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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The protection of transfrontier access rights : a comparative analysis of the relevant international legal frameworks

Büchele, Sandra January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Fracturing the facade : Exploring the impact of childhood sexual abuse

Dods, Virginia, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 2003 (has links)
Examination of previous empirical literature illustrates how researchers have concentrated on documenting the impact of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on the later psychological functioning of survivors, through comparisons with those who have not had such a history. Only more recently has there been a focus on assessing the relationship between aspects of the abuse and specific psychological difficulties. This thesis investigated the relationships between CSA characteristics and women’s later psychological adjustment. The role of attributions, coping methods, parenting competency and marital satisfaction were also investigated. Qualitative data on perception of benefit and general reflections of participants were used to explore participants’ self-esteem, locus of control, decisions relating to parenting, disclosure experiences, and attributions in relation to their abuse, including the search for meaning. Recruitment through newspapers and counselling services led to 118 women volunteering to complete a questionnaire evaluating the characteristics of their CSA and their current psychological adjustment. Of this group, 33 subsequently volunteered to participate in a telephone interview that explored in greater depth issues related to the long-term impact of their CSA. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted on the data. The women reported a high prevalence of dysfunction in their families of origin. Abuse had generally commenced by middle childhood, and lasted for a number of years and often involved a number of perpetrators. Perpetrators were most likely to be intrafamilial, with stepfathers being over-represented. Sexual activities generally involved physical contact, with participation often induced by the use of coercion. Participants demonstrated significant difficulties in psychological adjustment, but attributions regarding the abuse improved over time. Some concerns were expressed regarding parenting competency, and avoidant coping methods were favoured. In general, participants were satisfied with their current marital relationship. Significant associations were found between coping methods, attributional style, beliefs and various psychological adjustment measures. Participants, in general, demonstrated low self-esteem and displayed an external locus of control. As a consequence of their experience of CSA, many participants reported they had decided not to have children. For those who did have children, CSA was almost universally seen as having had an impact on their parenting. Disclosure of CSA was usually delayed for a number of years, with poor outcomes generally resulting from disclosure when it occurred. Women with current partners rated them as very caring and not controlling. Participants were generally still searching for meaning in their abuse, despite many having accepted it. Survivors outlined an extensive range of long-term effects of CSA, and nominated a number of strategies that would assist in reducing these effects. The results of the study indicated that there are a number of characteristics associated with CSA which signal a higher risk of difficulties in psychological adjustment. Concerns of survivors regarding parenting were confirmed according to those who undertook this role. Unfortunately, concerns expressed by survivors that disclosure of their CSA would have had negative consequences was usually the case when they did finally disclose. However, the accessing of social and family support appeared to have an important role in changing the attributions of survivors regarding their CSA. Furthermore, change of attributions in relation to abuse may provide the key to resilience in survivors against the negative impact of CSA on later psychological adjustment.

Motgångens möjligheter : en studie av ungdomars upplevelse av häktessituationen

Ericsson, Janna, Wennerstad, Cathrine January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to look into how detained swedish juveniles, in the ages between 15 an 20, experience time in custody. The primary questions are; To what exctent do juveniles understand their situation? To what exctent can juveniles handle their situation? Do the juveniles find meaning in their situation and if so, what aspects of the detention is considered meaningful? The study is based on seven qualitative interviews with young men detained at a youth custody ward at Kronobergshäktet in Stockholm. The theory used to analyze the interview results is Antonovskys theory of sence of coherence (SOC). A salient feature in the young mens experiences was that all of them had the ability to regard some of the aspects of the detention as meaningful. These positive aspects includes time for reflection and a possibility to break destructive patterns. Further more, it was evident that most of the respondents experienced that their lives contained elements of importance, such as family, education and future goals. Nevertheless, isolation, lack of contact with family and friends, powerlessness and worries about the future, were aspects of the detention that had a negative influence on all of the respondents in variyng degrees.</p>

En kvantitativ studie avseende kriminalvårdares empati

Arenander, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Empati har länge ansetts vara en god egenskap hos en medmänniska. Det definierats enligt Davis, som individers affektiva och fysiologiska reaktioner avseende någon annans fysiska och psykiska tillstånd. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns skillnader avseende empati hos individer beroende på olika faktorer. Huvudsyftet med studien var att se om kön, ålder, arbetsplats, antal år inom yrket samt föräldraskap påverkade kriminalvårdares empati. Deltagarna var kriminalvårdare (<em>N</em> = 90) som arbetade på en anstalt och ett häkte. Mätinstrumenten som användes var the Interpersonal Reactivity Index och Social Desirability Scale. Resultaten som erhölls visade att variablerna inte hade någon signifikant påverkan på kriminalvårdares empati. Detta tyder på att kriminalvårdare behåller distansen till klienterna. Det bör förtydligas att kriminalvårdarna inte saknade empati.</p>

