Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ATLAS"" "subject:"[enn] ATLAS""
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Dynamics of semantic change : Detecting, analyzing and modeling semantic change in corpus in short diachrony / Dynamiques du changement sémantique : Détection, analyse et modélisation du changement sémantique en corpus en diachronie courteBoussidan, Armelle 27 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à élucider les mécanismes du changement sémantique en diachronie courte (ou micro-diachronie) dans des corpus. Pour comprendre, analyser et modéliser la dynamique de ces changements et poser les jalons d’un traitement dynamique du langage, le corpus est segmenté en une série de périodes temporelles d’un mois. Ce travail utilise le modèle ACOM (de H. Ji), qui s’inscrit dans le paradigme des Atlas Sémantiques, un modèle géométrique de représentation du sens basé sur l’analyse factorielle des correspondances et la notion de cliques. Les questions de traitement statistique du langage et du sens, de modélisation et de représentation sont traitées conjointement aux questions d’ordre linguistique, psychologique, et sociologique, dans la perspective d’une analyse multidisciplinaire unifiée, telle que conçue par les sciences cognitives. Une démarche de détection et d’analyse du changement sémantique est proposée, accompagnée d’études de cas qui portent à la fois sur de la détection large et sur des détails précis, proposant différent niveaux de granularité. Le changement sémantique est traité comme un déploiement de la polysémie d’une part, et comme une conséquence des modes de communication liés aux médias actuels et à la diffusion de ceux-ci. Linguistique, sociologie et sciences de l’information se rencontrent dans l’étude de la fabrique de sens nouveaux et de mots nouveaux. L’analyse des réseaux sémantiques des termes étudiés montre la réorganisation constante des sens dans le temps et en capture quelques aspects fondamentaux. Les études de cas portent notamment sur le terme « malbouffe », sur le changement sémantique de l’élément de composition « bio- » et sur le glissement de sens observé pour le terme « mondialisation » par rapport à son quasi-synonyme « globalisation ». Un prototype informatique a été développé pour permettre le traitement de ces études et d’études futures. / This doctoral thesis aims at elucidating the mechanisms of semantic change in short diachrony (or micro-diachrony) in corpus. To understand, analyze and model the dynamics of these changes and lay the groundwork for dynamic language processing, the corpus is divided in a series of time periods of one month. This work uses H. Ji’s ACOM model, which is an extension of the Semantic Atlas, both of which are geometrical models of meaning representation based on correspondence factor analysis and the notion of cliques. Language and meaning statistical processing issues as well as modeling and representation issues are dealt with in conjunction with linguistic, psychological and sociological aspects from a holistic multidisciplinary perspective, as conceived by cognitive sciences. An approach of detection and analysis of semantic change is proposed along with case studies which deal both with large scale and precise detailed phenomena, therefore offering several levels of granularity. On the one hand, semantic change is dealt with as the deployment of polysemy in time, and on the other hand as a consequence of communication methods related to the media and the diffusion of such methods. Linguistics, sociology and information sciences all contribute to the study of the making of new meanings and new words. The analysis of the semantic networks of the studied items show the constant reorganization of meanings in time, and captures a few fundamental aspects of this process. The case studies focus primarily on the French term malbouffe (“junk food”), and on the semantic change of the element of composition bio-, as well as on the connotational drift of the French term mondialisation compared to its near-synonym globalisation (“globalization”). A prototype has been developed for these case studies as well as future studies.
