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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adherence to treatment in adolescents with cystic fibrosis : the role of illness perception and treatment beliefs

Hawkins, Katharine Sarah January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Efficacy of a therapeutic wand in addition to physiotherapy for treating bladder pain syndrome in women: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Bond, J., Pape, Hilary, Ayre, Colin A. 17 October 2016 (has links)
Yes / The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial (PFM) treatment in women with bladder pain syndrome (BPS). Prolonged PFM tension contributes to the bladder pain, urinary frequency and urgency associated with BPS. Pelvic health physiotherapists routinely provide intravaginal myofascial release (MFR) to the PFMs in order to effectively reduce symptoms. Rapid access A TW was designed so as to allow men with chronic pelvic pain to self- treat, and this may be effective in women with BPS. For 6 weeks, two groups received weekly physiotherapist- provided MFR, and were monitored for a further 6- week follow- up period. One group also used a TW at home three times a week throughout the pilot. Weekly outcome measures of BPS symptoms and quality of life were recorded. A clinically meaningful difference in Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms Index and Interstitial Cystitis Problem Index score changes between groups was group = 6.20 ± 0.83 and 5.00 ± 1.41, respectively), and a difference was observed during the follow- up period (control group = 4.50 ± 1.73 and 4.00 ± 2.44, respecevents. Using the TW appears to have enhanced physiotherapy treatment during the initial 6 weeks, and improved symptoms during the 6- week follow- up period. The TW may be a clinically useful tool for long- term management of BPS. The feasibility of the study method was proven, some alterations were recommended and an RCT is now warranted.

Vaistinės klientų nuomonė apie savarankišką gydymąsi / Drugstore clients‘ opinion on self-treatment

Bobianskytė, Asta 02 July 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti vaistinės klientų nuomonę apie savigydą. Uždaviniai. 1. Išsiaiškinti vaistinės klientų nuomonę apie savarankišką gydymąsi nereceptiniais vaistiniais preparatais. 2. Nustatyti pagrindinius informacijos šaltinius, kuriais vaistinėje apsilankę gyventojai vadovaujasi, pasirenkant nereceptinius vaistinius preparatus lengvų negalavimų gydymui. 3. Nustatyti amžiaus, lyties, išsimokslinimo bei socialinės padėties ryšį su gyventojų turimomis žiniomis apie nereceptinius vaistinius preparatus ir jų vartojimą. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas - Eurovaistinės 210 filialo, esančio prekybos centre „BIG“, Ukmergės g. 369, Vilniuje, klientų nuomonė apie savarankišką gydymąsi. Tyrimo metodai – kiekybinis tyrimas, instrumentas - anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas 2012 metų vasario 6 – kovo 6 dienomis, gavus leidimą iš UAB „Eurovaistinė“ vadovybės. Mėnesio laikotarpyje buvo išdalinta 300 anketų. Atsakas – 80,3 proc. Tyrimo duomenys apdoroti statistiškai, naudojant „SPSS 19.0 for Windows“ programą. Rezultatai. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad dažniau vaistinėje lankosi moterys negu vyrai, respondentai pagal lytį pasiskirstė atitinkamai 70,4 proc. ir 29,6 proc. Pusė apklaustųjų – 51,5 proc. vaistinės lankytojų savo sveikatą įvertino kaip gera, beveik trečdalis, 29 proc. – patenkinama. 77,9 proc. apklaustųjų vaistinės klientų lengvi negalavimai vargina. Didžioji dalis respondentų (83,4 proc.) pajutę lengvo negalavimo simptomus, linkę juos malšinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work objective. Evaluate drugstore clients opinion on self-treatment. Work tasks. 1. Determine the opinion of drugstore clients about self-medication with non-prescription medication. 2. Determine basic sources of information which are used by drugstore clients while choosing non-prescription medication for ailment treatment. 3. Estimate the relation of clients‘ age, sex and education background also social status with their knowledge about non-prescription medication and their usage. Research method. Research objective – opinion of Eurovaistinė 210-th branch, in shopping centre „BIG“, Ukmergės str. 369, Vilnius clients’ about self-medication. Research methods i.e quantative research, instrument - anonymous questionnaire. The research performed in the period between February 6 and March 6 of 2012, after the management of the drugstore UAB „Eurovaistinė“ gave a permission. 300 hundred questionnaires were completed during the month. The response reached 80,3 percent. The data of the research was processed statistically by using software program „SPSS 19.0 for Windows“. Results of the research. The research revealed that woman attend drugstore more often than men so respondents distributed according the sex respectively 70,4 and 29,6 percent. Half of respondents’ i.e. 51,5 percent of customers of drugstore thought their health to be of good condition, almost one third - 29 percent treated their health satisfactory. 77,9 percent of drugstore clients suffer from ailments... [to full text]

Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslų Universiteto Farmacijos Fakulteto studentų šeimų namų vaistinėlių sudėtis ir savigydos ypatybės / Self-treatment and home medication box characteristics and attitude to self-medication of students’ families’ of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Pharmacy Faculty

Žukauskas, Povilas 25 June 2013 (has links)
Tikslas: Išanalizuoti ir įvertinti farmacijos fakulteto studentų šeimų namų vaistinėlių turinį, saugojimo sąlygas, vertę ir informacijos šaltinius, nulemiančius vaistinėlių sudėtį. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti, kas daugiausiai rūpinasi farmacijos fakulteto studentų šeimų namų vaistinėlių sudėtimi. 2. Identifikuoti farmacijos fakulteto studentų šeimų namų vaistinėlių laikymo vietas ir vaistų laikymo tvarką namų vaistinėlėse. 3. Įvertinti farmacijos fakulteto studentų šeimų namų vaistinėlių turinį ir jo vertę. 4. Išsiaiškinti farmacijos specialybės studentų šeimų dažniausiai pasitelkiamus informacijos šaltinius pasirenkant vaistus. 5. Palyginti pirmojo ir penktojo kurso farmacijos fakulteto studentų šeimų namų vaistinėlių sudėtį bei vaistų vartojimo savigydai ypatybes. Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimui atlikti buvo naudojama anketinė apklausa, sudaryta iš 32 klausimų. Anketos parengtos Farmacijos fakulteto pirmojo ir penktojo kurso studentų šeimoms. Apklausos vykdytos 2012-2013 metais. Tyrimo metu buvo apklausti 182 respondentai. Rezultatai: 69,32% atvejų mamos yra atsakingos už pirmojo kurso Farmacijos fakulteto šeimų namų vaistinėles ir 44,68% atvejų už penktojo kurso studentų šeimų namų vaistinėles (p<0,001). Pirmojo kurso Farmacijos fakulteto studentų šeimos, laikančios vastus ne originaliose pakuotėse, dažniau savo vaistinėlėse turi vaistų su pasibaigusiu tinamumo vartoti terminu (50.00%) nei penktojo kurso studentų šeimos (37,50%) (p>0,05). 4 asmenų Farmacijos fakulteto studentų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim: to evaluate Pharmacy Faculty students’ families’ home medication boxes contents and knowledge about medications. Objectives: 1. Identify who is responsible for the Pharmacy Faculty students’ families’ home medication boxes composition. 2. Evaluate drug storage conditions at home, home medication boxes storage places. 3. Rate Pharmacy Faculty students’ families’ home medication boxes contents. 4. Figure out the most popular information sources in making home medication box of Pharmacy Faculty students’ families’. 5. Compare the first and fifth-year Pharmacy Faculty students’ families’ home medication boxes contents and self-medication differences. Methods: a questionnaire (32 questions) has been chosen as a research instrument. It is carried out in writing. Questionnaire is prepared for first and fifth course Pharmacy Faculty students’ families. The study was conducted in 2012-2013. 182 respondents were interviewed. Results: mothers are taking care of home medication boxes contents of 69.32% of first course and 44.68% of fifth course Pharmacy Faculty students’ families’ (p <0.001). Families of first-year Pharmacy Faculty students which holds medicines taken out of original packaging more often have medicines with passed expiration period (50.00%) than fifth-year students’ families’ (37.50%) (p > 0.05). First-year Pharmacy Faculty students’ families of 4 persons usually keeps every persons medicines in one place (p < 0.001). The first and fifth-year Pharmacy Faculty... [to full text]

