Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] COMPETITIVENESS"" "subject:"[enn] COMPETITIVENESS""
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Relación entre las estrategias competitivas y la competitividad de las mypes de Chachapoyas, 2021 / Relationship between competitive strategies and the competitiveness of Chachapoyas MSEs, 2021Llanos Gil, Carolina Milagros, Torrejón Chavez, Luis Enrique 02 March 2022 (has links)
En los últimos años se ha visto el crecimiento de las mypes en el Perú, las cuales aportan un porcentaje significativo en el PBI, pero muchas de ellas carecen de los conocimientos técnicos para poder crecer en los años posteriores y en muchos casos las empresas pueden quebrar.
La presente tesis refiere a las estrategias competitivas y su relación con la competitividad de las mypes de la ciudad de Chachapoyas, en cual se realizó un análisis completo de todas las dimensiones que abarcan estas estrategias. Asimismo, se realizaron encuestas a una muestra de las micro y pequeñas empresas en la ciudad de Chachapoyas en las cuales arrojaron resultados positivos, demostrando que en su gran mayoría ejecutan acciones relacionadas a estas estrategias pero no conocen los conceptos técnicos que les pueden ayudar a ser aún más competitivas en el corto, mediano y largo plazo. / In recent years, the growth of MSEs has been seen in Peru, which contribute a significant percentage to GDP, but many of them lack the technical knowledge to be able to grow in subsequent years and in many cases companies can fail.
This thesis refers to competitive strategies and their relationship with the competitiveness of MSEs in the city of Chachapoyas, and also it makes a complete analysis of all the dimensions that these strategies encompass. In adittion, surveys were conducted on a sample of micro and small businesses in the city of Chachapoyas in which they yielded positive results, showing that the vast majority of them carry out actions related to these strategies but do not know the technical concepts that can help them to be even more competitive in the short, medium and long term. / Tesis
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Förhållandet mellan informellt lärande, stress och sjukfrånvaro : En kvantitativ studie av en kommunal verksamhetför särskilda boenden för äldre. / The relationship between informal learning, stress and sick leave : A quantitative study of a municipal activity for special accommodation for the elderly.Nörgaard, Angela, Öberg, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Metod Vi ämnar undersöka om samband finns mellan informellt lärande och arbetsrelaterad stress samt om sambandet skiljer sig åt mellan att vara sjukskriven och icke sjukskriven.Teoretisk referensram utifrån krav-kontroll-stödmodellen (Karasek & Theorell, 1990).Studien utgår från en kvantitativ metod där korrelationsanalyser samt regressionsanalyser genomfördes av variabler som sammanställts från LPW (α = .82) samt PSS-14 (α = .89). All data sammanställdes i IBM SPSS.27. Urvalsgrupp var personal inom särskilda boende för äldre. Resultat En multipel regressionsanalys visar att ett negativt medelstarkt samband(Beta = -.48, p < .01) fanns mellan informellt lärande och arbetsrelaterad stress. Ingen modererande effekt förelåg i förhållandet mellan informellt lärande och arbetsrelaterad stress kopplat till sjukfrånvaro. Av de 131 medarbetarna som erbjöds delta svarade 52 personer på enkäten (N=52). Slutsats Det informella lärandet och stress har utifrån tidigare forskning visat ha en inverkanpå medarbetarnas arbetsprestation och arbetstillfredsställelse. Informellt lärande skapar konkurrenskraftiga verksamheter där ett gott arbetsresultat uppnås samt stimulerar till engagemang och positivitet för både verksamhet och medarbetare. En hög grad av stress uppvisar motsatt effekt på arbetsprestation och arbetstillfredsställelse.Vår slutsats är att både samhälle och organisationen kan vinna ekonomiska fördelar genom att minska stress och öka det informella lärandet då detta kan generera en ökad kvalitet i offentlig sektor. Detta då vårt funna resultat visat på ett signifikant medelstarkt negativt samband mellan informellt lärande och arbetsrelaterad stress, men som varken förstärks eller försvagas bland sjukskrivna respektive icke-sjukskrivna respondenter inom studerad verksamhet i offentlig sektor. / Method We intend to investigate whether there is a connection between informal learning and work-related stress and whether the connection differs between being on sick leave and not on sick leave. Theoretical