Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CNV"" "subject:"[enn] CNV""
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Étude pangénomique de la variabilité dans le nombre de copies liée à l’hypertension artérielle et ses anomalies métaboliques associéesIvanga, Mahiné 03 1900 (has links)
L’hypertension artérielle essentielle (HTA) est une pathologie complexe, multifactorielle et à forte composante génétique. L’impact de la variabilité dans le nombre de copies sur l’HTA est encore peu connu. Nous envisagions que des variants dans le nombre de copies (CNVs) communs pourraient augmenter ou diminuer le risque pour l’HTA. Nous avons exploré cette hypothèse en réalisant des associations pangénomiques de CNVs avec l’HTA et avec l’HTA et le diabète de type 2 (DT2), chez 21 familles du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean (SLSJ) caractérisées par un développement précoce de l’HTA et de la dyslipidémie. Pour la réplication, nous disposions, d’une part, de 3349 sujets diabétiques de la cohorte ADVANCE sélectionnés pour des complications vasculaires. D’autre part, de 187 sujets de la cohorte Tchèque Post-MONICA (CTPM), choisis selon la présence/absence d’albuminurie et/ou de syndrome métabolique. Finalement, 134 sujets de la cohorte CARTaGENE ont été analysés pour la validation fonctionnelle.
Nous avons détecté deux nouveaux loci, régions de CNVs (CNVRs) à effets quantitatifs sur 17q21.31, associés à l’hypertension et au DT2 chez les sujets SLSJ et associés à l’hypertension chez les diabétiques ADVANCE. Un modèle statistique incluant les deux variants a permis de souligner le rôle essentiel du locus CNVR1 sur l’insulino-résistance, la précocité et la durée du diabète, ainsi que sur le risque cardiovasculaire. CNVR1 régule l’expression du pseudogène LOC644172 dont le dosage est associé à la prévalence de l’HTA, du DT2 et plus particulièrement au risque cardiovasculaire et à l’âge vasculaire (P<2×10-16). Nos résultats suggèrent que les porteurs de la duplication au locus CNVR1 développent précocement une anomalie de la fonction bêta pancréatique et de l’insulino-résistance, dues à un dosage élevé de LOC644172 qui perturberait, en retour, la régulation du gène paralogue fonctionnel, MAPK8IP1.
Nous avons également avons identifié six CNVRs hautement hérités et associés à l'HTA chez les sujets SLSJ. Le score des effets combinés de ces CNVRs est apparu positivement et étroitement relié à la prévalence de l’HTA (P=2×10-10) et à l’âge de diagnostic de l’HTA. Dans la population SLSJ, le score des effets combinés présente une statistique C, pour l’HTA, de 0.71 et apparaît aussi performant que le score de risque Framingham pour la prédiction de l’HTA chez les moins de 25 ans. Un seul nouveau locus de CNVR sur 19q13.12, où la délétion est associée à un risque pour l’HTA, a été confirmé chez les Caucasiens CTPM. Ce CNVR englobe le gène FFAR3. Chez la souris, il a été démontré que l’action hypotensive du propionate est en partie médiée par Ffar3, à travers une interférence entre la flore intestinale et les systèmes cardiovasculaire et rénal.
Les CNVRs identifiées dans cette étude, affectent des gènes ou sont localisées dans des QTLs reliés majoritairement aux réponses inflammatoires et immunitaires, au système rénal ainsi qu’aux lésions/réparations rénales ou à la spéciation. Cette étude suggère que l’étiologie de l’HTA ou de l’HTA associée au DT2 est affectée par des effets additifs ou interactifs de CNVRs. / Essential hypertension (HT) is a multifactorial complex disease with a strong genetic component. However, little is known about the effects of copy number variance on HT. We hypothesized common Copy Number Variants (CNVs) could increase or decrease the risk for HT. We performed GWAS of CNVs with HT and, with HT and Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), in 21 families of the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region of Quebec (FC) affected by early-onset hypertension and dyslipidemia. Replication was tested in a cohort of 3349 unrelated diabetic subjects of Caucasian origin from the ADVANCE trial. Replication was also tested in 187 individuals from the Czech Post-Monica (CPM) cross-sectional survey, ascertained by the presence/absence of albuminuria and/or metabolic syndrome. We performed locus-specific transcriptional analyses in 134 subjects from the CARTaGENE population cohort.
