Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] COMPETITIVENESS"" "subject:"[enn] COMPETITIVENESS""
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Competiveness among apparel manufacturers in Istanbul : An industry analysisAhlqvist, Pontus, Andréasson, Carl January 2007 (has links)
This paper is the result of a minor field study conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, during the period of November and December 2007. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the current business environment for apparel manufacturing in Istanbul. Research was carried out through an industry analysis in terms of competition and potential future development for apparel manufacturers. The research has been carried out through interviews with actors related to the apparel manufacturing segment. Interviewees include five manufacturers, two sourcing agents, one trade organization and one professor with research in the area. Our findings concerning the business environment are based on Michael E. Porters theoretical framework on “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy”. In the case of Turkish apparel manufacturers this paper concludes how the barriers of entry for new actors are high, unless integrating forward. Additionally in general terms the suppliers have a weak bargaining position while customers are relatively strong in the bargaining process. The rivalry among apparel manufacturers is low, but it can be stated how less differentiated manufacturer experience significant higher level of rivalry. Further on this paper also concludes how these factors not are affected by any substitute products, much due to the broad scope of the study. In respect to these factors a general strategy used by apparel manufactures has been identified as they try to affect the balance of these competitive forces through e.g. differentiation and vertical integration.
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以實惠且可靠的多頻率網路服務來提升甘比亞電信之競爭力 / Improving Gamtel’s competitiveness through affordable, accessible and reliable broadband internet service in The Gambia telecom industry黃紳佑, Khan, Sarjo Unknown Date (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the current state of Gamtel less competitive nature in the telecom industry and therefore use its competitive advantage and core competencies to pursue and endeavour to invest on internet service provision mainly on broadband.
With high expectations from the launching of the ACE, Africa coast to Europe submarine cable, the plan is to take the opportunity brought by this Landing station to significantly expand on its current broadband technology provision, which is DSL (digital subscriber line), CDMA 3G wireless broadband connection and Leased line connection.
The growth in the sector is still encouraging between 8 to 10% and Gamtel is foreseeing to increase its already existing leadership in terms of market share on the internet segment or ISP internet service provider market.
There is a high capital investment required for this project but funding could be obtain from banks and even state own corporation at better rates and also self-funding of over GMD 90 million.
The cash flow projections had shown a positive net present value (NPV) thus; indicating that this plan will is viable.
With the three product categories, it is assume that the DSL and the CDMA 3G wireless broadband could be the cash cows whiles the leased lines connection for broadband which used to bring the biggest revenue in the data category will likely be going down, an impact the ACE project will brought along as the biggest customers from this service were the private ISP who now can connect direct to the ACE cable.
As the implementation of the ACE goes on prices are expected to further fall as bandwidth becomes cheaper and cheaper and volume or high quantity purchase of bandwidth starts to emerge thus economics of scale.
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The study of Engineer Employee¡¦s working PassionHuang, Hsin-yi 17 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to discuss the Engineer¡¦s working Passion and detects the inner meaning by way of inquiring senior engineering managers firstly. In this research, the inner meanings are applied to developing the framework and questionary. The inquiry result is that working passion¡¦s sources affect working passion¡¦s behaviors, and working passion behaviors bring working passion effect.
In this study, working passion source is defined as independent variable, working passion effect is defined as dependent variable, and working passion behavior is defined as a mediator. Furthermore, person-organization fit and person-job fit are defined as interfered variables. The thesis adopted questionnaire survey and target on R&D dept. engineers in Taiwan high-technology industry. 388 copies of the 450 questionnaires issued are returned, among which 369 copies are valid. The data were analyzed by reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, hierarchical regression and Canonical correlation analysis to discuss the relationships.
The findings of the study are as follows. (1) A positive relationship between the working passion sources and the working passion effects. (2) A positive relationship between the working passion behaviors and the working passion effects. (3) Working passion behaviors mediate the relationship between the working passion sources and the working passion effects. (4) Person-organization fit and person-job fit interfere in each other variables. The more person-organization fit, the more motivation and leadership result in working passion behaviors. The more person-job fit, the more leadership and team birr bring working passion behaviors.