Autocastration and Autopenectomy as Surgical Self-Treatment in Incarcerated Persons With Gender Identity Disorder

Brown, George R. 01 January 2010 (has links)
The author reports on a case series of four inmates who engaged in attempted or completed surgical self-treatment of their gender dysphoria via autocastration, autopenectomy, or a combination in the absence of concomitant psychosis, intoxication, or other comorbidities that could reasonably account for this rare behavior. These behaviors occurred in the context of persistent denials of access to transgender health care in prison settings. The literature on genital self-harm is also reviewed. Incarcerated persons with severe GID may resort to life-threatening surgical self-treatments when persistently denied access to psychiatric evaluation and cross-sex hormonal treatment. In all cases of surgical self-treatment (SST; i.e., autocastration with the primary intent to reduce circulating testosterone levels) the intensity of gender dysphoria decreased compared to reported baseline levels, although symptoms of GID were still present. Of the four inmates, two were able to obtain access to cross-sex hormones after successful litigation at the time of this writing; another was not. One case remains active. This case series expands the limited literature on surgical self-treatment in the form of autocastration and autopenectomy with a focus on the potential influence of incarceration with denial of access to transgender health care.

Sveikatos laidų įtaka Kauno miesto pacientų pasirinkimui įsigyti vaistinius preparatus ir maisto papildus / The influence of the health broadcast on the Kaunas city patients' choice to purchase medicines and food supplements

Vengalytė, Rimantė 30 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti sveikatos laidų įtaką Kauno miesto pacientų pasirinkimui įsigyti vaistinius preparatus ir maisto papildus. Darbo uždaviniai: Nustatyti Kauno vaistinės pacientų grupes, kurios žiūri sveikatos laidas; įvertinti pacientų nuomonę apie sveikatos laidas ir jų naudingumą; nustatyti sveikatos laidų įtaką paciento pasirinkimui įsigyti per laidą aptartą produktą; įvertinti farmacijos specialisto konsultacijos reikšmę paciento pasirinkimui įsigyti sveikatos laidoje pristatytą vaistinį preparatą ar maisto papildą. Tyrimo objektas ir metodai: Objektas – Kauno visuomenės vaistinės pacientų požiūris į sveikatos laidas. Tiriamųjų apklausai naudoti anketavimo bei struktūrizuoto interviu metodai. Buvo naudota anketa, sudaryta iš 23 klausimų. Surinktų duomenų statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS programos 17 versiją. Ryšiai tarp požymių vertinti chi kvadrato kriterijumi, statistinio reikšmingumo lygmuo p<0,05. Rezultatai: Viso tyrimo metu apklausti 434 pacientai, iš jų 258 pacientai buvo žiūrėję ar klausę sveikatos laidų. Dažniausiai sveikatos laidas žiūri ir klausosi: moterys (68,2 proc.), 60-74 metų amžiaus (86,2 proc.); nedirbantys (83,9 proc.); turintys nebaigtą vidurinį išsilavinimą (83,3 proc.); turintys gydytojo diagnozuotą ligą (71,7 proc.) ir pastoviai vartojantys 5 ir daugiau vaistų ar maisto papildų (88,8 proc.). Tyrimas parodė, kad daugumai respondentų (52,8 proc.) sveikatos laidos suteikia naudingos informacijos apie esamas gydymo galimybes, tačiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: To evaluate the influence of the health broadcast on the Kaunas city patients’ choice to purchase medicines and food supplements Tasks of the work: To identify the patients groups of Kaunas pharmacy, which are watching the health broadcasts; to assess patients' opinion on the health broadcasts and their usefulness; to determine the impact of the health broadcast on patient’s choice to buy the product covered during the broadcast; to assess the importance of the advice of a pharmacy on the patient's choice to purchase the product or food supplement covered during the broadcast. Object and methods: Object – Kaunas’ community pharmacies patients’ opinion about health programs. The study was conducted by questionnaires and structured interview methods. The questionnaire has 23 questions. The statistical analysis of the collected data was performed using version 17 of SPSS program. The relations between the features were evaluated by the chi-square criterion, the level of the statistical significance p < 0.05. Results: During the study 434 patients were interviewed, of whom 258 – watched or listened to health broadcasts. Main listeners and watchers: women (68.2%); 60-74 years old (86.2%); unemployed (83.9%); with incomplete secondary education (83.3%); with the diagnosed disease (71.7%); constantly are taking 5 or more medicines or food supplements (88.8%). The study showed that for the majority of respondents (52.8%) health broadcasts provide useful information... [to full text]

