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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of Dunfermline Abbey as a royal cult centre, c.1070-c.1420

Lee, SangDong January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the development the cult of St Margaret at Dunfermline as a royal cult from 1070, the moment when St Margaret married King Malcolm III at Dunfermline, to 1420, the year of the burial of Robert duke of Albany who was the last royal member to be buried at Dunfermline. Scholars have focused on the life of St Margaret and her reputation or achievement from the biographical, institutional and hagiographical point of view. Although recent historians have considered St Margaret as a royal saint and Dunfermline as a royal mausoleum, they have approached this subject with relatively simple patterns, compared to the studies of the cults of European royal saints and their centres, in particular, those of English and French Kingdoms which influenced Scottish royalty. Just as other European royal cults such as the cults at Westminster and St-Denis have been researched from the point of view of several aspects, so the royal cult at Dunfermline can be approached in many ways. Therefore, this thesis will examine the development of Dunfermline Abbey as a royal cult centre through studying the abbey and the cult of St Margaret from the point of view of miracles and pilgrimage, lay patronage, and liturgical and devotional space. The examination of St Margaret’s miracles stories and pilgrimage to Dunfermline contribute to understanding these stories in the context of the development of the cult. The study of lay patronage explains the significance of royal favour and non-royal patrons in relation to the development of the cult, and how and why the royal cult developed and declined, and how the monks of Dunfermline promoted or sustained the cult of the saint. Lastly, the research of the liturgical and devotional space provides an explanation of the change of liturgical space from the point of view of the development of the cult.

Les voyages officiels et les déplacements des personnages publics en Orient de la mort d'Alexandre Le Grand au début de l'Empire romain (323-30 AV. J.C) : entre cérémonial politique et pratique culturelle / The official trips and the travels of public personalities in the East from the death of Alexander the Great to the beginning of the Roman Empire (323-30 B.C.) : between political ceremonial and cultural practice

Flamment, Emerik 05 December 2008 (has links)
A travers l’analyse des déplacements des souverains hellénistiques et des imperatores romains en Orient, ce travail entend éclairer le concept moderne de voyage officiel et démontrer la validité de cette catégorie pour caractériser les voyages de ces personnalités politiques antiques. Au-delà du critère du statut du voyageur, les sources mettent en lumière le rôle discriminant de l’infrastructure du voyage, ainsi que l’importance des procédures d’accueil public dans la reconnaissance collective de l’officiel. L’enquête conduit à souligner la dimension à la fois protocolaire et populaire de ce type de déplacement dont le caractère spectaculaire contribuait à assurer le retentissement exceptionnel pour en faire un [événement] local de grande ampleur. Manifestation de souveraineté, le voyage officiel s’inscrivait dans un processus de légitimation du pouvoir et constituait le cadre privilégié de la mise en scène de la personnalité politique : l’apparat et la théâtralisation du voyage autant que ses enjeux politiques majeurs peuvent être considérés comme des caractéristiques déterminantes du déplacement officiel. Cette réflexion pose également le problème de la pertinence de la dichotomie public/privé. Celle-ci n’est opératoire qu’à Rome où le concept de voyage fonctionnel est attesté, mais où l’on peut néanmoins observer une confusion entre la sphère de l’officium et celle de l’otium dans le cadre des déplacements des imperatores qui étaient l’occasion de démarches touristiques, culturelles ou religieuses révélatrices de la curiosité intellectuelle de ces personnages dont les séjours d’études puis les voyages officiels en Orient permettaient de satisfaire le philhellénisme. / Through the analysis of the travels of the hellenistic kings and the roman imperatores in the East, this work intends to throw light on the modern concept of official trip and to demonstrate the validity of this category to characterize the travels of these ancient political personalities. Beyond the criterion of the status of the traveller, sources bring to light the discriminating role of the infrastructure of the trip, as well as the importance of public reception in the collective recognition of the official. The inquiry leads to underline the formal and the popular dimension of this kind of trip whose spectacular character contributed to ensure his exceptional impact and turn it into a large-scale local event. As a demonstration of [sovereignty], the official trip was part of a process of legitimization of power and provided the privileged framework for the staging of the political personality : the pageantry and dramatization of the journey as much as [its] major political stakes can be considered as distinctive characteristics of the official trip. This study also raises the problem of the relevance of the public/private dichotomy. The latter is only effective in Rome where the concept of functional trip is attested, but where a confusion of the sphere of the officium and the otium can nevertheless be observed within the travels of the imperatores which were the opportunity of touristic, cultural and religious initiatives revealing the intellectual curiosity of these characters whose study tours and official trips in the East made it possible to satisfy their philhellenism.

