivat, että yleensä kaikki lapset pyrkivät kontekstin hyödyntämiseen vaikka epäonnistuivatkin siinä. Lapsille, joilla oli AS/HFA, oli tyypillisempää jatkaa vastaamista vielä oikean vastauksen tai perustelun antamisen jälkeen, mikä lopulta johti aiheesta syrjähtämiseen. Tämä kertoi vaikeudesta lopettaa prosessointi relevantissa kohdassa.
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Considering that irrigation occupies the major percentage of consumed water in agriculture
and that Brazil intends to expand considerably its irrigated area in the coming decades, there
is a growing need in improving the irrigation water management, mostly in regions with limited
availability of water or occurrences of hydric deficiency periods. Therefore, the increase of
technologies for performing irrigation using environmental information is becoming important
because they enable the maximization of water and energy consumption, maintaining or even
improving the yield and quality of agricultural production. This work proposes a context-aware
remote sensing architecture for irrigation and its contributions are: (a) the development of two
prototypes of a moisture and precipitation meter based on the proposed architecture using open
hardware technologies; (b) the development of a context taxonomy that defines the types of
information that can be used in the prototype s architecture; and (c) a comparison between two
different types of soil moisture sensors. For the validation of the architecture, two case studies
were realized to verify the correct functioning of the architecture components, as well as a data
collection was performed to make the comparison between a resistive low-cost sensor produced
at the Federal University of Santa Maria, and a high-accuracy and high-cost frequency domain
reflectometry (FDR) sensor (CS616 - Campbell Scientific, United States). The results obtained
from the analyzed data were satisfactory, where it was verified that the architecture is viable,
meeting the requirements to which it has proposed. In addition, the comparison performed
showed a determination coefficient of up to 95 % between the low-cost resistive soil moisture
sensors and the soil moisture sensors CS616 of Campbell
R . / Considerando que a irrigação ocupa a maior porcentagem da água consumida na agricultura,
e que o Brasil pretende expandir consideravelmente a sua área irrigada nas próximas
décadas, há uma crescente necessidade de melhorar o manejo da água de irrigação, principalmente
em regiões com reduzida disponibilidade de água ou ocorrência de períodos de deficiência
hídrica. Por isso, o incremento de tecnologias na realização da irrigação utilizando-se de
informações referentes ao ambiente, estão tornando-se importantes por permitirem a maximização
do uso da água e energia, mantendo, ou mesmo melhorando, o rendimento e a qualidade
da produção agrícola. Este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura de sensoriamento remoto sensível
ao contexto para irrigação, e suas contribuições são: (a) o desenvolvimento de dois protótipos
de um medidor de umidade e pluviometria baseados na arquitetura proposta utilizando tecnologias
open hardware; (b) o desenvolvimento de uma taxonomia de contextos que define os tipos
de informações que podem ser utilizadas na arquitetura dos protótipos; e (c) uma comparação
entre dois tipos distintos de sensores de umidade do solo. Para a validação da arquitetura, foram
realizados dois estudos de caso para verificar o correto funcionamento dos componentes da
arquitetura, bem como a coleta de dados para efetuar a comparação entre um sensor resistivo
de baixo custo produzido na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, e um sensor de alta precisão
e custo que utiliza a técnica de reflectometria no domínio da frequência (FDR) (CS616 -
Campbell Scientific, Estados Unidos). Os resultados obtidos com os dados analisados foram satisfatórios,
onde verificou-se que a arquitetura atende aos requisitos aos quais se propôs. Além
disso, a comparação realizada apresentou coeficientes de determinação de até 95% entre os sensores
resistivos de umidade do solo de baixo custo e os sensores de umidade do solo CS616 da
R .
