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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of air entraining behaviour in concrete using computer aided methods on hardened samples

Pawlowicz, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Increasing awareness of sustainability in the concrete industry forces structural design and executionto focus on avoiding costly and unpredictable maintenance action, instead paying higher attention todamage prevention by direct actions on early stages of production. One of such approaches, whichdeals with the problem of freezing and thawing deterioration, is intentional air bubble introductionto the concrete mix. However, the mechanism of air entrainment in concrete can be negativelyaffected on different stages of production by many factors including cement type, admixture dosage,casting conditions or mixing procedure. Therefore, reliable tools for the end-product evaluationought to be considered. The experimental study, presented in this work, focuses on understandingthe blast furnace slag (BFS) influence as well as admixtures’ dosage effect on pore structure ofhardened concrete. Three types of cement were evaluated, including ordinary portland cement(OPC) and two types of CEM III cements with different BFS percentage. The optimal amountsof air entraining agent (AEA) and super plasticizer (SP) were chosen and later reduced in orderto evaluate their impact on total air content, spacing factor and specific surface of the air voids.The main method chosen for this evaluation was the use of an office flat-bed scanner to acquireimages and application of BubbleCounter software for the analysis of the air void structure. Thisapproach is based on linear traverse method and requires special surface treatment for contrastenhancement. Specimens for the analysis were cut from hardened concrete cubes and polishedto achieve a flat surface. The samples were later treated with black ink and zinc oxide paste toachieve a clear contrast between white voids and black paste/aggregate area. In order to estimatethe accuracy of this method, more conventional tools such as pressurised gauge method and air voidanalyser were applied for comparison. Resulted mixtures showed significant differences in air voidproperties between OPC and BFS containing concrete, with the latter being less affected by AEAdosage reduction. Changes in spacing factor and specific surface were also registered; however,their deterioration did not follow the same pattern as that of total air content. No significantdeviation between the two cements containing BFS was observed. An interesting effect of the usedpolycarboxylate ether SP on the AEA reactivity was registered, showing deterioration of air voidproperties with the decrease of plasticizer amount. Comparison of the results from different air voidanalysis methods, suggested an overall agreement on the measured air void system changes due tochanging the AEA content. However, the BubbleCounter software tended to slightly overestimatethe material’s resistance to freeze and thaw phenomenon, giving the most optimistic values inspacing factor and specific surface of air voids. / Betongindustrins ökande medvetenhet om hållbarhet leder till att man inom dimensionering ochutförande fokuserar mot att undvika kostnadskrävande och oförutsedda underhållsåtgärder ochistället lägga större vikt på att förebygga skador i produktionens tidiga skeden. En av dessaåtgärder, som hanterar problemet frostnedbrytning, är en medveten inblandning av luftbubblor ibetongen. Mekanismen för att skapa luftporssystemet kan emellertid bli negativt påverkad underolika skeden av produktionen av många faktorer såsom cementtyp, tillsatsmedelsdos, gjutvillkoroch blandningsordning. Därför behöver man reflektera över pålitliga verktyg för utvärderingenav slutprodukten. Den experimentella studien, som presenteras i detta arbete, fokuserar motförståelse hur slagg och tillsatsmedelsdos påverkar den hårdnade betongens luftporssystem. Tretyper av cement utvärderades, dels ett normalt portlandcement, dels två typer av CEM III-cementmed olika andelar av slagg. Optimala mängder av luftporbildare och flyttillsatsmedel valdesmen reducerades senare för att undersöka deras inverkan på totalt luftinnehåll samt luftporernasavståndsfaktor och specifika yta. Den huvudsakliga metoden som valdes för denna utvärderingvar en flatbäddsscanner (kontorsmodell) för att ta bilder och användningen av en programvaravid namn BubbleCounter för att analysera luftporssystemet. Detta tillvägagångssätt baseras påanalys av tvärgående linjer och kräver en speciell behandling av ytan för att åstadkomma kontraster.Provkroppar för analysen sågades ut ur hårdnade betongkuber och polerades för att erhålla en jämnyta. Provkropparna var senare behandlade med svart bläck och zinkoxidpasta för att åstadkomma entydlig kontrast mellan de vita porerna och den svarta ytan av cementpasta och ballast. För att studeranoggrannheten hos denna metod användes som jämförelse även mer konventionella metoder sommätningar med trycksatta givare och luftporsanalys. De framtagna blandningarna visade signifikantaskillnader i luftporernas egenskaper mellan betong med normalt portlandcement och betong medslaggcement, där den senare påverkades i mindre grad av reduktioner i dosen luftporbildare.Förändringar I avståndsfaktor och specifik yta noterades också men försämringen följde inte sammamönster som den för totala luftinnehållet. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de två cementeninnehållande slagg kunde observeras. En intressant inverkan av det använda polykarboxylateterbaseradeflyttillsatsmedlet på luftporbildarens reaktivitet noterades. Den visade en försämringav luftporernas egenskaper vid en reduktion av mängden flyttillsatsmedel. En jämförelse avresultaten från de olika metoderna för luftporsanalys indikerade en övergripande överensstämmelsegällande de uppmätta luftporssystemens förändring p.g.a. förändringar i mängden luftporbildare.Programvaran BubbleCounter tenderade emellertid att något överskatta materialets motstånd motfrostnedbrytning med de mest optimistiska värdena för luftporernas avståndsfaktor och specifikayta.

