Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CNV"" "subject:"[enn] CNV""
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Pesquisa de microrrearranjos em genes candidatos a surdez sindrômica e não-sindrômica / Screening of microimbalances in candidate genes for syndromic and nonsyndromic deafnessUehara, Daniela Tiaki 13 December 2010 (has links)
A complexidade da fisiologia da audição resulta da participação e interação de produtos de grande número de genes, razão pela qual a surdez hereditária exibe enorme heterogeneidade genética. Estudos moleculares nas duas últimas décadas permitiram a identificação de vários genes responsáveis por surdez; entretanto, muitos ainda restam ser identificados. A maioria dos estudos de mapeamento de genes de surdez até então conduzidos privilegiou estratégias que buscavam mutações de ponto. Outros mecanismos mutacionais, como deleções e duplicações, foram pouco investigados. Portanto, a contribuição das CNVs (Copy Number Variations) na surdez hereditária é pouco conhecida. O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar novos genes que possam ter papel na etiologia da surdez sindrômica ou não-sindrômica por meio da investigação de microdeleções e microduplicações em pacientes com perda auditiva. Selecionamos 25 genes candidatos (CTTN, FGF3, FGF19, FOXC1, FOXF2, FOXQ1, IMMP2L, KIF5C, LRRN3, MAP1A, MYLK4, PPP3CA, SHANK2, SLC5A7, STRC, TMC1, TMC2, TMC3, TMC4, TMC5, TMC6, TMC7, TMC8, TPCN2 e TUBB2A) para a triagem de microrrearranjos por meio da técnica de MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification). Os genes candidatos foram selecionados a partir de rearranjos detectados em um estudo prévio realizado por meio de array-CGH (array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization) em indivíduos com surdez sindrômica estudados em nosso laboratório, e também a partir de dados da literatura. Nossa casuística foi composta por 163 indivíduos, dos quais 74 são pacientes com surdez associada a outros sinais (sindrômicos), a maioria casos isolados, e 89 são pacientes com surdez não-sindrômica, propósitos de famílias em que segrega surdez de herança autossômica dominante ou recessiva. Desenhamos uma sonda sintética intragênica de MLPA para cada um dos genes candidatos. Foram detectadas seis deleções em TMC6 (3,7%), seis deleções e uma duplicação em STRC (4,3%) e uma duplicação em IMMP2L (0,6%). A triagem de alterações nesses três genes em 189 indivíduos fenotipicamente normais revelou quatro deleções em TMC6 (2,1%), oito deleções e três duplicações em STRC (5,8%) e três deleções em IMMP2L (1,6%). Todas as alterações em TMC6, tanto nos casos de surdez como nos controles, eram na realidade artefatos devidos a problemas de hibridação da sonda correspondente. No gene STRC, previamente já relacionado à surdez, os rearranjos nos indivíduos afetados devem se tratar de polimorfismos sem efeito fenotípico por serem muito frequentes na população. Contudo, é possível que haja nesses pacientes mutações adicionais que não puderam ser rastreadas e que poderiam contribuir ao fenótipo, em combinação com o rearranjo detectado, como já descrito em um caso da literatura. A duplicação em IMMP2L em uma paciente com surdez não-sindrômica, herdada da mãe igualmente afetada, mostrou-se a mais provavelmente relacionada ao fenótipo, pois o estudo complementar por meio de array-CGH revelou que o rearranjo inclui uma duplicação parcial da porção 3 de outro gene, DOCK4. O produto desse gene possui uma isoforma que se localiza nos estereocílios das células ciliadas e se liga a uma importante proteína relacionada à audição, a harmonina. Portanto, nossa hipótese é a de que a duplicação seja a causa da surdez na família e que DOCK4 seja um novo gene responsável por surdez. A associação de IMMP2L com surdez é menos provável devido ao grande número de CNVs não patogênicas já descritas que incluem partes desse gene. Estudos complementares são necessários para mapear a duplicação com mais precisão. Além disso, o rastreamento de mutações em DOCK4 em outras famílias com surdez pode vir a confirmar o possível papel desse gene na etiologia da surdez. / Several genes contribute to the complexity of physiology of hearing. Consequently, hereditary deafness is extremely heterogeneous from the genetic point of view. In the last two decades, several genes responsible for hereditary hearing loss have been identified, but a large number of genes remains to be found, as evidenced by the unexplained cases of inherited deafness. The search for point mutations in candidate genes after mapping based on linkage studies has been the main strategy in the identification of such genes. Other mutation mechanisms, such as deletions and duplications, have been rarely investigated, and the contribution of DNA copy number variants (CNVs) to hearing loss is not well known. This study aimed at identifying novel genes, which might play a role in the etiology of syndromic and non-syndromic deafness, through the search of gene microdeletions and microduplications. We selected 25 candidate genes (CTTN, FGF3, FGF19, FOXC1, FOXF2, FOXQ1, IMMP2L, KIF5C, LRRN3, MAP1A, MYLK4, PPP3CA, SHANK2, SLC5A7, STRC, TMC1, TMC2, TMC3, TMC4, TMC5, TMC6, TMC7, TMC8, TPCN2 and TUBB2A) based on their involvement in microimbalances detected by Array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) in a previous study of a Brazilian sample of individuals with syndromic hearing loss from our laboratory and others reported in the literature. We studied 163 subjects, 74 of them presenting syndromic deafness, the majority were isolated cases, and 89 being probands of families in which nonsyndromic deafness had an autosomal dominant or recessive mode of inheritance. Gene deletions or duplications were screened by Multiplex Ligant-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) using one synthetic intragenic probe designed for each candidate gene. We detected six deletions in TMC6 (3,7%), six deletions and one duplication in STRC (4,3%), and one duplication in IMMP2L (0,6%). The screening of imbalances in these genes in a control sample of 189 hearing individuals revealed four deletions in TMC6 (2,1%), eight deletions and three duplications in STRC (5,8%) and three deletions in IMMP2L (1,6%). The imbalances found in TMC6, both in affected and control individuals, were in fact artifacts due to problems in the hybridization of the corresponding probe. As to the STRC gene, previously related to deafness, the imbalances are more likely to be 4 polymorphisms with no phenotypic effect. However, the possibility remains that additional undetected mutations in affected individuals contribute to their phenotype, in combination with the microrearrangement, as already reported in the literature. The duplication in IMMP2L in a non-syndromic patient, and also present in her affected mother, is most likely causative of deafness, since a complementary study performed with aCGH revealed that the rearrangement included a partial duplication of the 3 end of another gene, DOCK4. An isoform of the DOCK4 protein localizes to the stereocilia in the inner ear and interacts with harmonin, a protein already known to be involved in hearing. We hypothesize that this duplication may be the cause of deafness in the family and, this being the case, DOCK4 appears as a novel deafness gene. The causal association between IMMP2L and deafness is less plausible, because of the large number of reported non-pathogenic CNVs that include parts of this gene. Further studies are required to precisely map this duplication. In addition, the screening of mutations in DOCK4 in other families with hearing impairment is required to evaluate its possible role in the etiology of deafness.
