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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An educational law perspective on educator professionalism / Tladi Petros Taunyane

Taunyane, Tladi Petros January 2006 (has links)
This research study deals mainly with the educator professionalisation in the post democratic South Africa, paying attention to the role of a professional council in promoting educator professionalism. The status and image of teaching in this country seem to have been viewed From the racial and cultural differences of communities previously. The democratic dispensation brought an end to this unfair racial and cultural discrimination in the education system through the establishment of a non-racial professional council for educators (i.e. SACE). The research aims are to determine: - The characteristics of a professions and those needed for educator professionalism; and - the role of the a professional council in promoting educator professionalisation. In order to attain the above-mentioned research aims, a literature review and an empirical investigation were undertaken. The literature study was used to clarify concepts such as occupation, semi-profession, profession, professionalisation and professional status. Secondly, characteristics or common features associated with traditional models of professions (ie. accounting, law and medicine) were discussed from a theoretical point of view. Lastly, the literature study highlighted the establishment of professional councils for educators in other parts of the world, including South Africa. The different forms of legislation and policy documents applicable in education were discussed. In order to determine the extent to which teaching adheres to or fulfils the characteristics associated with a profession, teaching was tested against these characteristics. The history of the establishment of SACE was briefly discussed and the objectives or role of this organisation in educator professionalisation concluded this chapter. The empirical research was conducted by using the questionnaire as a measuring instrument. The advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaire as measuring instrument were highlighted. The target population comprises of 239 educators from a total population of 2070 educators in Lejweleputswa and Northern Free State Education Districts -Free State Province. The data collected in the investigation was processed through the SAS computer package to establish frequencies and percentages of responses mean scores ranking, t-test procedures and the effect sizes. The results were then presented tables, analysed and interpreted in accordance with the literature study. The literature study revealed that like all other occupations, teaching aspires to attain recognition and status as a profession. It was also revealed that teaching partially satisfy characteristics associated with professions. The empirical study revealed that the employment of un- or under qualified educators is still prevalent in South African schools. In the last chapter, Chapter 5, conclusions from the literature review and empirical investigation were drawn. The recommendations with regard to the role of SACE in educator professionalisation were provided. Finally based on the research, future research studies in SACE and educator professionalism were recommended. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Från E till A, den nya betygsskalan i teater. : En studie om kunskapskraven i Scenisk gestaltning 1

Lange, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Att undervisa i teaterämnet på gymnasiet innebär bedömning och betygssättning. Betygssättning är en komplex uppgift särskilt när det gäller sceniska uttryck eftersom de involverar tycke och smak eller det som Shifra Schonman kallar för magkänsla (Schonman 2007). Med gymnasiereformen 2011 följde ny läroplan, nya kursplaner och en ny betygsskala. De nya styrdokumenten krävde att teaterlärare reflekterade över sina bedömnings- och betygssättningsprocesser på ett nytt sätt. Den nya betygsskalan skiljer sig radikalt från den tidigare. I kursen Scenisk gestaltning 1 är kunskapskraven långt fler och definierar kunskapsprogressionen på detaljnivå. Det innebar helt nya krav på elevers prestationer och färdigheter vilket låg i linje med en skoldiskurs som främst utbildningsminister Jan Björklund har fört som en konsekvens av Sveriges allt sämre resultat i PISA-undersökningarna. Riskerar denna diskurs genom högre krav, fler prov och noggrann dokumentation av elevers resultat att påverka teaterundervisningens innehåll? Syftet med min undersökning har varit att från ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv se om Skolverkets riktlinjer och direktiv inför formuleringarna av de nya styrdokumenten var uttryck för skoldiskursens styrande kraft. Med avstamp i en semiotisk läsning av Eugène Ionescos Den skalliga primadonnan, med Michel Foucaults maktbegrepp som teoretisk grund och Norman Faircluoghs kritiska diskursanalys samt Michael Polaniys teori om den tysta dimensionen, har min avsikt varit att problematisera den nya betygsskalans detaljerade kunskapskrav som verktyg för bedömning i kursen Scenisk gestaltning 1. Jag ville därmed kasta ett nytt ljus på betygens roll i teaterämnet och undersöka om detaljerade värdemarkörer som skiljer olika betygssteg från varandra, riskerar att inskränkta på lärarens frirum i bedömning av gestaltande processer.

