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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vårdnadsöverflyttning eller återförening? : Socialtjänstens arbete med en motsägelsefull lagstiftning

Henriksen, Emma January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how the social services are applying the sections of the law concerning custody transfer within foster care. More specifically the aim was to find out what circumstances are underlying the social services decision to go through with a custody transfer within the foster care, and to find out which difficulties and possibilities the law offers when it comes to this process. The study was based on interviews with six respondents, within the social services, who have great experiences working with these issues. The study concluded that there are several factors which affects the decision whether to implement at custody transfer or not, and some of these are the child’s attachment, the child’s fundamental needs and consent from the involving parties in the case. The study also concluded that some of the difficulties with the process involve a contradictory law and the lack of support to the child´s new family after the custody transfer has been implemented.  Some of the positive aspects with custody transfer within the foster care, that the study showed, includes that the child get to live with the family the child regards as his or her own, and a reduced amount of concern and stress, to the benefit of a more stable and safe environment. The analysis was based on two different perspectives: the attachment theory and Maslow´s theory on the hierarchy of the human´s needs

A Father’s Right to his Child : In relation to the mother’s right to the child in custody feuds

Karlsson, Evelina, Rodriguez Escobar, Paola January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to to look deeper into the subject of father’s rights to his child in relation to the rights of the mother in custody feuds. The hypothesis was that fathers were being discriminated in relation to mothers when it came to child-custody. This research has been done as a literature study with content analysis. The study has used to theoretical concepts to guide the focus in the analysis. The theoretical concepts are: the concept of Rights and the Gender Role Concept. The main results of the study showed that men were not being discriminated in legal context. However, a secondary result was that men could be considered to be discriminated from a gender role perspective. Gender role constructions and inequality was found to have effect on the outcome in custody feuds.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av arbetet inom kriminalvården : en intervjustudie

Al-joumeyli, Rim Jasmin, Kraft, Amanda January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom kriminalvården har för tankar och upplevelser av att arbeta på ett häkte samt hur det känns att möta de intagna. Urval: Fem sjuksköterskor som arbetar på ett häkte i Sverige med minst 6 månaders erfarenhet. Metod: Deskriptiv kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Kvalitativ innehålls analys användes för analys av data. Resultat: Det framkom att sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom kriminalvården upplever sitt arbete som stimulerande och spännande. De upplever att mötet med de intagna går bra och oftast möts sjuksköterskorna av ett gott bemötande. En del av arbetet anser sjuksköterskorna vara påfrestande och ansvarskrävande då de bland annat har ansvar över suicidbedömningar av de intagna. Informanterna upplevde att arbetet kunde vara emotionellt påfrestande men att de ändå kunde hålla ett professionellt förhållningssätt. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna som ingår i denna studie anser att arbetet inom kriminalvården är ett givande arbete med varierande arbetsuppgifter och stor variation vad gäller de intagna. / Aim: To examine what thoughts and experiences nurses have that works in a correctional institution and have it feels to meet the inmates. Sample: Five nurses who work in a correctional institution with at least six months experience. Method: Descriptive qualitative study using semi-structured interviews were conducted. Qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis. Results: It was found that nurses working in a correctional institution find their work as stimulating and exciting. They feel that the meeting and the refutation with the inmates often is a good experience. Some of the work the nurses considered to be stressful and demanding accountability when they have particular responsibility for suicide assessments of the inmates. The informants felt that the work could be emotionally stressful, but they still could maintain a professional approach. Conclusion: The nurses in this study think that working as a nurse in the correctional institution is a rewarding job with varied tasks and great variation in the inmates.

Tingsrätten och familjerätten : - en rättsociologisk undersökning av barnets bästa i vårdnadstvister

Gutierrez-Thorsell, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ett rättsociologiskt perspektiv undersöka huruvida begreppet barnets bästa förverkligas i domstolars beslut samt familjerätters yttrande gällande vårdnadstvister. Uppsatsen söker vidare förklara lagrummets gränser avseende vårdnadstvister då domstolar och familjerätter samarbetar under speciella omständigheter. Åtta stickprovsutvalda rättsfall, med bifogat yttrande från socialnämnd, utgör grunden för studien. Den empiriska delen bygger inledningsvis på en delanalys i form av meningskoncentrering, för att övergå till att inringa särdrag i analyserad text med utgångspunkt i om och huruvida barnet har fått komma till tals. Barnets bästa tycks beaktas så långt det är möjligt i vårdnadstvister men begreppets innebörd har en tendens att tolkas av vuxna, vilket kan leda till att det definieras ur ett vuxenperspektiv istället för ett barnperspektiv. De professionella aktörerna har makt medan barnet har inskränkt handlingsförmåga i rätten, det råder en hierarki i vårdnadstvister. Barnets röst kan vara svår att urskilja då föräldrarnas konflikt har en tendens att dra allt fokus till sig.