Разработка информационной системы расчета оптимального распределения топливно-энергетических ресурсов в группе доменных печей : магистерская диссертация / Development of an information system for calculating the optimal distribution of energy resources in a group of blast furnaces

Бякова, М. А., Byakova, M. A. January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the development of software for the system of optimal distribution of fuel and energy resources in the group of blast furnaces. In the course of work, the main stages of software development are considered: analysis of the subject area; creation of software architecture, user interface, database structure; development of algorithmic support and reference documentation; preparation of the distribution. The result of the work is a software product intended for the engineering and technological personnel of the blast furnace shop of the metallurgical plant. The results of the work can also be used in the educational process for training bachelors and undergraduates in the areas of "Metallurgy" and "Information Systems and Technologies". / Диссертационная работа посвящена разработке программного обеспечения системы оптимального распределения топливно-энергетических ресурсов в группе доменных печей. В ходе работы рассмотрены основные этапы разработки программного обеспечения: анализ предметной области; создание архитектуры программного обеспечения, пользовательского интерфейса, структуры базы данных; разработка алгоритмического обеспечения и справочной документации; подготовка дистрибутива. Результатом работы является программный продукт, предназначенный для инженерно-технологического персонала доменного цеха металлургического комбината. Результаты работы могут быть использованы также в учебном процессе для обучения бакалавров и магистрантов по направлениям «Металлургия» и «Информационные системы и технологии».

eco-Technoeconomic-Analysis of Steel Manufacturing Off-gas Valorization

DENG, LINGYAN January 2020 (has links)
The steel manufacturing industry is one of the largest emitters of CO2, accounting for upwards of 8.8% of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The governments are charging taxes on CO2 emissions, which incentivize the industry to further reduce CO2 emissions. At present, much of the CO2, produced in the steel manufacturing process occurs as a result of coke oven and blast furnace gas by-products. As such, two major strategies have been proposed to reduce steel-manufacturing-related CO2 emissions: producing more electricity via optimized combined cycle power plants (CCPP), and converting off-gas by-products into methanol (CBMeOH). The present research consists of an economic and environmental analysis of the status quo, CCPP, and CBMeOH systems for five locations: Ontario, the USA, Finland, Mexico, and China. The economic analysis considered factors such as carbon tax, electricity price, methanol price, electricity carbon intensity, power purchasing parity, and income tax. In the CCPP process, desulphurization is conducted using ProMax with MDEA as the solvent, while the CBMeOH process uses a membrane to separate the bulk H2S, with organic sulfurs such as thiophene being removed via CO2+steam reforming and middle-temperature removal. The results of the economic analysis revealed the CBMeOH plant to be the most profitable in Ontario, the USA, China, and Mexico, while the CCPP system was shown to be the most profitable in Finland. The environmental analysis was conducted using the TRACI, CML-IA, ReCiPe2016, and IMPACT2002+ tools in SimaPro V9, with the results showing the CBMeOH system to be the most environmentally option in Ontario, Finland, and China, and the CCPP system as the most environmentally friendly option in the USA and Mexico. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Разработка web-приложения АРМ «Технический отчет доменного цеха» : магистерская диссертация / Development of a web-application automated workspace "Blast-furnace production technical report"