frame of reference based on the requirements-control-supportmodel (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). The study is based on a quantitative method where correlation analyzes and regression analyzes were performed on variables compiled fromLPW (α = .82) and PSS-14 (α = .89). All data was compiled in IBM SPSS.27. The selection group was staff in special housing for the elderly. Results A multiple regression analysis shows a negative medium-strong relationship (Beta = -.48, p <.01) was found between informal learning and work-related stress. There was no moderating effect in the relationship between informal learning and work-related stress linked to sick leave. Of the 131 employees who were offered to participate, 52 people responded to the survey (N = 52). Conclusion Based on previous research, informal learning and stress have been shown to have an impact on employees' work performance and job satisfaction. Informal learning creates competitive operations where a good work result is achieved and stimulates commitment and positivity for both operations and employees. A high degree of stress has the opposite effect on job performance and job satisfaction.Our conclusion is that both society and the organization can gain economic benefits by reducing stress and increasing informal learning as this can generate increased quality in the public sector. This is because our found results showed a significant moderate negative relationship between informal learning and work-related stress, but which is neither strengthened or weakened among sick-listed and non-sick-respondents in studied activities inthe public sector.
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La gestión administrativa y su influencia en la competitividad empresarial en las clínicas veterinarias pymes de Lima moderna años 2020 – 2021Machuca Huaman, Sally Carmen Isabel, Mendez Huillca, Jaquelin Victoria 02 March 2022 (has links)
En la presente investigación se determinó la influencia de la gestión administrativa en la competitividad en las clínicas veterinarias pymes de algunos distritos de Lima Moderna en los años 2020-2021.
Para el estudio se utilizó un enfoque mixto. Respecto al cualitativo, para recolectar la información, se realizó entrevistas semiestructuradas a expertos, es decir a gerentes o administradores de clínicas veterinarias. Al ser cuantitativo, se empleó un diseño no experimental, transeccional de tipo correlacional y explicativo, ya que se recolectaron datos, y se analizó la relación entre Gestión administrativa y competitividad en un periodo de tiempo específico, por medio de la aplicación de una encuesta.
Se utilizó una muestra de 108 de una población de 149 clínicas veterinarias de los distritos de La Molina, San Miguel y Santiago de Surco de la provincia de Lima. Se optó por un alcance correlacional con el método de Spearman para identificar cómo influyen las dimensiones de la variable de gestión administrativa respecto a la competitividad.
Concluida la investigación, la hipótesis general fue aceptada obteniendo una correlación positiva moderada; identificando que las dimensiones con mayor influencia fueron la planeación, la organización y la dirección, obteniendo una correlación positiva moderada. Por otro lado, la dimensión de control obtuvo una correlación positiva, pero de nivel bajo. Los resultados del presente estudio permiten recomendar a las clínicas veterinarias que refuercen sus actividades de gestiones administrativas frente a los objetivos planteados; de esta manera podría incrementar el nivel de competitividad en el mercado. / In this study we determined the influence of administrative management on the competitiveness of small and medium-sized veterinary clinics in some districts of Lima in the years 2020-2021.
A mixed approach was used for the study. Regarding the qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts, i.e. managers or administrators of veterinary clinics, to collect the information. Being quantitative, a non-experimental, transectional, correlational and explanatory design was used, since data were collected, and the relationship between administrative management and competitiveness was analyzed in a specific period of time, through the application of a survey.
A sample of 108 out of 149 veterinary clinics in the districts of La Molina, San Miguel and Santiago de Surco in the province of Lima was used. A correlational scope was chosen using Spearman's method to identify how the dimensions of the administrative management variable influence competitiveness.
