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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Elitist Strategy to the Design of Active Vibration controller for Linear Motors Position Plain

Chen, Yih-Ren 05 July 2001 (has links)
We use the adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation, elitist strategy, and extinction and immigration strategy to improve the simple genetic algorithm in this study. We expect that the search technique can avoid falling into the local maximum due to the premature convergence, and the chance of finding the near-optimal parameter in the larger searching space could be obviously increased. The accelerometer is then taken as the sensor for output measurement, and the designed actuator and digital PID controller is implemented to actively suppress the vibration of the plain that is due to the excitation effect of the high-speed and precision positioning of the linear motor. From the computer simulations and the experimented results, it is obvious that the near-optimal digital PID controller designed by modified genetic approach can improve the effect of vibration suppression; the settling time is also decrease. For the vibration suppressions of high-speed precision positioning problems, the vibrating plain system can fastly be stabilized.

Hybrid Fuzzy PID Controller with Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for the Position Control of Linear Motors

Chen, Yi-Kuang 01 July 2003 (has links)
Abstract This thesis studies on the design of hybrid fuzzy PID controller via genetic algorithms and the position control of linear DC motors. Due to the high precision and high speed positioning ability, linear DC motors have been widely used in many fields. However, with the higher requirements of positioning accuracy, the effect of nonlinear friction becomes very significant. Because of the large difference between dynamic friction in macrodynamic region and static friction in microdynamic region, we design the two-stage controller for positioning in macrodynamic and microdynamic stage individually. In the macrodynamic stage, we use the hybrid fuzzy PID controller and finding the optimal membership functions and scaling factors of the controller via adaptive genetic algorithms to enhance performance of the system. A novel formula for calculating adaptive crossover and mutation rate is also presented. Since it is not easy to establish a precise static friction model in the microdynamic region, the relay feedback method is adopted to design PID controllers. Finally, through computer simulations and experiments, it is obviously that the performance of the proposed controllers is satisfactor

Design of the nth Order Adaptive Integral Variable Structure Derivative Estimator

Shih, Wei-Che 17 January 2009 (has links)
Based on the Lyapunov stability theorem, a methodology of designing an nth order adaptive integral variable structure derivative estimator (AIVSDE) is proposed in this thesis. The proposed derivative estimator not only is an improved version of the existing AIVSDE, but also can be used to estimate the nth derivative of a smooth signal which has continuous and bounded derivatives up to n+1. Analysis results show that adjusting some of the parameters can facilitate the derivative estimation of signals with higher frequency noise. The adaptive algorithm is incorporated in the estimation scheme for tracking the unknown upper bounded of the input signal as well as their's derivatives. The stability of the proposed derivative estimator is guaranteed, and the comparison between recently proposed derivative estimator of high-order sliding mode control and AIVSDE is also demonstrated.

Using Artificial Neural Networks for Admission Control in Firm Real-Time Systems

Helgason, Magnus Thor January 2000 (has links)
<p>Admission controllers in dynamic real-time systems perform traditional schedulability tests in order to determine whether incoming tasks will meet their deadlines. These tests are computationally expensive and typically run in n * log n time where n is the number of tasks in the system. An incoming task might therefore miss its deadline while the schedulability test is being performed, when there is a heavy load on the system. In our work we evaluate a new approach for admission control in firm real-time systems. Our work shows that ANNs can be used to perform a schedulability test in order to work as an admission controller in firm real-time systems. By integrating the ANN admission controller to a real-time simulator we show that our approach provides feasible performance compared to a traditional approach. The ANNs are able to make up to 86% correct admission decisions in our simulations and the computational cost of our ANN schedulability test has a constant value independent of the load of the system. Our results also show that the computational cost of a traditional approach increases as a function of n log n where n is the number of tasks in the system.</p>

Ett företags motiv vid tillsättandet av en controller / A company's motives when appointing a controller