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Mesure des performances de reconstruction des électrons et recherche de Supersymétrie dans les canaux avec deux leptons de même charge dans les donnéesdu détecteur ATLAS / Measurement of electron reconstruction performance and search for Supersymmetry in final states with two same sign leptons in ATLAS detector data.Maurer, Julien 20 September 2013 (has links)
Les trois premières années de fonctionnement de l'expérience ATLAS au LHC, aux résultats fructueux, ont ouvert l'accès à la physique à l'échelle du TeV. Les travaux effectués dans ce contexte ont porté à la fois sur des aspects de performance (reconstruction des électrons) et d'analyse (recherche de nouvelle physique). La première partie est consacrée aux mesures in-situ des efficacités de reconstruction et d'identification des électrons. La méthodologie employée pour réaliser ces mesures dans les données est présentée en détails ainsi que les méthodes développées pour l'estimation du bruit de fond résiduel. La deuxième partie traite de la recherche de Supersymétrie dans les événements avec deux leptons (électrons ou muons) de charges identiques, accompagnés de jets et éventuellement d'énergie transverse manquante, basée sur l'ensemble des données collectées par ATLAS en 2012 (soit 21 fb-1 à sqrt{s}= 8 TeV). Ces états finaux sont particulièrement appropriés à la recherche de gluinos ou de squarks de troisième génération. Les principaux aspects de l'analyse sont décrits, notamment les méthodes d'estimation des différents bruits de fond. L'absence d'excès dans les régions de signal par rapport aux prédictions du Modèle Standard est interprétée en termes de limites sur les masses des superpartenaires, dans le cadre de modèles aux spectres de masse simplifiés. Ainsi, dans les modes de désintégrations étudiés, l'existence de gluinos de masse inférieure à 1 TeV, ou de sbottoms de masse inférieure à 500 GeV, est exclue. / The first three years of operation of the ATLAS experiment at LHC, with fruitful results, have opened the way to physics at the TeV scale. The work realized in this context included some performance aspects (electron reconstruction) as well as analysis (search for new physics). The first part is devoted to in-situ measurements of electron reconstruction and identification efficiencies. The methodology employed to perform these measurements in data is presented in details, as well as the methods developped for estimating the residual background. The second part deals with a search for Supersymmetry in events with two leptons (electrons or muons) of identical charges, together with jets and in some cases missing transverse energy, based on the whole dataset colledcted by ATLAS in 2012 (namely 21 fb-1 at 8 TeV). These final states are particularly adapted to searches for gluinos or third generation squarks. The main aspects of the analysis are described, in particular the methods used to estimate the various backgrounds. The absence of excess in the signal regions with respect to the Standard Model predictions is interpreted in terms of limits on the masses of superpartners, in the frame of models with simplified mass spectra. Thus, in the studied decay modes, the existence of gluinos with masses below 1 TeV or sbottoms with masses below 500 GeV is excluded.
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Z+jets au LHC : calibration des jets et mesure de sections efficaces avec le détecteur ATLAS / Z+jets at the LHC : jet energy calibration and cross section measurements with the ATLAS detectorSauvan, Jean-Baptiste 28 September 2012 (has links)
La recherche du boson de Higgs ainsi que celle de nouvelle physique auprès du LHC requiert une excellente compréhension des processus du Modèle Standard du fait de leurs signatures expérimentales similaires. La capacité de mesurer le plus précisément possible l'énergie des objets reconstruits dans les détecteurs est par ailleurs primordiale à la fois pour effectuer des mesures de précision et pour accroître la sensibilité des analyses à des signaux de physique au-delà du Modèle Standard. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s'attachent à ces deux points par l'étude d'événements contenant un ou plusieurs jets associés à un boson Z avec le détecteur ATLAS. D'une part, ces événements sont utilisés pour améliorer la calibration en énergie des jets de faible impulsion transverse, d'une importance capitale pour les analyses utilisant le dénombrement de jets ou leur veto. D'autre part la section efficace différentielle de production de ces événements est mesurée en fonction de nombreuses observables et comparée à diverses prédictions théoriques. Ces mesures pourront être utilisées pour améliorer les prédictions qui servent de modèles de bruit de fond dans des analyses sur le boson de Higgs et de recherche de physique au-delà du Modèle Standard. / The Higgs boson search as well as searches for new physics at the LHC require a very good understanding of Standard Model processes due to their similar experimental signatures. In addition, the ability to precisely measure the energies of reconstructed objects within the detectors is crucial in order to perform precision measurements and to improve the sensitivity to physics signals beyond the Standard Model. The results presented in this thesis address these two points by studying events containing one or several jets associated to a Z boson with the ATLAS detector. These events are used to improve the jet energy calibration in the low transverse momentum regime, which is important for analyses making use of jet counting or jet veto. The differential cross section for the production of such events is also measured as a function of several observables and compared to various theoretical predictions. These measurements will serve to improve the predictions used to model background contamination in Higgs analyses and searches for new phenomena.
