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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Aervitz, Irina 26 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Exploration of Dynamic Capabilities Needed for Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation in the Swedish Automobile Industry.

Mohammed, Mudasir January 2022 (has links)
Background: Digital transformation has become crucial for success in the global automobile industry. Emerging digital technologies are imposing new challenges and offering new opportunities to automotive firms and are fuelling the business model innovation in the global automotive sector. This research study explored the nature of business model innovation during the digital transformation process and the dynamic capabilities that automobile organizations need to build for successful transformation. Research Question: How could digital transformation-driven business model innovation be successful by building dynamic capabilities, and what key lessons could be learned from Volvo- a Swedish automobile manufacturing company? Conceptual Framework: Dynamic capabilities theory provides a theoretical basis to understand how digital transformation-led business model innovation encourages automotive firms to build their dynamic capabilities to ensure survival and dominance in the quickly changing market. Methodology: A qualitative empirical research study is conducted on chosen case organization- Volvo. The thematic analysis of 10 interviews conducted with the Volvo managers yielded some interesting insights. Conclusion: Volvo is proactive in adopting emerging digital technologies (like IoT, big data, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, etc.) to keep pace with changing world. Volvo actively builds its dynamic capabilities to invest in the emerging business model innovations fuelled by the digital transformation, which enables the firm to maintain its digital dominance. When automotive organizations build dynamic capabilities, it lays a strong foundation for business model innovations. Dynamic capability framework can be a useful guidance tool for building organizational capabilities in a digital transformation context.

Proposition of a Framework for Measuring Meso-Level Product-Oriented Circularity : Case Study of the Swedish Automotive Industry

Mansuino, Milan January 2022 (has links)
Circularity is a trending topic in research and in marketing documents from companies, as this notion is essential to move towards sustainability. However, there is no tool assessing the circularity of a manufactured product at a meso-level, i.e. on the product’s perspective, even though the same kind of tools exists for environmental impact. Such a tool could be very relevant to use at different stages of product development or even to harmonize the circularity indicators used by stakeholders at different levels, who are currently communicating using different metrics. To fill this research gap, a framework is proposed to measure circularity of Swedish automotive products, as road transportation is one of the sectors with the highest environmental impacts in Europe. Three indicators have been proposed to monitor circularity around industrial waste, energy use and electronic materials waste, building the foundations for a circularity monitoring framework. These three indicators are combining measurements and strategies from scientific literature as well as good practices from Swedish automotive industries. The indicators have been tested using representative data from online sources and assumed datapoints, the results of these simulations have been assessed by experts from the industry. They confirmed that such a tool would be relevant as it shows areas of improvement to increase the circularity of a product. Using only data available online and the framework developed, the industrial waste indicator of a representative product from the Swedish automotive industry has been calculated to be 38% with an accuracy of 66%, showing the ease of use of the tool developed. Energy and electronic waste indicators have been calculated to be 7.7% and 24% respectively for the case studied. Results shows that value of indicators tend to decrease with the accuracy increasing, which highlights the importance of an accuracy measurement associated with it. More aspects could be added to the existing framework to have a complete picture of the circularity of a product, as the tool is flexible and adaptable, but results shows that it is already possible to use it in its current state of development and could help companies when making decisions about circularity. / Cirkularitet är ett trendigt ämne i forskning och i företagens marknadsföringsdokument, eftersom begreppet är viktigt för omställningen mot hållbarhet. Det finns dock inget verktyg för att bedöma en tillverkad produkts cirkularitet på mesonivå, dvs. ur produktperspektivet, även om det finns samma typ av verktyg för miljöpåverkan. Ett sådant verktyg skulle kunna vara mycket relevant att använda i olika skeden av produktutvecklingen eller till och med för att harmonisera de cirkuläritetsindikatorer som används av intressenter på olika nivåer, som för närvarande kommuniceras med hjälp av olika mått. För att fylla denna forskningslucka föreslås ett ramverk för att mäta cirkulariteten hos svenska bilprodukter, eftersom vägtransporter är en av de sektorer som har störst miljöpåverkan i Europa. Tre indikatorer har föreslagits för att mäta cirkulariteten för industriavfall, energianvändning och elektroniskt materialavfall, vilket utgör grunden för ett ramverk för mätning av cirkularitet. Dessa tre indikatorer kombinerar mätningar och strategier från vetenskaplig litteratur samt god praxis från svensk bilindustri. Indikatorerna har testats med hjälp av representativa data från onlinekällor och antagna datapunkter, resultaten av dessa simuleringar har bedömts av experter från industrin. De bekräftade att ett sådant verktyg skulle vara relevant eftersom det visar förbättringsområden för att öka en produkts cirkularitet. Genom att endast använda data som finns tillgängliga online har indikatorn för industriavfall för en representativ produkt från den svenska bilindustrin beräknats till 38 % med en noggrannhet på 66 %, vilket visar att det utvecklade verktyget är lätt att använda. Indikatorerna för energi- och elektronikavfall har beräknats till 7,7 % respektive 24 % för det studerade fallet. Resultaten visar att indikatorernas värde tenderar att sjunka med ökande noggrannhet, vilket understryker vikten av en noggrannhetsmätning i samband med detta. Fler aspekter skulle kunna läggas till i det befintliga ramverket för att få en fullständig bild av en produkts cirkularitet, eftersom verktyget är flexibelt och anpassningsbart, men resultaten visar att det redan är möjligt att använda det i dess nuvarande utvecklingsstadium och att det skulle kunna hjälpa företag när de fattar beslut om cirkularitet.