Beslutstöd i ambulanssjukvården : En enkätstudie om hänvisning av vuxna till egenvård / Decision support in ambulance care : A survey on referral of adults to self-care

Söderberg, Nina, Wiesel, Viktoria January 2019 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Patienter hänvisas idag i större utsträckning till egenvård av sjuksköterskor i ambulanssjukvården och beslutstöd finns för att hjälpa till med hänvisningen. Arbetet innebär att prioritera och bedöma vilken vårdnivå som är optimal för patienterna, vilka patienter som behöver följa med i ambulansen för ytterligare vård på vårdinrättning och vilka som kan hänvisas till egenvård. Att bedöma vad som är optimal vårdnivå ställer krav på att sjuksköterskorna besitter medicinska kunskaper vid olika tillstånd, men också kunskap om helheten i hänvisningsprocessen.Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av ett beslutstöd för hänvisning av patienter från ambulanssjukvård till egenvård. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie har utförts med hjälp av enkäter. Designen var deskriptiv och explorativ. En totalundersökning av populationen har utförts som innefattade 123 sjuksköterskor i ambulanssjukvården i en region i södra Sverige, fördelat på två länsdelar. Slutligen inkom 95 enkätsvar (77,2 %). Data har analyserats med deskriptiv statistisk och tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det var 68 (71,5 %) av sjuksköterskorna som höll med om att de alltid använde beslutsstödet och 54 (56,9 %) upplevde att beslutsstödet gav det stöd som behövdes. Det var 84 (88,5 %) som hade uppfattningen att patienter var nöjda med hänvisning till egenvård. Av sjuksköterskorna svarade 77 (81,1 %) att läkare fanns att tillgå vid behov. Dock fanns en önskan om att akutläkare alltid skulle vara tillgängliga vid frågor. Tid på dygnet och geografisk hämtplats påverkade beslutet att lämna patienter hemma. Beslutstödet fokuserade allt för mycket på vitala parametrar och täckte därmed inte andra viktiga aspekter. Konklusion: Resultatet visade att beslutstödet är i behov av förändring. Akutläkare eller läkare med hög kompetens bör finnas tillgängliga vid frågor. Genom att använda sin kliniska blick, hög medicinsk kompetens och erfarenhet, tillsammans med ett väl fungerande beslutsstöd kan sjuksköterskorna i ambulanssjukvården uppleva ökad trygghet när patienter hänvisas till egenvård. / Abstract Background: Today, more and more nurses in the prehospital care are referring patients to self-treatment and there is certain support to help make this decision. The work nurses in the ambulance care do means that assess which level of care that is optimal for the patients. Which patients who need to come along in the ambulance and which patients who can be referred to self-care. To decide what is optimal care requires nurses to possess medical knowledge in different conditions, but also knowledge about the whole process of referring patients. Purpose: The purpose was to examine nurses´ experiences of a decision support for referring patients from ambulance care to self-care. Method: A quantitative study has been made, where the writers used a survey to fulfill the purpose. The design of the survey was descriptive and explorative. A total examination of the population has been done, which was 123 nurses in the Ambulance service in a region in south of Sweden, divided into two counties. Finally, there was 95 replies of the survey (77,2 %). Statistical analysis and thematic analysis of the content were used to present the result. Result: There was 68 (71,5 %) of the nurses who agreed to that they always used the decision support and 54 (56,9 %) experienced that the decision support gave the support that was needed. A bigger part, 84 (88,5 %), had the opinion that patients were satisfied being referred to self-care. Of all nurses, 77 (81,1 %) answered that doctors were available if necessary. However, there was a desire that emergency doctors were always available on questions. Time of day and geographical place of pick up affected the decision to leave the patient in his or her home. There were 84 (88,5%) nurses who had experiences from satisfied patients being referred by the ambulance care to self-care. Decision support focused too much on vital parameters and thus did not cover other important aspects. Conclusion: The result showed that the decision support is in need of change. Emergency doctors or doctors with high competence should be available when needed. By using their clinical eye, with high medical competence and experience, together with a well-functioning decision support - the nurses in the ambulance care can experience increased confidence in referring patients to self-care.