We identified two CNV Regions (CNVRs), at 17q21.31, associated with HT and T2D in FC and associated with hypertension in ADVANCE diabetics. A statistical model of association including both CNVRs underlined the main effect size of CNVR1 on insulin resistance, T2D early onset and duration, and risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). CNVR1 appeared to influence LOC644172 expression, whose transcript abundance was associated with the prevalence of HT and T2D, and strongly with the risk of CVD and vascular age (P<2×10-16). Our results suggest carriers of copy-number gain at these 17q21.31 loci, principally at the CNVR1 locus, undergo premature β-cell functional deregulation and insulin resistance, due to increase dosage of the LOC644172 pseudogene, which might in turn affect the regulation of expression of its functional paralog, MAPK8IP1.
We also report six different CNVR loci, highly heritable and contributing to the risk of hypertension, in French Canadians. The combined CNV risk score appeared robustly related to prevalence of hypertension (p=2×10-10) and age at diagnosis of hypertension. In FC, this combined CNV risk score model showed a C-statistic of 0.71 for HT and appeared as powerful as Framingham HT risk score in predicting hypertension in individuals aged less than 25. We validated the association of a new locus, 19q13.12 deletion-CNVR, with hypertension, in CPM. FFAR3 surrounds this 19q13.12 deletion-CNVR. It has been demonstrated that in mice, a portion of propionate hypotensive effect is mediated by Ffar3, and involves a cross-talk between the gut microbiota and the renal-cardiovascular system.
The identified CNVRs appear to influence genes and QTLs mainly related to immune and inflammatory responses and renal damaged and repair. Some CNVRs are exclusive to primates. This study suggests that additive and interactive actions of multiple copy-number variants are involved in the etiology of hypertension or of hypertension associated with T2D.
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Variação no número de cópias de segmentos de DNA (CNV) em pacientes com surdez sindrômica / Copy number variants in patients with syndromic hearing impairmentAna Lúcia Pereira Monteiro Catelani 12 April 2010 (has links)
A perda auditiva é o defeito mais comum ao nascimento e cerca de 70 milhões de pessoas no mundo apresentam algum grau de perda auditiva. Além da alta incidência, as implicações da perda auditiva na linguagem, na cognição e no desenvolvimento emocional e social reforçam sua importância. No entanto, em grande parte dos pacientes, a causa da deficiência auditiva não é esclarecida. Nós usamos hibridação comparativa do genoma baseada em arrays (Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization aCGH) para investigar alterações no número de cópias de segmentos de DNA (Copy Number Variation CNV) em 31 indivíduos que apresentavam deficiência auditiva e sinais clínicos adicionais, mas que não puderam ser classificados em síndrome conhecida. A escolha de indivíduos sindrômicos se baseou no pressuposto de que, em média, apresentam alterações genômicas maiores e, portanto, mais provavelmente detectáveis com o uso de aCGH de 1 Mb, que era a plataforma disponível no início do projeto. CNVs não descrita em bancos de dados de indivíduos normais foram identificadas em oito pacientes, quatro delas ocorreram de novo enquanto as outras quatro foram herdadas de um genitor fenotipicamente normal. As alterações de novo definem segmentos cromossômicos que provavelmente contém genes relacionados à deficiência auditiva e sensíveis a dose, especificamente: 1q23.3-q25.2, 2q22q23, 6p25.3 e 11q13.2-q13.4. As alterações raras identificadas tanto nos pacientes quanto em um genitor normal poderiam ser um evento ao acaso, sem papel na deficiência auditiva; no entanto, a possibilidade de que essas alterações possam funcionar como fatores de predisposição não podem ser descartadas. Se considerarmos apenas as CNVs de novo como causativas dos fenótipos investigados, detectamos quatro pacientes portadores entre os 31 investigados (13%). Se considerarmos também as CNVs herdadas como possivelmente causativas, a taxa de desequilíbrios cromossômicos associados à surdez será de 26%. Esses resultados são provavelmente uma substimativa e esses números seriam possivelmente maiores com o uso de uma das plataformas de alta resolução disponíveis atualmente. Esses resultados, embora limitados, indicam que