Перетыкина, К. Р., Peretykina, K. R. January 2021 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке программного обеспечения автоматизированного рабочего места (АРМа) технолога доменного цеха, которое позволяет сформировать технический отчет о работе доменного цеха за отчетный период (месяц/год) с использованием web-приложения. В ходе работы рассмотрены основные этапы реализации программного модуля: анализ предметной области, проектирование и программная реализация web-приложения. В ходе разработки программного обеспечения АРМа спроектированы и реализованы серверная часть системы и web-приложение на платформе ASP.NET Core. Серверная часть включает базу данных, которая является не только местом хранения данных, но и частично реализует функции бизнес логики. Приложение позволяет технологу доменного цеха с помощью пользовательских форм сопровождать базу данных отчетных показателей работы доменного цеха и формировать технический отчет за определенный месяц и сохранять в различных форматах. Научная новизна полученных в работе результатов заключается в разработке методов эффективной организации, ведения процесса разработки и сопровождения специализированного информационного, алгоритмического и программного обеспечения АИС АППС ДЦ, включая базу данных доменного цеха и средства создания технического отчета доменного цеха: использование гибкой методологии разработки (Agile, SCRUM) и таск-трекера Atlassian JIRA для ведения проекта, взаимодействия с заказчиком во время разработки, отслеживания ошибок, визуального отображения задач и мониторинга процесса их выполнения; функциональное моделирование процессов и подсистем для реализации web-приложения подготовки технического отчета доменного цеха на основе методологии IDEF0 и средства реализации Ramus Educational; использование методики коллективного владения программным кодом на основе сервиса (удаленного репозитория) GitHub. Практическая значимость результатов заключается в том, что разработанное программное обеспечение позволит: производить автоматизированный сбор и подготовку необходимых отчетных данных о работе доменного цеха за нормативный период (месяц); специалистам инженерно-технологической группы доменного цеха сократить время на формирование отчетных документов, сократить время поиска необходимой фактической отчетной информации за счет реализации эргономичного web-интерфейса; специалистам отдела сопровождения информационных систем снизить трудозатраты на сопровождение, совершенствование и развитие системы с учетом пожеланий пользователей. Результаты работы могут быть использованы также в учебном процессе для обучения бакалавров и магистрантов по направлению «Информационные системы и технологии». Результаты работы представлены и обсуждены на международных и всероссийских конференциях: VII, VIII и IX Всероссийской научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных (Екатеринбург, УрФУ, 2018, 2019, 2021); XII Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (Новокузнецк, СибГИУ, 2019); 77-й международной научно-технической конференции «Актуальные проблемы современной науки, техники и образования» (Магнитогорск, МГТУ, 2019). / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of software for an automated workstation (AWP) of a blast furnace shop technologist, which allows you to generate a technical report on the operation of a blast furnace shop for a reporting period (month / year) using a web application. In the course of the work, the main stages of the implementation of the software module were considered: analysis of the subject area, design and software implementation of a web application. During the development of the AWP software, the server part of the system and the web application on the ASP.NET Core platform were designed and implemented. The server part includes a database, which is not only a place for storing data, but also partially implements the functions of business logic. The application allows the technologist of the blast furnace shop, using user-defined forms, to accompany the database of reporting indicators of the blast furnace shop operation and generate a technical report for a specific month and save it in various formats. The scientific novelty of the results obtained in the work lies in the development of methods for effective organization, maintenance of the development process and maintenance of specialized information, algorithmic and software AIS APPS DC, including the blast furnace shop database and tools for creating a technical report of the blast furnace shop: - use of flexible development methodology (Agile, SCRUM) and the Atlassian JIRA task tracker for project management, interaction with the customer during development, tracking errors, visual display of tasks and monitoring the process of their implementation; - functional modeling of processes and subsystems for the implementation of a web application for preparing a technical report for a blast furnace shop based on the IDEF0 methodology and Ramus Educational implementation tools; - using the method of collective ownership of the program code based on the service (remote repository) GitHub. The practical significance of the results lies in the fact that the developed software will allow: - to carry out automated collection and preparation of the necessary reporting data on the operation of the blast furnace shop for the regulatory period (month); - for specialists of the blast-furnace shop engineering and technological group to reduce the time for the formation of reporting documents, to reduce the search time for the necessary actual reporting information due to the implementation of an ergonomic web interface; - specialists of the information systems support department to reduce labor costs for maintenance, improvement and development of the system, taking into account the wishes of users. The results of the work can also be used in the educational process for training bachelors and undergraduates in the direction of "Information systems and technologies". The results of the work are presented and discussed at international and all-Russian conferences: VII, VIII and IX All-Russian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists (Yekaterinburg, UrFU, 2018, 2019, 2021); XII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Novokuznetsk, SibGIU, 2019); 77th international scientific and technical conference "Actual problems of modern science, technology and education" (Magnitogorsk, MSTU, 2019).

