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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efectos de la competitividad de los clusters en la internacionalización de las empresas pertenecientes: caso Perú Animation / Effects of the competitiveness of the clusters on the internationalization of the companies belonging: Peru Animation case

Martínez Fernández, Almendra Pierina, Ponte Alarcón, Lizbeth De Los Ángeles 31 July 2020 (has links)
El planteamiento de la presente investigación nació por el interés de identificar cuáles son las estrategias y gestiones que los líderes de las empresas peruanas de animación deciden aplicar en su entrada y desarrollo en mercados internacionales. Una de las estrategias identificadas y de la cual se enfoca esta tesis, es la de aprovechar las oportunidades y beneficios que las empresas obtienen al pertenecer a un cluster. Es así que, primero se busca conocer el nivel de competitividad de Perú Animation, cluster peruano de animación digital, mediante la evaluación de su productividad, innovación y la formación de nuevos negocios dentro de este (Porter, 1999), para cumplir con el objetivo de evidenciar si la competitividad de Perú Animation influye en la internacionalización de las empresas pertenecientes. Para ello, este estudio se desarrolla mediante una investigación con enfoque mixto a través de un diseño exploratorio secuencial, teniendo como primera fase el desarrollo cualitativo y como segunda fase el cuantitativo. Los resultados del estudio realizado a las empresas que pertenecen a Perú Animation desde su fecha de fundación y se mantienen hasta la actualidad, muestran que la competitividad del cluster Perú Animation no influye en la internacionalización de estas empresas, puesto que sus niveles de productividad e innovación no son influenciados por ser parte del cluster y tampoco se han formado nuevos negocios dentro de este. / The approach of this research was born out of the interest to identify what are the strategies and efforts that the leaders of the Peruvian animation companies decide to apply in their entry and development in international markets. One of the strategies identified and on which this thesis focuses, is to take advantage of the opportunities and benefits that companies obtain by belonging to a cluster. Thus, it’s first sought to know the level of competitiveness of Peru Animation, the Peruvian digital animation cluster, by evaluating its productivity, innovation and the formation of new businesses within it (Porter, 1999), to meet the objective to demonstrate whether Peru Animation's competitiveness influences the internationalization of its companies. So as to, this study is carried out through research with a mixed approach through a sequential exploratory design, with qualitative development as the first phase and quantitative development as the second phase. The results of the study carried out on the companies that belong to Peru Animation since its founding date and remain until today, show that the competitiveness of the Peru Animation cluster doesn’t influence the internationalization of these companies, since their levels of productivity and innovation they aren’t influenced by being part of the cluster and no new businesses have been formed within it. / Tesis

Kvalitet proizvoda i usluga u velnes centrima kao faktor konkurentnosti hotela u Sloveniji / Quality of products and services in wellness centers as a factor of competitiveness of the hotels in Slovenia

Rančić Milica 04 July 2019 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; predstavljena&nbsp; je&nbsp; problematika poslovanja&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; centara,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; važan&nbsp; deo ugostiteljskih&nbsp; objekata,&nbsp; prilagođavanje&nbsp; obima&nbsp; i&nbsp; kvaliteta<br />velnes&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; potrebama&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; turista,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; uticaj kvaliteta usluge u velnes centrima na konkurentnost hotela.U&nbsp; teorijskom&nbsp; delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp;&nbsp; predstavljena&nbsp; su glavna&nbsp; teorijska&nbsp; ishodi&scaron;ta&nbsp; koja&nbsp; se&nbsp; bave&nbsp; problematikom<br />definisanja&nbsp; pojmova velnes i subjektivno blagostanje,&nbsp; velnes turista&nbsp; i&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; turizma,&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; usluga&nbsp; u&nbsp; hotelijerstvu, konkurentnosti.&nbsp; U&nbsp; empirijskom&nbsp; delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije predstavljeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; pomoću sledećih&nbsp; istraživačkih&nbsp; metoda:&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; na&nbsp; vebsajtovima&nbsp; hotela,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; hotela&nbsp; u loveniji&nbsp; i&nbsp; anketno&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; usmereno&nbsp; na&nbsp; posetioce<br />velnes centara&nbsp; izdvojenih&nbsp; hotela u Sloveniji.&nbsp; U zaključnom delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije,&nbsp; pored&nbsp; zaključne&nbsp; diskusije&nbsp; o rezultatima&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; istaknut&nbsp; je&nbsp; naučni&nbsp; i&nbsp; praktični<br />doprinos&nbsp; rada,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; limitirajući&nbsp; faktori&nbsp; i&nbsp; preporuke&nbsp; za buduća istraživanja.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; wellness&nbsp; center,&nbsp; as&nbsp; an important part of the hotel, then adapting the diversity and quality of wellness offer to the needs of the wellness tourists, as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; service&nbsp; quality&nbsp; in&nbsp; wellness centers on the competitiveness of hotels.&nbsp; The theoretical part of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp;&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; the&nbsp; main&nbsp; theoretical sources that deal with the problem of defining the concepts of wellness and subjective well-being, wellness tourism and&nbsp; &nbsp; wellness&nbsp; tourists, the quality of services in hotel industry, competitiveness.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; empirical&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral dissertation, the results of the research, obtained through the following&nbsp; research&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; were&nbsp; presented:&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of data of hotel&nbsp; web sites, analysis of the hotel&#39;s wellness offer in Slovenia and&nbsp; survey research directed at visitors of the wellness centers of selected hotels in Slovenia.&nbsp; In the final part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation,&nbsp; in&nbsp; addition&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; final discussion on the&nbsp; results &nbsp; of the research, the scientific and practical contribution of the work was emphasized, as well as&nbsp; the&nbsp; limiting&nbsp; factors&nbsp; and&nbsp; recommendations&nbsp; for&nbsp; future research.</p>