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中國銀行體系國際化與競爭力 / Internationalization and Competitiveness of China's Banking Sector王文愛 Unknown Date (has links)
3.如果有競爭力化下,中國銀行會變得如何? / This paper addresses the questions related to the internationalization of China’s banking sector and implications for the competitiveness in China’s banking sector: 1) How did internationalization exist in China’s banking sector? 2) Did internationalization successfully create the competitiveness in China’s banking sector? 3) With such phenomenon, what will be the implications towards China’s banking sector? Therefore, this paper first will propose a framework for recognizing the internationalization in the China’s banking sector by comparing the banking sector in China before and after its WTO entry. Secondly, it will examine the competitiveness in China’s banking sector by analyzing the four indicators: 1) financial liberalization, 2) technological progress, 3) rating by international rating agency, and 4) Economic Growth. Also this paper will examine the competitiveness of two major commercial banks: Bank of China (BOC) and China Construction Bank (CCB) as a case study by analyzing the three indicators. They are: 1) profitability, 2) non-performing loans ratio, and 3) expansion. Finally, this paper will discuss the prospects and challenges in China’s banking sector.
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Ανταγωνιστικότητα των διεθνών περιφερειακών προορισμών μέσα από την προοπτική της διαπολιτισμικής εμπειρίας / Competitiveness of international regional destinations through the intercultural-experience perspectiveΔέδε, Ανίλα 10 June 2014 (has links)
Traditionally, tourism was placed second as a priority in the agenda of investors, policy makers, and academics. Nowadays, a significant reappraisal of its role in socioeconomic development is taking place, which values tourism as a source for earning export revenues, generating large numbers of jobs, promoting economic growth and a more services-oriented economy not only in developing but also in developed countries (UNCTAD, 2007).
According to World Tourism Organization (WTO), the European Union (EU) numbered six Member States among the top 10 countries in the world welcoming the largest number of international tourist arrivals. Within the EU, receipts from international tourism in 2008 were highest in Spain, France, and Italy, followed by Greece and Portugal.
Previous studies have attempted to explain destination and/or firm strategic positions by focusing on (mostly demand and supply side factors) prices, exchange rates, qualitative and other institutional factors.
The unique memorable experiences provided to customers directly determine a business’s and ultimately destination’s competitiveness. However, the extant tourism literature has provided limited explanation of the factors that characterize these memorable tourism experiences.
Why Experience?
● Because a trip is very high in experiential & hedonic characteristics
● Pine & Gilmore (1999) argued the emerging of an “experience economy” in which: companies personally engage consumers through staged events, experiences become offerings in the marketplace; and consumers’ hearts are captured by the memorability of the experience
Subject of Research
● Differences in Competitiveness of Regional Destination
● A business’s competitiveness is directly determined by the unique memorable experiences provided to customers.
● Therefore, it is important to investigate the impact that the experience’s perception and expectations can have on the diversification of tourism product & the competitiveness of international regional destinations
It is well known that Traveller’s perceptions of different destinations, their awareness of alternative options and their perception of the extent to which these destination’s services could fulfil their expectations are crucial to tourist flows. A destination’s services should adapt and change in a way that suits the evolving consumer’s preferences in order for these destinations to maintain and/or enhance their competitiveness.
Knowledge of tourist’s expectations, motivations, attitudes and differences among different cultural groups can create an environment within which by performing in an adaptive way, destinations will enhance their competitiveness. Therefore this research aims to offer the following contribution:
● Thorough literature review on the global tourism picture & the role of experience
● A novel approach by introducing a tourist’s enhanced role in defining the concept of experience
● Provide industry managers a generalized information on cross cultural differences
Intend do so by trying to
Evaluate the motivating experience factors that lead travellers from different cultural origins to different preferences when selecting their travel destination.
Examine traveller’s anticipations, motivations and attitudes while reinterpreting experiences in a cross cultural setting.
Assess the respective relevance and importance of the identified factors in the destination’s competitiveness as well as cross cultural influences and differences that lead to choosing differently while deciding to visit or revisit a destination.
This research will also try to address practical and theoretical implications as well as suggestions for future research. / Ο τουρισμός αποτελούσε παραδοσιακά δεύτερη προτεραιότητα στην ατζέντα επενδυτών, υπεύθυνων χάραξης πολιτικής και ακαδημαϊκών.
