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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Induction de tolérance en transplantation hépatique par l'utilisation d'un traitement retardé a la rapamycine / Induction of tolerance in liver transplantation by using a delayed treatment with rapamycin

Hamdani, Salim 14 December 2016 (has links)
La rapamycine est un inhibiteur de la voie mTOR dont la propriété immunosuppressive est reconnue pour son action préférentielle sur les lymphocytes T effecteurs et sa capacité à favoriser l’expansion de lymphocytes T régulateurs (Treg) et d’autres cellules immunosuppressives. En transplantation hépatique, la rapamycine a été retirée de l’arsenal thérapeutique dans le traitement de novo du rejet aigu, suite aux résultats obtenus et décrits au sein du « Rapamune Liver Transplant Study Group » qui a conclu à une forte incidence de thromboses de l’artère hépatique. Des travaux récents montrent que l’introduction retardée d’une immunosuppression après une greffe permet de créer, dans certains cas, une fenêtre d’opportunité pour freiner la réponse allogénique initiée. Cette nouvelle configuration pourrait remettre en de question l’utilisation en jeu des inhibiteurs de mTOR en transplantation hépatique. L’objectif de ma thèse a été d’évaluer l’efficacité d’un traitement court et retardé par la rapamycine dans un modèle de greffe hépatique immunogène chez le rat. Notre étude montre qu’un traitement de 8 jours débuté à J4 post transplantation permet de prolonger de manière significative la survie des animaux greffés en améliorant la fonction des greffons. De plus, l’analyse cellulaire des organes lymphoïdes secondaires, montre une prédominance de cellules myéloïdes suppressives (MDSC) et de lymphocytes CD8+CD45RClow à un stade précoce chez les animaux tolérants et dont le taux reste stable à un stade tardif sans modifications majeures du pourcentage de Treg CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ . Ainsi, nos résultats suggèrent un effet protecteur de la rapamycine lorsqu’elle est administrée de façon retardée et courte dans un modèle de greffe hépatique et dont le mécanisme d’induction de tolérance ne semble pas être dépendant des Treg. Cette approche permet de reconsidérer la place de la rapamycine en transplantation hépatique et suggère d’évaluer quelles sont les populations cellulaires impliquées dans le maintien de tolérance. / Rapamycin is an mTOR pathway inhibitor with immunosuppressive property recognized for its preferential action on effectors T cells and its ability to promote the expansion of regulatory T cells (Treg) and other immunosuppressive cells. In liver transplantation, rapamycin has been removed from the therapeutic arsenal for the treatment of de novo acute rejection, following the results of "Rapamune Liver Transplant Study Group" which concluded of a high incidence of thrombosis of the hepatic artery. Recent studies show that the delayed introduction of immunosuppression following transplantation creates, in some cases, a window of opportunity to curb the allogeneic response initiated. This therapeutic approach has restored hope in the future of mTOR inhibitors in liver transplantation. The aim of my thesis was to evaluate the efficacy of a delayed and short course rapamycin treatment in an immunogenic liver transplantation model in rats. Our study shows that treatment of 8 days started at day 4 post-transplantation can significantly prolong the survival of grafted animals by improving the function of the grafts. Cellular analysis of secondary lymphoid compartments shows a predominance of myeloid suppressor cells (MDSC) and CD8+CD45RClow T cells at early stage in tolerant animals and the rate remains stable at a late stage without any major changes in the frequency of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Treg. Thus, our preliminary results suggest a protective effect of rapamycin when administered at delayed and short way in a liver transplantation model. Early induction mechanism does not appear to be Treg-dependent. This approach allows to reconsider the place of rapamycin and the cell population involved in the maintenance of tolerance.

Caracterização funcional das diferentes linhagens de modelos murinos para distrofias musculares. / Functional characterization of different strains of murine model for muscular dystrophies.