A methodological approach for indicator-based sustainable transport assessment

Castillo, Nicodemus Herb January 2004 (has links)
Sustainable transport is now a popular goal of transport planning. As with any aspiration, systems and mechanisms are required to assess and gauge success in achieving this policy goal. There is increasing reliance on sustainable transport indicators as appropriate tools for this purpose. The usefulness and credibility of any indicator-based assessment will undoubtedly depend on the specific indicators utilised. As such, indicators must be selected carefully to maximise their contribution to the sustainable transport decision making process. A review of current applications of sustainable transport indicators has revealed however, that they are typically selected in an ad hoc and arbitrary fashion. Development of a framework that facilitates transparent and systematic indicator selection would therefore represent a significant advance in transport research. In that regard, this thesis presents the Evaluative and Logical Approach to Sustainable Transport Indicator Compilation (ELASTIC), a methodological framework which provides a flexible, participatory and systematic mechanism for identifying and selecting key sustainable transport indicators. The output of ELASTIC is the Transport Sustainability Profile (TSP), a small un-aggregated suite of sustainable transport indicators which together can provide a snapshot of the sustainability of a transport system. Using various multi-criteria and statistical techniques, ELASTIC applies a robust process to evaluate and select indicators based on their analytical soundness and their relevance to key objectives of sustainable transport. A generic and transferable tool, ELASTIC is capable of application at different geographical scales as well as to non-transport sustainability assessment. For the purpose of this research, the framework is demonstrated through application to England, UK where the judgements of relevant Academics and Transport Planners are elicited and entered into the ELASTIC framework to systematically select a subset of 15 indicators from an initial set of 200. By disaggregating the sample of stakeholders into regional groupings, different context-specific suites of indicators for the regional groupings were also derived. The demonstration confirms ELASTIC to be an inclusive and practical approach to compiling a suite of sustainable transport indicators specific to context and which reflects the unique values of key stakeholders.

Stakeholder Views on Project Success : Cross Sector Social Partnerships

Pardede, Nova, Salinas, Patricia January 2013 (has links)
Cross sector social partnerships have been increasingly used as vehicles to address societal issues. However the practices are poorly understood and lacking transferability. One of the challenges relates to evaluating the success of cross sector social partnership projects through a stakeholder perspective. This thesis aims to examine how the different stakeholders perceive and assess project success by examining a case in a tripartite cross sector social partnership project named Umeå Interactive Recycling Room. Seven interviews with representatives from five participating organisations and project archival documents were analysed for the purpose of this thesis. The study reveals that stakeholders assessed success in multiple dimensions using short and long-term perspectives. The success criteria tend to be related to the value creation concept of the project which can be categorised into outcome, organisational benefits, product, and learning perspectives. The study also reveals that the stakeholders did not assess success using the traditional project management measures of time, cost, and scope. Furthermore, project success was assessed multiple times, both during the project life and post the project life with the evaluation means that can differ from informal ways to more formal ways. Overall, the findings suggest that connections exist between the success criteria, the timing of the project being assessed, and the role of the stakeholders in the partnership.

Elevers värderingar om bedömning och uppfattningar om betyg : En kvantitativ studie om betygskriterier, planering och betyg

