Spelling suggestions: "subject:" aprofessional"" "subject:" bprofessional""
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Ressignificação do ato de ensinar : saberes Docentes na Formação Profissional de Pessoas com DeficiênciaLisbôa, Vívian Boldt Guazelli January 2016 (has links)
A qualificação profissional de pessoas com deficiência é um tema que vem recebendo maior atenção na pesquisa acadêmica, graças ao surgimento de programas educacionais dedicados à formação profissional destes sujeitos. A formação docente para a área é um fator que merece atenção por apresentar fragilidades que se percebe diante das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos docentes na área no cotidiano escolar. Desta forma, instigou-nos investigar como se constituem os saberes docentes na qualificação profissional de pessoas com deficiência. A origem da proposta situou-se na atuação da pesquisadora como docente em um curso de formação continuada sobre tecnologia assistiva para professores da educação profissional atuantes com alunos com deficiência. Para atender aos objetivos primeiramente foi realizado um estudo teórico organizado da seguinte forma: o capítulo inicial aborda a questão da deficiência e do estigma social, buscando meios para superação desta situação discriminatória; em seguida, o segundo, referiu à qualificação profissional no Brasil, contextualizando historicamente a legislação sobre o tema, buscando informações sobre iniciativas de formação profissional e a contratação de pessoas com deficiência; por fim, o terceiro capítulo constituiu um estado da arte sobre os saberes docentes na educação profissional, através de um levantamento das obras publicadas nos últimos anos. Conceitos como aprendizagem mediada, tecnologia assistiva, compensação social e conhecimento-na-ação foram importantes para a análise dos fenômenos observados. pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, utilizou a metodologia do estudo de caso para investigar junto aos docentes quais saberes se constituem no exercício da prática profissional junto a alunos com deficiência nos cursos de qualificação profissional. Entrevistas e análise de documentos foram realizadas visando atingir os objetivos propostos. A metodologia de análise utilizada foi a análise textual discursiva. Os resultados mostram a importância da constituição dos saberes experienciais e profissionais para a docência na educação profissional para pessoas com deficiência, e apontam para a existência de uma nova categoria de saberes docentes, que não foi considerada previamente pelos teóricos estudados. / The professional qualification of persons with disabilities is a topic that has been receiving increased attention in academic research, thanks to the emergence of educational programs dedicated to vocational training of these individuals. The education of teachers for this area is a factor that requires attention, since it has fragilities that is perceived on the difficulties faced by teachers in the area in the school routine. Thus, instigates us to investigate how constitutes the teachers knowledge in the professional qualification of persons with disabilities. The origin of the proposal is in the actions of the researcher as a teacher in a continuing education course about assistive technology for teachers of vocational education, actants with students with disabilities. To meet the objectives, it was first performed a theoretical study, organized as follows: the first chapter addresses the disability issue and social stigma, seeking ways to overcome this discriminatory situation; then the second, refers to the professional qualification in Brazil, historically contextualizing the legislation on the subject, searching for information on vocational training initiatives and the hiring of persons with disabilities; finally, the third chapter is a state of the art on the teaching knowledge in vocational education, through an inventory of works published in recent years. Concepts as mediated learning, assistive technology, social compensation, knowledge-in-action were important for the analysis of the observed phenomena. The qualitative study, used the case study methodology to investigate with the teachers knowledges which are constituted in the exercise of professional practice with students with disabilities in vocational training courses. Interviews and document analysis were performed to reach the proposed objectives. The analysis methodology used was the discursive textual analysis. The results show the importance of the constitution of experiential and professional knowledge for teaching in vocational education for people with disabilities, and point to the existence of a new category of teaching knowledge, which was not considered previously studied by theorists.