At the conclusion of the research, the general hypothesis was accepted, obtaining a moderate positive correlation; identifying that the dimensions with the greatest influence were planning, organization and management, obtaining a moderate positive correlation. On the other hand, the control dimension obtained a positive correlation but at a low level. The results of the present study, allow us to recommend that veterinary clinics reinforce their activities of administrative management according to the objectives set; in this way they could increase their level of competitiveness in the market. / Tesis
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Estrategias empresariales que fomentan la innovaciónChuqui Muñoz, Marlit Isabel, Flores Puskaric, Katia Nelly 13 March 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación se centra en dar a conocer las diversas posturas desarrolladas en relación con las principales estrategias con las que se produce innovación de productos y servicios. Para ello, se ha realizado una investigación sistemática de fuentes publicadas comprendidas entre los años 2015-2020, con la finalidad de recobrar información que se ha centrado en la implementación de estas estrategias en las diferentes empresas en todo el mundo, por lo que se han planteado, fundamentalmente, cuatro objetivos que constituyen el contenido del trabajo. En un primer momento se busca establecer cómo las empresas aprovechan las políticas públicas de los mercados en que operan para generar innovación, y en qué medida resultan ser un impulso o un obstáculo en el desenvolvimiento de estas. Luego de ello, se ha planteado la importancia de los cambios tecnológicos que impulsan la innovación, los beneficios que proporciona su implementación y su adaptabilidad en las empresas. También se ha propuesto una definición de cómo se entiende el alcance de la explotación de las ideas dentro y fuera de la empresa, además de los beneficios que puede proporcionar su aplicación. Finalmente, se ha analizado el rol que tiene la competencia empresarial, tanto interna como externamente, como un motivador de innovación. La principal conclusión a la que llega esta investigación es que, si bien no existe una estrategia definida que produzca innovación de productos y servicios por sí sola, esta se da en condiciones multifactoriales. / This paper focuses on expose different positions regarding the main strategies developed in order to produce innovation of products and services. For this purpose, a systematic investigation of published papers between the years 2015-2020 has been carried out, with the aim of gathering information that has focused on the implementation of these strategies in different companies around the world. Indeed, it has been extended four objectives that represent the content of the investigation. Firstly, the research it is seeking about how companies take advantage of the public policies of the markets in which they operate to generate innovation, and how important result in order to be whether an impulse or an obstacle to their development. After this, the importance of technological changes that drive innovation, the benefits provided by their implementation and their adaptability in companies have been discussed. Also, a definition of how to understand the scope of the exploitation of ideas inside and outside the company has been proposed, besides the benefits that its implementation can provide. Finally, the role of business competition, both internally and externally, as a motivator of innovation has been analyzed. The main conclusion reached by this paper is that, although there is no defined strategy that generates product and service innovation by itself, it occurs under multifactorial conditions. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Développement d'un modèle de construction lean pour l’évaluation de la compétence des entreprises de construction : Le cas de la construction éthiopienne / Development of lean construction capability framework : The case of ethiopian construction industryAyalew, Tadesse 29 November 2019 (has links)
Le rapport indique que la capacité et la compétitivité des entrepreneurs locaux est l'un des principaux défis de l'industrie éthiopienne de la construction. Cependant, il n'existe aucune étude antérieure qui appuie ces récits et qui tente de déterminer les aspects de la compétence qui font défaut à ces entrepreneurs. Consciente de cette lacune, cette étude vise à mener une recherche sur la compréhension de la compétence et de la compétitivité des entrepreneurs et de leurs mécanismes d'amélioration. La recherche applique une méthode de recherche mixte qui implique une discussion en groupe de discussion et la méthode Fuzzy DEMATEL pour atteindre ses objectifs. La recherche a montré que sur les 52 éléments lean identifiés dans la littérature, 15 sont les plus importants pour améliorer les six mesures de compétences et sur ces six mesures, la