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Öppna boken och läs högt för eleverna : En studie om högläsning i undervisningen inom årskurs 1-3 / Open the book and read aloud to the pupils : A study of reading aloud in teaching of grades 1-3Ekberg, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs 1 respektive 3 beskriver och motiverar sitt arbete med språkutveckling och läsförståelse tillsammans med högläsning. Studien utgår från följande frågeställningar: Hur beskriver och motiverar lärare sitt arbete med högläsning? Vilka arbetssätt används för att förstärka högläsningens effekt på elevernas språkutveckling? Hur arbetar lärare så att elevernas läsförståelse gynnas tillsammans med högläsningen? Skiljer sig det aktiva arbetet med högläsning åt mellan årskurs 1 och årskurs 3 i just de här skolorna? I så fall hur? Studien gjordes med hjälp av en enkät som har besvarats av 50 lärare och intervjuer med fem lärare som arbetar i årskurs 1 och årskurs 3. Studien utgår fyra teorianknytningar och dessa är Lev Vygotskijs teori om sociokulturellt perspektiv, Vygotskijs teori "Zone of proximal development", Aidan Chambers teori om boksamtal och Barbro Westlunds teori om lässtrategier. Resultatet av studien visar att lärarna beskriver högläsning som ett positiv arbetssätt som utvecklar elevernas språkkunskaper och läsförståelse. De tre vanligaste sätten att arbeta för att förstärka högläsningens effekt på elevernas språkutveckling är lässtrategier, boksamtal och "En läsande klass". Den huvudsakliga skillnaden mellan de olika årskurserna är den faktiska tid som ägnas åt högläsning. I genomsnitt läser lärare högt för sina elever varje vecka 1 timme och 59 minuter i årskurs 1 respektive 1 timme och 22 minuter i årskurs 3. / The purpose of the study is to examine how teachers in grades 1 respective 3 describes and justifies the work with reading comprehension and language development along with reading aloud. The study is based on the following questions: How do the teachers describe and motivate their work with reading aloud? What approach are they using to enhance the reading aloud effect on pupils' language? How do teachers work in order that students' reading comprehension will benefit from the teacher reading aloud? Does the active work with reading aloud differ between grade 1 and grade 3 in these particular schools? If so, how? This study was made by using a questionnaire to 50 teachers and interviews with five teachers working in grade 1 and grade 3. The study is based on four theoretical extensions and these are Lev Vygotskijs theory of Socio-cultural perspective, Vygotskijs theory ”Zone of proximal development”, Aidan Chambers theory of discussions of literature and Barbro Westlunds theory of reading strategies. The result of the study shows that teachers describe reading aloud as a positive approach that develops students' language skills and reading comprehension. The three most common ways of working to strengthen reading aloud effect on pupils' language development are reading strategies, discussions of literature and "En läsande klass". The main difference between the different grades is the actual time devoted to reading aloud. On average, teachers read aloud to students weekly for 1 hour and 59 minutes in grade 1 and for 1 hour and 22 minutes in grade 3.
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Redovisning av goodwill : Ligger i betraktarens ögon / Accounting of goodwill : In the eye of the beholderHasani, Vlora, Hassellund, Emilia January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Goodwill är ett komplext begrepp. Problematiken med goodwill kan förklaras genom fyra problemområden: erkännande, mätning och värdering, klassifikation samt presentation och disclusoure. IFRS 3 uppkom 2005 i syfte att minska beloppet för goodwill på företagens balansräkningar, ändå fortsätter goodwill att växa.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att erhålla en ökad förståelse för redovisningen av goodwill genom att analysera förhållandet mellan hur företagen redovisar och hur de borde redovisa goodwill. Genom att upptäcka bristerna som finns och diskutera hur redovisningen av goodwill kan förbättras erhålls en ökad förståelse för ämnet.Avgränsningar: Studien granskar goodwill som uppstår vid företagsförvärv i förhållande till disclosure. Internt upparbetad goodwill och negativ goodwill ingår inte i studien.Metod: Studien baseras på en innehållsanalys av årsredovisningar från börsnoterade företag. Metoden baseras på etisk tolkning utifrån två tillämpningsmetoder, observation av begrepp inom text samt relation mellan text, principer och individer som tillverkar texten. Genom att använda två tillämpningsmetoder fångar studien in variation och förändring. Begreppen observeras utifrån en datainsamlingsreferensram, vilken är baserad på principer, tolkning och redovisningsteknik.Resultat och slutsatser: Studien upptäcker skillnader mellan teori och standard. Studien fann att redovisningen av goodwill är förvirrande på grund av att en särskild standard för goodwill saknas. Dagens standarder godkänner subjektiva värderingar i redovisningen, tillskillnad från teorin som anser att värderingen ska vara objektiv. / Background and problem: Goodwill is a complex concept. The problem with this subject can be explained by four different areas: the recognition, measurement and valuation, classification, presentation and disclusoure. IFRS 3 occurred in 2005 in order to reduce the amount of goodwill on corporate balance sheets, still continues goodwill to grow.