investigação por aCGH em pacientes com surdez sindrômica idiopática está entre os testes mais eficientes para detectar etiologia dos fenótipos, devendo ser incorporado à rotina no diagnóstico e aconselhamento genético. / Hearing loss is the most common congenital deficiency and about 70 million people worldwide present some degree of hearing impairment. In addition to its high incidence, hearing loss impacts language, cognition and social and emotional development. However, in a large proportion of patients, the cause of the hearing deficiency cannot be elucidated. We screened copy number changes by 1 Mb-array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) in 31 individuals with syndromic hearing impairment whose clinical features were untypical for known disorders. The choice of evaluating syndromic rather than non-syndromic individuals was based on the assumption that they are more likely to carry larger genomic alterations which could be more easily detected by the comparatively low resolution 1 Mb aCCG, which was the available platform when this project started. Copy number changes (CNV) not documented in the database of normal individuals were detected in eight patients, four de novo imbalances and four inherited from a normal parent. The de novo alterations define candidate chromosome segments likely to harbor dosage sensitive genes related to hearing impairment, namely 1q23.3-q25.2, 2q22q23, 6p25.3 and 11q13.2- q13.4. The rare imbalances also present in normal parents might be casually associated with hearing impairment, but also have a possible role as a predisposition factor. When only the de novo CNVs were considered causative for the disease phenotypes, our study revealed relevant copy number changes in 4 patients (13%). If we also count the rare CNVs that had been inherited as possibly causative, the frequency of chromosome imbalances associated with syndromic deafness in our sample becomes 26%. These figures are probably underestimates and will probably become larger when high resolution oligoarray platforms are applied. These results indicate that aCGH is an efficient tool for defining the etiology of syndromic deafness and its use in routine diagnosis of hearing impairment and for genetic counseling is highly recommended.
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Etude par puce à ADN d'une cohorte de 185 patients libanais atteints de déficience intellectuelle inexpliquée / Chromosomal microarray analysis of a cohort of 185 Lebanese patients with unexplained intellectual disabilityChoucair Alam, Nancy 10 December 2013 (has links)
La déficience intellectuelle (DI) est une affection fréquente à causes multiples et souvent inconnues. Durant les 30 dernières années, l’examen utilisé pour l’exploration des anomalies chromosomiques chez des patients libanais présentant une DI était le caryotype standard. Le but de ce projet de thèse était d'appliquer pour la 1ère fois au Liban les technologies d'hybridation sur puces à ADN dans la recherche de nouveaux microremaniements (CNV) impliquant des gènes susceptibles d'engendrer une DI.Ainsi, les ADNs de 99 contrôles et de 185 patients libanais présentant une DI inexpliquée ont été hybridés sur des puces à ADN. Nous avons, par la suite, classé les CNVs identifiés en groupes selon leur transmission, leur contenu en gènes et leur localisation.Nous avons identifié 29 CNVs pathogènes associés à des syndromes ou gènes morbides responsables du phénotype recherché et 90 variants de signification inconnue dont 25 ont été investigués. On a retrouvé 18 de ces derniers comme probablement bénins, 5 comme probablement pathogènes, et 2 à investiguer puisqu'ils sont rapportés comme pathogènes dans la littérature mais hérités d’un parent sain dans l’étude. Nous avons élaboré 4 cas des CNVs pathogènes, 3 des CNVs probablement pathogènes qui sont des microdélétions à l'état homozygote chez des sujets issus de mariages consanguins; et les 2 CNVs à investiguer.Finalement, nous avons discuté les avantages de cette technique permettant l'identification chez 8% des patients ayant une DI inexpliquée, des microremaniements non identifiables par caryotype standard. Cependant nous avons aussi souligné la complexité, les limites et certaines incertitudes d’interprétation des résultats. / Chromosomal imbalances are the most frequent cause of intellectual disability (ID). In Lebanon, during the past 30 years, screening of these imbalances was done using standard