Vanessa Ferreira Lopes 03 March 2011 (has links)
As distrofias musculares constituem um grupo heterogêneo de doenças genéticas, caracterizadas por uma degeneração progressiva e irreversível dos músculos. Modelos murinos distróficos, como o mdx, SJL/J, Largemyd e Lama2dy-2J/J, são ferramentas importantes para o estudo destas doenças. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em estabelecer parâmetros de avaliação funcional que visem a sua utilização para elucidar os benefícios clínicos de futuras terapias. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as quatro linhagens distróficas, em diferentes idades, e comparadas a controle normal. Os testes padronizados consistiram em nado forçado, avaliação de resistência/equilíbrio pelos membros anteriores e pelos quatro membros, caminhar em plataforma suspensa, suspensão pela cauda, grip strength e rota rod. Comprovou-se a existência de diferentes padrões de força, resistência, coordenação motora e aprendizagem/memória ao longo do tempo de vida de cada linhagem, o que permitiu traçar parâmetros a serem utilizados em futuras pesquisas de terapia celular e farmacológica. / Muscular dystrophies are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases characterized by a progressive and irreversible degeneration of the muscles. Dystrophic mouse models, like the mdx, SJL/J, Largemyd and Lama2dy-2J/J, are important tools for studying these diseases. The aim of this study was to establish parameters for functional evaluation aiming its use to elucidate the clinical benefits of future therapies. Thus, we evaluated the four strains of dystrophic mice, at different ages, and compared to normal control. Standardized tests consisted of forced swimming, evaluation of resistance/balance by forelimb and four members, walking on suspended platform, suspension by the tail, grip strength and rota rod. We observed the existence of different patterns of strength, endurance, coordination and learning / memory over the lifetime of each strain, which allowed tracing parameters to be used in future studies of cell and pharmacology therapies.

Neurodevelopmental Liabilities in Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders

Palomo, T., Kostrzewa, R. M., Archer, T., Beninger, R. J. 01 January 2002 (has links)
There is now considerable evidence that both schizophrenia and affective disorders have their origin at least in part in events that occur during early pre- and post-natal development. In the case of schizophrenia, many observations, for example, increased risk for schizophrenia in the offspring of mothers who had influenza A during their second trimester of pregnancy and evidence for abnormal neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex of post mortem tissue from schizophrenic patients, suggest that a second trimester insult may have occurred and that this insult may have increased the risk for the development of schizophrenia in late adolescence or early adulthood. Animal studies have found that rats that undergo excitotxic damage to the ventral hippocampus on postnatal day 7 develop exaggerated sensitivity to dopamine-stimulating drugs or to stressful stimuli that becomes apparent after sexual maturity but not before, providing a neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia. Similarly, post-weaning social isolation leads to nehanced responses to dopaminergic drgus and to stress that emerges after sexual maturity. These animal models are proving to be valuable tools to study the neurobiological mechanisms mediating the influence of early insults to the nervous system on later behavioural functins. In the case of affective disorders, although the evidence is not as strong, a number of the same observations have been made suggesting that an insult during early ontogeny may lead to the development of affective disorders later in life. For example, retrospective studies of people with affective disorders showed that they were more likely to have attained motor milestones at a later age and to have had poorer academic performance as children. There is a wealth of evidence suggesting hyperfunctioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in affective disorders. Animal studies have shown that early matenal deprivation can lead to lasting changes in the reactivity of the HPA axis to stressful stimuli, providing another link from early experience to adult psychopathology. Continued studies of the effects of pre- and early post-natal events on the development of the nervous system and the relationships of these events to schizophrenia or affective disorder will provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying these common neuropsychiatric illnesses.

Infections péri prothétiques et bactéries multi résistantes : un challenge médico-chirurgical / Peri prosthetic infections and multi-resistant bacteria : a medical- surgical challenge