Σήμερα, πραγματοποιείται μια ουσιαστική επανεκτίμηση του ρόλου του στην κοινωνικοοικονομική ανάπτυξη, θεωρώντας ότι συνιστά πηγή εσόδων, ότι δημιουργεί μεγάλο αριθμό θέσεων εργασίας και ότι προωθεί την οικονομική ανάπτυξη και μια οικονομία περισσότερο προσανατολισμένη στις υπηρεσίες, τόσο στις αναπτυσσόμενες όσο και στις ανεπτυγμένες χώρες (UNCTAD, 2007).
Σύμφωνα με τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Τουρισμού (ΠΟΤ), έξι κράτη μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (ΕΕ) συγκαταλέγονται μεταξύ των δέκα κορυφαίων παγκοσμίως χωρών με τον μεγαλύτερο αριθμό αφίξεων διεθνών τουριστών. Στην ΕΕ, τα έσοδα από τον διεθνή τουρισμό το 2008 ήταν υψηλότερα στην Ισπανία, τη Γαλλία και την Ιταλία, και ακολούθησε η Ελλάδα και η Πορτογαλία.
Προηγούμενες μελέτες επιχείρησαν να εξηγήσουν στρατηγικές θέσεις προορισμών και/επιχειρήσεων, εστιάζοντας (κυρίως παράγοντες προσφοράς και ζήτησης) σε τιμές, συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες, ποιοτικούς και λοιπούς θεσμικούς παράγοντες.
Οι μοναδικές, αξέχαστες εμπειρίες που προσφέρονται απευθείας στους πελάτες καθορίζουν την ανταγωνιστικότητα μιας επιχείρησης και, τελικά, ενός προορισμού.
Ωστόσο, η υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία για τον τουρισμό δεν έχει εκτενώς επεξηγήσει τους παράγοντες που χαρακτηρίζουν και καθορίζουν αυτές τις αξέχαστες τουριστικές εμπειρίες.
Γιατί γίνεται λόγος για εμπειρία
● Γιατί ένα ταξίδι έχει πολλά χαρακτηριστικά εμπειρίας και ηδονής
● Οι Pine & Gilmore (1999) μίλησαν για την εμφάνιση μιας «οικονομίας εμπειρίας»στην οποία οι εταιρείες προσελκύουν προσωπικά τους καταναλωτές μέσω σκηνοθετημένων εκδηλώσεων, όπου οι εμπειρίες γίνονται προσφορές στην αγορά και οι καρδιές των καταναλωτών σαγηνεύονται από την αξέχαστη εμπειρία.
Θέμα της Έρευνας
● Διαφορές στην Ανταγωνιστικότητα των Περιφερειακών Προορισμών
● Η ανταγωνιστικότητα μιας επιχείρησης καθορίζεται άμεσα από τις μοναδικές, αξέχαστες εμπειρίες που προσφέρονται στους πελάτες.
● Επομένως, είναι σημαντικό να ερευνηθεί ο αντίκτυπος που μπορεί να έχει η αντίληψη της εμπειρίας και οι προσδοκίες στη διαφοροποίηση του προϊόντος τουρισμού και στην ανταγωνιστικότητα των διεθνών περιφερειακών προορισμών.
Είναι ευρέως γνωστό ότι οι αντιλήψεις του ταξιδιώτη για τους διάφορους προορισμούς, η επίγνωση των εναλλακτικών επιλογών που έχει και η αντίληψη του βαθμού στον οποίο οι υπηρεσίες προορισμού θα μπορούσαν να ανταποκριθούν στις προσδοκίες του, έχουν αποφασιστική σημασία για τις τουριστικές ροές.
Οι υπηρεσίες ενός προορισμού θα πρέπει να προσαρμόζονται και να αλλάζουν σύμφωνα με τις εξελισσόμενες προτιμήσεις του καταναλωτή προκειμένου οι προορισμοί αυτοί να διατηρούν και/ή να ενισχύουν την ανταγωνιστικότητά τους.
Η γνώση των προσδοκιών, των κινήτρων, της νοοτροπίας του τουρίστα και των διαφορών μεταξύ διαφορετικών πολιτισμικών ομάδων μπορεί να δημιουργήσει ένα περιβάλλον μέσα στο οποίο οι προορισμοί, αντιδρώντας κατά τρόπο προσαρμοστικό, θα ενισχύσουν την ανταγωνιστικότητά τους.