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Observation of a BEH-like boson decaying into two photons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC / Observation d'un boson de type BEH se désintégrant en deux photons dans le détecteur ATLAS au LHCAndari, Nansi 26 September 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je présente ma contribution à l'observation d'un nouveau boson au LHC avec le détecteur ATLAS dans le canal de désintégration en deux photons. Ce boson est compatible avec le boson scalaire du Modèle Standard longtemps recherché et a une masse de 126.0 +/-0.4 (stat) +/-0.4 (sys) GeV obtenue en combinant les canaux gamma gamma et ZZ. Les données utilisées sont celles collectées par l'expérience ATLAS durant l'année 2011 avec une énergie de centre de masse de 7 TeV et durant les trois premiers mois du run en 2012 avec une énergie de centre de masse de 8 TeV. La luminosité totale correspondante est de ~10 fb-1. L'excès observé a une significance locale de 4.5 sigma dans le canal gamma gamma et de 5.9 sigma en combinant tous les canaux analysés. De même, diverses contributions aux analyses des données, dans le canal H en gamma gamma, depuis l'année 2009 jusqu'en 2012 sont aussi montrées. / In this thesis, I show my contribution to the observation of a new boson at the Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS detector in the diphoton decay channel. This boson is compatible with the long-searched scalar boson of the Standard Model and has a mass of 126.0+/-0.4+/- 0.4 (sys) GeV obtained when combining the decay channels gamma gamma and ZZ. The data used were collected in the ATLAS experiment during 2011 with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and during the first three months of the 2012 run with a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The total corresponding luminosity is about 10 fb-1. The observed excess has a local significance of 4.5 sigma in the gamma gamma channel and has a significance of 5.9 sigma when combining all the channels used in the analysis. Moreover, diverse contributions to the H into gamma gamma analyses of the data from 2009 to 2012 are also shown.
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Serpentinites néoprotérozoïques : une fenêtre sur la lithosphère océanique associée à la dislocation de Rodinia / Neoproterozoic serpentinites: a window on the oceanic lithosphere associatedwith the Rodinia demiseHodel, Florent Johan 07 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat se focalise sur la fin du Précambrien, le Néoprotérozoïque, une période charnière dans lhistoire de la Terre, par létude dunités ophiolitiques datées entre 800 et 700 Ma. Les travaux présentés ici portent sur létude pétrographique, géochimique et magnétique des serpentinites de ces ophiolites. Associées à des sutures panafricaines en bordure des cratons ouest africain et amazonien, ces ophiolites sont les témoins des subductions et de la lithosphère océanique associées à la dislocation du supercontinent Rodinia. Létude de ces ophiolites permet de proposer des contextes de formation pour ces sections de lithosphère océanique. Une autre question à lorigine de ce travail était : Létude de la serpentinisation et de lhydrothermalisme associé permet-elle dapporter des contraintes sur le paléoenvironnement océanique ? Les travaux sur les serpentinites et les roches mafiques associées des unités ophiolitiques de lAraguaia belt (757 ± 49 Ma1, Brésil) constituent la première étude géochimique réalisée sur ces unités. La chimie des spinelles couplée à des travaux de modélisation géochimique, portant essentiellement sur les concentrations en REE, attestent dun protolithe hautement réfractaire, ayant enduré entre 14 et 24 % de fusion partielle. Ces travaux témoignent aussi de laffinité abyssale de ces serpentinites, confirmée par les signatures N-MORB et E-MORB des basaltes associés. Il apparait que la serpentinisation de ces unités sest probablement opérée en deux temps, en domaine océanique, puis par interaction avec des fluides dérivés des sédiments encaissants, aboutissant à de forts enrichissements en LILE, en B et en Li dans ces serpentinites. Finalement, nous proposons que ces sections de lithosphère océanique, ainsi que les métasédiments les abritant (Tocantins group), soient les reliques dune transition océan-continent (TOC) en bordure est du craton amazonien. Les études de terrain, pétrographiques et géochimiques sur les sections ophiolitiques de Khzama (762 ± 2 Ma2) et dAït Ahmane (Anti-Atlas, Maroc) ont dans un premier temps permis de confirmer le lien supposé entre ces deux ophiolites. Les spinelles des serpentinites de ces unités sont caractérisés par des Cr# très élevés et des Mg# bas témoignant dun protolithe ayant enduré des taux de fusion supérieurs à 25 %, confirmant leur affinité avec la zone de subduction anti-atlasique. Ceci est corroboré par de très faibles concentrations en éléments incompatibles comme Al, Ti, HREE et HFSE. Le contexte le plus probable concernant la genèse de ces sections de lithosphère est ainsi