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Playing and Learning Across Locations: : Indentifying Factors for the Design of Collaborative Mobile LearningSpikol, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
The research presented in this thesis investigates the design challenges associated with the development and use of mobile applications and tools for supporting collaboration in educational activities. These technologies provide new opportunities to promote and enhance collaboration by engaging learners in a variety of activities across different places and contexts. A basic challenge is to identify how to design and deploy mobile tools and services that could be used to support collaboration in different kinds of settings. There is a need to investigate how to design collaborative learning processes and to support flexible educational activities that take advantage of mobility. The main research question that I focus on is the identification of factors that influence the design of mobile collaborative learning. The theoretical foundations that guide my work rely on the concepts behind computer supported collaborative learning and design-based research. These ideas are presented at the beginning of this thesis and provide the basis for developing an initial framework for understanding mobile collaboration. The empirical results from three different projects conducted as part of my efforts at the Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies at Växjö University are presented and analyzed. These results are based on a collection of papers that have been published in two refereed international conference proceedings, a journal paper, and a book chapter. The educational activities and technological support have been developed in accordance with a grounded theoretical framework. The thesis ends by discussing those factors, which have been identified as having a significant influence when it comes to the design and support of mobile collaborative learning. The findings presented in this thesis indicate that mobility changes the contexts of learning and modes of collaboration, requiring different design approaches than those used in traditional system development to support teaching and learning. The major conclusion of these efforts is that the learners’ creations, actions, sharing of experiences and reflections are key factors to consider when designing mobile collaborative activities in learning. The results additionally point to the benefit of directly involving the learners in the design process by connecting them to the iterative cycles of interaction design and research.
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Adaptation dynamique des jeux de visite pour les musées : contribution à l'équilibrage de l'expérience du visiteur joueur / Dynamic adaptation of games to visit museums : a contribution to balancing playing visitor's experienceAstic, Isabelle 10 December 2018 (has links)
Le jeu sérieux semble une piste pertinente pour ouvrir le musée à un jeune public et fournir une présentation originale des œuvres, tirant partie des possibilités des outils numériques. Des propositions existent déjà mais, à ma connaissance, sans réflexion globale sur la nature et les objectifs de ces jeux : quel type de jeu construire pour les musées ? Quelles expériences sont recherchées par les visiteurs joueurs ? Comment leur procurer à la fois une expérience satisfaisante de jeu et de visite ?L'étude que j'ai menée ici, à partir de l'analyse de travaux des projets de médiation numérique auxquels j'ai participé, d'études académiques sur les jeux sérieux et l'expérience des visiteurs et des joueurs et de mon expérience professionnelle dans le domaine de la médiation et du développement informatique, apporte des réponses à ces différentes questions. Elle propose la notion de "jeu de visite", adapté à un public plus différencié et en conçoit une modélisation autour de la notion de "mission adaptable". Elle permet une modification dynamique des constituants du jeu et de son contexte d'exécution, en fonction de l'expérience recherchée par et pour le visiteur joueur. / Serious games seem a relevant proposition for a more open offer for young audience and a more creative works' presentations taking advantages of the opportunities of digital technologies. Such proposition already exist but, as far as I know, what they should be exactly has never been studied. What kind of games are the more appropriate for museums ? Which experiences do gaming visitors expect ? How to manage their satisfaction about their visit and about playing a real game ? These are the questions this PhD thesis contribute to answer.I based my reflection and my proposals on the analyse of projects devoted to cultural mediation in which I participated, on the research studies about serious games, visitors and gamers experience and on my professional background in cultural mediation and software engineering. I propose the notion of "visit game", appropriate for a more differentiated public, and build a model of this type of game around the concept of "adaptable mission". It allows to dynamically modify its components and its context of execution, depending on the experience expected by and for the gaming visitor.