Omedelbart omhändertagandeenligt 6 § LVU : -en granskning utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

McCormack, Maria, Nilsson, Sören January 2010 (has links)
<p>The main purpose of this study was to examine how social workers interpret and legally practice the 6 § LVU (Care of Young Person´s Act) in regards to legal cer-tainty. The papers intention was to investigate and describe the legal scopes limits and deficiencies, linked to practical social work. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method which implies to examine the law and its elaboration. The investi-gation was based on different court rulings of care of youths according mostly to 6 § LVU. Perusal and interpretation of the rulings have been necessary in order to clarify the issues. The investigation was also based on Professor Asbjørn Kjønstad's analysis method of social work. In addition to accomplish the purpose of the study following legal principles have been mentioned and used: objectivity principle, principle of le-gal certainty, principle of equal treatment, the official principle, principle of propor-tionality, the timeliness principle and the urgency principle. The analysis shows that 6 § LVU has deficiencies which leads to difficulties for social workers to interpret and use the law in practical social work. The total conclusion of this study is that 6 § LVU requires revision in order to ensure citizens legal certainty.</p>

Ett nedslag i den svenska kriminalvården : Kronobergshäktet i ett institutionellt perspektiv / A view into the Swedish prison and probation service : the custody of Kronoberg in an institutional perspective

Wennberg, Mathias January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent there is a discrepancy between the formal guiding documents and the employees experiences of the activity at Kronobergshäktet. Furthermore, is it possible that any discrepancy could be explained by institutional imbalance? My main theories are normative institutionalism and a modified type of institutional analysis. The model consists of three parts –values (a common value-system), rules and practice (the unpredictable reality) and it assumes a reciprocal relationship between them. In order to examine this I have used qualitative methods in form of interviews combined with an analysis of content. The normative institutionalism presupposes that the actors follow a logic of appropriateness in the interest of both the institution and the actor. According to the respondents, their performance is restrained by the influence from practice. I found that the respondents in their work can’t apply the common value-system in favour of the unpredictable practice. This means that the people detained do not receive the care they are entitled to in times of overcrowdment. Remarkable as it is, the respondents are well aware of what causes the problem; the overloaded custody and the influence from the unpredictable practice. The conclusion is that in times of overcrowded departments the custody is governed neither by rules or values but by practice.</p>

Barnperspektivet : i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesfrågor/-tvister / Child's perspective : in custody, residence and access issues/disputes