An analysis of the impact of industry role players on the competitiveness and profitability of an entity in a volatile environment

Muli, Mary Goreti Shingirai 09 1900 (has links)
The airline industry has grown rapidly over the past few decades, recording a ten-fold rise in passenger numbers and a fourteen-fold increase in cargo volumes. This growth has created overwhelming value to airline passengers, employees, suppliers and the broader economy. Unfortunately, this industry has been affected by terrorism attacks, wars, revolutions, pandemic fears, earthquakes, volcanoes, failing economies and skyrocketing fuel prices all of which have negatively impacted on profitability and resulted in intense competition. Consequently, airlines have spent the last decade in survival mode having to adapt to harsh changes. Air Zimbabwe, a state-run organisation which operates in this highly regulated and turbulent industry, is faced with numerous micro and macro environmental challenges and has been purposively selected for this study. According to company statistics, the airline’s annual passenger uplifts have declined from a peak of over 1 million in the 1990s to less than 200 000 in 2011, with revenue generation declining in correlation. Whilst Air Zimbabwe has experienced depressed demand for its services, competitor airlines are recording brisk business. The aim of this study was to investigate how a struggling organisation, which operates in a turbulent environment, can improve its competitiveness and profitability by better understanding the impact of industry role players and adapting organisational strategies to industry variations. This study examined, from the point of view of the industry players themselves, the extent to which customers, suppliers, competitors, regulatory authorities, substitute products and new entrants have impacted on the competitiveness and profitability of the airline. Major findings reveal that an organisation cannot operate in isolation and be competitive or profitable, but constantly needs to analyse the industry environment in which it operates in and to amicably interact with other industry role players. The research outlines the need for competition in certain areas and cooperation in others. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Конкурентност Јабланичког округа као туристичке дестинације / Konkurentnost Jablaničkog okruga kao turističke destinacije / The competitiveness of Jablanica district as a tourist destination