Lavelius, Sofie, Hallbäck, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
<p>Controllerrollen har sitt ursprung i USA där den verkade i de amerikanska järnvägsbolagen under 1800-talet . Termen kom sedan till Sverige runt 1970-talet då intresset för en controller ökade i Europa. Behovet av controllerfunktionen har ökat bland annat beroende på en ökad decentralisering, som medför ett behov av exempelvis information kring företagets ekonomi till flera nivåer.</p><p>I och med att omvärlden förändras så måste även företagen förändras. För att kunna behålla sin konkurrenskraft har ekonomistyrningen samt controllerrollen hamnat mer i fokus. Controllerns arbetsuppgifter har gått från att enbart vara inriktad mot bokföring till att ha en mer verksam roll i ledningsgruppen. När det anses otydligt vad en controller egentligen ska arbeta med blir det svårare för företagen att själva förstår motivet till varför de tillsätter en controller. Detta är viktigt för att de ska få den controllerroll de söker. Många företag söker en strategisk kompetens när de ska tillsätta en controller men ibland visar det sig att arbetsgivaren egentligen vill ha en klassisk rapporteringsekonom. Företagen måste förstå vilket kompetens den controller de söker ska ha.</p><p>Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva de motiv till varför företag väljer att tillsätta en controller samt hur motiven påverkar controllerns placering i organisationen. Vi kommer även att beskriva vilken kompetens och erfarenhet företagen eftersökte samt vilka arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden controllern ska ha enligt företagen. Dessa två underfrågor ska stärka våra huvudfrågor. Vi kommer att utgå denna studie från den kvalitativa metoden. Datainsamlingen kommer att ske med hjälp av intervjuer med personer som varit med om att besluta kring tillsättandet av controllern i ett fåtal företag. Några företag, vilka inte ännu valt att tillsätta en controller, ingår också i studien för att även belysa hur företaget tänker innan de väljer att tillsätta en controller. För att stärka resultatet från intervjuerna har vi har även valt att använda oss av platsannonser i vår empiri för att se vad företagen anser att controllerns arbetsuppgifter är samt vilka behov de vill få uppfyllda med hjälp av controllern. Den teoretiska referensramen i studien baseras främst på ett antal böcker samt vetenskapliga artiklar, som beskriver ekonomistyrning samt controllerns roll och utveckling genom tiderna.</p>

Controlling a Robot Hand in Simulation and Reality

Birgestam, Magnus January 2008 (has links)
<p>This master thesis was made at the Institute of Technology Stockholm and is a part of a robot hand project called 10-X with the aim to develop a low-cost robot hand that is light and strong.</p><p>The project specification is to further improve the ability to control the robot hand in a user friendly way. This has been done by implementing a controller, earlier used and developed at KTH, which is intuitive and easy to customize after the needs in different kinds of grasps. To make the controller easy to use an user interface has been made.</p><p>Before the implementation of the controller was made on the real hand it was tested and development on a simulation created in MATLAB/simulink with help from a graphic physics engine called GraspIt! The movement of the robot finger is effected of the force from a leaf spring and a tendon that bends the finger. Also the finger is exposed of contact forces and all these components had to be modeled in the simulation to make the finger act properly.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete är genomfört på KTH Stockholm och är en del av ett projekt, kallat 10-X, vars syfte är att utveckla och ta fram en robothand som är lätt och stark samtidigt som den är billig.</p><p>Projektets målsättning är att vidare förbättra och utveckla möjligheten att kontrollera robothanden på ett användarvänligt sätt. Detta har gjorts genom att implementera en regulator, tidigare utvecklad och använd på KTH, som är instruktiv och lätt att anpassa efter olika typer av grepp. För att göra regulatorn enkel att använda har ett användargränssnitt skapats.</p><p>Innan regulatorn implementerades på den riktiga robothanden utvecklades och testades den på en simuleringsmodell, skapad i MATLAB/simulink med hjälp av en grafisk fysikmotor GraspIt! Rörelsen hos ett robotfinger påverkas av krafter från en bladfjäder och den lina som böjer fingret. Fingret utsätts också för kontaktkrafter och alla dessa komponenter blev modellerade i simulatorn för att få fingret att bete sig korrekt.</p>

Integration av AJAX i JDP : En studie i hur WM-data kan utveckla modelleringsstödet i ett webbramverk

Carlsson, Arthur January 2008 (has links)
<p>På WM-data har man utvecklat ett ramverk som heter Java Development Platform med avsikt att modellera större delar av ett system och därmed minska mängden kod som måste skrivas för hand. Ramverket baseras helt på existerande öppna lösningar och används vid utveckling av webbaserade system och skapar en skiktat lösning med en webbapplikation som presentationslager. Problemet är att webbapplikationen har kommit att bli väldigt svår att modellera i enhet med resten av systemet framför allt på grund av den hårda kopplingen till Struts-ramverket. Samtidigt har man börjat få upp ögonen för AJAX och vad det skulle kunna tillföra ramverket.</p><p>Examensarbetet fokuserar på att utreda de problem som existerar i ramverket samt undersöka integrationen av AJAX ur en synvinkel som gynnar dagens lösning. Detta görs genom litteraturstudier, laborationer och genom att undersöka existerande ramverk och plattformar som löser liknande problem. Fokus ligger även på hur AJAX kan användas för att lösa problemen i modelleringen.</p><p>Resultatet av arbetet mynnar ut i en analys som behandlar de aspekter som krävs för att AJAX ska kunna bli en del av JDP-ramverket. Analysen innefattar också synen på hur AJAX skulle kunna användas för att underlätta modelleringen av webbapplikationen utan att införa något nytt modelleringsverktyg, det vill säga att UML fortfarande kan användas.</p> / <p>At the WM-data company a framework called Java Development Platform has been developed with the intention of developing a system by first modelling and generating a major part of it instead of handwriting everything from scratch. The framework is based solely on existing open source solutions and is used for developing layered web based systems with the web application as the presentation layer. The problem is that the web application has become very difficult to model in the same way as the rest of the system especially due to the tight coupling between the model and the Struts framework. At the same time, AJAX has been getting more and more attention for its application areas as well as how it can be used to solve the problems with modelling the web application.</p><p>The thesis intends to focus on researching the existing problems in the framework as well as investigate the integration of AJAX from a standpoint that the framework can benifit from. This is done through literature studies, laborations and by looking at existing frameworks and platforms that aim to solve problems like the ones in JDP. The focus also lies on how AJAX can be used to solve the problems with modelling the web application.</p><p>As a result, the thesis ends in an analysis which considers the aspects needed for implementing AJAX into the JDP framework. The analysis also discusses how AJAX can be used to facilitate the modelling of the web application without having to model it in another way other than through UML diagrams.</p>

