Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ADHD"" "subject:"[enn] ADHD""
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Risky Behavior and Impulsive Sensation Seeking in Young Adults with ADHD and Young Adults Who Report ADHD SymptomsZimak, Eric H. 11 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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The Efficacy of Working Memory Training for Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder- Combined type compared to Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder- Primarily Inattentive typePuffenberger, Synthia Sandoval 21 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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“Man lägger inte så mycket uppmärksamhet till ADHD när det går som normalt” : Likheter och skillnader mellan pojkars och flickors upplevelser av att leva med ADHDRisberg, Tove, Frantzis, Andrew January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är undersöka hur flickor och pojkar upplever att det är att ha diagnosen ADHD. Studien är en kvalitativ studie som genomförde med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer där 12 ungdomar, 6 pojkar och 6 flickor medverkade. Intervjumaterialet är en del i Noam Ringers (2020) avhandling. Det finns en del forskning på ADHD men väldigt liten andel tar upp skillnader mellan kön. Därför kom studiens syfte att rikta in sig på detta perspektiv. Eftersom studiens syfte var att titta på ungdomarnas upplevelser genomfördes en induktiv ansats. I analysen av intervjuerna fanns inga färdiga teser utan gick förbehållningslöst in i vad just dessa ungdomar hade för upplevelse av sin ADHD. Resultat ställdes sedan mot en socialkonstruktivistisk teori. I materialet kunde vi se flera likheter. Respondenterna beskrev upplevelsen av ett utanförskap och starkare negativa känslor på grund av sin diagnos och att de, oavsett kön, hade strateger för att minska denna upplevelse. En intressant skillnad är att flickorna i undersökningen hade som strategi att vara mer öppen med sin diagnos medan pojkarna mer försökte dölja den. I undersökningen visade det sig att utanförskapet hos både pojkar och flickor upplevdes som störst i skolan eftersom det var i skolmiljön som ADHD symptomen syntes som mest. De krav som skolmiljön ställde på dessa ungdomar påverkade deras självsyn.
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Educating Adolescents in the Context of Section 504 Policy: a Comparative Study of Two Middle SchoolsTaylor, Martha Asterilla 26 April 2002 (has links)
Section 504 "prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities by school districts receiving federal financial assistance" (First & Curcio, 1993, p.33). In public schools, eligible students receive an Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP), guaranteeing a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and equitable access to educational opportunities (Bateman, 1996). Interest in Section 504 has grown among school personnel, especially in the use of this mandate for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Additionally, the number of students with IAPs has increased nationally, in Virginia, and in the school district studied (Elementary and Secondary Schools Compliance Reports, 1994 & 1997). It has been hypothesized that these increases are attributable to ADHD. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore who these adolescents are and how they are served under Section 504 policy in two middle schools in southeastern Virginia. A comparative case study design was used to explore Section 504 policy implementation through within and cross-case comparisons of data from documents and interviews with administrators and teachers about the number and content of IAPs, and decision-making pertaining to the Section 504 process. Grounded theory was used to generate propositions relative to how demographic profiles and IAP content are affected by the implementation process. Results identified relevant themes and factors as awareness of procedures, time, costs, and school profiles. The findings of this study are intended to raise stakeholder awareness about Section 504 decision-making practices and their influence on services for students, and to inform Section 504 staff developers of training needs. / Ed. D.
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The Role of Executive and Motivational Laboratory Tasks in the Assessment of Externalizing and Internalizing Problems in ADHD-C and Non-ADHD-C YouthJarrett, Matthew A. 24 May 2006 (has links)
The current study utilized laboratory tasks (Conners' Continuous Performance Test, CPT; Behavioral Inhibition Task, BIT) to examine the relationships among motivation, executive functioning, and parent and teacher-reported attention, internalizing, and externalizing problems in a clinical sample of 132 children with or without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type (ADHD-C; 69% male, mean age = 9.88). Specificity was examined through total, unique, and interactive effects via hierarchical regression. Higher CPT scores (i.e., executive disinhibition) were related to greater externalizing problems in total and unique effect analyses, while a relationship between lower CPT scores (i.e., executive inhibition) and greater internalizing problems was found only in unique effect analyses. No significant effects were found for motivational inhibition (i.e., low BIT) or disinhibition (i.e., high BIT). ADHD-C was associated with greater attention and externalizing problems in total effect analyses, but only externalizing problems showed a significant relationship in unique effect analyses. Interactive effects were found for ADHD-C and executive functioning, as lower levels of CPT (i.e., executive inhibition) coupled with ADHD-C resulted in greater parent-reported attention problems. In addition, higher CPT scores (i.e., executive disinhibition) were associated with greater parent-reported externalizing problems in Non-ADHD-C children. Although some main effects were predicted, the interactive effects were somewhat surprising, particularly in relation to ADHD-C, executive inhibition, and parent-reported attention problems. Exploratory analyses revealed that this effect may have been due to greater internalizing problems in ADHD-C children at lower levels of CPT (i.e., executive inhibition). Results are discussed in relation to past studies and laboratory task validity. / Master of Science
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The Relationship Between Age of Diagnosis and the Occurrence of Dysfunctional Career Thoughts Among College Students With ADHDCaolo, Jessica L. 06 November 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the chronological age of one's diagnosis and dysfunctional career thoughts among college students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. What is currently known about the timing of ADHD diagnosis and how it could potentially impact or have an effect on one's career thoughts as it pertains to making educational and career decisions is nonexistent. Given the increase of ADHD among college students, it was worth exploring the impact that age of one's diagnosis has on career thoughts. / Ph. D.
