Spelling suggestions: "subject:"victim off violence"" "subject:"victim oof violence""
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Domácí násilí a jeho prevence / Domestic violence and its preventionKubátová, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is domestic violence and its prevention. Domestic violence has been present in society from time immemorial, however only recently it has become a topic of public discussions. Domestic violence is not only a private matter of a particular family but it is a problem of the whole society. The first chapter introduces the issue of domestic violence. It aims at providing definition of domestic violence and it describes its key features (domestic violence is not an one-time act; violence escalates in relationship; everything happens in private; fixed roles are typical). Domestic violence tends to be cyclical when the periods of calm, tension and violence alternate. Victims may be exposed to physical violence, psychological violence, emotional violence, social violence, economic violence and sexual violence. The first chapter also deals with the causes of domestic violence and focuses on the myths associated with domestic violence. The second chapter characterizes and describes a profile of an offender. The majority of offenders are men (up to 90-95 %), however even a woman can be an aggressor in the relationship. The third chapter deals with victims and tries to picture their characteristics. The violence can be directed both at women and men. The violence can also affect seniors...
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Domácí násilí a jeho prevence / Domestic violence and its preventionPrudilová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
1 Summary The topic of the diploma thesis is "Domestic violence and its prevention". The thesis is therefore divided into two parts - the first part dealing with the phenomenon of domestic violence and the second one focused on possibilities of prevention de lege lata and de lege ferenda. The main aim of the diploma thesis was to provide a general overview of this matter, analyze chosen aspects of domestic violence, emphasize related actual or controversial issues and after comparison with the foreign legal orders to suggest possible regulation of the issues not regulated. The presented diploma thesis consists of six chapters, each one dealing with another aspect of domestic violence. The first chapter should provide an introduction to the topic, define the scope of domestic violence and its features, explain principle of the cycle of violence and concentrate as well on the victimology. The second chapter scrutinizes the types and forms of domestic violence. The third chapter is dedicated to criminal law, examining criminal offences related to domestic violence and particular questions of the criminal procedure especially consent of the injured party to the prosecution and compensation of other than proprietary loss. The fourth chapter deals with comparison of the Czech legal regulation with the foreign...
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Domácí násilí, zejména kriminologické a trestněprávní aspekty / Domestic violence - in particular, criminological and criminal aspectsKudryová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Resumé (Aj) Domestic violence - in particular, criminological and criminal aspects The domestic violence is a significant societal problem which requires the attention of every state. But this opinion did not prevail in history. Although the domestic violence appeared across all social strata and historical periods, it was viewed as private problem of the family. In the Czech Republic the domestic violence has started to be considered as a public affair in last years. Nowadays the state guarantees especially a protection to victims of domestic violence. The legal order of the Czech Republic contains several acts affecting the domestic violence. The regulation of this phenomenon can be found in both private and public law. The aim of my thesis is to provide an integrated view to the domestic violence issue focusing on criminological and criminal aspects. This thesis is divided into eight chapters. First I tried to define a fundamental characteristics of domestic violence, then I turned my attention to the victimilogy and mainly to victims of domestic violence and impacts of the violence on their psyche. Third chapter is devoted to the Domestic Violence Act, which contains in particular legislation relating to expulsion as a protective instrument against domestic violence or introduces intervention centers....
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Trestněprávní aspekty tzv. domácího násilí / Criminal aspects of domestic violenceSvatoňová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Domestic violence is a serious social problem that has not received enough attention for a long time. Domestic violence differs from other forms of agression by the fact that it occures in private, behind closed door between people who is close to each other. Violent and threatened peroson are emotionally and materially connected so it is more difficult for the victim to leave the offender. In addition, victims often do not confess with their situation, so it makes domestic violence very latent phenomenon. The aim of this thesis is to clarify domestic violence through its features, forms, causes and profile of the violent and threatend person and to interpret the current effective legal regulation focusing on criminal aspects of substantive and procedural law. This thesis consists of four parts. The introductory chapter defines some basic terms that are related to domestic violence. In particular, the term of domestic violence, key features, the cycle of domestic violence, its forms and causes. In addition, there is defined the profile of violent and threatened person. There are also summarized specific characters in context with women, men, children, seniors and LGBT people. This chapter also describes devastating implications of domestic violence on victims. The second chapter deals with the...