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Em busca da etiologia das displasias frontonasais / In search of the etiology of frontonasal dysplasiasRodrigues, Melina Guerreiro 04 October 2013 (has links)
A displasia frontonasal (DFN) compreende quadros de aparência facial variável, sendo clinicamente caracterizada por dois ou mais dos seguintes sinais: hipertelorismo ocular com consequente alargamento da base nasal; fissura facial mediana afetando o nariz ou o nariz e lábio superior e, por vezes, o palato; fissura alar (uni ou bilateral); ponta nasal ausente; crânio anterior bífido oculto, e implantação em 'V' dos cabelos na fronte. A DFN pode ser vista como um defeito de desenvolvimento que pode ocorrer por si só ou como parte do quadro clínico de várias síndromes. A maioria dos casos de DFN é esporádica, e em raras circunstâncias foram observadas alterações cromossômicas em alguns indivíduos. Até o momento, quatro genes foram relacionados à patogênese molecular de algumas das síndromes com DFN, EFNB1, associado a uma forma de DFN ligada ao X e os genes ALX1, ALX3 e ALX4, todos associados a formas de DFN com herança autossômica recessiva. Embora esteja claro haver heterogeneidade etiológica, na maioria dos casos de DFN a causa não é conhecida, dificultando o adequado aconselhamento genético aos pacientes e seus familiares. Sendo assim, realizamos estudos com diferentes estratégias metodológicas buscando melhor compreender as possíveis causas genéticas da DFN. Ao todo foram analisados 10 pacientes: um caso familial de DFN leve com herança aparentemente autossômica dominante, um caso clinicamente sugestivo de mutação em ALX1, e oito casos de DFN associada a atraso de desenvolvimento com ou sem outras anomalias, dos quais um apresentava um rearranjo de novo aparentemente balanceado entre os cromossomos 4 e 12. Optamos por realizar sequenciamento dos genes previamente relacionados a fenótipos com DFN em todos os casos; para aqueles em que não foram detectadas mutações patogênicas, realizamos análise de variações de número de cópias (CNV) por microarray de polimorfismos de base única e, para o paciente com rearranjo cromossômico, realizamos o mapeamento do ponto de quebra por hibridação in situ fluorescente. Constatamos uma mutação em heterozigose no gene ALX4 co-segregando com o fenótipo do caso familial, sendo esta a primeira descrição de alteração em tal gene causando uma forma de DFN com herança dominante, e sugerimos pela primeira vez um mecanismo de dominância negativa. No caso sugestivo de mutação em ALX1, o diagnóstico foi confirmado através da identificação de uma mutação em homozigose neste gene do paciente; este caso consiste no 3o da literatura mundial e evidencia pela primeira vez que mutações em ALX1 não necessariamente levam a atraso de desenvolvimento ou deficiência intelectual. Os estudos citogenéticos e moleculares dos pontos de quebra do paciente com rearranjo cromossômico sugeriram os genes ARAP2 e CAND1 como possíveis responsáveis por seu quadro clínico, enquanto o estudo de CNVs nos indivíduos com DFN associada a atraso de desenvolvimento apontou os genes DNAJB12 e ENOX2 como possíveis candidatos para explicar o fenótipo de dois dos pacientes. É preciso que novos estudos sejam realizados a fim de melhor compreender o significado de tais achados e a real contribuição de cada gene para o desenvolvimento craniofacial humano e para a etiologia da DFN. Para os casos em que não foram identificadas alterações conclusivas no presente estudo, embora causas ambientais não possam ser descartadas, é preciso que seja investigada também a existência de fatores genéticos e epigenéticos não detectáveis pelas metodologias utilizadas, bem como a hipótese de mosaicismo somático. Nossos resultados, além de corroborarem o envolvimento dos genes ALX1 e ALX4 em fenótipos com DFN, sugerem também novos genes candidatos: ARAP2, CAND1, DNAJB12 e ENOX2 / Frontonasal dysplasia (FND) is a rare group of disorders that comprises cases with a variety of facial appearances, and is clinically characterized by two or more of the following signs: ocular hypertelorism with consequent broadening of the nasal root; median facial cleft affecting the nose and/or upper lip and palate; clefting of the alae nasi (uni or bilateral); lack of formation of the nasal tip; anterior cranium bifidum occultum; and a V-shaped frontal hairline. FND is a developmental defect that can occur alone or as part of several syndromes. Most cases of FND are sporadic, and in rare circumstances chromosomal alterations were observed in affected individuals. To date, four genes have been related to the molecular pathogenesis of some syndromes with DFN, one (EFNB1) is associated with an X-linked form while the 3 others (ALX1, ALX3 and ALX4) are associated with autosomal recessive forms. Although it is clear that FND is etiologic heterogeneous, the causative mechanism is unknown in most cases which makes it hard to give proper genetic counseling to patients and their families. In order to get new insights into the genetic mechanisms leading to FND, we performed studies with different methodologies. Altogether, 10 patients were analyzed: a familial case of a mild form of FND with an apparently autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, a case clinically suggestive of mutation in ALX1, and eight cases of FND associated with developmental delay with or without other anomalies, one of which with an apparently balanced de novo rearrangement between chromosomes 4 and 12. We chose to sequence the genes previously associated with FND phenotypes in all cases; for those in which pathogenic mutations were not detected, we conducted an analysis of copy number variations (CNV) by single nucleotide polymorphisms microarrays; for the patient with chromosomal rearrangement, we also mapped the breakpoints by using fluorescence in situ hybridization. We found a heterozygous mutation in ALX4 co-segregating with the phenotype of the familial case; this is the first description of mutation in this gene causing a form of FND with dominant inheritance pattern, and we suggested for the first time a dominant negative mechanism. In the case suggestive of mutation in ALX1, the diagnosis was confirmed by the identification of a homozygous mutation in this gene; this is the third case of the literature and shows for the first time that mutations in ALX1 are not necessarily related to developmental delay or intellectual disability. Breakpoints cytogenetic and molecular studies done with the patient with chromosomal rearrangement suggested ARAP2 and CAND1 genes as causative candidates for his condition, while the study of CNVs in individuals with FND associated with developmental delay pointed DNAJB12 and ENOX2 genes as possible candidates to explain the phenotypes of two of the patients. Further studies are necessary to better understand the significance of such findings and the actual contribution of each of these genes to human craniofacial development and the etiology of FND. Although environmental causes cannot be ruled out, it should also be investigated the existence of genetic and epigenetic factors as well as the possibility of somatic mosaicism, among the cases negative for the molecular approaches used in our study. Our results corroborate the involvement of ALX1 and ALX4 in FND phenotypes, and suggest new candidate genes: ARAP2, CAND1, DNAJB12 and ENOX2.