Stamenković Predrag 12 April 2017 (has links)
<p>Дестинацијска конкурентност&nbsp; има&nbsp; све&nbsp; значајнију&nbsp; улогу&nbsp; у&nbsp; локалном економском развоју, док су&nbsp; перспективе&nbsp; њеног унапређења, посебно значајне за неразвијене регионе попут Јабланичког округа.&nbsp; У докторској дисертацији је извршен преглед владајућих ставова из литературе о конкурентности туристичких дестинација, и дата су тумачења водећих модела дестинацијске конкурентности,&nbsp; индекса конкурентности&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; TTCI, модела&nbsp; Ritchie &amp; Crouch као и модела Dwyer &amp; Kim.&nbsp; Детаљно је приказана ресурсна основа туризма Јабланичког округа, кроз преглед и тумачење географског положаја, природно-географских карактеристика, друштвено-географских карактеристика као и материјалне базе посматраног подручја. Кроз методолошки део, извршен је приказ инструмената, процедура и узорачког оквира истраживања. Резултати истраживања су потврдили, делимично потврдили или оповргнули постављене истраживачке хипотезе што је пропраћено одговарајућом дискусијом. На крају дисертације су дати предлози будућих истраживања, и изнете идеје за мотивисање интерних стејкхолдера за покретањем промена ради повећања конкурентности туристичке дестинације Јабланички округ.</p> / <p>Destinacijska konkurentnost&nbsp; ima&nbsp; sve&nbsp; značajniju&nbsp; ulogu&nbsp; u&nbsp; lokalnom ekonomskom razvoju, dok su&nbsp; perspektive&nbsp; njenog unapređenja, posebno značajne za nerazvijene regione poput Jablaničkog okruga.&nbsp; U doktorskoj disertaciji je izvršen pregled vladajućih stavova iz literature o konkurentnosti turističkih destinacija, i data su tumačenja vodećih modela destinacijske konkurentnosti,&nbsp; indeksa konkurentnosti&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; TTCI, modela&nbsp; Ritchie &amp; Crouch kao i modela Dwyer &amp; Kim.&nbsp; Detaljno je prikazana resursna osnova turizma Jablaničkog okruga, kroz pregled i tumačenje geografskog položaja, prirodno-geografskih karakteristika, društveno-geografskih karakteristika kao i materijalne baze posmatranog područja. Kroz metodološki deo, izvršen je prikaz instrumenata, procedura i uzoračkog okvira istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili, delimično potvrdili ili opovrgnuli postavljene istraživačke hipoteze što je propraćeno odgovarajućom diskusijom. Na kraju disertacije su dati predlozi budućih istraživanja, i iznete ideje za motivisanje internih stejkholdera za pokretanjem promena radi povećanja konkurentnosti turističke destinacije Jablanički okrug.</p> / <p>Destination competitiveness plays an increasingly important role in local economic development, and the prospects of its&nbsp; improvement are&nbsp; particularly significant for the underdeveloped regions like the Jablanica District. Doctoral dissertation&nbsp; inspected the ruling positions&nbsp; from&nbsp;&nbsp; the literature on the&nbsp; competitiveness of tourist destinations, and&nbsp; gave&nbsp; interpretation&nbsp; of leading&nbsp; models&nbsp; of destination competitiveness, like index of&nbsp;&nbsp; competitiveness&nbsp; -&nbsp; TTCI, model&nbsp;&nbsp; Ritchie &amp; Crouch and model Dwyer &amp; Kim.&nbsp; Detailed&nbsp; display of Jablanica district&nbsp; tourism resource&nbsp; base was given, through review and interpretation of&nbsp; geographical location, natural and geographical characteristics, socio-geographical characteristics as the material base of the observed area. Through methodological part, presentation of the instruments, procedures and sampling research frame, was given. Research results have confirmed, partially confirmed or denied the proposed research hypotheses&nbsp; as&nbsp; accompanied by a corresponding discussion. At the end&nbsp; of the dissertation,&nbsp; suggestions for future research, and set out ideas for&nbsp; motivating the&nbsp; internal stakeholders to initiate changes&nbsp; in order to increase&nbsp; the competitiveness of tourist&nbsp; destination of Jablanica district are provided.</p>

Las estrategias genéricas y la competitividad de las empresas del sector inmobiliario Lima Top año 2020