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Competências gerais na área da saúde: implicações na formação de profissionais de enfermagem de nível médio / General competences in health: implications for the formation of medium level nursing professionals.Maria Estela Freire da Palma Linder 17 November 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo analisou as competências gerais da educação profissional para a área da saúde apontadas na Resolução CEB n° 4/1999, e buscou referências teóricas para a construção de competências específicas na formação de profissionais de enfermagem de nível médio, tomando como eixo de análise as quatro dimensões propostas por Paulo Amarante e o conceito de competência humana de Neise Deluiz, que apontam para o caráter multidimensional do processo do cuidado no campo da saúde. Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, utilizando como recurso metodológico, a análise documental. Na dimensão epistemológica, foi considerado o processo saúde-doença em sua complexidade, como competência profissional, que aponta para o desafio de rupturas com o modelo biológico. A dimensão técnico-assistencial assinala para a busca de competências como produção de atos terapêuticos nos serviços de saúde orientados para o cuidado integral na organização do processo de trabalho, que considere o acolhimento dialogado, o trabalho em equipe, a responsabilidade, autonomia e a ética como formas de transformar espaços de cura, para uma rede de produção de subjetividades e sociabilidade. As dimensões jurídico-política e sociocultural, destacam a importância dos direitos humanos e sociais e a necessidade da mudança cultural como forma de romper com a visão tradicional marcada por preconceitos, pela discriminação, pela não aceitação da diferença. A cidadania, como possibilidade de experiência participativa na comunidade, foi a competência considerada como relevante para que os profissionais de enfermagem possam ser agentes capazes de transformar a realidade na busca da emancipação social. Consideramos no final deste estudo, que a construção de competências específicas para a formação de profissionais de enfermagem de nível médio depende da compreensão de que a educação e a saúde são práticas sociais, cabendo às instituições de ensino profissionalizante estimular a construção de conhecimentos, de comportamentos e atitudes que comprometam professores e alunos na realização de projetos coletivos, que são a concreta possibilidade de mudança e transformação para a busca de uma sociedade mais justa e equânime. / This study analyzed the general competence of professional education for the health areas appointed in the Resolution CEB n°4/1999, and searched theoretical references to build specific competences in the formation of medium level nursing professional. The four dimensions proposed by Paulo Amarante and the concept of human competence from Neise Deluiz, pointing to the multi-dimensional character of the care process in the health field were used as the axle of analysis. A qualitative research was performed using as methodological resource, the documental analysis. The complexity of the health-illness process was considered for the epistemological dimension, as professional competence, pointing to the challenge of rupture with the biological model. The technical-assistance dimension highlights the search for competences like the production of therapeutical acts in the health services aiming the full care in the organization of the work process. This should consider welcoming along dialogue, team work, responsibility, self government and ethics as ways of transforming these healing spaces, for a production net of subjectivities and sociability. The law-politics and socio-cultural dimensions highlight the importance of social and human rights and the need for a cultural change as a mean of breaking up with the traditional view marked by prejudice, discrimination and non acceptance of difference. Citizenship, as a possibility of experiencing social participation in the community, was the competence considered relevant so that nursing professionals can be capable agents to transform the reality in the pursuit of social emancipation. It was considered at the end of this study, that the building of specific competences for the formation of medium level nursing professionals depends on the understanding that education and health are social practices. The professional institutions should be in charge of stimulating the construction of knowledge, behaviors and attitudes which compromises teachers and students to produce collective projects, which are the concrete possibility of change and transformation in pursuit of a more righteous and equal society.
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Retention of employees in a professional services firm through wealth creation initiativesAdewuyi, Adebukola Mutiat 04 September 2012 (has links)
In the professional services industry, it is no secret that people are the greatest assets. The investment in human capital is the core of the business, the dividends of which can never be under-estimated. The continued success of the professional services firm therefore lies in being able to retain that investment within the organisation. The current high rate of turnover within the firm, and in the professional services industry, is indeed a big challenge for management. One that necessitates a review into a variety of ways of keeping the talent within the firm.
This research study was commissioned to look into one of the proposed initiatives for retaining employees; that of wealth creation. The aim was to source the views of employees on wealth creation as a way of increasing the rate of retention or otherwise as well as identify the preferred structure of such a scheme.
The results of the research showed that employees deem financial remuneration to be highly important and would stay with the firm longer if provided with a wealth initiative. There was preference for a short to medium term scheme rather than a long term one, with some particular suggested schemes coming out as preferred favourites than others. Respondents also went further to highlight other factors that were contributing to loss of talent within the firm.
The responses from the survey have been comprehensively analysed and recommendations made on the implementation of the wealth creation scheme. / Graduate School for Business Leadership / (M.B.A.)
