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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestikon. Konzeption eines translationsgerichteten kollaborativen Wörterbuchs der Kinegramme

Weiler, Thomas 27 April 2007 (has links)
Übersetzer bewegen Sprache. Und sie bewegen sich in Sprachen. Eine dieser Sprachen ist die Körpersprache. Lange Zeit wurde diese nonverbale Sprache von der Sprachwissenschaft vernachlässigt, wurden kaum Versuche unternommen, dieses weite Feld zu beackern. Mittlerweile wurde jedoch die Bedeutung des Nonverbalen erkannt, was nicht zuletzt die Fülle an Publikationen in Kommunikationswissenschaft, Semiotik, Psychologie und eben auch in der Linguistik dokumentiert. Die Relevanz der Beschäftigung mit Körpersprache liegt aufgrund der „interkulturell körpersensiblen Dolmetschsituationen“ (KALVERKÄMPER 2003:262) für die Dolmetschwissenschaft auf der Hand (vgl. z. B. NORD 19912:123 ff; AHRENS 1998; POYATOS 2002a:271 ff; KUTZ 2007:30). Doch auch für die Übersetzungswissenschaft bieten sich wichtige Anknüpfungspunkte, die bislang kaum Beachtung gefunden haben. Die Felder des Verbalen und des Nonverbalen weisen zahlreiche Überschneidungen, Verschränkungen und Berührungspunkte auf. So finden sich schon bei WALTHER von der Vogelweide verbale Fixierungen nonverbalen Verhaltens: Ich saz ûf eime steine und dahte bein mit beine: dar ûf saztẹ ich den ellenbogen: ich hetẹ in mîne hant gesmogen daz kinnẹ und ein mîn wange. Der körpersprachliche Ausdruck, per definitionem ein nonverbales Zeichen, kann also auch verbal kodiert werden. Dieser intersemiotische Transferprozess geht, wie der Übersetzungsprozess im Allgemeinen, nicht ohne Verschiebungen und Verluste vonstatten. Was das Auge in Sekundenbruchteilen erfassen kann, würde in Worten beschrieben nicht selten Seiten füllen und bliebe dabei doch nur eine Annäherung an das Gesehene. Statt wortreicher Beschreibungen stehen den Autoren verschiedenster Sprachen aber auch konventionalisierte Wendungen zur Verfügung, mit denen sich Körpersprache prägnant abbilden lässt. Diese Wendungen unterscheiden sich von Sprache zu Sprache nicht nur bezüglich Anzahl und Frequenz. Sie können auch in ihrer Differenziertheit voneinander abweichen und unterschiedlichen stilistischen, zeitlichen, pragmatischen oder morphosyntaktischen Verwendungsrestriktionen unterliegen. Die Übersetzung verbalisierter Kine, verschriftlichter Struktureinheiten der Körpersprache, ist also häufig mit Problemen behaftet. Die kodierte Bewegung muss zunächst als solche erkannt, dann vom Übersetzer imaginiert und interpretiert und schließlich in eine entsprechende zielsprachliche Form gegossen werden. Der Translationsprozess wird damit von einem zusätzlichen Codewechsel, dem zwischen verbalem und nonverbalem Code, überlagert und weiter verkompliziert (Roman JAKOBSON (2002:261) spricht von ‘intersemiotic translation’ oder ‘transmutation’). Besonders Literaturübersetzer sehen sich häufig mit aus verbalisierten Kinen resultierenden Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten konfrontiert, ohne ein für diese Fälle zugeschnittenes Hilfsmittel zur Hand zu haben. Auf den Bedarf an entsprechenden Nachschlagewerken wies bereits 1989 Hans J. VERMEER hin, der damals schon die besondere Eignung digitaler Medien erkannt hatte: „Nonverbale Kommunikation macht etwa 70 % aller Kommunikation aus; sie ist vielfach wichtiger als die verbale. Wir brauchen mehr ‘Wörterbücher’ zur nonverbalen Kommu-nikation. – Ausführlichkeit und Spezialisierung schlossen sich bisher aus ökonomischen Gründen aus; desgleichen Ausführlichkeit und Aktualität; beide Probleme werden mit komputerisierten Terminologiedatenbanken lösbar.