karyotyping. However, the resolution of this test was insufficient to detect submicroscopic chromosomal imbalances (CNV). The aim of this thesis was to apply, for the first time in Lebanon, advanced techniques like the chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA), capable of detecting CNVs. Therefore, we screened the DNAs of 185 Lebanese subjects having unexplained ID and those of 99 healthy controls.CNVs identified were classified into groups upon their inheritance status, gene/microRNA content, and their localization.We identified 29 pathogenic CNVs associated to known syndromes or to morbid genes responsible for the patient's phenotype. We also found 90 variants of unknown significance of which 25 were investigated. 18 of the latter were likely benign, 5 were considered as probably pathogenic, and 2 needed future investigations to be classified, as they were considered as pathogenic in the literature but were inherited from a normal parent in this study.We discussed interesting cases by developing 4 pathogenic CNVs, 3 probably pathogenic that were homozygous microdeletions found in patients issued from consanguineous parents, and the 2 CNVs that required further investigations.Finally, we discussed the advantage of this CMA technique that lead to the identification of microimbalances unseen by a standard karyotype in 8% (14/174) of the patients with unexplained ID. Moreover, we mentioned the complexity, limitation and difficulty of interpretation of some results.
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Detekce CNV v sekvenačních datech / CNV detection in the sequencing dataPleskačová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
Copy number variation detection in prokaryotic organisms is currently receiving more and more attention, mainly due to the association of CNV with pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The algorithm designed in this thesis uses peak detection in sequencing coverage to detect CNV segments. Read coverage is commonly obtained by mapping sequencing reads of one individual to an already known reference of another individual of the same species. However, two individuals will always differ in a certain number of genes, resulting in unmapped reads that are unnecessarily discarded. Therefore, this work assumes that the biological accuracy of CNV detection can be increased by using a new reference that is created from the same set of reads as the reads mapped to this reference. Sequencing reads of Klebsiella pneumoniae individuals are used to verify this assertion.
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Immunosenescence in Choroidal Neovascularization (CNV): Transcriptional Profiling of Naïve and CNV-Associated Retinal Myeloid Cells during AgingSchlecht, Anja, Thien, Adrian, Wolf, Julian, Prinz, Gabriele, Agostini, Hansjürgen, Schlunck, Günther, Wieghofer, Peter, Boneva, Stefaniya, Lange, Clemens 02 February 2024 (has links)
Immunosenescence is considered a possible factor in the development of age-related macular
degeneration and choroidal neovascularization (CNV). However, age-related changes of myeloid
cells (MCs), such as microglia and macrophages, in the healthy retina or during CNV formation are illdefined.
In this study, Cx3cr1-positive MCs were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting from
six-week (young) and two-year-old (old) Cx3cr1GFP/+ mice, both during physiological aging and
laser-induced CNV development. High-throughput RNA-sequencing was performed to define the
age-dependent transcriptional differences in MCs during physiological aging and CNV development,
complemented by immunohistochemical characterization and the quantification of MCs, as well as
CNV size measurements. These analyses revealed that myeloid cells change their transcriptional
profile during both aging and CNV development. In the steady state, senescent MCs demonstrated
an upregulation of factors contributing to cell proliferation and chemotaxis, such as Cxcl13 and Cxcl14,
as well as the downregulation of microglial signature genes. During CNV formation, aged myeloid
cells revealed a significant upregulation of angiogenic factors such as Arg1 and Lrg1 concomitant
with significantly enlarged CNV and an increased accumulation of MCs in aged mice in comparison
to young mice. Future studies need to clarify whether this observation is an epiphenomenon or a
causal relationship to determine the role of immunosenescence in CNV formation.