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Estudos de variação genômica em homens azoospérmicos e sua correlação com a expressão de microRNAs em tecido testicular / Genomic Variation studies of azoospermic men and their correlation with microRNA expression in testicular tissueDias, Camila Calixto Moreira 22 February 2017 (has links)
A infertilidade é um problema de saúde pública com um significativo impacto social, econômico e psicológico. Em todo o mundo, a incidência da infertilidade entre a população geral é estimada em 10-15%. Cerca de 50% da infertilidade dos casais são de origem masculina. Em mais da metade dos homens inférteis, a causa da infertilidade é desconhecida (idiopática). Etiologicamente, a infertilidade masculina apresenta causas genéticas e não genéticas. Dentre as causas genéticas mais conhecidas temos mutação do receptor de andrógenos, mutação do gene regulador da condutibilidade transmembrana da fibrose cística (CFTR), anomalias cromossômicas clássicas, anomalias meióticas, microdeleções do cromossomo Y, etc. As anomalias cromossômicas são encontradas com muito mais frequência em homens inférteis, com uma incidência de 4-16% em relação à incidência de 0,4% na população fértil. Estudos mostram que as CNVs também podem estar relacionadas com a infertilidade masculina, especificamente com a falha na espermatogênese. CNVs encontradas tanto no cromossomo Y quanto nos cromossomos autossômicos também foram associadas a possíveis falhas na espermatogênese. Um outro fator que também pode estar envolvido com a infertilidade masculina é a expressão desregulada dos miRNAs. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo promover a análise em larga escala da distribuição de CNVs e do perfil transcricional dos miRNAs em amostras de biopsias testiculares de paciente com azoospermia. Para o estudo das CNVs nós utilizamos a metodologia do CytoScan HDTM da Affymetrix. O perfil transcricional de miRNAs nos indivíduos estudados foi avaliado por meio da tecnologia de microarranjos também da plataforma Affymetrix. Para estas analises montamos dois grupos de estudo (Parada de Maturação (MA) de Células Germinativas e Síndrome de Células Sertoli Only (SCOS)) e um grupo controle (azoospermia obstrutiva e espermatogênese normal). Através das análises das CNVs nós encontramos 94 CNVs nos cromossomos autossômicos e sexuais, 35 (37%) CNVs foram classificadas como benignas, 24 (23%) como potencialmente benignas, sete CNVs (7,4%) como patogênicas e sete foram classificadas como potencialmente patogênica. Todas as CNVs classificadas como patogênica estão presentes no cromossomo Y, cinco CNVs são do tipo duplicação e duas do tipo deleção. A CNV do tipo duplicação foi encontrada no paciente MA e a CNV do tipo deleção foi encontrada no paciente SCOS. As CNVs se sobrepõem e quando analisadas em conjunto (formando uma única CNV de cada condição) elas apresentam um tamanho parecido. Estas CNVs apresentam genes envolvidos na espermatogênese. As CNVs classificadas como potencialmente patogênicas estavam presentes nos cromossomos autossômicos e cromossomo X. Nestas CNVs estavam presentes genes que foram associados com a falha na espermatogênese. A análise da expressão dos miRNAs revelou um perfil transicional muito mais alterado nos pacientes com SCOS. As duas condições apresentaram miRNAs exclusivos, mas também compartilharam: 30 miRNAs. Nós identificamos duas famílias de miRNAs (miR449 e miR34) diferencialmente expressos nas duas condições e que apresentam expressão preferencial no testículo. Nossos resultados mostram que alterações no número de copias (CNVs) no cromossomo Y levam a infertilidade masculina e CNVs nos cromossomos autossômicos e X podem levar a infertilidade masculina. As alterações do tipo deleção podem levar a uma falha na espermatogênese maior que as alterações do tipo duplicação. A expressão diferencial dos miRNAs em tecido testicular de pacientes com diferenças histopatológicas (SCOS e MA) apresentam um padrão de expressão de miRNAs diferentes devido ao tipo de células germinativas que eles apresentam no tecido epitelial do testículo. / Infertility is a public health problem with significant social, economic and psychological impact. Worldwide, the incidence of infertility in the general population is estimated at 10- 15%. Approximately 50% of infertility of couples is of male origin. In more than half of infertile men, the cause of infertility is unknown (idiopathic). Etiologically, male infertility has genetic and non-genetic causes. Among the best known genetic causes we found the mutation of the androgen receptor, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), classic chromosomal abnormalities, meiotic abnormalities and microdeletions of the Y chromosome. Chromosomal abnormalities are found much more frequently in infertile men, with an incidence of 4-16% in the incidence of 0.4% in the fertile population. Studies show that CNVs can also be related to male infertility, specifically in the failure of spermatogenesis. CNVs found in both the Y and autosomes chromosomes were also associated with possible failures in spermatogenesis. Another factor that may also be involved in male infertility is the deregulated expression of miRNAs. This work aimed to promote the analysis of large-scale distribution of CNVs and the transcriptional profile of miRNAs in testicular biopsy samples from patients with azoospermia. For the study of CNV we used the CytoScan HDTM Affymetrix methodology and the transcriptional profile of miRNAs in the samples was assessed by means of microarray technology from Affymetrix platform. For these analyzes we set up two study groups (Stop Maturation (MA) of Germ Cells and Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome (SCOS)) and compared them to a control group (obstructive azoospermia, normal spermatogenesis). Through analysis of CNVs, we found 94 CNVs in sexual and autosomes chromosomes, 35 (37%) were classified as benign CNVs, 24 (23%) as a potentially benign seven CNVs (7.4%) as pathogenic and 7 were classified as potentially pathogenic. All CNVs classified as pathogenic are present on the Y chromosome, five CNVs are of duplication type and two are deletion type. The duplication type CNV was found in MA patients and deletion type CNV was found in SCOS patient. We identified that CNVs overlap and when analyzed jointed - as a single CNV of each condition - they have a similar size. These CNVs have genes involved in spermatogenesis. CNVs classified as potentially pathogenic were present in autosomes and in the X chromosome. In these CNVs were present genes that were associated with failure in spermatogenesis. The analysis of the expression of miRNAs revealed a transitional profile much more altered in patients with SCOS. The two conditions presented exclusive miRNAs, but shared 30 miRNAs differentially expressed when compared to the control group. We identify two families of miRNAs (miR449 and miR34) which exhibit preferential expression in testis as differentially expressed in both conditions. Our results show that changes in the number of copies (CNVs) on the Y chromosome lead to male infertility and CNVs in autosomes and X chromosomes may lead to male infertility. The deletion type changes can lead to a failure of spermatogenesis greater than the duplication type changes. The differential expression of miRNAs in patients with testicular tissue histopathologic differences (SCOS and MA) has a different pattern of miRNA expression due to the type of germ cells they present in epithelial tissue of the testis.
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Bewertung individueller Voraussetzungen zur Bewältigung wechselnder Arbeitsanforderungen anhand psychologischer und neuropsychologischer Parameter / Evaluation of individual conditions for the accomplishment of changing work requirements on the basis psychological and neurophysiological parametersMay, Jana January 2004 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, mittels des Aufgabenwechselparadigmas, kognitive Prozesse nicht nur anhand von traditionellen Leistungsparametern, sondern zusätzlich durch elektro-physiologische Parameter zu untersuchen. Parameter ereigniskorrelierter Hirnpotentiale (EKP) wurden ebenfalls zur Einschätzung von altersbedingten Änderungen bei der Ausführung von Reaktionszeitaufgaben herangezogen.<br>
Nach Rubinstein et al. (2001) setzt sich die Reaktionszeit aus der Dauer seriell angeordneter Verarbeitungsstufen zusammen. Im Stufenmodell der exekutiven Kontrolle von Rubinstein et al. (2001) sind Prozesse der ausführenden Kontrolle nur an Wechseltrials beteiligt und können getrennt von den Aufgabenprozessen ablaufen. Mittels der Informationen zu den Reaktionszeiten ist es jedoch nicht möglich zu klären, auf welche kognitiven Verarbeitungsprozesse Reaktionszeitunterschiede unter den jeweiligen experimentellen Bedingungen zurückzuführen sind. Zur Analyse der kognitiven Prozesse wurden in dieser Untersuchung die CNV und P300 herangezogen.
Es wurden zwei Altersgruppen (20-30 Jährige und 49-61 Jährige) untersucht. Den Probanden wurden Ziffern präsentiert, die entweder nach dem numerischen Wert oder der Schriftgröße mit dem Hinweisreiz, der Zahl 5, verglichen werden sollten. Die Stimuli wurden nach dem Alternating-Runs-Paradigma dargeboten (Rogers und Monsell, 1995).<br>
Erwartungsgemäß gab es Reaktionszeitunterschiede zwischen alt und jung mit längeren Reaktionszeiten für die älteren Probanden. Altersunterschiede in den Fehlerraten ließen sich nicht nachweisen. Möglicherweise erfolgte die Reaktionsauswahl bei den Älteren überlegter aus als bei den Jüngeren. Dies spiegelte sich in längeren aber fehlerfreien Reaktionen wider. Vermutlich bereiteten jedoch alle Probanden in dem Intervall zwischen Cue und Stimulus das jeweilige Aufgabenset komplett vor. Das könnte auch erklären, warum es bei einem Aufgabenwechsel nicht zu einem Anstieg der Reaktionszeit und der Fehlerrate kam. Entgegen der Erwartung zeigten sich keine Wechselkosten. Teilweise wurden inverse Wechselkosten nachgewiesen. In Bezug auf die Wechselkosten konnte das Stufenmodell der exekutiven Kontrolle (Rubinstein et al., 2001) nicht bestätigt werden. Der explizite Hinweisreiz scheint allerdings Einfluss auf die Wechselkosten zu haben. Verschiedene Erklärungsansätze werden diskutiert.<br>
Die Contingent Negative Variation ist wie erwartet vor einem Aufgabenwechsel größer als vor einer Aufgabenwiederholung. Durch den Hinweisreiz ist eine erhöhte Kapazität vorhanden. Entsprechend den Ergebnissen der CNV kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass ältere Erwachsene stärker von der Vorinformation zu profitieren scheinen als jüngere Erwachsene. Die älteren Erwachsenen beginnen im Gegensatz zu den jüngeren Erwachsenen offenbar eher mit der Vorbereitung.