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Educação em fisioterapia: análise crítica desde a prática profissional / Education in physiotherapy: a critical analysis from a professional practice perspectiveMolina Achury, Nancy Jeanet 28 September 2015 (has links)
Este estudo trata da Educação em Fisioterapia e busca reconhecer e problematizar os aspectos que estruturam a relação educação - prática profissional, para identificar elementos orientadores para uma educação que promova a construção de consciência crítica. Entende-se que a educação profissional é, em termos gerais, o processo de preparação para a prática profissional, com o qual se configura uma lógica de predomínio da organização dos serviços assistenciais no processo educativo; em consequência, cabe perguntar como tal organização influencia a formulação da Educação em Fisioterapia. Destaca-se o fato de que os processos de formulação curricular e desenho das disciplinas - tanto para a formação em disciplinas da saúde em geral, como na Fisioterapia em particular - não consideram uma aproximação explícita aos sistemas e à organização dos serviços, como aspecto estruturante da própria prática profissional ao tempo que a referência das necessidades em saúde, como orientadora na definição de conteúdos curriculares, é fraca e com frequência desvirtuada, na medida em que ela reflete os próprios limites de compreensão da realidade, que com frequência negam as críticas e inclusive o desenvolvimento de outras formas de interpretação, mantendo os marcos hegemônicos do conhecimento muitas vezes influenciados pelos interesses e lógicas dos serviços que, frequentemente, acabam modelando tais necessidades. Neste sentido, é frequente que a avaliação dos processos de educação seja desenvolvida desde uma lógica autocentrada e instrumental do próprio processo educativo, que não permite a aproximação a marcos analíticos que deem conta da relação prática profissional - educação, na qual a estrutura de organização da primeira tem um papel definitivo sobre a segunda, fazendo com que o impacto da própria educação se dê em campos limitados, no sentido de animar transformações de fundo, tanto no desenvolvimento da disciplina como na prática em si. Metodologicamente, busca-se reconhecer os elementos ordenadores do processo educativo, já não no próprio processo de educação, mas na organização do trabalho assistencial, em termos de suas lógicas, seus relacionamentos e suas contradições, a partir de uma perspectiva histórica que reconheça sua origem e seu movimento. Neste sentido, a aproximação ao processo educativo que coloca como elemento ordenador as práticas profissionais, em uma perspectiva que as reconhece como expressão da estrutura social e historicamente construída, define-se como um exercício de análise crítica da proposta educativa, que para o caso que nos ocupa toma como referencial de análise a proposta do programa de Fisioterapia da Universidade Nacional da Colômbia, uma vez que o mesmo se reconhece como de alta qualidade e legitimidade social no cenário nacional e internacional. A referência central se constrói a partir da análise do exercício profissional e seu impacto no processo de ensino, o que inclui, entre outros aspectos, o currículo, a pedagogia e a didática, em uma lógica que os articula à estrutura de organização do trabalho, numa perspectiva de reconhecer em tal relação sua historicidade, as relações, as contradições e as possibilidades para sua transformação, como elementos orientadores do processo de formação e posterior exercício profissional / This study addresses Education in Physiotherapy and aims to recognize and problematize the aspects that structure the education - professional practice relationship, in order to identify guiding elements for an education that promotes the development of critical consciousness. Professional education is understood as, in broad terms, the preparation process for professional practice, with which is established the logic of predominance of healthcare services organization in the educational process; consequently, one question that should be asked is how such organization affects the conception of Education in Physiotherapy. Attention is drawn to the fact that the processes of curriculum formulation and discipline design - both for the study of health disciplines in general and Physiotherapy in particular - do not take into consideration an explicit approach to systems and service organization, as a structural aspect of the professional practice itself; moreover, the approach to health needs, as a guidance in the formulation of curriculum contents, is weak and often misrepresented, since such approach reproduces the own limits of understanding reality, and frequently denies not only criticism but even the development of other forms of interpretation, maintaining the hegemonic frameworks of knowledge often influenced by the services interests and logics, and which finally shape the needs. In this sense, the evaluation of the education processes are often developed from a self-centered and instrumental perspective of the educational process itself, which does not allow the approach to analytical frameworks that give full account of the professional practice - education relationship, in which the former organization structure plays a key role on the latter; this means that the impact of education itself takes place in limited fields, regarding background changings, both in discipline development and practice itself. Methodologically, this study aims at recognizing the guiding elements of the educational process, based not on the education process itself, but in the organization of health care work, in terms of its logics, relationships, and contradictions, from a historical perspective that acknowledges its origin and movement. In this sense, the approach to an educational process that establishes professional practices as the guiding element, in a perspective that recognized them as expression of the social structure and historically build, is defined as an exercise of critical analysis of the educational proposal; for this study, we adopt as the analysis framework the proposal of the Physiotherapy Program of the Colombia National University, which regards itself as of high quality and with social legitimacy in both national and international levels. The central approach is developed from the analysis of the professional practice and its impact on the teaching process, which includes, among others, curriculum, pedagogy, and didactic aspects, in a perspective that articulates them to the work organization structure, and recognize in such relation its historicity, relationships, contradictions, and possibilities for their change, as guiding elements of the education process and subsequent professional practice