Ubillus Carmen, María Virginia 20 July 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como principal objetivo: Determinar si existe relación directa entre las estrategias genéricas y la competitividad de las empresas del sector inmobiliario Lima Top año 2020. Para ello, dentro de la metodología se hizo uso de un alcance correlacional, bajo un enfoque cuantitativo; mientras que para la recolección de información se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta donde se elaboraron dos cuestionarios, uno para cada variable. En los principales resultados se obtuvo que la estrategia del enfoque es la más empleada con el 65% que se mostró de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo, mientras que respecto a la competitividad, la dimensión externa fue la que presentó mayor relevancia según el 72% de los encuestados que se mostraron de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo; además se pudo verificar que, las dimensiones de la variable estrategias genéricas, que fueron las estrategias de liderazgo en costos, diferenciación y enfoque se relacionan de forma significativa y directa con la competitividad. Finalmente se pudo concluir que las estrategias genéricas tienen una relación directa y significativa con la competitividad de las empresas del sector inmobiliario Lima Top, año 2020, donde el empleo de las estrategias genéricas tanto de liderazgo en costos, diferenciación como enfoque se han visto reflejado en la actual competitividad de las inmobiliarias. Se recomendó que estas empresas puedan verificar de forma frecuente sus costos y gastos, a fin de realizar una mejor planificación y así prever gastos innecesarios, así como optar por diferentes actividades para sobresalir entre su competencia e identificar de forma óptima su mercado objetivo. En los hallazgos se obtuvo que cada estrategia está relacionada con la competitividad del sector inmobiliario, puesto que las empresas producto de la pandemia pueden estar usando un mix de los aspectos característicos de las diferentes estrategias. / The main objective of this research was: To determine if there is a direct relationship between generic strategies and the competitiveness of companies in the Lima Top real estate sector in 2020. For this, within the methodology, a correlational scope was used, under a quantitative approach; while for the collection of information the survey technique was used where two questionnaires were elaborated, one for each variable. In the main results, it was obtained that the approach strategy is the most used with 65% who agreed and strongly agreed, while regarding competitiveness, the external dimension was the one that presented the greatest relevance according to 72% of respondents who agreed and strongly agreed; In addition, it was possible to verify that the dimensions of the generic strategies variable, which were cost leadership strategies, differentiation and focus, are significantly and directly related to competitiveness. Finally, it was possible to conclude that generic strategies have a direct and significant relationship with the competitiveness of companies in the real estate sector Lima Top, year 2020, where the use of generic strategies for both cost leadership, differentiation and focus have been reflected in the current competitiveness of real estate. It was recommended that these companies be able to frequently check their costs and expenses, to carry out better planning and thus anticipate unnecessary expenses, as well as opt for different activities to stand out among their competition and optimally identify their target market. The findings show that any company that employs any of the generic strategies will be reflected in its competitiveness within the real estate sector. / Tesis

La relación entre la inteligencia emocional y la competitividad de los líderes de las áreas de gestión del deporte de los gobiernos locales en Lima Metropolitana en el año 2020

Aguilar Quispe, Milagros Vilma, Escobar Zúñiga, Daniella Lucía 29 April 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad demostrar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y la competitividad de los líderes de las áreas de gestión del deporte de los gobiernos locales en Lima Metropolitana en el año 2020. Para lograr este objetivo se analizó a una muestra representativa de 130 colaboradores del área de deportes de los gobiernos locales elegidos mediante el método de investigación correlacional con un enfoque cuantitativo. Para la recolección de la data se aplicó una encuesta con escala de Likert que contaba con 5 dimensiones y 48 aseveraciones. Esta herramienta fue diseñada en base a la matriz de operacionalización de variables, la cual representa dimensiones e indicadores de las variables Inteligencia Emocional y Competitividad, que posteriormente fueron ingresados en un programa estadístico confiable para analizar la información y lograr encontrar la relación directa entre ambas variables en cuestión. Los resultados de esta investigación demuestran una correlación positiva entre ambas variables, comprobando que la relación es directamente proporcional. De esta manera, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna propuesta, concluyendo que la inteligencia emocional se relaciona positivamente con la competitividad de los líderes de las áreas de gestión del deporte de los gobiernos locales en Lima Metropolitana en el año 2020. Finalmente, se proponen recomendaciones para afianzar este grado de relación y su posible aplicación en investigaciones futuras en el sector público, las cuales serán de gran aporte para potenciar el desarrollo del capital humano y el éxito de sus gestiones. / The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the relationship between emotional intelligence and the competitiveness of leaders in the areas of local government sport management in Metropolitan Lima in the year 2020. To achieve this objective, a representative sample of 130 local government sport area employees were analyzed using the correlational research method with a quantitative approach. A Likert scale survey with 5 dimensions and 48 statements was used to collect the data. This tool was designed based on the operationalization matrix of variables, which represents dimensions and indicators of the variables Emotional Intelligence and Competitiveness. The variables were subsequently entered into a reliable statistical program to analyze the information and find the direct relationship between both variables under consideration. The results of this research demonstrate a positive correlation between both variables, proving that the relationship is directly proportional. In this way, the null hypothesis is rejected and the proposed alternative hypothesis is accepted, concluding that emotional intelligence is positively related to the competitiveness of the leaders of the areas of sport management of the local governments in Metropolitan Lima in the year 2020. Finally, recommendations are suggested to enhance this level of relationship and its possible application in future research in the public sector, which will be of great help in strengthening the development of human capital and the success of its management. / Tesis