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Lightweight serverless protocols for the internet of things / Les protocoles de sécurité serverless légers pour l’internet des objetsMtita, Collins 13 June 2016 (has links)
Les avancées technologiques permettent d'intégrer des capteurs et des modules de communication dans les objets du quotidien pour les rendre intelligents et faciliter leur intégration sur l'Internet. L'Internet du futur sera sans nul doute celui des objets connectés. Les objets connectés génèrent, collectent, stockent et partagent des informations entre eux et aussi avec les serveurs d'authentification centralisés. La plupart des informations collectées doivent être protégées pendant le stockage et le transfert. Par le passé, divers protocoles assurant une sécurité robuste basés sur la cryptographie asymétrique et d’autres sur la cryptographie symétrique ont été proposés dans la littérature. Du fait que les objets connectés possèdent de faibles capacités de calcul, de mémoire et d'énergie, et que l'accès au medium radio est très consommateur en ressources, les protocoles cryptographiques traditionnels ne sont pas adaptés aux objets connectés. Il y a lieu donc d'adapter ou de concevoir des protocoles propres et conformes à leurs exigences. Dans cette thèse, nous abordons les défis de sécurité et de vie privée pertinents aux systèmes pervasifs avec des contraintes de ressources strictes. Nous regardons les protocoles d'authentification serverless, qui sont des mécanismes d'authentification qui ne nécessitent pas la présence du serveur central au cours de la phase d'authentification entre deux objets connectés. Tout d'abord, nous fournissons les caractéristiques et les besoins pour les protocoles serverless. Grâce à ces besoins et caractéristiques, nous avons fait des recherches, des analyses complètes et des comparaisons des protocoles serverless existants en termes de sécurité, de vie privée et de performances. Nous examinons leurs capacités à résister à diverses attaques et leurs aptitudes à minimiser l’usage des ressources. Après quoi, notre objectif est de proposer des protocoles de sécurité serverless permettant aux objets de s’authentifier tout en garantissant efficacité, passage à l’échelle et efficacité énergétique, l'énergie étant une ressource très critique qui a une influence directe sur la durée de vie d’un objet connecté. Trois nouvelles contributions sont proposées dans cette thèse. Notre première contribution est un protocole léger serverless d'authentification mutuelle pour les objets connectés hétérogènes. La première contribution fournit trois avantages par rapport aux protocoles existants. Cette contribution répond aux exigences des systèmes pervasifs. La validation de notre proposition a été faite en utilisant l'outil AVISPA et la validation informelle en utilisant sécurité et de vie privée des jeux. Notre deuxième contribution comprend deux protocoles complémentaires dans le domaine des technologies RFID. Le premier protocole vise à l'authentification de masse entre un lecteur RFID et un groupe d'étiquettes tandis que le deuxième protocole effectue une recherche sécurisée pour une étiquette cible parmi un groupe d'étiquettes dans le voisinage du lecteur. Les deux protocoles proposés tiennent compte des contraintes de ressources des étiquettes RFID. Après une étude approfondie des protocoles serverless, nous avons proposé une troisième contribution, un guide pour la conception des protocoles serverless sécurisé et efficaces pour les systèmes pervasifs. Le guide contient six principes et six meilleures pratiques en vue d'élaborer des protocoles serverless. Le guide est destiné à aider à la conception de protocoles serverless efficaces, sécurisés et simples en évitant des erreurs couramment faites dans les protocoles existants / This thesis addresses the security and privacy challenges relevant to the resource constrained devices in the era of pervasive computing. Pervasive computing, a term coined by Schechter to describe the idea of computing services available anytime, anywhere and on demand, is characterized by seamless interactions between heterogeneous players in the Internet. This phenomenon allows intelligent chips, sensors or microcontrollers to be embedded into everyday objects to enable them generate, communicate and share information. Pervasive computing accelerates technological evolution by integrating small and resource constrained devices to the Internet arena, eventually opening doors to new services requiring seamless interactions and integrations with the existing technologies, infrastructures and services. The nature of the information generated, stored and shared by resource constrained devices may require proper security and privacy guarantees. Towards that end, the classical security solutions are not ideal candidates to solve the security and privacy challenges in pervasive systems for two reasons. First, classical security protocols require a lot of resources from the host devices while most of the pervasive devices have very strict resource constraints. Second, most classical security solutions work in a connected mode, which requires constant communication between devices and centralized servers for authentication and authorization purposes. However, pervasive devices may be working in isolated areas with intermittent network coverage and connectivity. Thus, it is ideal to come up with alternative solutions suitable for heterogeneous pervasive devices to smoothly interact, authenticate and securely share information. One of the suitable alternative solutions is the serverless protocols. The term “serverless protocol” refers to