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Processus de transformation des intentions en actions entrepreunariales / Processo di trasformazione dell'intenzione in azione imprenditoriale / Transformation process of entrepreneurial intentions into actionMoussa Mouloungui, Aude 04 May 2012 (has links)
L'étude des facteurs psychosociaux qui déterminent les comportements liés à la création d'entreprise est essentielle à l'explication de l'intention entrepreneuriale et du processus cognitif de sa transformation en action. Dans cette perspective nous nous sommes intéressés à la dynamique personnelle impliquée dans les conduites de création d'entreprise. Trois catégories de personnes ont participé à cette étude : les étudiants, les entrepreneurs en création et les entrepreneurs actifs. Cela nous a permis de contourner la difficulté méthodologique liée à la réalisation d'une observation longitudinale. A partir de la littérature internationale sur le sujet, nous présentons l'entrepreneuriat comme un processus téléologique qui s'élabore dans le temps. Ainsi, nous avons construit un modèle d'analyse par équations structurales établissant les liens entre les variables déterminantes de l'intention entrepreneuriale, les variables intermédiaires en particulier en référence au modèle du comportement planifié, à celui de Gollwitzer sur les phases de l'action et à Kuhl sur le contrôle de l'action et les conduites de création d'entreprise. Nos résultats nous ont permis de proposer un modèle théorique dit de la hiérarchisation de la mobilisation des capacités volitionnelles. Son postulat est semblable à celui de la théorie des besoins de Maslow. Toutefois, contrairement à la pyramide des besoins, nous faisons l'hypothèse d'une remobilisation possible des capacités volitionnelles d'une phase inférieure du processus / The study of psychosocial factors which determine the behaviors associated with business creation is essential to the explanation of entrepreneurial intention and of the cognitve process of its transformation into action. At this prospect, we have been interested in the personal dynamics involved in business creation management. Three professional categories have participated in this study : students, entrepreneurs in creating and active entrepreneurs. This has allowed us to get around the methodological difficulties related to the achievement of a longitudinal observation. On the basis of international literature on the subject, entrepreneurship can be presented as a teleological process that develops over time. Thus, we have constructed a model of analysis by structural equations establishing the relationship between the determining variables of the entrepreneurial intention, the intermediate variables, especially in reference of the theory of planned behavior, to that of Gollwitzer on the phases of action and that of Kuhl on the control of action and business creating management. Our results have allowed us to propose a theoretical model so called hierarchical organization of the mobilization of volitional capacities. Its premise is similar to Maslow's theory of needs. However, contrary to the pyramid of needs, we make the hypothesis of a possible remobilization of volitional capacities of a lower phase of the process.
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Mediation of teachers' learning through talk within a professional learning community : a case study in CyprusChinas, Christina January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Counsellors' experience of being changed by clients : a narrative autoethnographic inquiryHiggins, Anna-Gret January 2016 (has links)
This thesis addresses four research questions: 1. Are counsellors changed by their clients? 2. If so, how do they make meaning of any change? 3. How does the academic literature explain these changes? 4. How do counsellors ensure change is positive?Previous research has largely focused on the negative effects of clients' stories on counsellors. The potentially positive impact is relatively unexplored - despite the fact that research suggests that it is possible for people who directly experience a wide range of traumatic experiences to grow as a result (Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1996). Moreover, a handful of research studies has suggested that it is possible to experience these changes vicariously (Manning-Jones, deTerte & Stephens, 2015). This thesis describes a qualitative research study carried out with eight counsellors who worked either in a hospice (counselling clients experiencing bereavement or illness) or in private practice (counselling clients who had experienced sexual violence). Narrative inquiry and autoethnography were used to collect and analyse counsellors' stories of being changed by their clients and re-presented as poetic representation, visual art and polyvocal texts. The results show that counsellors do indeed share stories of being changed: sometimes for the worse but often for the better. These changes are in the areas of self-perception, interpersonal relationships and life philosophy and are largely consistent with conceptualisations of vicarious posttraumatic growth. However, what drives change is different. In hospice counsellors, mortality awareness is the driver for change; whereas human cruelty and brutality is the driver in counsellors who work with clients who have experienced sexual violence. Counsellors draw on a number of alternative discourses to make meaning of their experience and this reflects different counselling modalities. The counsellors' stories of change may represent personal growth or reflect western metanarratives linked to a quest for identity. These findings are discussed in relation to the training and supervision of practitioners.