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Vuxna individens upplevelser av att leva med ADHD / Adults expereinces of living with ADHDTeklehaymanot, Akberet, EI Hadj Tahar, Radouane January 2024 (has links)
Background: Three percent of all adults in Sweden have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis. ADHD diagnosis can cause suffering in the individual due to social dysfunction, anxiety, depression, drug abuse and criminality and more. To be able to respond to these co- morbidities, it is required to have understanding and awareness of the patient's experience of living with ADHD. Purpose: The purpose is to investigate adults' experiences of living with ADHD Method: A structured litterateur review was conducted where scientific articles were searched in different databases: CIHNAL, PubMed and PsycInfo. The articles were Quality reviewed in accordance with the Bettany-Saltikov & McSherry review template. The data was analyzed in accordance with Graneheim and Lundman content analysis. Results: Two main categories are identified in adults' experiences of living with ADHD: Experience that evokes negative emotions and Experience that evokes positive emotions. These two main categories are then organized into three subcategories. Conclusion: In summary, the results showed that ADHD causes disease suffering as related to the symptoms, life suffering due to the failure of relationship, education and professional occupation and care suffering due to the waiting time to receive treatment and care, lack of guidance and stigma. By recognizing these sufferings first, the healthcare staff can support the individual with ADHD in a good way. / Bakgrund: Tre procent av alla vuxna i Sverige har Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnos. ADHD-diagnos kan orsaka lidande hos individen på grund av social dysfunktion, ångest, depression, drogmissbruk och kriminalitet med mera. För att kunna bemöta dessa individers samsjukligheten ställs krav att ha förståelse och medvetande om patientens upplevelse av att leva med ADHD. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vuxna individers upplevelser av att leva med ADHDMetod: En strukturerad litteraturgenomgång genomfördes där vetenskapliga artiklar söktes i olika databaser: CIHNAL, PubMed och PsycInfo. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades i enlighet med Bettany- Saltikov & McSherry gransknings mall. Datan analyserades i enlighet med Graneheim och Lundman latent innehållsanalys. Resultat: Två Huvudkategorier identifieras i vuxnas upplevelser av att leva med ADHD: Upplevelse som framkallar negativa känslor och Upplevelse som framkallar positiva känslor. Därefter organiserats dessa två huvudkategorier en i tre underkategorier. Slutsats: Sammanfattningsvis visade resultaten att ADHD orsakar sjukdomslidande som relaterad till symtomen, livslidande på grund av misslyckandet i relation, utbildning och professionellt yrke och vårdlidande på grund av väntetiden att få behandling och omvårdnad, bristande vägledning och stigma. Genom att först dessa lidande kan vårdpersonalen stödja individen med ADHD på ett bra sätt.