Zeitdruck und Aufgabenwechsel lösen eine stärkere P300 aus. Demzufolge scheinen Zeitdruck und Aufgabenwechsel einen erhöhten Kapazitätsbedarf zu erfordern. Im Sinne des Stufenmodells der exekutiven Kontrolle von Rubinstein et al. (2001) führt die Zielverschiebung bei einem Aufgabenwechsel zu einer größeren P300.
Die Resultate der hier dargestellten Untersuchungen verdeutlichen, dass ältere Erwachsene einen höheren zeitlichen Aufwand in den Stufen der einzelnen exekutiven Prozesse benötigen. Dies spricht für die Hypothese der selektiven Verlangsamung. Ältere kompensieren dies durch einen höheren Aufwand in der Vorbereitung, was auf elektrokortikaler Ebene nachweisbar ist, sind aber nicht in der Lage, dies in den Reaktionszeiten umzusetzen.<br>
Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung unterstützen die vereinfachte Annahme von Rubinstein et al. (2001), nach dem die Teilprozesse der Reaktionszeit seriell verarbeitet werden können. Die Resultate lassen allerdings den Schluss zu, dass die Wechselkosten im Hinblick auf die Reaktionszeiten nicht der geeignete Parameter für die Messung der exekutiven Kontrolle sind.<br>
Die vorgeschlagene Modifikation des Modells von Rubinstein et al. (2001) in der Vorbereitung auf eine Aufgabe gilt es in weiteren Untersuchungen zu bestätigen und die Möglichkeit der Anwendung auf alle Aspekte der exekutiven Kontrollprozesse zu prüfen. / The aim of this study was it to examine cognitive processes not only on the basis achievement parameters by means of the alternating runs paradigm, but additionally by electricalphysiological parameters. Parameters of event-correlated brain potentials (EKP) were also used to estimate age-related changes in tasks of response time.<br>
According to Rubinstein et al. (2001) the response time consists of the duration of serially arranged processing levels. In Rubinstein's et al. (2001) stage model of the executive control processes of implementing control are involved only in switch trials and can run separately from the task processes. The information from response times do not aloud to define what cognitive processing processes are responsible for response time differences in respective to the experimental conditions. In this study the contingent negative variation (CNV) and P300 were used for the analysis of the cognitive processes.<br>
Two age groups (20 to 30, and 49 to 61 years old) were included in the study. Numbers were presented, which should be compared to the cue number 5 either to the numeric value or character size. The stimuli were represented after the alternating runs paradigm (Rogers & Monsell, 1995).<br>
As expected there were response time differences between old and young subjects with longer response times for the older ones. Age differences in the error rates could not be proven. It is possible that the reaction selection in older ones took place with more consideration than in the younger ones. This is reflected in longer but error free reactions. Probably all subjects prepared in the interval the respective task set between cue and stimulus completely. This could also explain, why with a task switching no rise of the response time and the error rate was noticed. Against expectation no switch costs showed up.
Inverse switch costs were partly proven. Regarding the switch costs the stage model of the executive control (Rubinstein et al., 2001) could not be confirmed. The explicit cue however seems to have influence on the switch costs. Different explanations are discussed.<br>
The contingent negative variation is higher before a task switching than before a repetition of task. By the cue an increased capacity is presented. According to the results of the CNV it can be assumed that older adults seem to profit more strongly than younger adults from the advance information. Obviously the older adults begin earlier with the preparation than the younger ones.
Time pressure and task switching release a stronger P300. Therefore time pressure and task switching seem to require an increased capacity need. According to the stage model of the executive control (Rubinstein et al., (2001) the goal shift with goes along with the task switching leads to a higher P300.<br>
The results of the study represented here clarify, that older adults need a more time in the stages of the individual executives of processes. This underlines the hypothesis of the selective slowing down. Older ones compensate this by more effort to preparation, which can be proven on the electrocortical level. The are not able to show this in the the response times, though.
The results of this study support the simplified acceptance of Rubinstein et al. (2001), after which the subprocesses of the response time can be processed serially.<br>
The results permit the conclusion that the switch costs regarding the response times are not the adaquate parameter for the measurement of the executive control.<br>
The suggested modification of the model of Rubinstein et al. (2001) in the preparation for a task it applies to be confirmed in further investigations and the possibility of application to all aspects of the executives has to be tested.
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Expression du récepteur FcRn et pharmacocinétique des anticorps thérapeutiques / Expression of FcRn receptor and pharmacokinetics of monoclonal antibodiesPassot, Christophe 30 June 2014 (has links)
Le FcRn est le récepteur responsable du recyclage des IgG ainsi que de leur transcytose. Ainsi cette protéine a un rôle majeur dans la pharmacocinétique des anticorps thérapeutiques. Nous nous sommes intéressés à différents aspects de l'expression du FcRn. Premièrement nous avons évalué l'influence sur la pharmacocinétique du cétuximab de 2 polymorphismes génétiques influençant l'expression du FcRn. Nous avons montré qu'un Variable Number Tandem Repeat influence la distribution du cétuximab. Nous avons établi que le gène est rarement soumis à des variations de son nombre de copies. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré par une approche de RT-PCR en multiplex l'absence du transcrit FcRn dans les plaquettes humaines. Enfin, l'analyse du niveau de transcrits de FcRn dans un modèle d'activation cellulaire indique qu'il existe une régulation: ce niveau diminue lorsque des monocytes sont différenciés en cellules dendritiques immatures ainsi que lors de l'évolution en cellules dendritiques matures. Les résultats de cette thèse démontrent l'importance de l'étude de l'expression du FcRn dans la variabilité pharmacocinétique des anticorps thérapeutiques. / The FcRn is the receptor responsible for the recycling of IgG and their transcytosis. Thus, this protein has a major role in the pharmacokinetics of therapeutic antibodies. We focused on different aspects of FcRn expression. First, we evaluated the influence on the pharmacokinetics of cetuximab of 2 genetic polymorphisms influencing FcRn expression. We showed that a Variable Number Tandem Repeat influences the distribution of the cetuximab. We determined that the gene is rarely affected by Copy Number Variations. Furthermore, we showed by an RT-PCR approach that the FcRn transcript is absent in human platelets. Finally, the analysis of FcRn transcript level in a model of cellular activation indicates that a regulation occurs : the level decreases when monocytes differenciate into immature dendritic cells as well as during evolution into mature dendritic cells. Results of this thesis demonstrate the importance of the study of FcRn expression in pharmokinetic variability of therapeutic antibodies.