un même centre daccrétion arrière-arc intra-océanique, à la marge du supercontinent Rodinia. Létude comparative des serpentinites de ces ophiolites a aussi permis de mettre en évidence en évidence lintérêt des mesures magnétiques pour tracer le degré daltération des spinelles chromifères dans les serpentinites, approche pouvant être étendue à dautres types de roches. Notamment, nous montrons que la Cr-magnétite et la ferritchromite peuvent être identifiées à laide des mesures de susceptibilité magnétique en chauffe. Enfin, lassociation des méthodes magnétiques, pétrographiques et géochimiques nous permet de proposer un modèle concernant la formation des veines de magnétite massives de lunité dAït Ahmane Nord. Nous montrons que le triptyque : serpentinites et spinelles altérés et veines de magnétite centimétriques, constitue un système hydrothermal abyssal fossile, de type fumeur noir. Dans ce contexte, les compositions isotopiques en oxygène des veines de magnétite permettent de proposer une valeur du 18O des océans néoprotérozoïques profonds de -1.33 ± 0.98 (VSMOW), soit une valeur très similaire à lactuel (entre -1 et +1 VSMOW). Elle tranche aussi le débat sur lévolution du 18O des océans au cours des temps géologiques en attestant dune constance de celui-ci, au moins depuis le Néoprotérozoïque. / This Doctoral thesis focus on the end of the Precambrian, the Neoproterozoic, a pivotal period in the Earth history, by the study of ophiolitic units dated between 800 and 700 Ma. This work essentially deals with the petrography, geochemistry and magnetism of serpentinites from these ophiolites. They are associated with Panafrican orogenic belts along the West African and the Amazonian cratons and witnesses the subductions and the oceanic lithosphere associated to the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia. The study of these neoproterozoic ophiolites allowed us to propose the formation settings for these sections of oceanic lithosphere. Another question behind this work is: Does the study of serpentinization and associated hydrothermalism allows one to provide constraints on the oceanic paleoenvironment? Work on the serpentinites and associated mafic rocks from the Araguaia belt ophiolitic units (757 ± 49 Ma1, Brazil) constitute the first geochemical study realized on these units. The Cr-spinel chemistry coupled with geochemical modeling, concerning essentially the REE concentrations, attest to a highly refractory protolith that endured between 14 and 24% of partial melting. This work also indicate an abyssal affinity (i.e. MOR rather than SSZ) of these serpentinites, which is confirmed by the N-MORB and E-MORB geochemical signature of the associated basalts. It appears that the serpentinization of these units probably took place in two steps, first in oceanic domain and then by interaction with fluids derived from the surrounding sediments after obduction, leading to strong LILE, B and Li enrichments in the serpentinites. Finally, we propose two potential settings concerning the origin of the sections of oceanic lithosphere presently found in the Araguaia belt: (1) an ocean-continent transition or (2) slices of a more mature lithosphere trapped into an accretionary wedge. Fieldwork, petrography and geochemical analysis on serpentinites from the Khzama (762± 2 Ma²) and Aït Ahmane ophiolitic sections (Anti-Atlas, Morocco) firstly allowed to confirm the supposed link between these two ophiolites. Cr-spinels in serpentinites from these units are characterized by very high Cr# and low Mg# testifying of a protolith having endured partial melting greater the 25%, confirming their affinity with the anti-atlasic subduction zone. This is corroborated by very low incompatible element concentrations such as Al, Ti, HREE and HFSE. Thus, the most likely setting for the genesis of these sections of lithosphere is a same intra-oceanic back-arc spreading center at the margin of the Rodinia supercontinent. The comparative study of all studied serpentinites from Neoproterozoic ophiolites in different settings also demonstrates the ability of magnetic measurements in monitoring the Cr-spinel alteration degree, a method which can be extended to other types of rocks. In particular, we show that Cr-magnetite and ferritchromite can be identified using thermomagnetic curves. Finally, the association of magnetic, petrographic and geochemical methods allows us to propose a model concerning the formation of the massive magnetite veins of the North Aït Ahmane unit. We show that the triptych consisting in: altered serpentinites, spinels and centimetric magnetite veins, results from a fossil, black smoker type, abyssal hydrothermal system. In this context, the oxygen isotopic compositions of the magnetite veins provide a 18O value of the deep Neoproterozoic oceans of -1.33 ± 0.98 (VSMOW), a value that is very similar to the current one (between -1 and +1 VSMOW). It also settles the debate on the evolution of the 18O of the oceans during geological time, attesting of its consistency, at least since the Neoproterozoic.