Estudo experimental de briquetes autorredutores e auto-aglomerantes de minério de ferro e carvão fóssil. / Experimental study of self-reducing self-agglomerated iron ore and brown coal briquettes.

Tanaka, Marcio Toshio 27 March 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no estudo da obtenção de aglomerados autorredutores na forma de briquetes a frio tratados termicamente, utilizando minério de ferro e carvão fóssil como matérias-primas. Esta promissora tecnologia tem como premissa a utilização da termo-plasticidade do carvão fóssil para conferir resistência e promover a auto-aglomeração. A obtenção de briquetes dá-se através de três etapas: condicionamento da mistura, briquetagem a frio e tratamento térmico. Os finos de carvão e minério são misturados e homogeneizados. A mistura, então, passa por processo de briquetagem a frio para compactação, promove o aumento de contato entre as partículas de carvão e minério. Finalmente tratamento térmico é realizado para obter a forma de um corpo sólido e coeso de auto-aglomerado autorredutor. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as melhores condições de obtenção de briquetes através do estudo de variáveis ao longo do processo de fabricação, utilizando a resistência mecânica como parâmetro. As variáveis estudadas são: granulometria do carvão, envelhecimento do carvão, percentual de carvão na mistura, adição de aglomerantes, pressão de compactação na briquetagem e temperatura de tratamento térmico. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que estas variáveis afetam significativamente a resistência mecânica. Utilizando-se o carvão Chipanga, o melhor resultado de resistência à compressão foi de 19,82 Mpa. Foram consideradas as seguintes condições de fabricação: mistura na proporção de 75:25 (% em massa) de minério para carvão Chipanga, o carvão continha finos inferiores à 0,075 mm, sem a adição de aglomerantes, e o tratamento térmico foi realizado na temperatura de máxima fluidez do carvão. Além disto, foi observado que as partículas de minério de ferro foram concentradas nas regiões periféricas do briquete após tratamento térmico, e que o envelhecimento do carvão afeta negativamente a propriedade de termo-plasticidade. / This work is focused in the study of obtaining self-reducing cold briquettes of agglomerates, by using iron ore and coal as raw materials. This promising technology has its foundation on the thermo plasticity of coal to manage high mechanical resistance when it is compared with self-reducing pellets. Three steps mainly describes how to obtaining briquettes: mixture, cold briquetting and heat treatment. Fines of raw material are mixed and cold briquetting process results in a compact mixture. This might lead to closer contact between particles of iron ore and coal. Finally, heat treatment is performed to achieve a cohesive body and solid shape containing self-reducing agglomerated. The main purpose of this job is to comprehend the fundamentals on how to obtain self-reducing cold briquettes of agglomerated carbon and iron, by understanding the background of it variables along the manufacturing process, and using mechanical resistance as reference. The variables list is: the particle size of the coal, coal aging, percentage of coal in the mixture, adding binders, briquetting pressure and temperature of heat treatment. The results of this study indicate that these variables affect significantly the mechanical strength. Using Chipanga coal, the best compressive strength achieved was 19.82 MPa. It was considered the following manufacturing variables: the mixture ratio of 75:25 (wt% of iron ore and coal), fines of coal containing less than 0.075 mm, without binders, and heat treatment was performed at the temperature of coal´s maximum fluidity. Moreover, it was observed that the particles of iron ore were concentrated in the peripheral regions of the briquette after heat treatment, and that coal´s aging negatively affects the property of thermo-plasticity.