Increasing Physical Activity with Gamification : Exploring Competitiveness as a Moderator for Leaderboard Effectiveness

Danelid, Fanny, Fältman, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Gamification is a strategy for changing behavior that can be used for increasing physical activity (PA). In Sweden, 34% of the population are not active enough and since sedentary behavior is associated with many health risks, this needs to be improved. One gamification strategy is leaderboards, but most previous research has not looked at isolated gamification strategies. The behavior change effectiveness of leaderboards could increase by personalizing it based on traits. This study investigated the behavior change effectiveness of leaderboards and how individual differences in competitiveness affects the effectiveness. The following research questions were addressed: How effective are leaderboards for increasing physical activity in adults? Does competitiveness level impact a leaderboard’s effectiveness? This experimental study examined 24 participants who reported their PA during one week and were either in an experimental group that saw a leaderboard, or a control group. Their difference in PA before and during the study was compared. Results show that there was no significant difference between the control and experimental group. However, a within-subject significant difference in PA was found (i.e. a significant increase during the experiment) for the experimental group. Additionally, no correlation was found between change in PA and competitiveness. However, competitiveness correlated with enjoyment of the leaderboard. Future studies should investigate more gamification strategies individually and in relation to other traits. Our conclusion is that the leaderboard did no harm, we did not observe the effectiveness claimed by other studies, and competitiveness had no impact on the effectiveness. / Spelifiering är en strategi för att ändra beteenden som kan användas för fysisk aktivitet (FA). I Sverige är 34% av befolkningen inte tillräckligt aktiva, och eftersom stillasittande beteende är associerat med många hälsoproblem behöver detta förbättras. En spelifieringsstategi är topplistor, men tidigare forskning har inte isolerat specifika spelifieringsstrategier. Effektiviteten av topplistor kan öka genom individuell anpassning baserat på personlighetsdrag. Den här studien undersöker effektiviteten av topplistor och hur individuella skillnader i tävlingsinriktning påverkar effektiviteten. Följande forskningsfrågor undersöktes: Hur effektiva är topplistor för att öka fysisk aktivitet hos vuxna? Påverkar nivån av tävlingsinriktning en topplistas effektivitet? Denna experimentella studie tittade på 24 deltagare som rapporterade in sin FA under en vecka och antingen var i en experimentgrupp som fick se en topplista eller en kontrollgrupp. Deras förändring i FA före och under studien jämfördes. Resultaten visade ingen signifikant skillnad i FA mellan grupperna. Men deltagarna i experimentgruppen hade en signifikant skillnad i FA (alltså en signifikant ökning under experimentet). Vi fann ingen korrelation mellan förändring i FA och tävlingsinriktning. Men tävlingsinriktning korrelerade med att tycka om att se topplistan. Framtida studier borde undersöka mer spelifieringsstrategier individuellt och i relation till andra personlighetsdrag. Vår slutsats är att topplistan inte gjorde någon skada, den var inte så effektiv som tidigare studier hävdat, och att tävlingsinriktning inte påverkade effektiviteten.

Climate Neutral Roadmap in Fossil Free Competitiveness for Paroc, Sweden : what Paroc can do to meet up with the roadmap from Fossil Free Sweden / Klimatneutral Färdplan i Fossilfri Konkurrenskraft för Paroc, Sverige : vad Paroc kan göra för att möta upp färdplanen från Fossilfritt Sverige

Mörk, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Today’s society is standing in front of a revolution where fossil energy should be replaced with renewable energy. Governmental agencies and policy makers have formed goals and regulations to become greener, and the organisation Fossil Free Sweden has published roadmaps for fossil free competitiveness. Therefore, this report has connected Paroc’s operations with a roadmap for fossil free competitiveness to form a strategic environmental plan. Early, it was recognized that the field was big and a limitation to CO2-emissions during production were established. The facts were gathered mostly throughout literature studies, scientific publications/articles, and personal communication with personnel at Paroc/Owens Corning. The results gave a description over fossil free competitiveness for the construction sector, previous, and current sustainability efforts at Paroc. After that, the report lifted suggestions of modifications to the mainstream process. Focus laid on the reduction of coke, propane, and dolomite. Later, the report discussed a possible strategy to become fossil free by 2045. It found out that there are many approaches to become climate neutral. Moreover, a need for practical testing of the solutions in the mainstream processes, and that emissions can be calculated in an absolute of relative way.