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Atlas semântico-lexical de Caraguatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião e Ubatuba - municípios do litoral norte de São Paulo / Semantic-lexical Atlas of Caraguatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião and Ubatuba - North Coast of São Paulo countiesEncarnação, Márcia Regina Teixeira da 17 September 2010 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo geral descrever a norma semântico-lexical dos quatro municípios Caraguatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião e Ubatuba do ponto de vista geolinguístico e elaborar o Atlas Semântico-Lexical do Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo. Em função de diversos processos de urbanização, significativas mudanças no panorama cultural e linguístico estão ocorrendo na região. Em razão disto, é preciso resgatar e registrar, o mais rápido possível, a riqueza lexical existente nessas localidades e contribuir não só para a elaboração do Atlas Linguístico do Estado de São Paulo e do Atlas Linguístico do Brasil, mas também para as mais diversas pesquisas da língua portuguesa falada hoje no País. Elaborou-se este estudo a partir de elementos teóricos da Geolinguística, que parte da aplicação de um questionário numa rede de pontos, a um número de sujeitos com características pré-estabelecidas, cujas respostas dadas compõem os cartogramas que formam o atlas. Utilizou-se o Questionário Semântico-Lexical (QSL), versão 2000, do Projeto ALiB - Atlas Linguístico do Brasil. Em cada um dos pontos, entrevistaram-se adultos de 18 a 30 anos e de 50 a 65 anos, de ambos os gêneros, que tivessem estudado apenas até a 8ª série do Ensino Fundamental. Os dados colhidos durante as entrevistas geraram os histogramas, os gráficos e as tabelas, cujos registros mostram a diversidade semântico-lexical do falar da região, posteriormente documentada nos 208 cartogramas linguísticos. Para o tratamento qualitativo do corpus, esta tese fundamenta-se nas postulações teóricas de Muller (1968), Coseriu (1973), Pottier (1978) e Barbosa (1989). Para o tratamento quantitativo, baseia-se nos postulados da Linguística Quantitativa de Muller (1968 e 1977) e em seus estudos relativos à Estatística Lexical. Ao final, obteve-se um total de 148 lexias com alta frequência ( 50%) e distribuição regular que revelam a norma da região. Com 100% de frequência e presentes em todos os pontos encontram-se as seguintes lexias: arco-íris, janeiro [...] (meses do ano), ontem, amendoim, girassol, carrinho de mão, beija-flor, papagaio, calcanhar, banguelo, fanhoso, gêmeos, isqueiro, canjica, ônibus. / The hereby thesis aims by general purpose to describe the semantic-lexical norm of four counties - Caragatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião and Ubatuba,by the Geolinguistic viewpoint and to elaborate the Semantic-lexical Atlas of São Paulo state north coast. As a result of many urbanization processes, weighty changes in the cultural and linguistical landscape are occuring on the region. Whence it is needed to rescue and etch, as soon as possible the existent lexical richness of these localities and contribute, not only for the State of São Paulos Linguistic Atlas and the Brazil´s Linguistic Atlas but also to manifold research of the ongoing portuguese spoken language. This study had been elaborated from Geolinguistics theoretical aspects built on a questionnaire application, in a net of points, to a number of premised features fellows, whose given answers compose the maps (cartograms) that forms the Atlas. The thesis uses the Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire (SLQ), 2000 version, from AliBs - Brazils Linguistic Atlas project. In each point, adults of both genders and aged from 18 to 30 and 50 to 65, that had studied until the 8th grade of Grade School, were interviewed. The throughout interviews collected data created the histograms, the graphics and the charts, which registers show the region semantic-lexical diversity, later documented on the 208 linguistic maps (cartograms). To the qualitative corpus treatment, this thesis underlies in the theoretical postulations of Muller (1968), Coseriu (1973), Pottier (1978) and Barbosa (1989). To the quantitative treatment, underlies in the quantitative linguistics postulations of Muller (1968 and 1977) and in his lexical statistics studies. Finally, we obtained a total of 148 lexias of high frequency (50%) and regular distribution that revealed the region norm. With 100% of frequency and present at all points are the following lexias: arco-íris, Janeiro [...](months of the year), ontem, amendoim, girassol, carrinho de mão, beija-flor, papagaio, calcanhar, banguela, fanhoso, gêmeos, isqueiro, canjica e ônibus.