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Bioinformatique et infertilité : analyse des données de séquençage haut-débit et caractérisation moléculaire du gène DPY19L2 / Bioinformatics and infertility : high throughput sequencing data analysis and molecular characterization of DPY19L2 geneKaraouzene, Thomas 29 November 2017 (has links)
Ces dix dernières années, l’investigation des maladies génétiques a été bouleversée par l’émergence des techniques de séquençage haut-débit. Celles-ci permettent désormais de ne plus séquencer les gènes un par un, mais d’avoir accès à l’intégralité de la séquence génomique ou transcriptomique d’un individu. La difficulté devient alors d’identifier les variants causaux parmi une multitude d’artefacts techniques et de variants bénins, pour ensuite comprendre la physiopathologie des gènes identifiés.L’application du séquençage haut débit est particulièrement prometteuse dans le champ de la génétique de l’infertilité masculine car il s’agit d’une pathologie dont l’étiologie est souvent génétique, qui est génétiquement très hétérogène et pour laquelle peu de gènes ont été identifiés. Mon travail de thèse est donc centré sur la l’infertilité et comporte deux parties majeures : l’analyse des données issues du séquençage haut débit d’homme infertiles et de modèles animaux et la caractérisation moléculaire d’un phénotype spécifique d’infertilité, laglobozoospermie.Le nombre de variants identifiés dans le cadre d’un séquençage exomique pouvant s’élever à plusieurs dizaines de milliers, l’utilisation d’un outil informatique performant est indispensable. Pour arriver à une liste de variants suffisamment restreinte pour pouvoir être interprétée, plusieurs traitements sont nécessaires. Ainsi, j’ai développé un pipeline d’analyse de données issues de séquençage haut-débit effectuant de manière successive l’intégralité des étapes de l’analyse bio-informatique, c’est-à-dire l’alignement des reads sur un génome de référence, l’appel des génotypes, l’annotation des variants obtenus ainsi que le filtrage de ceux considérés comme non pertinents dans le contexte de l’analyse. L’ensemble de ces étapes étant interdépendantes,les réaliser au sein du même pipeline permet de mieux les calibrer pour ainsi réduire le nombre d’erreurs générées. Ce pipeline a été utilisé dans cinq études au sein du laboratoire, et a permis l’identification de variants impactant des gènes candidats prometteurs pouvant expliquer le phénotype d’infertilité des patients.L’ensemble des variants retenus ont ensuite pu être validés expérimentalement.J’ai également pris part aux investigations génétiques et moléculaires permettant la caractérisation du gène DPY19L2, identifié au laboratoire et dont la délétion homozygote entraine une globozoospermie, caractériséepar la présence dans l’éjaculât de spermatozoïdes à tête ronde dépourvus d’acrosome. Pour cela, j’ai contribué à caractériser les mécanismes responsables de cette délétion récurrente, puis, en utilisant le modèle murin Dpy19l2 knock out (KO) mimant le phénotype humain, j’ai réalisé une étude comparative des transcriptomes testiculaires de souris sauvages et de souris KO Dpy19l2-/-. Cette étude a ainsi permis de mettre en évidence la dérégulation de 76 gènes chez la souris KO. Parmi ceux-ci, 23 sont impliqués dans la liaison d’acides nucléiques et de protéines, pouvant ainsi expliquer les défauts d’ancrage de l’acrosome au noyau chez les spermatozoïdes globozoocéphales.Mon travail a donc permis de mieux comprendre la globozoospermie et de développer un pipeline d’analyse bioinformatique qui a déjà permis l’identification de plus de 15 gènes de la gamétogenèse humaine impliqués dans différents phénotypes d’infertilité. / In the last decade, the investigations of genetic diseases have been revolutionized by the rise of high throughput sequencing (HTS). Thanks to these new techniques it is now possible to analyze the totality of the coding sequences of an individual (exome sequencing) or even the sequences of his entire genome or transcriptome.The understanding of a pathology and of the genes associated with it now depends on our ability to identify causal variants within a plethora of technical artifact and benign variants.HTS is expected to be particularly useful in the field infertility as this pathology is expected to be highly genetically heterogeneous and only a few genes have so far been associated with it. My thesis focuses on male infertility and is divided into two main parts: HTS data analysis of infertile men and the molecular characterization of a specific phenotype, globozoospermia.Several thousands of distinct variants can be identified in a single exome, thereby using effective informatics is essential in order to obtain a short and actionable list of variants. It is for this purpose that I developed a HTS data analysis pipeline performing successively all bioinformatics analysis steps: 1) reads mapping along a reference genome, 2) genotype calling, 3) variant annotation and 4) the filtering of the variants considered as non-relevant for the analysis. Performing all these independent steps within a single pipeline is a good way to calibrate them and therefore to reduce the number of erroneous calls. This pipeline has been used in five studies and allowed the identification of variants impacting candidate genes that may explain the patients’ infertility phenotype. All these variants have been experimentally validated using Sanger sequencing.I also took part in the genetic and molecular investigations which permitted to demonstrate that the absence of the DPY192 gene induces male infertility due to globozoospermia, the presence in the ejaculate of only round-headed and acrosomeless spermatozoa. Most patients with globozoospermia have a homozygous deletion of the whole gene. I contributed to the characterization of the mechanisms responsible for this recurrent deletion, then, using Dpy19l2 knockout (KO) mice, I realized the comparative study of testicular transcriptome of wild type and Dpy19l2 -/- KO mice. This study highlighted a dysregulation of 76 genes in KO mice. Among them, 23 are involved in nucleic acid and protein binding, which may explain acrosome anchoring defaults observed in the sperm of globozoospermic patients.My work allowed a better understanding of globozoospermia and the development of a HTS data analysis pipeline. The latter allowed the identification of more than 15 human gametogenesis genes involved in different infertility phenotypes.
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Estudos de variação genômica em homens azoospérmicos e sua correlação com a expressão de microRNAs em tecido testicular / Genomic Variation studies of azoospermic men and their correlation with microRNA expression in testicular tissueCamila Calixto Moreira Dias 22 February 2017 (has links)
A infertilidade é um problema de saúde pública com um significativo impacto social, econômico e psicológico. Em todo o mundo, a incidência da infertilidade entre a população geral é estimada em 10-15%. Cerca de 50% da infertilidade dos casais são de origem masculina. Em mais da metade dos homens inférteis, a causa da infertilidade é desconhecida (idiopática). Etiologicamente, a infertilidade masculina apresenta causas genéticas e não genéticas. Dentre as causas genéticas mais conhecidas temos mutação do receptor de andrógenos, mutação do gene regulador da condutibilidade transmembrana da fibrose cística (CFTR), anomalias cromossômicas clássicas, anomalias meióticas, microdeleções do cromossomo Y, etc. As anomalias cromossômicas são encontradas com muito mais frequência em homens inférteis, com uma incidência de 4-16% em relação à incidência de 0,4% na população fértil. Estudos mostram que as CNVs também podem estar relacionadas com a infertilidade masculina, especificamente com a falha na espermatogênese. CNVs encontradas tanto no cromossomo Y quanto nos cromossomos autossômicos também foram associadas a possíveis falhas na espermatogênese. Um outro fator que também pode estar envolvido com a infertilidade masculina é a expressão desregulada dos miRNAs. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo promover a análise em larga escala da distribuição de CNVs e do perfil transcricional dos miRNAs em amostras de biopsias testiculares de paciente com azoospermia. Para o estudo das CNVs nós utilizamos a metodologia do CytoScan HDTM da Affymetrix. O perfil transcricional de miRNAs nos indivíduos estudados foi avaliado por meio da tecnologia de microarranjos também da plataforma Affymetrix. Para estas analises montamos dois grupos de estudo (Parada de Maturação (MA) de Células Germinativas e Síndrome de Células Sertoli Only (SCOS)) e um grupo controle (azoospermia obstrutiva e espermatogênese normal). Através das análises das CNVs nós encontramos 94 CNVs nos cromossomos autossômicos e sexuais, 35 (37%) CNVs foram classificadas como benignas, 24 (23%) como potencialmente benignas, sete CNVs (7,4%) como patogênicas e sete foram classificadas como potencialmente patogênica. Todas as CNVs classificadas como patogênica estão presentes no cromossomo Y, cinco CNVs são do tipo duplicação e duas do tipo deleção. A CNV do tipo duplicação foi encontrada no paciente MA e a CNV do tipo deleção foi encontrada no paciente SCOS. As CNVs se sobrepõem e quando analisadas em conjunto (formando uma única CNV de cada condição) elas apresentam um tamanho parecido. Estas CNVs apresentam genes envolvidos na espermatogênese. As CNVs classificadas como potencialmente patogênicas estavam presentes nos cromossomos autossômicos e cromossomo X. Nestas CNVs estavam presentes genes que foram associados com a falha na espermatogênese. A análise da expressão dos miRNAs revelou um perfil transicional muito mais alterado nos pacientes com SCOS. As duas condições apresentaram miRNAs exclusivos, mas também compartilharam: 30 miRNAs. Nós identificamos duas famílias de miRNAs (miR449 e miR34) diferencialmente expressos nas duas condições e que apresentam expressão preferencial no testículo. Nossos resultados mostram que alterações no número de copias (CNVs) no