Rädd eller Räddad : En studie av elfordons artificiella motorljud (AVAS)

Folkestad, Fredrik January 2024 (has links)
Electric vehicles are increasingly a part of human everyday life. Accordingly, a key issue is how these vehicles should sound to make the traffic environment safer and more sustainable. The aim of this thesis is to map, understand and discuss the communicative properties of AVAS sound in an electric vehicle and to examine these sounds as a semiotic resource for meaning making. The research questions are: (i) What characterizes the AVAS sounds that are represented in traffic today; (ii) in what way can AVAS technology be developed to contribute to a safer and thus more sustainable traffic environment, and (iii) in what ways can a sound be designed to contribute to a safer and more secure traffic environment? Two studies were carried out: Study A conducted an analysis of already existing AVAS sounds found in traffic today and in Study B an AVAS prototype was created, built and installed. On the basis of the results, chord as a semiotic resource, the absence of low frequencies, pulsating effect and the vehicle as a semiotic resource are discussed. In conclusion, the issue of the vehicle as a participant in the public space is discussed.

Evaluation of the Impact of Collaborative Research on Robust Design Methodologies: A Large Scale Empirical Case Study with an Automotive OEM

Campean, Felician, Uddin, Amad, Bridges, J., Fannon, S.R., Yildirim, Unal 29 May 2022 (has links)
Yes / The evaluation of impact of collaborative research on robust design methodologies and methods is important to both academic and industry stakeholders. This paper introduces a framework for impact evaluation which combines the broader framework adopted for the academic research impact assessment with the organisation viewpoint centred on business results, process improvement and product development teams capability improvement. A large scale empirical study conducted with evidence from technical reports on workplace projects from an automotive OEM proved the validity of the proposed framework.

The Use of Function Modelling Methods in Industry: Insights from a Large Scale Study with an Automotive OEM

Yildirim, Unal, Campean, Felician, Uddin, Amad 29 May 2022 (has links)
Yes / This paper presents an evaluation study for the System State Flow Diagram function modeling framework based on a large-scale study with an automotive OEM. Technical reports are used to evaluate the usage of the framework within the organization. The paper also introduces a list of the type of problems that engineers are interested in in practical function modelling. The findings suggest that there is a widespread uptake of the framework across the organization and it supports the usage of relevant key engineering tools within the context of a broader model-based Failure Mode Analysis methodology.