Επομένως, σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας είναι να παράσχει τα εξής
● εις βάθος εξέταση της βιβλιογραφίας σχετικά με την εικόνα του παγκόσμιου τουρισμού και τον ρόλο της εμπειρίας
● μια καινοτόμα προσέγγιση με την εισαγωγή του ενισχυμένου ρόλου του τουρίστα στον ορισμό της έννοιας της εμπειρίας
● παροχή στους επικεφαλής του κλάδου γενικευμένων πληροφοριών σχετικά με τις διαπολιτισμικές διαφορές
Κάτι τέτοιο επιδιώκεται μέσα από τα εξής
● Αξιολόγηση των παραγόντων δημιουργίας κινήτρων για την εμπειρία που οδηγούν τους ταξιδιώτες διαφορετικής πολιτισμικής προέλευσης σε διαφορετικές προτιμήσεις κατά την επιλογή του προορισμού ταξιδιού τους.
● Εξέταση των προσδοκιών, κινήτρων και της νοοτροπίας του ταξιδιώτη, δίνοντας ταυτόχρονα νέα ερμηνεία στις εμπειρίες μέσα από την διαπολιτισμική προοπτική
● Αξιολόγηση της σχετικής συνάφειας και σημασίας των προσδιορισμένων παραγόντων για την ανταγωνιστικότητα του προορισμού
● Αξιολόγηση των διαπολιτισμικών επιδράσεων και των διαφορών που οδηγούν σε διαφορετική επιλογή κατά τη λήψη απόφασης για την επίσκεψη ή την εκ νέου επίσκεψη ενός προορισμού.
Η παρούσα έρευνα προσπαθεί επίσης να εξετάσει τις πρακτικές και θεωρητικές επιπτώσεις, καθώς και προτάσεις για μελλοντική έρευνα.
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The Essays on Competitiveness, Efficiency, and Productivity: Methodological Issues and Applications / Aufsätze zu Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Effizienz und Produktivität: Methodische Fragen und AnwendungenNivievskyi, Oleg 28 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The WTO-EU Environmental Policies for the International Olive Oil Market and Trade CompetitivenessAhmad, Mohamad 10 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A debate over environmental policies and trade competitiveness, “Do environmental policies really matter to impact trade competitiveness?” still exists during the past decade. The thesis aims at investigating the impact of WTO-EU environmental policies for the international olive oil market on production and export competitiveness of developing countries. In particular, we focus our analysis on the agro-industrial sector in the Arab countries, and we take specific reference to the case of the olive oil agro-industrial sector in Syria. In the frame of a partial equilibrium trade model, we incorporate the “end-of-the-pipe” environmental policies which in turn enhance the productivity of the polluting input. Moreover, a part of the burden of environmental compliance may be shifted onto foreign consumers. The most novel part of our model consists of the augmented effect of compliance with environmental policies, which includes not only the standard impact on the effective product price, but also on the input shadow price. The empirical findings, based on Syrian data, provide strong support to the Porter Hypothesis and its application to international markets for agro-industrial products. Accordingly, the study disproves the legitimacy of concerns that stricter environmental policies in developing economies may have negative impacts on their production and export competitiveness. In contrast, our results show that compliance with environmental policies under the large country assumption has positive effects on their international competitiveness of environmentally sensitive sectors, in particular. Therefore, the policy implications suggest the implementation of strict environmental regulatory policies supporting environmentally sound technologies.
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Trees : the building blocks of a global bio-economyde la Roche, Ian 02 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Turizmo paslaugų kokybės poveikis jų konkurencingumui (VŠĮ „Kelmės turizmo ir verslo informacijos centras“ pavyzdžiu) / The influence of a tourism service quality to service competitiveness (The case of Kelme tourism and business information centerVaitkevičiūtė, Asta 02 June 2009 (has links)
Turizmo paslaugų kokybės poveikis jų konkurencingumui. Sunku įvertinti nuostolius, patiriamus dėl blogos kokybės. Tai papildomos išlaidos klaidoms taisyti, darbo laiko dėl blogo procesų organizavimo švaistymas ir, žinoma, galimybių praradimas, įmonės reputacijos blogėjimas, klientų praradimas. Nuostolių dėl blogos kokybės eliminavimas yra galimybė sumažinti paslaugos kūrimo bei teikimo išlaidas ir pasiekti didesnį veiklos efektyvumą.