O'Shea, Ausra January 2009 (has links)
<p>De största konsekvenserna av föräldrarnas beslut att gå skilda vägar bär tredje part i familjen – barnen. Samtidigt är det de som har rätt till en trygg uppväxt och utveckling som skall tillgodoses av föräldrarna. Hur kan barnperspektiv framhållas och inte hamna i skuggan av de vuxnas perspektiv? Finns det klara linjer för hur barnperspektiv ska framhållas? Av vem kan barnen förvänta sig stöd under den svåra tiden? Hur kan den laddade situationen mellan föräldrarna som utspelas i vårdnads, boende och umgängestvister minskas? Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda vilken ställning barn som grupp har efter lagändringarna i föräldrabalken (FB) 1 juli 2006 i frågor/tvister rörande dem själva gällande vårdnad, boende och umgänge. I samband med det syftar jag också att utreda vem som ger familjen inklusive barnen stöd under den jobbiga perioden och vad som är de yrkesprofessionellas åsikter. Rätten till båda sina föräldrar, genom gemensam vårdnad eller växelvis boende, var och är en del av offentliga retoriken om barns uppväxt. Forskningsresultaten tvingar oss att inse att barn inte mår bra av att vara underställda föräldrarnas rättigheter framför deras skyldigheter och domstolsbeslut, på grund av att barn och föräldrarnas oenighet inte synliggörs och barn har ingen yttranderätt i civilrättsliga mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Jag har valt en kvalitativ design och ett icke- sannolikhets, målinriktad urval, halvstrukturerade intervju med yrkesprofessionella för att undersöka uppsatsens frågor.  Jag har använt rationell val teorin, kognitiva teorin, Meads rollövertagande teori och social konstruktivism teorin för resultatanalys. Man kan konstatera att barn som grupp fick mer inflytande efter lagändringar i FB 1 juli 2006 i frågor/tvister rörande dem själva om vårdnad, boende och umgänge, men detta inflytande är inte tillräckligt för att barnperspektivet inte riskerar att underställas de vuxnas perspektiv. För att förebygga detta behövs först och främst en tydlig definition av barns bästa och riktlinjer för att tolka denna. Tolkning är ett viktigt moment och omfattar barns rättsäkerhet. Tolkningen ska sammanfalla med barns bästa i slutändan men så är det inte alltid idag. Stödet från samhället för kärnfamiljer inklusive barn räcker inte till som både min studie och tidigare forskning har visat.</p> / <p>The biggest consequence of the parents’ decision to go separate ways bears the third part of the family- the children. Still it is they who have the right to a safe upbringing and development that should be satisfied by their parents. How can children's perspectives be stressed and not end up in the shadow of the parents perspective? Are there clear lines of how the child's perspective should be emphasized?  By whom can the children expect support during the difficult time? How can the ill-tempered situation between the parents concerning custody, housing and socializing disputes be reduced? The purpose of the paper is to investigate the status of children as a group, after legislative changes in the “Föräldrabalken” (FB) July 1, 2006 on matters /disputes relating to concerning custody, housing and socializing. In that context I also aims to investigate who gives the family (including children) support during the hard period and what are the opinion of the professionals. The right of both parents, joint custody and alternately living was and is a part of the public rhetoric about children's upbringing. The results of the research forces us to recognize that children do not feel well to be subject to the rights of parents over their obligations and court decisions, because the children and parents' disagreement is not visible and there are no rights for children to speak in civil cases concerning the custody, housing, socializing. I chose a qualitative design and a non-probability, purposeful sampling, semi-structured interview with professionals to examine the paper’s issues. I have used rational choice theory, cognitive theory, Meads taking over the role theory and social constructionist theory for performance analysis. It can be noted that children as a group had more influences after the legislative changes in “FB” July 1, 2006 in matters /disputes relating them about custody, housing and socializing, but this influence is not sufficient so the child's perspective will not likely to be overran by the adults perspective. To prevent this we first and foremost need a clear definition of the child's best and guidelines who to interpret it. Interpretation is an important moment, and includes children's legal rights. Interpretation should coincide with the children's best in the end, but it is not always the case today. The support today from society to families (including children) is not enough and that is shown both in my study and in previous research.</p>

Barnperspektivet : i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesfrågor/-tvister / Child's perspective : in custody, residence and access issues/disputes