the mechanism of enabling centrally controlled devices to autonomously authenticate one another, or other heterogeneous devices, without an active participation of the centralized authentication or authorization servers. Serverless protocols prioritize on securing proximity communication between heterogeneous devices while optimizing on the little resources available. In this thesis, we tackle the challenges of pervasive systems by proposing lightweight and efficient serverless protocols for authenticating heterogeneous pervasive devices during proximity communication. Our proposed protocols derive their originality from the fact that they do not require the communicating parties to have prior relationships with each other, nor to have any previously shared authentication information with each other. Moreover, our proposed solutions incorporate context information to enforce automatic parameter expiry. This property is not supported by most of the earlier versions of the serverless protocol schemes, hence making them vulnerable to different attacks. Three novel contributions are proposed in this thesis. First, we propose a serverless lightweight mutual authentication protocol for heterogeneous devices. The first contribution includes a formal validation using the AVISPA tool. Second, we propose two complementing protocols using RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) as a core technology. The first protocol performs mass authentication between an RFID reader and a group of tags and the second protocol performs a secure search for a target tag among a group of tags. The second contribution includes two formal validations; one is done using the AVISPA tool and the other is done using the CryptoVerif tool. After a thorough study of serverless protocols, we propose our third contribution, a concise guide on how to develop secure and efficient serverless protocols relevant to the pervasive systems
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Péče o dívku s Rettovým syndromem v rodině / Caring for a Girl with Rett Syndrome in the FamilyPěnková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the care of a girl with Rett syndrome (RTT) in the family. The six main chapters and individual subchapters present the issues of Rett syndrome, the family of a girl with RTT and area of care for a girl with RTT. The first chapter of the diploma thesis presents the fundamental issues related to Rett syndrome with an outline of the history, definition, causes and manifestations. The prevalence and incidence, diagnosis and manifestations of RTT are presented. The following subchapters are devoted to the individual stages of Rett syndrome, their course and the issue of RTT in boys. The second chapter focuses on the issue of the family caring for a child with a disability, presents a definition of the family and the stages of acceptance of a child with a disability. The following subchapters present the complex care for a child with a disability and present an overview of possible forms of support for families of children with disabilities. The third chapter deals with selected areas of care that parents of girls with RTT often have to provide. The individual subchapters include the following areas such as hygiene, sleep, diet, mobility, communication and health care. The fourth chapter is the research survey itself, conducted qualitatively. The research aimed to find out...
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[pt] Jogos pervasivos móveis são jogos que combinam os mundos real e virtual em um espaço híbrido, permitindo interações não apenas com o mundo do jogo virtualmente criado, mas também com o ambiente físico que envolve os jogadores. A Internet de Coisas Móveis (IoMT) especifica situações em que os dispositivos na Internet das Coisas (IoT) podem ser movidos ou se moverem de forma autônoma, mantendo conectividade remota e acessibilidade de qualquer lugar na Internet. Seguindo o enorme sucesso dos recentes jogos pervasivos móveis e a iminente expansão de IoT, nós fornecemos uma integração para toda a tecnologia envolvida no desenvolvimento de um jogo pervasivo móvel que incorpora dispositivos IoT. Também propomos um jogo móvel pervasivo que avalia os benefícios da união de ambos os campos. Este protótipo de jogo explora maneiras de aumentar a experiência dos jogadores através de mecânicas pervasivas, aproveitando a motivação dos jogadores para realizar tarefas de sensoriamento. O jogo também incorpora aplicações sérias na jogabilidade, tais como a localização de instalações e serviços. / [en] Mobile pervasive games are a game genre that combines the real and virtual worlds in a hybrid space, allowing interactions with not only the virtually created game world, but also with the physical environment that surrounds the players. The Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT) specifies
situations in which devices on the Internet of Things (IoT) can be moved or move autonomously, while maintaining remote connectivity and accessibility from anywhere on the internet. Following the huge success of recent mobile pervasive games and the coming IoT boom, we provide an integration for all the technology involved in the development of a mobile pervasive game that incorporates IoT devices. We also propose a mobile pervasive game that evaluates the benefits of the union of both fields. This game prototype explores ways of increasing the experience of players through pervasive mechanics while taking advantage of the player s motivation to perform sensing tasks. It also incorporates serious applications into the gameplay,
such as the localization of facilities and services.