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The negotiation of professional identity of lecturers in Institutes of Technology in IrelandO'Connor, Pat January 2015 (has links)
Originally conceived as Regional Technical Colleges and located in regions across Ireland, the Institutes of Technology (IoT) have evolved as a major sector of the binary system of higher education in Ireland. The Institutes of Technology are identified as focussed on teaching however recent years have also seen increasing focus on research. Following convergence in the sector, recent policy measures and changes signal a 'future higher education landscape' which opens the possibility of technological university status to Institutes of Technology who merge as part of the process for recognition as technological universities. The traditional orientation to practical, vocationally focussed teaching in Institutes of Technology is now challenged by the potential changes being driven at policy level and it is in the context of this changing higher education system that this study examines IoT lecturers' negotiation of professional identity. The research uses narrative enquiry to access the stories and narratives of lecturers working in a number of the institutes located in the Dublin region. Through an in depth qualitative study of eight lecturers in four IoTs, the study, in line with the research questions, identifies three major themes that underpin the professional identities of the sample - discipline; professional development; and external influences and policy decisions. Associated with these three themes are six constructs - Discipline; Professional Practice; Teaching; Development; Community Orientated Values; and Research - that resonate with this changing and volatile higher education environment and that intersect in different ways for individuals in the study to produce varying 'portraits' of professional identity. An analysis of how these identity portraits emerge is facilitated by a theoretical framework proposed by Paul Gee (2000) that gives appropriate insights into the dialogic process of the negotiation of professional identity. The study, through a synthesis of data generated themes and constructs and a theoretical identity perspective proposed by Gee (2000), contributes to knowledge in the field by creating a proposed framework for facilitating a generative analysis of the location and negotiation of professional identity. Such a framework enables, for example, explanations for both the strong links in the data between academic identity and subject discipline and yet also evidence of the fragmentation of an academic identity and an associated emphasis on practice-based experience. Given the way the framework allows for a multiplicity of factors to be combined in particular ways that reflect both structure and agency in individual lecturer's negotiation of professional identities, an argument is made for its application in the design and implementation of development structures at the level of the individual and the organisation - one that recognises that a Higher Education professional development model based on a "one size fits all" approach will not work. Instead the temporal nature of the impact of policy decisions and external influences is highlighted with a call for more focus on discourses on higher education, the associated importance of lecturer autonomy and the nature of professionalism and professional identity.
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A tutela judicial de direitos de defesa coletiva pela associação profissionalOliveira, Rodrigo Fernandes de January 2016 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo sobre a tutela judicial de direitos de defesa coletiva pela associação profissional. Com a crise de representatividade dos sindicatos, passou-se a discutir a necessidade de robustecer de forma concorrente e não excludente a legitimidade ativa das associações, de forma não colidente e excludente à atuação sindical na esfera judicial. Para a análise do tema proposto, o trabalho foi dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro capítulo versa sobre a crise do sindicalismo e as respostas dadas para explicar tal situação. O segundo capítulo esmiúça o que se entende por associação profissional a partir de sua evolução e previsão legal na CLT em confronto com a Constituição Federal de 1988. O terceiro capítulo versa sobre os direitos de defesa coletiva, de maneira a analisar detidamente os direitos difusos, coletivos stricto senso e individuais homogêneos. O quarto e último capítulo versa sobre a atuação judicial das associações profissionais na defesa de direitos de defesa coletiva, nesta análise é estudada a legitimidade ativa, a definição e atuação dos corpos intermediários, para a partir daí adentrar em específico na defesa judicial de direitos de defesa coletiva pela associação. Por fim, enfrenta-se o que se entende por autorização expressa. / It is a study on the legal protection of collective defense rights by the professional association. With the crisis of representation of trade unions, went to discuss the need to strengthen concurrently and not excluding the active legitimacy of professional associations, not colliding and exclusionary form of union action in court. For the analysis of the theme, the work was divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the crisis of unionism and the answers given to explain this situation. The second chapter scrutinizes what is meant by professional association from its evolution and legal provisions in the Labor Code in conflict with the Federal Constitution of 1988. The third chapter deals with the rights of collective defense, in order to carefully analyze the diffuse rights, collective and individual homogeneous strict sense. The fourth and final chapter deals with the judicial role of professional associations in defense of collective defense rights in this analysis is studied the active legitimacy, the definition and role of intermediary bodies, for from there enter in particular the legal defense of rights collective defense by the association. Finally, it faces what is meant by permission.