capacité financière, les ressources humaines et la capacité organisationnelle et technique sont les pratiques les plus critiques pour améliorer la compétence et la compétitivité globales des entrepreneurs autochtones. Les résultats de cette recherche apportent des contributions pratiques, académiques et méthodologiques à l'évolution des connaissances actuelles dans le domaine de la construction lean et de la gestion organisationnelle, en particulier dans le contexte des pays en cours de développement / Report indicates that indigenous contractor’s capability and competitiveness is one of the main challenges in Ethiopian construction industry. However, there is no previous study that support these narratives and tries to investigate which aspects of capability do these contractors are lacking. Realizing this gap, the research has attempted to assesses capability of indigenous contractors with respect to six capability measures and it develop a conceptual model that integrates Lean with organizational capability as well as competitiveness. The research applies a mixed method of research which involves a focus group discussion and Fuzzy DEMATEL method to achieve its objectives. Of the 52 lean elements identified from literatures, the research identifies 15 most important lean elements to improve the six capability measures. The research further investigated that financial capability, human resources and organizational capability and technical capability as a means of improvement for overall capability & competitiveness of indigenous contractors in Ethiopia. The research outcome can be used for developing appropriate policies and regulation that helps to improve capability and competitiveness
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Strategies in Outsourcing R&D Processes to Maintain Market CompetitivenessYerkic-Husejnovic, Berina 01 January 2017 (has links)
In the 21st century, managing outsourced research and development (R&D) processes is critical to an organization's success. Guided by the logistic outsourcing theory developed by de Boer, Gaytan, and Arroyo, the purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies and processes organizational leaders used to manage outsourced R&D to maintain market competitiveness. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 5 purposefully selected business leaders who were responsible for outsourcing R&D in a single Fortune 500 corporation in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Company records were also gathered as data. Yin's 5-step process for a case study and key words in context analysis were used to analyze the data. Findings included 3 main themes: (a) the outsourcing decision-making process with internal and external constraints, (b) the effectiveness of managing outsourcing services and processes, and (c) the influence of outsourcing on business effectiveness and new products. Findings also indicated no practical system to measure effectiveness of outsourced R&D services on market competitiveness. The lack of measurement effectiveness was due to a lack of processes in place to measure R&D performance and no practical approach to measure impact of R&D on market competitiveness. Findings offered insight into strategies used by business leaders to manage outsourced R&D processes. Findings may also have implications for positive social change such as impacting communities through employment, generating government revenues through taxes, and creating a positive impact on job creation in the industries that promote R&D outsourcing.
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Modelo de mejora para incrementar la competitividad de una PYME mediante el posicionamiento de marca y presencia digital mediante el modelo Lean startup / Improvement model to increase the competitiveness of an sme through brand positioning and digital presence through lean startup modelLeón Caballero, Shanen Marifer, Lucero Irribarri, Luis Ricardo 28 February 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo presentar y desarrollar un proyecto de implementación del modelo Lean Startup en la empresa Cremoladas L7 a fin de aumentar la competitividad de las PYMES a través del posicionamiento de marca y presencia digital, a fin de incrementar su nivel de exposición a nuevos clientes y generar mayores oportunidades de crecimiento y expansión.
En ese sentido, se presenta el trabajo de investigación de artículos científicos que brinden mayor sustento en por qué muchas PYMES no alcanzan un nivel de competitividad adecuado o se quedan en el tiempo y llegan incluso a desaparecer.
Seguidamente, se identifica el problema en la empresa del caso de estudio, mediante la realización de diferentes tipos de análisis empleando herramientas de gestión y calidad como FODA, Matriz de Análisis de Factores Externos (Matriz EFE), Matriz de Análisis de Factores Internos (Matriz EFI), Matriz de Perfil Competitivo (MPC) y el Árbol de Problemas.