cromossomo Y levam a infertilidade masculina e CNVs nos cromossomos autossômicos e X podem levar a infertilidade masculina. As alterações do tipo deleção podem levar a uma falha na espermatogênese maior que as alterações do tipo duplicação. A expressão diferencial dos miRNAs em tecido testicular de pacientes com diferenças histopatológicas (SCOS e MA) apresentam um padrão de expressão de miRNAs diferentes devido ao tipo de células germinativas que eles apresentam no tecido epitelial do testículo. / Infertility is a public health problem with significant social, economic and psychological impact. Worldwide, the incidence of infertility in the general population is estimated at 10- 15%. Approximately 50% of infertility of couples is of male origin. In more than half of infertile men, the cause of infertility is unknown (idiopathic). Etiologically, male infertility has genetic and non-genetic causes. Among the best known genetic causes we found the mutation of the androgen receptor, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), classic chromosomal abnormalities, meiotic abnormalities and microdeletions of the Y chromosome. Chromosomal abnormalities are found much more frequently in infertile men, with an incidence of 4-16% in the incidence of 0.4% in the fertile population. Studies show that CNVs can also be related to male infertility, specifically in the failure of spermatogenesis. CNVs found in both the Y and autosomes chromosomes were also associated with possible failures in spermatogenesis. Another factor that may also be involved in male infertility is the deregulated expression of miRNAs. This work aimed to promote the analysis of large-scale distribution of CNVs and the transcriptional profile of miRNAs in testicular biopsy samples from patients with azoospermia. For the study of CNV we used the CytoScan HDTM Affymetrix methodology and the transcriptional profile of miRNAs in the samples was assessed by means of microarray technology from Affymetrix platform. For these analyzes we set up two study groups (Stop Maturation (MA) of Germ Cells and Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome (SCOS)) and compared them to a control group (obstructive azoospermia, normal spermatogenesis). Through analysis of CNVs, we found 94 CNVs in sexual and autosomes chromosomes, 35 (37%) were classified as benign CNVs, 24 (23%) as a potentially benign seven CNVs (7.4%) as pathogenic and 7 were classified as potentially pathogenic. All CNVs classified as pathogenic are present on the Y chromosome, five CNVs are of duplication type and two are deletion type. The duplication type CNV was found in MA patients and deletion type CNV was found in SCOS patient. We identified that CNVs overlap and when analyzed jointed - as a single CNV of each condition - they have a similar size. These CNVs have genes involved in spermatogenesis. CNVs classified as potentially pathogenic were present in autosomes and in the X chromosome. In these CNVs were present genes that were associated with failure in spermatogenesis. The analysis of the expression of miRNAs revealed a transitional profile much more altered in patients with SCOS. The two conditions presented exclusive miRNAs, but shared 30 miRNAs differentially expressed when compared to the control group. We identify two families of miRNAs (miR449 and miR34) which exhibit preferential expression in testis as differentially expressed in both conditions. Our results show that changes in the number of copies (CNVs) on the Y chromosome lead to male infertility and CNVs in autosomes and X chromosomes may lead to male infertility. The deletion type changes can lead to a failure of spermatogenesis greater than the duplication type changes. The differential expression of miRNAs in patients with testicular tissue histopathologic differences (SCOS and MA) has a different pattern of miRNA expression due to the type of germ cells they present in epithelial tissue of the testis.
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Identification de facteurs génétiques impliqués dans les troubles du spectre autistique et de la dyslexie / Identification of genetic factors involved in autism spectrum disorders and dyslexiaHuguet, Guillaume 26 November 2013 (has links)
Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) touchent approximativement 1% de la population générale. Ces troubles se caractérisent par un déficit de la communication sociale, ainsi que des comportements stéréotypés et des intérêts restreints. Plusieurs gènes impliqués dans le déterminisme des TSA ont été identifiés, comme par exemple les gènes NLGN3-4X, NRXN1-3 et SHANK1-3. Au cours des années précédentes, les TSA ont été considérés comme un ensemble complexe de troubles monogéniques. Cependant, les études récentes du génome complet suggèrent la présence de gènes modificateurs (« multiple hits model »). La dyslexie est caractérisée par un trouble dans l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture qui touche 5--‐15% de la population générale. Les facteurs génétiques impliqués restent pour l’instant inconnus car seuls des gènes ou loci candidats ont été identifiés. Mon projet de thèse avait pour objectif de poursuivre l’identification des facteurs génétiques impliqués dans les TSA et de découvrir un premier facteur génétique pour la dyslexie. Pour cela, deux types de populations ont été étudiés : d’une part des patients atteints de TSA (N>600) provenant de France, de Suède et des Iles Faroe, d’autre part des patients atteints de dyslexie (N>200) provenant de France, en particulier une famille de 11 personnes atteintes sur 3 générations. J’ai utilisé à la fois la technologie des puces à ADN Illumina (600 K et 5M) et le séquençage complet du génome humain pour effectuer des analyses de liaison et d’association. Pour les TSA, grâce aux analyses de CNVs, j’ai pu identifier des gènes candidats pour l’autisme et confirmer l’association de plusieurs gènes synaptiques avec l’autisme. En particulier, l’étude d’une population de 30 patients des îles Faroe a pu confirmer l’implication des gènes NLGN1 et NRXN1 dans l’autisme et identifier un nouveau gène candidat IQSEC3. En parallèle, j’ai exploréPRRT2 localisé en 16p11.2. PRRT2 code pour un membre du complexe SNARE synaptique qui permet la libération des vésicules synaptiques. Je n’ai pas pu mettre en évidence d’association avec les TSA, mais j’ai montré que ce gène important pour certaines maladies neurologiques était sous pression de sélection différente selon les populations. Pour la dyslexie, j’ai effectué une analyse de liaison (méthode des lod-scores) pour une grande famille de 11 individus atteints sur trois générations. Cette étude a permis d’identifier CNTNAP2 comme un gène de vulnérabilité à la dyslexie. Cette découverte est importante car ce même gène est aussi associé aux TSA. Par contre, aucune des 20 variations rares découvertes par le séquençage complet du génome n’est localisée dans les parties codantes du gène. Plusieurs variations localisées dans des régions régulatrices sont candidates. En conclusion, les résultats de ma thèse ont permis d’identifier des gènes candidats pour les TSA, de confirmer le rôle des gènes synaptiques dans ce trouble, de montrer pour la première fois grâce à une analyse de liaison le rôle de CNTNAP2 dans la dyslexie. / Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) affect 1% of the general population. These disorders are characterized by deficits in social communication as well as stereotyped behaviors and restricted interests. Several genes involved in the determination of ASD have been identified, such as NLGN3-4, NRXN1-3 and SHANK1-3. In the previous years, ASD have been considered as a complex set of monogenic disorders. Recent studies on the complete genome nevertheless suggest the presence of modifier genes ("multiple hits model"). Dyslexia is characterized by difficulties in learning to read and write. It affects 5-15 % of the general population. Genetic factors involved remain unknown. Only candidate genes or loci have been identified. My thesis had two main objectives: pursuing the identification of genetic factors involved in ASD, and discovering a first genetic factor for dyslexia. I therefore studied two types of populations: on the one hand a group of patients with ASD (N > 600) from France, Sweden and the Faroe Islands, and on the other hand another group of patients with dyslexia (N > 200) from France, and more specifically a family of 11 people followed over 3 generations. I used both Illumina microarrays technology (600K and 5M) and the complete human genome sequencing to conduct linkage and association analyses. Regarding ASD, CNVs (copy number variants) analyses allowed me to confirm the association of several synaptic genes with autism and to identify new candidate genes. In particular, the study of a population of 30 patients from the Faroe Islands confirmed the involvement of NLGN1 and NRXN1 genes in autism and identified a new candidate gene, IQSEC3. At the same time, I explored PRRT2 located in 16p11.2. PRRT2 encodes a member of the synaptic SNARE complex that allows the release of synaptic vesicles. I have not been able to demonstrate any association with ASD, but I showed that this gene, which is important for some neurological diseases, was under different selection pressures according to the population considered. Regarding dyslexia, I realized a linkage analysis (lod-score method) for a large family of 11 individuals, with three generations affected. This study identified the CNTNAP2 gene as a vulnerability factor for dyslexia. This finding is important because this gene is also associated with ASD. Nevertheless, none of the 20 rare variations discovered by whole genome sequencing is localized in the coding parts of the gene. Only several variations localized in regulatory regions are robust candidates. To conclude, my findings enabled the identification of new candidate genes for ASD, the confirmation of the role of synaptic genes in this disorder, and the highlight for the first time of the role of CNTNAP2 in dyslexia through linkage analysis.