Lindahl (Jansson), Jessika January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate students' perception of their grades in relation to the grading criteria in physical education. To investigate this used issues: how values and experience rating criteria? How do students their teachers' planning of lessons? How do students grading assessment in physical education and what they believe is important? The method used was a questionnaire with closed questions. The answers were given on a six-point scale, ranging from 1 = "not true" to 6 = "totally agree". In a qualitative analysis of the quantitative material. It was converted to the response boxes; does not agree, just agree, doubtful, sometimes / part, consistent and nearly unanimous. The subjects were students in grades six to nine at a secondary school. Of the school's approximate 700 students, chose 662 students chose to participate. The results of how students value the experience and planning of lessons in physical education was answered in two questions in the questionnaire. One, if they feel they've got a plan, and the other if they feel that they may be involved in the lessons of the design. These questions showed that 61% of students were in favor of the two statements. When asked if the students received a planning, it showed scattered results where 25.1% said, do not match, and 19.9%  are fully consistent. Students who responded to the survey believe that the most important thing for a good grade in physical education is the student's individual development, to do their best, good attendance and being positive in class. The conclusion is that when our students are graded criteria, it may be important to clarify these for students to understand the various criteria. Students who understand the grading criteria in theory do not always understand them in practice. A teacher can make use of peer assessment, thus increasing understanding in practice. Keywords: physical education and health, planning, grading, grading criteria and assessment / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka elevers uppfattning om sina betyg i förhållande till betygskriterierna i idrott och hälsa. För att undersöka detta användes frågeställningarna; hur värderar och upplever elever betygskriterierna? Hur värderar elever sin lärares planering av lektioner? Hur värderar elever betyg och bedömning i idrott och hälsa och vad anser de är viktigt? Metoden som användes var en enkät med slutna frågor. Svaren gavs på en sexgradig skala, från 1 = ”stämmer ej” till 6 = ”helt överens”. Vid en kvalitativ analysmetod av det kvantitativa materialet omvandlades svarsrutorna till; ej överens, knappt överens, tveksamt, ibland/en del, stämmer nästan och helt överens. Försökspersonerna var elever i årskurs sex till nio på en högstadieskola. Av skolans drygt 700 elever valde 662 elever att delta. Resultatet på hur eleverna värderar och upplever planering av lektioner i idrott och hälsa besvarades av två frågor i enkäten. Den ena om de upplever att de fått en planering och den andra om de känner att de får vara delaktiga i lektioners utformning. Dessa frågor visade att 61 % av eleverna var positiva till de två påståendena. På frågan om eleverna fått en planering visade ett spritt resultat där 25,1 % svarade stämmer ej överens och 19,9 % stämmer helt överens. Eleverna som svarade på enkäten anser att det viktigaste för ett bra betyg i idrott och hälsa är elevens individuella utveckling, att göra sitt bästa, bra närvaro och att vara positiva på lektionerna. Slutsatsen är att när våra elever får betygskriterier kan det vara viktigt att tydliggöra dessa för att eleverna ska förstå de olika kriterierna. Eleverna som förstår betygskriterierna i teorin förstår dem inte alltid i praktiken. En lärare kan använda sig av kamratbedömning för att på så sätt öka förståelsen även i praktiken.     Nyckelord: idrott och hälsa, planering, betyg, betygskriterier och bedömning / <p>Studiegång Idrott, fritidskultur och hälsa. Ht 2012</p>

Daugiatikslis pastatų projektavimas vertinant gaisro riziką / Multi-criteria design of building by applying fire risk assessment

Balčius, Justinas 27 January 2014 (has links)
Šio baigiamojo magistro darbo tikslas yra patobulinti kiekybinį pastatų gaisrinės saugos ir rizikos vertinimą, įtraukiant gaisrinės saugos (rizikos) rodiklius į daugiatikslės analizės uždavinius. Darbą sudaro dvi pagrindinės dalys. Pirmoje teorinėje darbo dalyje aprašomi kiekybinio gaisro rizikos vertinimo modeliai, gaisro rizikos privalumai ir trūkumai, daugiatikslės analizės modeliai, daugiatikslės analizės uždavinio sprendimas ir sprendimo kriterijai, aptariamas gaisrinės rizikos vertinimo ir daugiatikslės analizės derinimo poreikis. Antroje darbo dalyje yra sprendžiamas daugiatikslio pastato projektavimo uždavinys. Kaip uždavinio objektas pasirenkamas daugiaaukštis administracinis pastatas. Vertinamos trys skirtingos aukštų plano alternatyvos: atviro, koridorinio ir mišraus tipo. Taip pat šiame skyriuje yra apibrėžiami daugiatikslei analizei tinkantys gaisro rizikos rodikliai. Taikant kompiuterinį modeliavimą apskaičiuojami evakuacijos ir nepakeliamų sąlygų laikai, suskaičiuojami ekonominiai rodikliai ir apklausos būdu įvertinamas alternatyvių pastato aukštų patrauklumas. Visi šie rodikliai įtraukiami į daugiatikslės analizės uždavinį ir matematiniu būdu nustatoma geriausia alternatyva. Išsprendus uždavinį pateikiamos išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamas literatūros šaltinių sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 58 p. teksto be priedų, 22 iliustr., 11 lent., 52 biografiniai šaltiniai. / The aim of this postgraduate thesis is to improve quantitative building fire safety and risk assessment, including fire safety (risk) indicators in the analysis of multi-criteria tasks. The work consists of two main parts. The first part is theoretical, it describes the quantitative fire risk assessment models, fire risk advantages and disadvantages, multi-criteria analytical models as well as the solution of multi-criteria analysis problem and solution parameters. The assessment of fire risk and the need for conformance of the multi-criteria analysis is also discussed. The second part of the work, focuses on the multi-criteria building design task. A multi-storey office building has been selected as the task object. Three different floor plan types are evaluated: open space, one with the corridor and the mixed type. In addition fire risk indicators suitable for the multi-criteria analysis are defined in this section. Using computer modeling times of evacuation, unbearable conditions and economic indicators are calculated, then the attractiveness of alternative building storey is assessed according to a survey. All these indicators are included in the task of multiple-criteria analysis and the best solution is determined using mathematical method. After solving the task at the end of the paper findings and recommendations are presented followed by references. Thesis consist of: 58 p. text without appendixes,22 pictures, 11 tables, 52 bibliographical entries.

