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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diagnóstico de demanda em Florianópolis utilizando a Classificação Internacional de Atenção Primária: 2º edição (CIAP-2) / Patient demand evaluation in Florianópolis, Brazil, using International Classification of Primary Care 2nd edition (ICPC-2)

Gusso, Gustavo Diniz Ferreira 25 November 2009 (has links)
Para se avaliar o trabalho dos generalistas/ médicos de família, é necessário um adequado sistema de classificação das consultas ou encontros entre profissionais da saúde e pacientes. O sistema atualmente conhecido como Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID) começou seu desenvolvimento no século XIX e até sua quinta edição era apenas uma classificação de causas de morte. Após a sexta revisão, ela passou a ser um instrumento que envolvia morbidade também; porém, perdeu as características e princípios de um sistema de classificação. A Organização Mundial de Médicos de Família (WONCA) vem desenvolvendo, desde os anos 70, um compacto e robusto sistema de classificação chamado Classificação Internacional de Atenção Primária que se encontra atualmente na segunda versão (CIAP 2), apropriado para ser usado na atenção primária à saúde. Ela é baseada em três componentes principais: queixa do paciente (motivo da consulta), diagnóstico médico (problema) e processo (intervenção). Objetivo: este estudo objetivou avaliar os principais motivos da consulta, problemas e comorbidades nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, e testar o uso da CIAP2, baseado na avaliação de encontros, porém, inter-relacionando os motivos das consultas expostos pelos pacientes com os problemas encontrados pelos profissionais. Metodologia: um formulário em papel foi desenvolvido com informações gerais dos pacientes (idade, gênero, estado civil e ocupação) e informações sobre a consulta - natureza da consulta (agendada ou não), motivo(s) da consulta (descrito(s) com as palavras dos pacientes) e os problemas correspondentes (estabelecidos pelos profissionais da saúde voluntários), plano (referenciado para especialista ou outro profissional de atenção primária), exames complementares e prescrição de medicamentos. Os 90 generalistas/ médicos de família de Florianópolis que estavam trabalhando na Estratégia Saúde da Família foram convidados. Todos que aceitaram participar deveriam responder o formulário após cada consulta durante uma semana típica de trabalho por estação do ano. Um especialista em CIAP2 codificou todos os formulários preenchidos. Resultados: trinta voluntários aceitaram participar e 26 completaram pelo menos uma semana típica de trabalho. 5698 encontros foram avaliados com regular distribuição ao longo das estações do ano. Foram estabelecidos em média 1,625 motivos da consulta (MC) e 1,475 problemas por consulta. Os 30 problemas mais comuns representaram 50% de todas as consultas, o que é compatível com as referências internacionais disponíveis. Estes problemas mais frequentes pertencem a 13 capítulos diferentes da CIAP 2 (cada capítulo corresponde a um órgão ou sistema) com distribuição homogênea. Os dados apresentaram boa qualidade e nenhuma aberração, como hipertensão em recém nascido ou problema ginecológico em homem, foi encontrada. Foi possível calcular probabilidades pré teste de motivos das consultas para problemas comuns como infecção de vias aéreas superiores (IVAS) e perturbações depressivas bem como a probabilidade de diagnóstico de diferentes problemas para motivos da consulta frequentes como tosse e cefaléia. As comorbidades mais comuns encontradas foram hipertensão e diabetes e hipertensão e dislipidemia. Em apenas 26,6% de todas as consultas nenhum medicamento foi prescrito. Conclusão: o estudo encontrou dados que colaboram no raciocínio clínico, no planejamento do desenvolvimento profissional contínuo e na proteção do paciente contra diagnósticos inapropriados de doenças e suas possíveis intervenções desnecessárias. A CIAP 2 é uma potente ferramenta para ser usada na prática diária não para guiar o processo diagnóstico, mas para colaborar na produção e análise de dados transformando cada unidade básica de saúde em um campo de pesquisa / In order to evaluate the work of generalist/ family doctor it is necessary an adequate classification system. The nowadays known as International Classification of Diseases (ICD) started its development in 19`s century and until its fifth edition it was just a cause of death classification. After sixth revision it became a morbidity and mortality tool but lost its classification characteristics and principles. The World Organization of Family Doctors (Wonca) developed after 70`s one compact and strong classification system called International Classification of Primary Care, which is in its second edition (ICPC2), appropriate to be used in primary care settings. It is based on the three main consultation parts: patients complaint, doctor diagnose (problem), and process (intervention). Objective: this study aims to evaluate main complaints, problems, comorbidities in Florianópolis` health centers and test ICPC2 use in an encounter mode but interrelating complaints and problems. Method: one paper form was designed with patient general information (age, gender, civil state, occupation) and information regarding the consultation: nature of consultation (schedule or not), complaints (with patients words) and the correspondent problem (stated by health provider), plan (referred to specialist/ other primary care provider), complementary exams and prescriptions. All 90 generalists/ family doctors of Florianópolis who were working in Family Health Program were invited. Everyone should answer the form after each consultation during one typical work week per season along one year. One ICPC2 specialist coded all filled forms. Results: thirty volunteers accepted to participate and 26 completed at least one typical work week. 5698 encounters were evaluated with regular distribution among seasons. There were 1,625 complaints and 1,475 problems per consultation on average. The 30 most common problems represented 50% of all consultations which is compatible with international data available. These more frequent problems belong to 13 different chapters (each one corresponds to a different organ or body system) with unvarying distribution. Data collected presented a very good quality and no aberration as hypertension in new born or gynecological problems in a male was found. It was possible to calculate prior probability of complaints for common problems as upper respiratory infection acute and depressive disorder as well the probability of different problems for a frequent complaint as cough or headache. The most common commorbidities were hypertension and diabetes and hypertension and lipid disorder. Only in 26.6% of all encounters no medicine was prescribed. Conclusion: the study provided adequate data that help in clínical reasoning, continued professional development plan and patient protection against inappropriate diagnose and its consequent intervention. ICPC2 is a strong tool to be used in daily practice not to guide diagnosis process but to produce and analyze data and transform each health center in a research field.