Gatin, Laure 29 September 2017 (has links)
La survenue d’une infection péri prothétique (IPP) est la principale complication de la chirurgie prothétique articulaire, depuis son invention par Robert et Jean Judet en 1947. Comme le nombre de prothèses articulaires posées chaque année augmente de façon importante, ces infections sont de plus en plus fréquentes et l’optimisation de leur prise en charge est un enjeu important sur le plan médical et économique.Les modèles animaux d’IPP permettent de comprendre les mécanismes éthio-pathogéniques et tester de nouvelles thérapeutiques. Une analyse critique de la littérature a été effectuée en évaluant chaque modèle selon son type d’inoculation qui influence les taux et la sévérité de l’infection expérimentale obtenue.Un modèle expérimental d’IPP chez le lapin obtenu par remplacement partiel du genou et inoculation locale a été utilisé pour tester l’efficacité de nouvelles thérapeutiques au cours d’infections à deux bactéries multi résistantes qui posent des problèmes en thérapeutique humaine.Dans un 1er temps nous avons évalué l’efficacité de la ceftaroline (CPT) céphalosporine bactéricide in vivo contre le Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline (SARM) en la comparant à la vancomycine en association ou non à la rifampicine. 5.107UFC (Unités Formant Colonies) de SARM (Concentration Minimale Inhibitrice (CMI) de 0,38, 0,006, et 1 mg/l pour CPT, RIF, et VAN, respectivement) était injecté dans le genou. Les animaux infectés ont été randomisés et recevaient : aucun traitement (contrôles), CPT (60 mg/kg im), VAN (60 mg/kg im), CPT plus RIF (10 mg/kg im), ou VAN plus RIF débutant 7 jours après l'inoculation et durant 7 jours. L’efficacité des traitements a été évaluée sur la quantité de bactéries persistantes dans l’os (tibia proximal) après traitement. Ce travail a montré que la CPT et la VAN étaient efficace en monothérapie mais que seule l’association avec la rifampicine permettait de stériliser la quasi totalité des animaux. La CPT apparaît donc comme un traitement potentiellement efficace dans cette infection.Dans un 2ème temps nous avons étudié l'efficacité de la colistine (COL) dans le ciment, seule ou en combinaison avec des injections intramusculaires (im) de COL et/ou de méropénème (MRP) dans des infections à Klebsiella pneumoniae résistantes aux carbapénèmes (KPC). Un modèle proche de celui décrit pour le SARM a été utilisé. La souche KPC99YC est une souche clinique, résistante à la gentamicine (CMI 8mg/l) intermédiaire à l'imipénème (CMI 4mg/l), et sensible à la COL (CMI 0,25mg/l). L’inoculum était de 1.109UFC. Sept jours après l'infection, les prothèses étaient remplacées par espaceur sans antibiotique (contrôle), ou par espaceur imprégné de COL (3 MUI de COL/40g de ciment), ou par espaceur sans antibiotique et injections de COL (12 mg/kg im), ou l’association des deux, ou injections de COL avec espaceur en ciment imprégné de COL associé ou non à des injections de MRP (80 mg/kg im). Le traitement durait 7 jours. Tous les lapins témoins étaient infectés à J15, avec une moyenne de densité bactérienne de 6,17 [5,69, 7,04] CFU/g d'os. Contrairement à la COL locale, la COL systémique seule ou combinée avec le MRP était plus efficace que le contrôle sur le nombre de bactéries dans l'os à la fin du traitement. L’association COL locale + systémique était significativement plus efficace que le groupe témoin sur le dénombrement bactérien. D’ailleurs, c'était le seul schéma efficace sur le nombre de lapins avec un os stérile et à la limite de significativité par rapport au traitement systémique seul. Une souche résistante à la COL a été détectée dans le traitement local seul mais pas avec l’association de COL locale et systémique.Les modes d’inoculation directs sont les plus efficaces pour reproduire une IPP aigue. Les études expérimentales permettent de tester des traitements innovants en particulier pour les infections à bactéries multi résistantes. / The occurrence of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is the main complication of joint prosthetic surgery since its invention by Robert and Jean Judet in 1947. Since the number of articular prostheses placed each year increases significantly, these infections are more and more frequent and the optimization of their management is an important medical and economic stake.The animal models of PJI make it possible to understand the ethiopathogenic mechanisms and to test new therapeutics. A critical analysis of the literature was carried out by evaluating each model according to its type of inoculation which influences the rates and the severity of the experimental infection obtained.An experimental model of PJI in rabbits obtained by partial replacement of the knee and local inoculation was used to test the efficacy of new therapeutics during infections with two multi-resistant bacteria which pose problems in human therapeutics.In a first step we evaluated the efficacy of ceftaroline (CPT) cephalosporin bactericidal in vivo against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by comparing it with vancomycin (VAN) in combination with or without rifampin (RIF). 5.107UFC MRSA (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of 0.38, 0.006, and 1 mg/l for CPT, RIF, and VAN, respectively) was injected into the knee. Infected animals were randomized to receive no treatment (control), CPT (60 mg/kg im), VAN (60 mg/kg im), CPT plus RIF (10 mg/kg im) or VAN plus RIF, 7 days after inoculation and for 7 days. The efficacy of treatments was evaluated on the amount of persistent bacteria in the bone (proximal tibia) after treatment. This work has shown that CPT and VAN were effective as monotherapy, but only the combination with RIF allowed the sterilization of almost all animals. CPT appears to be a potentially effective treatment in this infection.In a second step we studied the efficacy of colistin (COL) in cement, alone or in combination with intramuscular (im) injections of COL and/or meropenem (MRP) in carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections (KPC). A model close to that used for MRSA was used. The strain KPC99YC is a clinical strain, resistant to gentamicin (MIC 8mg/L) intermediate to imipenem (MIC 4mg/l), and sensitive to COL (MIC 0,25mg/l). The inoculum was 1,109UFC. Seven days after the infection, the prosthesis were replaced by antibiotic-free spacer (control), or by COL-impregnated spacer (3 MIU of COL/40g of cement), or by antibiotic-free spacer and COL injections (12 mg/kg im), or the combination of the two, or COL injections with COL-impregnated cement spacer associated or not with MRP injections (80 mg/kg im). The treatment lasted 7 days. All control rabbits were infected at D15, with median and interquartile range (IQR) bone bacterial count of 6.17 [5.69, 7.04] CFU/g of bones. In contrast to local COL, systemic COL alone or combined with MRP was more effective than control on bacterial counts in bone at the end of treatment. The combination of COL local + systemic was significantly more effective than control group on bacterial counts. Interestingly it was the only effective regimen on the number of rabbits with sterile bone and at the limit of significance vs systemic treatment alone. One COL-resistant strain was detected in the COL local treatment alone but not with the combination of local and systemic COL.Direct inoculation modes are most effective in reproducing an acute PJI. The experimental studies allow testing innovative treatments in particular for the infections with multi-resistant bacteria.