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Algorithms for Characterizing Structural Variation in Human GenomeYavaş, Gökhan 20 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Évaluation du caryotype moléculaire en tant qu’outil diagnostique chez les enfants avec déficience intellectuelle et/ou malformations congénitalesD'Amours, Guylaine 05 1900 (has links)
Le caryotype moléculaire permet d’identifier un CNV chez 10-14% des individus atteints de déficience intellectuelle et/ou de malformations congénitales. C’est pourquoi il s’agit maintenant de l’analyse de première intention chez ces patients. Toutefois, le rendement diagnostique n’est pas aussi bien défini en contexte prénatal et l’identification de CNVs de signification clinique incertaine y est particulièrement problématique à cause du risque d’interruption de grossesse. Nous avons donc testé 49 fœtus avec malformations majeures et un caryotype conventionnel normal avec une micropuce CGH pangénomique, et obtenu un diagnostic dans 8,2% des cas. Par ailleurs, des micropuces à très haute résolution combinant le caryotype moléculaire et le génotypage de SNPs ont récemment été introduites sur le marché. En plus d’identifier les CNVs, ces plateformes détectent les LOHs, qui peuvent indiquer la présence d’une mutation homozygote ou de disomie uniparentale. Ces anomalies pouvant être associées à la déficience intellectuelle ou à des malformations, leur détection est particulièrement intéressante pour les patients dont le phénotype reste inexpliqué. Cependant, le rendement diagnostique de ces plateformes n’est pas confirmé, et l’utilité clinique réelle des LOHs n’est toujours pas établie. Nous avons donc testé 21 enfants atteints de déficience intellectuelle pour qui les méthodes standards d’analyse génétique n’avaient pas résulté en un diagnostic, et avons pu faire passer le rendement diagnostique de 14,3% à 28,6% grâce à l’information fournie par les LOHs. Cette étude démontre l’utilité clinique d’une micropuce CGH pangénomique chez des fœtus avec malformations, de même que celle d’une micropuce SNP chez des enfants avec déficience intellectuelle. / Molecular karyotyping identifies a CNV in 10-14% of individuals affected with intellectual disability and/or congenital abnormalities. Therefore, it is now the first-tier analysis for these patients. However, the diagnostic yield is not as clear in the prenatal context, and the risk of pregnancy termination makes the detection of variants of uncertain clinical significance particularly problematic. We tested 49 fetuses with major malformations and a normal karyotype, using a pangenomic CGH array, and obtained a diagnosis in 8.2% of cases. Furthermore, high-resolution microarrays combining molecular karyotyping and SNP genotyping were recently introduced on the market. In addition to identifying CNVs, these platforms detect LOHs, which can indicate the presence of a homozygous mutation or of uniparental disomy. Since these abnormalities can be associated with intellectual disability or congenital abnormalities, their detection is of particular interest for patients whose phenotype remains unexplained. However, the diagnostic yield obtained with these platforms is not confirmed, and the real clinical value of LOH detection is not yet established. We tested 21 children affected with intellectual disability for whom standard genetic analyses failed to provide a diagnosis, and were able to increase the diagnostic yield from 14.3% to 28.6% as a result of the information provided by LOHs. This study shows the clinical usefulness of pangenomic CGH arrays in fetuses with malformation(s), as well as that of SNP arrays in children with intellectual disability.
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Genetic, genomic and epigenetic alterations in congenital malformations : implications in genetic counselingSerra Juhé, Clara, 1984- 20 October 2012 (has links)
Mechanisms underlying congenital malformations are largely unknown despite its high incidence,
affecting 2-3% of liveborn infants. A broader knowledge about the causes of birth defects would
provide valuable information regarding the outcome and prognosis of the anomaly, the
development and establishment of diagnostic protocols, the design of therapeutic strategies and
genetic counseling to the family. Different approaches have been used in the present thesis
regarding technologies and model diseases to elucidate the contribution of genetic and epigenetic
alterations in the etiopathogenesis of congenital malformations. Copy number variations,
methylation patterns, as well as point mutations have been explored. Moreover, a study to analyze
genetic counseling in relation to one of the new molecular techniques used has been performed.