Santa María la Real, Sangüesa (Navarra)

Müller, Beatrix 19 August 1999 (has links)
Bislang gab es keine detaillierte Untersuchung der umfangreichen Bauplastik der Kirche Santa María la Real in Sangüesa, obwohl es sich um einen der für die Entwicklung der spätromanischen Skulptur Nordspaniens wichtigsten Komplexe des 12. Jahrhunderts handelt. Die Arbeit versucht, diese Forschungslücke zu schließen. Grundlage der Analyse und gleichzeitig Bestandsaufnahme ist ein Katalog, der die gesamte Bauplastik (360 Einzelskulpturen) und rund 40 Vergleichsbeispiele erfaßt. Mittels einer detaillierten Stilanalyse wurden stilistische und ikonographische Ordnungsprinzipien aus dem scheinbaren Durcheinander herausgearbeitet. Von dieser Grundlage aus konnten mehrere Skulpturenkomplexe Nordspaniens zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Nur Sangüesa vereint Skulpturen aus mindestens drei anderen Zentren und führt gleichzeitig neue Elemente - wie die Gewändefiguren Chartreser Prägung - ein. Das gesamte Spektrum der Bauplastik Navarras und Aragóns zwischen etwa 1130 und 1170 läßt sich daran ablesen. Als einziges Beispiel einer solchen Syntheseleistung in Nordspanien ist Sangüesa Rezeptor, Katalysator und Innovator zugleich. Das Tympanon Santa Marías zeigt die einzige erhaltene explizite Darstellung des jüngsten Gerichts einer nordspanischen Kirche des 12. Jahrhunderts. Vieles spricht dafür, daß auf Portalen entlang des Camino de Santiago eine inhaltliche Verbindungslinie zu ziehen ist von den furchteinflößenden Darstellungen in Frankreich über die auf wenige Elemente reduzierte Illustration des Weltgerichts in Sangüesa bis hin zu dem versöhnenden Christus im Pórtico de la Gloria der Kathedrale von Compostela. Die vorliegende Analyse erweist die spanische Bauplastik als eine eigenständige, innovative und hochqualitative Skulptur. / Santa María la Real, Sangüesa (Navarra) The architectural sculpture of Santa Marías and 12th century sculpture in Navarre and Aragón Receptor, catalysator, innovator? Beyond any doubt, Santa María la Real of Sangüesa is one of the most important sculptural complexes of 12th century Romanesque sculpture in Northern Spain. Nevertheless no detailed analysis of the rich sculpture of the main portal and the capitals in the interior of the church has hitherto been made. This is the first time a thesis tries to set up a catalogue and to present an analysis of the 360 different sculptures and to compare them with 40 examples of other places. In a specific and detailed analysis out of the enormous variety of sculptures some important stilistic and iconographic categories can be brought out allowing to establish the relationship between Sangüesa and other important monumental sculptural complexes in Northern Spain. Thus one can prove that only Sangüesa combines sculptures from at least three different centres of Ronanesque art in Northern Spain; and - what is more - the Sangüesa masters have introduced new elements like the column statues of Chartrese style. In Sangüesa the whole spectre of monumental sculpture in Navarre and Aragón between 1130 and 1170 is well represented. Santa María la Real is, therefore, a unique example of such a synthesis and can be regarded as a receptor, catalysator and innovator as well. The Sangüesan tympanum shows the only existing explicit illustration of the Last Judgement in a church of 12th century Spain. One may argue that a continuous iconographic program exists on portals along the Camino de Santiago: starting with the frightening representations in France passing by the reduced illustration of the Last Judgement in Sangüesa up to the reconciling Christ of the Pórtico de la Gloria of the Cathedral in Compostela. The thesis proves the high and innovative quality, and in particular, the originality of Spanish architectural sculpture of the period.