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Oběti domácího násilí a jejich trestněprávní ochrana / Victims of Domestic Violence and their Criminal Law ProtectionSedláčková, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
Victims of domestic violence and their Criminal Law protection This diploma thesis deals with a domestic violence, its victims and options of their protection that can be found at Criminal Law. Domestic violence, due to its unique aspects, is considered to be a really sensitive issue that had unfortunately stayed in silence for many years. This silence had been caused especially by the fact that violence incidents usually occur outside of public, in privacy of victims' home. That is why some people tend to improperly consider domestic violence as strictly private manner that does not need to be regulated by state officials. There has been a significant shift for few last decades thanks to interest of professional and also non-professional public. The phenomenon of domestic violence has become being on stage and programs and preventive plans of help for treated persons are just being implemented. Despite all of mentioned improvements, domestic violence does represent the widespread, but still underestimated, social problem. The aim of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of domestic violence, especially with reference to its key features, symptoms, types of offenders and victims, and regarding existing legislation as well. The introductory part does further describe the actual development of...
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Trestněprávní aspekty domácího násilí / Criminal aspects of domestic violenceJordanovová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
Domestic violence is a pathological phenomenon which has strong roots in the society. The mapping of its presence is fairly difficult, just like preventing the development of an abusing relationship. The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of the Czech legislation regarding this phenomenon while accenting its procedural aspects. Taking the progress on the international level into account, the thesis therefore aims to compare selected aspects of national legislation with the relatively novel Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). The Convention has recently been signed by the Czech Republic and its ratification is to take place soon. The thesis itself is divided into six chapters. The first chapter provides an insight into the issue of domestic violence, the perpetrators, victims and possible solutions of the phenomenon. Following a summary of the historical development of the Czech legislation in chapter two and an introduction to the Istanbul Convention in chapter three, the thesis then focuses on the statuary provisions regarding this topic in the Czech Republic. In the fourth chapter which deals with substantive law the thesis analyses selected crimes which are related to domestic violence while also focusing...
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Domácí násilí - komparace právní úpravy ČR a USA / Domestic violence - comparisson of Czech ane U. S. legal regulationLevanti, Hana Marie January 2020 (has links)
Domestic violence - comparisson of Czech ane U. S. legal regulation Abstract The aim of the thesis is to introduce legal regulation of domestic violence in Czech Republic and in the United States of America including mutual comparison. The body of this thesis is divided into three main segments. The first segment defines the issue of domestic violence through characterizing its typical signs, forms and cycle. The second segment focuses on domestic violence in the Czech Republic with concise overview of the current legislation, forms of protection against domestic violence provided by the private law (especially the legislation within the Civil Code and the Act on Special Judicial Procedures). Following is the introduction to legislation on protection from domestic violence as defined in the Criminal Law. As it is not possible to subsume the phenomenon of domestic violence under a singular substance of criminal offense, the scope of this segment includes analysis of a variety of such substances that are applicable during criminal offense investigation. The characterization of these substances is based on the system of the special part of the Czech Criminal Code. Therefore, the substances of criminal offenses against human life and health are analyzed first, followed by offenses against personal freedom and...
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Trestněprávní aspekty tzv. domácího násilí / Criminal aspects of domestic violenceTykalová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Criminal aspects of domestic violence Abstract Domestic violence is a highly undesirable phenomenon that has been historically present in our society and, given the intimate sphere of life and the environment it affects, it needs to be treated with caution. The aim of this thesis, which is systematically divided into five chapters, is to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of this dangerous and complex phenomenon with an emphasis on the existing legislation in the Czech Republic. The introductory chapter is devoted to the conceptual definition of domestic violence, the issue of necessity of a unitary definition of this socio-pathological phenomenon, this chapter further introduces the basic definition characteristics of domestic violence, its forms and types, particular phases within the cycle of domestic violence and theory of causes of domestic violence. The second chapter of this thesis deals with criminological and psychological issues respectively in relation to the perpetrator and the victim, introduces the typology of the perpetrators, defines their common characteristics, classify victims according to selected aspects, interprets key victimological terms and points out the serious consequences of repeated attacks. The following chapter presents an overview of the current Czech...