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to obtain a better understanding of the accounting of goodwill by analyzing the relationship between how companies account and how they should account goodwill. By discovering the deficiencies that exist and discuss how the accounting of goodwill can be improved a better understanding is obtained.Limitations: The study examines goodwill arising on acquisitions in relation to disclosure. Internally generated goodwill and negative goodwill are excluded.Method: The study is a content analysis of annual reports of listed companies. The method is based on the ethical interpretation based on two application methods, observation of the concepts in the text and the relationship between text and principles, and individuals that produce text. By applying two application methods the study captures variation and change. The concepts were observed based on a framework of data collection, which is based on the principle, interpretation and technique.Results and conclusions: The study discovered that differences existed between theory and standard. It discovered that the recognition of goodwill is confusing because a special standard for goodwill is lacking. Today's standards approves subjective valuations in the accounts, while the theory considers that the valuation should be objective.This essay is written in Swedish.
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Värdet av Goodwill : Ett intressentperspektiv / The Value of Goodwill : A Stakeholder PerspectiveSvanström, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Genom att i praktiken se hur företag identifierar immateriella tillgångar syftar den här studien att ur ett intressentperspektiv diskutera relevansen, tillförlitligheten och jämförbarheten av det initiala värdet av goodwill.Metod: Studien baseras på en kvalitativ fenomenografisk metodansats. Djupintervjuer och telefonintervjuer har används för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Empirin har därefter behandlats med en abduktionsansats för att möjliggöra en diskussion genom att pendla mellan det empiriska materialet och tänkbara teorier.Analys: Utifrån legitimitet- och intressentteorin kan skillnaderna i redovisningen förklaras av: 1) Företagsledares tolkning av det sociala kontraktet. 2) IFRS. 3) Revisorns roll. 4) Intressenternas makt, legitimitet och brådska. 5) Börsnoterat kontra icke börsnoterat.Slutsats: Studien finner att IFRS 3 inte ökar relevansen, tillförlitligheten och jämförbarheten av informationen förvärvaren ger om det förvärvade bolaget. För att IFRS 3 ska uppnå syftet med relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet, bör de införas en tydlig vägledning hur företagen ska identifiera och värdera immateriella tillgångar efter ett rörelseförvärv. Vidare forskning krävs för att fastställa vilka egenskaper identifierbara tillgångar och goodwill besitter. / This thesis is written in Swedish.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is through practice see how companies identifies intangible assets and by using a stakeholder perspective discuss the relevance, reliability and comparability of the initial value of goodwill.Methodology: This thesis is based on a qualitative phenomenography methodology. The empirical material have been gathered through in-depth interviews and telephone interviews. An abductive approach where applied on the empirical data and selective theories to enhance the discussion.Analysis: By applying the legitimacy and stakeholder theory the de facto difference in the accounting of the initial value of goodwill can be explained by: 1) Managers interpretation of the social contract. 2) IFRS. 3) The role of the accountant. 4) Power, legitimacy and urgency of the stakeholder. 6) Publicly listed company vs. unlisted company.Findings: This thesis finds that IFRS 3 do not increase the relevance, reliability and comparability of the information the acquirer discloses of the acquired company. If IFRS 3 is to fulfill its purpose of relevance, reliability and comparability, IASB needs to introduce a guidance how companies should identify and appraise intangible assets after acquisitions. Further research is needed on what properties intangible assets have and how goodwill should properly be classified.
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Digital craft : handmade craft meets digital designMiller, Rebecca Leah 13 July 2011 (has links)
Digital Craft is a project that explores the interface between three-dimensional (3-D) computer technology and costume technology. I combine seasoned millinery techniques with modern methods of object construction and design to diversify the costume artisan’s toolbox and encourage practical and useful ways of moving between the virtual and physical world. Through a series of theoretical projects the dichotomy of modern artistic process is explored. The task of this thesis project is to explore the impact of 3-D imaging software on design and construction methods by applying them to the sculptural process of hat making. I collaborate with designers and technicians to develop methods of hat making for performance culminating in an exhibition presented at the University Co-op Cohen New Works Festival, April 2011.