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Comunidades ciganas da Bahia e de Pernambuco: l?xico, cultura e sociedadeSilva, Geysa Andrade da 22 February 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / The lexicon is a dynamic and flexible repertoire of words which many theorists have examined. For being quite diverse, it has a considerable potential for research and although it is far from exhaustion, all production has been very promising. According to Oliveira and Isquerdo (2001), even if the window through which a community can see the world is an abstract unit, it is possible to construct a verifiable rational and systematic knowledge, that is science, of its elements. From the need to explore this lexical inventory, the following question has been developed: do the lexical items produced provide data that mark the lexical variation of the gypsies? The research demanded an investigation in loco in cities of Bahia (Miguel Calmon and Jacobina ? Meso-region of the Center-North of Bahia) and of Pernambuco (Flores and Ouricuri ? Meso-region of Pernambuco?s Sert?o) from which the diatopic variation identified in sample data can be demonstrated. Respondents, men and women of different age groups - for diagenetic and diagenerational variation - gypsies, as well as other social information, responded to the structured instrument, excerpt of Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire of Linguistic Atlas of Brazil ? ALiB, specifically six questions of the semantic area of Games and children's recreation, through which it was tried to document the variation of the most general denominations of use or other specific denominations of the group. From the analysis of this corpus, the lexical contributions that mark the identity of the gypsy people were identified and the extra linguistic conditioners that influence the lexical realization of the gypsy community were verified. Linguistic factors, although conditioning factors of the variation, were not object of study in this work, they proved, therefore, inappropriate for the lexical level in question. The course with the gypsy groups drew restrictions at the questionnaire level, just as the Ethics Committee required the release of enough energy. The methodology and procedures are based on those adopted by ALiB. A lexicon search aims to determine the origin, form, and meaning of the words that make up the collection of a language; the one proposed here is based on analysis of Lexicology, Sociolinguistics and Dialectology since it aims to observe the use of the word in the community of speakers. The results indicate that the lexical variation is basically a result of the region where the speaker is inserted, and sometimes other variations due to age, sex, educational level, and not ethnicity. / O l?xico ? um repert?rio de palavras din?mico e flex?vel, no qual diversos te?ricos t?m se debru?ado. Por ser bastante diversificado, possui um potencial consider?vel para investiga??o e, embora se esteja longe da exaust?o, toda a produ??o tem sido muito promissora. Como atestam Oliveira e Isquerdo (2001), mesmo sendo uma unidade abstrata, a janela atrav?s da qual uma comunidade pode ver o mundo ? poss?vel construir um conhecimento verific?vel, racional e sistem?tico, ou seja, cient?fico dos seus elementos. A partir da necessidade de explorar esse invent?rio lexical, debru?ou-se o olhar sobre o seguinte questionamento: os itens lexicais produzidos fornecem dados que marcam a varia??o lexical dos ciganos? A pesquisa demandou uma investiga??o in loco em cidades da Bahia (Miguel Calmon e Jacobina ? Mesorregi?o do Centro-Norte Baiano) e de Pernambuco (Flores e Ouricuri ? Mesorregi?o do Sert?o Pernambucano) de onde se pode demonstrar a varia??o diat?pica identificada em dados da amostra. Os informantes inquiridos, homens e mulheres de diferentes faixas et?rias ? para depreens?o da varia??o diagen?rica e diageracional - da etnia cigana, al?m de outras informa??es sociais, responderam ao instrumento estruturado, que para essa pesquisa ? um extrado do Question?rio Sem?ntico-Lexical do Atlas Lingu?stico do Brasil ? ALiB, especificamente seis quest?es da ?rea sem?ntica de Jogos e divers?es infantis, atrav?s do qual buscou-se documentar a varia??o das denomina??es de emprego mais geral ou outras denomina??es espec?ficas do grupo. A partir da an?lise desse corpus, foram identificadas quais as contribui??es lexicais que marcam a identidade do povo cigano e verificados os condicionantes extralingu?sticos que influenciam na realiza??o lexical da comunidade cigana. Fatores lingu?sticos, apesar de condicionantes da varia??o, n?o foram objeto de estudo neste trabalho, demonstraram-se, pois, inapropriados para o n?vel lexical em quest?o. O percurso com os grupos ciganos desenhou restri??es a n?vel do question?rio, assim como o Comit? de ?tica exigiu desprendimento de bastante energia. A metodologia e os procedimentos baseiam-se nos adotados pelo ALiB. Uma pesquisa sobre o l?xico procura determinar a origem, a forma e o significado das palavras que constituem o acervo de um idioma; a que aqui est? proposta tem como base de an?lise a Lexicologia, a Sociolingu?stica e a Dialetologia uma vez que se procura observar o uso da palavra na comunidade dos falantes. Os resultados indicam que a varia??o lexical ? fruto, basicamente, da regi?o em que o falante est? inserido, e por vezes, outras varia??es por conta da idade, sexo, grau de escolaridade, e n?o da etnia.