“ (VERMEER 1989:172). Mittlerweile liegen mehrere Printwörterbücher zu konventionalisierten Gesten verschiedener Kulturen vor (Vgl. die Aufstellungen in MEO-ZILIO 1990, KÜHN 2002:168, POYATOS 2002b:383, sowie für das Russi-sche GATTNAR 2003:68 ff. Ein deutsches Gestikon existiert bislang nicht.), allerdings richten sich diese nicht – zumindest nicht in erster Linie – an Übersetzer und sind nicht auf deren besondere Bedürfnisse abgestimmt. Aus dieser Situation heraus entstand die Überlegung, selbst ein derartiges Instrument, ein translationsgerichtetes Nachschlagewerk zu schaffen. Bei der Jahrestagung des Verbandes deutschsprachiger Übersetzer literarischer und wissenschaftlicher Werke e. V. (VdÜ) im September 2006 in Wolfenbüttel fand sich eine Gruppe von Übersetzern zusammen, die über Sinn und Zweck, Ausgestaltung und Realisierungsmöglichkeiten eines Gestikons diskutierte. Andreas TRETNER, Übersetzer und Hauptinitiator der Initiative, hatte den Begriff des Gestikons eingebracht.( Auch NOLL spricht in Anlehnung an POGGIs ‘Gestionary’ von ‘Gestikon’ (vgl. NOLL 1998:155), weitere Hinweise auf ähnliche Bezeichnungen finden sich bei KRENN/PIRKER (o. J.).) Dieser soll als griffige und kompakte Benennung auch in der vorliegenden Arbeit Verwendung finden, hilft er doch, die zweifelhafte Rede vom „Wörter“-Buch der Kinegramme zu vermeiden. Als Ergebnis der Wolfenbütteler Diskussion ließ sich festhalten, dass eine multilinguale Datenbank angestrebt wird, mit der Möglichkeit der kontinuierlichen Erweiterung, Bearbeitung und Nutzung durch registrierte User im Internet. Dabei herrschte weitgehend Konsens, dass die Datenbank aus identisch strukturierten einsprachigen Wörterbüchern bestehen soll, eine zweisprachige Anlage wurde als der Komplexität des Gegenstandes nicht angemessen verworfen. Ziel dieser Arbeit soll es nun sein, aus Übersetzerperspektive die Anforderungen an das zu schaffende Instrument zu formulieren und auf dieser Grundlage eine Konzeption für die Struktur des Gestikons und seiner Einträge zu erarbeiten. Diese Konzeption kann dann als Orientierungshilfe bei der Erstellung der Datenbankstruktur durch Informatiker oder Computerlinguisten Verwendung finden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird zunächst der aktuelle Forschungsstand aufgearbeitet und das zur Verbalisierung von Körpersprache anzutreffende terminologische Inventar vorgestellt und diskutiert. Im Anschluss an die Diskussion werden die in dieser Diplomarbeit verwendeten Termini definiert und mit Beispielen illustriert. Auf den Nachweis der Übersetzungsrelevanz des Themas folgt eine Beschreibung der intendierten Benutzergruppe des Gestikons und eine Analyse der für diese Adressatengruppe zu erwartenden Benutzungssituationen. Innerhalb der lexikographischen Diskussion wird auf konkrete Fragen der Kodifizierung und der Makrostruktur eingegangen, bevor schließlich die Mikrostruktur des Gestikons erarbeitet und mit mehreren Mustereinträgen in deutscher und russischer Sprache im Anhang anschaulich dargestellt wird. Abschließend werden Überlegungen und Ergebnisse der Arbeit zusammengefasst und die Perspektiven für das Gestikon-Projekt skizziert.