Boteberättelser : En etnologisk studie av boteprocesser och det omprövande patientskapet

Winroth, AnnCristin January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis analyse how life-histories are expressed and reformulated in connection to a life crisis of ill health. The study is based on ten interviews with people who in connection with ill health have made use of treatments within both orthodox medicine and complementary medicine and who have also developed various forms of self-treatment. The overall aim is, with a point of departure in the concepts health, healing and trust, to analyse narratives as a practice through which the respondents create identity and a life-context. The signifi cance of constructing the (auto)biography of the healing narrative – a form of narrative and performative act – runs as the main thread through the thesis. This act makes up the practice that is recurrently discussed in several of the thesis’ chapters and is synonymously termed the telling of healing narratives or or to narrate health and healing. The analysis of the narrative’s The analysis of the narrative’s healing main themes is mirrored in the order of the chapters. The study is broadly thematic and structured as a generalised healing process beginning with upheaval, continuing with crisis and social drama, and further to the endeavour of expressing values and judgements in a public context.</p><p>The interview themes of self-treatment and alternative treatment have occasioned the investigation into what an ethno-medical perspective can bring to analyses of people’s experiences of ill health in an everyday medical context. One of the points of having the concept ethno-medicine as a starting point is that every practice or narrative formation is ascribed with a potential for interpretation in its creation of knowledge. Another chapter deals with two themes of identity and life-history construction in the practice of healing narratives – the need for a chronology and reappraised perspectives on body, health and lifestyle. Healing narratives can be understood as a genre of life-historical narratives where life is often described as a linear course of events. A model by the anthropologist Victor Turner on the course and content of social drama is used as a comment to analyses of three respondents’ narratives in another chapter. A drama can be understood as a tragic course of events, based on an accident or an upsetting incident that roughly revolves around event/crisis, chaos and the striving for restoration. The concept of other journals is then used to make visible the everyday medical administrative practice and refers to the documentation used in the form of collected documents, written notes, and diaries. As an unexpected part of healing processes, the necessity of familiarising oneself with rules, laws and health insurance systems in order to be able to claim one’s rights is brought forward.</p><p>The social transformation process of various care practices in society makes up both a context and a commonly occurring theme in the narratives that the thesis is based upon. A modern health culture that gains strength from loosely composed social movements exerts infl uence on all levels of society. With an increased individual responsibility, the need grows to fi nd one’s own healing strategies and to create one’s own life-history in narratives that mirror this transformation in an everyday context. Healing narratives can be seen as a form of evaluation of health-care practices where experiences of treatment and notions of health and cure and healing are concretised.</p>

Boteberättelser : En etnologisk studie av boteprocesser och det omprövande patientskapet