O'Shea, Ausra January 2009 (has links)
De största konsekvenserna av föräldrarnas beslut att gå skilda vägar bär tredje part i familjen – barnen. Samtidigt är det de som har rätt till en trygg uppväxt och utveckling som skall tillgodoses av föräldrarna. Hur kan barnperspektiv framhållas och inte hamna i skuggan av de vuxnas perspektiv? Finns det klara linjer för hur barnperspektiv ska framhållas? Av vem kan barnen förvänta sig stöd under den svåra tiden? Hur kan den laddade situationen mellan föräldrarna som utspelas i vårdnads, boende och umgängestvister minskas? Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda vilken ställning barn som grupp har efter lagändringarna i föräldrabalken (FB) 1 juli 2006 i frågor/tvister rörande dem själva gällande vårdnad, boende och umgänge. I samband med det syftar jag också att utreda vem som ger familjen inklusive barnen stöd under den jobbiga perioden och vad som är de yrkesprofessionellas åsikter. Rätten till båda sina föräldrar, genom gemensam vårdnad eller växelvis boende, var och är en del av offentliga retoriken om barns uppväxt. Forskningsresultaten tvingar oss att inse att barn inte mår bra av att vara underställda föräldrarnas rättigheter framför deras skyldigheter och domstolsbeslut, på grund av att barn och föräldrarnas oenighet inte synliggörs och barn har ingen yttranderätt i civilrättsliga mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Jag har valt en kvalitativ design och ett icke- sannolikhets, målinriktad urval, halvstrukturerade intervju med yrkesprofessionella för att undersöka uppsatsens frågor.  Jag har använt rationell val teorin, kognitiva teorin, Meads rollövertagande teori och social konstruktivism teorin för resultatanalys. Man kan konstatera att barn som grupp fick mer inflytande efter lagändringar i FB 1 juli 2006 i frågor/tvister rörande dem själva om vårdnad, boende och umgänge, men detta inflytande är inte tillräckligt för att barnperspektivet inte riskerar att underställas de vuxnas perspektiv. För att förebygga detta behövs först och främst en tydlig definition av barns bästa och riktlinjer för att tolka denna. Tolkning är ett viktigt moment och omfattar barns rättsäkerhet. Tolkningen ska sammanfalla med barns bästa i slutändan men så är det inte alltid idag. Stödet från samhället för kärnfamiljer inklusive barn räcker inte till som både min studie och tidigare forskning har visat. / The biggest consequence of the parents’ decision to go separate ways bears the third part of the family- the children. Still it is they who have the right to a safe upbringing and development that should be satisfied by their parents. How can children's perspectives be stressed and not end up in the shadow of the parents perspective? Are there clear lines of how the child's perspective should be emphasized?  By whom can the children expect support during the difficult time? How can the ill-tempered situation between the parents concerning custody, housing and socializing disputes be reduced? The purpose of the paper is to investigate the status of children as a group, after legislative changes in the “Föräldrabalken” (FB) July 1, 2006 on matters /disputes relating to concerning custody, housing and socializing. In that context I also aims to investigate who gives the family (including children) support during the hard period and what are the opinion of the professionals. The right of both parents, joint custody and alternately living was and is a part of the public rhetoric about children's upbringing. The results of the research forces us to recognize that children do not feel well to be subject to the rights of parents over their obligations and court decisions, because the children and parents' disagreement is not visible and there are no rights for children to speak in civil cases concerning the custody, housing, socializing. I chose a qualitative design and a non-probability, purposeful sampling, semi-structured interview with professionals to examine the paper’s issues. I have used rational choice theory, cognitive theory, Meads taking over the role theory and social constructionist theory for performance analysis. It can be noted that children as a group had more influences after the legislative changes in “FB” July 1, 2006 in matters /disputes relating them about custody, housing and socializing, but this influence is not sufficient so the child's perspective will not likely to be overran by the adults perspective. To prevent this we first and foremost need a clear definition of the child's best and guidelines who to interpret it. Interpretation is an important moment, and includes children's legal rights. Interpretation should coincide with the children's best in the end, but it is not always the case today. The support today from society to families (including children) is not enough and that is shown both in my study and in previous research.

Motgångens möjligheter : en studie av ungdomars upplevelse av häktessituationen

Ericsson, Janna, Wennerstad, Cathrine January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to look into how detained swedish juveniles, in the ages between 15 an 20, experience time in custody. The primary questions are; To what exctent do juveniles understand their situation? To what exctent can juveniles handle their situation? Do the juveniles find meaning in their situation and if so, what aspects of the detention is considered meaningful? The study is based on seven qualitative interviews with young men detained at a youth custody ward at Kronobergshäktet in Stockholm. The theory used to analyze the interview results is Antonovskys theory of sence of coherence (SOC). A salient feature in the young mens experiences was that all of them had the ability to regard some of the aspects of the detention as meaningful. These positive aspects includes time for reflection and a possibility to break destructive patterns. Further more, it was evident that most of the respondents experienced that their lives contained elements of importance, such as family, education and future goals. Nevertheless, isolation, lack of contact with family and friends, powerlessness and worries about the future, were aspects of the detention that had a negative influence on all of the respondents in variyng degrees.

Barnets bästa : en studie i hur domstolen avgör frågor om umgänge när det har förekommit våld i familjen

Betelid, Erika, Egestrand, Carolina January 2011 (has links)
In many of the disputes concerning custody, residence and visitation determined by the court, some form of violence has been performed. The consequence of a child who has witnessed violence in their homes is a problem that is sometimes overlooked. It is not unusual that the violence will continue even after a separation. The law shows that the child´s need of both parents is to be met. This has according to previous studies resulted in the fact that courts do not always see visitation with a violent parent as a risk for the child. This is the reason why we wanted to investigate this further. The aim of our study was to examine and describe how courts argue for decisions regarding a child's contact with a parent who is suspected of having used violence in the family, based on current laws. The method of the study was document analysis and the material consisted of ten Swedish court cases from the years 2010 and 2011. The starting point of the analysis was the sociology of childhood together with the concepts “child’s perspective” and “the perspective of the child”. The court cases were analyzed on basis of the law, our analytical framework and previous research. Our study shows that the court considers it important for the child with a near and well contact with both parents. The results also show that the will of the child not seems as important to take into account as the child’s best interests or the risk that the child gets hurt.

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