This research is applied to cultivate new methods of hat making, by exploring new media and expanding creative possibilities. Craft objects are created directly through the hand of the maker; it is thorough technique that the hand informs the craft object (Risatti, 108). Furthermore, the traditional notion of tools and craft objects is that they are conditioned, controlled and limited by the hands. In order to update and improve methods of object construction, this project will expand the traditional concept of craft, combining hands-on methods with machining. I hope to improve efficiency and decrease the cost of realizing authentic and original hat designs by exploring alternative digital spaces that can be used to communicate, develop and actualize ideas. / text
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Tumor-derived proteins and mitochondrial dysfunction in lung cancer-induced cachexiaMcLean, Julie B. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Lung tumors secrete multiple factors that contribute to cachexia, a severe wasting syndrome that includes loss of muscle mass, weakness, and fatigue. 80% of advanced lung cancer patients experience cachexia, which cannot be reversed by nutritional interventions, diminishes response to and tolerance of cancer treatments, and increases morbidity and mortality. Despite a multitude of clinical trials, there are currently no approved treatments. This deficiency suggests that not all of the factors that contribute to cachexia have been identified.
Cancer is frequently accompanied by an increase in cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a hallmark of inflammation. Clinical trials for COX-2 inhibitors have resulted in restoration of muscle mass and decreased fatigue. Along with loss of myofibrillar proteins, cachexia also induces mitochondrial dysfunction, which contributes to fatigue. The amelioration of fatigue by COX-2 inhibition suggests possible alterations to mitochondrial function. We hypothesized that there were unidentified tumor-derived factors that contribute to cachectic wasting and fatigue.
Treatment of C2C12 myotubes with Lewis lung cancer-conditioned media (LCM) resulted in increased COX-2 content, myosin loss, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Mass spectrometry revealed 158 confirmed proteins in LCM. We focused on extracellular 14-3-3 proteins because they bind and regulate over 200 known partners. We found that depletion of extracellular 14-3-3 proteins diminished myosin content. CD13, an aminopeptidase, is the proposed receptor for 14-3-3 proteins. Inhibiting aminopeptidases with Bestatin also reduced myosin content.
LCM treatment decreased basal and ATP-related mitochondrial respiration, caused a transient rise in reactive oxygen species (ROS), and increased 4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) in both cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions of cell lysates. COX-2 inhibition did not spare myosin content in LCM-treated myotubes, but did alter mitochondrial respiration and cytosolic oxidant levels.
Our novel findings show that extracellular 14-3-3 proteins may act as previously unidentified myokines, signaling via aminopeptidases to help maintain muscle mass. We elucidated how LCM alters mitochondrial electron flow, and increases oxidative damage by ROS and 4-HNE. Although successful in clinical trials, COX-2 inhibitors do not appear to spare muscle mass by directly working on skeletal muscle, but did alter mitochondrial function.
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Developing Melanocortin 3 Selective Ligands through C-Terminal Modification of Melanocortin PeptidesNyberg, Joel Benjamin January 2013 (has links)
The melanocortin 3 and 4 receptors share 58% overall amino acid identity and 76% similarity. This high level of similarity between the MC3R and the MC4R underscores the difficulties associated with developing MC3R selective ligands, and as a consequence little is known of the physiological functions of the melanocortin 3 receptor. Previous research showing the differences between endogenous non-selective ligands and melanocortin 3 receptor selective ligands are mainly within the C-terminus of the melanocortin peptide. These findings have been exploited in this research using known melanocortin 3 and 4 selective ligands modified at their respective C-termini to develop some very promising melancortin 3 selective antagonists and agonists, analog 5 ([CO(CH₂)₂CO-DNal(2')-Arg-Trp-Lys]-Gly-Lys-Pro-Val-NH₂) and analog 20 ((H-DNal(2')-c[Asp-Pr6-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Lys]-Ala-Gly-Pro-Val-NH₂) respectively. Additional studies using molecular modeling have produced further insights into the structural basis for selectivity. Finally, we have been developing a new scaffold for the melanocortin receptor using cyclic dipeptide derivatives.