Product Design and Its Impact on Automation Potential in the Automotive Industry's Assembly Processes : A case study at Scania

Irehed, Victor, Mezek, Fredrik January 2024 (has links)
Background. With an aspiration towards an increased competitiveness and an increased productivity, many manufacturing industries have chosen to implement automated processes where manual work performed by humans is replaced by machines or computer-operated processes. Swedish manufacturing companies have been pioneers within the European Union in adopting and developing automated manufacturing processes. In addition, the automotive industry has been a leader in the implementation of robots and automation. But despite the fact that the manufacturing industry and in particular the automotive industry have long been pioneers for the implementation of automated processes, current research has been able to point to an imbalance that indicates that the degree of automation normally declines at the end of the production process. This mainly affects assembly processes which is generally the last step of the production process. The reason why it looks like this is mainly due to the complex structure of the assembly processes with many product variants, which requires flexibility. Robots have many good qualities, but when it comes to flexibility, humans have proven to be by far the best element. With the demand for flexibility, assembly processes have therefor been difficult to automate even in the industries that have driven the development for automation.  Objectives. This report to identify key design characteristics that enhance the potential for increased automation and reduce the demand for flexibility in assembly processes within the automotive manufacturing sector, with maintained product variety. Methods. The thesis is carried out as a case study at Scania's cab production facility in Oskarshamn. As one of the study's primary data collection sources, semi-structured interviews are conducted with experts in both product development and automation at Scania. In addition, a practical product design evaluation is carried out using the DFA2 methodology to gather data from unstructured observations. The data is obtained through the assessment of an existing Scania product for an academic evaluation of both the product and the DFA2 methodology. In order to create a broader understanding and thereby also anchor the study's findings in current research, a literature review is nonetheless carried out. Results. All the collected data indicates that there is no difference in the design requirements placed on products intended for manual assembly and automatic assembly. The DFA2 method has been found to be a beneficial aid to use in early product development processes by product developers to identify weaknesses in the intended product design. Conclusions. The product development process is the process that creates the main prerequisites for automated assembly processes. The product design evaluation process is what distinguishes this process where products intended for automatic assembly require a more detailed evaluation, however under the same criteria as for products intended for manual assembly. Here, DFA2 can be a beneficial tool for evaluation. / Bakgrund. Med en strävan mot en ökad konkurrenskraft och en ökad produktivitet har många tillverkningsindustrier valt att implementera automatiserade processer där manuellt arbete utfört av människor ersätts av maskiner eller datorstyrda processer. Svenska tillverkningsföretag har varit pionjärer inom EU när det gäller att ta till sig och utveckla automatiserade tillverkningsprocesser. Dessutom har fordonsindustrin varit ledande inom implementering av robotar och automation. Men trots att tillverkningsindustrin och i synnerhet fordonsindustrin länge varit pionjärer för implementering av automatiserade processer har aktuell forskning kunnat peka på en obalans som tyder på att automationsgraden normalt avtar i slutet av produktionen. Detta påverkar främst monteringsprocesser som i allmänhet är det sista steget i produktionsprocessen. Anledningen till att det ser ut så beror främst på den komplexa strukturen i monteringsprocesserna med många produktvarianter, vilket kräver flexibilitet. Robotar har många goda egenskaper, men när det kommer till flexibilitet har människor visat sig vara det överlägset bästa elementet. Med kravet på flexibilitet har monteringsprocesser därför varit svåra att automatisera även i de branscher som drivit på utvecklingen för automation. Syfte. Denna rapport syftar till att identifiera viktiga designegenskaper som ökar potentialen för ökad automatisering och minskar efterfrågan på flexibilitet i monteringsprocesser inom biltillverkningssektorn, med bibehållen produktvariation. Metod. Examensarbetet genomförs som en fallstudie på Scanias hytt produktionsanläggning i Oskarshamn. Som en av studiens primära datainsamlingskällor står semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförs med experter inom både produktutveckling och automation på Scania. Dessutom genomförs en praktisk produktdesignsutvärdering med hjälp av DFA2 metodiken för att samla data från ostrukturerade observationer. Data inhämtas genom bedömningen av en befintlig Scania produkt för en akademisk utvärdering av både produkten och DFA2 metodiken. För att skapa en bredare förståelse och sedermera också förankra studiens resultat i nuvarande forskning genomförs likväl en litteraturgenomgång. Resultat. Samtliga inhämtade data pekar på att det inte finns någon skillnad i designkraven som ställs på produkter avsedda för manuell montering respektive automatisk montering, alltså gäller samma krav. DFA2 metoden har kunnat konstateras vara ett fördelaktigt hjälpmedel att använda i tidiga produktutvecklingsprocesser av produktutvecklare för att identifiera svagheter i den tänkta produktdesignen. Slutsatser. Produktutvecklingsprocessen skapar de grundläggande förutsättningarna för automatiserade monteringsprocesser. Produktdesignutvärderingsprocessen är avgörande i detta sammanhang, där produkter avsedda för automatisk montering kräver en mer detaljerad utvärdering, men enligt samma kriterier som för produkter avsedda för manuell montering. Här kan DFA2 vara ett fördelaktigt verktyg för utvärdering.