Carbonatation de bétons à forts taux de substitution du ciment par des additions minérales / Carbonation of concretes with high substitution of cement by mineral additions

Younsi, Akli 23 November 2011 (has links)
Le ciment est la principale source des impacts sur l’environnement de l’utilisation du matériau béton. Afin d’optimiser ce dernier d’un point de vue environnemental, il est nécessaire de réduire son dosage en ciment. Cela peut être entrepris en remplaçant une partie du ciment par des additions minérales lors de sa fabrication.Ces travaux de thèse visent à étudier les phénomènes physico-chimiques ayant lieu lors du processus de carbonatation de bétons à forts taux de remplacement du ciment par des additions minérales ainsi que leur résistance à ce type d’attaque.Une campagne expérimentale a été menée sur des bétons de référence préparés à base de ciments courants et sur des Écobétons préparés en substituant une partie du ciment par des cendres volantes ou du laitier de haut-fourneau. Les différentes études menées portent sur la durabilité des Écobétons vis-à-vis de la carbonatation, sur l’équivalence de performances des Écobétons avec celles des bétons de référence, et sur les paramètres de composition et de microstructure contrôlant la cinétique de carbonatation. La carbonatation a été étudiée en conditions accélérées et naturelles. Les résultats montrent que les Écobétons à forts taux de substitution du ciment par des cendres (50 %) ou du laitier (75 %) pourraient remplacer, dans certains cas, les bétons conformes à la norme en vigueur.En complément à l’étude expérimentale, des simulations numériques du couplage hydratation/séchage ont été menées en vue de déterminer l’effet du séchage sur les propriétés contrôlant la cinétique de carbonatation accélérée des bétons étudiés (la porosité, la quantité de Portlandite et le degré de saturation en eau liquide). Les résultats montrent que la cinétique de séchage augmente avec le taux de substitution du ciment par des additions. Ils remettent aussi en cause la pertinence du préconditionnement des échantillons lors de l’essai de carbonatation accélérée mené selon la norme française XP P 18-458 actuellement en vigueur. / Cement is the main source of environmental impacts of concrete use. It is thus recognized that the most pragmatic solution for minimizing environmental impacts of concrete is the reduction of the cement content. This could be achieved by replacing a part of cement by mineral additions such as fly ash or blast-furnace slag during concrete mixing.The present work aims at studying the physico-chemical phenomena occurring during the process of carbonation of concrete mixtures with high substitution rates of cement by mineral additions and their resistance against this type of attack.An experimental campaign was conducted on reference concrete mixtures prepared with common cements and on other concrete mixtures, called “Écobétons” (Green concretes), prepared by replacing a part of cement by fly ash or blast-furnace slag. The study focused on the Écobétons durability, especially their resistance against carbonation, on the equivalence of Écobétons performances with the reference mixtures performances and on the composition and microstructure parameters controlling the kinetics of carbonation. Carbonation has been studied in natural and accelerated conditions. The results show that Écobétons mixtures with high substitution rates of cement by fly ash (50 %) and blast-furnace slag (75 %) could replace, in some cases, concretes that are in accordance with the current standard.In addition to the experimental study, numerical simulations of the coupling between hydration and drying were conducted in order to determine the effect of drying on the properties controlling the accelerated carbonation kinetics of the studied concrete mixtures (porosity, Portlandite content and water saturation degree). The results show that the kinetics of drying increases with the degree of substitution of cement by mineral additions. They also question the relevance of the preconditioning of the samples during accelerated carbonation test conducted according to the French standard XP P 18-458.

The effect of South African quaternary supplementary cementitious blends on corrosion behaviour of concrete reinforcement in chloride and Sulphate media