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Pesquisa de microrrearranjos em genes candidatos a surdez sindrômica e não-sindrômica / Screening of microimbalances in candidate genes for syndromic and nonsyndromic deafnessDaniela Tiaki Uehara 13 December 2010 (has links)
A complexidade da fisiologia da audição resulta da participação e interação de produtos de grande número de genes, razão pela qual a surdez hereditária exibe enorme heterogeneidade genética. Estudos moleculares nas duas últimas décadas permitiram a identificação de vários genes responsáveis por surdez; entretanto, muitos ainda restam ser identificados. A maioria dos estudos de mapeamento de genes de surdez até então conduzidos privilegiou estratégias que buscavam mutações de ponto. Outros mecanismos mutacionais, como deleções e duplicações, foram pouco investigados. Portanto, a contribuição das CNVs (Copy Number Variations) na surdez hereditária é pouco conhecida. O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar novos genes que possam ter papel na etiologia da surdez sindrômica ou não-sindrômica por meio da investigação de microdeleções e microduplicações em pacientes com perda auditiva. Selecionamos 25 genes candidatos (CTTN, FGF3, FGF19, FOXC1, FOXF2, FOXQ1, IMMP2L, KIF5C, LRRN3, MAP1A, MYLK4, PPP3CA, SHANK2, SLC5A7, STRC, TMC1, TMC2, TMC3, TMC4, TMC5, TMC6, TMC7, TMC8, TPCN2 e TUBB2A) para a triagem de microrrearranjos por meio da técnica de MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification). Os genes candidatos foram selecionados a partir de rearranjos detectados em um estudo prévio realizado por meio de array-CGH (array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization) em indivíduos com surdez sindrômica estudados em nosso laboratório, e também a partir de dados da literatura. Nossa casuística foi composta por 163 indivíduos, dos quais 74 são pacientes com surdez associada a outros sinais (sindrômicos), a maioria casos isolados, e 89 são pacientes com surdez não-sindrômica, propósitos de famílias em que segrega surdez de herança autossômica dominante ou recessiva. Desenhamos uma sonda sintética intragênica de MLPA para cada um dos genes candidatos. Foram detectadas seis deleções em TMC6 (3,7%), seis deleções e uma duplicação em STRC (4,3%) e uma duplicação em IMMP2L (0,6%). A triagem de alterações nesses três genes em 189 indivíduos fenotipicamente normais revelou quatro deleções em TMC6 (2,1%), oito deleções e três duplicações em STRC (5,8%) e três deleções em IMMP2L (1,6%). Todas as alterações em TMC6, tanto nos casos de surdez como nos controles, eram na realidade artefatos devidos a problemas de hibridação da sonda correspondente. No gene STRC, previamente já relacionado à surdez, os rearranjos nos indivíduos afetados devem se tratar de polimorfismos sem efeito fenotípico por serem muito frequentes na população. Contudo, é possível que haja nesses pacientes mutações adicionais que não puderam ser rastreadas e que poderiam contribuir ao fenótipo, em combinação com o rearranjo detectado, como já descrito em um caso da literatura. A duplicação em IMMP2L em uma paciente com surdez não-sindrômica, herdada da mãe igualmente afetada, mostrou-se a mais provavelmente relacionada ao fenótipo, pois o estudo complementar por meio de array-CGH revelou que o rearranjo inclui uma duplicação parcial da porção 3 de outro gene, DOCK4. O produto desse gene possui uma isoforma que se localiza nos estereocílios das células ciliadas e se liga a uma importante proteína relacionada à audição, a harmonina. Portanto, nossa hipótese é a de que a duplicação seja a causa da surdez na família e que DOCK4 seja um novo gene responsável por surdez. A associação de IMMP2L com surdez é menos provável devido ao grande número de CNVs não patogênicas já descritas que incluem partes desse gene. Estudos complementares são necessários para mapear a duplicação com mais precisão. Além disso, o rastreamento de mutações em DOCK4 em outras famílias com surdez pode vir a confirmar o possível papel desse gene na etiologia da surdez. / Several genes contribute to the complexity of physiology of hearing. Consequently, hereditary deafness is extremely heterogeneous from the genetic point of view. In the last two decades, several genes responsible for hereditary hearing loss have been identified, but a large number of genes remains to be found, as evidenced by the unexplained cases of inherited deafness. The search for point mutations in candidate genes after mapping based on linkage studies has been the main strategy in the identification of such genes. Other mutation mechanisms, such as deletions and duplications, have been rarely investigated, and the contribution of DNA copy number variants (CNVs) to hearing loss is not well known. This study aimed at identifying novel genes, which might play a role in the etiology of syndromic and non-syndromic deafness, through the search of gene microdeletions and microduplications. We selected 25 candidate genes (CTTN, FGF3, FGF19, FOXC1, FOXF2, FOXQ1, IMMP2L, KIF5C, LRRN3, MAP1A, MYLK4, PPP3CA, SHANK2, SLC5A7, STRC, TMC1, TMC2, TMC3, TMC4, TMC5, TMC6, TMC7, TMC8, TPCN2 and TUBB2A) based on their involvement in microimbalances detected by Array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) in a previous study of a Brazilian sample of individuals with syndromic hearing loss from our laboratory and others reported in the literature. We studied 163 subjects, 74 of them presenting syndromic deafness, the majority were isolated cases, and 89 being probands of families in which nonsyndromic deafness had an autosomal dominant or recessive mode of inheritance. Gene deletions or duplications were screened by Multiplex Ligant-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) using one synthetic intragenic probe designed for each candidate gene. We detected six deletions in TMC6 (3,7%), six deletions and one duplication in STRC (4,3%), and one duplication in IMMP2L (0,6%). The screening of imbalances in these genes in a control sample of 189 hearing individuals revealed four deletions in TMC6 (2,1%), eight deletions and three duplications in STRC (5,8%) and three deletions in IMMP2L (1,6%). The imbalances found in TMC6, both in affected and control individuals, were in fact artifacts due to problems in the hybridization of the corresponding probe. As to the STRC gene, previously related to deafness, the imbalances are more likely to be 4 polymorphisms with no phenotypic effect. However, the possibility remains that additional undetected mutations in affected individuals contribute to their phenotype, in combination with the microrearrangement, as already reported in the literature. The duplication in IMMP2L in a non-syndromic patient, and also present in her affected mother, is most likely causative of deafness, since a complementary study performed with aCGH revealed that the rearrangement included a partial duplication of the 3 end of another gene, DOCK4. An isoform of the DOCK4 protein localizes to the stereocilia in the inner ear and interacts with harmonin, a protein already known to be involved in hearing. We hypothesize that this duplication may be the cause of deafness in the family and, this being the case, DOCK4 appears as a novel deafness gene. The causal association between IMMP2L and deafness is less plausible, because of the large number of reported non-pathogenic CNVs that include parts of this gene. Further studies are required to precisely map this duplication. In addition, the screening of mutations in DOCK4 in other families with hearing impairment is required to evaluate its possible role in the etiology of deafness.