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Diagnostische Liquorparameter der sporadischen Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Erkrankung und häufiger Differentialdiagnosen / Diagnostic CSF-parameter in sporadic CJD and and common differential diagnosesKühmel, Torsten 14 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of the Degradation of Carboxypyridines in Bacteria / Karboksipiridinų degradacijos bakteterijose tyrimasKarvelis, Laimonas 01 October 2012 (has links)
The main aim of this work was the study of bacteria capable to degrade the pyridine
monocarboxylic acids. Achromobacter sp. strain JS18 capable to utilize 3-hydroxypyridine-
2-carboxylic acid was selected by screening of microorganisms hydroxylating the pyridine
ring at unusual positions or transforming pyridine derivatives . The strain 5HP consuming 5-
hydroxypyridine-2-carboxylic acid as a sole carbon and energy source was isolated from
soil. The 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolate belongs to
Pusillimonas genus.
It was found that picolinic, nicotinic and dipicolinic acids were metabolized via three
distinct inducible pathways in Achromobacer sp. JS18. The appropriate biodegradation
routes of these acids as well as 3-hydroxypyridine-2-carboxylic acid were was proposed.
Nicotinic acid, 5-hydroxypicolinic acid and 3-hydroxypyridine induced three distinct
metabolic pathways in Pusillimonas sp. 5HP cells. All pathways had the same intermediate
– 2,5-dihydroxypyridine. For the first time 5-hydroxypicolinate 2-monooxygenase, which
catalyzed oxidative decarboxylation of 5-hydroxypicolinic acid, was discovered, partially
purified and characterized.
The analysis of Sinorhizobium sp. L1 cells showed that 3-hydroxypyridine and
nicotinic acid were degraded via different metabolic pathways. The Sinorhizobium sp. L1
cells converted 3-hydroxymethylpyridine to nicotinic acid. 3-hydroxypyridine and nicotinic
acid induced biosynthesis of distinct isoforms of 2... [to full text] / Šio darbo metu buvo tiriamos bakterijos, galinčios skaidyti piridino
monokarboksirūgštis. Netradicinėse vietose hidroksilinančių ir/ar hidroksilintų pikolino ir
nikotino rūgščių skaidyme dalyvaujančių mikroorganizmų atranka leido identifikuoti
Achromobacter sp. JS18 bakteriją, skaidančią 3-hidroksipiridino-2-karboksirūgštį, ir iš
dirvožemio išskirti 5HP kamieną, galintį panaudoti 5-hidroksipiridino-2-karboksirūgštį
vieninteliu anglies ir energijos šaltiniu. 16S rRNR geno analizės duomenimis 5HP kamienas
priklauso Pusillimonas genčiai. Tai pirmoji žinoma bakterija, galinti skaidyti 5-
Nustatyta, kad Achromobacter sp. JS18 bakterijose yra indukuojami trys skirtingi
piridino monokarboksirūgščių skaidymo keliai. Pasiūlyti pikolino, nikotino, dipikolino
rūgščių ir 3-hidroksipiridino-2-karboksirūgšties, skaidymo keliai.
Pusillimonas sp. 5HP ląstelėse pirmą kartą aptikta ir dalinai išgryninta 5-
hidroksipikolinato 2-monooksigenazė, katalizuojanti 5-hidroksipiridino-2-karboksirūgšties
oksidacinį dekarboksilinimą, susidarant 2,5-dihidroksipiridinui. 5HP bakterijose yra
indukuojami trys (3-hidroksipiridino, 5-hidroksipikolino ir nikotino rūgščių) skaidymo
keliai, susidarant bendram metabolitui – 2,5-dihidroksipiridinui.
Tiriant Sinorhizobium sp. L1 ląstel÷s, buvo nustatyta, kad 3-hidroksipiridino ir
nikotino rūgšties skaidymas vyksta skirtingais keliais. 3-Hidroksimetilpiridinas L1 ląstelėse
yra oksiduojamas iki nikotino rūgties ir skaidymas vyksta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Karboksipiridinų degradacijos bakterijose tyrimas / Investigation of the Degradation of Carboxypyridines in BacteriaKarvelis, Laimonas 01 October 2012 (has links)
Šio darbo metu buvo tiriamos bakterijos, galinčios skaidyti piridino
monokarboksirūgštis. Netradicinėse vietose hidroksilinančių ir/ar hidroksilintų pikolino ir
nikotino rūgščių skaidyme dalyvaujančių mikroorganizmų atranka leido identifikuoti
Achromobacter sp. JS18 bakteriją, skaidančią 3-hidroksipiridino-2-karboksirūgštį, ir iš
dirvožemio išskirti 5HP kamieną, galintį panaudoti 5-hidroksipiridino-2-karboksirūgštį
vieninteliu anglies ir energijos šaltiniu. 16S rRNR geno analizės duomenimis 5HP kamienas
priklauso Pusillimonas genčiai. Tai pirmoji žinoma bakterija, galinti skaidyti 5-
Nustatyta, kad Achromobacter sp. JS18 bakterijose yra indukuojami trys skirtingi
piridino monokarboksirūgščių skaidymo keliai. Pasiūlyti pikolino, nikotino, dipikolino
rūgščių ir 3-hidroksipiridino-2-karboksirūgšties, skaidymo keliai.