Akinwale, Abiodun Ebebezer 10 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the strength, durability properties and corrosion resistance of concrete samples using supplementary cementitious blended materials. In this investigation, three supplementary concrete materials (SCMs) were used together with ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) to form cementitious blends at different proportions. The supplementary materials are silica fume (SF), ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and fly ash (FA). Sixteen (16) different proportions of the cementitious blends were produced. Tests carried out on concrete samples include slump test, compressive strength, oxygen permeability, sorptivity, porosity, chloride conductivity test, resistance to chloride and sulphate attack. The electrode potentials of tested samples were also observed using electrochemical measurements. Concrete specimens prepared with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, up to 60% of blended cements replacement levels were evaluated for their compressive strength at, 7, 14, 28, 90 and 120 days while the specimens were evaluated for durability tests at 28, and 90 days respectively. The results were compared with ordinary Portland cement concrete without blended cement. Voltage, and temperature measurements were also carried out to understand the quality of concrete. The corrosion performance of steel in reinforced concrete was studied and evaluated by electrochemical half-cell potential technique in both sodium chloride, and magnesium sulphate solutions respectively. The reinforced concrete specimens with centrally embedded 12mm steel bar were exposed to chloride and sulphate solutions with the 0.5 M NaCl and MgSO4 concentrations respectively. An impressed voltage technique was carried out to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the combination of quaternary cementitious blended cement, so as to get the combination with optimum performance. Improvement of strength, durability, and corrosion resistance properties of blended concrete samples are observed at different optimum percentages for binary, ternary and quaternary samples. The effect of cementitious blends is recognized in limiting the corrosion potential of the tested SCM concrete samples. Generally, the cementitious blends with limited quantity of SF to 10% have the potential to produce satisfactory concrete. These should however be used for low cost construction, where high quality concrete is not required. / Civil and Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Study Of Gas-Liquid Flow Behaviour In Raceway Zone Under Pulverised Coal Injection

Mullay, Neelam Kaur 09 1900 (has links)
Gas, liquid and powder flow in the lower part of a blast furnace is complex phenomena. In order to understand the aerodynamics of the blast furnace properly, these phenomena must be included in their advanced form. Previous studies have shown that the conditions of blast furnace resemble the cold model experiments which have been done in decreasing gas velocities. Also, the recent studies have shown that liquid flow in a blast furnace can be represented more realistically considering it discrete in nature. In the current study, both the phenomena have been considered along with the injection of powder through a nozzle while studying the fluid flow behaviour in a packed bed. The situation resembles the lower part of an ironmaking blast furnace. In this study, gas flow has been modelled using k-ε turbulent model and has been coupled with previously developed stress model to calculate the raceway size. Coal powder is treated as continuum and has been modelled in the similar way as gas flow. After this gas and powder flow model were coupled with previously developed discrete liquid flow model. Liquid flow model has been considered for structured bed only. The governing equations for gas phase were discretized. Finite Volume method was used for the solution. Co-located grid is used for the simulation. Blending of upwind difference scheme and central difference scheme (deferred correction approach) is used to achieve the stability of upwind scheme and accuracy of central difference scheme. Similar treatment was employed for powder phase. For the solution of volume fraction of powder, powder phase continuity equation was used along with pseudo time step scheme. Results obtained from gas and powder models have been validated against published experimental data. Similarly, gas-liquid flow results have been validated against published experimental data on gas-powder flow. Results obtained by gas-powder-liquid model could not be validated against any experimental or theoretical data as they are not available in the literature. The effect of various parameters on the fluid flow (gas/liquid/powder) behaviour have been studied like the effect of increasing and decreasing gas velocities, flow rates of liquid, gas and powder, size of powder and packing etc. It is found that the above mentioned phenomena have significant effect on the fluid flow behaviour in a packed bed.

Avaliação da capacidade de proteção contra a corrosão da arma-dura induzida por cloretos de concretos com adições minerais e inibidores de corrosão / Evaluation of the ability to protect against corrosion of the gun hard-induced chloride concrete with mineral additions and corrosion inhibitors