Utvärdering av framtida lagerlösning för material i små lådor i en fordonstillverkande industri / Evaluation of future storage solution for materials in small boxes in an automotive manufacturing industry

Pilhage, Anton, Eveborn, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Kundanpassade produkter är produkter som utformas och tillverkas för att möta enskilda kunders specifika behov. Speciellt inom fordonsindustrin är ökad kundanpassning ett förekommande fenomen eftersom tillverkning av kundanpassade fordon kan generera större intäkter. Till följd av detta ökar dock antalet artikelnummer som förvaras och hanteras i fabrikerna för att kunna tillverka just-in-time. Samtliga artikelnummer ska finnas tillgängliga i rätt kvantitet och på rätt plats vid rätt tillfälle för att undvika produktionsstopp och extra kostnader. Volvo Tuve är en lastbilstillverkande fabrik med hög grad av kundanpassning. Inom tio år förväntas antalet artikelnummer dubblas. Ökningen av artikelnummer innebär en logistisk utmaning, då fabrikens nuvarande lager saknar kapacitet för att förvara och hantera alla artikelnummer. Framför allt gäller det material som förvaras i små blå lådor. Denna studie ämnar utvärdera olika lagerlösningar för små material i lådor och rekommendera en framtida lagerlösning för Volvo Tuves materialhantering av dessa som kan möjliggöra framtida ökning av antal artikelnummer. Utifrån litteratur inom olika typer av lagerlösningar identifierades tre olika scenarion som kunde vara lämpliga att implementera i Tuvefabriken. Scenariona testades sedan empiriskt för att utvärdera vilket som var mest lämpligt för det undersökta fallet. Detta innebär att studien är deduktivt genomförd. Scenariona utvärderades genom två dimensioner; behovsuppfyllnad och löpande kostnader. Det optimala scenariot skulle tillgodose flest viktiga behov inom fabriken till en så låg löpande kostnad som möjligt. Scenario 1 innebär ett centraliserat automatiserat lager som är placerat ungefär lika långt bort från fabrikens interna kunder. Scenario 2 innebär en semi-decentraliserad lagerlösning med två automatiserade lager som försörjer olika områden av fabriken. Scenario 3 innebär en helt decentraliserad lagerlösning med fyra manuella lager som försörjer varsitt område i fabriken. Genom en workshop med logistikingenjörer från andra Volvofabriker identifierades de aktiviteter och behov som lagerlösningen bör tillgodose. De olika behovens viktighet graderades sedan genom en enkät som distribuerades till logistikingenjörer på Volvo Tuve. Genom jämförelse med litteratur graderades även varje scenarios möjlighet till att uppfylla varje enskilda behov. Weighted Point Method nyttjades sedan för att ge varje scenario ett summerat viktat betyg för hur väl de kan tillgodose de viktigaste behoven. Resultaten visade att scenario 1 och 2 var bäst lämpade för att uppfylla de viktigaste behoven medan scenario 3 var något sämre. För att beräkna skillnaden i löpande kostnader mellan de olika scenariona genomfördes en dokumentstudie för att samla relevant data. Personalkostnader, transportkostnader samt kostnad för yta beräknades sedan på årsbasis för samtliga scenarion. Resultaten visade att scenario 1 innebar lägst löpande kostnader, tätt följt av scenario 2 medan scenario 3 innebar mycket högre löpande kostnader. En intervju genomfördes för att undersöka Volvos prioritering av behov repsektive löpande kostnader. Därefter kunde det fastställas att scenario 1 borde rekommenderas eftersom det kunde uppfylla de viktigaste behoven till lägst löpande kostnad och dessutom sannolikt innebär lägre investeringskostnad än scenario 2. Det innebär att ett centraliserat, automatiserat lager bör implementeras i fabriken. / Customized products are products that are designed and manufactured to meet the specific needs of individual customers. Especially in the automotive industry, increased customization is common as the production of customized vehicles can generate more revenue. However, as a result, the number of part numbers stored and managed in factories to enable just-in-time manufacturing is increasing. All part numbers must be available in the right quantity and in the right place at the right time to avoid production stops and extra costs. Volvo Tuve is a truck manufacturing plant with a high degree of customization. Within ten years the amount of part numbers handled in the plant is expected to double. The increase in part numbers poses a logistical challenge, as the factory's current warehouse lacks the capacity to store and handle all part numbers. This is especially true for materials stored in small blue boxes. This study aims to evaluate different storage solutions for small materials in boxes and recommend a future storage solution for Volvo Tuve's material handling of these that can enable future increases in the number of part numbers. Based on literature regarding different types of warehouse solutions, three different scenarios were identified that could be suitable for implementation in the Tuve factory. The scenarios were then tested empirically to evaluate which one was most suitable for the case under investigation. This means that the study is deductively conducted. The scenarios were evaluated through two dimensions; need fulfillment and running costs. The optimal scenario would fulfill the most important needs within the factory at the lowest possible running cost. Scenario 1 entails a centralized automated warehouse located approximately equidistant from the factory's internal customers. Scenario 2 consists of a semi-decentralized warehouse solution with two automated warehouses supplying different areas of the factory. Scenario 3 is a fully decentralized warehouse solution with four manual warehouses, each serving a different area of the factory. In a workshop with logistics engineers from other Volvo factories, the activities and needs that the warehouse solution should meet were identified. The importance of the different needs was then graded through a survey distributed to logistics engineers at Volvo Tuve. By comparison with literature, the ability of each scenario to meet each individual need was also graded. The Weighted Point Method was then used to give each scenario a total weighted score for how well they can meet the most important needs. The results showed that scenarios 1 and 2 were best suited to meet the most important needs while scenario 3 was slightly worse. In order to calculate the difference in running costs between the different scenarios, a document study was carried out to gather relevant data. Personnel, transportation and space costs were then calculated on an annual basis for all scenarios. The results showed that scenario 1 had the lowest running costs, closely followed by scenario 2, while scenario 3 had much higher running costs. An interview was conducted to investigate Volvo's prioritization of needs versus running costs. It was then determined that scenario 1 should be recommended as it could meet the most important needs at the lowest running costs and is also likely to involve lower investment costs than scenario 2. This means that a centralized, automated warehouse should be implemented in the factory.