Blinda personers icke-verbala kommunikation : studier om kroppsspråk, icke-verbal samtalsreglering och icke-verbala uttryck / Blind people’s non-verbal communication : studies of body language, non-verbal conversation regulation and non-verbal expressions

Magnusson, Anna-Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of grown-up blind people’s non-verbal communication, including body expressions and paralinguistic (voice) expressions. More specifically, the thesis includes the following three studies: Blind people’s different forms of body expressions, blind people’s non-verbal conversation regulation and blind people’s experience of their own non-verbal expressions. The focus has been on the blind participants’ competence and on their subjective perspectives. I have also compared congenitally and adventitiously blind in all of the studies. The approach is mainly phenomenological and the qualitative empirical phenomenological psychological method is the primary methodological source of inspiration. Fourteen blind persons (and also some sigthed persons) participated. They have no other obvious disability than the blindness and their ages vary between 18 and 54. Data in the first two studies consisted of video recordings and data in the last study consisted of interviews. The overall results can be summarized in the following three points: 1. There are (almost) only similarities between the congenitally blind and adventitiously blind persons concerning their paralinguistic expressions. 2. There are mainly similarities between the two groups with respect to the occurrences of different body expressive forms. 3. There are also some differences between the groups. For example, the congenitally blind persons seem to have a limited ability to use the body in an abstract and symbolic way and they often mentioned that they have been told that their body expressions deviate from sighted people’s norms. But the persons in both groups also struggle to see themselves as unique persons who express themselves on the basis of their conditions and their previous experiences.</p>

Childbirth pain communicative behaviors among selected laboring Thai women.

Pathanapong, Poonsri January 1990 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe characteristics of childbirth pain communicative behaviors among laboring Thai women, determine mode of pain communication, and determine relationships among behaviors and parturients, age, parity, education, and occupation. This study employed an exploratory description design. Direct structural observation was used to collect data. The study was conducted at a general hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, with 32 subjects participating. The "Observation Checklist of Laboring Women's Behavior" was used to record the subjects' behaviors. Descriptive statistics, the t test, and Pearson product moment correlation were used to analyze data. Data analysis indicated that the subjects of this study communicated pain via nonverbal channels and in a quiet manner. The range of nonverbal behaviors ranked from the greatest to the least frequent occurrences and included tactual, facial, lips, body movements, eyes, and respiratory behaviors. The range of verbal reports ranked from the greatest to the lowest frequencies and included reports of sensation, self evaluation of tolerance of pain, asking for information, requesting help and comfort, and asking for permission. Reports of pain were the most predominant of all the verbal reports. There were no statistically significant differences between behaviors and age, parity, education, and occupation. Pain behaviors were more prevalent among primiparae. Subjects who were younger or had fewer years of education ask for more information relating to the childbirth process compared with their counterparts. The younger subjects tended to communicate their pain via verbal mode; the older subjects tended to communicate their pain through nonverbal channels. Information derived from this study contributed to clinical practice, research, and theoretical knowledge of nursing. The information will help nurses understand about pain communication among the Thai women. Findings also will serve as empirical data for future investigations and can be used as a basis for childbirth pain assessment. The findings of this study are not generalizable because subjects were not randomly selected and the sample size was small. Recommendations for future study include the use of larger sample sizes, refinement of the checklist, and the use of multiple methods to collect the data.


Olney, Cynthia Ann. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

"... Eh-eh ... EEH-EEH!" : En fenomenologisk studie om toddlarnas kommunikativa strategier till inflytande i förskolan

Imirova, Ekaterina, Grangien, Isabelle January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate the toddlers’ communicative strategies to the teachers in their way to reach influence in the preschool. The purpose is to make further investigations how teachers’ common experiences and interpretations of toddlers’ communicative signals to reach influence. The questions are: How the toddlers communicate to the teachers, their wish to take part of influence in the preschool? How do the toddlers reveal their intersubjective ability, in the communication with the teachers? How can teachers’ experiences help us to interpret the toddlers’ communicative strategies to their influence? We’ve used a qualitative research, with a phenomenological base, to carry out our study. The 1st step was to observe 1-2 years old toddlers, in two different units in a preschool. The 2nd step was to implement focus group discussionswith the teachers in the two different units. This two-combined steps gave us a lot of empiric material. Our theoretical approach is based on the theory of phenomenology of perception (Maurice Merleau-Ponty) and the theory of intersubjectivity (Daniel Stern). With the concepts: life-world, the sense of a subjective self and the sense of a verbal self, we seek the essence of how the toddlers use the body language to think, perceive and experience themselves in their communication to the teachers to reach influence. Investigations show that when the toddlers capture the teachers’ confirmation to influence, the body language changes to a proud straight posture, with belly up, and shoulders backwards. Their eyes get bigger. Their body language also changes when they want to show their dissatisfaction, in these situations where the confirmation from the teachers did not work. They turn their body and face away, from the teachers. The research also shows that the toddlers’ noise gets more intense when they want to clarify their communication to the teachers. Even the body movement’s strengths by making the body longer, and they also repeat the movement again. The toddlers also imitate a body movement between the child and the teacher, in a shared common experience, that they had done together in the past. The research also shows that even if the toddlers don’t have a well-developed verbal language yet, they are qualified to share their intentions to the teachers, through their body language. When these communications work out well, the toddlers’ sense of the intersubjective self grows and develops. This way opens up for the way when the toddlers’ sense of verbal self, starts. When the teachers are present and empathetic, and the toddlers are confirmed, they continue to develop as self-sensing individuals, which strengthens their belief in their own skills. This allows the children to learn that they have rights to influence over their daily lives and themselves, even in the age of the toddler and further.