Reading the Disease Leaves: Signals, signatures and synchrony in neurodevelopmental disorders

Ressler, Andrew January 2021 (has links)
In vitro models are often used both to characterize and test therapeutics for neurodevelopmental disorders (‘NDDs’). While in vitro models have extraordinary potential to develop therapies for patients, they have historically been confounded by absence of robust phenotypes and/or in vitro phenotypes that fail to translate from laboratory bench to bedside. Within this thesis work, we attempt to address three areas in which in vitro models may be improved – gene selection, model validation and identification of disease-relevant functional assays suited for therapeutic testing. Publicly available databases aggregating identified and annotated disease-causing variants for Mendelian diseases have rapidly expanded over the past two decades. Elucidating mechanisms of disease and developing therapies using in vivo model systems often is both time and cost intensive. Thus, determining which subsets of genes are more likely to generate addressable signals in a dish may lead to more effective drug development. In chapter 1, we identify a set of genes ideally suited for therapeutic inhibition. Specifically, we leverage the aforementioned large genetic databases to identify a set of genes likely to act through a gain-of-function mechanism that are both tolerant to loss-of-function mutations and in the druggable genome. In chapter 2, we aim to characterize the degree of conservation of transcriptomic dysregulation between a human in vitro cortical organoid (‘hCOs’) model, and two mouse models of a severe neurodevelopmental disorder resulting from HNRNPU deficiency. Human model systems may improve upon animal models when human pathogenesis and patient phenotypes are divergent from animal models due to species-specific etiology. However, human model systems often lack the heterogeneity and cell-type specificity and maturity seen in primary fetal samples. Importantly, some mouse models of HNRNPU deficiency have muted phenotypes compared with human patients. We hypothesized that while there are distinctions between humans and mice with HNRNPU deficiency, there will be overlap in transcriptomic dysregulation between human and mouse models. In fact, we find 45-day-old HNRNPU+/- hCOs have consistent transcriptomic dysregulation to embryonic mouse models, but not to perinatal mice. Our findings suggest hCOs are a viable model for characterizing HNRNPU deficiency; however, such models may only be appropriate for elucidating a transcriptomic disease state at a specific developmental time period. Functional assays for neurodevelopmental disorders can aid in understanding whether transcriptomic dysregulation is relevant to patient symptoms, as genomic findings may not always correlate to disease-relevant phenotypes. Further, relevant functional phenotypes can then be utilized for testing potential therapeutics. Importantly, seizures are commonly present in a significant subset of neurodevelopmental disorders and seizure phenotypes have been described as driven by aberrant synchrony in neuronal networks. Using a multielectrode array platform, investigators can use a variety of computational methods to quantify aspects of synchrony in vitro. In chapter 3a, we introduce topological approaches capable of identifying novel synchrony phenotypes in primary neuronal networks from mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders. Certain mouse models will be confounded by species-specific pathogenesis and/or vastly different developmental timelines and fail to generalize to human patients, motivating the need for functionally active and physiologically relevant human in vitro models. In chapter 3b, we attempt to generate human networks with balanced levels of excitation and inhibition and find confounding lack of functional maturation of inhibitory neuronal subtypes in 90-day-old stem cell-derived neuronal networks. Future work generating in vitro human neuronal networks with functionally mature inhibitory neurons would complement the findings in chapters 1 and 2 and allow for more efficient therapeutic development strategies that may lead to improved patient outcomes.