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Em busca da etiologia das displasias frontonasais / In search of the etiology of frontonasal dysplasiasMelina Guerreiro Rodrigues 04 October 2013 (has links)
A displasia frontonasal (DFN) compreende quadros de aparência facial variável, sendo clinicamente caracterizada por dois ou mais dos seguintes sinais: hipertelorismo ocular com consequente alargamento da base nasal; fissura facial mediana afetando o nariz ou o nariz e lábio superior e, por vezes, o palato; fissura alar (uni ou bilateral); ponta nasal ausente; crânio anterior bífido oculto, e implantação em 'V' dos cabelos na fronte. A DFN pode ser vista como um defeito de desenvolvimento que pode ocorrer por si só ou como parte do quadro clínico de várias síndromes. A maioria dos casos de DFN é esporádica, e em raras circunstâncias foram observadas alterações cromossômicas em alguns indivíduos. Até o momento, quatro genes foram relacionados à patogênese molecular de algumas das síndromes com DFN, EFNB1, associado a uma forma de DFN ligada ao X e os genes ALX1, ALX3 e ALX4, todos associados a formas de DFN com herança autossômica recessiva. Embora esteja claro haver heterogeneidade etiológica, na maioria dos casos de DFN a causa não é conhecida, dificultando o adequado aconselhamento genético aos pacientes e seus familiares. Sendo assim, realizamos estudos com diferentes estratégias metodológicas buscando melhor compreender as possíveis causas genéticas da DFN. Ao todo foram analisados 10 pacientes: um caso familial de DFN leve com herança aparentemente autossômica dominante, um caso clinicamente sugestivo de mutação em ALX1, e oito casos de DFN associada a atraso de desenvolvimento com ou sem outras anomalias, dos quais um apresentava um rearranjo de novo aparentemente balanceado entre os cromossomos 4 e 12. Optamos por realizar sequenciamento dos genes previamente relacionados a fenótipos com DFN em todos os casos; para aqueles em que não foram detectadas mutações patogênicas, realizamos análise de variações de número de cópias (CNV) por microarray de polimorfismos de base única e, para o paciente com rearranjo cromossômico, realizamos o mapeamento do ponto de quebra por hibridação in situ fluorescente. Constatamos uma mutação em heterozigose no gene ALX4 co-segregando com o fenótipo do caso familial, sendo esta a primeira descrição de alteração em tal gene causando uma forma de DFN com herança dominante, e sugerimos pela primeira vez um mecanismo de dominância negativa. No caso sugestivo de mutação em ALX1, o diagnóstico foi confirmado através da identificação de uma mutação em homozigose neste gene do paciente; este caso consiste no 3o da literatura mundial e evidencia pela primeira vez que mutações em ALX1 não necessariamente levam a atraso de desenvolvimento ou deficiência intelectual. Os estudos citogenéticos e moleculares dos pontos de quebra do paciente com rearranjo cromossômico sugeriram os genes ARAP2 e CAND1 como possíveis responsáveis por seu quadro clínico, enquanto o estudo de CNVs nos indivíduos com DFN associada a atraso de desenvolvimento apontou os genes DNAJB12 e ENOX2 como possíveis candidatos para explicar o fenótipo de dois dos pacientes. É preciso que novos estudos sejam realizados a fim de melhor compreender o significado de tais achados e a real contribuição de cada gene para o desenvolvimento craniofacial humano e para a etiologia da DFN. Para os casos em que não foram identificadas alterações conclusivas no presente estudo, embora causas ambientais não possam ser descartadas, é preciso que seja investigada também a existência de fatores genéticos e epigenéticos não detectáveis pelas metodologias utilizadas, bem como a hipótese de mosaicismo somático. Nossos resultados, além de corroborarem o envolvimento dos genes ALX1 e ALX4 em fenótipos com DFN, sugerem também novos genes candidatos: ARAP2, CAND1, DNAJB12 e ENOX2 / Frontonasal dysplasia (FND) is a rare group of disorders that comprises cases with a variety of facial appearances, and is clinically characterized by two or more of the following signs: ocular hypertelorism with consequent broadening of the nasal root; median facial cleft affecting the nose and/or upper lip and palate; clefting of the alae nasi (uni or bilateral); lack of formation of the nasal tip; anterior cranium bifidum occultum; and a V-shaped frontal hairline. FND is a developmental defect that can occur alone or as part of several syndromes. Most cases of FND are sporadic, and in rare circumstances chromosomal alterations were observed in affected individuals. To date, four genes have been related to the molecular pathogenesis of some syndromes with DFN, one (EFNB1) is associated with an X-linked form while the 3 others (ALX1, ALX3 and ALX4) are associated with autosomal recessive forms. Although it is clear that FND is etiologic heterogeneous, the causative mechanism is unknown in most cases which makes it hard to give proper genetic counseling to patients and their families. In order to get new insights into the genetic mechanisms leading to FND, we performed studies with different methodologies. Altogether, 10 patients were analyzed: a familial case of a mild form of FND with an apparently autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, a case clinically suggestive of mutation in ALX1, and eight cases of FND associated with developmental delay with or without other anomalies, one of which with an apparently balanced de novo rearrangement between chromosomes 4 and 12. We chose to sequence the genes previously associated with FND phenotypes in all cases; for those in which pathogenic mutations were not detected, we conducted an analysis of copy number variations (CNV) by single nucleotide polymorphisms microarrays; for the patient with chromosomal rearrangement, we also mapped the breakpoints by using fluorescence in situ hybridization. We found a heterozygous mutation in ALX4 co-segregating with the phenotype of the familial case; this is the first description of mutation in this gene causing a form of FND with dominant inheritance pattern, and we suggested for the first time a dominant negative mechanism. In the case suggestive of mutation in ALX1, the diagnosis was confirmed by the identification of a homozygous mutation in this gene; this is the third case of the literature and shows for the first time that mutations in ALX1 are not necessarily related to developmental delay or intellectual disability. Breakpoints cytogenetic and molecular studies done with the patient with chromosomal rearrangement suggested ARAP2 and CAND1 genes as causative candidates for his condition, while the study of CNVs in individuals with FND associated with developmental delay pointed DNAJB12 and ENOX2 genes as possible candidates to explain the phenotypes of two of the patients. Further studies are necessary to better understand the significance of such findings and the actual contribution of each of these genes to human craniofacial development and the etiology of FND. Although environmental causes cannot be ruled out, it should also be investigated the existence of genetic and epigenetic factors as well as the possibility of somatic mosaicism, among the cases negative for the molecular approaches used in our study. Our results corroborate the involvement of ALX1 and ALX4 in FND phenotypes, and suggest new candidate genes: ARAP2, CAND1, DNAJB12 and ENOX2.
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