Facial Expression Decoding Deficits Among Psychiatric Patients: Attention, Encoding, and Processing

Hoag, David Nelson 05 1900 (has links)
Psychiatric patients, particularly schizophrenics, tend to be less accurate decoders of facial expressions than normals. The involvement of three basic information processing stages in this deficit was investigated: attention; encoding; and processing. Psychiatric inpatients, classified by diagnosis and severity of pathology, and nonpatient controls were administered seven facial cue decoding tasks. Orientation of attention was assessed through rate of diversion of gaze from the stimuli. Encoding was assessed using simple tasks, requiring one contrast of two facial stimuli and selection from two response alternatives. Processing was assessed using a more complex task, requiring several contrasts between stimulus faces and selection from numerous response alternatives. Residualized error scores were used to statistically control for effects of attention on task performance. Processing task performance was evaluated using ANCOVA to control for effects of encoding. Schizophrenics were characterized by generalized information processing deficit while affective disorder subjects evidenced impairment only in attending. Attention impairments in both groups were related to severity of psychopathology. Problems in encoding and processing were related only to a schizophrenic diagnosis. Their decoding deficits appeared attributable to general visuospatial discrimination impairment rather than repression-sensitization defenses or the affective connotation of cues. Adequacy of interpersonal functioning was associated with measures of attending and processing but not encoding. The measures of encoding, however, may have lacked adequate discriminating power due to low difficulty.

Nonverbal Power Cues

Young, Merrie Lauren 05 1900 (has links)
Studies investigating aspects of social influence or power in counseling settings have examined the relationship between nonverbal cues and social influence or power. This study investigated perceptions of power, responsiveness, attractiveness, expertness, and trustworthiness by manipulating posture, facial expression and sex of therapist. After viewing photographs of stimulus therapists and listening to audio tapes, 96 male and 98 female undergraduates completed the Counselor Rating Form and a questionnaire measuring therapists' power and responsiveness. Results indicated that facial expression was more salient than posture. Smiling decreased ratings of power and increased ratings of attractiveness, responsiveness, and trustworthiness. Open posture was seen as more attractive and more powerful than closed posture. Surprisingly, females were viewed as more powerful than males. Other gender differences were found only in interaction with other variables.

Formação corporal de professoras de bebês: contribuições da Pedagogia do Teatro / Body instruction for teachers of babies: contributions of the Theatre Pedagogy