Éléments pour une modélisation des déterminants anthropo-didactiques de l'éducation thérapeutique du patient dans la médecine de proximité : Cas des maladies cardio-vasculaires / Elements for an anthropo-didactical modelling of the determinants of therapeutic patient education in general practice : case of cardiovascular diseases

Pichon, Marianick 03 December 2015 (has links)
La question de l’observance non-médicamenteuse est primordiale dans la prise en chargedes maladies cardiovasculaires chroniques. Des programmes d’éducation thérapeutique dupatient (ETP) sont proposés aux patients afin de les aider à « mieux vivre avec leur maladie »(OMS, 1998). Leurs évaluations sont toutefois décevantes : ils touchent peu de patients etsont peu efficaces.Cette étude porte sur deux populations : des patients (N=19) et des médecins généralistes(N=14). Elle se base sur des entretiens menés auprès des uns et des autres ainsi que desobservations de consultation et de séquences de vie quotidienne. Nous en avons extrait uneanalyse qualitative approfondie ainsi que des éléments quantitatifs afin de mener à bien desanalyses factorielles. Le croisement de ces données permet dans un premier temps demettre en évidence la diversité des Arrière-plans (Searle, 1982, 1985) susceptiblesd’influencer la transformation des conduites des patients et d’en construire une typologie.Elle établit ensuite trois styles thérapeutiques, pratiqués par les médecins généralisteslorsqu’ils sont confrontés à ce type de patients.L’étude de la rencontre de cette diversité anthropologique avec ces différents styles montreque, malgré une configuration plus propice que celles des programmes hospitaliers, larencontre éducative entre médecine de proximité et patients cardiovasculaires ne se faitpas, ou ne se fait que sous certaines conditions bien fragiles. Son analyse sous l’angleanthropodidactique permet toutefois d’ébaucher de nouvelles formes d’ingénieriesdidactiques pour l’ETP et de donner de nouvelles pistes pour la formation des soignants. / Non-medication compliance is essential when taking care of chronic cardiovascular diseases.Therapeutic patient educational (TPE) programs are proposed to patients in order to helpthem to « have a better life with their disease » (WHO, 1998). However, those programs’evaluations are disappointing: they reach very few patients and are not as efficient asplanned.Drawing on semi-structured interviews with general practitioners (GPs, N=14) and patientsdealing with a cardiovascular chronic disease (N=19), and quantitative analysis of datarelated to a potential link between social factors and types of behaviour, this study firstemphasizes the diversity of Backgrounds (Searle, 1982, 1985) which may influence patients’life-style modifications. This work then defines four patient-types and three therapeuticstyles applied by GPs when confronted to those patients. Those styles vary according to GPsrepresentations and attitudes related to therapeutic education and cardiovascular diseases.This study shows that even though GPs are more likely to help with this transformation thanmandatory educational programs, the encounter between them and chronic patients doesnot happen, or only does in very specific and fragile conditions. Nevertheless, this anthropodidacticalapproach allows us to draft new forms of didactic engineering for TPE and to givenew tracks for healthcare professionals training.