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Atlas semântico-lexical de Caraguatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião e Ubatuba - municípios do litoral norte de São Paulo / Semantic-lexical Atlas of Caraguatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião and Ubatuba - North Coast of São Paulo countiesMárcia Regina Teixeira da Encarnação 17 September 2010 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo geral descrever a norma semântico-lexical dos quatro municípios Caraguatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião e Ubatuba do ponto de vista geolinguístico e elaborar o Atlas Semântico-Lexical do Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo. Em função de diversos processos de urbanização, significativas mudanças no panorama cultural e linguístico estão ocorrendo na região. Em razão disto, é preciso resgatar e registrar, o mais rápido possível, a riqueza lexical existente nessas localidades e contribuir não só para a elaboração do Atlas Linguístico do Estado de São Paulo e do Atlas Linguístico do Brasil, mas também para as mais diversas pesquisas da língua portuguesa falada hoje no País. Elaborou-se este estudo a partir de elementos teóricos da Geolinguística, que parte da aplicação de um questionário numa rede de pontos, a um número de sujeitos com características pré-estabelecidas, cujas respostas dadas compõem os cartogramas que formam o atlas. Utilizou-se o Questionário Semântico-Lexical (QSL), versão 2000, do Projeto ALiB - Atlas Linguístico do Brasil. Em cada um dos pontos, entrevistaram-se adultos de 18 a 30 anos e de 50 a 65 anos, de ambos os gêneros, que tivessem estudado apenas até a 8ª série do Ensino Fundamental. Os dados colhidos durante as entrevistas geraram os histogramas, os gráficos e as tabelas, cujos registros mostram a diversidade semântico-lexical do falar da região, posteriormente documentada nos 208 cartogramas linguísticos. Para o tratamento qualitativo do corpus, esta tese fundamenta-se nas postulações teóricas de Muller (1968), Coseriu (1973), Pottier (1978) e Barbosa (1989). Para o tratamento quantitativo, baseia-se nos postulados da Linguística Quantitativa de Muller (1968 e 1977) e em seus estudos relativos à Estatística Lexical. Ao final, obteve-se um total de 148 lexias com alta frequência ( 50%) e distribuição regular que revelam a norma da região. Com 100% de frequência e presentes em todos os pontos encontram-se as seguintes lexias: arco-íris, janeiro [...] (meses do ano), ontem, amendoim, girassol, carrinho de mão, beija-flor, papagaio, calcanhar, banguelo, fanhoso, gêmeos, isqueiro, canjica, ônibus. / The hereby thesis aims by general purpose to describe the semantic-lexical norm of four counties - Caragatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião and Ubatuba,by the Geolinguistic viewpoint and to elaborate the Semantic-lexical Atlas of São Paulo state north coast. As a result of many urbanization processes, weighty changes in the cultural and linguistical landscape are occuring on the region. Whence it is needed to rescue and etch, as soon as possible the existent lexical richness of these localities and contribute, not only for the State of São Paulos Linguistic Atlas and the Brazil´s Linguistic Atlas but also to manifold research of the ongoing portuguese spoken language. This study had been elaborated from Geolinguistics theoretical aspects built on a questionnaire application, in a net of points, to a number of premised features fellows, whose given answers compose the maps (cartograms) that forms the Atlas. The thesis uses the Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire (SLQ), 2000 version, from AliBs - Brazils Linguistic Atlas project. In each point, adults of both genders and aged from 18 to 30 and 50 to 65, that had studied until the 8th grade of Grade School, were interviewed. The throughout interviews collected data created the histograms, the graphics and the charts, which registers show the region semantic-lexical diversity, later documented on the 208 linguistic maps (cartograms). To the qualitative corpus treatment, this thesis underlies in the theoretical postulations of Muller (1968), Coseriu (1973), Pottier (1978) and Barbosa (1989). To the quantitative treatment, underlies in the quantitative linguistics postulations of Muller (1968 and 1977) and in his lexical statistics studies. Finally, we obtained a total of 148 lexias of high frequency (50%) and regular distribution that revealed the region norm. With 100% of frequency and present at all points are the following lexias: arco-íris, Janeiro [...](months of the year), ontem, amendoim, girassol, carrinho de mão, beija-flor, papagaio, calcanhar, banguela, fanhoso, gêmeos, isqueiro, canjica e ônibus.