Exposure to Nanomaterials Results in Alterations of Inflammatory and Atherosclerotic Signaling Pathways in the Coronary Vasculature of Wildtype Rodents

Davis, Griffith M. 08 1900 (has links)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death for people of most ethnicities on a global scale, and countless research efforts on the pathology of CVD has been well-characterized over the years. However, advancement in modern technologies, such as nanotechnology, has generated environmental and occupational health concerns within the scientific community. Current investigation of nanotoxicity calls into question the negative effects nanomaterials may invoke from their environmental, commercial, and therapeutic usage. As a result, further research is needed to investigate and characterize the toxicological implications associated with nanomaterial-exposure and CVD. We investigated the toxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and titanium dioxide (TiO2), which are two prominently used nanomaterials that have been previously linked to upregulation of inflammatory and atherogenic factors. However, the mechanistic pathways involved in these nanomaterials mediating detrimental effects on the heart and/or coronary vasculature have not yet been fully determined. Thus, we utilized two different routes of exposure in rodent models to assess alterations in proinflammatory and proatherogenic signaling pathways, which are represented in contrast throughout the dissertation. In our MWCNT study, we used C57Bl/6 mice exposed to MWCNTs (1 mg/m3) or filtered air (FA-Controls), via inhalation, for 6 hr/d for 14d. Conversely, intravenous TiO2 was administered to F344 male fisher rats, following 24h and 28d post-exposure to a single injection of TiO2-NPs (1 mg/kg), compared to control animals. MWCNT-exposed endpoints investigated the alterations in cholesterol transport, such as lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor (LOX)-1 and ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABCA)-1, inflammatory markers [tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α], interleukin (IL)-1β/IL-6, nuclear-factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) and signaling factors involved in activation of the pathway, as well as intracellular/vascular adhesion molecule(s) (VCAM-1, ICAM-1), and miRNAs (miR-221/-21/-1), associated with CVD, were analyzed in cardiac tissue and coronary vasculature. Cardiac fibrotic deposition, matrix-metalloproteinases (MMP)-2/9, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) were also assessed. TiO2-exposure endpoints also involved alterations on cholesterol transport proteins via LOX-1 and ABCA-1, factors of inflammation, namely intracellular macrophages and interleukin (IL)-1β, MMP-2/9 activity and protein expression, fibrotic deposition, and ROS generation were analyzed via quantitative detection or histologically in both cardiac tissue and coronary vasculature. Results from both studies found alterations in fibrotic deposition, upregulation in LOX-1 expression and MMP-2/9 activity, and ROS generation; with a concurrent decrease in ABCA-1 expression in cardiac tissue and coronary vasculature. Individually, MWCNT-exposed endpoints had shown induction of cardiac TNF-α, MMP-9, IκB Kinase (IKK)-α/β, and miR-221 mRNAs; as well as increased coronary expression of TNF-α and VCAM-1. TiO2 studies found increases in IL-1β and MMP-9 protein expression, as well as intracellular macrophage induction. Both studies also found, through pre-treatment of NADPH oxidase inhibitor, apocynin, resulted in attenuation of nanomaterial-exposure mediated ROS production; with nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NNA, also showing attenuation, but only in our MWCNT-exposed inhalation study. The results from both studies have demonstrated, through different routes of administration, exposures, and rodent models; that exposure to nanomaterials can mediate signaling pathways involved in initiation and/or progression of CVD.