Les maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles, une opportunité pour transformer les pratiques de soins de premier recours : place et rôle des pratiques préventives et éducatives dans des organisations innovantes / Multi-Professional Health Care Centers, an Opportunity to Transform Primary Care Practices : Place and Role of Preventive and Educational Practices in Innovative Organisations

Fournier, Cécile 04 March 2015 (has links)
L’exercice des soins de premier recours en maisons et pôles de santé pluriprofessionnels (MSP) connaît depuis quelques années un développement croissant. Ces modalités d’exercice sont présentées comme une solution aux défis que représentent le vieillissement de la population, l’augmentation de la prévalence des maladies chroniques, l’accentuation des inégalités sociales de santé et l’irrésistible croissance des dépenses de santé. Elles s’inscrivent dans une remise en cause du système de santé français, construit historiquement sur un modèle curatif hospitalo-centré et sur une médecine de ville d’exercice libéral et isolé. L’impératif d’un recentrage du système sur les soins de premier recours devient un objectif partagé par l’Etat et certains professionnels libéraux, associé à celui de leur réorganisation pour en accroître la dimension préventive et éducative, dans une approche de santé publique collective, populationnelle et mieux coordonnée au niveau d’un territoire. Comment les soins primaires se transforment-ils dans les MSP ? Dans les dynamiques observées, quels places et rôles jouent les pratiques préventives et éducatives ? Ces questions sont abordées avec une posture de recherche « engagée », inscrite dans une réflexion méthodologique et politique, articulant des approches médicale, de santé publique et sociologique. L’analyse de la littérature permet de resituer les MSP dans un continuum d’innovations organisationnelles, favorisées par la baisse de la démographie médicale, l’inégale répartition des professionnels et la territorialisation de l’offre de soins. Pour saisir de manière simultanée et dynamique les mutations en cours dans ce type de structure, leurs modalités et le sens que leur donnent les acteurs qui s’y engagent, la recherche s’appuie sur la monographie ethnographique d’un projet de MSP suivi dans la longue durée et sur des entretiens menés auprès de professionnels exerçant dans quatre MSP contrastées. La sociologie de l’innovation permet d’éclairer les « manières de faire » et les opérations de traduction qui tissent le développement d’un exercice coordonné en MSP et la mise en œuvre de pratiques préventives et éducatives entre des acteurs travaillant généralement peu ensemble. La sociologie interactionniste permet en outre d’appréhender les difficultés ressenties par les acteurs dans leur pratique, leurs objectifs et arguments en faveur de ce nouveau cadre organisationnel, ainsi que la diversité des formes de leur engagement et des logiques sociales qui les sous-tendent. Les MSP et les démarches de prévention et d’« éducation thérapeutique » qui y sont développées apparaissent comme des instruments politiques efficaces de « mise en mouvement » des professionnels autour d’objectifs et d’organisations à co-construire, pouvant emprunter plusieurs voies. Dans ces dispositifs locaux d’innovation souple, pluriprofessionnalité et pratiques préventives se nourrissent mutuellement, contribuant à une structuration territoriale des soins primaires et à l’émergence d’une définition étendue de la prévention. Cependant, ces transformations rencontrent des freins importants. D’une part, la réinvention d’une médecine collective de ville, contre laquelle s’était construite la médecine libérale, se heurte au poids des logiques professionnelles, questionnant la possibilité d’une diffusion de ces nouvelles organisations. D’autre part, l’ampleur de l’offre préventive et éducative est limitée par les ressources disponibles, par les choix des professionnels et par la faible place donnée aux patients et aux usagers. Ces résultats interrogent la capacité des acteurs à dépasser des logiques professionnelles pour intégrer dorénavant des logiques de santé publique à visée préventive et éducative. Ils questionnent