LIMA, Marcelo Batista 28 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:18:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pretextual.pdf: 140883 bytes, checksum: 5d9ee4b9b3884a0032825e604304580f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-28 / Increasing the durability of concrete structural elements is primordial, especially those related to power generation in eolic areas that are subjected to the phenomenon of reinforcement corrosion. In this context, this study aims to evaluate the overall protection ability of concrete to the phenomenon of reinforcement corrosion induced by chlorides. To this end, it was adopted a statistical program based on a fractional factorial design in which the variables studied were as follows: the water-binder ratio (0.35, 0.45 and 0.55), the type of mineral admixture (silica fume and blast furnace slag at specific levels), the type of corrosion inhibitor (calcium nitrite, sodium nitrite and amine) and the level of corrosion inhibitor (minimum and maximum recommended by each manufacturer). In the concrete investigations, the tests performed were corrosion potential, polarization resistance and electrochemical impedance. Throughout the experiments, it was possible to testify the beneficial effect of reducing the water-binder ratio. It was also possible to prove the very positive effect of the incorporation of mineral admixtures, especially of silica fume. The satisfactory performance of various inhibitors evaluated was also verified, specially when concrete contains mineral admixtures. A parallel study was conducted to make a comparative analysis of inhibitors at the same range of concentrations (at solid levels of 0.76%, 2.21% and 3.66% of the compound on the cement mass), nevertheless this study have demonstrated that fixing contents for all inhibitor is not appropriated, and the recommended dosages by the manufacturer is the best condition. As the levels recommended by manufacturers, it was found that the higher percentages have not worked well for sodium nitrite otherwise, for amine and nitrite calcium, the higher levels implied better results. Regarding the tannin inhibitor also assessed in the parallel study mentioned above (related to specific inhibitors), its good performance related to corrosion inhibition happened just for the content of 0.76% (the lowest levels). For the other contents, it was verified anomalous results. These results demonstrated that each type of corrosion inhibitor has its optimal concentration for use in concrete. Based on a cost-benefit analysis and evaluating the increase in the concrete value for cubic meter (in R$) in the presence of inhibitors at the same contents, it was verified a relative parity prices among the tested nitrites and an extremely high cost of amine. However, when performing the same analysis but using the levels recommended by the manufacturers for each inhibitor independent, it was found that the large disparity in prices between nitrite and amine was reduced considerably. An assessment of technical and economic feasibility was also performed based on the efficiency of corrosion inhibition and cost per cubic meter of concrete mixtures that did not show a typical depassivation of their stell bar up to the attack age evaluated / O aumento da durabilidade é um aspecto primordial para os elementos estruturais de concreto, em especial aqueles constituintes das estruturas de geração de energia em parques eólicos, sujeitos ao fenômeno de corrosão das armaduras. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral avaliar a capacidade de proteção de diferentes concretoS frente ao fenômeno da corrosão da armadura induzida por cloretos. Para tanto, foi adotado um planejamento estatístico baseado em um modelo fatorial fracionado em que as variáveis estudadas foram: a relação água/aglomerante (0,35; 0,45 e 0,55), o tipo de adição mineral (sílica ativa e escória de alto-forno, em teores específicos), o tipo de inibidor de corrosão (nitrito de cálcio, nitrito de sódio e amina) e o teor de inibidor de corrosão (mínimo e máximo recomendado por cada fabricante). Na avaliação dos concretos, foram realizados ensaios de potencial de corrosão, resistência de polarização e impedância eletroquímica. Ao longo de todo experimento foi possível constatar o efeito benéfico da redução da relação a/agl. Também foi possível verificar o efeito extremamente positivo da incorporação das adições minerais, em especial da sílica ativa. Constatou-se também o efeito positivo dos diversos inibidores avaliados, em seus teores mínimo e máximo, beneficio que se mostrou mais pronunciado quando da utilização conjunta com as adições minerais. Um estudo paralelo foi realizado para se fazer uma análise comparativa dos inibidores dentro da mesma faixa de teores empregados (teores de 0,76%; 2,21% e 3,66% de sólidos do aditivo em relação à massa de cimento), no qual se verificou que a utilização desses teores fixos para os diferentes tipos de inibidores não se mostrou tão eficiente quanto em relação à utilização dos aditivos na dosagem de recomendação do fabricante. Quanto a estes teores (recomendados pelos fabricantes), verificou-se que os percentuais mais altos não funcionaram bem para o nitrito de sódio, ao passo que para a amina e para o nitrito de cálcio os teores mais elevados resultaram em melhores resultados. Em relação ao tanino, inibidor que também foi avaliado no estudo paralelo referido anteriormente (específico sobre os inibidores), só houve algum resultado de inibição de corrosão para o teor de 0,76% (mais baixo dos teores), tendo-se obtido resultados anômalos para os outros 2 teores mais altos. Tais resultados permitiram constatar que cada tipo de inibidor de corrosão possui sua concentração ótima de utilização no concreto. Fazendo-se uma análise de custo e avaliando-se o acréscimo em Reais no valor do m3 do concreto proporcionado pelos diversos aditivos inibidores e nos teores de mesma faixa de emprego, verificou-se uma relativa paridade de preços entre os nitritos e um elevadíssimo custo da amina. No entanto, ao se realizar a mesma análise, mas utilizando os teores recomendados pelos fabricantes de cada inibidor, verificou-se que a grande disparidade de preços entre os nitritos e a amina foi reduzida de forma considerável. Uma avaliação da viabilidade técnico-econômica dos concretos também foi realizada, a partir dos dados de eficiência de inibição à corrosão e custo/m3 das misturas que não apresentaram comportamento típico de despassivação de suas armaduras até a idade de ataque considerada