Pusillimonas sp. 5HP ląstelėse pirmą kartą aptikta ir dalinai išgryninta 5-
hidroksipikolinato 2-monooksigenazė, katalizuojanti 5-hidroksipiridino-2-karboksirūgšties
oksidacinį dekarboksilinimą, susidarant 2,5-dihidroksipiridinui. 5HP bakterijose yra
indukuojami trys (3-hidroksipiridino, 5-hidroksipikolino ir nikotino rūgščių) skaidymo
keliai, susidarant bendram metabolitui – 2,5-dihidroksipiridinui.
Tiriant Sinorhizobium sp. L1 ląstel÷s, buvo nustatyta, kad 3-hidroksipiridino ir
nikotino rūgšties skaidymas vyksta skirtingais keliais. 3-Hidroksimetilpiridinas L1 ląstelėse
yra oksiduojamas iki nikotino rūgties ir skaidymas vyksta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main aim of this work was the study of bacteria capable to degrade the pyridine
monocarboxylic acids. Achromobacter sp. strain JS18 capable to utilize 3-hydroxypyridine-
2-carboxylic acid was selected by screening of microorganisms hydroxylating the pyridine
ring at unusual positions or transforming pyridine derivatives . The strain 5HP consuming 5-
hydroxypyridine-2-carboxylic acid as a sole carbon and energy source was isolated from
soil. The 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolate belongs to
Pusillimonas genus.
It was found that picolinic, nicotinic and dipicolinic acids were metabolized via three
distinct inducible pathways in Achromobacer sp. JS18. The appropriate biodegradation
routes of these acids as well as 3-hydroxypyridine-2-carboxylic acid were was proposed.
Nicotinic acid, 5-hydroxypicolinic acid and 3-hydroxypyridine induced three distinct
metabolic pathways in Pusillimonas sp. 5HP cells. All pathways had the same intermediate
– 2,5-dihydroxypyridine. For the first time 5-hydroxypicolinate 2-monooxygenase, which
catalyzed oxidative decarboxylation of 5-hydroxypicolinic acid, was discovered, partially
purified and characterized.
The analysis of Sinorhizobium sp. L1 cells showed that 3-hydroxypyridine and
nicotinic acid were degraded via different metabolic pathways. The Sinorhizobium sp. L1
cells converted 3-hydroxymethylpyridine to nicotinic acid. 3-hydroxypyridine and nicotinic
acid induced biosynthesis of distinct isoforms of 2... [to full text]
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Vizualinis šablono sudarymas informacijos gavimui iš internetinių šaltinių / Visual composition of a pattern for data retrieval from the internetČerniauskas, Karolis 21 August 2013 (has links)
Duomenų gausa internete didėja eksponentiškai. Žmonės patys nesugeba susidoroti su kasdien didėjančia įvairių duomenų paklausa. Norint apdoroti didelius duomenų kiekius yra naudojami kompiuteriai, tačiau dabartinė programinė įranga negali suprasti daugumos internete saugomų duomenų. Šiame darbe siekiama ištirti metodus, kuriais galima būtų semantizuoti interneto duomenų šaltinius ir pateikiamas vizualinio įrankio, kuris padėtų tai padaryti, projektas. / The amount of data in the Web is increasing exponentially. Humans by themselves are not able to cope with the increasing demand of various data every day. In our every day lives this manifests in struggle to schedule everything as tightly as possible and absorb as much information as possible in as little time as possible. To aid in the increasing demand of data, computers have been used almost as much increasingly well. However, current state of the Web (which provides us with almost all everyday data) is not perfect for usage by automated computers. The Internet mostly provides us with data in text or image format that computers can merely display, but they can not comprehend the meaning of it. This situation calls for a solution which involves semanticizing current text-only Internet, i.e. giving meaning to the text, which computers could understand and manipulate as well as humans do now. This paper investigates the means to approach the lack of machine understandable text on the Web and suggests a tool which can aid humans in semanticizing it.
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