également leur volonté de s’inscrire dans une démarche de promotion de la santé, permettant d’interpeller les politiques sur les actions intersectorielles à mener contre les déterminants des inégalités sociales de santé. / The delivery of primary care in multi-professional health care centres (MSPs) has met with growing interest over the past few years. These types of care organisations have been presented as a solution to the challenges associated with population ageing, the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the rise of inequalities in healthcare and of healthcare expenditures. MSPs contribute to the questioning of the French health care system, based historically on a curative and hospital-centred model complemented by a self-employed, isolated and city-concentrated system of medical practice. The need to give primary care a central place in the system has become an objective shared by public institutions and by some self-employed healthcare professionals (HCPs). It is associated with the aim of restructuring primary care in order to emphasize a prevention-based approach, in a more collective, coordinated, population-based and territory-based approach of public health. How are primary care practices being transformed within these MSPs? In the dynamics observed, what are the place and role played by preventive and educational practices? These questions are explored with a posture of “committed” research, based on a methodological and political reflection, involving medical, public health and sociological approaches. An analysis of the literature enables this research to place the development of MSPs in a continuum of organisational innovations, favoured by the decreasing number of doctors, the uneven distribution of HCPs and the territorialisation of healthcare provision. In order to seize - in a simultaneous and dynamic way - the current transformations and arrangements observed in MSPs and the meaning they have for the actors involved, the research is based on an ethnographical monograph of a project of MSP followed over a long period, and on interviews held with actors practicing in four different MSPs. The sociology of innovation enables us to highlight the “ways of doing things” and the translation operations that help to weave together the development of coordinated practice in MSPs and the implementation of prevention and educational measures involving actors not accustomed to working together. Moreover, the interactionist perspective in sociology allows us to apprehend the difficulties met by the actors in their daily practice, their aims and their arguments in favour of a new organisational framework, as well as the diversity of the different forms of their engagement and the underlying social dynamics. MSPs and initiatives of prevention and patient education implemented in these institutions appear as effective political instruments to “put professionals in movement” around objectives and organisations that have to be built up together, following several paths. With these flexible innovative devices, multi-professionality and preventive practices feed mutually on each other, contributing to the structuring of a primary care system on a territorial basis, and to the emergence of a wider definition of prevention. However, these transformations meet important constraints. On one hand, the reinvention of a collective medicine, against which the self-employed medicine has been opposed for over a century, collides with the weight of a heavy professional logical system, questioning the possibility of an extension of these new organisations. On the other hand, the scale of the preventive and educational supply of care is limited by the available resources as well as the choices made by the actors- and by the low rank given to patients. These results question the capacity of the actors to overtake the logical professional approach in order that they integrate from now on a public health logical approach with a preventive and educational aim. They also question the will of the actors to integrate a health-promoting approach, than could tackle the politics of intersectoral actions to affront the determinants of health inequalities.