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"Jag ville bara försvinna men jag hade barnen att tänka på" : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors utsatthet för våldAriz, Susin January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka kvinnors utsatthet i våldsamma relationer och vilka konsekvenser som uppkommit till följd av dessa. Uppsatsen belyser varför en kvinna stannar i en våldsam relation, vad som får henne att lämna den samt hur hennes självidentitet har påverkats efter att hon lämnat mannen och den våldsamma relationen. Metoden som har tillämpats har haft en kvalitativ utgångspunkt med semistrukturerade intervjuer av fem kvinnor som utsatts för våld i en nära relation. Med hjälp av de teoretiska utgångspunkterna, becoming an ex: the process of rote exit, våldets dynamik och normaliseringsprocessen samt social kapital har det varit möjligt att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar som nämnts ovan. Resultaten visar att våldets normalisering under relationen är en betydande bidragande faktor till att en kvinna stannar i en relation där hon är utsatt för våld. Uppsatsens resultat visar att en bidragande faktor till varför kvinnan väljer att lämna en våldsam relation är finnandet av en symbolisk mening till att inte kunna stanna kvar. En symbolisk mening kan vara att barnen far illa samt instinkten att mannen inte kommer ändra sitt beteende. Studiens resultat påvisar en tydlig förändring i självidentitet hos samtliga kvinnor som medverkat. Nyckelord: Kvinna, intervjuer, våld i nära relation, våldsutsatt, separation, normalisering / This study aims to investigate how five women have been affected by intimate partner violence and what consequences it has brought upon them. It also clarifies why women stay in violent relationships and what it takes to leave it at the end. The study also explores the effects on women’s self-esteem after leaving a violent relationship. The methodology used for this study has a qualitative approach and is processed through semi-structured interviews with five women who have experienced intimate partner violence. The theoretical theories that have been used and applied to this study are, “Becoming an example: the process of rotating the exit”, “The dynamics of violence and normalization” and “Social capital”. The results of the study show that the normalization of intimate partner violence is a major (contributing) factor to why women stay in violent relationships. The contributing factor to why women choose to leave violent relationships is finding of a purpose and a symbolic meaning to not participate in these types of relationships. Examples of these purposes and meanings are the potential harm to children, if children are involved in the situation, or realization of that there are no signs of behavioral change. All five women who participated in this study show a significant change in regards of identity. Keywords: Woman, interviews, intimate partner violence, victim of violence, separation, normalization.
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Barnrättsperspektiv i vårdnadsmål vid risk för separationsvåld eller så kallat ”eftervåld” : En studie om rättens avvägning mellan skydd för barn och barns rätt till en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna / The children rights perspective in custody cases in case of risk of separation violence or so-called ”post-separation violence” : A study of the court's balance between protection of children and children's right to close and good contact with both parentsChavez Lupe, Lynette, Falk, Stina January 2022 (has links)
It's a misconception that those who leave a violent relationship are safer than those who stay. For those who have children with their perpetrator there is an increased risk for post-separation violence (Fleury, Sullivan & Bybee, 2000). The aim of this study has been to examine the child rights perspective through how the court judges and resonates in custody disputes with information regarding violence and therefore a possible risk for post-separation violence. Data was retrieved in the form of 34 custody cases from the court of appeal. In order to fulfil the purpose of the study a multi-method investigation has been used, both a quantitative content analysis and a discourse analysis. The results showed that the parent who was mainly referred to as the perpetrator was assigned visitation rights in 64.4 % of the cases, joint custody in 46.6 % and housing in 20 %. The main result showed that the courts ruled the child’s right to close and good contact with both parents outweighs the risk of post-separation abuse, either towards the other parent or the child himself. Children should be allowed to grow up with both parents. However, one could question at what price.
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