In the footsteps of the fellowship : understanding the expectations and experiences of Lord of the rings tourists on guided tours in New Zealand

Buchmann, Anne-Kristina January 2007 (has links)
This study seeks to gain an insight into the experiences Lord of the Rings tourists have on guided tours in New Zealand and the role of the tour guide(s) in that experience. The study examines motivations, expectations, actual experience and its evaluation and the role of the tour leader and guides. By drawing primarily on the results of qualitative research that examined the experience of film tourists and other people involved in the film tourism industry over a span of three years, I identified underlying motivations involved in the production and consumption of film tourism. The study found that pre-tour images of Lord of the Rings and its publicity surrounding the making of the films play a significant role in the formation of film tourists' expectations. The emotional relationship towards the films and the novel by J.R.R. Tolkien had motivated film tourists to seek a meaningful and sincere experience. Furthermore, the film and its making as discussed on the DVDs, further publicised myths like the authenticity of the film production itself and the experience of great meaning for one's personal life. Consequently, the study found that most film tourists put a high significance on the sincerity of the relationships within the tour community and with the tour leader and guide(s). The film location visit itself was experienced as highly rewarding but was significantly enhanced by the presence of the tour community ('fellowship'), reenactments and the physical presence on site. This embodiment was crucial for the overall experience as it further authenticated the location visit but also the journey itself as a worthy and spiritual endeavour. It was shown that the New Zealand image of 'green', 'clean' and 'exotic otherness' has been reinforced by multiple media portraits and matches many aspects of the Middle-earth image. All film tourists judged the use of New Zealand for the portrayal of Middle-earth as 'authentic' even if they knew about J.R.R. Tolkien's British background. Furthermore, they judged their film tourism experience as authentic even though the locations were used in a fictional setting. Thus the notions of object authenticity was explored and replaced with the concepts of existential authenticity and sincerity to shift the focus towards the active process of negotiation of authenticity in the tourism experience. To understand tourists' behaviour and motivation, notions of 'spirituality' and 'pilgrimage' were also employed. The study tourists undertook a meaningful and spiritually significant journey that was enhanced through the experience of embodiment and community which suggested parallels between the religious pilgrim and the secular film tourist. Both are on a meaningful journey to distant places and follow scripted guidelines while also creating their own experience. Embodiment played an important role. Furthermore, film tourists sought the community of other believers and were willing to 'follow in the footsteps' of film stars and crew when choosing which film locations and eateries to visit as they sought places that had attained an 'aura'.

Les Journées mondiales de la jeunesse : diversité des attentes et des retombées chez les participants et les organisateurs de groupes locaux

Boulay, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Votivní dary vybraných katolických poutních míst: Teoretická reflexe a analýza dochovaných příkladů / Votive Offerings at Selected Catholic Pilgrimage Sites: Theoretical Reflection and Anlysis of Extant Examples