Verordnung von Protonenpumpenhemmern in der hausärztlichen Praxis / Prescription of proton pump inhibitors in general practice

Fier, Stefanie 06 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Genetische Marker bei hausärztlichen Patienten mit oraler Antikoagulation / Genetic markers in patients taking phenprocoumon

Hess, Stephan 02 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Diagnóstico de demanda em Florianópolis utilizando a Classificação Internacional de Atenção Primária: 2º edição (CIAP-2) / Patient demand evaluation in Florianópolis, Brazil, using International Classification of Primary Care 2nd edition (ICPC-2)

Gustavo Diniz Ferreira Gusso 25 November 2009 (has links)
Para se avaliar o trabalho dos generalistas/ médicos de família, é necessário um adequado sistema de classificação das consultas ou encontros entre profissionais da saúde e pacientes. O sistema atualmente conhecido como Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID) começou seu desenvolvimento no século XIX e até sua quinta edição era apenas uma classificação de causas de morte. Após a sexta revisão, ela passou a ser um instrumento que envolvia morbidade também; porém, perdeu as características e princípios de um sistema de classificação. A Organização Mundial de Médicos de Família (WONCA) vem desenvolvendo, desde os anos 70, um compacto e robusto sistema de classificação chamado Classificação Internacional de Atenção Primária que se encontra atualmente na segunda versão (CIAP 2), apropriado para ser usado na atenção primária à saúde. Ela é baseada em três componentes principais: queixa do paciente (motivo da consulta), diagnóstico médico (problema) e processo (intervenção). Objetivo: este estudo objetivou avaliar os principais motivos da consulta, problemas e comorbidades nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, e testar o uso da CIAP2, baseado na avaliação de encontros, porém, inter-relacionando os motivos das consultas expostos pelos pacientes com os problemas encontrados pelos profissionais. Metodologia: um formulário em papel foi desenvolvido com informações gerais dos pacientes (idade, gênero, estado civil e ocupação) e informações sobre a consulta - natureza da consulta (agendada ou não), motivo(s) da consulta (descrito(s) com as palavras dos pacientes) e os problemas correspondentes (estabelecidos pelos profissionais da saúde voluntários), plano (referenciado para especialista ou outro profissional de atenção primária), exames complementares e prescrição de medicamentos. Os 90 generalistas/ médicos de família de Florianópolis que estavam trabalhando na Estratégia Saúde da Família foram convidados. Todos que aceitaram participar deveriam responder o formulário após cada consulta durante uma semana típica de trabalho por estação do ano. Um especialista em CIAP2 codificou todos os formulários preenchidos. Resultados: trinta voluntários aceitaram participar e 26 completaram pelo menos uma semana típica de trabalho. 5698 encontros foram avaliados com regular distribuição ao longo das estações do ano. Foram estabelecidos em média 1,625 motivos da consulta (MC) e 1,475 problemas por consulta. Os 30 problemas mais comuns representaram 50% de todas as consultas, o que é compatível com as referências internacionais disponíveis. Estes problemas mais frequentes pertencem a 13 capítulos diferentes da CIAP 2 (cada capítulo corresponde a um órgão ou sistema) com distribuição homogênea. Os dados apresentaram boa qualidade e nenhuma aberração, como hipertensão em recém nascido ou problema ginecológico em homem, foi encontrada. Foi possível calcular probabilidades pré teste de motivos das consultas para problemas comuns como infecção de vias aéreas superiores (IVAS) e perturbações depressivas bem como a probabilidade de diagnóstico de diferentes problemas para motivos da consulta frequentes como tosse e cefaléia. As comorbidades mais comuns encontradas foram hipertensão e diabetes e hipertensão e dislipidemia. Em apenas 26,6% de todas as consultas nenhum medicamento foi prescrito. Conclusão: o estudo encontrou dados que colaboram no raciocínio clínico, no planejamento do desenvolvimento profissional contínuo e na proteção do paciente contra diagnósticos inapropriados de doenças e suas possíveis intervenções desnecessárias. A CIAP 2 é uma potente ferramenta para ser usada na prática diária não para guiar o processo diagnóstico, mas para colaborar na produção e análise de dados transformando cada unidade básica de saúde em um campo de pesquisa / In order to evaluate the work of generalist/ family doctor it is necessary an adequate classification system. The nowadays known as International Classification of Diseases (ICD) started its development in 19`s century and until its fifth edition it was just a cause of death classification. After sixth revision it became a morbidity and mortality tool but lost its classification characteristics and principles. The World Organization of Family Doctors (Wonca) developed after 70`s one compact and strong classification system called International Classification of Primary Care, which is in its second edition (ICPC2), appropriate to be used in primary care settings. It is based on the three main consultation parts: patients complaint, doctor diagnose (problem), and process (intervention). Objective: this study aims to evaluate main complaints, problems, comorbidities in Florianópolis` health centers and test ICPC2 use in an encounter mode but interrelating complaints and problems. Method: one paper form was designed with patient general information (age, gender, civil state, occupation) and information regarding the consultation: nature of consultation (schedule or not), complaints (with patients words) and the correspondent problem (stated by health provider), plan (referred to specialist/ other primary care provider), complementary exams and prescriptions. All 90 generalists/ family doctors of Florianópolis who were working in Family Health Program were invited. Everyone should answer the form after each consultation during one typical work week per season along one year. One ICPC2 specialist coded all filled forms. Results: thirty volunteers accepted to participate and 26 completed at least one typical work week. 5698 encounters were evaluated with regular distribution among seasons. There were 1,625 complaints and 1,475 problems per consultation on average. The 30 most common problems represented 50% of all consultations which is compatible with international data available. These more frequent problems belong to 13 different chapters (each one corresponds to a different organ or body system) with unvarying distribution. Data collected presented a very good quality and no aberration as hypertension in new born or gynecological problems in a male was found. It was possible to calculate prior probability of complaints for common problems as upper respiratory infection acute and depressive disorder as well the probability of different problems for a frequent complaint as cough or headache. The most common commorbidities were hypertension and diabetes and hypertension and lipid disorder. Only in 26.6% of all encounters no medicine was prescribed. Conclusion: the study provided adequate data that help in clínical reasoning, continued professional development plan and patient protection against inappropriate diagnose and its consequent intervention. ICPC2 is a strong tool to be used in daily practice not to guide diagnosis process but to produce and analyze data and transform each health center in a research field.