Determinantes que Limitan la Competitividad de las Principales Empresas Peruanas Exportadoras, de T-Shirts de Algodón, hacia Canadá, durante el Periodo 2015 – 2019 / Determinants that hinder the competitiveness of the top Peruvian exporters of cotton t-shirts to Canada (2015-2019)

Cabezas Tapia, Olga Alejandra, Ipanaque-Botton, Alvaro 20 February 2020 (has links)
El sector textil y confecciones es considerado uno de los más importantes a nivel mundial, debido a que impacta positivamente en la economía de un país, por la cantidad de puestos de trabajo que genera a lo largo de toda la cadena productiva. En el Perú, este sector cuenta con reconocimiento internacional debido a la alta calidad de la materia prima, como es el caso del algodón, sobre todo el de calidad pima, por la destreza y habilidad de la mano de obra para la confección y por contar con empresas verticales que integran las diferentes actividades del sector en el proceso de producción. El principal mercado de destino de las exportaciones peruanas de t-shirt es Estados Unidos, seguido de Brasil y Canadá, respectivamente. Dada la importancia del mercado canadiense y la existencia del tratado de libre comercio, se busca identificar los aspectos que pueden ayudar a incrementar el nivel de las exportaciones peruanas hacia Canadá. Para ello, nos enfocamos en analizar los siguientes determinantes de la competitividad del sector textil peruano durante el periodo 2015-2019: oferta de fibra de algodón peruano, el marco legal peruano, el costo de mano de obra y la falta de innovación tecnológica. El estudio concluye que, efectivamente, los cuatro factores planteados limitan la competitividad de los exportadores peruanos de t-shirts de algodón al mercado peruano. Asimismo, identifica limitantes emergentes, como el valor agregado, la implementación de prácticas sostenibles para responder a las preferencias del consumidor final, entre otros. / For any given country, the textile and apparel sectors are considered one of the most important due to its positive impact in the economy and job creation alongside the value chain. In Peru, the sector is internationally renowned due to its high-quality raw materials, i.e., Pima cotton, the craftmanship of its workforce, and vertically integrated companies. Peru’s cotton t-shirts top export destinations include the United States, Brazil, and Canada, respectively. Given the importance of the Canadian market, the existence of the Peru-Canada Free Trade Agreement, and the benefit of zero import tariffs, it is relevant to identify the factors that could improve the Peruvian exports of cotton t-shirts to Canada. The study focuses on four factors that could potentially impact the competitiveness of the sector: Peruvian cotton fiber production, Peru´s legal framework, workforce costs impact in the production cost, and the lack of investment in innovative technology. The study concludes that the above-mentioned factors do have an impact and limit the competitiveness of the Peruvian exporters of cotton t-shirts to the Canadian market. Furthermore, it unveils new factors such as production speed to respond to shorter lead times and the implementation of sustainable practices across the value chain to meet consumers´ preferences, among others. / Tesis

Fiktivní firma jako prostředek osvojování cizího jazyka / Practice Enterprise as a Way of Acquiring Foreign Languages

Pecková, Simona January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Practice Enterprise as a Way of Acquiring Foreign Languages AUTHOR: Simona Pecková DEPARTMENT: Department of the French Language and Literature SUPERVISOR: Dr.PhDr. Renáta Listíková, MCF ABSTRACT: The thesis deals with the potential that the subject called practice enterprise represents for acquisition of foreign languages. The aim of the work is to carry out a survey of the present situation, to find about the pupils' level of business language and also to discover what their attitude to the practice enterprise and their motivation to study foreign languages are. By focussing the language instruction on working life, we want to enhance their competitiveness on the labour market. Quantitative research methods are combined here with qualitative ones. Concerning the tools of research, we used didactic test, questionnaire, interview and focus group. We have found out that the practice enterprise has a positive influence on students' level of foreign languages. However, no connection between practice enterprise and pupils' attitude to foreign languages and their motivation to study them has been proved. In order to take a bigger advantage of the potential of practice enterprise as a means to acquire foreign languages, we recommend a bigger and a more systematic integration of language instruction into...

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