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Föräldrars upplevelse av insatsen föräldrakoordinator.Aspén-Franzén, Annika January 2014 (has links)
Föräldrakoordination är en barnfokuserad alternativ konfliktlösningsmetod som praktiserats i Sverige sedan 2009. Denna intervjustudie har undersökt separerade föräldrars upplevelse av att få stöd i sitt föräldrasamarbete av en föräldrakoordinator. Intervjuer har genomförts med sju föräldrar som haft insatsen föräldrakoordinator under minst sex månader. Samtliga deltagande föräldrar har flera års erfarenhet av svårlösta konflikter med den andra föräldern och har tidigare provat andra former av konfliktlösningsinsatser. Resultaten visar att föräldrarna upplevt metoden som hjälpsam när det gäller att öka samarbetsförmågan, sänka konfliktnivån och förbättra barnens mående. Flertalet av de intervjuade föräldrarna beskriver att de upplevt att det framförallt varit hjälpsamt att få stöd med att strukturera kommunikationen dem emellan. Att ha tillgång till mer information om de gemensamma barnen har förbättrat såväl föräldraskapet som relationen till barnet. Att slippa sitta i gemensamma samtal, att få göra skriftliga överenskommelser och att föräldrakoordinatorn haft ett tydligt barnfokus i samtalen tas också upp som hjälpsamt. Föräldrarna beskriver att det för att nå dessa resultat är viktigt att föräldrakoordinatorn kan förhålla sig neutral i konflikten. / Parenting Coordination is a child-focused alternative dispute resolution approach practiced in Sweden since 2009. In this interview study separated parents experience of being supported in their parental cooperation by a parenting coordinator have been examined. Interviews have been conducted with seven parents who have had a Parenting Coordinator for at least six months. All participating parents have had several years of experience in an intractable conflict with the other parent, and has previously tried other forms of dispute solving measures. The results show that most parents have experienced that the method has been helpful when it comes to improving co-parenting skills, reducing conflict and improving the well-being of their children. The interviewed parents state that it has been most helpful to get support in structuring the communication with the other parent. Some say that having access to more information regarding common children improves parenting as well as the parent-child relationship. Not having to sit together in shared dialogue, getting help to make written agreements and the Parenting Coordinator having a clear child-focus in meetings are also addressed as helpful. Parents describe that in order to achieve said results it is important that the parenting-coordinator can remain neutral in the conflict.
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Bör Barnkonventionen bli lag i Sverige? : En komparativrättslig studie om barnets rättigheter i Sverige och Norge. / Should the convention on the rights of the child be fully implemented into Swedish law? : A juridical essay on the right of the child through the child rights convention in Sweden and Norway.Hedman, Wendela January 2014 (has links)
Abstrakt ”Bör barnkonventionen bli lag i Sverige? – En komparativrätts-lig studie on barnets rättigheter genom barnkonventionen i Sverige & Norge” Uppsatsen diskuterar med en komparativrättslig metodik implementeringen och inkorporering av barnkonventionen i Sverige och Norge. I tre steg ämnar uppsatsen att undersöka huruvida barnkonventionen bör implementeras till fullo och göras till svensk lag på samma sätt som Norge har valt att göra.Uppsatsen fokuserar på FN:s barnrättkommittés yttranden kring hur länderna sköter sina åtaganden gentemot konventionen och en jämförelse har gjorts som visar att kommittén generellt sett verkar ge Sverige mer grundläggande kritik vilket indikerar att kommittén anser sig ha större och allvarligare kritik kring Sveriges tillgodoseende av barns rättigheter än kring Norges.Uppsatsen tar också upp domstolsprocessen kring vårdnadstvister där barnet ofta riskerar att hamna i kläm. En jämförelse mellan vårdnadstvister i Sverige och Norge visar att det är väldigt små skillnader mellan ländernas olika problemområden som utgör skillnader i barns rättigheter som direkt kan härledas till det faktum att Norge har inkorporerat barnkonventionen till fullo medans Sverige inte har gjort det.Vidare har uppsatsen gett en inblick i den svenska debatten kring för- och nackdelar med en inkorporering av barnkonventionen i svensk lag och har kommit fram till att en inkorporering överlag bör ge positiva effekter för barns rättigheter. / Abstract ”Should the convention on the rights of the child be fully implemented into Swedish law? – a juridical essay on the right of the child through the child rights convention in Sweden and Norway.” This essay discusses in a comparative way the implementation of the convention on the rights of the child in Sweden and Norway. In three steps the comparison has lead the essay to a conclusion on whether Sweden should incorporate the conventions fully or not.The essay focuses on the UN child rights committee ”concluding observation report” on how the countries are managing the rights of the child through the convention. A comparison has been made and it has shown that the committee to some extent is giving more basic recommendations and serious criticism to Sweden. This may lead to a discussion about whether the committee have bigger and more serious concerns about some areas of the Swedish work with the convention rather than the ones in Norway.The essay also brings up the legal process of custody battles where the child is often neglected to some extent and a comparison has been made that shows that there are really very little differences that can be connected to the fact that Norway has a fully implemented child rights convention when Sweden has not.Further on the essay gives an insight into the Swedish debate on pros and cons for an incorporation and comes to the overall conclusion that an incorporation would have a positive outcome on the rights of the child in Sweden.