Kolmačková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Tereza Kolmačková Votive offerings at selected Catholic pilgrimage sites: Theoretical reflection and anlysis of extant examples Abstract The aim of my thesis is to analyse votive offerings at Catholic Marian pilgrimage sites mainly from the early modern period. Firstly I discuss Marian images at pilgrimage sites to show who were the votive offering brought to and to describe a broader context of their placement. The thesis is then focused on analysis of textual evidence from the 17th century relating to the Czech pilgrimage site Svatá Hora and of extant objects mainly from Bavaria. Based on these sources the most common types of votive offerings seem to be painted pictures, models of body parts, statues and figures, candles and jewelry, other objects, however, occur as well. The votive offerings were mostly donated to express gratitude for a miracle. Therefore, the miracle process is also shortly discussed in my thesis. Votive offerings did not, however, only show the gratitude of a devotee but it seems that their promise was needed for Virgin Mary to perform a miracle. My analysis suggests that very important aspects of votive offerings were their performative character and the power to create and maintain relationships with Virgin Mary and other pilgrims.

A provisional and symbolic rereading of John 11 in light of the church's mission in solidarity with the poor: a reaffirmation of the preferential option for the poor

Moodie, Brian Dennis 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this Master's dissertation, I would like to explore a symbolic reading of John 11 (The raising of Lazarus) from the perspective of the church's mission to bring about the liberation of the poor. I believe that as one does so, one might discover that in the Gospel writer's original intention, the figure of Lazarus may never have been intended as a literal historical person, but rather as a symbolic representation of the poor, the marginalized and the oppressed. Such a reading of John 11 might throw new light on the Fourth Gospel's understanding of Jesus and his mission. In doing so, I believe that John 11 might become a foundational text to guide and motivate committed Christian mission in favour of the poor. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Croyances et pratiques rituelles albanaises du Kosovo : réflexions sur une écoculture / Beliefs and ritual practices among Kosovo albanians : reflections on an ecoculture

Krasniqi, Shemsi 08 February 2013 (has links)
L’idée principale de la thèse est l’écoculture, c'est-à-dire une réflexion plus approfondie sur la relation entre l’homme et la nature. Afin d’expliquer cette idée, nous avons analysé certains éléments caractéristiques de la culture traditionnelle, comme : le châtiment, la malédiction, la bénédiction, le serment, la métamorphose, l’empathie, la révérence, la sacralisation etc. Ces éléments culturels ne concernent pas seulement les mœurs et pratiques morales humaines dans la vie sociale, mais aussi bien les relations entre l’homme et la nature. Dans son sens véridique, en dehors de pensée, des symboles et des valeurs, l’écoculture sous-entend également les comportements, les actions concrètes et les autres routines de la vie quotidienne. L’une des conclusions de cette thèse est que les mouvements écologiques au Kosovo, et tout ceux qui prétendent créer une culture environnementale ou bien une conscience écologiques, afin de changer des comportements et des habitudes par rapport à l’environnement, pourraient prendre pour référence l’écoculture traditionnelle albanaise, parce qu’on y trouve beaucoup d’éléments communs avec des éthiques environnementales contemporaines, comme : écologie profonde, écoféminisme, spiritualisme écologique, dark-green religion / The main idea of the thesis is the eco-culture, that is to say, a deep reflection on the spiritual relationship between human and nature. To explain this idea, I analyze some characteristic elements of the traditional culture, such as punishment, curse, blessing, oath, metamorphosis, empathy, reverence, sacredness, etc. These cultural elements do not concern only the mores and ethical human practices in social life, but also the relationship between human and nature. Nowadays, in everyday life, these values are sometimes expressed openly and concretely, and other times latently and not obviously. In addition to thinking, symbols and values, the eco-culture also manifests itself through behavior, concrete actions, and other routines of daily life. Amongst the conclusions of this thesis is that the environmental movements in Kosovo, aiming at changing the habits related to the environment by means of creating the environmental culture and raising ecological consciousness, must refer to the traditional Albanian eco-culture, since the latter has many common elements with contemporary environmental ethics, such as deep ecology, eco-feminism, ecological spiritualism, dark-green religion, etc.