Estudo experimental de briquetes autorredutores e auto-aglomerantes de minério de ferro e carvão fóssil. / Experimental study of self-reducing self-agglomerated iron ore and brown coal briquettes.

Marcio Toshio Tanaka 27 March 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no estudo da obtenção de aglomerados autorredutores na forma de briquetes a frio tratados termicamente, utilizando minério de ferro e carvão fóssil como matérias-primas. Esta promissora tecnologia tem como premissa a utilização da termo-plasticidade do carvão fóssil para conferir resistência e promover a auto-aglomeração. A obtenção de briquetes dá-se através de três etapas: condicionamento da mistura, briquetagem a frio e tratamento térmico. Os finos de carvão e minério são misturados e homogeneizados. A mistura, então, passa por processo de briquetagem a frio para compactação, promove o aumento de contato entre as partículas de carvão e minério. Finalmente tratamento térmico é realizado para obter a forma de um corpo sólido e coeso de auto-aglomerado autorredutor. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as melhores condições de obtenção de briquetes através do estudo de variáveis ao longo do processo de fabricação, utilizando a resistência mecânica como parâmetro. As variáveis estudadas são: granulometria do carvão, envelhecimento do carvão, percentual de carvão na mistura, adição de aglomerantes, pressão de compactação na briquetagem e temperatura de tratamento térmico. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que estas variáveis afetam significativamente a resistência mecânica. Utilizando-se o carvão Chipanga, o melhor resultado de resistência à compressão foi de 19,82 Mpa. Foram consideradas as seguintes condições de fabricação: mistura na proporção de 75:25 (% em massa) de minério para carvão Chipanga, o carvão continha finos inferiores à 0,075 mm, sem a adição de aglomerantes, e o tratamento térmico foi realizado na temperatura de máxima fluidez do carvão. Além disto, foi observado que as partículas de minério de ferro foram concentradas nas regiões periféricas do briquete após tratamento térmico, e que o envelhecimento do carvão afeta negativamente a propriedade de termo-plasticidade. / This work is focused in the study of obtaining self-reducing cold briquettes of agglomerates, by using iron ore and coal as raw materials. This promising technology has its foundation on the thermo plasticity of coal to manage high mechanical resistance when it is compared with self-reducing pellets. Three steps mainly describes how to obtaining briquettes: mixture, cold briquetting and heat treatment. Fines of raw material are mixed and cold briquetting process results in a compact mixture. This might lead to closer contact between particles of iron ore and coal. Finally, heat treatment is performed to achieve a cohesive body and solid shape containing self-reducing agglomerated. The main purpose of this job is to comprehend the fundamentals on how to obtain self-reducing cold briquettes of agglomerated carbon and iron, by understanding the background of it variables along the manufacturing process, and using mechanical resistance as reference. The variables list is: the particle size of the coal, coal aging, percentage of coal in the mixture, adding binders, briquetting pressure and temperature of heat treatment. The results of this study indicate that these variables affect significantly the mechanical strength. Using Chipanga coal, the best compressive strength achieved was 19.82 MPa. It was considered the following manufacturing variables: the mixture ratio of 75:25 (wt% of iron ore and coal), fines of coal containing less than 0.075 mm, without binders, and heat treatment was performed at the temperature of coal´s maximum fluidity. Moreover, it was observed that the particles of iron ore were concentrated in the peripheral regions of the briquette after heat treatment, and that coal´s aging negatively affects the property of thermo-plasticity.

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