Maintenance requirement for lysine by mature female rats

Wang, Zen-Jan January 1985 (has links)
Fifty twelve-month female Sprague-Dawley rats were used to study a lysine requirement for tissue maintenance. Animals were randomly assigned into five groups with dietary lysine levels ranging from 0.097 to 0.317 percent and fed for 60 days. Liver composition and carcass composition were determined, and a lysine requirement was also predicted. Results showed that the group fed 0.317 percent lysine had significantly increased liver fat content and decreased protein content. Neither liver moisture content nor total liver nitrogen content was related to dietary lysine levels. There was no significant finding on the analysis of carcass composition. The data indicated that the mature rat had a requirement for lysine lower than 0.097 percent in the diet. It was suggested that either adequate lysine was provided by wheat gluten in the diet, or the mature rat did not require lysine in order to maintain tissue level of protein. In future studies, it was necessary to use a diet with lysine levels lower than 0.097 percent to determine the minimum lysine requirement, and a concurrent baseline group for comparison with the treatment animals. / M.S.

Does binge drinking induce PMDD-like dysfunction for female C57BL/6J mice? : implications for sex differences in addiction vulnerability

Melón, Laverne C. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / It has traditionally been posited that women show a "telescoped" development of alcohol use disorders (Kuhn, 2011). In particular, a number of clinical studies support striking sex differences in the progression from initial use of alcohol to dependence on the compound; with women showing a faster progression through landmark events associated with the development of alcohol addiction (Randall et al., 1999). However, recent studies have challenged this tenet (Keyes et al., 2010). The work presented herein was designed to determine whether females are indeed more vulnerable to the development of behavioral maladaptations following binge drinking and whether sex differences in GABA(A) receptor regulation might underlie this vulnerability. Using a mouse model of binge drinking this dissertation established that, compared to males, females escalate their binge drinking at a faster rate and maintain altered responsivity to the locomotor effects of alcohol after extended abstinence from binge drinking. Female mice also displayed significant increases in ethanol preference and intake in a continuous, two-bottle choice protocol following a shorter history of binge drinking than males. The final goal was to determine if binge drinking results in unique patterns of anxiety- or depressive-like symptoms in males and females and whether these behaviors would be associated with the dimorphic regulation of GABAA receptor subunits across the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Male binge drinkers displayed anxiety-like behavior during early withdrawal that dissipated after 2 weeks of abstinence. There were no significant changes in the expression of delta or gamma2 GABAA receptor subunit mRNA at this time point in the regions analyzed. Females also showed temporary anxiety-like behavior during early withdrawal from binge drinking. Additionally, females displayed significant depressive-like behavior after 2 weeks of abstinence from binge drinking. In particular, diestrus-phase females displayed significantly greater immobility in the forced-swim test after ethanol exposure and no longer maintained the reduced swim-time behavior associated with this phase of the cycle at baseline (when compared to the estrus-phase). qPCR analysis of hippocampal tissues from diestrus females supported a significant reduction in expression of gamma2 GABA(A) subunit mRNA after binge drinking. This effect was not noted for RNA isolated from hippocampal tissues taken during the estrus phase of bingers. These final data suggest possible interaction of estrous-cycle and binge drinking history that may result in the unique expression of deficits following binge drinking for females. Taken together, this work supports sex and estrous dependent effects of binge drinking on behavior and gene regulation.

The impact of activation of the renin-angiotensin system in the development of insulin resistance in experimental models of obesity