The unexpected implications of opening up innovation : A multi-perspective study of the role of Open Innovation practices in mature industries

Ramirez-Portilla, Andres January 2016 (has links)
The way firms innovate has notably changed in recent years. A clear example is the manufacturing sector which has been experiencing a new revolution in production and innovation. Linked to this industrial shift, manufacturing firms have been adopting more open and collaborative practices to innovate. This phenomenon, known as Open Innovation (OI), is helping firms to acquire and explore knowledge from external sources (inbound process) and to exploit knowledge via the commercialisation of ideas and technology (outbound process). Even though numerous researchers have studied the adoption of OI and its relation to numerous strategic and organisational results, very few studies have focused on investigating the positive influence of diverse OI approaches and practices on multiple dimensions of firm performance from different angles. These drawbacks hinder the diffusion of OI practices and raise the question of whether it is convenient for any firm in any industry to adopt or not to adopt OI. Thus, this thesis helps to fill this gap by examining the extent to which OI practices are adopted by firms and other actors in unexplored mature manufacturing industries and by understanding the unidentified roles that these practices play in relation to different dimensions of firm and industrial performance.  This thesis brings together different methodologies and data to investigate OI practices with a novel multi-perspective approach. Hence, OI practices are framed within the industrial context of manufacturing firms in Italy and Sweden, several actors in the food industry, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the Italian foundry industry, and also within worldwide SMEs designing and producing supercars. More specifically, using data from 247 European manufacturing firms collected through a tailored OI survey, this thesis supports the relevance of internal context characteristics such as firm size and provides evidence of the relation between configurations of OI models and innovation performance. Through two case studies in the food industry, this thesis demonstrates novel forms of OI practices that can be characterised and adopted by different innovation actors within and around this mature industry. Likewise, drawing from 30 rigorous case studies of small and medium-sized foundries, this research for the first time illuminates the relation between the aggregations of some innovation practices (specifically internal R&amp;D and inbound OI) with a contemporarily relevant dimension of environmental and industrial performance such as energy efficiency. Although foregrounding the practical implications of adopting OI practices, this project also investigates and attempts to contrast some of the theoretical perspectives used when researching OI in mature manufacturing industries. This thesis concludes with an integrative study of the main aspects of the research project to demonstrate the advantages of using a multi-perspective approach to study OI. This last study, originally inspired from two case studies of small carmakers, involved collecting data from 48 small and medium-sized manufacturers of supercars with a survey designed to evaluate OI influence on several types of firm performance. Collectively, the results from this thesis confirm the validity of OI in new research contexts and reveal a combined influence of specific innovation practices on innovativeness, but also on the dimensions of industrial, environmental, and social performance. This thesis contributes to theory and practice by empirically showing that even though OI and the results of practicing it are highly context dependent, adopting OI practices can definitely have a positive influence in the overall performance of firms in mature manufacturing industries, including SMEs and other small actors. / Det sätt på vilket företagen innoverar har förändrats märkbart under de senaste åren. Den här situationen syns tydligt inom tillverkningssektorn, som upplever en ny produktions- och innovationsrevolution. Med tanke på detta inför