JEDNOTA ČSL. ORLA OD POČÁTKU STOLETÍ DO DRUHÉ SVĚTOVÉ VÁLKY, NA PŘÍKLADU JIHOČESKÉ TŘEBONĚ A JINDŘICHOVA HRADCE / Association of Czechoslovak Eagle from the beginning of the 20th century until the Second World War, in particular in South bohemian Třeboň and Jindřichův Hradec.

PFEIFEROVÁ, Mária January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with investigation of activities of Catholic sports association Czechoslovak Eagle from the beginning of the century to the Second World War. It describes its history and explains its most important activity with reference to the activities in South Bohemia, in particular in Jindřichův Hradec and Třeboň. It explains the aims of its work as well as the historical value with reference to particular examples. Its how is the main meaning in connection of spirituality and materialism. The first part describes the history of Czechoslovak Eagle, its foundation, organization, and, its most interesting historical moments. The second part describes its activities in the region of South Bohemia. The third part sets the Eagle's work in Třeboň into the historical context. The fourth does the same with the Eagle's work in Jindřichův Hradec.

Religião e mercado em Juazeiro do Norte : expressão do sagrado e do consumo religioso na terra do meu "Padim"

Paulo Cesar de Lima Andrelino 05 August 2013 (has links)
O trabalho se propôs a fazer uma análise crítica acerca do envolvimento direto da pessoa do romeiro com uma realidade de comércio na cidade de Juazeiro do Norte, onde o visitante torna-se significativa moeda de valor. Acima de tudo, é buscado o lucro, o que se permite fazer uma leitura do romeiro não como uma criatura, mas como um referencial de valor monetário, enredado no mercado consumista que se entrelaça entre mercadorias e pessoas que visam apenas as vantagens financeiras. As lojas, hospedarias e todos os demais estabelecimentos comerciais almejam os tão esperados períodos de romaria, na certeza de garantir uma estabilidade econômica até o próximo evento que marca o calendário das idas à terra do Padre Cícero. Embora a fé e o mercado se misturem, o romeiro, devoto de fato, busca o sagrado utilizando-se de variados percursos e ritos para agradecer alguma graça alcançada em tempos precedentes. As igrejas da cidade favorecem os romeiros com celebrações ininterruptas, embora também elas abram seus cofres para que neles se materializem os sentimentos dos romeiros agradecidos. A pompa, muitas vezes presenciada nas missas celebradas com os romeiros, permite que eles percebam ser o templo-igreja o lugar onde de forma mais fácil Deus ouve suas preces e rogos. Por isso, a pesquisa se pautou por refletir tal realidade, analisando com prudência e lógica criteriosa, as posturas dos romeiros, do mercado e da Igreja Católica frente à relação entre o sagrado manifesto na prática das romarias e o profano personificado no consumo dos objetos, sacros ou não, expostos no mercado da ―cidade santa‖. / The work aimed to make a critical analysis of the direct involvement of the person with the pilgrim trade a reality in the city of Juazeiro, where the visitor becomes significant amount of money. Above all, profit is sought, which allows to do a reading of the pilgrim not a creature, but as a benchmark for monetary value, enmeshed in consumerist market that is interwoven between goods and people who seek only the financial benefits. The shops, hostels and all other commercial establishments crave the long-awaited pilgrimage periods, certain guarantee economic stability until the next event that marks the timing of trips to the land of Father Cicero. Though faith and market mix, the pilgrim, devotee of fact, the sacred quest using a variety of routes and rituals to thank some grace achieved in previous times. The churches of the city favor the pilgrims with nonstop celebrations, although they also open their coffers for them to materialize the feelings of grateful pilgrims. The pomp often witnessed in Masses celebrated with the pilgrims allows them to perceive to be the temple-church where more easily God hears your prayers and entreaties. Therefore, the research is guided by reflecting this reality, analyzing prudently and judiciously logic, the attitudes of the pilgrims, the market and the Catholic Church opposite the relationship between the sacred - manifest in the practice of pilgrimages - and profane - personified in the consumption of objects, sacred or not, the market exposed the "holy city".

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