Lombardi, Lucia Maria Salgado dos Santos 26 May 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa tem por objeto a formação corporal do profissional de educação que trabalha com a primeira fase de vida do ser humano, mais precisamente o período compreendido entre o nascimento e os três anos de idade, por se reconhecer a importância do período de \"chegada à vida\" na constituição do psiquismo. O objetivo geral foi verificar como tem sido feita a formação de pedagogos na linguagem expressiva corporal voltada ao trabalho pedagógico com os bebês, analisando as possibilidades, os desafios e as necessidades dessa formação. Como procedimento metodológico foi criado um curso de extensão na Faculdade de Educação da USP, do qual participaram sessenta e seis pedagogas que trabalham em Centros de Educação Infantil localizados nos municípios de São Paulo, Barueri, Cotia, Embu e Francisco Morato, e no qual foram utilizados os conhecimentos do campo da Pedagogia do Teatro como mediadores de formação. Os resultados denunciam que a ausência de formação corporal priva os pedagogos, entre outros aspectos: da compreensão do corpo e do movimento como condição indispensável para a construção de conhecimento e para o trabalho pedagógico com bebês; da compreensão das linguagens expressivas na primeira infância; e, da revisão de valores sobre a corporeidade, a experiência e o bebê como sujeito, colaborando para que as estruturas de controle e opressão do corpo continuem a se fazer presentes na instituição escolar para crianças pequenas. Da análise dos dados provenientes da investigação de campo e do cotejamento destes com a pesquisa bibliográfica, derivaram as categorias aprofundadas: formação corporal do pedagogo; disciplinamento e repressão corporal; percepção sobre os bebês; reflexões sobre formação e valores docentes. / This research aims at developing professionals in the educational field who deal with the first stage of human beings´ lives i.e. the period from birth up to three years old since it is a stage of starting life in the latter´s psychological development. The general objective was to investigate how the pedagogues´ knowledge had been developed regarding the expressive body language in their pedagogical practice in babies by analyzing possibilities, challenges and the necessities concerning such instruction. An extension course was created at Faculdade de Educação at Universidade de São Paulo as a methodological procedure. Sixty six pedagogues who work for public daycare centers in São Paulo, Barueri, Cotia, Embu and Francisco Morato joined this course which used some knowledge from the Theatre Pedagogy as a tool in this instruction. Such results say that lacking body language notions can prevent pedagogues, among other things: from understanding of body and movement as a prerequisite for building knowledge and for pedagogical work with infants; from comprehension of the expressive languages in early childhood, besides reviewing some concepts regarding the body, the experience and the baby as a person to avoid body oppression and control over toddlers at schools. Based on collected data from field investigation (extension course) and on the conciliation of these with the bibliography the following categories were analyzed: pedagogues´ body perception instruction, body discipline and repression, perception of babies, reflections about teachers´ instruction and teachers\' values.

Affect coding within the therapeutic relationship

Unknown Date (has links)
This study investigates affect coding within the therapeutic relationship, by exploring the client's and therapist's perception of the relationship and the facial and vocal affect expressed by both parties. A sample of 14 therapy sessions each having 1800 data points was collected. The Working Alliance Inventory Short Form (WAI-S) and Real Relationship Inventory (RRI) were completed after each recorded session. The participants were therapists and clients at a university counseling center in South Florida. Data were analyzed using one-tailed t tests, descriptive statistics, scores from RRI and the WAI-S and percentages of negative, neutral and positive affect. Statistically significant relationships were found between seconds of therapist negative affect (t(13)= -2.065, p. <.05) and seconds of therapist neutral affect (t(13)= -1.959, p. <.05) for clients who dropped out of therapy. The seconds of negative affect coded for clients (t(13) = -1.396, p. >.05) was approaching statistical significance for clients who drop out of therapy. This study provides theoretical and empirical support for linking the presence of facial affect in the first session and its effects on the therapeutic relationship and thus client retention or drop out. The clinical implications of these findings are also discussed. / by Ashley J. Luedke. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Embodiment in affective evaluations : the case of the facial feedback effect

Kaiser, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
Theories of embodiment propose that our bodily states can influence affective processing. This thesis investigated the possibility that facial feedback (i.e., afferent signals from facial muscles) can influence the interpretation of affective stimuli. One study tested the effect of overt smiling and frowning on the interpretation of short descriptions of everyday events. Smiling, as compared to frowning, led to more positive evaluations, but only for participants who were aware of the emotional relevance of their expressions. A second study tested whether subtle changes in facial activation (elicited by unconsciously presented happy/angry facial expressions) led to changes in evaluations of ambiguous target symbols. While angry prime faces, as compared to happy prime faces, induced more frowning (as measured via electromyography), this change in facial activation did not translate into a behavioural effect on subsequent evaluations. A third study investigated the relation between naturally occurring facial reactions and interpretations of both clearly valenced and ambiguous facial expressions. Results indicate that facial reactivity predicts participants' self-reports of their own emotional reactions towards others' expressions (Experiment 1). A relation between facial reactions and interpretations of the expression senders' emotional states was only found in cases in which participants with high sensitivity towards their own bodily states (as measured with a test of interoceptive accuracy) tried to interpret ambiguous expressions (Experiment 2). In a last experiment, prolonged presentation of emotional prime faces led to expression-congruent facial reactions, but resulted in expression-incongruent behavioural reactions in both classification speed and interpretative tendency of emotional target faces. Overall, this thesis suggests that facial feedback is not generally involved in the interpretation of affective stimuli, but that it might contribute to evaluative processes only under special circumstances.

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