Perel, Shireen J. C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Biomedical Sciences. Medical Physiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Insulin stimulates the production of nitric oxide (NO) in endothelial cells and cardiac myocytes by a signalling pathway that involves the insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1, phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt). Physiological concentrations of NO play an important part in maintaining normal vascular function. It has been suggested that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity and NO production are chronically impaired in diabetes mellitus by an unknown mechanism. The reninangiotensin system and subsequent production of angiotensin II (Ang II) are elevated in obesity and diabetes while antagonism of the AT1 receptor with Losartan has beneficial effects in patients with insulin resistance and type II diabetes. Aims: We therefore aimed to investigate (i) the effect of Ang II on myocardial insulin signalling with regards to key proteins (IRS-1, PKB/Akt, eNOS and p38 MAPK) in correlation with NO production, (ii) the effect of Losartan on these parameters. Methods: Hyperphagia-induced obese, insulin resistant rats (DIO=diet supplemented with sucrose and condensed milk) were compared to age-matched controls. Half the animals were treated with 10mg/kg Losartan per day for 1 week. Isolated hearts were perfused with or without 0.03 μIU/mL insulin for 15 min. Blood glucose, bodyweight, intraperitoneal fat and plasma insulin and Ang II were recorded. Proteins of interest and their phosphorylation were determined by Western blotting. NO production was flow cytometrically analyzed. ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni correction was used with a p< 0.05 considered significant. Results: DIO animals had significant elevated bodyweight, blood glucose, plasma insulin and Ang II levels. Our data showed that the hearts from the DIO animals are insulin resistant, ultimately reflected by the attenuated activation of the key proteins (IRS-1, PKB/Akt and eNOS) involved in insulin signalling as well as NO production. AT1 receptor antagonism improved NO production in isolated adult ventricular myocytes from DIO animals while concurrently enhancing expression of eNOS, PKB/Akt and p38 MAPK. In contrast, NO production as well as expression of eNOS and PKB/Akt was attenuated in control animals after Losartan treatment. Conclusion: These results suggested that Ang II via AT1 or AT2 receptors, modulates protein expression of both PKB/Akt and eNOS. This encouraged us to investigate the involvement of AT2 receptors in the observed changes. To investigate this we needed to establish a culture of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes treated with raised fatty acids and Ang II. If similar changes were induced as observed in the hearts of DIO animals, the involvement of the AT1 and AT2 receptors could be investigated using specific antagonists against these receptors. Primary cultured ventricular myocytes were isolated from 1-3 day old Wistar rat pups. They were cultured for 48 hours before the addition of palmitate and oleate at a concentration of 0.25 mM each and were treated with or without the fatty acids for a period of 4 days. After 18 hours of serum starvation, cells were stimulated with or without 10 nM insulin for 15 minutes. The effect of fatty acid treatment on cell viability and glucose uptake were assessed by trypan blue and propidium iodide staining and 2-deoxy-D-3[H] glucose uptake respectively. Protein levels and phosphorylation of key proteins (PKB/Akt, PTEN and p38 MAPK) in insulin signalling was determined by Western blotting. 0.25 mM Fatty acids did not result in the loss of cell viability. Contrary to expectation, fatty acid treatment led to enhanced basal glucose uptake but lower Glut 1 protein expression. Basal protein expression of PPARα was, however, upregulated as was the expression of the phosphatase, PTEN. The latter could explain the lower PKB/Akt phosphorylation also documented. From these results we conclude that neonatal cardiac myocytes, cultured in the presence of elevated fatty acids, did not respond in a similar manner as the intact hearts of our animals and further modifications of the system might be needed before it can be utilized as initially planned.