A continuación, se presenta la propuesta de solución que involucra herramientas de gestión como el Business Model Canvas (BMC) y la aplicación de la metodología Lean Startup.
Finalmente, se presentan los resultados de la implementación de la propuesta de solución mediante indicadores de gestión y marketing digital para tomar la decisión de continuar con lo propuesto o volver a la fase de creación con lo aprendido. / The objective of this research work is to present and develop an implementation project of Lean Startup model in the company Cremoladas L7 in order to increase the competitiveness of SMEs through brand positioning and digital presence, in order to increase their level of exposure to new customers and generate greater opportunities for growth and expansion.
In this sense, the authors present scientific articles that provide greater support on why many SMEs do not reach an adequate level of competitiveness or sticks in time and even disappear.
Next, the problem in the company in the case study is identified, by performing different types of analysis using management and quality tools such as SWOT, External Factors Analysis Matrix (EFE Matrix), Internal Factors Analysis Matrix (EFI Matrix), Competitive Profile Matrix (MPC) and the Problem Tree.
Then, the authors present the solution proposal that involves management tools such as the Business Model Canvas (BMC) and the application of the Lean Startup methodology.
Finally, the results of the implementation of the solution proposal are presented through management and digital marketing indicators to make the decision of continue with what is proposed or return to the creation phase with the lessons learned. / Tesis
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Sporting competitiveness & gender stereotyping among young athletesHagen, Elizabeth J. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Although female sports’ participation and popularity has grown significantly since Title IX was enacted in 1972, the fight for gender equality in sport is far from over. Gender stereotypes continue to constrain male and female access and experiences in sport (Endendijk et al., 2013; Daltry, 2012). Given that competitiveness lies at the very heart of the definition of sport, athletes are often asked to act competitively to achieve success. However, behaviors marked as competitive can often contradict the societal norms of femininity resulting in sporting females frequently receiving conflicting messages on how to act. Research indicates that gender stereotypes are well established by the age of 8, however young adolescence is a complex time of change and growth in the performance of gender especially within a sport context (Perry & Pauletti, 2011; Steinfeldt, Zakrajsek, Carter, & Steinfeldt, 2011). Consequently, this study explores whether gender stereotypes exist in perceptions of sporting competitiveness. A purposive convenience sample of 10 young athletes (ages 11–15) from a range of ability levels was selected. Data was generated through using grounded theory and a four-stage coding process. The participants’ narratives revealed several gender stereotypes informed young athletes’ perceptions of sporting competitiveness.
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No description available.
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The WTO-EU Environmental Policies for the International Olive Oil Market and Trade Competitiveness: A Case Study for SyriaAhmad, Mohamad 02 July 2013 (has links)
A debate over environmental policies and trade competitiveness, “Do environmental policies really matter to impact trade competitiveness?” still exists during the past decade. The thesis aims at investigating the impact of WTO-EU environmental policies for the international olive oil market on production and export competitiveness of developing countries. In particular, we focus our analysis on the agro-industrial sector in the Arab countries, and we take specific reference to the case of the olive oil agro-industrial sector in Syria. In the frame of a partial equilibrium trade model, we incorporate the “end-of-the-pipe” environmental policies which in turn enhance the productivity of the polluting input. Moreover, a part of the burden of environmental compliance may be shifted onto foreign consumers. The most novel part of our model consists of the augmented effect of compliance with environmental policies, which includes not only the standard impact on the effective product price, but also on the input shadow price. The empirical findings, based on Syrian data, provide strong support to the Porter Hypothesis and its application to international markets for agro-industrial products. Accordingly, the study disproves the legitimacy of concerns that stricter environmental policies in developing economies may have negative impacts on their production and export competitiveness. In contrast, our results show that compliance with environmental policies under the large country assumption has positive effects on their international competitiveness of environmentally sensitive sectors, in particular. Therefore, the policy implications suggest the implementation of strict environmental regulatory policies supporting environmentally sound technologies.
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