Impacts des incitatifs économiques en médecine générale : Analyse des préférences et des motivations des médecins / Impacts of economic incentives in general practice : Analysis of doctors’ preferences and motivations

Sicsic, Jonathan 25 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à plusieurs questions posées par l’introduction et la généralisation, en France, d’incitatifs économiques de type P4P appliqués à la médecine générale. Ces schémas incitatifs (CAPI, ROSP) ont pour objectif d’améliorer la qualité des soins, mais ils sont débattus en termes d’efficience et d’effets indésirables potentiels. Dans un premier temps, nous évaluons l’impact du CAPI sur différents indicateurs de la qualité des soins : la durée de la consultation et le dépistage des cancers. Puis, nous étudions les modalités d’une meilleure implication du médecin généraliste (MG) dans le dépistage des cancers, en appliquant la méthodologie des choix discrets. Enfin, nous analysons la relation entre motivations intrinsèques et extrinsèques des MGs français. Nous montrons que le CAPI n’a pas eu d’impact significatif sur les indicateurs de qualité considérés et que les MGs seraient sensibles à d’autres dispositifs non monétaires potentiellement moins coûteux. Enfin, nous mettons en évidence une relation de substituabilité entre motivations intrinsèques et extrinsèques. Ces résultats invitent à davantage de prudence dans la définition des incitatifs économiques en médecine générale. / This thesis addresses several issues raised by the introduction in France of economic incentives such as pay-For-Performance applied to general practice. These incentive schemes are designed to improve the quality of care, but they are discussed both in terms of effectiveness and potential side effects. Initially, we assess the impact of the CAPI scheme on various indicators of quality of care: the consultation length and cancers screening. Then, using the discrete choice experiment methodology, we reveal general practitioners (GPs) preferences for devices aimed at improving the early detection of cancers. Finally, we analyse empirically the relationship between French GPs' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. We show that the CAPI has not had a significant impact on the selected quality indicators. In addition, GPs would be sensitive to potentially less costly nonmonetary devices. Eventually, we highlight a negative relationship between GPs' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Our results call for greater caution in the definition of economic incentives in general practice.