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Effekter av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för vuxna med Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) : En litteraturöversikt / Effects of occupational therapy for adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : A Literature ReviewJönsson Thorgersen, Angelica, Ripa, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att sammanställa olika arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för vuxna med Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) samt effekterna av dessa. Metod: En litteraturöversikt genomfördes med kvantitativ metod. I sökningen användesdatabaserna AMED, Cinahl, Google Scholar och Pubmed. Nio studier valdes ut och sammanställdes till fyra arbetsteraputiska interventionskategorier, de baserades på likheter samtvilken typ av intervention. Resultatet: Resultatet av interventionerna delades in i fyra kategorier: “Effekter av tekniskahjälpmedel för vuxna med ADHD”, “Effekter av självhantering för vuxna med ADHD” ,Effekter av kombinerade interventioner för vuxna med ADHD och “Effekter av funktionsträningför vuxna med ADHD”. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av studierna hade effekter av arbetsteraputiska interventioner för vuxna med ADHD, som förbättrad livskvalitet, ökadtillfredsställelse samt ökad kunskap om diagnosen ADHD. En studie kunde inte visa några effekter av en arbetsterapeutisk intervention. Slutsats: Studien visar att flera arbetsterapeutiska interventioner gav flera goda effekter för att förbättra vardagen för vuxna med ADHD. Studien bidrar till ökad kunskap för de arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och de effekter som kan förbättra vardagen för vuxna medADHD. Sammanställningen visar att fortsatt forskning inom området efterfrågas.
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Substance Use and the Potential Impact on the Psychostimulant Response in Adult ADHDRomero, Giovana 21 November 2024 (has links)
Background: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder presenting with three core symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The ADHD population is 3 times more susceptible to developing a cannabis use disorder compared to the general population. Psychostimulants are the first-line treatment for ADHD. There is currently no literature on the impact of cannabis on the psychostimulant response.
Objectives: To compare the response to psychostimulant treatment in adults with ADHD between cannabis and non-cannabis users
Methods: Sixty-five participants with a primary diagnosis of ADHD were recruited from the MacAnxiety Research Clinic and St. Joseph's Psychiatric Community Clinic. Participants were assigned to the cannabis, or non-cannabis group based on their cannabis status at baseline. The study was 8 weeks long and included 3 visits. The first visit of the study was called “Baseline” and would occur prior to the start of stimulant medication. Participants would be seen at two additional time points 4- and 8-weeks post-baseline visit at which point they would be taking their stimulant medication. At each study visit all participants would fill out the self-reported assessment battery conducted through REDCap. The study psychiatrist would assign a CGI-S score at the end of each visit and a CGI-I score at the end of week 4 and week 8.
Results: Cannabis and non-cannabis users did not differ statistically in their BAARS-IV, CGI-S, and CGI-I scores over the study. Secondary outcomes investigating CUD, stimulant type, stimulant dosage, comorbidities, and responder rate did not produce significant outcomes.
Conclusions: There was no difference in the treatment response to psychostimulants in adults with ADHD between cannabis and non-cannabis users. Further studies should continue exploring treatment response in populations with co-occurring adult ADHD and cannabis use. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has three main symptoms including inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Substance use disorder is commonly associated with ADHD. The ADHD population is at a 3 times greater risk for developing a cannabis use disorder compared to the general population. Psychostimulants are used to treat ADHD but there is currently no data looking at how cannabis use may affect the treatment response. This study aims to compare the response to ADHD treatment in adults with ADHD between cannabis and non-cannabis users. The study recruited forty participants who filled out a study questionnaire over 3 study visits for a total study length of 8 weeks. Study findings did not report a difference between cannabis and non-cannabis users in their ADHD symptoms, clinical severity, and clinical improvement throughout the study. Further studies should continue investigating populations with co-occurring ADHD and cannabis use in relation to treatment response.
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ADHD-problematik på behandlingshem : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare identifierar, behandlar och bemöter brukare med ADHD-problematik på behandlingshem / ADHD in treatment centersAndersson, Rebecca, Hansson Bonin, Isabella January 2015 (has links)
The aim with this study was to get an understanding of how social workers on treatment centers where substance abuse occur identify ADHD among the patients and how the social workers in their daily work treat and meet patients with ADHD. The study was based on eight interviews with social workers on three different treatment centers in Sweden. The result has been analyzed with a content analysis. The theories used in this study are Howard Becker’s labeling theory and equifinality and multifinality, which derive from the systems theory. The result of the study was that the social workers do not identify ADHD among their patients, but they adjust the treatment after what needs the individual patient have. These needs are for instance need of security and predictability. These needs are being considered in the treatment in the daily work since the social workers use a treatment that consists of structure, routines and schedules. This treatment is used on every patient and is not adjusted whether a diagnosis exists or not. How the social workers meet the patients can however be different for patients with ADHD since the social workers find clearness, alliance and trust as important in the meeting with these patients. This can however differ depending on what the social workers focus on in the treatment. The social workers on one of the treatment centers focus on the substance abuse, the social workers on another treatment center focus on the disability and in one treatment center both of these are in focus.
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