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Barnets bästa i fokus? : En studie av tingsrättens domar i vårdnadstvisterMilkovic, Dejana, Dolovac, Azra January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this law-sociological study was to, on the basis of the District Court's decree to single custody, analyze the District Court’s comprehensive ideas and fall-oriented interpretations of the concept of the best interest of the child and the way they are constructed in connection with the District Court's application of the new law regulation of 6kap. 5§ FB regarding collaboration between parents. Our empirical data consisted of ten decrees to single custody. The decrees were examined and analyzed on the basis of social constructionism as a theory and the idea-analysis as the study's method. Legal sources such as law and its legislative history and the law inSwedenandScandinaviain general, with both domestic and international previous research, gave us initial knowledge in the area which gradually grew during the study. Results show that sweeping presumptions for single custody, with vague connections between single child's best interest and decisions about single custody based on the parents' lack of cooperation, can be glimpsed in several of the judges' texts. The District Court’s ideas/interpretations of the concept of the best interest of the child reach for the most part in the decrees where an individual assessment has been made.
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Barnets Bästa : – om rättssäkerhet i Högsta domstolens vårdnadstvisterMalmborg, Anneli January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore if and how the Swedish Supreme Court are using the concept “the child’s best interest”. This concept is used a lot in Swedish legislation, but it needs interpretation every time it´s used and is often perceived as unclear. This makes it interesting to see how this affects the individual child´s legal rights. Furthermore I want to see if the Supreme Court listen to the child´s own opinion and if not, are there any justifications to why not. The study has a quantitative starting point, where I have gone through a number of judgments and then chosen seven out of a qualitative point where there has been a discussion from the Supreme Court around the individual and the best interest of the child for the individual child and the methods of analysis used in this study are social constructionism, legal sociology and analysis of the idea. The study shows a lack of consistency among the professionals of what the concept really stands for, which negatively affects the legal rights for the individual child. The solution is a closer collaboration between social workers, judges and lawyers to make the concept clearer and more applicable.
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Joey Connor Larry Darrell: A Television/Streaming Series a ClefDavidson, Daryl Malarry 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Barnrättsperspektiv i vårdnadsmål vid risk för separationsvåld eller så kallat ”eftervåld” : En studie om rättens avvägning mellan skydd för barn och barns rätt till en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna / The children rights perspective in custody cases in case of risk of separation violence or so-called ”post-separation violence” : A study of the court's balance between protection of children and children's right to close and good contact with both parentsChavez Lupe, Lynette, Falk, Stina January 2022 (has links)
It's a misconception that those who leave a violent relationship are safer than those who stay. For those who have children with their perpetrator there is an increased risk for post-separation violence (Fleury, Sullivan & Bybee, 2000). The aim of this study has been to examine the child rights perspective through how the court judges and resonates in custody disputes with information regarding violence and therefore a possible risk for post-separation violence. Data was retrieved in the form of 34 custody cases from the court of appeal. In order to fulfil the purpose of the study a multi-method investigation has been used, both a quantitative content analysis and a discourse analysis. The results showed that the parent who was mainly referred to as the perpetrator was assigned visitation rights in 64.4 % of the cases, joint custody in 46.6 % and housing in 20 %. The main result showed that the courts ruled the child’s right to close and good contact with both parents outweighs the risk of post-separation abuse, either towards the other parent or the child himself. Children should be allowed to grow up with both parents. However, one could question at what price.
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