Winroth, AnnCristin January 2004 (has links)
This thesis analyse how life-histories are expressed and reformulated in connection to a life crisis of ill health. The study is based on ten interviews with people who in connection with ill health have made use of treatments within both orthodox medicine and complementary medicine and who have also developed various forms of self-treatment. The overall aim is, with a point of departure in the concepts health, healing and trust, to analyse narratives as a practice through which the respondents create identity and a life-context. The signifi cance of constructing the (auto)biography of the healing narrative – a form of narrative and performative act – runs as the main thread through the thesis. This act makes up the practice that is recurrently discussed in several of the thesis’ chapters and is synonymously termed the telling of healing narratives or or to narrate health and healing. The analysis of the narrative’s The analysis of the narrative’s healing main themes is mirrored in the order of the chapters. The study is broadly thematic and structured as a generalised healing process beginning with upheaval, continuing with crisis and social drama, and further to the endeavour of expressing values and judgements in a public context. The interview themes of self-treatment and alternative treatment have occasioned the investigation into what an ethno-medical perspective can bring to analyses of people’s experiences of ill health in an everyday medical context. One of the points of having the concept ethno-medicine as a starting point is that every practice or narrative formation is ascribed with a potential for interpretation in its creation of knowledge. Another chapter deals with two themes of identity and life-history construction in the practice of healing narratives – the need for a chronology and reappraised perspectives on body, health and lifestyle. Healing narratives can be understood as a genre of life-historical narratives where life is often described as a linear course of events. A model by the anthropologist Victor Turner on the course and content of social drama is used as a comment to analyses of three respondents’ narratives in another chapter. A drama can be understood as a tragic course of events, based on an accident or an upsetting incident that roughly revolves around event/crisis, chaos and the striving for restoration. The concept of other journals is then used to make visible the everyday medical administrative practice and refers to the documentation used in the form of collected documents, written notes, and diaries. As an unexpected part of healing processes, the necessity of familiarising oneself with rules, laws and health insurance systems in order to be able to claim one’s rights is brought forward. The social transformation process of various care practices in society makes up both a context and a commonly occurring theme in the narratives that the thesis is based upon. A modern health culture that gains strength from loosely composed social movements exerts infl uence on all levels of society. With an increased individual responsibility, the need grows to fi nd one’s own healing strategies and to create one’s own life-history in narratives that mirror this transformation in an everyday context. Healing narratives can be seen as a form of evaluation of health-care practices where experiences of treatment and notions of health and cure and healing are concretised.

Kauno miesto gyventojų savigydos ypatumai esant virškinimo trakto sutrikimams / Self-medication in Gastrointestinal disorders of the citizens of Kaunas city

Juodelytė, Elita 08 July 2006 (has links)
Final master work, 41 pages, 15 graphical scheme, 6 tables, 29 references and 2 annex. Keywords: Sociological investigation, self-medication, popularity of self-medication, treatment and self-treatment, medicaments, OTC drugs, non-OTC drugs, advertisement, respondent, gastro intestinal disorder, pharmacist in self-medication, herbal remedies. Self-medication should be understood as a treatment of easy and uncomplicated disorder without the help of a health care specialist. Self-medication process occur when the self-healer can exactly realize his or her disorder or symptoms of his or her disease, they can chose the most suitable medicament and use it properly for not longer than 7 days. The proper self-medicament should not cause any undesirable effects and worsen the patient’s health condition. Only OTC drug are suitable in self-medication. Before start using the medicament, the patient should always read carefully the note and information leaflet. Work object: citizen of Kaunas City. Work subject: patients, 2nd year students of the Technological University of Kaunas (KTU), company workers. Work aim: Evaluate the self-healing between the citizen of Kaunas City suffering from Gastrointestinal tract disorder. Task work: 1. Theoretical analysis of self-medication 2. Investigate the gastrointestinal problems between the citizen of Kaunas city. 3. Investigate the treatment peculiarity between the citizen of Kaunas city. Method of analysis :... [to full text]

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