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Dark patterns - obemärkta hot mot dataskyddet? : En undersökning av övertalande design som avser att samla personuppgifter / Dark patterns - unnoticed threats to data protection : An analysis of pervasive design intended to collect personal dataWillamo, Kristin January 2022 (has links)
I uppsatsen beskrivs vad dark patterns är och hur de påverkar enskildas dataskydd. Det konstateras att metoderna faktiskt är ett gammalt fenomen som nu även förekommer inom den relativt nya datadrivna marknaden i den digitala världen. Det finns flera olika varianter av dark patterns och de kan förefalla överlappa varandra. Gemensamt är att dark patterns inom data-skydd påverkar enskildas integritetsval genom att nudgea enskilda till att dela personuppgifter. Metoderna inverkar på enskildas rätt till kontroll över sina personuppgifter och därmed borde dark patterns i de flesta fall utgöra överträdelser av dataskyddet i EU. Ingen lagstiftning omfattar dark patterns uttryckligen men i uppsatsen visas på att det torde vara få dark patterns som inte träffas av gällande dataskyddsregler. Det är inte svagheter i gällande dataskyddsreglering som uppmärksammas i uppsatsen utan snarare svagheter i efterlevnad och tillsyn av vederbörande regler. Bristerna i tillsyn påverkar inte endast förekomsten av dark patterns utan det gäller för samtliga dataskyddsöverträdelser. I uppsatsen föreslås behov av ytterligare riktlinjer och klargöranden från EDPB för att effektivisera efterlevnad och tillsyn av gällande regler. Därutöver förespråkas ytterligare finansiering till dataskyddsmyndigheter samt utbildning av enskilda tillika konsumenter om vad dark patterns är. I uppsatsen analyseras även konsumentområdets koppling till dataskydd samt eventuella tillsynsansvar av dark patterns för att sedermera diskuteras som ett ytterligare alternativ till att motverka dark patterns. Uttryckliga förbud i EU-lagstiftningsakter anses också vara önskvärd för att öka efterlevnad. En utblick över framtida regleringar görs, dels i USA där reglering som uttryckligen omfattar dark patterns införs år 2023, dels i EU där ett uttryckligt förbud mot dark patterns är under förhandling till att införas i DSA. Samtidigt kan kakväggar, vilket är en typ av dark pattern, komma att bli delvis tillåtna i och med ePrivacy-förordningen
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Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Pilot of a Training Resource for Teachers Educating Autistic Inclusion Students in a General Education SettingDetzer, Ariel Danlys January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Collaborative Storytelling in The Parable Task: The Dramaturg as Game Designer in Pervasive PerformanceHornak, Percival 14 November 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Proceeding from a framing of theater as collaborative storytelling, I argue for defining role-playing games as a kind of performance and for their value in structuring experiential and participatory theater. Building on the impulse at the heart of experiential and immersive theater to place the audience within the world of the performance and center their experience, I explore what it means for theater artists to cede control over how audiences make meaning of their work in favor of letting narrative emerge from the participation of the audience during the performance event. I propose a framework called pervasive performance that merges theatrical frames and methods with pervasive gaming, which expands the magic circle of play and blurs the distinction between the game and everyday life. This union of ideas puts audience members in contact with one another and allows them to be playful and co-author the overall performance experience. Further, the blurring of the performance and everyday life transforms audience members’ relationship to the real world and gives them space to imagine and experiment with other worlds and ways of being in them. I devised an alternate reality game (ARG) at UMass Amherst in May 2023, and in my thesis I analyze this project and the process of creating it as a case study in pervasive performance.
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