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Capoeira Angola : saberes, valores e atitudes na formação do mestre /Souza, Thiago Vieira de. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Samuel de Souza Neto / Banca: Luiz Gonçalves Junior / Banca: Alexandre Janotta Drigo / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo os saberes na formação do mestre de capoeira Angola, considerando os valores, artefatos e atitudes presentes neste contexto. Pressupõe-se que os saberes provenientes de uma escola de vida formam a identidade e um perfil profissional, assim como o habitus que emerge dessa prática social. Há dois objetivos principais neste estudo: (a) Investigar os saberes constitutivos da capoeira Angola, bem como o perfil profissional de indivíduos que atuam no ensino desta atividade; e (b) identificar os elementos que auxiliam na caracterização da capoeira Angola enquanto escola. Entre as técnicas escolhidas adotamos a entrevista narrativa semi-estruturada, complementada pelo método de análise de conteúdo sob a ótica das representações sociais para proceder à análise e interpretação dos depoimentos de 7 mestres da capoeira Angola da cidade de Salvador-BA. Neste contexto, os depoimentos apontaram para uma estrutura e organização da capoeira que se assemelha às escolas de ofícios, onde são constituídos grupos que possuem formas peculiares de ensino, dotados de valores e rituais específicos. Esses valores e rituais formam um conjunto de elementos tais como a música, o canto, o toque, os movimentos e a roda, que se configuram em saberes adquiridos na vivência na capoeira Angola. Os mestres possuem valores pautados em uma tradição que tem sua essência na relação mestre-aprendiz, onde o tempo e a proximidade com o mestre são fatores preponderantes para que se obtenha o conhecimento. Juntamente com suas práticas de ensino, os mestres trazem uma gama de gestos, códigos, sinais e movimentos que os auxiliam durante seu ensino e expressam uma hexis corporal que também é expressa na forma de valores, fundamentos e rituais legitimados no passado e que permanecem vivos no presente. A partir deste panorama, concluímos que a caracterização... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research was based on the teaching knowledge of an Angola Capoeira master, involving moral values, artifacts and attitudes around this subject. It is assumed that knowledge acquired from life lessons build up an identity and a professional profile, such as habitus wich emerges from social practice. There are two main objectives to this study: (a) Investigating the standard knowledge on Angola capoeira professionals' profiles who teach such activity; and (b) identifying elements which feature Angola Capoeira as schooling. Among the chosen techniques, we picked the semi-structered narrative interview, complemented by the method of content analysis under the social representations perspective proceding the 7 Angola Capoeira masters' brief from Salvador - BA. In this abstract, briefs point to the structure and organization resemblance between capoeira and trade schools in which groups are formed carrying peculiar ways of teaching, full of moral values and specific rituals. These values and rituals build up a series of elements such as music, singing, playing, moves and the circle which become the main knowledge amongst Angola Capoeira experiences. Masters own moral standards based on a tradition which follows the master-apprentice relation pattern. Spending time and keeping close to a master are key factors to obtaining knowledge. Besides teaching techniques, masters bring along a range of gestures, codes, signals and moves that will assist themselves during their teaching process and express a body hexis transmitting other legitimate values, fundamentals and rituals from the ancient times that have survived throughout the years. From this point, we conclude that featuring Angola Capoeira as a trade school is a reality, especially on the educational and organizational content. Values, didactic actions and masters' postures tend to reach a preservation of traditions... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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