tillverkningsföretagen öppnare och mer samarbetsbaserade metoder. Detta fenomen, benämnt öppen innovation (Open Innovation, OI), hjälper organisationer att förvärva och utforska kunskaper från externa källor (ingående process) och att utforska kunskaper genom kommersialisering av idéer och teknik (utgående process). Även om ett flertal forskare har studerat införandet av OI och hur det hänger samman med olika strategiska och organisatoriska resultat, har endast mycket få studier lagt fokus på att undersöka de positiva effekter som olika former av OI-metoder och -praxis har på flera dimensioner av företagens resultat och ur olika synvinklar. Den här bristen hindrar spridningen av OI-praxis och väcker frågan om huruvida det är fördelaktigt för ett företag i en viss bransch att införa eller inte införa OI. Denna avhandling hjälper till att fylla det här tomrummet genom att undersöka i vilken utsträckning öppen innovationspraxis har införts av företag och andra aktörer i outforskade, mogna tillverkningsbranscher och vilka oidentifierade roller sådan praxis spelar i förhållande till olika dimensioner av företagsresultat och branschresultat. Denna avhandling för samman olika metoder och data för att undersöka OI-praxis ur ett nytt multiperspektiv. Det industriella sammanhanget för studien av OI-praxis är därför tillverkningsföretag i Italien och Sverige, flera aktörer inom livsmedelsindustrin, små och medelstora företag från den italienska gjuteriindustrin samt små och medelstora företag världen över som utformar och tillverkar superbilar. Denna avhandling använder data från 247 europeiska tillverkningsföretag, som samlats in genom en skräddarsydd enkät om öppen innovation, för att bekräfta betydelsen av det interna sammanhangets egenskaper, t.ex. företagets storlek, och lägga fram bevis för relationen mellan OI-modellkonfigurationer och innovationsresultat. Genom två fallstudier inom livsmedelsindustrin visar denna avhandling nya sätt på vilka OI-praxis kan karakteriseras och införas av olika innovationsaktörer inom och omkring den här mogna branschen. Forskningsprojektet utgår även från 30 noggrant genomförda fallstudier av små och medelstora gjuterier för att för första gången belysa relationen mellan samlingar av vissa former av innovationspraxis (nämligen intern FoU och ingående OI) och en samtida relevant dimension av miljö- och branschresultat, t.ex. energieffektivitet. Detta projekt bildar förgrunden till de praktiska följderna av att införa OI-praxis, men undersöker även och försöker kontrastera till några av de teoretiska perspektiv som används vid forskning kring OI i mogna tillverkningsbranscher. Denna avhandling avslutas med en integrerande studie av forskningsprojektets huvudsakliga aspekter för att påvisa fördelarna med att använda en multiperspektivmetod vid studier av OI. Den sista studien, till vilken inspirationen ursprungligen hämtades från två fallstudier av små biltillverkare, innebar insamling av data från 48 små och medelstora tillverkare av superbilar med en enkät avsedd att utvärdera OI:s påverkan på flera typer av företagsresultat. De sammantagna resultaten från denna avhandling bekräftar OI:s giltighet i nya forskningssammanhang och avslöjar en kombinerad effekt av vissa former av innovationspraxis på innovationsförmåga, men även på dimensionerna industriella, miljömässiga och sociala resultat. Avhandlingen bidrar till teori och praktik genom att empiriskt påvisa att även om OI och resultaten av OI-praxis är starkt kontextberoende, kan införande av OI-praxis säkerligen ha ett positivt inflytande på det totala resultatet för företag i mogna tillverkningsbranscher, däribland små och medelstora företag och andra mindre aktörer. / Il modo in cui le imprese stanno innovando è notevolmente cambiato negli ultimi anni. Un chiaro esempio è il settore manifatturiero, che sta reagendo a una nuova rivoluzione nella produzione e innovazione. Collegato a questo cambiamento industriale, le aziende del settore della manifattura stanno acquisendo nuove pratiche più aperte e collaborative per innovare. Questo fenomeno, noto come ‘Open Innovation’ (OI), sta aiutando alle aziende ad acquistare e esplorare le conoscenze dalle fonti esterne (processo ‘inbound’) e di sfruttare la conoscenza tramite