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Atlas Mnemosyne: temporalidade na perspectiva de Georges Didi-HubermanMillen, João Bosco de Camargo 21 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-10-04T11:03:28Z
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João Bosco de Camargo Millen.pdf: 4410144 bytes, checksum: 8f23ff9f5fd3b6aa6a3cc26998eb2390 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-09-21 / This work objective is to investigate the temporality matter as well as its relation to the expographic presentation mode of the images so-called Atlas Mnemosyne, brought to pass by the philosopher George Didi-Huberman, in accordance to the project initiated by the historian Aby Warburg. There are, in the realm of art, elements that enable us to assert that Didi-Huberman comprehends the images as the exposition basis, which, as a matter of fact, are the timing and also the anachronism in its constituent mode. As for the author’s understanding, the phenomenological dimension world be the basis that should be taken into account when it comes to the images relation, thought of as elements of the unconsciousness dimension and its expression, and in its waken the anachronism in the fundaments. We have as an aim, in this work, to analyze how the relation mode would be translated by means of some discourse which could fit the dialectic movement that would come about due to the temporality-subject-image-art relation. To reach this goal, the investigation pathway has as basis the method called kaleidoscopic, where the these concepts relation analysis are possible with the Merleau-Ponty’s thoughts as well as others modern thinkers, from and of which the author utilizes to delineate his thought construction, as an example, Aby Warburg, Erwin Panofsky, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin and others. Thus, we have sought to point out how Mnemosyne Atlas can be considered a paradigm to those that look on the epigraphic images as a fundamental resource, propitiating the review of the production, exposition and curadory / O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de investigar a questão da temporalidade e sua relação com o modo de apresentação expográfico das imagens intitulado Atlas Mnemosyne, preconizado pelo filósofo George Didi-Huberman, em fidelidade ao projeto iniciado pelo historiador da Arte Aby Warburg. Se existem, no âmbito da Arte, elementos que nos permitem enunciar o que Didi-Huberman compreende como base de exposição das imagens, esses se constituem, de fato, na temporalidade e no modo anacrônico que a constituiria. Na compreensão do autor, a dimensão fenomenológica seria a base a ser considerada na relação com as imagens, tidas como elementos da dimensão do inconsciente e de sua expressão e, por isso, fundamentadas de modo anacrônico. Visamos ainda, com este trabalho, a analisar como o modo de relação poderia ser traduzido por algum discurso que procura acomodar o movimento dialético que se daria na relação entre sujeito-temporalidade-imagem-Arte. Para atingir esse intento, o percurso da investigação tomou como base o método denominado caleidoscópico, em que as análises das relações desses conceitos se tornaram possíveis com as contribuições do pensamento de Merleau-Ponty e outros interlocutores do pensamento moderno e contemporâneo que esse autor utiliza para delinear a construção de seu pensamento, como, por exemplo, Aby Warburg, Erwin Panofsky, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, entre outros. Por derradeiro, procuramos fundamentar como o Atlas Mnemosyne pode ser considerado um paradigma para aqueles que têm, na expografia das imagens, um recurso fundamental, permitindo revisar as experiências de produção, exposição e curadoria
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Desenvolvimento de aplicativo como objeto de aprendizagem: Atlas Virtual Interativo para o ensino da anatomia cabeça e pescoço direcionado à Odontopediatria / Development of an Application as a Learning Object: Virtual Interactive Atlas for Teaching the Anatomy of Head and Neck, aimed at Pediatric DentistrySilva, Luciano Augusto da 29 April 2016 (has links)
Este estudo investiga o uso e o desenvolvimento de objetos tecnológicos no aprendizado sobre anatomia humana, em específico, dos ossos que compõem a cabeça. Esta pesquisa tem por motivação determinar se a tecnologia facilita o aprendizado de um conteúdo que é principalmente visual. O uso e as aplicações de interfaces tecnológicas interativas e imersivas propiciam novas ferramentas de estudo para profissionais e alunos da área de saúde. Por meio destas, usuários podem contar com instrumentos de estudo interativos que oferecem ao usuário sensação de imersão e melhor compreensão do ambiente. Este trabalho, portanto, tem como foco o desenvolvimento de um atlas virtual interativo e tridimensional para o estudo da anatomia da cabeça e do pescoço. Por meio desse atlas, denominado Objeto de Aprendizagem (AO), alunos e profissionais da saúde podem estudar a anatomia da estrutura da cabeça e do pescoço por meio de uma ferramenta interativa dotada de recursos de animação, o que fornece ao usuário a sensação de imersão. / This study investigates the use and the development of technological objects in the learning process related to human anatomy, especially the bones that make up the head. This research is motivated by determining whether this technology facilitates the learning process of a mainly visual content. The use and the application of interactive and immersive technological interfaces provide new study tools for professionals and students of health. As a result, users can rely on interactive study tools that offer the user a sense of immersion and a better understanding of the environment. This paper therefore focuses on the development of an interactive three-dimensional virtual atlas in order to study the anatomy of the head and the neck. With this atlas called Object Learning (AO), students and health professionals can study the anatomy of the head structure and the neck by an interactive tool complemented with animated features, which gives the user a sense of immersion.
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