Natural animal model systems to study tuberculosis

Parsons, Sven David Charles 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Molecular Biology and Human Genetics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The growing global epidemic of human tuberculosis (TB) results in 8 million new cases of this disease and 2 million deaths annually. Control thereof will require greater insight into the biology of the causative organism, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and into the pathogenesis of the disease. This will benefit the design of new vaccines and diagnostic assays which may reduce the degree of both disease transmission and progression. Animal models have played a vital role in the understanding of the aetiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of TB. Much of such insight has been obtained from experimental infection models, and the development of new vaccines, for example, is dependant on these. Nonetheless, studies utilising naturally occurring TB in animals, such as those which have investigated the use of interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) for its diagnosis, have contributed substantially to the body of knowledge in this field. However, there are few such examples, and this study sought to identify and investigate naturally occuring animal TB in South Africa as an opportunity to gain further insight into this disease. During the course of this study, the dassie bacillus, a distinctly less virulent variant of M. tuberculosis, was isolated from a rock hyrax from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This has provided new insight into the widespread occurrence of this organism in rock hyrax populations, and has given impetus to further exploring the nature of the difference in virulence between these pathogens. Also investigated was M. tuberculosis infection in dogs in contact with human TB patients. In so doing, the first reported case of canine TB in South Africa was described, v a novel canine IGRA was developed, and a high level of M. tuberculosis infection in these animals was identified. This supports human data reflecting high levels of transmission of this pathogen during the course of human disease. Additionally, the fact that infected companion animals may progress to disease and potentially act as a source of human infection was highlighted. However, an attempt to adapt a flow cytometric assay to study cell-mediated immune responses during canine TB revealed the limitations of such studies in species in which the immune system remains poorly characterised. The use of IGRAs to diagnose TB was further explored by adapting a human assay, the QuantiFERON-TB Gold (In-Tube Method), for use in non-human primates. These studies have shown that such an adaption allows for the sensitive detection of TB in baboons (Papio ursinus) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and may be suitable for adaption for use in other species. However, they have also evidenced the limitation of this assay to specifically detect infection by M. tuberculosis. Finally, to contextualise the occurrence of the mycobacterial infections described above, and other similar examples, these have been reviewed as an opinion piece. Together, these investigations confirm that animal models will continue to make important contributions to the study of TB. More specifically, they highlight the opportunities that naturally occuring animal TB provides for the discovery of novel insights into this disease. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wêreldwye tuberkulose (TB) epidemie veroorsaak agt miljoen nuwe gevalle en twee miljoen sterftes jaarliks. Ingryping by die beheer hiervan vereis begrip van die biologie van die mikroörganisme Mycobacterium tuberculosis, die oorsaak van TB, asook van die patogenese van die siekte self. Hierdie kennis kan lei tot ontwerp van nuwe entstowwe en diagnostiese toetse wat gevolglik beide die oordrag- en vordering van die siekte mag bekamp. Dieremodelle speel lankal 'n rol in ons begrip van die etiologie-, patogenese- en behandeling van TB. Insig is grotendeels verkry vanaf eksperimentele infeksiemodelle, en ontwikkeling van entstowwe, onder andere, is afhanklik van soortgelyke modelle. Desnieteenstaande, studies wat natuurlike TB voorkoms in diere ondersoek, byvoorbeeld dié wat op die ontwikkeling van interferon-gamma vrystellingstoetse (IGVT) fokus, het merkwaardige bydrae gemaak tot kennis en begrip in hierdie studieveld. Daar is slegs enkele soortgelyke voorbeelde. Om hierdie rede is die huidige studie uitgevoer waarbinne natuulike diere-TB geïdentifiseer en ondersoek is in Suid-Afrika om verdere kennis en insig te win aangaande TB. Die "dassie bacillus", bekend om beduidend minder virulent te wees as M. tuberculosis, is tydens hierdie studie geïsoleer vanuit 'n klipdassie (Procavia capensis) in die Wes-Kaapse provinsie, Suid-Afrika. Insig in die wydverspreide voorkoms van hierdie organisme in klipdassie bevolkings is gevolglik verkry en verskaf momentum om die aard van verskil in virulensie tussen dié patogene te bestudeer. vii Voorts is M. tuberculosis infeksie bestudeer in honde wat in kontak is met menslike TB pasiënte en word die eerste geval van honde TB dus in Suid-Afrika beskryf. In hierdie groep diere, is 'n hoë vlak van M. tuberculosis infeksie geïdentifiseer deur gebruik te maak van 'n nuut ontwikkelde IGVT vir die diagnose van honde TB. Gevolglik ondersteun dié studie bevindinge van menslike studies wat toon dat besondere hoë vlakke van M. tuberculosis oordrag voorkom gedurende die verloop van die siekte. Verder toon die studie dat geïnfekteerde troeteldiere 'n bron van menslike infeksie kan wees. 'n Poging om 'n vloeisitometriese toets te ontwikkel om die aard van selgefundeerde immuunreaksies te bestudeer in honde met TB toon die beperkings van dergelike studies in spesies waarin die immuunsisteem gebrekkig gekarakteriseer is. Die gebruik van IGVT'e in die diagnose van TB is verder ondersoek deur 'n menslike toets (QuantiFERON-TB Gold, In-Tube Method) aan te pas vir die gebruik van nie-menslike primaat gevalle. Hierdie studies toon gevolglik dat so 'n aanpassing toepaslik is vir hoogs sensitiewe deteksie van TB in chacma bobbejane (Papio ursinus) en rhesus ape (Macaca mulatta), en mag ook aangepas word vir gebruik in ander spesies. Tog word die beperkings van hierdie toets om infeksie wat spesifiek deur M. tuberculosis veroorsaak uitgelig. Ter afsluiting word hierdie studie in konteks geplaas deur 'n oorsig te gee van bogenoemde- en soortgelyke gevalle van dierlike infeksie deur mikobakterieë in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studies bevestig dat dieremodelle steeds belangrike toevoegings maak tydens die bestudering van TB en lig veral die moontlikhede uit dat bestudering van natuulike TB in diere kan lei tot die ontdekking van nuwe insigte ten opsigte van die siekte self.

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