Diagnostik und Therapie von Atemwegsinfekten in der Allgemeinarztpraxis / Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory tract infections in general practice

Fischer, Susanne 01 November 2003 (has links)
Einleitung: Atemwegsinfekte gehören zu den häufigsten Krankheitsbildern in der Allgemeinarztpraxis. Ziel der Erhebung war es, Daten zur Diagnostik und Therapie von Atemwegsinfekten in der hausärztlichen Praxis zu erheben. Methoden: Während einer jeweils eintägigen Hospitation bei 30 Fachärzten für Allgemeinmedizin wurde deren Vorgehensweise bei allen Patienten mit einem akuten Atemwegsinfekt dokumentiert, die im Zeitraum der Beobachtung den Arzt konsultierten. Es erfolgte eine Unterscheidung zwischen Erst- und Folgekontakten. Ergebnisse: Diagnostisch wurden am häufigsten die Auskultation der Lunge und die Inspektion des Mund-Rachen-Raumes durchgeführt. 98,4% der Patienten mit Erstkonsultationen und 62,5% der Patienten mit Folgekonsultationen erhielten eine medikamentöse Verordnung. Im Durchschnitt erhielten erstkonsultierende Patienten 2,1 (+-1,0), Patienten im Folgekontakt 1,3 (+-1,1) Medikamente. Am häufigsten wurden Medikamente aus der Gruppe der Husten- und Erkältungspräparate verordnet (87,1% der Erstkontakte und 52,9% der Folgekontakte). 43,5% der Erstkontakte und 29,9% der Folgekontakte erhielten ein Antibiotikum (37,5% Makrolide, 21,5% Penicilline, 20,8% Doxycyclin als Monosubstanz oder in Kombination mit Expektorantien). Schlussfolgerung: Nahezu alle Patienten erhielten ein Rezept über mindestens ein Medikament. Die erhobenen Daten lassen vermuten, dass sich bei einer höheren Gewichtung der so genannten "Hausmittel" ein deutliches Einsparungspotential böte. Angesichts des hohen Anteils der Antibiotikaverordnungen sollte die entsprechende Indikationsstellung kritisch überdacht werden.

Schwindel in der Allgemeinarztpraxis: Prävalenz, Versorgungsqualität und seine Assoziation mit Ängstlichkeit und Depressivität: Schwindel in der Allgemeinarztpraxis: Prävalenz, Versorgungsqualität und seineAssoziation mit Ängstlichkeit und Depressivität