la commercializzazione delle idee e delle tecnologie (processo ‘outbound’). Anche se numerosi ricercatori hanno studiato l’adozione della OI e la sua relazione con numerosi risultati strategici ed organizzativi, in pochi studi si sono concentrati sullo studio dell’influenza positiva di diversi approcci e pratiche sulle multipli dimensioni della performance aziendale di diverse angolature della OI. Questi inconvenienti ostacolano la diffusione delle pratiche OI ed evidenziano la questione se è pure conveniente per qualsiasi tipo d’azienda in qualsiasi tipo d’industria adottare o non adottare OI. Così, questa tesi contribuisce a riempire questa lacuna tramite la esaminazione delle misure in cui le pratiche della OI vengono adottate dalle aziende ed altri attori nelle inesplorate industrie mature della manifattura e attraverso la comprensione dei ruoli non identificati che queste pratiche giocano in relazione alle diverse dimensioni della performance aziendale e industriale.   Questa tesi mette insieme le diverse metodologie e i dati ad indagare sulle pratiche della OI con un nuovo approccio multi-prospettico. Quindi, le pratiche OI sono inquadrate nel contesto industriale delle aziende manifatturiere in Italia e in Svezia, i diversi attori nel settore alimentare, le piccole e medie imprese (PMI) del settore della fonderia italiana, e anche nelle PMI di tutto il mondo che disegnano e producono i supercars. In particolare, utilizzando i dati di 247 aziende manifatturiere europee raccolti attraverso un sondaggio, questa tesi sostiene la rilevanza delle caratteristiche del contesto interno come la dimensione della azienda e fornisce la prova della relazione tra configurazioni dei modelli OI e la capacità di innovazione. Attraverso due casi di studio nel settore alimentare, questa tesi dimostra delle nuove forme di pratiche OI che possono essere caratterizzate e adottate dai diversi attori dell’innovazione all’interno ed all’intorno di questo settore maturo. Allo stesso modo, raccolto da 30 rigorosi casi di studio delle piccole e delle medie fonderie, questa ricerca per la prima volta illumina la relazione tra le aggregazioni di alcune pratiche di innovazione (in particolare le pratiche interne di R&amp;S e di OI inbound) con una dimensione contemporaneamente rilevante delle prestazioni ambientali ed industriali quali l’efficienza energetica.   Anche se in primo piano le implicazioni pratiche dell’adozione delle pratiche della OI sono accentate, il progetto indaga anche e cerca di contrastare alcune delle prospettive teoriche utilizzate nella ricerca nelle mature industrie manifatturiere. Questa tesi finisce con uno studio integrativo degli aspetti principali del progetto di ricerca per dimostrare i vantaggi di utilizzare un approccio multi-prospettiva per studiare la OI. Quest’ultimo studio, originariamente ispirato da due casi di studio di piccole case automobilistiche, ha coinvolto la raccolta dei dati provenienti da 48 piccole e medie produttori di supercars tramite un sondaggio per valutare l’influenza dei diversi tipi di performance aziendale. Collettivamente, i risultati di questa tesi confermano la validità di OI in nuovi contesti di ricerca e rivelano una influenza combinata di pratiche d’innovazione specifica su innovazione, ma anche sulle dimensioni della performance industriale, ambientale e sociale. Questa tesi contribuisce alla teoria e alla pratica, che empiricamente mostra che se anche la OI ed i risultati di praticarla sono molto dipendenti dal contesto, l’adozione delle pratiche OI può sicuramente avere un effetto positivo nelle prestazioni complessive delle aziende nella industria manifatturiere matura, comprese le PMI ed altri piccoli attori. / <p>This thesis is produced as part of the EMJD Programme <em>European Doctorate in Industrial Management (EDIM) </em>funded by the European Commission, Erasmus Mundus Action 1.</p><p>EDIM is run by a consortium consisting of the industrial management departments of three institutions.</p><p>•KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden</p><p>•Politecnico de Milano, POLIMI, Milan, Italy</p><p>•Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, Madrid, Spain</p><p>QC 20160128</p> / European Doctorate in Industrial Management