Computer Aided Noise Prediction In Heating, Ventilating And Air Conditioning Systems

Gungor, Faruk Emre 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims at preparing a user-friendly software tool for the prediction and analysis of the noise generated in Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems elaborating the standardized prediction formulae and data coming from the research studies. For the analysis portion of the software, different types of indoor noise criteria are introduced and implemented in the software to ease the investigation of the level and the quality of the sound perceived by the occupant in a room through such criteria. General software structure and implementation of HVAC elements are explained by different userinterface samples in the thesis. Several case studies are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the tool prepared in VISUAL BASIC programming language within the scope of the study.

Urban Convention Hotel Design Criteria And A Design Proposal For Ankara Case

Balikcioglu, Gizem 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
iv ABSTRACT URBAN CONVENTION HOTEL DESIGN CRITERIA AND A DESIGN PROPOSAL FOR ANKARA CASE Gizem, Balik&ccedil / ioglu M.Arch. / Department of Architecture Supervisor: Part-time Inst. ilhan Kural September, 2004 154 Pages The aim of this study is to define the design criteria for urban convention hotels based on national and international market trends. The second aim is to design an efficient, flexible, and valid convention hotel program for Ankara case based on this research. The existing hotel structures in Ankara are assumed to be insufficient to meet the convention requirements of international and national market needs. In the study, the space requirements of different markets and their program matrix reflected on major convention hotels in different continents are analyzed. The basic design criteria in terms of architectural space requirements and functional needs of the venues are defined. The economical, social and cultural impacts of the convention hotels in urban scale are listed in order to define a sustainable and efficient program in city scale. A feasibility study is done based on the space requirements, user groups and use frequencies of the convention venues in capital city. The second assumption of this study was that Ankara needed a 500 room convention hotel in order to accommodate the existing and future tourism stock of the city. A program based on the requirements of prior research is prepared and a design proposal is given for a site located in Ankara.

Assessment Of Vulnerability To Earthquake Hazards Using Spatial Multicriteria Analysis: Odunpazari, Eskisehir Case Study

Servi, Mehmet 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to develop a GIS methodology to assess urban vulnerability to earthquake through a spatial analytical procedure in which vulnerability is taught of as a spatial decision problem. The main concepts within the framework is vulnerability assessment. In its typology, the defined technology is highly current, emergent and necessary for the local goverments. Considering the discussions on subsidiarity for local area services such a knowledge is hoped to prove the capacity of local goverments. First earthquake losses were estimated. Earthquake loss estimation activities can be categorized into two series of phases: pre-disaster phase / risk assessment, mitigation management post- disaster phase / emergency and rehabilitation management Two methods were used in estimating the primary damages and losses due to earthquake. In the first method spatial multicriteria analysis was performed to assign a vulnerability value to each building. As a second method SRAS(Seismic Risk Analysis Software) was used. Besides criteria for social risks, criteria for systematic vulnerability, which may influence the emergency response and management activities following the earthquake, were also considered. Criteria standardization, weighting and combining were accomplished by means of multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) methods, the theoretical background being based on the multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT). Expert knowledge based analysis was used and also three different earthquake scenarios about Odunpazari were run on SRAS. After the aggregation of the vulnerability values from building scale to neighbourhood scale, the urban facilities were analysed. Results showed that, 1/3 of the neighborhoods in Odunpazari are vulnerable to any possible earthquake.


Tarkan, Yesim 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed at finding out ENG 101 instructors&rsquo / perceptions of the common ENG 101 writing exam grading criteria used in the Faculty of Academic English at Bilkent University. The main purpose of the study was to see what the instructors perceive as the positive and negative attributes of the criteria. Fifty five instructors were involved in the study. The data were collected through quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments. In order to collect data, the instructors were asked to fill in a questionnaire which consisted of both closed-ended response items using a likert-type scale and open-ended response items. Close-response items provided quantitative data and the qualitative data were derived from open-response items and the second instrument was interviews held with six volunteered instructors. The results showed that the instructors were mostly satisfied with the criteria in terms of its overall effectiveness, bands, and match between the course writing objectives and the criteria. However, the main problem found was about the equal weighting of the categories and the participants&rsquo / lack of belief that the criteria were applied in a standard way across the Faculty of Academic English program. Based on the findings, suggestions were made taking into consideration the instructors&rsquo / comments and evaluations.

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