Sandel, Richard 16 July 2014 (has links)
Hintergrund: Schwindel ist ein häufig vorgetragenes Symptom beim Hausarzt. Seine erhöhte Vergesellschaftung mit Ängstlichkeit und Depressivität ist aber bisher zu wenig untersucht worden, ebenso wenig ist dieser Zusammenhang Gegenstand der hausärztlichen Behandlung von Schwindelpatienten. Zielstellung: Kommen unbekannte psychische Hintergründe in Kombination mit Schwindel im hausärztlichen Patientengut häufiger vor als ohne Schwindel? Ergeben sich daraus als Konsequenz unterschiedliche Versorgungsformen durch den Hausarzt? Wie verhält es sich mit deren subjektiven Gesundheitszustand, dem Erfolg der hausärztlichen Behandlung, dem ihnen entgegengebrachten Verständnis und der Häufigkeit der Arztbesuche der Betroffenen? Studiendesign: Prospektive Multicenterstudie in der Allgemeinpraxis Untersuchungsregion: Zehn Hausarztpraxen in Halle a.d. Saale und Nordsachsen/ Leipzig im städtischen und ländlichen Einzugsbereich, welche von Fachärzten für Allgemeinmedizin geführt wurden. Methodik: Die Studie untersuchte insgesamt 590 zufällig am Untersuchungstag eintreffende Patienten in jeweils einer von insgesamt zehn Hausarztpraxen. Die Ausprägung von Schwindelbeschwerden und eventuell vorhandene Merkmale von Ängstlichkeit und Depressivität beim jeweiligen Patienten wurden mit Elementen des Gießener Beschwerdebogens 24 und der Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (deutsche Version) untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die Patienten wurden in eine Gruppe mit relevanten (29,7%, n=175) und in eine Gruppe ohne relevante Schwindelbeschwerden (70,3%, n=408) eingeteilt (Cut off >=8 nach GBB 24). Die Gruppe mit relevantem Schwindel wies häufiger Merkmale für Ängstlichkeit (p<0,001) und Depressivität (p<0,001) in allen Altersgruppen auf, zeigte sich unzufriedener mit ihrem Behandlungserfolg (p=0,004), schätzte ihren aktuellen Gesundheitszustand schlechter ein (p<0,001) und konsultierte ihren Hausarzt in den letzten zwölf Monaten häufiger (p=0,020). Sie stellten sich nach ICPC-2 häufiger wegen neurologischer (p<0,001), psychologischer (p=0,026) und unspezifischer Beschwerden (p<0,001) vor. Sie erhielten mehr Diagnosen aus den ICD-10-Kapitel V (Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen) (p=0,030). Diese Patienten waren nach HADS-D auch häufiger psychisch auffällig (p<0,001). Relevanter Schwindel kam bei Frauen aller Altersgruppen häufiger vor als bei Männern (p<0,001). Dennoch ergaben sich keine Behandlungsunterschiede durch die Hausärzte zwischen beiden Gruppen (p=0,101 bis 0,930 je nach ärztlicher Maßnahme). Schlussfolgerung: Schwindelpatienten weisen häufger Ängstlichkeit und Depressivität auf, welche den Schwindel unterhalten. Dieser Zusammenhang sollte in der Sprechstunde bedacht werden. Die psychischen Hintergründe sollten vom Hausarzt aufgedeckt und behandelt werden. Dadurch könnte der Schwindel und damit der subjektive Gesundheitszustand der betroffenen Patienten verbessert und die Inanspruchnahme des Gesundheitswesens verringert werden.

Who wants to become a general practitioner?: student and curriculum factors associated with choosing a GP career: a multivariable analysis with particular consideration of practice-orientated GP courses

Deutsch, Tobias, Lippmann, Stefan, Frese, Thomas, Sandholzer, Hagen January 2015 (has links)
Objective: Because of the increasing shortage of general practitioners (GPs) in many countries, this study aimed to explore factors related to GP career choice in recent medical graduates. Particular focus was placed on the impact of specific practice-orientated GP courses at different stages of the medical undergraduate curriculum. Design: Observational study. Multivariable binary logistic regression was used to reveal independent associations with career choice. Setting: Leipzig Medical School, Germany. Subjects: 659 graduates (response rate = 64.2%). Main outcome measure: Choice of general practice as a career. Results: Six student-associated variables were found to be independently related to choice of general practice as a career: age, having family or friends in general practice, consideration of a GP career at matriculation, preference for subsequent work in a rural or small-town area, valuing the ability to see a broad spectrum of patients, and valuing long-term doctor – patient relationships. Regarding the curriculum, after adjustment independent associations were found with a specifi c pre-clinical GP elective (OR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.3 – 5.3), a four-week GP clerkship during the clinical study section (OR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.3 – 5.0), and a four-month GP clinical rotation during the final year (OR = 10.7, 95% CI 4.3 – 26.7). It was also found that the work-related values of the female participants were more compatible with those of physicians who opt for a GP career than was the case for their male colleagues. Conclusion: These results support the suggestion that a practice-orientated GP curriculum in both the earlier and later stages of undergraduate medical education raises medical schools’ output of future GPs. The findings are of interest for medical schools (curriculum design, admission criteria), policy-makers, and GPs involved in undergraduate medical education. More research is needed on the effectiveness of specific educational interventions in promoting interest in general practice as a career.

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