Flexibility through Information Sharing : Evidences from the Automotive Industry in Sweden

Dwaikat, Nidal January 2016 (has links)
Research has validated the contribution of information sharing to performance improvement. It has also suggested that flexibility is a highly important competitive priority for those companies where demand is volatile. Several studies argue that flexibility has been recognized as a key enabler for supply chain responsiveness. However, the impact of information sharing on supplier flexibility is still unexplored, especially for the companies that operate in agile business environments such as in the automotive industry where flexibility is a strategic requirement to manage demand uncertainty. In agile supply chains, such as in the automotive industry, information sharing can play an important role in responding to demand variability. In such settings, the demand volumes generally fluctuate, and hence create production-scheduling problems for the upstream suppliers such as first-tier suppliers. Interestingly, the impact of demand fluctuations on suppliers is higher than that of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). The aim of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the role of information sharing between OEMs and first-tier suppliers, in enhancing supplier flexibility. Particularly, the research focuses on exploring the relationship between sharing demand schedules and inventory data, and volume and delivery flexibility. The questions on whether information sharing between OEMs and first-tier suppliers affect supplier flexibility remain unanswered. The following research questions have emerged:  RQ1: How does information sharing between OEMs and first-tier suppliers affect the latter's responsiveness to fluctuating demand? RQ2: What is the relationship between information sharing of OEMsʼ demand forecasts and inventory data, and suppliers’ volume and delivery flexibility? RQ3: What factors should OEMs consider to improve the sharing of demand forecasts with suppliers? The empirical part of this thesis comprises three individual studies that constitute the empirical foundations of the research problem. Each study analyzes one research question using its own methodological approach. Hence, different research methods for collecting and analyzing data were used to address the research questions. Applying different research methods is deemed advantageous because it allows for methodological rigorousness in this doctoral thesis. This thesis contributes to the body of knowledge in three dimensions—theory, method, and context. First, it contributes to the academic field of operations and supply chain management by developing a model to explain how information sharing could affect suppliers’ delivery performance. The model provides a measurement scale to measure the level of information sharing between OEMs and suppliers, and its impact on suppliers’ delivery flexibility. Second, this thesis contributes to the methods by using state-of-the-art techniques, which is partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) including consistent PLS, and applying advanced concepts to empirically test the proposed model. Third, this thesis has a managerial contribution to examine the concept of information sharing and flexibility at the supplier level. Investigating the problem at the supplier level may enable managers to improve short-term decisions, such as production scheduling decisions, internal production, and inventory processes, and evaluate collaboration practices with OEMs. This doctoral thesis is organized in a monograph format comprising five chapters: Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Empirics, and Conclusion. As an outcome, several scientific articles have emerged from this thesis and have been submitted for consideration for publication in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences in the field of operations and supply chain management. These articles are listed and appended at the end of this dissertation. / <p>QC 20160302</p>

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