En kvantitativ studie avseende kriminalvårdares empati

Arenander, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Empati har länge ansetts vara en god egenskap hos en medmänniska. Det definierats enligt Davis, som individers affektiva och fysiologiska reaktioner avseende någon annans fysiska och psykiska tillstånd. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns skillnader avseende empati hos individer beroende på olika faktorer. Huvudsyftet med studien var att se om kön, ålder, arbetsplats, antal år inom yrket samt föräldraskap påverkade kriminalvårdares empati. Deltagarna var kriminalvårdare (N = 90) som arbetade på en anstalt och ett häkte. Mätinstrumenten som användes var the Interpersonal Reactivity Index och Social Desirability Scale. Resultaten som erhölls visade att variablerna inte hade någon signifikant påverkan på kriminalvårdares empati. Detta tyder på att kriminalvårdare behåller distansen till klienterna. Det bör förtydligas att kriminalvårdarna inte saknade empati.

Market prospects for wood products certified for forest management and/or legality in Japan

Duran Rodriguez, Jorge Luis 05 1900 (has links)
Japan is one of the world’s major importers of wood products. Most of the wood entering the country is destined to Japan’s house building industry. However, Japan has been an indifferent market regarding demand of wood products certified for sustainable forest management. Current pressures that may indicate a shift in market conditions include: the recent economic recovery, increasing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and the new government’s public purchasing policies (PPP) titled Timber Procurement Policies. In order to assess the market prospect (in the next 5 years) for wood products certified as coming from sustainable and/or legal sources a study was completed focusing on Japanese home builders. Data was collected through a self administered mail survey of residential builders in Japan. Results show that there is a low level of understanding, as well as willingness to adopt, forest management certification among Japanese builders. Consequently, current market demand for certified products is low and builders expect little change in consumers’ demand for wood materials certified for sustainable management as well as those certified for legality in the next five years. Builders considered the most important potential drivers for increased demand for certified and/or legal wood products to be rigorously implemented public purchasing policies, followed by increasing final consumers’ demand and the growth in CSR. Builders also estimated that the positive impact of PPPs would be rather modest but widespread. Finally, builders indicated that PPPs would favour demand for certain product categories, such as: domestic wood, softwoods, wood from plantation and to a lesser degree wood from temperate forests.

Föräldrars upplevelse av insatsen föräldrakoordinator.

Aspén-Franzén, Annika January 2014 (has links)
Föräldrakoordination är en barnfokuserad alternativ konfliktlösningsmetod som praktiserats i Sverige sedan 2009. Denna intervjustudie har undersökt separerade föräldrars upplevelse av att få stöd i sitt föräldrasamarbete av en föräldrakoordinator. Intervjuer har genomförts med sju föräldrar som haft insatsen föräldrakoordinator under minst sex månader. Samtliga deltagande föräldrar har flera års erfarenhet av svårlösta konflikter med den andra föräldern och har tidigare provat andra former av konfliktlösningsinsatser. Resultaten visar att föräldrarna upplevt metoden som hjälpsam när det gäller att öka samarbetsförmågan, sänka konfliktnivån och förbättra barnens mående. Flertalet av de intervjuade föräldrarna beskriver att de upplevt att det framförallt varit hjälpsamt att få stöd med att strukturera kommunikationen dem emellan. Att ha tillgång till mer information om de gemensamma barnen har förbättrat såväl föräldraskapet som relationen till barnet. Att slippa sitta i gemensamma samtal, att få göra skriftliga överenskommelser och att föräldrakoordinatorn haft ett tydligt barnfokus i samtalen tas också upp som hjälpsamt. Föräldrarna beskriver att det för att nå dessa resultat är viktigt att föräldrakoordinatorn kan förhålla sig neutral i konflikten. / Parenting Coordination is a child-focused alternative dispute resolution approach practiced in Sweden since 2009. In this interview study separated parents experience of being supported in their parental cooperation by a parenting coordinator have been examined. Interviews have been conducted with seven parents who have had a Parenting Coordinator for at least six months. All participating parents have had several years of experience in an intractable conflict with the other parent, and has previously tried other forms of dispute solving measures. The results show that most parents have experienced that the method has been helpful when it comes to improving co-parenting skills, reducing conflict and improving the well-being of their children. The interviewed parents state that it has been most helpful to get support in structuring the communication with the other parent. Some say that having access to more information regarding common children improves parenting as well as the parent-child relationship. Not having to sit together in shared dialogue, getting help to make written agreements and the Parenting Coordinator having a clear child-focus in meetings are also addressed as helpful. Parents describe that in order to achieve said results it is important that the parenting-coordinator can remain neutral in the conflict.