Obtained data reveal a relevant role of genetic and epigenetic alterations in congenital
malformations, in some cases as a unique cause to explain the disease and in others as part of an
oligogenic or multifactorial model. / Els mecanismes causants de les malformacions congènites són poc coneguts malgrat l’elevada
incidència d’aquestes patologies, que afecten el 2-3% de recent nascuts. Un coneixement més ampli
de les causes de les anomalies congènites proporcionaria informació rellevant pel que fa al pronòstic
de l’anomalia, el desenvolupament i establiment de protocols diagnòstics, el disseny d’estratègies
terapèutiques, així com l’assessorament genètic a la família. En la tesi que es presenta s’han utilitzat
diferents estratègies, pel que fa a tecnologies i models de malalties, amb l’objectiu d’esbrinar la
contribució d’alteracions genètiques i epigenètiques en l’etiopatogènia de les malformacions
congènites. S’han analitzat variacions en número de còpia, patrons de metilació, així com mutacions
puntuals. D’altra banda, també s’ha realitzat un estudi per aprofundir en l’assessorament genètic en
relació a una de les noves tècniques moleculars utilitzades. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que les
altercacions genètiques i epigenètiques tenen una contribució molt rellevant en l’etiologia de les
malformacions congènites, en alguns casos com a causa única de la malaltia i en altres com a
component d’un model oligogènic o multifactorial.
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Morfologická a genomická charakterizace cirkulujících nádorových buněk u metastatického kolorektálního karcinomu / Morphological and Genomic Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Colorectal CancerThiele, Jana-Aletta January 2018 (has links)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide; it is responsible for nearly 10% of all newly diagnosed cancers and is the second most cause of cancer related death in Europe. Biomarkers for therapy guidance, targeted therapy and survival prognosis are still limited. As CRC is a heterogeneous disease, different parts of the tumor might have varying molecular characteristics which may change during therapy or disease progression. Through solid biopsies and screenings, these local or temporal differences are impossible to monitor. To facilitate detection of these possible temporal changes, a regularly and non-invasively accessible biomarker is required for disease monitoring. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) might represent such a biomarker as they have been shown to be fluid surrogates of the solid tumor. EpCAM positive CTCs have shown to be prognostic in CRC for survival, but their full potential has not yet been evaluated further. By using the High Definition Single Cell Analysis (HD-SCA) workflow, we were able to analyze the entire spectrum of CTCs and categorize them as the regular CTCs (HD-CTC), CTCs with a smaller nuclear area (CTC-Small), CTCs with low expression of epithelial marker cytokeratin (CTC-LowCK) and CTCs undergoing apoptosis and therefore releasing cell free DNA...
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Morfologická a genomická charakterizace cirkulujících nádorových buněk u metastatického kolorektálního karcinomu / Morphological and Genomic Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Colorectal CancerThiele, Jana-Aletta January 2018 (has links)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide; it is responsible for nearly 10% of all newly diagnosed cancers and is the second most cause of cancer related death in Europe. Biomarkers for therapy guidance, targeted therapy and survival prognosis are still limited. As CRC is a heterogeneous disease, different parts of the tumor might have varying molecular characteristics which may change during therapy or disease progression. Through solid biopsies and screenings, these local or temporal differences are impossible to monitor. To facilitate detection of these possible temporal changes, a regularly and non-invasively accessible biomarker is required for disease monitoring. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) might represent such a biomarker as they have been shown to be fluid surrogates of the solid tumor. EpCAM positive CTCs have shown to be prognostic in CRC for survival, but their full potential has not yet been evaluated further. By using the High Definition Single Cell Analysis (HD-SCA) workflow, we were able to analyze the entire spectrum of CTCs and categorize them as the regular CTCs (HD-CTC), CTCs with a smaller nuclear area (CTC-Small), CTCs with low expression of epithelial marker cytokeratin (CTC-LowCK) and CTCs undergoing apoptosis and therefore releasing cell free DNA...
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