Didėjantis turizmo verslo vaidmuo tiek pasaulio, tiek šalies ekonomikoje verčia naujai pergalvoti šios ekonomikos šakos svarbą ir vaidmenį šalies ekonominiame augime ir pasverti, ar viskas yra daroma iš turizmo organizatorių pusės, kad būtų adekvačiai atsakyta į globaliniu mastu keliamą iššūkį toliau efektyviai plėtoti šį verslą ir maksimaliai išnaudoti jo teikiamas galimybes šalies gerovei kelti. Lietuvoje turizmo informacijos centruose vis dar pasitaiko įvairių nemalonių netikėtumų, dėl kurių turizmo informacijos centrų klientai vis dar nesulaukia jiems norimų – kokybiškų paslaugų. Turizmas yra itin plati sritis, todėl turizmo informacijos centro darbuotojams yra tikras iššūkis ne tik žinoti, bet ir perteikti šalies kultūrą, apgyvendinimo bei transporto galimybes, turizmo išteklius ir jų ypatumus bei daug kitos informacijos, todėl kokybiškos turizmo informacijos teikimas – tai nauja galimybė įgyvendinti klientų lūkesčius bei poreikius ir prisidėti prie Lietuvos turizmo plėtros.
Šio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti ir įvertinti VšĮ „Kelmės turizmo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The influence of tourism service quality to competitiveness. It is difficult to evaluate losses, suffered due to bad quality. This means extra expenses to correct the mistakes, wasting time due to inappropriate processing of work organization and losing opportunities and decreasing the enterprise image and loss of customers. The elimination of losses, caused by bad quality, means lower expenses of making a service and achieving better effectiveness of the work.
The increasing importance of the tourism business in the world and country markets, makes us re-think the role of this business and ensure that everything is done to continue its spread effectively and maximize the use of its opportunities in the global world to improve the life quality.
Customers of Lithuanian tourism information centers still face the different matters of inappropriate service quality. Tourism is a very wide field, so the employees of these Centers have to have the abilities to convey the country culture, accommodation and transport possibilities, tourism resources and their uniqueness and plenty of other information. So, the good quality services may help to implement the expectations and needs and contribute to the spread of Lithuania tourism. The goal of this works is to analyze and evaluate the Public Institution „Kelme Tourism and Business Information Centre“ services, define the improvement methods and possibilities of increasing its competitiveness. The tasks of this work are: describe the... [to full text]
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Learning to Be (come) A Good European : A Critical Analysis of the Official European Union Discourse on European Identity and Higher EducationJohansson, Jonna January 2007 (has links)
During the year 2007, when this thesis was completed, the European Union could look backat fifty years of collaboration, which began with the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957and which has developed from being mainly economic in character to incorporating a politicalas well as a social dimension at the European level. In 2007 the European Union alsocommemorated the twentieth anniversary of Erasmus, its higher education mobilityprogramme. It is this relatively new political dimension which I have been interested ininvestigating in this thesis. More precisely it is the political construction of a commonEuropean identity which is analysed using a critical discourse analysis approach.The majoraim of this thesis has been two-fold. The first aim has been to investigate how the European isconstructed in the discourse contained within the official European Union policy documents. Ihave been interested in analysing the various structures, in the form of ideas and norms whichare used in order to construct ‘the European’. The second aim has been to explore whether therole of higher education, as constructed in the official European Union discourse, is given asimilar identity-making role as education is argued to have in the nation-state according to thetheory on national identity. I argue that there are three version of European identityconstruction, i.e. cultural, civic, and neo-liberal, with their own relationship to highereducation, present in the empirical material analysed, consisting of official European Uniondocuments. Further, this thesis is also a study of the power of modern government. I arguethat there is an increase in normative soft power where ‘The Good European’ is notsomething ‘you’ are but something ‘you’ become by being a responsible active citizen.Through the use of critical discourse analysis I illuminate the power which resides in thelanguage in the discourse analysed. Thus, I have been interested in investigating how theofficial European Union discourse on European identity and higher education works to bothinclude and exclude individuals.
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