Inlåst : Häktade personers upplevelser, samt kriminalvårdares erfarenhet av isoleringspåverkan / Locked up : A study of prisoners on remand and their experiences of the isolation, and prison officers experiences about isolation of detainees

Andersson, Catherine January 2014 (has links)
Undersökningen hade till syfte att undersöka och belysa häktade personers upplevelser av isoleringen som häktad. Syftet var även att belysa häktades isolering utifrån häktespersonals perspektiv. Detta för att få en fördjupad förståelse för isoleringen som socialt fenomen.  Då jag hade intresse av intervjupersonernas erfarenheter i form av ett utförligt berättande valdes kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med narrativ karaktär. I bearbetningen av empiri valdes kodning utifrån en hermeneutisk tradition. Jag arbetade i flera omgångar med empirin där kodning och analys var inspirerad av hermeneutiken. Detta gjordes för att korta ned text och finna intressanta och viktiga ord samt meningar som hermeneutiken sedan hjälper till att förklara. Teoretiska begrepp utgår berör bland annat skam/makt samt kriminell livsstil. Resultatet bygger på teman om de häktades tillvaro som inlåsta och därmed isolerade samt personalens bemötandes innebörd. Resultatet påvisade att häktade upplever tillvaron som frustrerande samt känslor så som ångest, maktlöshet och ovisshet genomsyrar vardagen. Detta på grund av begränsningar av frihet och självbestämmanderätten. Studien påvisar att intervjupersoner upplever häktestiden som jobbigast i början av vistelsen. De häktade verkar till synes komma in i rutiner samt finner egna strategier för att anpassa sig till situationen som inlåst. Känslor upplevs bli kraftigare i samband med inlåsningen och de häktade kan inte riktigt sätta fingret på varför det är på detta viset. Häktespersonalen försöker interagera med häktade genom simpla fraser i korridoren, stöttande samtal med upprörda individer samt störningsmoment för att även försöka finna de tysta. Även om den häktade ej är mottaglig samt ej vill ha kontakt med personal, genomför häktespersonalen ändock en insats som passar just den individen. / The study was intended to examine and elucidate detainees' experiences of isolation that detained. The aim was also to elucidate arrested insulation outside prison personnel perspective. This is to get a deeper understanding of the insulation as a social phenomenon. As I was interested in interviewees' experiences in the form of a detailed narrative a qualitative method was chosen in the form of interviews with the narrative character. In the processing of empiricism was coding chosen in combination with the hermeneutic tradition. I was working in several installments with empirical data where coding and analysis was inspired by hermeneutics. This was done to shorten the text and to find interesting and important words and sentences that hermeneutics then helps to explain.Theoretical concepts regards shame/power and also a criminal lifestyleamong other thing.  Results are based on themes related to the arrested existence as locked up and thus isolated and the meaning of prisonguards treatment towards arrested. The study indicates that respondents perceive detention time hardest at the beginning of the stay. The detainees appear to seemingly get into routines and find strategies to adapt to the situation as locked up. Emotions are perceived to be more strongly associated with the lock-in and the detainees can not quite put their finger on why it is this way. Custody staff are trying to interact with detainees through simple phrases in the hallway, supportive conversations with affected individuals and distraction to even try to find the quiet. Even if the arrestee is not responsive and not want to have contact with staff, conducts detention staff still an effort that suits the individual.

The protection of transfrontier access rights : a comparative analysis of the relevant international legal frameworks

Büchele, Sandra January 2004 (has links)
"Internal globalization" has become a common phenomenon which, among other things, has increased the number of mixed-national couples due to the greater mobility of people and the globalization of trade and commerce. Unanticipated difficulties can follow from the breakdown of such relationships for both children and parents if the custodial parent leaves the family's former habitual residence with the child. This is especially true for the left-behind parent. / The starting point for this study was the discussion among experts as to whether an Additional Protocol to the 1980 Child Abduction Convention might resolve the inherent weak protection of access rights. To answer this question concerning the necessity of such an Additional Protocol, this thesis provides an overview of the relevant existing and future international legal frameworks that address child protection and parental responsibilities and shows the evolution in child law from a formerly neglected issue to a high-profile topic. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Crown wards in child welfare : comparison of access arrangements with best practice

Savoie, Christine. January 2006 (has links)
Access arrangements for birth parents of crown wards are a concern for child protection workers. Data on 84 crown wards were collected from 11 in care workers at a Children's Aid Society in Ontario, to determine whether best practice guidelines were being observed. Best practice derived from literature was operationalized as: (1) inclusion of birth parents and others in decisions affecting the child, and (2) connectivity ---maintaining family ties. Regression analyses were performed to identify predictors of inclusion and connectivity scores. Results showed three significant predictors of inclusion---worker knowledge, years in child welfare, and birth parents' source of income---and two predictors of connectivity---worker knowledge and parents' source of income. Findings suggest that agency training and support of workers can have a positive effect on implementation of best practice. The effect of income source is a puzzle, as income from employment was associated with lower inclusion scores, but higher connectivity scores.

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