Evaluation of Model-Based Testing on a Base Station Controller

Trimmel, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
<p>This master thesis investigates how well suited the model-based testing process is for testing a new feature of a Base Station Controller. In model-based testing the tester designs a behavioral model of the system under test, or some part of the system. This model is then given to a test generation tool that will analyze the model and produce interesting test cases. These test cases can either be run on the system in an automatic or manual way depending on what type of setup there is.</p><p>In this report it is suggested that the behavioral model should be produced in as early a stage as possible and that it should be a collaboration between the test team and the design team.</p><p>The advantages with the model-based testing process are a better overview of the test cases, the test cases are always up to date, it helps in finding errors or contradictions in requirements and it performs closer collaboration between the test team and the design team. The disadvantages with model-based testing process are that it introduces more sources where an error can occur. The behavioral model can have errors, the layer between the model and the generated test cases can have errors and the layer between the test cases and the system under test can have errors. This report also indicates that the time needed for testing will be longer compared with manual testing.</p><p>During the pilot, when a part of a new feature was tested, of this master thesis a test generation tool called Qtronic was used. This tool solves a very challenging task which is generating test cases from a general behavioral model and with a good result. This tool provides many good things but it also has its shortages. One of the biggest shortages is the debugging of the model for finding errors. This step is very time consuming because it requires that a test case generation is performed on the whole model. When there is a fault in the model then this test generation can take very long time, before the tool decides that it is impossible to cover the model.</p><p>Under the circumstances that the Qtronic tool is improved on varies issues suggested in the thesis, one of the most important issues is to do something about the long debugging time needed, then the next step can be to use model-based testing in a larger evaluation project at BSC Design, Ericsson.</p>

CAN (Control Area Network) üzerinden PIC programlama /

Ünal, İlker. Kutlu, Akif. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elektronik Bilgisayar Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı, 2006. / Kaynakça var.

Control performance assessment of run-to-run control system used in high-mix semiconductor manufacturing

Jiang, Xiaojing 04 October 2012 (has links)
Control performance assessment (CPA) is an important tool to realize high performance control systems in manufacturing plants. CPA of both continuous and batch processes have attracted much attention from researchers, but only a few results about semiconductor processes have been proposed previously. This work provides methods for performance assessment and diagnosis of the run-to-run control system used in high-mix semiconductor manufacturing processes. First, the output error source of the processes with a run-to-run EWMA controller is analyzed and a CPA method (namely CPA I) is proposed based on closed-loop parameter estimation. In CPA I, ARMAX regression is directly applied to the process output error, and the performance index is defined based on the variance of the regression results. The influence of plant model mismatch in the process gain and disturbance model parameter to the control performance in the cases with or without set point change is studied. CPA I method is applied to diagnose the plant model mismatch in the case with set point change. Second, an advanced CPA method (namely CPA II) is developed to assess the control performance degradation in the case without set point change. An estimated disturbance is generated by a filter, and ARMAX regression method is applied to the estimated disturbance to assess the control performance. The influence of plant model mismatch, improper controller tuning, metrology delay, and high-mix process parameters is studied and the results showed that CPA II method can quickly identify, diagnose and correct the control performance degradation. The CPA II method is applied to industrial data from a high-mix photolithography process in Texas Instruments and the influence of metrology delay and plant model mismatch is discussed. A control performance optimization (CPO) method based on analysis of estimated disturbance is proposed, and optimal EWMA controller tuning factor is suggested. Finally, the CPA II method is applied to non-threaded run-to-run controller which is developed based on state estimation and Kalman filter. Overall process control performance and state estimation behavior are assessed. The influence of plant model mismatch and improper selection of different controller variables is studied. / text

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